Piskarevsky cemetery May 9th. Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery


9th May- holiday concert Vasily Gerello on St. Isaac's Square.
May 8 - Action "Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!" at the Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery.
May 5 - Solemn procession of veterans.
3 May - concert in the assembly hall of the college dedicated to Victory Day.

May 9, 2017 - the 72nd anniversary of the Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945

May 9, 2017, at 12:30 with the support of the Admiralteisky District Administrationon St. Isaac's Square a traditional festive concert was held with the participation of People's Artist Russian Vasily Gerello "Let's bow to those great years."

The concert was dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Before the start of the concert, Vyacheslav Makarov, chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, congratulated veterans and citizens on the holidayand head of the administration of the Admiralteisky districtPetersburgShtukova Svetlana Viktorovna

"Concerts on St. Isaac's Square on May 9 are a tradition of our city. Wonderful songs about the exploits of our compatriots, about the heroism of a multinational people during the Great Patriotic War are heard here. The further the significant day goes down in history Great Victory, the more significant the holiday on May 9 will become. And the more important for us will be the melodies and songs that help us keep the sacred memory of those years,” said the chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

The People's Artist of Russia performed songs of the war years that helped the Soviet people survive and win in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

More than 1,500 veterans of the Admiralteisky district were invited to a concert in honor of the Victory Day.

Annual volunteer assistance at the concert was provided by 1st and 2nd year students of the Department of Nursing of our college: Starovoitova Yulia, Sadovnikova Valeria, Sagaydak Evgenia, Demirova Zarema, Agaliyev Gudrat, Abakarova Rupia, Akhmedova Fatima, Hampiyeva Milana, Sadykbetova Akbermet, Sadykova Meerim., teacher Poznanskaya Zhanna Sergeevna. Responsible officer from the college Poznanskaya Yu.S.

People's Artist of Russia Vasily Gerello and college students

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Makarov.
Head of the administration of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg Shtukova Svetlana Viktorovna.

photo Poznanskaya Yu.S.
May 8, 2017

The action “Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!”, dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, took place on May 8, 2017 at the Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery.

Together with the administration of the Admiralteisky district, represented by the head of the department of youth policy and interaction with public organizations, Ilona Borisovna Sumarokova, 1st year students of the Department of Nursing took part in the Action: Agabekova Fatkhanum, Agalyev Gudrat, Amirkhanov Eldar, Ashurova Umeda, Dementyeva Arina, Demirova Zarema, Dzhumakhanov Louise, Dudnik Marina. Mamedova Emilia, Mamedova Emilia, Prazukina Polina, Reimbayeva Feruza, teacher Poznanskaya Yulia Sergeevna.

The ceremony began with a moment of silence, after which the Russian anthem was performed. A wreath from the President of the Russian Federation was laid at the memorial of the Motherland.

Flowers were laid by Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, members of the government of the city and the Leningrad Region, chairman and deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Also, wreaths and flowers were laid at the memorial from veterans of the Great Patriotic War, blockade survivors, the command of the Western Military District and the Russian Navy, the Constitutional Court, the Federation Council.

Piskarevsky memorial cemetery- the world's largest cemetery of the victims of the Second World War. At 186 mass graves 420 thousand inhabitants of the city are buried, who died from starvation, bombing, shelling, and 70 thousand soldiers-defenders of Leningrad. The cemetery was founded in 1939 and was named after the nearby village of Piskarevka.

f from Poznanskaya Yu.S.

May 05, 2017 in the solemn procession of veterans of the Admiralteisky district dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. students of the Department of General Medicine of the group F-121 and F-122 took part together with the teacher Yulia Petrovna Dobrobaba.

photo Poznanskaya Yu.S. May 3, 2017

On May 3, 2017, the college hosted a festive concert dedicated to Victory Day, which was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

A holiday is approaching for all veterans of the Great Patriotic War: May 9, Victory Day. This day is not only joyful, but also a memorable day: more than seven decades ago, in May 1945, the peoples of the entire Soviet land with their allies defeated Nazi Germany. The war that destroyed millions of lives has been stopped!

The Great Patriotic War is a significant milestone in the history of many countries and states, and every generation is obliged to remember, thanks to whom we are now celebrating a glorious holiday - Victory Day!

