Bible book collector.


The abyss calls to the abyss in the voice of Thy abysses. Again bring to mind other miracles. For when the foreigners took up arms against them, after Samuel sacrificed for them, such hail fell on the enemies that almost all the enemies fell, although not a single person entered into battle with them (1 Sam. 7:10). Therefore abyss hurries beyond the abyss, calls the fall of the hail. The word is: calls(επικαλειται) is used instead of "causes" (εγικαλειται). Under voice same abyss you can understand the fall of the hail. Otherwise, abyss the essence of God's prophets. Or: the abyss calls the abyss- the abyss of sins calls on the abyss of God's mercy in order to destroy sin, its perpetrators and corruption, and, as it were, says: since you usually bow to the prayers of sinners, then why do you despise us who fall before you? It reminds me of another miracle. For fleeing from the wrath of Pharaoh, they crossed the sea, and although it seemed that the heights of the waves were rushing against them, yet they suffered nothing, because the waters hardened like a wall.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

Blzh. Theodoret of Kirsky

“The abyss calls to the abyss in the voice of Your abysses: all your heights and your waves are over me.” Living in that land, I was betrayed by a multitude of those hostile to me and, as it were, immersed in some kind of abyss. The Prophet calls the military ranks an abyss, and their excessive multitude likens the immeasurable waters made by them - an ancient flood that devastated the whole universe. And this Symmachus translated more clearly: the abyss met with the abyss because of the noise of Your streams; because You brought them, punishing me for iniquity. Thy storms and Thy waves passed over me. Since he likened the army to the abyss, he also retained the allegory, and called the attacks of the army waves and storms. About this and sickness, says the Prophet. The memory of this hurts me. However, I have Your philanthropy as a consolation for myself. For he added the following:

Evfimy Zigaben

The abyss calls the abyss(to yourself) in the voice of the abyss(downfalls, waterfalls) yours.

Remembering the grace of God, the Babylonian captive is a pious Jew, now following that with strong feeling suffering also mentions the God-made abandonment of the Jewish race. He calls the abyss the greatness of the misfortunes that befell him: one, he says, deep sorrow calls to itself another deep sorrow with the voice of Your downfalls; that is, the tribulations that befall us, Your downtrodden servants the Jews, O Lord, are so frequent and uninterrupted that, as it seems, in some way one another is called to come because of their uninterrupted following, and so distressing that we, who are subjected to great sufferings, cry out, for the word of overthrows, put, instead of the downtrodden, the real instead of the passive.

A opinion St. Kirill, David in these words means two miracles - the passage of the Israelites through the Jordan and the destruction of the foreign hail. At the crossing of the Jordan, some of the streams of the rivers flowed down into the Salt or Dead Sea, while others, striving from the sources of the Jordan, became one heap; why the waters, having no passage, rushed and jumped one on another, like one abyss on another abyss, and made a voice like a descent. And when the foreigners were beaten with hail, the overthrow of the city was so frequent and continuous that it seemed that one city called after itself another, like one abyss another abyss, so that the unceasing downward movement of the city can be called the voices of the downfalls. And so, the Babylonian captives, remembering these miracles, lamented why at least one of these miracles did not take place in their time. And God-bearing Maksim, taking this expression in a contemplative sense, says the following: Everyone who contemplates the mind, because of the multitude of thoughts, is like the abyss, because having passed the decoration of the world and reaching the country of smart (beings), then, having risen by the power of action in faith and above the splendor of these, he stops in himself himself, completely concentrating and not moving due to the passage of everything, finally, out of necessity, calls to himself the divine wisdom - a truly hopeless, in relation to knowledge, abyss, so that it gives him the voice of Divine descents, but not the descents themselves, that is, asking for a gift a certain manifestation of faith, to the understanding of the images and types of God's providence about the universe. AND Gregory the Theologian words-the abyss calls to the abyss, accepts in relation to knowledge: I am urged, he says, not only to contemplate higher things, but also to go further and from the abyss itself to stretch into the abyss, calling the abyss to itself by the abyss and finding light through light, until I reach the extreme. AND Nikita Paflagon called David and Vitia: The Lord, being the abyss, calls on the Father to give the peoples the voice of wisdom to his streams - the servants of the Gospel, who, like rivers, flowing out of the abyss of God, would give the voice of true wisdom, in the likeness of an unceasing and living source, as and by casting him out of the mouth of God, to fatten the nations, to produce living children. Perhaps there is a great abyss in the destinies of God, for these destinies are bound by other destinies. Symmachus also translated the same word; the abyss answers the abyss with the voice of its waterfalls. Blessed. Augustine understands three abysses - one is an immeasurable multitude of sins, the second is endless and innumerable torments, which are the cause of sins, and the third is the incomprehensible fate of God. So, the abyss calls to the abyss with the voice of its overthrows, for the abyss of sin is the cause of the abyss of punishments, which the judgments of God foretell. And the abyss of the judgments of God is higher than man; the abyss of sin is inside a person, and the abyss of punishment is inside under a person. Why bliss. the father fears and trembles, lest the abyss of God's judgments, which is higher than him, pour over the abyss of sin that is in it and drown it and him along with it in the abyss of punishment.

It can also be understood differently that the abyss or the multitude of our sins calls to itself the abyss, or the immeasurable multitude of Your bounties, O Lord, so that we may hear the voice of Your sermons through the Apostles. For the Apostles are called cast down, as those who cast down all the exaltation and error of the devil. This can also be understood in a higher sense. The abyss is ancient writing, the abyss is also new, because of the depths of secret thoughts they contain. Accordingly, the new scripture calls to itself the ancient scripture by the voice of the downfalls, or prophets, because the prophets are also called downcasts, as prophecies bringing down water from above. The new calls to itself the ancient and as a testimony, to show the unbelievers what the prophets foretold about Christ.

