The life and work of Turgenev reference scheme abstract. Turgenev short biography


Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was born in 1818 and died in 1883.

Representative of the nobility. Born in the small town of Oryol, but later moved to live in the capital. Turgenev was an innovator of realism. By profession, the writer was a philosopher. On his account there were many universities in which he entered, but not many managed to finish. He also traveled abroad and studied there.

At the beginning of my creative way Ivan Sergeevich tried his hand at writing dramatic, epic and lyrical works. Being a romantic, Turgenev wrote especially carefully in the above areas. His characters feel like strangers in a crowd of people, lonely. The hero is even ready to admit his insignificance in front of the opinions of others.

Ivan Sergeevich was also an outstanding translator, and it was thanks to him that many Russian works were translated into a foreign way.

He spent the last years of his life in Germany, where he actively taught foreigners about Russian culture, in particular, about literature. During his lifetime, he achieved high popularity both in Russia and abroad. The poet died in Paris from a painful sarcoma. His body was brought to his homeland, where the writer was buried.

6th grade, 10th grade, 7th grade. Grade 5 Interesting facts from life

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, in the future world famous writer, was born November 9, 1818. Place of birth - the city of Orel, parents - nobles. He began his literary activity not with prose, but with lyric works and poems. Poetic notes are felt in many of his subsequent stories and novels.

It is very difficult to briefly present Turgenev's work, the influence of his creations on all Russian literature of that time was too great. He is prominent representatives golden age in the history of Russian literature, and his fame extended far beyond the borders of Russia - abroad, in Europe, the name of Turgenev was also familiar to many.

Peru Turgenev owns created by him typical images new literary heroes- serfs, extra people, fragile and strong women and raznochintsy. Some of the topics he touched on more than 150 years ago are relevant to this day.

If we briefly characterize Turgenev's work, then the researchers of his works conditionally distinguish three stages in it:

  1. 1836 – 1847.
  2. 1848 – 1861.
  3. 1862 – 1883.

Each of these stages has its own characteristics.

1) The first stage is the beginning of the creative path, writing romantic poems, finding yourself as a writer and your own style in different genres- Poetry, prose, drama. At the beginning of this stage, Turgenev was influenced by the philosophical school of Hegel, and his work was of a romantic and philosophical nature. In 1843 he met famous critic Belinsky, who became his creative mentor and teacher. a little formerly Turgenev wrote his first poem called Parasha.

A great influence on Turgenev's work was his love for the singer Pauline Viardot, after which he left for France for several years. It is this feeling that explains the subsequent emotionality and romanticism of his works. Also, during his life in France, Turgenev met many talented masters of the word of this country.

TO creative achievements This period includes the following works:

  1. Poems, lyrics - "Andrey", "Conversation", "Landowner", "Pop".
  2. Dramaturgy - plays "Carelessness" and "Lack of money".
  3. Prose - stories and novels "Petushkov", "Andrey Kolosov", "Three Portraits", "Breter", "Mumu".

The future direction of his work - works in prose - is becoming better and better.

2) The second stage is the most successful and fruitful in Turgenev's work. He enjoys the well-deserved fame that arose after the publication of the first story from the "Notes of a Hunter" - the story-essay "Khor and Kalinich" published in 1847 in the Sovremennik magazine. Its success marked the beginning of five years of work on the rest of the stories in the series. In the same year, 1847, when Turgenev was abroad, the following 13 stories were written.

The creation of the "Hunter's Notes" carries an important meaning in the activities of the writer:

- firstly, Turgenev was one of the first Russian writers to touch upon new topic- the theme of the peasantry, more deeply revealed their image; he portrayed the landowners in a real light, trying not to embellish or criticize without reason;

- secondly, the stories are imbued with a deep psychological meaning, the writer does not just portray the hero of a certain class, he tries to penetrate his soul, to understand the way of his thoughts;

- thirdly, the authorities did not like these works, and for their creation Turgenev was first arrested, and then sent into exile to his family estate.

Creative heritage:

  1. Novels - "Rud", "On the Eve" and " Noble Nest". The first novel was written in 1855 and had readers big success, and the next two further strengthened the fame of the writer.
  2. The stories are "Asya" and "Faust".
  3. Several dozen stories from the "Notes of a hunter".