On the eve of the holiday, a festive concert was organized by the students. The concert program was attended by students of the Department of Nursing and General Medicine. Students read poems about the war, about people who fought, sang military songs.

Assistance in the preparation of the concert was provided by Galina Klimentyeva, teacher of the hostel Voronova.

photo Agaliyev Gudrat

On May 9, 2018, the celebration of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War will take place in St. Petersburg. Celebrations in honor of Victory Day begin from the first days of May, and on May 9 in parks and squares, in public gardens and concert halls the most important events are taking place.

Below we present the most important and striking of them.

The main event on Victory Day in St. Petersburg is a military parade. In the northern capital, it takes place on Palace Square.

In 2018 in the parade on Palace Square More than 4.5 thousand military personnel, cadets of military schools, as well as troops of the National Guard will march on the march.

Military equipment, wheeled and tracked, will also take part in the parade, including the Sherman tank raised from the bottom of the Barents Sea and restored. rehearsals military equipment April 30th and May 2nd and 4th.

In 2018, operational-tactical and army aviation will take part in the parade for the second time.

Planes and helicopters of Western military aviation will rise from four points - in Pushkin and Levashovo, Karelia and the Tver region. Helicopters will open the festive flight - Mi-26 and Mi-35, Mi-8 and Ka-52. Behind them are transport aircraft - An-26, An-12 and Tu-134 with a proud inscription on board "St. Petersburg". Crews must keep heavy vehicles at extremely low altitude - just 200 meters from the ground.

Then the most spectacular part of the parade will come - fighters: MiGs (29th and 31st), as well as Su-34, Su-27 and Su-35.

The main concert dedicated to the Victory Day will take place on Palace Square in the evening.

In crowded places, St. George ribbons are distributed to all passers-by, which flutter on clothes and cars for many more days, reminding them of a memorable date.

On Victory Day, field kitchens will be set up in St. Petersburg, where all guests will be treated to real army porridge cooked by soldier chefs.

Rally "We can't forget these roads ..."

City action "Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!"

Solemn ceremony fusion of symbols of the eternal lights of hero cities and cities military glory Northwestern federal district in the "Single Cup of Military Glory"

Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery

Street patriotic action "Dancing Leningrad"

holiday concert with the participation of People's Artist of Russia Vasily Gerello "Let's bow to those great years"

Solemn-mourning meeting and laying of wreaths and flowers at the memorial plaque "To the heroism and courage of the people of Leningrad"

Lighting the torches on the Rostral Columns

Parade of warships

Holiday program

Promotion " Folk choir Victory"

street holiday

Festive concert program "Spring of Victory"

Solemn passage of veterans of the Great Patriotic War on retro cars

Action "Immortal Regiment"

Holiday program

Performance of the combined choir of the universities of St. Petersburg



Street exhibition “Stalingrad. 1943"



Solemn-mourning rally and ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers

Mass grave at the city cemetery of Kronstadt

The solemn procession of veterans and residents of Kronstadt and the festive passage of the troops of the Kronstadt garrison

Hunger raged in the city, there was not enough water. Hungry residents helped the front. Armaments and ammunition were produced at the factories, Vseobuch points prepared fighters for the front. From hunger and cold, people swelled and died. Bread was given out on cards. Only children starved 400 thousand people. According to various sources, between 300,000 and 1.5 million people died during the blockade, 97% of them from starvation. The main burials of the inhabitants of besieged Leningrad are at the Piskarevsky and Serafimovsky cemeteries.

On January 18, 1943, during the offensive on the Volkhov and Leningrad fronts, the 872-day blockade of Leningrad was broken, and on January 27 it was completely lifted. For the heroism and courage shown during the blockade, the city was awarded the title of Hero City.

Veterans who defended the city and blockade survivors who now live in different parts of our Motherland and beyond its borders annually come to St. Petersburg to celebrate Victory Day. On holidays, meetings of front-line soldiers and their participation in festive events are held.

Flowers are laid at the Piskarevsky and Serafimovsky memorial cemeteries, on Victory Square and at the burial places of soldiers and residents of besieged Leningrad. We are proud of their courage and resilience.

