First Fiction. Types of Adult Fiction


Then to:

a) learn the skill in your genre;
b) know exactly which publisher to offer the manuscript to;
c) study your target audience and to offer the book not to “everyone in general”, but to those people who may be interested in it.

What is fiction?

Fiction refers to all works that have a fictional plot and fictional characters: novels, stories, novels and plays.

Memoirs are classified as non-fiction because we are talking about non-fictional events, but they are written according to the canons of fiction - with a plot, characters, etc.

But poetry, including lyrics, is fiction, even if the author recalls the past love that actually happened.

Types of Adult Fiction

Fiction works are divided into genre literature, mainstream and intellectual prose.

genre literature

IN genre literature The plot plays the first violin, while it fits into certain, previously known frameworks.

This does not mean that all genre novels should be predictable. The skill of the writer lies precisely in creating a unique world, unforgettable heroes and interesting way get from point "A" (tie) to point "B" (denouement).

Usually, genre work ends on a positive note, the author does not delve into psychology and other high matters and simply tries to entertain readers.

Basic plot schemes in genre literature

Detective: crime - investigation - exposure of the criminal.

Love story: heroes meet - fall in love - fight for love - unite hearts.

Thriller: the hero lived ordinary life- there is a threat - the hero tries to escape - the hero gets rid of the danger.

Adventures: the hero sets a goal and, having overcome many obstacles, achieves what he wants.

When we talk about science fiction, fantasy, historical or modern novel, we are talking not so much about the plot as about the scenery, therefore, when defining the genre, two or three terms are used that allow us to answer the questions: “What happens in the novel?” and "Where is it happening?". If we are talking about children's literature, then an appropriate note is made.

Examples: "modern love story”, “Fantastic action movie” (action movie is adventure), “historical detective story”, “children's adventure story”, “fairy tale for primary school age”.

Genre prose, as a rule, is published in series - either author's or general.


In the mainstream (from English. mainstream- the main thread) readers expect unexpected solutions from the author. For this type of book, the most important thing is moral development heroes, philosophy and ideology. The requirements for a mainstream author are much higher than for writers working with genre prose: he must be not only an excellent storyteller, but also a good psychologist and a serious thinker.

Another important feature of the mainstream is that such books are written at the intersection of genres. For example, it is impossible to say unequivocally that "Gone with the Wind" is only romance or only historical drama.

By the way, the drama itself, that is, the story of the tragic experience of the characters, is also a sign of the mainstream.

As a rule, novels of this type are released outside the series. This is due to the fact that serious works are written for a long time and it is rather problematic to form a series of them. Moreover, mainstream authors are so different from each other that it is difficult to group their books on any basis other than “good book”.

When specifying the genre in mainstream novels, the emphasis is usually placed not so much on the plot, but on some features books: historical drama, novel in letters, fantasy saga, etc.

The emergence of the term

The term "mainstream" itself arose from American writer and criticism to William Dean Howells (1837–1920). As editor of one of the most popular and influential literary magazines of his day, The Atlantic Monthly, he gave a clear preference to works written in a realistic vein and focusing on moral and philosophical problems.

Thanks Howells realistic literature became fashionable, and for some time it was called the mainstream. The term has stuck in English language and from there moved to Russia.

intellectual prose

In the vast majority of cases, intellectual prose has a gloomy tone and is released outside of the series.

Main genres of fiction

Approximate classification

When submitting an application to a publisher, we must indicate the genre - so that our manuscript is sent to the appropriate editor.

Below is indicative list genres, as they are understood in publishing houses and bookstores.

  • vanguard literature. It is characterized by violation of the canons and language and plot experiments. As a rule, the avant-garde comes out in very small editions. Closely intertwined with intellectual prose.
  • Action. Aimed primarily at a male audience. The basis of the plot is fights, chases, saving beauties, etc.
  • Detective. Main story line- disclosure of a crime.
  • Historical novel. The time of action is the past. The plot, as a rule, is tied to significant historical events.
  • Love story. Heroes find love.
  • Mystic. The basis of the plot is supernatural events.
  • Adventures. Heroes get involved in an adventure and/or go on a perilous journey.
  • Thriller/horror. The heroes are in mortal danger, from which they are trying to get rid of.
  • Fantastic. The plot twists in a hypothetical future or in a parallel world. One of the varieties of fantasy is alternative history.
  • Fantasy / fairy tales. The main features of the genre are fairy worlds, magic, unseen creatures, talking animals, etc. Often based on folklore.