All Your heights and Your waves are over me.

The people of the Jews are here called the heights, as well as the waves of the uprising of adventures; therefore, he says that Thy adventures and defeats, O Lord, have passed in me, moreover, he said everything, in order to express to this the diversity and variety of disasters.

Deities Kirill says that with these words the Babylonian captives remind themselves of the miracle of how the Israelites, without wetting their feet, crossed the Red Sea.

Lopukhin A.P.

The abyss calls to the abyss in the voice of your abysses: all your heights and your waves are over me.

The main peaks of Mount Hermon rose 12,000 feet above sea level and were covered with snow. The melting of the latter formed streams of water that fell noisily over the cliffs. These torrents assumed formidable proportions when intensified by heavy rains. Then they rushed down with a terrible noise, tore down trees and carried with them huge stones. The noise of these waters was especially great and menacing from the fact that the water fell from steep rocks. - "The abyss calls the abyss"- after one mass of water, after one formidable stream, another rushes. By this comparison, observed by the writer of the picture, he wanted to designate the strength and swiftness of the real disasters of exile he is experiencing: “Your water and waves” - the disasters sent by You are numerous and formidable, like the streams of Hermon.

#219 Abyss summons an abyss 25.4.13
Ps.35:7 Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, and Your judgments are a great abyss! You protect men and cattle, O Lord!
Boundless are the scales of life on earth, the great variety of its currents, which no one can preserve so grandiosely as only God, Who, by His incomprehensible eternity, has put His laws into all His creation (Heb. 8:10). Ps.41:8 Deep calls to deep with the voice of Thy waterfalls; all Thy waters and Thy waves have passed over me.
When God saw that man knew the way to the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and sin entered him, then by His great mercy He came to his aid and gave His word, revealing the secret of the operation of spiritual mechanisms, these laws that govern life, so that they do not violate them and do not harm themselves. He brought a sacrifice for our sin; His Son, gave the Savior from sin. Not everyone has responded to the goodness of God and continue idolatry, worship the stubborn will of their natural man, a small circle of interests and preferences, human authorities, because of which they began to drown in the ocean of opinions of this age, they completely lost their way.
Romans 11:33 O abyss of riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are His judgments and unsearchable are His ways!
One deep is the word of God - it contains the richness of the person of Christ, and wisdom and knowledge. The knowledge of this wealth is very necessary for a person, because in himself there is another abyss, these are his thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Heb.4:12 For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword: it penetrates to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Most often, a person does not have full access to this abyss of his own, he can neither understand it, nor manage it, nor nourish and cherish it while he remains carnal. There are many separate components of the abyss in us, these are both positive and negative spiritual things, they live and act in our inner man(2 Corinthians 4:16): 1 John 4:1... do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God... Here are two examples.
- It's a sin living essence that has taken up residence in man since the fall of Adam. Sin (singular) makes you commit various sins, lawlessness, kills the power of life, acting according to the law of sin and death, and it itself is revealed to us as spiritual death (weakness), which grows bad habits. People cannot resist this law, but the Man-Savior, Christ, does it for believers, He saves them from the activity of sin by His grace (Rom. 8:2). The apostle Paul explains the nature of this law, taking himself as an example:
Romans 7:19 I do not do the good that I want, but I do the evil that I do not want...(20) But if I do what I do not want, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.
Spiritual death or weakness does not allow a person to show many of the virtues of Christ, to have His gifts, to always be godly and contented (1 Tim. 6:6).
- Redemption of the sinner from sin, salvation by grace (Eph. 2:5-9). What is this? It is a permanent deliverance from spiritual death. The new promise of God, spoken through the mouth of Christ:
Jn.11:25 ... whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live. (26) And everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.
The search for God in the word and life gives revelations that, enthralling, restore the strength of life and godliness. Among its ten signs: a worthy place in the life of a believer for teaching, fellowship in Christ, then faith, generosity, love, patience, suffering during persecution, which only strengthen, deliverance from them not by the usual methods, but by a miracle from the Lord (2 Tim. 3: 10-13).
- Love, as a manifold grace (1 Peter 4:10). It is difficult for an earthly person to believe that it can be strengthened by multiplying the power of life and piety in general:
1 Timothy 4:7 But turn away the wicked and women's fables, but EXERCISE YOURSELF IN Piety, (8) for bodily exercise is of little use, but godliness is profitable for everything, having the promise of life here and hereafter.

The people who had sinned betrayed the Babylonians, condemning them to seventy years of captivity. Therefore, this psalm is spoken, as it were, on behalf of the captives, who mourn and desire liberation. Since there were pious people among them, like the divine Daniel, like the wonderful Ezekiel, like the victorious martyrs Ananias, Azariah and Misail, who loved God with all their ardor and desired His lawful service, then the prophetic word on behalf of them, which they were supposed to speak in time of distress, utters this is for many more generations, so that they will be comforted by this prophecy and instructed by the teaching. Therefore, the psalm is signed: "to the end", because what was said in it perceived the end after a long time. And also added: "into the mind", because those who fall into disasters especially need the mind.

. As a deer longs for streams of water, so my soul longs for Thee, O God!

