The work of museums on the night of museums. Street festival "White Night in Kolomenskoye"


It is no secret that ours, who alone raise children, work at a good job, and are proud that they are alone. It seems to me that in our time, many women believe that a man is a burden for them. Especially when a man drinks or does not work, then of course it will be easier for a woman to be alone than with such a man, and involuntarily a woman begins to believe that being alone is much easier and easier. And with such thoughts, they begin to realize all their desires and dreams. Gradually, they cease to need someone's help, because such women begin to live according to the principle "no one will do better than me", it is easier for them to do something on their own than to trust someone, because, having done the job herself, she is sure that the work was done with a bang. Such women are not accustomed to accepting help from men, and men are not particularly eager to help such a woman.

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Photo gallery: Strong men are afraid strong women

And while talking with my girlfriend, we touched on all the topics that concern all the beautiful female half Land, what to wear, where to go and, of course, men. We talked about the fact that a woman is weak and that she always needs help, whether it be material or spiritual. We talked about this topic precisely because she is raising a child alone, and help from outside would not hurt her.

She is by nature a very modest and naive person who does not know how to ask for help from men, and she does not particularly show that she needs help. She needs the man himself to notice what she needs and give it himself without any requests. However, there is neither time nor energy to wait for “weather by the sea”, you need to live and survive. And to some extent, she believes that asking for help from men is beneath her dignity. However, some people manage to get help even when they do not need it. Not required at all. Help, gifts, walks, restaurants - they can get all this without asking. And they accept it all, believing that they are worth much more than this. How it's done? Why does someone ask and not receive, and someone does not ask, but receives?

Recently, an acquaintance of hers called her abroad to rest, and she told me about it in shock. She just pretended to be a helpless woman who cannot afford to travel abroad. She said that she could not afford it and that he would not brag about a future trip, as he teases her with being unavailable. And then he received an invitation to relax together at his expense. She did not even pretend to be a helpless woman, but she became herself for a split second, saying that she could not. Why do women pretend to be strong, thereby scaring away men and their care and help, if it is much easier to be yourself, to be weak woman, to be who you are, and in a matter of seconds you have an invitation in your pocket? Isn't it easier to be weak? Yes, of course a woman manages to be strong, but it is much more difficult to be someone you are not. Strength in weakness. One has only to become weak and men will lay down in piles to help the weak. That's where the strength lies. But if you do not consider yourself weak, at least pretend to be weak in order to get help and attention from a man, be cunning, not proud. After all, a woman should be cunning, not strong. And a woman should know that strength is in weakness.

Any man is afraid of the strong successful woman. If a woman drives a Lexus, and he only drives a Ford, then naturally, inferiority complexes will begin to develop in him. And for some reason in our world there is no such thing (maybe there is, but it’s not enough and I haven’t met this) that after such a man would try to be better women, for some reason, he begins to envy her and hate her. And because of this, not only men, but strong men afraid of strong women.

In our country, there is a popular saying about a woman “and into a burning the hut will enter and stop a galloping horse. Isn't it the duty of a man to enter a burning hut and save a woman from the fire, who screams for help in that hut? Is it not the duty of a man to stop a galloping horse in order to save the woman who is sitting on that horse? Have our strong men lost their strength? No, they just relaxed, because a woman can do everything herself, because she is strong. She will beat a nail, she will cook food, she will put the child to bed, and she herself will bring money into the house. And what does the man do at this time? And our strong half crumples the sofa and rapes the TV. We, the weak, taught the strong to idleness, pretending to be strong. I won’t be surprised if the saying about women “a real woman must do three things in her life: plant a tree, build a house, and give birth to a daughter” becomes popular soon ... why do we need a son? If the daughter can do the same?

And discussing her future trip, she said, if only there were more men who would be ready to pay for your trip abroad ... or real men. And yet I believe that every man slumbers a real man, which is not only ready to pay for a trip abroad, but also for our entire life, which consists only of beauty salons and expensive boutiques. It's just that a woman needs to become a real woman, that is, a weak woman, but first, a good kick to a man, so that a real man wakes up in him. And then in our lives there will be no men who are willing to pay, but there will be real men who will be ready to carry us in their arms.

For one day, the Hermitage Garden will become the site of the educational festival Open Lectures, which will be held from 15:00 to 21:00. Here you can find out last news from the life of the cosmos and the universe, meet visionary artists, talk about urban anthropology and even new eyes on Kazimir Malevich's Black Square.

