Watch the concert by May 9 first. Victory Day at the Moscow Spring festival


An extensive program has been prepared for Victory Day in Moscow: concerts with the participation of military bands and stars are waiting for residents and guests of the city Russian stage, a master class in painting, reading letters from the front, an exhibition of secret documents and much more.

Festive program on Poklonnaya Hill

Holiday on Poklonnaya Hill will begin with the broadcast of the Victory Parade at 10:00. After that, there will be a concert at which they will perform Symphony Orchestra Mariinsky Theater, Central Military Band of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, soloists of the Moscow Operetta Theater Vasilisa Nikolaeva and Vladislav Kiryukhin, the Respublika group and many others.

At 19:00 - a minute of silence in memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic war. Then Sergey Zhigunov, Ekaterina Guseva, Sati Kazanova, Marina Devyatova, Elena Maksimova, Ruslan Alekhno, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander Buinov and musicians of the Central Border Ensemble of the FSB of Russia will take the stage.

The concert will end at 22:00. Free admission.

Songs about the war at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

At 10:00 at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Victory Parade will be broadcast. From 16:00 to 18:00 here there will be a concert where guests will hear popular songs about the war in modern processing. Golden hits will also sound Soviet stage and original songs.

At 19:00 - a moment of silence. It will be followed by an orchestra conducted by People's Artist Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

At 8:30 pm popular Russian artists who will perform the songs of the military and post-war years. Free admission.

War cinema on Pushkinskaya Square

At 09:00, a film concert will begin on Pushkinskaya Square, and after it, guests will see the broadcast of the Victory Parade. Films about the war will also be shown here, starting at 11:15 and 13:05. Viewers will also be told about how such films were created - from films shot during the war years to modern ones.

At 18:00 the concert will begin, Diana Gurtskaya, Sogdiana, the Brilliant group, Anita Tsoi and others will perform.

At 19:00 - a minute of silence in memory of the dead. After her holiday concert will continue. Karaoke program starts at 21:00 musical group"Choir Turkish".

At 22:00, fireworks will be broadcast on the big screen.

Free admission.

What's in the museums

Military museums can be visited free of charge. State Museum defense of Moscow, Museum of Zelenograd, Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino", Museum of Heroes Soviet Union and Russia museum complex"History of the T-34 Tank" and others will not charge an entrance fee on May 8 and 9.

Each of them made special program for Victory Day. For example, at 13:00 at Central Museum During the Great Patriotic War, a presentation of the video for the song "Kite", filmed by students of the creative film studio, will take place. In big cinema and concert hall at 16:00 guests will see the performance "I'll be back ...", which was based on front letters from the story of Boris Vasiliev "Exhibit No. ...". At 17:30 they will show documentary"How I Became a Teacher" about a writer and veteran of the Great Patriotic War and Soviet-Japanese Wars Petre Mikhin.

The State Museum of Defense of Moscow invites you to the theatrical interactive program "Front behind the front line". One of central themes of this day - the partisan movement. Guests will be told not only about their exploits, but also about life. The start is at 12:00 and 15:00.

Photo exhibition " Eternal flame will be presented at the Museum of Zelenograd. It will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the creation memorial complex"Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" near the Kremlin wall. The exhibition will be open from 10:00 to 20:00.

Flowers to memorial place The Great Patriotic War will be placed in the Museum of Heroes of the Soviet Union and Russia. A festive concert will also be held here.

You will learn how to paint military-historical miniatures at the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum during the master class Steadfast Tin Soldier. The start is at 14:00. In the museum "History of the T-34 Tank" guests will be offered to complete interactive creative tasks.

May 9 is the last day when you can see the exhibition “1942. At the headquarters of the Victory "in the New Manege. It is unique in that for the first time documents are shown on it. supreme bodies authorities whose decisions influenced the outcome of hostilities in 1942. The exhibition itself runs until June 25.

Pre-registration is not required.

Military equipment and field kitchen: a holiday in the parks

AT Gorky Park The party will start at 10:00 and end at 22:00. An installation of letters from soldiers from the front will appear on the walls of the main entrance. Their texts will sound from the speakers. A live broadcast of the Victory Parade will be shown on the balustrade, and on main stage concert will take place.

See military equipment and you can taste field cuisine dishes on Pushkinskaya Embankment. There will also be venues where guests of the park will dance to the music of the war years.

Museon Arts Park will tell you how many days the Battle of Stalingrad, how many bombs were dropped on Moscow and how many cities turned into ruins during the war years.