“In the same way the deer longs for the springs of water: this is how my soul longs for You, O God”. They say that deer devour poisonous animals, and because of this, their strong thirst burns, and with all their heat they rush to the water. Therefore, the righteous men mentioned above, living with the Babylonians, wicked and lawless people, who were quite like reptiles, rightly said that, like deer, they thirst for God, desiring liberation for themselves from Babylon and expecting Divine help.

. My soul longs for the mighty, living God: when I come and appear before the face of God!

“My soul longs for the mighty, living God: when will I come and appear before the face of God?” I also desire to serve my living God, for to appear before the face of God means to serve Him according to the law, and such service was limited to Jerusalem. And this is taught not only by the blessed Moses, but also by the three blessed martyrs, Ananias, Azariah and Misail, who prayed to God in the cave. It is very proper to call God strong and alive, referring to the inanimate and motionless Babylonian idols.

. My tears were bread for me day and night, when they said to me every day: “Where is yours?”

. Remembering this, I pour out my soul, because I walked in crowds, entered with them into the house of God with the voice of joy and praise of the celebrating host.

“Before my tears are bread day and night, every time I say to me every day, where is yours? I have remembered this, and poured out my soul upon me.”. Day and night, lamenting, says the Prophet, I could not get enough of weeping, but as if I turn my tears into some kind of food, hearing the reproaches made to You, because those who are hostile to me mock me, presenting Your care for me so weak that they cannot overcome their strength. . Therefore, thinking about this incessantly, I do not stop crying. These words mean: "pour out my soul upon me", that is, I expired in tears and moved to weeping.

“I will go to the place of the wondrous village, even to the house of God, in the voice of joy and confession, the noise of the celebration”. The Prophet calls God's patronage a village. Therefore, he proclaims pleasant things after the mournful, and in advance makes it known that they will soon be called, the guides of Divine grace will return to the land they desire, they will rebuild the house of God and will perform the usual celebrations, and their hearing will be resounded with festive noise and spiritual sweetness. Blessed Isaiah also portends that they will return with great honor, that they will be carried by their chariots in chariots, and from above they will be covered with canopies, not disturbed by the rays of the sun (). This thought is also expressed by Akila: “I will enter a place of shade, leading them to the house of God, with the voice of praise and thanksgiving of the celebrating people”; that is, rejoicing, singing God the Savior, and enjoying the shade during the procession, we will reach the house of God, returning, as it were, in a solemn way. Hearing this prediction, they will console themselves, saying:

Having heeded these promises, stop your soul from being embarrassed and grieving, but, supported by hope, expect the fulfillment of the prediction, in which, having seen salvation accomplished, you will exclaim hymns to the saved God.

. My soul is despondent in me; therefore I remember You from the land of the Jordan, from Hermon, from Mount Zoar.

“My soul is troubled towards me: for this sake I remember you from the land of Jordan and Hermonim, from the small mountain”. Here the soul is represented as talking to itself. And when it is said to Poelik: cease to grieve, having heeded the promises of blessings, then he answers this, saying: I am not embarrassed in vain and surrender, as described above, weeping, because the memory of the native land draws tears from me. The Prophet calls the Land of Jordan promised land and of Hermonim, Mount Aermon; signifies the whole land as a mountain and a river. So Symmachus also translated: “My soul melts when I remember you from the land of the Jordan and from the very small mountain Hermonimskaya".

. The abyss calls to the abyss with the voice of Thy waterfalls; all Thy waters and Thy waves have passed over me.

“The abyss calls to the abyss in the voice of Your abysses: all your heights and your waves are over me”. Living in that land, I was betrayed by a multitude of those hostile to me and, as it were, immersed in some kind of abyss. The Prophet calls the military ranks an abyss, and their excessive multitude likens the immeasurable waters made by them - an ancient flood that devastated the whole universe. And Symmachus translated this more clearly: “Abyss met with abyss because of the noise of Your streams, because You brought them, punishing me for iniquity. Thy storms and Thy waves have passed over me.” Since he likened the army to the abyss, he kept the same allegory, and called the attacks of the army waves and storms. About this and sickness, says the Prophet. The memory of this hurts me. However, I have Your philanthropy as a consolation for myself. For he added the following:

. During the day the Lord will show His mercy, and at night I have a song to Him, to the God of my life.

“On the day the Lord will command His mercy: and I will keep His song from Me, the God of my life”. Knowing the mercy that God always sends down, and at night meditating on this with myself, I sing and hymn the One who provides for us in this way. But I also bring petitions to Him, imploring that I not be deprived of this philanthropy. Then he gives us the words of the prayer. is yours?" Telling this to my Lord, the Lord, I have always taken advantage of Your providence. Why, then, has he now deprived me of the onago, so that I am forced to ceaselessly be embarrassed and cry, hearing the reproaches of those who are hostile to me? For, insulting me, and crushing my bones with blows and bands, they laugh at me, saying: “Where is yours?” They say this, assuming that I endure this because of Your impotence. It is said: “thou forgot me”, i.e. you do not show Your providence on me. For forgetfulness is a human weakness, but impassibility is characteristic of God.

. Why are you despondent, my soul, and why are you embarrassed? Trust in God, for I will still praise Him, my Savior and my God.

“Are you sad, my soul? And you embarrass me? Trust in God, for we will confess to Him, the salvation of my face and mine ". Do not despair, soul, in salvation, says the Prophet: You have a Savior God; having acquired firm hope in Him, destroy fear in yourself, and receive consolation.