Among the festival participants are Olga Vad, curator of the Polytech festival, director, artist and curator Vera Martynova, photographer Igor Mukhin, art historian Andrey Sarabyanov, director of the first Design Museum in Russia Alexander Sankova, art critic Sergey Khachaturov and others.

Admission to lectures is free

2. Pop-up festival

Every year, on the evening of May 20, huge queues line up at the doors and gates of the most popular metropolitan museums. This time, a tedious and boring pastime promises to be exciting and enjoyable. All evening - from 18:00 to 23:00 - branded buses with artists and musicians will run around the city, from museum to museum.

Museum "waiters" will not even have time to look back, when suddenly everything around will sing, a whole brass band will walk past, and a parallel line of young actors from Moscow theaters playing the performance will line up very close. Wait for the vans Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Central Manege, the Darwin Museum and even the Zoo.

3. Concert in the house of M. S. Shchepkin

In the house of M. S. Shchepkin, the headliner of Russian neoclassical music, touring in the West and East, composer and pianist Misha Mishchenko, will give a concert. Muscovite Mishchenko composes instrumental compositions and records records, reinventing classical and academic music - from romanticism to minimalism and ethnicity, known for tracks for films, one of which sounds, for example, charango - a South Mexican guitar made from an armadillo shell, and accompaniment to a fabulous short film by fashion designer Lesya Paramonova.

  • Time: May 20, 2017 from 21:00 to 22:00.
  • Venue: House-Museum of M.S. Shchepkin, Shchepkina street, 47, building 2, Prospekt Mira metro station.
  • Registration for the event will open on May 16.

4. Performance by VASYABEGI “A017UM 77” at the Museum of Moscow

At the Museum of Moscow Premiere of a new performance "A017UM 77" by VASYABEGI as part of the "Conversation in the City" cycle. The project was prepared jointly with the Moscow Museum contemporary art. "A017UM 77" is the number of the car. A-O-U-M - breath decomposed into sounds. Through a variety of theatrical and artistic means inside the performance, a space is constructed that represents a certain situation and is divided into 6 zones according to methodological guide.

"Manual" describes 6 steps of self-knowledge, which participants go through step by step, stopping at one or another depending on the degree of intensity inner work. Involving the audience in this space, the team seeks not only to tell a story, but to create conditions that would allow the viewer to receive personal experience experiencing this "event", being inside it.

5. Night at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

As part of the program of events virtual tour with an audio guide around the Museum Town (IZI Travel) and a quest around the Main Building of the Museum "Revived Pushkinsky", compiled by the students of the Club young art critics. For the most erudite visitors, there is an opportunity to visit the museum for free and without a queue: you need to answer online test questions on the history of the Museum and the content of current exhibitions. The test will be available from 18:00 at And also the action "I am a guide" starts in the museum.

In the "Night of Museums" Pushkin Museum im. A. S. Pushkin invites visitors to record on their smartphones short video(up to 90 seconds) on the topic of an exhibition, exhibit or event that will be held at the Museum. It can be a short excursion, a story about the Museum, a description of the exhibit you like. We propose to publish the filmed video on your personal profile in the social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram with the hashtags of the action: #nightmuseev2017, #culturarf, #yaguide and the hashtag of the museum. A special event of the action - an Illyrian-type helmet (Greece, VI century BC) will be on display.

  • Venue: Volkhonka street, 12 (Main building), Volkhonka street, 14 (Gallery of European and American art of the XIX-XX centuries), Kropotkinskaya metro station.
  • Pre-registration is not required.

6. Festive evening "It has become possible to love" in the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val

This year's program annual promotion"Night at the Museum" is dedicated to the "Thaw" exhibition, which runs at the Tretyakov Gallery until June 11. As part of music program"Farce Major Concert" will be able to listen to the main songs of the era, which will be performed by the actors of the Theater of Nations. For children and parents, thematic workshops will be held in the Museum's Creative Workshop.

An international food court dedicated to the VI World Festival youth and students of 1957 and there will be an interactive photo zone, where all visitors will be invited to take pictures in the interiors of that time. By evening, the dance floor will start working, where under live music, accompanied by professional dancers, it will be possible to master such dances as foxtrot, jive and lipsy.

  • Time: May 20, 2017 from 18:00 to 00:00.
  • Venue: street Crimean Val, 10, Metro "Oktyabrskaya", "Park Kultury".
  • Pre-registration is not required.

