Musical entertainment for the senior group “Merry Journey. Scenario of musical entertainment for children of the senior group


Target: organization of an integrated, interactive musical family entertainment with the aim of mastering the educational areas "Music", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Physical culture" by children aged 5-6 years.


  • form integrity pictures of the world to expand the horizons of children;
  • develop free communication with adults and peers;
  • involve children in verbal art;
  • develop musical and artistic activity in children;
  • to form positive child-parent relationships;
  • organize interaction with the families of pupils on the implementation of the main general education program preschool education;
  • to form in pupils the need for physical activity.

Members: children and adults.

Children's age: 5-6 years.

Location: music hall.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversation on the topic " Better mom can not found!";
2. Directly educational activities:
- Speech development: memorizing poems about mom;
- Drawing on the topic: "Portrait of my mother";
- Learning songs about mom: “Mom's smile” (audio recording performed by the show group “Smile”, “Song about mom” words by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko; “Song about the rain” music by M. Krasev, words by M. Ivensen ; "My only mother" (audio recording performed by the Trubachev sisters), "Ding Dong" (audio recording).
– Learning the movements for dancing: “Kovyryalochka” (Livenskaya polka. Arranged by M. Jordansky; “Waltz of Friends” (audio recording).
Role-playing game"Family".

Equipment: musical center, multimedia equipment, replicas "Vegetables and Fruits", attributes for competitions "Clothes" and accessories for competitions, costume elements: hares - hares, fox - foxes, bear cub - bears, wolf cub,

Hall decoration: central wall: balloons (hearts), images of Madonnas by Renaissance artists.

Prizes: adults are given hearts made by children.


The guests are sitting in the hall.

Presenter: Our dear mothers! Today, on Mother's Day, we welcome you to our hall and invite you to watch the video "The Parable of Mom".

The music sounds "Mom's smile" (Show group "Smile"). Children enter the hall in pairs. Reaching the middle of the room. Children disperse in different directions, forming a semicircle.

Presenter: And now we want to please with our performances. And your dearest, most beloved, most charming children prepared them.

From pure heart,
In simple words
Today, friends
We'll talk about mom.

Children come out, read a poem about mother.

1 child:

Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is a blessing!
Mom is no better!

2 child:

Mother - autumn golden,
Mom is the dearest
Mom is kindness
Mom will always help!

3 child:

Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is a joke!
Mom is a treat!
Everyone loves Mom!

4 child:

Mom, you are not dearer
Mom is all on light can,
Congratulations mom today
We wish moms happiness.

Presenter: Mom, mommy ... How much warmth this magic word conceals, which is called the closest, dearest, only person. And our most dear people on Earth we dedicate this song.

Song "Song of Mom"(lyrics by T.Volgina, music by A.Filippenko)

Presenter: Yes! It turns out that not only children can feel bad without their mothers, but also animals. We offer you to watch the scene "The animals lost their mother" by S. Nasaulenko

To the music, the children playing the roles leave.

Presenter: We see that you are a little sad, and tears glistened in your eyes. So let your tears appear only from happiness and joy. And now our fervent dance will give you such joy.

Dance "Kovyryalochka"(Livensky polka. Arranged by M. Jordansky)
First, the children perform a dance, and then invite their mothers and dance with them again (in a circle).

Presenter: What is the most important thing for a child? Of course, native home and mommy, who will always regret and call the most kind and gentle, will play with her child. We invite you to take part in competitions with your children.

1. Competition "Cook soup and compote."

There are two pans on the tables, vegetables and fruits, 2 aprons and 2 scarves are on the trays.
Two participants are invited. The facilitator explains the rule of the game: one child must collect vegetables for soup, and the other must collect fruits for compote. While the music is playing, you must cope with the task, the winner is the one who “cooks soup or compote” faster

2. Competition "Dress up mom"

On the tables are attributes and accessories for the competition.
The child invites his mother to participate in the competition. While the music is playing, the child dresses up his mother. To the music, the child makes an “honorary circle” with his mother.

Leading: It's good that we can congratulate our mothers twice a year: both in spring and autumn. And for you, relatives, a song is now playing.

The song "Song of the rain"(words by M. Ivensen, music by M. Krasev).

Leading: Usually an artist is invited to every big holiday. V. And we also have a surprise for you. Our artists are very excited. Greet them with your applause!

Boys (disguised as girls) come out and sing ditties.

We are funny friends
We dance and sing
And now we'll tell you
How we live with mothers.

1st boy:

Galya washed the floors,
Katya helped.
It's just a pity, mom again
Washed everything.