It happened in the distant blessed Christian times in a large Orthodox country, which has long been gone from the world map. On the very shore of the sea there was a small peaceful city, and in front of it near the shore often (and on that day too) merchant ships were anchored, ready to sail. And then people in the city saw that the water suddenly began to move away from the shore, exposing the seabed. In a matter of minutes, the sea went for several miles, sea stars, all kinds of sea animals that did not have time to leave with water, were spread along its bottom, and trade ships with cargo lay helplessly on their sides near the city. The inhabitants, quickly assessing the situation, rushed to the ships and began to drag from them everything that they could carry on themselves. This day would be happy for the city and would leave cheerful memories for the rest of my life. But suddenly people, who were quickly cleaning up someone else's property, saw that a giant wave was rising from the horizon and swiftly rushing to the shore. They threw everything they had in their hands and ran to their homes - no luck! Those of them who managed to run up the nearest rock saw how the wave, having overtaken them, fell on the city and, before their eyes, wiped out their houses, along with their wives, children and all property, from the face of the earth. This one scary picture and remained in their memory until the end of their lives. This is not a fairy tale, brothers, this is a true story - one of the saints of the Church tells about this case in his teachings. You probably already guessed what I want to talk about. And that's true: what do we care about ancient cities, people who have long passed away? - we should think about our homes, wives and children, about our country, which we can not manage to protect from the raging elements. Remember our glorious heroic past and the sad present.

Waves run ashore and run back - is this a struggle between good and evil? A person inhales air into the lungs and exhales it - is this a revolution and a reaction? No, this is the law of the existence of matter. So - consider it, adapt to it, use it! Doi him! Extract profit from space, time, from the air, from human physiology, from passions. Let the sinful abysses be born and ripen in the souls of people: united together, they will make it impossible for people to return to the original purity and clarity. Remember how they describe knowledgeable people ritual step of initiation into Masons? Two steps forward - one step back. This is the teaching of worldly (satanic also) wisdom: take your time, know how to wait, temporarily retreat, reorganize, deceive the enemy with his visible “victory”, lull him to sleep with marches and parades - and then take him, warm, with bare hands, cheaply, for nothing. And we are believers, Orthodox! - deceived by a beautiful, heroic appearance, we do not want (or, perhaps, subconsciously, we are afraid) to look into the mystical depth of events, like that - seemingly completely happy - tribe in Wells' novel, for some reason only afraid dark nights and passages leading to the dungeon. There is also an army of analysts serving this consciousness. They are engaged in a semblance of dancing on ice: they break the applause, beautifully sliding on the surface. For a non-believer, everything in the world - from the weather to election results - happens chaotically, by chance. And there is no mention of the will of God: “Good luck to you!” - they exclaim with a kind smile, saying goodbye. “We don’t do this,” I always answer this wish. Let, not understanding this strange answer, they stop internally at least for a moment before running further, into the chaos so familiar and understandable to them. “I am not a conspiracy theorist,” they explain to me importantly and condescendingly. What is conspiracy theory? I am an adherent of common Christian sense. And this common Christian sense reminds me that one cannot be simple as a snake and wise as a dove, but just the opposite: just as the Creator commanded us.

I was very amused, at one time, by the memories of the famous wrestler Ivan Poddubny. He said: each of his "working" days began with the fact that he went into the director's office, and he said to him: - So, so, Vanya, at such and such a minute you will lie down under such and such a reception with such and such! And - everything. On this, the whole "freestyle wrestling" in their booth ended before it began. There, among the public, passions flared up, bets were made, bets were made - but there was no sport there. (Since then, by the way, I have been very sorry to see people who take sports news seriously.) When I told this story to one good man, for some reason he suspected me of a special life cynicism. And what is the cynicism here? We as believers Orthodox people must be aware that the only real war blazes not in Libya and not in Bolivia, but inside human souls. And it burns continuously. And what if this is so (and it is so!) then we must turn all our main efforts, all heart disease in this direction. Everything that is not directly related to this has long been turned into a farce, where everything is calculated, everything is rehearsed and played out like clockwork. "He's a son of a bitch!" - Bobby Fischer said about Garry Kasparov, analyzing the course of his famous match with Karpov. Was Fischer a cynic or a "conspiracy theorist"? Neither one nor the other - he just, like a professional, clearly saw what our wise pigeons would never guess. Now let's think: in the circus at Poddubny, it was about dozens of royal rubles, in the Karpov-Kasparov match about one million dollars - and if we are talking about trillions of dollars and oil fields, gold mines? About countries and continents with a billion people? It's time to grow up and get out of your pique vest.

Family history. The family was very friendly and big. Each of the brothers did his own work around the house and in the field, the older children nursed the younger ones, the younger ones grew up in love and care. So a thousand and a few more years passed. But one day one of the older brothers began to demand that everyone else obey and revere him as a Father, that his every word would be like the Law for everyone, and that at every meeting everyone would kiss his hand - or even better, the toe of his boot. Of course, no one agreed to this - and it would be strange: to consider a brother as a parent. At living Father! Then this unfortunate man went mad, cursed his entire father's family, went to the side and lived with his children in his own separate house. From that moment on, he became a former bishop of the former Roman Orthodox Church, heretic and schismatic of Ecumenical Orthodoxy. Years passed. Very soon, young people appeared in his family who wanted to get rid of the daily kissing of their father's boot, constant shouting, teachings, flogging and other pedagogical charms, and return back to An old house. There was a lot of noise, fights, even stabbings, and one day the youth left their father. But, instead of returning to that main family, they, having gone out of the gate, dispersed - each in his own direction, so that they would never again depend on anyone, not obey anyone, but in order to live according to their own will, as anyone God puts on the soul. Since then they have been called Protestants- because the principle of their existence was the protest against submission to anyone, against any authority, except my own and against everyone common sense- except for the one who visited mine a bright head. History repeats itself not twice, but many times: first as a tragedy, then as a farce, then ... in every way.

