Proverbs and sayings. How to make a thesis plan of the text


Proverbs and sayings

What proverbs and sayings do you know, which ones do you use in speech?

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with another genre of folklore - proverbs and sayings. Hearing them in childhood and using them in speech, it is difficult to distinguish a proverb from a saying. In this lesson, we will try to learn how to distinguish them, and also find out when sayings and proverbs appeared, who first became interested in this genre and began to collect them.

Lesson content

1. What are proverbs and sayings?

2. Russian proverbs and sayings.

3. Conclusion.

What are proverbs and sayings?

Proverbs and sayings have been created over hundreds of years, passing on the experience of one generation to another. They are the expression of thoughts to which the people came through centuries of history. Wise and apt expressions I arise in folk speech still. What are proverbs and sayings?

Russian proverbs

Proverb is short and wise saying often with instructive meaning. Proverbs sometimes have figurative meaning, contain a comparison or metaphor. Everyone knows that the proverb “The apple does not fall far from the apple tree” speaks more about the family resemblance of parents and children than about the horticultural problems of picking apples. It's interesting that similar proverbs other nations have.

The figurative reflection of the world and people in the proverb is associated with an assessment of various phenomena of life. Therefore, proverbs are funny, and sad, and amusing, and bitter. That's what he said about this trait folk proverbs V.I.Dal: a proverb is “ a set of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, weeping and sobbing, joy and fun, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, the original article; this is worldly folk truth, a kind of judicial officer, not judged by anyone.

Russian sayings

Proverb - this is a widespread figurative expression that aptly defines any life phenomenon. Sayings more often than proverbs come close to linguistic phenomena. They have more national, nationwide meaning and meaning than proverbs.

This is the expression put a pig, that is, to arrange trouble for someone. The origin of this saying is associated with the military system of the ancient Slavs. The squad became a "wedge", like a boar's head, or a "pig", as the Russian chronicles called this system. Over time, the meaning attached to this expression in antiquity was lost.

Unlike proverbs, sayings are devoid of a direct generalized instructive meaning and are limited to a figurative, often allegorical expression: easy to remember, like a cart fifth wheel, beat the buckets- all these are typical sayings, devoid of the character of a complete judgment.

The study of proverbs and sayings

They began to collect and study Russian proverbs and sayings in XVII century. The first collection that has come down to us is called "Tales and proverbs of the most popular alphabetically." The compiler remained unknown, and more than 2500 proverbs and sayings were included in the collection.

In XIX century, a collection of V.I. Dal’s “Proverbs of the Russian people” was published, which already included 30,000 proverbs and sayings, which were grouped by subject.

Many times you have heard and used proverbs and sayings yourself. Find out what other proverbs and sayings are.


In this lesson, you learned:

    that proverbs are folk sayings that do not express opinion individual people, and the popular assessment, folk wisdom. They reflect the spiritual image of the people, judgments about the most different sides life;

    that sayings are widespread figurative expressions that aptly define life phenomena;

    that the sources of the appearance of proverbs and sayings are folk artistic creativity, church books, secular literature;

    the principle of creating proverbs and sayings;

    new proverbs and sayings.


1. What is the difference between proverbs and sayings.

a) persuasiveness B) completeness of judgment c) origin

2. A proverb is ...

a) an expression that does not have a direct instructive meaning

B) a short saying that has an instructive meaning

c) a figurative expression reflecting a life phenomenon

3. A saying is ...

A) a short saying that has an instructive meaning

b) a figurative expression reflecting a life phenomenon

c) an expression created by a group of people

4. The use of proverbs and sayings ...

a) makes speech unpersuasive

B) makes speech understandable and figurative

c) expresses the subjective opinion of a person

5. The beginning of collecting and studying proverbs and sayings is considered ...

A) XVII V. b) 18th century c) 19th century

Internet resources The site contains Russian proverbs and sayings Russian proverbs and sayings Sayings and proverbs of the Russian people. Dal Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the World

Plant a forest in the field - there will be more bread.

You will ruin your health - you can't buy new.

What a treasure, when the family is in harmony.

Vomit and mosque.

The bear stepped on his ear.

How I got off the chain .

From the second half of the 18th century, collections began to be printed.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov


He compiled an amazing book

in which there are about 25 thousand Russian proverbs and sayings.

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal


"What a luxury

for the meaning, what's the point

in every saying of ours! What a gold!

A.S. Pushkin

Genres of folklore



1. There is no direct instructive meaning; it's just an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced by other words.