3) Stage three - the time of mature and serious works of the writer, in which the writer touches on deeper issues. It was in the sixties that the writing of the famous novel Turgenev - "Fathers and Sons". This novel raised questions of relationship that are relevant to this day. different generations and spawned a lot of literary discussions.

An interesting fact is also that at the dawn of his creative activity, Turgenev returned to where he started - to lyrics, poetry. He got carried away special kind poems - writing prose fragments and miniatures, in lyrical form. For four years he wrote more than 50 such works. The writer believed that literary form can fully express the most secret feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Works from this period:

  1. Novels - "Fathers and Sons", "Smoke", "Nov".
  2. The stories - "Punin and Baburin", "The Steppe King Lear", "The Brigadier".
  3. Mystical works - "Ghosts", "After death", "The story of Lieutenant Ergunov".

IN last years During his life, Turgenev was mainly abroad, while not forgetting his homeland. His work influenced many other writers, opened many new questions and images of heroes in Russian literature, therefore Turgenev is rightfully considered one of the most outstanding classics of Russian prose.

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Lesson notes

based on the work of I.S. Turgenev (Grade 10)

Teacher Gladskikh N.M.,



Lesson 1.

Subject: Stages of the biography and creativity of I.S. Turgenev. "Genius of culture".

Target: 1. to get acquainted students with the personality of I. S. Turgenev and the main stages of his life and work;

2. learn students to choose and take notes main information from lecture;

3. to arouse in students an interest in the life of I.S. Turgenev.

Lesson type: introduction to new material based on previously learned material.

Form of organization of work with students: lecture with elements of conversation.

Lesson equipment: multimedia presentation, workstation (workstation).

In Russia, in the country of every revolutionary

and religious maximalism, the country of self-immolation,

country of the most violent excesses, Turgenev barely

is not the only one after Pushkin, a genius of measure and, consequently,

consequently, the genius of culture. For what is culture?

as not the measurement, accumulation and preservation of values.

D. Merezhkovsky

During the classes:

Organization of students

I learning situation. Introduction of students to a new topic.

introduction teachers.

During 10 lessons we will get acquainted with the life and work of I.S. Turgenev. Write down the topic of the lesson and an epigraph that applies not only to this lesson, but to the entire topic. This means that we will repeatedly refer to the words of D. Merezhkovsky. And only after studying the topic, we will be able to answer its main question. Let's write it down.

? Why

Let's leave two pages to answer this question, your conclusions on these pages will open with the words "For me, Turgenev is ..."

Acquaintance of students with the information on slide No. 1 (or written on the board). Students' answers and writing conclusions in a notebook.

Briefly write down the answers to the questions:

1.What historical events entered the context of Turgenev's works?

2. What contributed to the formation spiritual world And artistic experience"genius of culture"?

Material on slide number 1 or on the board:

1. When I. Turgenev was born, A. Griboyedov was 23 years old, A. Pushkin - 19, F. Tyutchev - 15, N. Gogol - 9, V. Belinsky - 7, I. Goncharov - 6, M. Lermontov - 4 .

A. Fet will be born in 2 years, F. Dostoevsky and N. Nekrasov - in 3, A. Ostrovsky - in 5, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin - in 8, L. Tolstoy - in 11, N. Leskov - in 13 years.

2.I. Turgenev was 7 years old when the Decembrist uprising took place in 1825. Later, he witnessed the greatest events that shook Russia and Europe:

    uprisings in Poland in 1830;

    revolution in France in 1848;

    the Crimean War in 1853 - 1856;

    the abolition of serfdom in 1861;

    the Franco-Prussian War of 1 1870;

    Russian-Turkish war in 1877 - 1878;

    development of the populist movement in Russia in the 60s.

Conclusion (written by students in notebooks):

Reading output by students. The formation of the personality of the "genius of culture" took place in a complex historical era, rich in cataclysms that took place in the world and in Russia. At this time in the arena public life and the struggle came out a generation of democrats-raznochintsev. It was the time of the rise of Russian literature, the time when the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Goncharov, Dostoevsky,

L. Tolstoy.

II learning situation. Teacher's lecture with elements of conversation. The task for the students: to summarize the lecture, answering the question: “What personality traits of Turgenev allowed D. Merezhkovsky to call him a “genius of culture”?, to compile a chronological table of the life and work of the writer.