In August 1988, the Lord vouchsafed me to see and take part in the procession during the transfer of the relics of the Reverend Father Seraphim of Sarov from Moscow to Diveevo. Here my wife and I are standing on the sidewalk near the church itself, in which we have just venerated the relics of the monk. Here is the procession, leaving the Yelokhovskaya Church, slowly, solemnly goes around the Temple, then five or six hundred meters goes along the street. Then the relics are loaded into the car and that's it: the believers go home. I remember well those two hours from my life, the life of the city and the Church. A slow procession down the street, people kneeling on the sidewalk, people crossing themselves in the open windows of houses along the entire procession, amazing, so unheard of, church singing on the gloomy street of the Soviet city. It seemed to us then that, finally, a new, completely different life begins. It seemed that now we will soon return to Father's house from centuries of captivity, and life will now go along the real "right path." Many times later, watching and experiencing the dramatic events that followed soon, I was surprised: how much effort someone had to put in, how much money and organizational talents to use to prevent this from happening, in order to turn such a seemingly natural movement of society into a completely different one. side, point to the right them channel? Only some time later, I gradually began to understand the meaning of the events taking place before my eyes. Yes, indeed, efforts were made, huge funds and talents were involved, but main reason was not in this, but in something else entirely.

On that memorable day, having freed ourselves from strict guardianship, having gone out of the suddenly flung open heavy gates, we did not return to the Father's House that we had once lost, but each went his own, special path. There, at the Father's - we guessed! - we were expecting a simple humble life and daily hard work in humbling ourselves, in obedience to elders, to which we were not accustomed. And we, in general, deep down, liked the way we lived all our childhood and youth. Of course - a little cramped and poor, of course - sometimes scary, of course - sometimes I had to kiss the First Comrade's boot with hypocritical sincerity at meetings and popular elections - but we have already got used to this from childhood and this lie was not a special problem for our conscience. Yes, from the very edge of our souls we always remembered some very big blood that was shed during the youth of our parents. We are accustomed to notice with an indifferent glance around us the ruins of once beautiful buildings, and in old textbooks and books - scraped faces of people in collective photographs. We remember how our fathers and mothers, talking about their youth, lowered their voices, began to speak very quietly, and sometimes became completely silent, looking somewhere to the side ... We, of course, would not want all this, from it would be nice somehow painlessly get rid of. I just wanted to add to all that good that was in that young life of ours, something sweet, comforting, "spiritual". And we needed so little: a little shrine, a little golden domes on the remaining churches, a few good “fathers” who would tell us a few comforting stories in our sorrows ... But, after reading something, listening, something about thinking, we guessed something in time. We began to understand that "spiritual" is more requires us than promises to give us in this life. It turned out that in order for it to beautify our lives, we will often have to sacrifice for it both time, strength, and means. It turned out that not everything in our life can be justified by it, but we will have to give up something that is very dear to us and even “holy”, defining it as a delusion and a sin. And about the sanctification of our whole life - what can we say? One attentive preacher recently remarked: What do these mean religious processions among casinos and brothels? Is it not the consecration of Sodom?» The enemy defeated us then. Yes, he, the enemy, especially with us, had nothing to do: only show us from a distance the darkness of brightly lit, seductive paths and paths - to each according to his taste - and to go or not go along them, that was our free will. What will be our "free will" - he knew very well in advance, because he himself brought it up in several generations. Those - lost father's children - once freed from the dark abyss of his self-will, each carried around the world in his soul his own black abyss that did not allow them to return to the light of Truth, for the sake of which alone it is worth living. So we, having escaped from under the blocks of deadly violence, dispersed into different sides, each carrying in his soul his little rapist, ready again and again to reproduce the deadness to which, over the years of life in captivity, he has dried his heart.

History flows in a continuous smooth movement, its periods are inevitably replaced by one - another. But their inner content is determined only by our internal state- and nothing else. Words spoken quietly in a small room of a nondescript house turn the worlds upside down, erase states from the map of the world. The passionate movement of the soul, unnoticed by man, breaks the earth's crust and floods the earth with water, destroying human lives. « If anyone says ... and does not doubt in his heart ... it will be for him, whatever he says» /Mk 11:23/ We can build together with God and save lives, or we can, resisting Him, break and kill everything around us. Everything in the world depends on the state of my soul. A person who does not believe cannot accept this simple truth, because it requires special work from him: change of mind. This work is unbearable for you and me, too, if we are obsessed with some kind of passion - especially a subtle, spiritual passion, justified by "high", "noble" goals. That is why any word that calls to reconsider the usual stereotypes, reevaluate one's life, seriously think about what is happening, is often perceived with irritation and even hatred.