What is non-fiction?

Non-fiction books are classified by topic (eg gardening, history, etc.) and type (scientific monograph, collection of articles, photo album, etc.).

The following is a classification of non-fiction books, as done in bookstores. When submitting an application to the publisher, indicate the topic and type of book - for example, a textbook on writing.

Classification of non-fiction

  • autobiographies, biographies and memoirs;
  • architecture and art;
  • astrology and esotericism;
  • business and finance;
  • armed forces;
  • upbringing and education;
  • house, garden, kitchen garden;
  • health;
  • story;
  • career;
  • computers;
  • local history;
  • love and family relationships;
  • fashion and beauty;
  • music, cinema, radio;
  • science and technology;
  • food and cooking;
  • gift editions;
  • politics, economics, law;
  • guides and travelogues;
  • religion;
  • self-development and psychology;
  • Agriculture;
  • dictionaries and encyclopedias;
  • sport;
  • philosophy;
  • hobby;
  • school textbooks;
  • linguistics and literature.

Literature (from the Latin litera - letter, writing) is an art form in which the main means of figurative reflection of life is the word.

Fiction is a kind of art capable of revealing the phenomena of life in the most multifaceted and broad way, showing them in motion and development.

As the art of the word, fiction originated in oral folk art. Songs, folk epic tales became its sources. The word is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and an amazing means for creating artistic images. In the words, in the language of any people, its history, its character, the nature of the Motherland are imprinted, the wisdom of centuries is concentrated. living word rich and lavish. It has many shades. It can be formidable and affectionate, inspire horror and give hope. No wonder the poet Vadim Shefner said this about the word:

With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, With a word you can lead the shelves behind you. The word can be sold and betrayed and bought, The word can be poured into smashing lead.

1.2. Oral folk art and literature. Genres un.

1.3. Artistic image. Artistic time and space.

Artistic image is not only an image of a person (the image of Tatyana Larina, Andrei Bolkonsky, Raskolnikov, etc.) - it is a picture of human life, in the center of which is a specific person, but which includes everything that surrounds him in life. So, in a work of art, a person is depicted in relationships with other people. Therefore, here we can talk not about one image, but about many images.

Any image is an inner world that has fallen into the focus of consciousness. Outside images there is no reflection of reality, no imagination, no cognition, no creativity. The image can take sensual and rational forms. The image can be based on a person's fiction, it can be factual. Artistic image objectified in the form of both the whole and its individual parts.

Artistic image can expressively affect the senses and the mind.

It gives the maximum capacity of content, is able to express the infinite through the finite, it is reproduced and evaluated as a kind of integrity, even if created with the help of several details. The image can be sketchy, unfinished.

As an example of an artistic image, one can cite the image of the landowner Korobochka from Gogol's novel " Dead Souls". She was an older woman, thrifty, collecting rubbish. The box is extremely stupid and slow to think. However, she knows how to trade and is afraid to sell too cheap. This petty frugality, commercial efficiency puts Nastasya Petrovna above Manilov, who has no enthusiasm and knows neither good nor evil. The lady is very kind and caring. When Chichikov visited her, she treated him to pancakes, an unleavened egg pie, mushrooms, and cakes. She even offered to scratch the guest's heels for the night.


This is also explained by the fact that the Slavic, created in the middle of the 9th century famous brothers Cyril and Methodius, was intended for the translation of sacred Christian texts. Church Slavonic, by definition, could not be the language in which secular fiction is created. For the same reason, in Old Russian, until the 17th century, there were neither fictional heroes and plots, nor descriptions of love experiences. Moreover, comic creations were completely absent (after all, laughter was considered a sinful occupation, distracting from prayers and pious reasoning).

The first surviving work is considered to be "The Word of Law and Grace", feathered Hilarion, Metropolitan of Kyiv. It was created, most likely, in the late 30s-40s of the 11th century (during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise). Beginning in the 12th century, a form of literature such as chronicle flourished. The most famous of them is The Tale of Bygone Years. According to most researchers, the first (edition) was compiled by the monk Nestor, the second edition by the monk Sylvester, and the author of the third edition remained unknown.