1. Contains morality, morality, instruction.

They cut the forest - the chips fly(you can't do a great job without making small mistakes).

Under King Peas(a long time ago).

roll ball(empty).

2. Contains a logically complete judgment (sentence), is used independently.

2. Part of the judgment (sentence), is not used independently. Sayings are used in sentences to give a bright artistic coloring to facts, things and situations.

Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

Goal like a falcon.

3. Vividly names, draws some kind of phenomenon.

3. Used in connection with a life situation.

The proverb "A fly in the ointment

in a barrel of honey "was formed

from the proverb "A fly in the ointment spoils a barrel of honey."

"Proverb, by popular definition, flower, and the proverb is a berry; and that's right."

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal




The subject of proverbs

Themes of proverbs


The native side is the mother, and the alien side is the stepmother.

On the other side, and the spring is not red.

The light is not sweet when there is no friend.

There is safety in numbers.

You can't even catch a fish from a pond without effort.

Great patience will come with skill.

Business - time, fun - hour.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Lazyback and the sun does not rise at the right time.

It's not a bear, it won't go into the forest.

He talked day and night, but there was nothing to listen to.

The subject of proverbs

Themes of proverbs


The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.

Without science as without hands.

The root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

About teaching

Well done to the sheep, and well done to the sheep himself.

To be afraid of wolves, and not to go into the forest.

A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

Do not be brave on the stove, but do not be afraid in the field.

About cowardice

Fools do not sow, do not reap - they themselves will be born.

The head is thick, but the head is empty.

Lost in three pines.

The forehead is like a shovel, but the mind is not rich.

About stupidity

From an apple tree - apples,

and from the pine - cones.

And nothing has changed(fable "Swan, Pike and Cancer").

There is no beast stronger than a cat(Fable "Mouse and Rat").

And Vaska listens and eats(fable "The Cat and the Cook").

The strong always have the powerless to blame(Fable "The Wolf and the Lamb").

I didn't notice the elephant(fable "Curious").

on yourself, godfather, turn around(fable "Mirror and Monkey").

The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising

he cuckoo(Fable "Cuckoo and Rooster").

Ivan Andreevich Krylov


Maksim Gorky

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Alexander Griboyedov

The more you learn, the stronger you become.

In life there is always a place for exploits.

And life is good

and live well.

in the right situation.

Valuable admirable is the ability to quickly select and accurately use proverbs and sayings

in the right situation.

Goals: replenish active lexicon students of proverbs and sayings, clarify the meanings of some of them;
create conditions for children to independently search for the necessary information using various sources;
What are proverbs and sayings?
Proverbs and sayings have been created over hundreds of years, passing on the experience of one generation to another. They are the expression of thoughts that the people have come to through centuries of history. Wise and well-aimed expressions I still appear in folk speech. What are proverbs and sayings?
Russian proverbs
Proverb- This is a short and wise saying, often with an instructive meaning. Proverbs sometimes have a figurative meaning, contain a comparison or metaphor. Everyone knows that the proverb “The apple does not fall far from the apple tree” speaks more about the family resemblance of parents and children than about the horticultural problems of picking apples. It is interesting that other nations have similar proverbs.
The figurative reflection of the world and people in the proverb is associated with an assessment of various phenomena of life. Therefore, proverbs are funny, and sad, and amusing, and bitter. Here is how V.I. Dal said about this feature of folk proverbs: a proverb is “a set of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, weeping and sobbing, joy and fun, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, the original article; this is the worldly truth of the people, a kind of lawsuit, not judged by anyone.
Russian sayings
Proverb- This is a widespread figurative expression that aptly defines any life phenomenon. Sayings more often than proverbs come close to linguistic phenomena. They have more national, nationwide meaning and meaning than proverbs.
This is the expression to put a pig in, that is, to make trouble for someone. The origin of this saying is associated with the military system of the ancient Slavs. The squad became a "wedge", like a boar's head, or a "pig", as the Russian chronicles called this system. Over time, the meaning attached to this expression in antiquity was lost.
Unlike proverbs, sayings are devoid of a direct generalized instructive meaning and are limited to a figurative, often allegorical expression: easy to remember, like a fifth wheel in a cart, to beat the thumbs - all these are typical sayings, devoid of the nature of a complete judgment.
It is difficult to say since when proverbs and sayings began to circulate among the people. Undoubtedly, they arose in antiquity and accompanied the life of the people throughout its history. The attitude towards them was expressed in many sayings: “A proverb is not spoken in vain” or “A proverb will not break forever.” Many Russian writers were interested in proverbs: A. Pushkin, P. Katenin, I. Krylov. Pushkin's letters mention 120 proverbs.
V.I.Dal wrote that proverbs are "the color of the people's mind." M.I. Sholokhov called the proverbs “a clot of reason”, “winged wisdom”. Proverbs color speech, make it figurative. The work of collecting proverbs begins in the 17th century - these were handwritten collections, their compilers are unknown. In the 18th century, proverbs were collected by Lomonosov, Tatishchev, Bogdanov. The largest collections were Knezhevich and Snegirev. In 1862, Dahl's collection was published, which included over 30,000 proverbs.
Today we will get acquainted with proverbs and sayings: about justice, dreams, gratitude and ingratitude.
According to the master and beef.
Work and pay.
The strong always blame the powerless.
Who is a rogue, a whip is made for that.