Lecture plan:

    Biography of I.S. Turgenev.

    Ideological and aesthetic position of the writer.

    The special sensitivity of the writer to the new trends of the times.

    The world of novels by I.S. Turgenev.

    Heroes and heroines of I.S. Turgenev.

Chronological table of the life and work of I.S. Turgenev.



The answer to the question about the personality traits of the writer, heroes, works

1818, 28.04.

Born in Orel. He spent his childhood years in the estate of his mother, Spassky-Lutovinovo.

1827 – 1829

Studying at a boarding school, Moscow.


Entered the University,

Moscow city.


Transferred to St. Petersburg University.


Finished university. Petersburg.

1838 – 1841

Studying at the University of Berlin.


Return to Russia.


Acquaintance with Pauline Viardot. Rapprochement

with Belinsky. Petersburg.


"Notes of a hunter" Sovremennik, arrest and exile in Spasskoe-Lutovinovo.


The novel "Rudin", the story "Faust". Petersburg.


The novel "The Noble Nest", the story "Asya".


The novel "On the Eve", a break with the "Contemporary".


The novel "Fathers and Sons" "Russian Bulletin".


The story "Ghosts".


The story "Enough".


The novel "Smoke".


The novel "New".

1878 – 1882

"Poems in Prose".

1883, 03.09.

He died in Bougival and was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg.

III learning situation.

What conclusions about Turgenev's personality did you write down?

D / task: 1.leading individual tasks: messages about the novels "Rudin", "The Nest of Nobles", "On the Eve";

2. read "Notes of a Hunter", analysis of one of the stories of the cycle 1) "Khor and Kalinich", 2) "Singers", 3) "Yermolai and the Miller's Woman", 4) "Burgeon"; 5) "Living relics" 6) "Chertop-hanov and Nedopyuskin" according to the plan: theme, idea, heroes;

3. messages by groups:

    features of the "Hunter's Notes" genre;

    human types in the Hunter's Notes;

    the image of the narrator in the "Notes of a hunter".

Lesson 2

Subject: I.S. Turgenev. "Notes of a hunter" (1847 - 1874). The genre of the work, the types of people in the stories, the image of the narrator.

Target: get acquainted with the genre concept of "cycle", with the cycle of Turgenev's stories;

learn to compare, analyze the characters of the characters, to see the motives of their actions;

Learn how to organize group work independently.

During the classes:

Organization of students.

I learning situation. Introduction by the teacher.

Pay attention to the dates of creation of the "Hunter's Notes". Turgenev gave them 27 years of his life. They also brought him worldwide fame.

Turgenev recalled how, on the way from the village to Moscow, at one small station, he came to the platform. Suddenly, two young people approached him, philistine or artisans in costume and manner, and asked:“Let me know, will you be Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev?” - "I". “The same one who wrote the Hunter’s Notes?” - "The same one ..." They both took off their hats and bowed to me at the waist, saying: "We bow to you as a sign of respect and gratitude on behalf of the Russian people."

In the autumn of 1847, I. Panaev asked Turgenev to provide him with material for the “Mixture” section in the Sovremennik magazine. In January 1847, the first essay “Khor and Kalinich” appeared. Panaev, in order to win over the reader to the young author, published an essay with the subtitle "From the notes of a hunter." But condescension was not needed: the essay was received enthusiastically by the public. Turgenev decided to continue his work, especially since he had a lot of impressions from the life of the people. The writer himself confessed: “”Notes of a hunter” accumulated in me for ten whole years.” And in 1877 he wrote to the Italian scientist and writer A. Gubernatis "... the direction of my literary path was determined by the environment of serfdom in which I spent my youth and which aroused in me the strongest hatred. He drew material not only from his trips to his homeland when he hunted, but also from his mother's letters "to his son Ivan." The letters frankly talked about the dramas played out between the serfs and their mistress. During the first months of 1847, Turgenev wrote 4 new stories. And in May, he sketched out a plan for the future cycle ... All stories and essays were published in Sovremennik. Sovremennik was the first in April 1852 to inform readers of the imminent appearance separate edition"Notes of a hunter", in which much has been revised, supplemented and corrected by the author. Then there was a story with an article about the death of Gogol, which ended with a link. "Notes", ready for publication in April, appeared only in August and quickly sold out. The cycle was finally formed in 1874, when it included three new stories: “The End of Chertopkhanov”, “Living Powers” ​​and “Knocking!” So determined full squad Hunter's Notes.