The Piskarevsky Memorial Cemetery is a mournful monument to the victims of the Great Patriotic War, a witness to a universal tragedy and a place of universal worship. The memorial is dedicated to the memory of all Leningraders and defenders of the city. People sacredly remember the heroes of the defense of Leningrad, and the lines from the epitaph of Olga Berggolts “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten”, the commemorative text on the friezes of the pavilions “To you, our selfless defenders ...” by Mikhail Dudin confirm this.

At the site of mass graves of residents of besieged Leningrad and soldiers-defenders of the city in the period from 1945 to 1960, according to the project of architects A.V. Vasil'eva and E.A. Levinson, a memorial complex was erected.

The grand opening of the memorial complex took place on May 9, 1960. Every year on memorable dates (January 27, May 8, June 22 and September 8), wreath and flower laying ceremonies are held here at the Motherland monument.

In April 1961, the Decree was approved: "... to consider the Piskarevskoye memorial cemetery as the main monument to the heroes who gave their lives for the happiness, freedom and independence of our Motherland ...". The same Decree obliged the City Excursion Bureau to include a visit to the memorial in their itineraries, and State Museum The history of Leningrad was instructed to create museum exposition and place it on the first floors of two pavilions. The exposition was supposed to reflect the criminal plans of the Nazi command to destroy Leningrad, the difficult living conditions of Leningraders during the 900-day blockade of the city, their courage, heroism, steadfastness, victory over the enemy, the defeat of the Nazi troops near Leningrad. The exposition was updated periodically. Today it occupies the first floor of the right pavilion. As before, the main focus of the exposition is documentary photographs.

In the museum you can get acquainted with photos and newsreels of the siege - during the day there is a screening of a documentary film by the Lenfilm film studio "Memories of the Siege" and the film by Sergei Larenkov "Siege Album".

Also in the museum pavilion there is an information kiosk, with the help of which visitors can search through the electronic catalog of the Books of Memory “Blockade. 1941-1944. Leningrad” (the names of the inhabitants of Leningrad who died in the blockade), “Leningrad. 1941-1945” (the names of the soldiers called up in Leningrad, who died on various fronts of the Great Patriotic War), “They survived the blockade. Leningrad" (the names of the inhabitants of Leningrad who survived the blockade).

The eternal flame on the upper terrace of the Piskarevsky memorial burns in memory of all the victims of the blockade and the heroic defenders of the city. From eternal flame the three-hundred-meter Central Alley stretches to the Motherland monument. Red roses are planted along the alley along its entire length. Sad hills of mass graves with slabs, on each of which the year of burial is carved, leaves of oak - a symbol of courage and stamina, sickle and hammer - on the graves of residents, and on the graves of soldiers - a five-pointed star. 420 thousand inhabitants of Leningrad are buried in mass graves, who died from hunger, cold, disease, bombing and shelling, as well as 70 thousand soldiers - the defenders of Leningrad. There are also about 6,000 individual military graves at the memorial.

The figure "Motherland" (sculptors V. V. Isaeva and R. K. Taurit) on a high pedestal is clearly read against the background of the boundless sky. Her posture and posture express strict solemnity, in her hands is a garland of oak leaves braided mourning ribbon. It seems that the Motherland, in the name of which people sacrificed themselves, as if placing this garland on the grave hills. The memorial wall-stele completes the ensemble. In the thickness of the granite - 6 reliefs dedicated to the heroism of the inhabitants of the besieged city and its defenders - men and women, soldiers and workers. In the center of the stele is an epitaph written by Olga Berggolts. The line “No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” has special power.

Along the eastern border of the cemetery is the Alley of Memory. In memory of the defenders of Leningrad, memorial plates from cities and regions of our country, the CIS and foreign countries, as well as organizations that worked in the besieged city, were installed on it.

An important role in the artistic appearance of the ensemble of the memorial is played by a fence with a cast-iron grate, a large and small pond, a pool of white marble, stone benches, obelisks on the upper terrace, granite rosettes with spillways in the span of arches of the retaining wall. About 46 species of trees and shrubs are planted on the territory of the complex. Classical solemn and mourning music sounds here every day.

On May 9, St. Petersburg will solemnly celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The parade will be attended by 96 vehicles, 4,103 military personnel, 40 aviation units and up to ten ships.