Do not beat Foma for Eremin's guilt.
You love to ride, love to carry sleds.
There is no bird that sings, but does not eat.
Every cricket - know your hearth.
What goes around comes around.
Where power is right, right is powerless.
As it comes around, so it will respond.
It is not the matchmaker who will pay, but the one who is to blame.
According to Senka, a hat.
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.
Hello, is the answer.
No doubt frugality is better than extravagance, but it is also undeniable that it is worse than useful expenditure. Henry Ford
short life we do not receive, but make it so; we are not poor in life, but use it wastefully. Life is long if it is used skillfully. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)
Not being greedy is already wealth, not being wasteful is income. Mark Thulius Cicero
Too many spend money they didn't earn to buy things they don't need and impress people they don't like. William Rogers
Extravagance imitates generosity. Mark Thulius Cicero
There are people as miserly as if they were going to live forever, and as extravagant as if they were going to die tomorrow. Aristotle
The stream of wealth is lost in the sands of extravagance. Pierre Buast
… We want to live, sincerely we want, with one woman, but we dream of having a harem of all the women in the world. We want to live interestingly, but we live so-so. We want the new, but we protect the old. This is how we believe in life in general and get so hopelessly tired of every day of it… Sergey Arzumanov
When you feel like betraying your dream, push yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, one more year.
You'll be amazed at what happens if you don't give up. Nick Vujicic
Eat great wisdom is to keep the propensity to daydream. Dreams give the world interest and meaning. Dreams, if they are consistent and reasonable, become even more beautiful when they create real world in his own image and likeness. Anatole France
Never let your past become bigger than your dreams. Douglas Ivester
Man lives in dreams. Erich Maria Remarque
Women dream of having a narrow foot, but living in a big way. Anton Chekhov
It's a shame when your dreams come true with a friend.
First of all, people are quick to show ingratitude. Victor Hugo
So hard and bitter when your own best intentions and kindness are thrown in your face! Ann Bronte
Gratitude is the least of the virtues, ingratitude the worst of the vices. Thomas Fulle
People not only forget good deeds and insults, but even tend to hate their benefactors and forgive offenders. The need to give thanks for good and to avenge evil seems to them a slavery to which they do not want to submit. François de La Rochefoucauld
Instead of worrying about ingratitude, be prepared for it. The only way to find happiness is not to expect gratitude, but to do good deeds for the joy that comes from it. Dale Carnegie
It is not a great misfortune to serve the ungrateful, but it is a great misfortune to accept a service from a scoundrel. François de La Rochefoucauld
Ingratitude never hurts human heart just as in the case when it comes from people for whose sake we decided on an unseemly act. Henry Fielding
In this lesson, you learned:
that proverbs are folk sayings that express not the opinion of individuals, but people's assessment, folk wisdom. They reflect the spiritual image of the people, judgments about the most diverse aspects of life;
that sayings are widespread figurative expressions that aptly define life phenomena;
that the sources of the appearance of proverbs and sayings are folk art, church books, secular literature;
the principle of creating proverbs and sayings;
new proverbs and sayings.

Texts are all around us. Text is a notion both philosophical and linguistic, general and particular. But in Everyday life most people are faced with the linguistic hypostasis of the text, that is, a certain sequence of symbols connected by a common meaning, purpose and form. In this interpretation, the texts have been and remain an indispensable source of information about everything in the world, from recipes to the basics of string theory. The first texts in our life were heard by us, then we ourselves learned to pronounce their simplest samples. And they did not think about the complexity of that system until they went to school and learned that texts can also be read, written down and analyzed.