II learning situation. Student messages.

Message response plan. (According to I. Fogelson,)

1. Is the message relevant to the topic? Is the topic well covered?

2. Is the information presented consistently? Is there any logic in their presentation? Is it redundant information?

3. What thoughts are missing? What should be added? What do you agree with?

4. Are there speech, grammatical errors?

5.Is "visual aid" appropriate?

6. What assessment corresponds to the work of the group?

1 . Message 1 group. (The second and third groups are preparing an oral review of the answer of the 1st group.) Features of the "Hunter's Notes" genre.

Material for the 1st group.

In the stories and essays of The Hunter's Notes, readers immediately noted a single liberation idea. Their inner integrity is determined not only by the main idea and moral point of view of the author on Russian life, but also by the very way artistic image reality., cross-cutting motives, the relationship of stories and essays that create a single poetic context.

Cycle (from the Greek circle) - a group of works consciously united by the author by genre, thematic, ideological principle or community of characters. (The students have an informer card on the tables, and there is also a card on the screen.)

There are cycles of poems, stories, short stories, novels.

"Notes of a Hunter" is a cycle of stories and essays in which a sense of the changeability of life is created with the help of "open" endings and "picking" beginnings of Turgenev's stories. The endings of Turgenev's essays are not suspended needed by the artist the changeability of life, they are constantly moving towards the beginning of new and new meetings, giving rise to the attraction of one story to another, “rhyming” frames in a changing picture of the world.

According to Turgenev, individual stories became fragments of the whole - the life of the people in an era when the abolition of serfdom from below or from above was brewing. (Review of the second and third groups)

Visual material first group

"Notes of a hunter" - a cycle of stories

Story title



Narrator's position


"Khor and Kalinich"

Types of peasants, landlords. Life, peasants. Nature.

Khor, Kalinich, landowner Polutykin, hunter-storyteller

Active: gets acquainted with the peasants, the landowner, delves into their life and problems.

The peasants are no less interesting than the landowners. They are smart, proud, hospitable, talented.

Yermolai and the Miller's Woman

Hunting, interests of peasants, family life of peasants. Yard peasants. The position of a woman. The manners of the landowners.

Ermolai, Arina, landowner Zverkov, narrator.

Seriously interested in the moral and spiritual life of the peasants.

Peasants have the right to privacy, they are not slaves.


The type of an educated landowner, his relationship with the courtyards, with the headman, and the peasants.

Landowner Penochkin, headman Sofron, peasant Antip, narrator.

Explains to us the true essence of the relationship between landowners and slaves.

Serfdom corrupts both landowners and peasants.


The life of a kisser, the inhabitants of a tavern - people of different classes.

Yashka Turk, Wild Master, hawker, Nikolai Ivanovich, narrator.

Watching the competition of singers, he experiences a true emotional shock.

The talent of singers puts them above class differences.

"Chertop-hanov and Nedopyuskin"

The life of poor nobles, their relationship with the noble circle, hobbies: hunting, horses, dogs. Love and friendship.

Chertop-hanov, Nedopyuskin, Yermolai, narrator.

Meets new people, their way of life, gets close to them.

Pride and feeling dignity, devotion and generosity do not depend on wealth.

"Living Powers"

The fate of the courtyard girl Lukerya.

Lukerya, Yermolai, narrator, Pyotr Petrovich.

Talking with Lukerya, Pyotr Petrovich was shocked by the greatness of the spirit of the sufferer.

No one knows his fate, and the one who humbly accepts and endures all hardships is truly wise.

2 . Message 2 groups. (The first and third groups prepare an oral review of the answer of the 2nd group.) human types in Hunter's Notes.