Festival Square Sokolniki Park turn into a chessboard. Figures representing the armies of the USSR and Germany will fight on it. Air fountains "Tongues of flame", tantamaresques in the form of weapons of the Great Patriotic War and tablets with piercing lines from recent letters soldiers from the front - this and much more will also be seen by guests of the park. In addition, it will be possible to leave congratulations to veterans on the installation in the form of a large triangular letter. There will also be a festive concert. The events will be held from 13:00 to 22:00.

For visitors Tagansky park prepared a documentary performance “Katya + Sergey. Letters. The production was based on the correspondence between Major General Sergei Kolesnikov and his wife. The choir of the Mishanyan and Co. Orchestra and the orchestra of Valery Bukreev will perform on the stage of the park. Everyone who wants to learn to dance in the style of the 1940s. The holiday will end with a children's parade - young Muscovites will walk through the stadium and park alleys in homemade costumes. Event time is from 10:00 to 22:00.

The atmosphere of the 1940s will be recreated in garden "Hermitage". Guests will see Soviet vintage cars and hear music performed by a military brass band and male chamber choir. Victory Ball "At six o'clock in the evening ..." will begin at 18:00. Everyone will dance with veterans to the songs of the war years, and open lessons guests will learn how to dance Krakowiak, tango and waltz. The holiday will end at 22:00.

The Marching Band Festival will take place in garden named after Bauman. Brass bands "Mosbras", ½ Orchestra, " Polite people”, “Second Line” and Pakava It. Graffiti, beatboxing and freestyle master classes will be held for young people. There will also be a retro zone with treats. The start is at 13:00. The events will run until 22:00.

AT Biryulevsky arboretum at 12:00 the Gratitude of Generations holiday will begin. The program includes performances creative teams, congratulations to veterans and master classes. Everyone will make paper flowers.

Victory Day at the Moscow Spring Festival

In the living room pavilion on Tverskaya Square, visitors will be taught how to decorate photo albums and postcards for veterans. Classes will be held from 11:00 to 16:00. All guests are also invited to the concert "Poems and songs about the war."

At the site next door, in Stoleshnikov Lane, guests will find a retro program “Songs and Music of the Soviet Period”.

Speeches young musicians, dance master classes and much more will take place on Novy Arbat. The concert will start here at 12:30. will perform children's team"Inspiration", the children's and youth choir "Joy", the choir of school No. 1060 and the Popov Big Children's Choir. At 19:00, the traditional jazz ensemble Moscow Trad Jazz Band will take the stage.

At 12:00, the Field Hospital will start operating on Revolution Square. The youngest guests will be taught how to provide first aid. There will also be a lesson on making bouquets of fresh flowers that can be presented to veterans.

Scrapbooking greeting cards and military hats will be made in the square near the monument to Karl Marx. Front album and brooch from St. George ribbon will be done on Kuznetsky Most (near the Central Department Store).

You will learn how to bake bread from rye flour, cook jelly and prepare a dessert in the form of a star at the culinary studio in Klimentovsky Lane. Master classes will be held from 12:00 to 18:45.

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The festive events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War continued in Moscow with a concert on Red Square. RT was broadcasting live.

Theatrical performance "Roads Great Victory", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, began on Red Square with the passage of bikers from the Russian club "Night Wolves ".

As previously reported by TASS general director - artistic director the State Kremlin Palace Pyotr Shaboltai, almost 9 thousand people will take part in the performance, dozens of professional teams, children's musical ensembles, ballet companies, stuntmen, choirs.

Among the participants - the Moscow Symphony Orchestra Russian Philharmonic, combined choir of academic groups of Moscow, theater Kremlin ballet, State Academic Russian folk choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, State Academic Choreographic Ensemble " birch ”, State Academic Ensemble folk dance them. Igor Moiseev, Academic Ensemble songs and dances Russian Army them. A.V. Alexandrova. Leading artists will perform on Red Square domestic stage- Iosif Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Larisa Dolina, Vasily Lanovoy, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Alexander Marshal and others.

About 6,000 spectators are expected to attend the performance. Most of the spectators are veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Among the guests of honor are representatives of foreign delegations who arrived in Moscow to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Russians are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory today. The events that took place in many cities of the country have already been named the largest in the past decades. Military parades, parades of ships of the Navy, air shows were held not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main attention, according to tradition, was riveted to the celebrations on Red Square. The main military parade of Russia brought together more than 16 thousand servicemen and about 2.5 thousand veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

/ Saturday, May 9, 2015 /

themes: culture Moto

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After the bikers passed, many young dancers and singers dressed in the colors of the Russian flag performed choreographic numbers, TASS reports.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the concert together with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Almost 9 thousand people, dozens of professional groups, children's musical ensembles, ballet troupes, stuntmen, choirs take part in the concert, called "Roads of the Great Victory".