7. Street festival "White Night in Kolomenskoye"

A number of thematic and concert venues combined into a quest route. To pass it, guests will need to visit several play areas, participate in competitions and master classes. After completing all the tasks, the quest participants receive a prize that they will need for the final flash mob.

During the festival there will be performances circus artists in colorful bright costumes. Exhibition artwork under open sky and a blooming garden will create an atmosphere of a magical evening, accompanied by jazz and pop music.

  • Venue: Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, Andropov Prospekt, 39, Kashirskaya, Kakhovskaya metro stations.
  • Pre-registration is not required.

8. Excursion program "Journey to the magical land of cats" at the Kuklachev Cat Theater

The guests will have a unique opportunity to visit the Crystal Castle, where cats-artists of the theater live. The program also includes a tour of the theater museum, where hundreds of unique exhibits from different parts of the world are stored, gifts famous people planets, prizes and awards of Yuri and Dmitry Kuklachev. In addition, the audience will see the magical sand show from the artist Ekaterina Kuklacheva.

  • Time: May 20, 2017 from 18:00 to 19:00.
  • Venue: Kuklachev Cat Theater, 25 Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Kievskaya Metro Station.
  • Pre-registration is required by phone: 8 (903) 136–15–90.

9. Walking tour "Fantastic Moscow of Mikhail Bulgakov" in the Museum of M. A. Bulgakov

On the tour you can see: the building of the Variety Theater, where a session of black magic and its exposure took place; the house in which Bulgakov participated in a seance; scenes of the stories "Diaboliad" and "Fatal Eggs" and even Professor Persikov's office. And the guide will tell you who actually became the prototype of Professor Persikov; to which circus they took Sharikov to look at the elephants, and where in fact the “ill-fated” bench from the novel “The Master and Margarita” was located.

  • Time: May 20, 2017 from 18:00 to 21:00.
  • Venue: Museum of M. A. Bulgakov, Bolshaya Sadovaya street, 10, Mayakovskaya metro station.
  • Pre-registration is required by phone: 8 (495) 699–53–66.

10. Creative evening "Space scores" at the "Winzavod"

common theme nights at the museum anniversary year"Winzavod" will be the reasoning of artists, poets and performers about cosmism and borderline states - dreams, dreams, dreams, about what would happen if. The central events of the evening are performances, mini-performances, theatrical performances that will reveal borderline states with different angles and points of view.

Guests are offered not only to reflect on the topic of sleep, but also to immerse themselves in an interactive journey - a performance promenade with elements of a quest, explore non-verbal communication between dancers and audience. In addition, a print market and master classes will operate at the CCA venues.

  • Time: May 20, 2017 from 18:00 to 23:00.
  • Venue: Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8, building 6, Kurskaya metro station.
  • Pre-registration is not required.

In the current 2017, the Night of Museums event in Moscow will take place again. This time it will be held on the night of May 20-21. The uniqueness of this event lies in the fact that guests can stay in museums, exhibition halls, galleries, art spaces until late. On this day, or rather evening, you don’t have to think that it’s time for you to leave: the employees will only be happy if you stay for a long time and watch the entire thoroughly prepared program.

As usual, famous people also take part in the project. state museumsTretyakov Gallery, the exhibition hall "Manezh", and popular art spaces - the center of contemporary art "Winzavod", the design center "Artplay", the design factory "Flacon" and many others. Each of the sites publishes an announcement of the upcoming series of events in advance, so that future guests have the opportunity to decide what they want to see and what to visit. As a rule, all participants of this iconic and long-awaited "Night" are preparing something special: they come up with original scripts and concepts within the framework of a given topic, organize quests and master classes, film screenings, readings, lectures, quizzes, performances musical groups and eminent lecturers. It turns out that each guest can find something that lies in the area of ​​his interests.

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List of participants in the Night of Museums 2017 event in Moscow (May 20-21)

This year 2017 is the Year of Ecology in Russia. Numerous events are dedicated to this particular topic, and the Night of Museums 2017 was no exception. Museum teams, together with invited speakers, will discuss protection issues with guests environment, in the course of a productive dialogue, they will find out how each of us can help improve the environmental situation, and what all kinds of socio-cultural institutions should do to achieve the same goal.

The museum space for understanding this problem is perhaps the best place: due to the special atmosphere, the analysis of such a serious topic will be more like a discussion of a certain public project, to which everyone is related. And, quite possibly, this will bear fruit. Participants of the "Night of Museums" will show their guests performances, installations, films that reflect environmental topics in one way or another.

The current program of events of Museum Night 2017 in Moscow can be found on the official website of the project.