Are you already bored? Want specifics? - Good! What will we talk about, friends: about Father John Okhlobystin? Or maybe again about Colonel Gaddafi? Or about Japanese explosions-tides? No? Why? - such burning topics! Then, perhaps, we will remember Tova... shhhhh! I'm silent. We won't talk about him today. Let's look for another panacea for everyone - not Japanese, and not Libyan, no! - from our troubles with you: after all, there are very few of them. Actually, we have only one problem: we are dying. We die finally and irrevocably, we fall into the irrevocable abyss of history. In peacetime, on our own Russian land, for no apparent reason, without enemy occupation - we don’t want to live anymore, give birth to children, we don’t even want to be called by our own name anymore ... In vain we think that our enemies, the creators of the world revolutions, all as one - rapists, murderers, destroyers. Yes - rapists, yes - murderers, but above all they are - caregivers! They prudently alternate periods of total violence and great bloodshed with periods of calm, a peaceful, calm life, during which a new person is brought up, grateful them for peace and security and their orders, ready for anything. And then, at the appointed moment of a bloody turning point, a people completely unfamiliar to its neighbors and to itself suddenly appears on the stage of history, and it is impossible to predict the actions of which, and therefore protect yourself from them. So, once, in front of my eyes, a huge winged insect, already completely formed for life, crawled out of the back of a clumsy wingless larva in a matter of minutes. We have already been reeducated, we are not at all like those whose name we are still called: therefore, this is our ancient, sacred name « Russian”- it annoys us, worries us, we subconsciously try to find some replacement for him. What grievances, what passionate objections, what indignation have recently followed here an attempt to clarify the difference between the names "Russian" and "Soviet"! It is terrible to imagine how one must misunderstand and despise one's own people, of which one is a part, in order to attribute all of its fine qualities developed over a Christian millennium to seventy years of Bolshevik drill!

Time to end: for those who understand - enough. After all, we, it seems, are not Freemasons or atheists, we are Orthodox people. And this means that we are called to be guided not by the phases of the moon, not by tides, not by inhalations and exhalations, and not by the political situation, but only by the Word of God, His commandments. At low tide, we must protect merchant ships from robbery; at high tide, we must save our homes from destruction. We do not deserve to choose the lesser of the two abysses of lies, but always only - the Truth of God and only it and preach: both during absolute darkness and at twilight. We do not have the right to bend along with the party line, but we are obliged to stand upright in the place where the Lord has placed us. It is indecent for us to become fans and participants in the farce of the Nanai struggle between the “Bolsheviks and the Communists”: our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the spirits of malice in the heavenly. Neither inspired praises to the next "father of nations", nor curses against the "exploiters" reach Heaven - but only a quiet whisper of our prayer, if we are still capable of it.

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Comments 320


320. Galkina L.V. : Re: Abyss summons abyss
2011-10-19 at 21:37

Thank you, dear Vladimir, for the given link. A very witty selection of photographs to the words of edrossov. Haven't laughed like that in a long time. But the most spectacular photo, in my opinion, is under the motto: "You can't get away from nanotechnology!"
Yes, really, that's where the Edros abyss of lies calls for a real abyss.

318. disinfector : Re: Abyss summons abyss
2011-10-17 at 13:14

“As a result of the implementation of the five-year plan in the field of industry, Agriculture and trade we have approved in all fields National economy principle of socialism, driving out the capitalist elements from there.

What was it supposed to lead to for the capitalist elements, and what did it actually lead to?

This led to the fact that the last remnants of the dying classes were knocked out of the rut: private industrialists and their servants, private merchants and their henchmen, former nobles and priests, kulaks and kulakists, former white officers and sergeants, former policemen and gendarmes, all kinds of bourgeois chauvinistic intellectuals and all other anti-Soviet elements.

Being knocked out of the rut and scattered across the face of the entire USSR, these former people have spread to our plants and factories, to our institutions and trade organizations, to railway and water transport enterprises, and mainly to collective farms and state farms. They crawled and hid there, throwing on the mask of "workers" and "peasants", and some of them even crawled into the party.

What did they come with? Of course, with a feeling of hatred for Soviet power, with a sense of fierce hostility to new forms of economy, life, culture.

And what did it turn out? Comrade Stalin shot a little. And he himself warned

"... The executed enemies of the people set as their main task the overthrow of the Soviet system, the restoration of capitalism and the power of the bourgeoisie in the USSR, which in this case would turn into a raw materials appendage of the West, and Soviet people– into miserable slaves of world imperialism. important place in the plans of the enemies of the people occupied: undermining the economic and military power USSR, assisting foreign aggressors in attacking the USSR, preparing for the military defeat of the USSR.

Like looking into the water.

316. Arthur : 314. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya:
2011-10-17 at 12:20

Yes, the idea is simple, Ekaterina: in that passage from the speech of the Patriarch that you quoted, one can hear the following: they say that Bulgakov, placing the devilry in the context of Soviet Moscow, tried to show the full depth of the moral decline of a person in post-revolutionary godless Russia.

“He introduces the supersensible principle - the diabolical principle, because the Divine would not have passed - into the context of contemporary Moscow, and he brings this principle into contact with real life of people…. For the first time in the post-revolutionary period, at a time when there was no longer any freedom in the country, he really spoke about the domination dark force in the life of the then Soviet society. I think that's why his novel became immortal."

Well, in fact, he said the same thing as Svanidze - only without mysticism. With the only difference that the intelligentsia was inclined to see in Woland and his retinue some positive content, only symbolically represented by personal fallen angel- for the intelligentsia, a symbol of the struggle against any despotism of the "fathers" and "creators".

His Holiness, it seems, either read the novel too long, or not too carefully ... Otherwise, he would remember that the influence of Satan in the novel takes place not in relation to society in general (which he left in some discontent), but in relation to individual people- as it has been in all times, during which "societies" remained only scenery replacing each other.