Fiction by birth

Structural text types


It is considered prosaic literary text, in which a separate, independent of speech rhythm does not invade the language fabric and does not affect the content. However, a number of borderline phenomena are known: many prose writers deliberately give their works some signs of poetry (we can mention the strongly rhythmic prose of Andrei Bely or rhymed fragments in Vladimir Nabokov's novel The Gift). Literary scholars continue to argue about the exact boundaries between prose and poetry different countries over the course of the last century.

Prose is widely used in fiction - when creating novels, short stories etc. Selected examples such works have been known for many centuries, but in an independent form literary works they have developed relatively recently.

Medieval art reached its culmination in the 12th-13th centuries. At present, medieval literature is usually divided into Latin literature and literature into vernacular languages(Romance and Germanic). genre division Latin literature as a whole reproduced the antique. IN medieval literature written prose first appeared.

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    FICTION- "ART LITERATURE", publishing house, Moscow (branch in St. Petersburg). Founded in 1930 as the State Fiction Publishing House, in 1934 63 Goslitizdat. Collected works, selected works of Russian and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    "Fiction"- state publishing house, Moscow. Founded in 1930 as the State Fiction Publishing House, in 1934 63 Goslitizdat. Collected works, selected works of domestic and foreign classics, modern foreign ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    "FICTION"- "ART LITERATURE", publishing house of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for publishing, printing and book trade. The State Publishing House of Fiction Literature (GIHL) was founded in 1930 on the basis of literary ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

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All books are divided into two categories - fiction and non-fiction. Fiction refers to all works that have a fictional plot and fictional characters. Fiction is novels, short stories, novellas, plays and poetry (both for children and adults)...

Usually, non-fiction is called non-fiction (from the English. Non-fiction - non-fiction, non-fictional literature) - these are textbooks, encyclopedias, dictionaries, monographs, biographies, memoirs, journalism, etc.

Fiction works are divided into genre literature, mainstream and intellectual prose.

In genre literature, the main thing is the development of the plot, which fits into certain, previously known frameworks. For example, any detective story develops according to the scheme "crime - investigation - exposing the criminal"; any women's romance - "heroes meet - fall in love - fight for love - unite hearts." This does not mean that all genre novels should have a predictable plot. The skill of the writer lies precisely in creating his own unique world within the given framework.

Genre literature is action and a quick change of scenery. All the reader cares about is "What's next?".

Genres of fiction:

Avant-garde literature - characterized by violation of the canons and language and plot experiments. As a rule, the avant-garde comes out in very small editions. Closely intertwined with intellectual prose.

Action - focused primarily on the male audience. The basis of the plot is fights, chases, saving beauties, etc.

Detective - the main storyline - solving the crime.

Historical novel - the time of action - the past. The plot, as a rule, is tied to significant historical events.

A love story - the characters find love.

Mysticism - the basis of the plot - supernatural events.

Adventures - the heroes get involved in an adventure or go on a risky journey.

Thriller / Horror - the heroes are in mortal danger, from which they are trying to get rid of.

Fantasy - the plot twists in a hypothetical future or in a parallel world. One of the varieties of fantasy is alternative history.

Fantasy/Fairy Tales - the main features of the genre are fairy-tale worlds, magic, unseen creatures, talking animals, etc. Often based on folklore.

What is the mainstream (from the English mainstream - the main stream)? There is no place for canons and patterns in books of this genre. Readers expect unexpected solutions from them. The most important thing in the mainstream is the moral development of the characters, philosophy and ideology. Because professional requirements to the author of the mainstream is much higher: he must be not only an excellent storyteller, but also a good psychologist and a serious thinker. If a writer aims for the mainstream, but doesn't hold the bar, or falls into stereotypes, the reader will be disappointed.

The term "mainstream" originated with the American writer and critic William Dean Howells (1866-1920). As editor of one of the most popular and influential literary magazines of his time, The Atlantic Monthly, he gave a clear preference to works written in a realistic vein and focusing on moral and philosophical problems. Thanks to Howells, realistic literature came into vogue, and for some time it was called the "mainstream".

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