All stories and essays from the cycle "Notes of a Hunter" tell about serfs and represent psychological research relationships between people and their characters. Sometimes the sketching of images of peasants comes to the idealization of serfs as opposed to their cruel landowners. Following Pushkin and Gogol, he saw in the Russian people a strong living beginning, a talent that will allow the people to do great things in the future. Turgenev's types of peasants are very diverse, but they also carry national features. It was completely A New Look to the Russian people. Saltykov-Shchedrin later wrote that Turgenev introduced readers not so much to the peasant environment as to Russian national character: thanks to the “Notes of a Hunter”, “some mysterious, inaccessible depth” was revealed in him.

Belinsky wrote in one of his letters that "Turgenev discovered high moral traits that made the peasants related to the nobles."

The stories express the deep sympathy of the author-narrator for the oppressed peasantry, which is revealed in the loving image of the individuality of each peasant - the hero of the stories. Their spiritual wealth is revealed with different parties: here are the economic ingenuity of Khory, and the search for justice by Kasyan, and the daydreaming of Kalinich, who subtly feels nature, and the deep humanity of Lukerya's long-suffering. Turgenev also shows different forms peasant protest against serfdom. With all the “Notes of a Hunter”, the author, as it were, calls for the liberation of the peasantry.

Turgenev saw among the peasants not only talented and freedom-loving natures, but also people with slave psychology spiritually crippled and depraved. (Review of the first and third groups)

Visual aid of the second group.

Human types in the Hunter's Notes

Hero name

Appearance hero

Social status hero

Psychological type hero

Relationships with other people


“The old man is bald, short, broad-shouldered, dense”, “the warehouse of his face resembled Socrates.”

A rich man, lives on quitrent, trades in oil and tar, "settled down, saved up some money."

Clever, with a sense of dignity, “on his own mind”, “positive, practical, administrative head, rationalist”, close to society.

“He got along with the master and other authorities,” had a large family, treated the master soberly, and loved Kalinich.


About 40 years old, tall, thin, good-natured swarthy face, with rowans.

The poor man did not follow the household, although it was in order, “he got by somehow”, talented: “he spoke blood, fear, rabies, drove out worms; bees were given to him."

"The most cheerful, most meek disposition"; kind, helpful, sensitive, attentive, belonged to the type of "idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people"; closer to nature.

Once there was a wife, but there were no children; reverent before Polutykin; loved Hora.


Forty-five years old, tall, thin, "with a long and thin nose, a narrow forehead, gray eyes, tousled voices and wide, mocking lips.

A hunter, a serf, unfit for any work, "staring", a bad owner - he has a dilapidated hut; tramp.

“Carefree, like a bird, rather talkative, absent-minded and awkward in appearance, did not get along on the spot ... he fled sixty miles a day”; loves adventure, "looked like an eccentric."

“He liked to chat with a good man,” he is rude to his wife; men treat him condescendingly and friendly.

Arna Timofeevna

“Thirty years old, thin and pale face still retained traces of wonderful beauty”, “eyes, large and sad.”

The miller's wife, formerly Mr. Zverkov's serf woman, was a maid, now a freewoman; competent.

A sick woman with a broken fate: first blessed by the masters, and then unhappy, humiliated, lost love; it combines timidity and determination.

She is frank with Yermolai, whom she knows well, apparently, dared with her husband; timid and secretive with strangers.


"Living human being"; “the head is completely dried up, one-color, bronze - you can’t give it or take an icon of an old letter; the nose is narrow, like a knife blade; you can hardly see the lips - only the teeth and eyes turn white, and thin strands of yellow hair are knocked out from under the scarf onto the forehead ”; “a face ... even beautiful, but terrible, extraordinary.”

Former yard girl, and now "living relics" - sick, immovable.

Humble, "quiet", patient sufferer, kind, all-understanding, all-forgiving, loving people, nature, beauty, wise; cares about others, sympathizes with those who are harder than her; asks not for himself, but for the peasants.

Feel sorry for everyone; not only does not burden people, but helps them, they become kinder next to her; her gratitude and humility win her over; people help her a little.

Yashka Turk

“A thin and slender man of about twenty-three”; “he looked like a daring factory fellow and ... could not boast of excellent health” ... “sunken cheeks, large restless gray eyes, a straight nose with thin moving nostrils, a white sloping forehead with light blond curls thrown back, large, but beautiful, expressive lips.” sunken cheeks

The best singer in the neighborhood; by rank - "scooper at a paper factory with a merchant."