This is the meaning: there is a fundamental constant - spiritual scolding for a particular soul. So we remember Karamazov, Faust, etc... Everything else is vanity. Bulgakov proves precisely that nothing in this world fundamentally changes in relation to this fundamental constant - even in a godless Soviet Russia, where the very existence of the devil is officially ordered not to be recognized. Just as for thousands of years, Satan throws temptations at people's feet, which turn out to be tinsel, phantoms (!), ghosts, still looking for that creative force dressed in human flesh, which could create at least a literary version of HIS reality. God the Word creates by His Word directly. Satan cannot do this, he needs an indirect word - spoken by a person who could give rise to a virtual, but spiritually no less dangerous version alternate reality. Christ, by His feat on Earth, created the real reality, which we know from the Gospel; Satan needs his own "gospel" in order to offer a different reality... It doesn't matter that it will be virtual - after all, for the soul of the carried away it can turn out to be as deadly as the reality of Christ becomes life-giving for it. He needs a creator. He needs a Master.

The Soviet entourage is “moreover” here only because, although people are still the same as they have been for hundreds and hundreds of years, the very spirit of the times favors the idea - everything around is measured by the yardstick of this very alternativeness, otherness, denial of the former. The only thing is that this phenomenon is not unique in the case of Russia. Here it’s just, as it usually happens with us, it happens in an acute, extreme, even wild way ... But in principle - no, we are not unique ... I suppose further development events in everything once Christian world- proof of that.

I am not at all going to start a new dispute about the era and the person in it. I just didn’t quite understand: why, in support of my point of view, cite as evidence the supposedly last, final, authoritative word of a very important people, who very weakly and superficially understood the meaning of the phenomenon that they undertook to comment on.

314. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya : 311. Arthur
2011-10-17 at 11:28

With difficulty understood the course of your thought Arthur. Karamazov and Bulgakov, anti-totalitarianism ... True, it is difficult to see a clear and precise thought in your remark. It seems so to me. But maybe I'm not mature enough to understand it...
As for vulgar interpretations of everything in general - especially history as the House-building of God - I read the overflowing sea right here, on the site, and I see a totalitarian madness of brains and seduction of souls. And the response of the Patriarch did not seem so vulgar to me. He told the general public only about the spiritual darkening of Soviet society in the 20-30s. I cannot but agree with him. And so it was. And I am not inclined to make a phantom out of Bulgakov (they make him out of me here - it will be closer to the truth))). And what all sorts of Svanidzes say - imagine: I NEVER listen to them. Never! Enough, just read and heard enough in the first years of perestroika. I've had enough of this abomination. What else can they say? They are clear and transparent to me. Sergei Agapov used a good word on another branch - ghouls. That's what I liked. Great Russian language.

If, however, we now begin to repeat each of our own: I - there was godlessness, obsession, sick souls, the country was seized by deep spiritual damage; and you: - no, there were bright people, the builders of our bright future, - so this dispute is futile. Must be general criteria and reference points. I already wrote to Father Alexander Vaskin that I consider it the most dangerous delusion to merge Christianity and socialism into one bowl. Dostoevsky warned about this in notebooks. This leads to terrible damage to those who do it. And here already many times they wrote and repeated the most terrible and most vulgar nonsense about the similarity of the code of the builder of communism with the Christian commandments (all morality is genuine only in the Commandments).

So it seems to me that it would be more productive to look for the vulgar in this heap, and not in the passage that I cited. It can be criticized on other parameters, but this is not relevant to this conversation and topic.

312. disinfector : Arthur
2011-10-17 at 11:08

How do you say that? So you acknowledge that SOVIET man was also subject to the influence of dark forces. like some dark peoples. alien to Marxism! It's bold. Very brave.

311. Arthur : 269. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya:
2011-10-17 at 09:08

Dear Ekaterina, does Ivan Karamazov’s conversation with the devil also carry some kind of anti-Soviet pathos?... And Goethe with his Mephistopheles is also: so that unbelievers get carried away with the “fairy tale”?..

Somehow, immediately after the release of Bortko's rather stupid, in my opinion, film, Messrs. Svanidze and Basilashvili heatedly discussed the "role and world-historical significance" of this novel by Bulgakov. The hearts of both pillars of the liberal-intellectual camp were calmed by the fact that they recognized this novel as "anti-totalitarian" and even "anti-fascist"...

“when there was no longer any freedom in the country, he really spoke about the dominance of the dark force in the life of the then Soviet society”

Interestingly, His Holiness believes that in the Gospel it was also necessary to limit the power of the prince of this world, specifically indicating - "we are talking about Russia." Do you yourself, dear Ekaterina, like such a vulgar interpretation? Isn’t it more logical to assume that a different interpretation would be more correct: Satan appears and acts everywhere - under any system, under any regime, even where they don’t believe in him …

304. disinfector : Re: Abyss summons abyss
2011-10-16 at 12:39

"It's scary to imagine: how misunderstanding and despising your own people, of which you are a part, in order to attribute all of its excellent qualities, developed by the Christian millennium, to seventy years of Bolshevik drill!"

But how! That's what the memory was for.

303. disinfector : Re: Abyss summons abyss
2011-10-16 at 12:11

There is such a technique in pedagogy - to praise a child no matter what, maybe it will justify. But the roof will not help. It will only hurt.

302. Galkina L.V. : Re: Abyss summons abyss
2011-10-16 at 05:15

I read another article Priest Bachurin and immediately a parodist surfaced in my memory with the words:
- What is this movie about?
- About nothing.
Such an association with the preaching of some priests!
True to the fantasies of other forum participants such as strangled cerebral circulation of opponents from pioneer ties and german shepherds for 1000 in foreign currency, I will probably need to meditate Orthodoxally under this article for a very long time. But one thing is certain: From article to article it becomes more and more fun.