2nd boy:

Sooty saucepan
Lena cleaned with sand,
Two hours in Lena's trough
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

3rd boy:

Mom in the morning our Mila
Gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give
And then she ate them herself.

4th boy:

We put on sandals
On high heels,
We waddle along the path -
Ski poles in hand.

5th boy:

We walk, and below us
The street is rocking
How does mom walk straight
And doesn't stumble?

We sang to you as best we could
We are only children.
We know for sure, our mothers -
The best in the world!!!


A lot has been said about waltz
It sounds so exciting to no end!
And we dedicate this waltz to mom
And let the hearts beat in the rhythm of the waltz.

Dance "Waltz of Friends".

Children invite mothers to dance in pairs.


Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers
We are for everything, for everything, dear,
We say thank you!

The song "My only mother" is performed by children and teachers.
At the end of the song, the children give each mother a heart.
To the music of "Mom's smile", the children leave the hall together with their mothers.

Scenario of entertainment "Zimushka-winter" for the preparatory and senior groups:

Target: Create a joyful festive atmosphere.


To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.

Develop figurative, expressive speech of children;


The path is covered with white fluff. How clear the air is in winter!

I’ll stand and admire a little how snowflakes fly over me!

Winter scatters them everywhere, gives everyone a silver outfit.

As if a fairy tale around comes to life, and snowflakes are spinning, flying!

Both adults and kids love winter! Therefore, they affectionately call it - winter-winter!


Dear children, today we have gathered in this hall to meet Zimushka-winter! Tell me, what winter months do you know?


December, January and February.


Right! And every month of winter is different. December is the first month. The month of the first snow and everyone's favorite holiday - the New Year. January is the holiday of Christmas winter games and fun. February is the last and most severe, frosty month of winter. In February there are blizzards and blizzards. In winter, the circle is white and beautiful!


And who among you can say what kind of winter it is? Let's try to describe it:

Children's answers: (frosty, white, silver, cold, icy, snowy, beautiful, sparkling)


Right! Such a beauty she is! And she is also cheerful, because she brings with her a lot of joy, fun, games, holidays. So tell me, what games can we play in winter?

- Children's answers (in "snowballs", sculpt a snowman, ride downhill, skate, sled, ski, build a fortress).


That's how much fun winter has. Perhaps you can't wait to see our guest. Let's call her to us:


Winter, come!

Bring us snow

We will play with you

Have fun and dance!

All together: Winter, come!

Winter enters the hall to the music.


Hello guys! I heard you called me, I am very glad that I am a welcome guest with you! And I'm happy to meet you.


You are such a talented artist - how you decorated everything! Guys, it's true, it's beautiful all around - everything sparkles, glitters, When will you see this again? Zimushka is winter, the children are very happy with you and want to give you poems:

Favorite winter

beautiful winter,
It's frosty outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
and keep warm!
I wear gloves
My mom knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I'll pull straight.

The whole lake is in ice
The trees are silver
And all around in the snow
And I'm going to ride.

I will ski down
from a steep mountain rather
I'll ride on a sled
And, falling, I will warm up.

How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times in the year
Where It is raining unexpectedly.
When mushrooms grow
And buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.

Winter is the most beautiful!
Let it be cold, but still
Blush, more fun
It looks like a holiday!


Wonderful poems, this is a very valuable gift for me! I also prepared many different surprises for you. When you meet me on the street, we play snowballs, we make snowman, but here, in this hall, we will not be bored. Do you want to play? Then let's start!

The game "Sugrobeki" is being held

Divide the children into two teams. In front of the teams are two circles of drawing paper. Standing on one circle, take another and put it in front of you - stand on it. The action is repeated until the child gets through the snowdrifts to the Christmas tree. You need to run back to the team, pass the snowdrifts to the next one.


Guys, I brought you snowballs, let's play.

The game "Snowballs"

Snowballs are scattered on the floor. Each team has its own basket. On a signal, the children collect the "lumps" in the basket. The team with the most "lumps" in their basket wins.

The game "Dress up the Christmas tree"

The contour of the Christmas tree is drawn on two paper sheets, felt-tip pens are in the cups. To the music, the children begin to dress her up (draw balls). Whose team will draw more balls on the Christmas tree, he won.

"Snow fight"

Put tinsel on the floor. Teams stand on either side of her. Teams are distributed "snowballs" equally. The snow fight begins to the music. As soon as the music ends, it is counted on the half whose team turned out to have fewer snowballs. This team is winning.