“His whole face revealed an impressionable and passionate person”; he is constantly worried; “was to my liking - an artist in every sense of the word ... having won, he enjoys his victory like a child; listeners are strict but fair; shocked by his talent, they sincerely admire him; the narrator is just as shocked as the others.

Wild Barin

“A man of about forty, broad-shouldered, broad-cheeked, with a low forehead, narrow Tatar eyes, a short and flat nose, a quadrangular chin and black shiny hair, as hard as stubble. The expression of his swarthy, leaden face ... could be called almost ferocious if it were not so calmly thoughtful ”; "He was burned clumsily, we will knock him down."

“He didn’t look like a courtyard, or a tradesman, or an impoverished clerk, or a small-scale ruined nobleman - a kennel or a fighter; he was certainly on his own”; “It was rumored that he came from the same palace and had been in the service somewhere before,” he had money.

His appearance gave the impression of "some kind of rough, heavy, but irresistible force»; confidence in one's own power; behaved quietly; passionately loved singing; "a mixture of some kind of innate ferocity and the same innate nobility."

He did not need anyone, did not notice anyone; enjoyed great influence throughout the district, everyone obeyed him, submitted.

3 . Message 3 groups . (The first and second groups are preparing an oral review of the answer of the 3rd group.) The image of the narrator in the "Notes of a Hunter".

The narrator organizes the entire text with his personality, and in the "Notes of a Hunter" he not only tells about what he saw and heard, but also evaluates everything, tries to understand the characters, interpret the behavior of the characters, giving them author's description. He introduces the reader to his point of view. Turgenev's narrator is an eyewitness, an observer of events, but not an active participant in them.

Turgenev's narrator is in contact with the characters and with the readers, that is, he has a two-way connection. He can interrupt the story at any time and give his own characterization of the hero or event, speculate on some topic related to the story. The author never ceases to amaze people's representatives, their mind, talent, spiritual delicacy - in a word, the spiritual wealth of the people. The hunter is endowed with the ideal features necessary for a narrator: he is good, devoid of features that would prevent him from telling about what happened with great certainty, he is sincerely interested in the life of the people, he is a good observer and psychologist, he does not lead the reader away from the main idea of ​​the story.

Visual aid of the third group.

Comparative characteristics author and narrator

Narrator, Peter Petrovich


From 26 to 58 years old (from 1846 to 1874)

Young, 30 years old

Social status

Writer, landowner, owner of Spassky and other estates, the most educated person of his time; most stories written in France. He loved hunting and was an avid hunter.

Barin is the owner of Spassky and other estates, educated person, writer, landowner, lived abroad, the fact that he is a hunter does not erase the social differences between him and the peasants, but, as it were, reconciles them. Understands hunting, but he only talks about hunting, does not shoot. More interested in people and nature. Doesn't talk about himself.

Character and interests

Modest, subtle, considerate, charming person, very friendly, observant, success and world recognition did not spoil his character, a brilliant interlocutor, a debater, living by literary interests, a lover of poetry, always surrounded by society.

He is kind, subtle, attentive, observant, everything is interesting to him, a psychologist, he knows how to see the deep roots in the actions and behavior of people, analyzes everything that happens, loves and understands nature, admires the beautiful, does not put himself in the forefront, listens more often.

Relationships with people

Good friend, had many friends and admirers in Russia and abroad; non-conflict person; got into difficult situations, even under critical fire in the process of literary controversy.

Peaceful, easy to find mutual language with everyone, can talk to anyone, dear, has a true interest in people, he communicates openly with readers, sympathizes with the humiliated.

III learning situation. Conclusions.

Meeting one of the most famous works I.S. Turgenev, let us turn to the main question of our topic:Why Merezhkovsky brings these two names together: Pushkin and Turgenev? What features of Turgenev's personality and creativity allowed him to draw this parallel, and also to call him the only “genius of measure”, “genius of culture” after Pushkin?

Open a blank page in your notebook and make your first entry.

Sample entry.