198. Slava Tambovsky: Is Anna Fedorovna a communist who continues to persecute Christ? Well, how else can one understand her sweeping accusation of an Orthodox pastor of inability to preach (poor quality of articles)?
Allow me to intercede for the respected Anna Fedorovna and send you (to best sense of this word) to the no less Orthodox pastor Fr. Ilya Motyka comment 26:
"In order to accept something, you need to understand it. The last article by Fr. Alexei is an incoherent series of parables. And the conclusion is somehow slurred."
I hope that you are not a communist and will not persecute Christ, but will listen to the words of an Orthodox pastor.

300. John : 293
2011-10-16 at 02:07

A colleague, a superspecialist is needed so that he correctly explains why I'm right.
This poem was included in a collection published in 2003, the circulation sold out, specialists, masters and just readers have already expressed their opinion, leaving not the slightest reason for torment. In the same year, I happily gave up poetry. Maybe not forever - I don't know.

You are a musician by a related profession, and I am a photo artist. A poem is not only music, but also an image. My two consonants are clumsily sung to you, but your picture of “gray skies” seems to me faded, inexpressive. Not the way it should be.

299. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya : 298. Wenceslav Kryzh
2011-10-16 at 01:40

I don’t know about you, dear Joanna, but this verse came to my heart very much. Thanks Volodya. Comforted the phantom. You brighten before our eyes!

298. Ventseslav Kryzh : Re: Abyss summons abyss
2011-10-16 at 00:25

Finno-Ugric Dombrovskaya,
Almost non-commissioned officer,
She is the abbess of Moscow,
Although a little too cheeky.
But in general, Katya is still Russian,
She's quite orthodox
Origins of French
Slavophil capital.

297. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya : About last statement Kryzha...
2011-10-16 at 00:08

"I'm a superspecialist myself." Undoubtedly. But how does it sound? What about Joanna? "Samsuperspets" is something already Fino-Ugric ...

296. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya : 294. Alexander B.
2011-10-16 at 00:05

If I am a phantom, a pirate of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp, a KGB officer, a non-commissioned officer's widow, something pink (religiously) and much more - spoken and unspoken (I can’t repeat everything because of my upbringing), then you, dear Alexander, a very sensitive, attentive, reasonable and vigilant person - - a true guardian of piety ... Moscow flood.

295. Ekaterina Dombrovskaya : 294. Alexander B.
2011-10-15 at 23:56

Phantom is a ghost? I am the Black Pearl Pirate caribbean, Dear Alexander. B., as well as a KGB officer, a non-commissioned officer's widow and a pink Christian, and ... a little Savinkov.

294. Alexander Butov : 284. Ekaterina R-not
2011-10-15 at 19:27

"Well, kill sooner and ..." - this is slightly different from the "former" Ekaterina Dombrovskaya.

Summary of the meeting:
/ just don't fall! :) /

1. g. " Holy Fire" is a project similar to the operation "Trust" of the 20s;
2. You are a phantom. Or very similar. Sorry.

293. Ventseslav Kryzh : John, so this word is not popular, but slang ....
2011-10-15 at 18:30

I'm a superspecialist myself, so don't worry. There is nothing in this word, except for two consonants in a row, and twice, no, which is already bad. Try to read aloud, sing your rhyme. Especially two consonants when singing create clumsiness. You have a verse in general folk song, with the influence of romance, simple and unpretentious. F A-flat to C-b-flat A-flat to F. He himself asks for music, and all go to the specialists. Wenceslav Kryzh is just like Cassandra - I'm talking business, no one believes.

The abyss calls the abyss

The abyss calls the abyss
From the Bible. Old Testament, Psalter (ps. 41, v. 8): “Deep calls to deep with the voice of Your waterfalls; all your waters and your waves have passed over me.”
An analogue of the famous Russian proverb "Trouble does not come alone."
Sometimes there is a Latin version of the expression: Abyssus abissum invocat (abyssus abyssum invocat).

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Abyss calls to abyss" in other dictionaries:

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Wed Abyssus abyssum invocat. Wed Abyss calls to abyss with the voice of Your waterfalls: all Your waters and Your waves have passed over me. Psalm. 41, 8; Wed 68, 8. See trouble does not come alone. See trouble will give birth to trouble ...

    The abyss calls the abyss. Wed Abyssus abyssum invocat. Wed Abyss calls to abyss with the voice of Your waterfalls: all Your waters and Your waves have passed over me. Psalm. 41, 8; cf. 68, 3. See Trouble does not come alone. See Trouble will give birth to trouble ...

    Female immeasurable depth; bottomless abyss; steep, deep cliff, pit, cool. No one has measured the depths of the ocean. In the Ural mountains there are abysses and abysses into which a ray of the sun does not penetrate. * The abyss calls upon the abyss, about temptation. * There is an abyss in it ... ... Dictionary Dalia

    1. Abyss (inosk.) trouble, temptation. Wed I did not take her with that ... so that she would fall from my hands into the abyss. Markevich. Free soul. 6. See the abyss calling the abyss. 2. The abyss (inosk.) great multitude. Wed And these features are abyss in you, And ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    I. (inosk.) trouble, temptation Cf. I did not take her with this ... so that she would fall from my hands into the abyss. Markevich. Free soul. 6. See the abyss calling the abyss. II. (inosk.) great multitude Cf. And there is an abyss of these features in you, And above you there is a thunderstorm where not ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

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