Program of the VIII regional action "Night at the Museum"

On the night of May 20-21, the VIII regional action "Night at the Museum" will be held in the Moscow region, which in 2017 is dedicated to the Year of Ecology in Russia, as well as the anniversary - the 100th anniversary of October revolution. Every year the number of sites that show interest in this global event is growing. In 2017, more than fifty cultural institutions will join the action.

The Egorievsk Museum of History and Art invites guests to a series of tours of the local exposition that night, which can be listened to for free. There will also be a scientific quest, an exhibition and sale of paintings, open lessons and contests. Show will take place in the courtyard of the museum theatrical production with the participation of actors from the Kolomna theater "Pilgrim".

The Museum and Exhibition Complex "Knyazhy Dvor" in the Pavlovsky Posad region this time decided to organize an unusual gastronomic festival - "Egg Fest" with tastings and training in culinary skills. In addition, here guests will be allowed to ride native Russian rides, be invited to walk around the fair and, of course, appreciate the permanent and temporary exhibitions of the museum.

Every year, the museum-reserve of A.P. Chekhov "Melikhovo" surprises the guests of the "Night of Museums" with something new and extraordinary. On May 20, the estate will turn into a kingdom of art: the absolute entire territory will be involved in the event. First, those who come will find themselves in the music room, where they will hear the legendary works of P. I. Tchaikovsky in live performance. Then everyone will move to the courtyard to spend time watching the movie "Joker" on fresh air. By the way, this film was created last year, and its plots are based on the content of Chekhov's stories.

Museum-Estate "Muranovo" took the gastronomic theme as the main popular today: here guests will try various dishes, after which they will go to see the expositions, which will be presented that night in an unusual format. The event is called " A new game habitual objects”: guests will see the museum’s collection in original lighting.

Perhaps one of the most high-profile events of the upcoming Night will take place at the New Jerusalem Museum and Exhibition Complex. Here on public display unique paintings Isaac Levitan. The canvases were specially brought here from fourteen museums in Russia. The opening of the exhibition is scheduled for 18:00.

"Night of Museums": the birth of a tradition

The Night of Museums is an excellent occasion for establishing professional connections and contacts. The atmosphere of this event sets people up for creation, openness, empowerment and implementation of ideas. On this night, the city comes to life, passionate discussions, enthusiastic exclamations and inspiring conversations are heard everywhere.

Thus, today the Night of Museums is one of the largest and most successful events in cultural sphere life of our society. How did it all begin and how did a modest event become a global mass tradition? Moscow has become one of the two cities (along with) that for the first time let the atmosphere of the "Night of Museums" into its many museums. To date, the scale of this action in our capital is growing from year to year: if for the first time only a few museums took part in it, then this year it is expected that the number of sites will reach a hundred. What to say about the number of visitors! Already in the debut year of 2007, thousands of people were glad to become a direct participant in the Night, and in last time, in 2013, their number was more than one hundred thousand.

To the surprise of the organizers, the event caused a stir among the townspeople and, as a result, was accepted by the public with enthusiasm. The special romance that prevails in museums with the sunset and the inclusion of artificial lighting has done its job: people fell in love with the exposition, felt the importance cultural heritage and immediately began an active discussion of what the Long Night will be like next year. And the directorates of museums unanimously decided that they would develop special original programs. The pioneer of this event is the capital of Germany - Berlin, whose administration in 1997 decided to take extreme measures in an attempt to increase the interest of citizens in the culture of their city and people. Carried away by their affairs and nightly entertainment in clubs and bars, the Germans, especially young people, for the most part knew nothing about the museums and sights of Berlin. When it became clear that any tourist could tell much more about it, the authorities decided to extend the opening hours one-time cultural objects until late in the evening and organize the so-called "Long Night of Museums".

The Night of Museums is an extraordinary event. On the one hand, it unites people from all over the globe, because the number of participating countries has long been stable at several dozen. On the other hand, perhaps no other event so well introduces people to history, to cultural property of his people. In these two wonderful features lies all the charm and uniqueness of "Night". To miss this event means to miss something from your life, perhaps subtle, but at the same time very important. That is how this initially not too pretentious event became an annual tradition in the capital of Germany. A little later inspiration The "Night of Museums" overtook the French, who organized a very similar event - "Spring of Museums". Only a few years later, when all of Europe was on fire with the idea of ​​making this action officially international, Museum Night received its final name and precisely formulated date - the third Saturday of May. Since 1977, the same day has been celebrated as International Museum Day.

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