Since the text is a really complex and even multi-tasking system, there are a lot of various processes associated with them and based on them. Some of them faced by students high school when they pass a compulsory program for the study of the Russian language. As part of the development of the rubrication of the text. The value of this skill can hardly be overestimated, because it allows you to better understand and remember even large amounts of information, the content of book paragraphs, literary works, lecture notes, and simply structures and organizes the thought process. Therefore, it will be very useful for both schoolchildren and their parents to learn how to compose thesis plan text.

What is a thesis plan
The thesis plan of the text is only one of existing species its structuring. It is based on the fact that each coherent text has a certain structure, and its parts are logically interconnected in meaning. At the same time, each part carries the expression of a thought that complements common sense text, but allowing to divide it into semantic subsections. This semantic basis of the text is the basis for drawing up a thesis plan. It consists, respectively, of theses - that is, concise phrases that briefly formulate the main idea of ​​​​each part of the text.

As a rule, the authors of the texts have already left a kind of hint for those who later have to divide their work into parts. Because in a well-written text, the paragraphs contain their own provisions, and the theses coincide with them. In other words, it is enough to understand what is said in each separate part of the text in order to derive the thesis from this part. But what if the semantic basis of the text is not structured very clearly? If the same thought is found in the text several times in different parts or is formulated ambiguously? In this case, other types of plans will come to the rescue, the most common of which are:

  • question;
  • citation;
  • denominative (simple and complex).
Any of these types of plans help organize the information presented in the text and use it as the basis for its summary. But no plan helps to fix in memory and learn its nuances as well. Therefore, if you or your child / student are faced with the task of preparing for a speech, remembering the details of a speech, lecture, essay or article, then better way than drawing up a thesis plan, do not come up with. But in order for it to really help, and not confuse, you need to compose it correctly.

Rules for compiling a thesis plan of the text
Theses, as the main semantic component of the text, are not homogeneous in their essence and meaning for the transmission of information. Allocate original and secondary theses. When it comes to fulfillment school assignment or preparing for public speaking, secondary theses can be neglected and focus on the original ones, because they play the role reference circuit to restore the main ideas of the text in memory and develop them in a logical sequence. When starting to draw up a thesis plan for the text, in order to obtain the optimal (that is, concise, but meaningful) result, follow these recommendations:

  1. Read the text slowly. You may need several readings to understand all the features of its content and form.
  2. Mentally answer the question: “What did the author want to say?”. Then determine not only the main idea of ​​the entire text, but also those logical “steps” by which the author of the text led the reader to the final idea.
  3. Match these sequential thoughts with the structural parts of the text. If it is written in a draft or electronic document, you can even mark each of them by indicating it next to the corresponding sentence and / or paragraph.
  4. These individual thoughts are the basis of the theses. Make sure that all of them differ in content and do not repeat each other.
  5. Close your eyes or hide the written text, and then mentally reformulate each individual thought in your own words. Your task is to tell about its main content, getting rid of unimportant trifles and details that do not carry the main content. Reduce the artistic, "decorative" elements, leaving only significant ones, without which the thought will be lost.
  6. Thus, you have already done the lion's share of the work: you have isolated and formulated theses. If they can be shortened without losing their meaning, do it. If they already contain only the essence, proceed to the design of the plan.
  7. Unlike other types of plan, the thesis plan does not require the creation of a special heading for each paragraph: they are already formulated abstracts. Write them down sequentially in the same order in which they are located in the author's text without breaking it.
  8. In some cases, it is permissible to change the order of the theses, if this is justified by the development of the plot (for example, several parallel storylines) or help you navigate the content better.
  9. After writing down the abstracts and numbering them, close the original text and get distracted for a while, do something else and do not think about the plan. Then re-read it and try to restore the content of the original text with its help. It is best to do this the next day, after a night's rest.
  10. If the content, the logic of the arguments and the idea of ​​the author's text are easily reproduced using your thesis plan, then you can be congratulated. It is written correctly and will allow you to speak fluently in front of an audience and / or get an excellent mark in the lesson!
It is easiest to make a thesis plan of a simple text, divided into small paragraphs. In some cases, taking into account the complex presentation of information in the text by the author, one paragraph may contain two or more ideas. Then the task of the compiler of the thesis plan is to carefully monitor and highlight each of them, because the omission of even one link in the logic of the narrative violates the construction of the entire plot. If necessary, each thesis can be divided into sub-theses - sometimes this tactic allows you to quickly complete the task. But in most cases, when it comes to class or homework, it is enough to understand what in question in the text, and formulate the provisions that contain his key thoughts.

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