This year, for the first time, aviation will take part in the Victory Parade in St. Petersburg. Mi-8, Mi-26, Mi-35, Mi-28N, Ka-52 helicopters, Su-27, MiG-29SMT, MiG-31BM, Su-35, Su-34 fighters, transport aircraft An-12, An-26 and Tu-134 - more than 40 units. In 2015, we recall, in the celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory, tanks passed through the Northern capital for the first time.

For three May days, the symbol of the great victory will circle over the Northern capital, recalling the feat of fathers and grandfathers. If on May 7 a plane with a large 20-meter St. George ribbon makes a small circle, flying from Gostilitsy airport to the park of the 300th anniversary of St. St. George ribbon in the sky can be seen in almost all areas northern capital. A light-engine aircraft will fly at an altitude of 200 to 500 meters. Aviation clubs "PiterPolet" and "Nevsky Aeroclub" make such a gift to the citizens.

The main events dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War will traditionally be held on May 8 and 9, 2017.

  • from 11:00 to 12:00 - the official solemn and mourning ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery, Serafimovsky cemetery; Smolensk memorial cemetery; Nevsky Memorial Cemetery "Cranes", on Victory Square and near Arc de Triomphe Victory in Krasnoye Selo. The ceremony at the Theological Cemetery will begin at 12:15.
  • 15:00 — festive concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall
  • from 10:00 to 11:00 - a military parade on Palace Square.
  • 14:30 - solemn passage of veterans of the Great Patriotic War on retro cars along Nevsky Prospekt from Vosstaniya Square to Palace Square.
  • 15:00 - the beginning of the movement of the column Immortal Regiment.
  • 17:00 - festive program on Palace Square.
  • 22:00 - fireworks.

Other interesting events this May holiday weekend:

Victory Day in the gardens of the Russian Museum

On May 9, in honor of the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory, the Russian Museum invites veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, residents and defenders besieged Leningrad, home front workers, as well as all residents and guests of the city on festive events Mikhailovsky and Summer Gardens.

The second military-historical festival "Combat Steel"

From May 6 to May 9, a large-scale family military festival "Combat Steel" will be held in the park of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, which will combine unique exhibits of Russian military equipment and weapons over the past 100 years.

Days of Remembrance at the Artist's Attic Art Gallery

From May 6 to May 9, the Artist's Attic space invites everyone to the Days of Remembrance dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Fair "Nevsky Souvenir"

From May 6 to 9, the Oktyabrskaya Hotel will host the Nevsky Souvenir Fair: a spring renewal of jewelry collections and a variety of products artistic skill. Masters of folk crafts, handmade, manufacturers will be presented here. jewelry and souvenirs - more than 150 participants.

Victory Day in the Botanical Garden

On May 9, the Botanical Garden of Peter the Great invites citizens and guests of the capital to visit tropical greenhouses on this festive day. For veterans of the Great Patriotic War and blockade survivors with one escort, admission is free.

Action "Music of Victory"

Lead soloists musical theaters and orchestras of St. Petersburg for the ninth time will perform for free in the gardens and parks of the city as part of the Culture Nearby project. The program consists of 5 thematic blocks: “Music of Victory”, “ Joseph Haydn and his contemporaries", "Melodies about St. Petersburg", "Legends Soviet jazz and "Improvisations on a Western Theme".

Water Lantern Festival

On May 6, 7 and 8, Babushkin Park will host the Water Lantern Festival, which has already become traditional for Petersburgers, the most romantic event of this spring, during which each participant will be able to pave the way for their dreams on their own.

Military Historical Festival "Victory Spring - 2017"

From May 2 to May 8, the youth military-historical festival "Victory Spring - 2017" will be held on the territory of the park of the 300th anniversary of the city of St. Petersburg. The work of exhibitions in this format will last until May 9 inclusive.

Festive program "Spring of Victory"

On May 9, the Kirov Central Park (Yelagin Island) invites you to holiday program"Spring of Victory", dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Project "RioRita - Joy of Victory"

On May 9, everyone is invited to “return to Leningrad” for three hours together with the city art project “RioRita – the Joy of Victory”. Ekateringof Park will turn into a dance floor in May 1945, where melodies of the 1930s and 1940s will be played by a military brass band.

Victory Day at the Leningrad Zoo

Victory Day at the Peterhof Museum-Reserve

9th May State Museum-Reserve Peterhof invites veterans and everyone to celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

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