Winter :

Now listenpuzzles:

1. Barely breathed in winter, they are always with you.

Warm two sisters. What are their names? (mittens).

2. In a round dance of colorful masks, characters from different fairy tales.

Having fun and circling, what kind of holiday? (Masquerade).

3. I live under the very roof, it's even scary to look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle).

4. He is always busy with business, he cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white everything he sees on the way. (Snow) .

5. Fish live warmly in winter

The roof is thick glass. (Ice).

6. In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.

And as the wind attacks, this velvet falls. (Hoarfrost).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends will not lag behind each other.

Both run in the snow, both songs sing. (Skis) .

8. First you fly from the mountain to them,

And then you pull them uphill. (Sled) .

9. Powdered the paths, decorated the windows.

She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled. (Winter) .

10. The stars circled in the air a little.

They sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflakes).

presenter :

The good guys got the job done.

Game "Magic Snowflake"


I invite everyone to stand in a circle. While the music is playing, we pass the snowflake, as soon as the music stops, whoever has the snowflake in his hands completes the task (sing, dance, recite a verse, etc.).


Guys, let's sing a song for the winter.

Song "Winter Song"


Well done guys! I'm so interested in you! But it's time for me to go outside - to add snow, to whiten the trees - I have a lot of things to do! And we'll see you on the street - just dress warmer! Goodbye, guys!

Teachers hand out candy.

Musical entertainment in mixed age group

(middle, senior, preparatory)

"We have fairy-tale heroes visiting us."

Types of children's activities: musical and artistic, communicative, game.

Program tasks:

    learn to hear by ear dance music from a lullaby with the help of the musical and didactic game "The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping";

    formation of the ability to sing a melody cleanly, clearly pronounce the words;

    encourage staging the content of the song “We went to the meadow”;

    contribute to the correction speech disorders, phonemic hearing;

    develop dialogical speech;

    develop game skills;

    to develop the ability of children to manage "dolls on a stick"

    cultivate emotional responsiveness when perceiving musical works.

    to cultivate the desire and ability to listen to a fairy tale, to follow the development of the action.

Planned educational results (targets as possible development achievements):

    the child shows interest in listening, emotionally responds to musical works of a contrasting nature;

    expressively conveys the character of game characters in motion;

    takes an active part in musical games;

    benevolently interacts with peers in joint activities;

    interested in following the development of the plot of the fairy tale;

    shows positive emotions and interest in participating in the puppet show.

Equipment : button accordion, computer, music center, toys (bear, goat, bunny, gnome), cards for the didactic game "The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping", a bunny mask, a screen for a puppet theater, decorations, toys on sticks for the fairy tale "Teremok" ( mouse, frog, hedgehog, bunny, squirrel, cockerel, dog, fox, wolf, bear).


    "Hello" is a rhythmic game with singing.


    bear cub . Musically - didactic game"The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping."

    Goat . Logarithmics.

    Bunny . "We went to the meadow."

    gnome . Tale "Teremok".

    Fairy tale characters say goodbye to the guys.

Entertainment progress:

Music Director: Hello guys! Let's sing our welcome song to you.

    "Hello" is a rhythmic game with singing. Music and lyrics by S. Korotaeva.

Guys, I'll tell you a secret, today someone will come to visit us.

Guess the riddle:

The funny animal is sewn from plush:
There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey
And arrange a lair for him! (Teddy bear).

Bear appears on the stage of the puppet theater .

Musical director : Look, guys. Mishka came to visit us. I accidentally found out that our Mishka loves to dance very much, but after the dance he is so tired that he immediately falls asleep. Mishka has prepared a task for you. Now I will distribute 2 pictures of a bear to everyone. In one picture he is dancing, and in the other he is sleeping. When you hear the music, try to determine what the bear is doing, dancing or sleeping.

    Musical and didactic game "The bear is dancing, the bear is sleeping."

(Children are invited to listen to 4 example muses: 2 lullabies and 2 dance songs)

Well done boys. Correctly determined what Mishka is doing. Well, Mishka, stay with us. Sit right here, look at the guys. And someone else is in a hurry to us guys. Guess who?

She gives us milk
But it's not a cow
The horns will instruct, if anything
I don't like it right off the bat
Standing by a stream of water
Grazing, chewing grass,
To come home in the evening,
Drink enough for everyone. (Goat)

The goat appears on the stage of the puppet theater.

And here is our goat! Take a look, guys! This is not the first time the goat has come to visit us. Let's remember what an unusual song we learned the last time the Goat came to us.