Acquaintance with the "Notes of a Hunter" allows us to conclude that Turgenev is characterized by brevity and capacity of the narrative, like Pushkin. Therefore, one can agree with R. Rolland's opinion that a whole Tolstoy novel could come out of each Turgenev's "story". Turgenev touches on serious philosophical problems: man and nature, man and society, life and death, fate, happiness. The same philosophical questions were solved by Pushkin in his lyrics and the novel "Eugene Onegin". The extraordinary sense of proportion inherent in Turgenev allowed him to reach universal assessments. This cycle of stories and essays predetermined the traditions of Russian literature for decades: Dostoevsky's psychologism, Nekrasov's lyrics, Tolstoy's epic.

IV Summary of the lesson. Self-reflection of students. Estimates for groups for work based on reviews.

D / task: 1. a written answer to the question: “Why did the “Notes of a Hunter” bring fame and fame to Turgenev?”;

3. prepare expressive reading excerpts from the statements of contemporaries about the novel.

Lesson 4

Subject: Ideological and moral positions of P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarova.

Analysis of the episodes “Dispute between Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov" and "Duel of Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov".

Goals: find out the ideological and moral positions of P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov, to find something different and common in their views and characters;

develop the skills of analyzing an episode from prose text; develop the ability to see significant details in the text: gesture, facial expressions, replicas of characters, comments of the author and determine their role;

arouse interest in the study of the novel "Fathers and Sons".

Lesson equipment: multi-presentation, text of the novel "Fathers and Sons", plan for analyzing the episode (application "Cards").

During the classes:

Organization of students.

IMessage by the teacher of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson.

II Analysis of the episode “Dispute between E. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov for evening tea. (Students have an episode analysis plan on their cards: appendix.)

1. When there is a dispute between E. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanov?

2. With what mood did Pavel Petrovich “go into the living room”?

3. How did Bazarov feel that evening?

4. How did E. Bazarov behave at the table?

5. How did P.P. feel at the same time? Kirsanov?

6.What does the word "principle" mean? Why are the heroes arguing so violently about principles? (principle - from lat.principum- basis, beginning; ideas in the aggregate - a person's worldview; guiding idea, basic rule of conduct)

7. Why does the dispute begin with the question of the aristocracy? Is this a matter of principle and why? What is the point of view of those arguing about the aristocracy and its principles?

8. Is P.P. right? Kirsanov, reproaching the youth for unscrupulousness?

9. What is behind the disputes between the heroes (new demands of life or old traditions)?

10. Is E. Bazarov right when he claims that he denies all principles? Does he have principles?

11. What do the heroes mean by the word "everything"?

13. On whom do nihilists rely in their struggle? What is the attitude of the heroes towards the people? In which of the arguing "a man is more likely to recognize a compatriot"? (In Kirsanov P.P., since Bazarov was for the peasants "something like a jester".) How to prove this in the text?

14. Do those who argue convince each other?

16. How do you assess the persuasiveness of the characters' statements and the style of their speech?

17. Why does Nikolai Petrovich, without arguing, believe that the song of the fathers is “sung”?

18. How does Arkady behave in a dispute? Does he have his own principles?

III Conclusions. Bazarov, despite the fact that he denies the existence of principles, lives by certain principles. Pavel Petrovich tries to live according to the principles of aristocrats, speaks of their superiority. Nikolai Petrovich believes that the life of the fathers is over. Arkady is trying to support Bazarov, but it is clear that he is closer life ideals uncle and father. This episode reveals the characters of the characters, their life creeds. The episode is important for revealing the meaning of the novel.

IV Analysis of the episode "Duel of Pavel Petrovich and Evgeny Bazarov".

1. What precedes a duel?

2. Why did Pavel Petrovich take a cane? (So ​​that if Bazarov refuses to duel, hit him with a cane.)

3. Do you feel the tragedy of the situation - after all, the heroes can die? (Ironic remarks by Bazarov. Turgenev, from a letter: “... the duel with Pavel Petrovich was introduced precisely to demonstrate the emptiness of the elegantly noble chivalry, exhibited almost exaggeratedly comically ...”)

4. What are the feelings and thoughts of Pavel Petrovich before the duel?

5. What is the nature of Pavel Petrovich's speech when explaining, what does this indicate? What do you understand by the term "seminary rat"? (A hint at the spiritual origin of Bazarov.)