Iosif Kobzon, Dima Bilan, Pelageya, Larisa Dolina and Nikolai Baskov performed songs of the war years at the theatrical performance "Roads of the Great Victory", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, which took place on Saturday on Red Square.

The concert began with the passage of bikers from the Russian club "Night Wolves " under the composition "I, you, he, she - together a friendly family" performed by the Ensemble fidgets". . . . . .

Actor Vasily Lanovoy performed a composition from the legendary film “ Officers"- "From the heroes of bygone times." After it, other songs about the Great Patriotic War were performed on Vasilyevsky Spusk, where the concert traditionally takes place. In particular, the winner of the competition “ Voice " Dina Garipova sang the song "Goodbye, boys", Nikolai Baskov - composition "You are my hope, you are my joy" Alexandra Pakhmutova from the film by Yuri Ozerov "Battle for Moscow", Dima Bilan - “ Darkie" from the movie "Only old men go to battle", Yulia Savicheva - "A modest little blue handkerchief", Pelageya - dark night, Larisa Dolina - "Odessa Mishka". Iosif Kobzon performed the legendary composition “ Cranes" to the verses of Rasul Gamzatov, which is dedicated to the soldiers who died during the war. Grigory Leps performed the composition of Vladimir Vysotsky "Save Our Souls".

Performances by famous pop stars were accompanied by military chronicle and shots from films about the war. The performance ended with Tamara Gverdtsiteli's performance of Bulat Okudzhava's song "We Need One Victory" from Andrey Smirnov's film Belorussky railway station and Alexander Marshal with the song "At a nameless height" based on the verses of Mikhail Matusovsky for the film by Vladimir Basov " Silence ". The final chord of the celebration of the anniversary of the Victory was the performance of the actor Mikhail Nozhkin with the composition The last battle. This was followed by a theatrical performance, reminiscent of how Soviet troops they took the Reichstag, the announcement that the war was over and the triumphant exclamations of "Hurrah!" The descendants of veterans who promised to serve the Fatherland performed on the stage of Vasilyevsky Spusk, after which the singer Lev Leshchenko sang the song "Victory Day ", with which for many decades the holiday of May 9 has been associated.

Scenery, almost 3,000 flags, 1,000 headdresses, more than 5,000 costumes were made for the performance of the "Road of the Great Victory". Layouts helped convey the atmosphere of a harsh time military weapons, shells, a lot of paraphernalia, ranging from field phones, duffel bags and ending with rare cars ZiS-101, ZiS-5, GAZ-M1. Involved in the design a large number of elements of specialized video equipment, hundreds of LED modules and video monitors, which together represent large-scale screens that are larger than those ever installed on Red Square. For implementation artistic intent modern high-tech equipment, various modifications of light and sound control panels, more than a hundred acoustic systems were used. The total weight of the structures is about a thousand tons.

. . . . . Most viewers are veterans. Among the guests of honor are representatives of foreign delegations.

The military leave the main square of the country to the song "We are the army of the people", which is performed by the combined military band of the Moscow garrison and cadets of Suvorov.

MOSCOW, 9 May. /TASS/. The parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War ended on Red Square in Moscow. TASS.

The military leave the main square of the country to the song "We are the army of the people", which is performed by the combined military band of the Moscow garrison and cadets of Suvorov.

The equipment leaves Vasilyevsky Spusk along the Kremlin Embankment, through Borovitskaya Square, along Mokhovaya, Vozdvizhenka and Novy Arbat streets to the intersection with the Garden Ring, along the Garden Ring to Triumfalnaya Square and further to Khodynskoye Pole.

In total, over 16,500 military personnel participated in the Victory Parade this year, including ten parade units from the armed forces of the CIS countries and friendly states - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, India, Mongolia, Serbia and China.

Sergei Shoigu toured the front line on Red Square

On the main square of the country, the audience saw about 200 units of military equipment - both historical and the latest and promising models. Fighting vehicles on platforms passed in front of the stands. Armata", “Kurganets" and " boomerang", armored vehicles " Tiger " and " Typhoon", as well as the latest armored vehicles Airborne Troops- airborne combat vehicles BMD-4M and armored personnel carriers " Shell ". In addition, operational-tactical, anti-aircraft and strategic missile systems passed along the paving stones - “ Iskander", S-400 " Triumph", “Yars”- and self-propelled artillery, including the latest installations “Coalition-SV”.

More than 140 planes and helicopters took part in the air part of the Victory Parade - twice as many as last year. AT total more than 20 types of equipment used by the Russian Air Force were presented, from Tu-160 strategic bombers to Yak-130 combat training bombers, from the world's largest military transport helicopters Mi-26 to light " Ansat-U ”.

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