Let's try and sing this song especially for our guest, we will try to sing each syllable expressively

    Logo-rhythmic exercise GOAT .(sung on 2 sounds - sol-mi)

PS, PS, PS, PS, it became boring without a goat,

ZE, ZE, ZE, ZE, I picked grass for a goat,

Zu, Zu, Zu, Zu, I brought home a goat

FOR, FOR, FOR, FOR, I have a goat.

Do you think the Goat liked how we sang a song about her?

Goat! Stay with us, see how the guys play.

And guys, another guest is in a hurry to us:

He loves to eat carrots
Ears stuck up.
Our shy "jump"
Kids, who is this? ....... (Bunny)

A Bunny toy appears.

Musical director : And here the bunny came to us! Bunny wants to see how you can dance. Let's join hands and playgame "We went to the meadow."

    "We went to the meadow." (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

You guys know how to have fun and play. I think the bunny loved it!

Bunny asks if he can stay with you?

Sit down, Bunny.

Who else is rushing to us?

He came from a fairy tale to us,

Knocked softly on the house

In a bright red cap -

well, of course, this is ... (gnome)

A Gnome toy appears.

Oh, guys, this is a fabulous gnome. And you know that when a gnome comes, he always tells fairy tales to children. Guys, let's tell the Gnome a fairy tale ourselves today. And not just tell, but show!

Gnome, sit down, and the guys and I will show you a fairy tale.

Well, artists, take apart the toys. We will show the fairy tale to the Gnome and our guests.

    Puppet show. Showing the fairy tale "Teremok"


And now, artists, come out from behind the screen, we'll look at you!

The roles were played...

Do you think Gnome, Mishka, Bunny and Goat liked our puppet show? Thank you guys. And now it's time for us to say goodbye to fairy-tale heroes. But they will definitely come to us again .. and more than once.

And now we get up in pairs and go to the group.



(The tale was compiled on the basis of the methodology of Ekaterina Zheleznova. Disk " musical tales»)

Characters: mouse, frog, hedgehog, hare,squirrel, cockerel, dog,

fox, wolf, bear


There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.

He is not low not high not high

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok ...

A mouse came running - norushka


Mouse: Terem - teremok, who lives in the terem?

Narrator: Nobody responds.

And the mouse became a norushka to live in a tower.

The frog jumped


Frog: Terem - teremok, who lives in the terem?

Mouse: I am a mouse norushka. And who are you?

FROG: I am a frog.

Mouse: Come live with me

Narrator: And the mouse and the frog began to live together in a house.

A hedgehog came running - no head, no legs

№4 Hedgehog

Hedgehog: Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

Mouse: I am a mouse norushka.

Frog: I am a frog. And who are you?

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Mouse and frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: Three of us began to live in a tower.

A runaway bunny came running


Bunny: Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

Mouse: I am a mouse norushka.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs. And who are you?

Bunny: I am a runaway bunny.

Hedgehog, mouse and frog: Come live with us!

Narrator: Four of us began to live in a tower.

Squirrel rode up - Fluffy tail.

№6 Squirrel….

... five of us.

The Golden Scallop Cockerel has arrived.

No. 7 Cockerel.

... six of us.

The Hollow Dog came running.

#8 Dog

... in seven ways.

The little fox came running.

№9 chanterelle

Chanterelle: Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

Mouse: I am a mouse norushka.

Frog: I am a frog.

Bunny: I am a runaway bunny.

Dog: I am an empty dog. And who are you?

Chanterelle: I am a chanterelle-sister!

hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny , squirrel, cockerel, dog: Come live with us!

Narrator: They began to live in a teremka in eight.

A wolf-teeth click came running

№10 WOLF

Wolf: Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

Mouse: I am a mouse - norushka.

Frog: I am a frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a runaway bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tail squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Hedgehog, mouse, frog, bunny and fox: Come live with us!

Narrator: Nine of us began to live in a tower.

Here comes the bear.

№11 BEAR

Bear: Terem-teremok, who lives in the terem?

Mouse: I am a mouse - norushka.

Frog: I am a frog.

Hedgehog: I am a hedgehog, no head, no legs.

Bunny: I am a runaway bunny.

Squirrel: I am a fluffy tail squirrel.

Cockerel: I am a cockerel - a golden comb.

Dog: I am an empty dog.

Chanterelle: I am a chanterelle-sister! And who are you?

Bear: I'm a bear, your house is over.

All: We invite you to live with us, you will guard the house!

Narrator: And ten of them began to live in a tower.

Friendly in our terem,

Let's start the dance!


Complex entertainment "Let the blizzard of music sound"

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Description of work: I bring to your attention the scenario of integrated entertainment. This development can be used by music directors and preschool educators. The scenario of entertainment is intended for children of the senior preschool age.
Subject: Acquaintance with music album"Seasons" by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky
Leading educational area: artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: To cultivate in children a steady interest and responsiveness to musical works, to expand the musical impression.
- Development of lexical vocabulary, outlook and attention
- Development of artistic and aesthetic education.
- Encouragement to active creative activity.
- Consolidation of skills and abilities of playing-improvisation in the ensemble independently.
- Formation of relationships based on cooperation and mutual assistance
Activities: communicative, playful, musical.
Members: children of the eldest and preparatory groups, music director, educators
Preliminary work:
- selection musical repertoire;
- learning poems, games
- learning songs
- acquaintance with the work of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky
Location: music hall.
Materials and equipment: musical instruments, paper for drawing and pencils with paints

"Let the blizzard of music sound"

Presenter: Guys, how nice it is to get together on a winter evening and talk nicely. Hear how the blizzard howls outside the window, it is she who sings to us her magical fairy-tale song about herself.

And we will sing to her and read poetry.
Oh you, winter-winter,
You came with frost
We have snowdrifts
Ice braids.
ran barefoot
The paths are fun
Lace us later
Curtained the windows.
We love to drive in winter
Round dance at the Christmas tree,

And make snowmen
And ride down the hill
Song "Zimushka-Winter"

Presenter: And now listen to the story, but not a simple one, but a musical one.
In our city of St. Petersburg 200 years ago, a magazine was published, which was called "Novelist" - from the word "novella" - which means short story.

The magazine was published every month and a pleasant surprise awaited readers in each issue: a new musical novel. Each had the name of one of the months of the year. 12 months a year, 12 magazine issues, 12 musical plays. All of them were then combined into an album of colorful musical sketches, which became known as "The Seasons". And the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote this album.

Remember what musical works of this composer we listened to.
Children listen to excerpts of musical works and answer: “Italian song”, “A man plays the harmonica”, “March wooden soldiers», « Winter morning"," Nanny's Tale.
Presenter: What composer's album are these pieces from? Right, " children's album".

Now imagine a quiet winter evening in a cozy home. The crackle of wood in the fireplace is barely audible. Heat spreads throughout the room. An affectionate, quiet voice tells a fairy tale, smart and kind. A soft and gentle melody takes us along, into Magic world fairy tales.
The play “At the Fireside” (“January”) sounds
Presenter: This work is called "At the fireside."

“Kamelyok”, what a cozy word, right? So you see the fire in front of you, dying out in the fireplace or in the stove, you feel how the heat from hot coals spreads around the room ... Sitting by the fire is exactly sitting by such a stove or fireplace.

It's warm, cozy, quiet... It's dim in the room, it's getting dark... I just want to hear the words of a fairy tale.

And what fairy tales we know, let's remember.
1. He was born very strong,
Just found myself in a barrel.
Bare barrel pitched
They let her into the ocean.
The barrel rushed over the waves,
The child quickly grew up there,
He prayed to the wave of the sea
And found himself on dry land.
Kick the bottom out and get out
What was his name? .... (Guidon.)
2. Although he was steadfast and brave,
But he did not survive the fire.
Younger son tablespoon,
He stood on a strong foot.
Not iron, not glass
There was a soldier ... (Tin.)
3. This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots ("Puss in Boots")
4. Nose stuck where he wanted,
Defeated Karabas.
Oh, Malvina can't handle it
With naughty ... (Pinocchio)
5. Now answer me slowly:
Flying friend of the Kid,
Who lives on the roof
And he loves jam and cake. (Carlson.)
6. Grandmother lives in the forest,
Herbs-potion collects,
The floor in the hut is swept with a broom.
In a mortar it flies through the sky,
From the bone of her leg.
This woman's name is ... (Baba Yaga)
Presenter: Well, guys, run out with Grandma - Ezhka play!
The game "Grandma-Hedgehog"

Presenter: Now come to the table with musical instruments and choose any. Listen to excerpts from the work of P. I. Tchaikovsky "At the Fireside" and think about which instruments sound more suitable. (1 excerpt - bells, triangle, bells, metallophone, 2 excerpt - tambourine, rattles).
The game "Pick up the tool."
Presenter: And now, guys, let's try to draw our musical impressions from the music we heard.

Drawing musical images music by P. I. Tchaikovsky "At the stove"

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