6. What does Turgenev notice about the nature of such politeness of Pavel Petrovich?

7. How does Bazarov feel about being challenged to a duel? (Ironically.)

8. Does Pavel Petrovich feel the irony of Bazarov? (He feels, but cannot oppose anything.)

9. Who does Bazarov offer as witnesses? Who is it? (“Dim eyes”, “turquoise earring”, “pomaded multi-colored hair”, “suave gestures”, “a man of the latest, improved generation.” Proud, stupid, with tense wrinkles on his forehead. Dignity is that he looked courteous, read it word for word and often brushed his frock coat.)

10. What words justify Bazarov, who agreed to a duel? ("Stupid position from which there is no way out.")

11. Is the position of the author in this scene clear to us? What does Turgenev emphasize with the picture of a beautiful morning, on the one hand, and the comic figure of Peter, on the other? (The pointlessness of the duel. Pyotr is a parody of Pavel Petrovich: he watches his appearance and says “tyupyur”, “obyupyun”, showing his “education”. The comical figure of Peter, very frightened.)

12. Why is the image of a peasant introduced into this scene? With what detail does the author emphasize the worthlessness, the emptiness of the duel? (A man with two horses: "On business, and we?")

13. Why did Pavel Petrovich bow to Peter before the duel? (It is supposed to bow to the second - Pavel Petrovich bows to the footman, "in whom at that moment he respected something like a second", solely for the sake of maintaining form.)

14. What gives the duel scene a comical sound, depriving it of tragedy? What thoughts of Bazarov just before the shot cause laughter and why? (If P.P. observes the form, then Bazarov’s caustic mockery destroys this solemn form all the time, emphasizing its absurdity and emptiness: picks up last words Pavel Petrovich’s remarks, he measures the steps himself, since his “legs are longer”, uses the word “discussion” in an ironic sense: there was no “discussion yesterday” about the number of steps, uses the word “exterminate”, thinks when Pavel Petrovich aims at him : “He aims me right in the nose ... and how diligently he squints, robber!”. Usually during a duel they aim at the heart or forehead).

15. What feelings are mixed in Bazarov after the injury of Pavel Petrovich? (The mocking attitude towards the enemy is replaced by natural desire doctor to help the wounded. Then, when Bazarov sees that the wound is not dangerous, Pavel Petrovich's fainting arouses bewilderment and contempt in him.)

16. What does Pavel Petrovich feel after the duel? (And Pavel Petrovich was “ashamed of the whole business he had started”: he noticed Peter’s “stupid physiognomy”, he was ashamed of his arrogance, failure. He no longer needed to play the role of a duelist.)

17. What remained with Pavel Petrovich after he abandoned his lifeCredo? (“I’m starting to think that Bazarov was right when he reproached me for being aristocratic.” There was nothing left to live. I decided to leave for Dresden or Florence: “... and I will live there until I die.” complete indifference to one's own life.)

18. How does Turgenev write about Pavel Petrovich after the duel? (“Pavel Petrovich wet his forehead with cologne and closed his eyes. Illuminated by bright daylight, his beautiful, emaciated head lay on a white pillow, like the head of a dead man ... Yes, he was a dead man.” The author pronounces a harsh sentence on his hero.)

IV Conclusions. The duel is pointless. Even such an aristocrat as Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov was convinced of this. Bazarov felt embarrassed, because he did not want to show himself as a coward, and the duel was contrary to the views of the nihilist. The duel helped the heroes to better understand themselves. The duel scene in the novel is parodic, and Turgenev himself at that time was already an opponent of duels. The episode helps to better understand the views of the characters, their attitude to life, the attitude of the author to the characters. It (episode) reveals the position of the characters and the author in relation to the conflict between "fathers" and "children".

V Summary of the lesson. Is it necessary to analyze the episodes of the work?

Homework. 1. Written analysis of one of the episodes.

2. The history of the life of the heroes and the historical events of this period (each group performs a task for its own hero).


    The place of the episode in the work, the nature of the depicted event, the characters.

    Thesis-suggestion about the role of the episode in connection with the themes and problems of the work.

II.Main part. Analysis of the episode as an independent fragment of the work.

    a brief description of characters and events at the start of the episode.

    Participation of characters in the depicted event (2-3 moments in the development of the action).

    Characteristics of the characters, their behavior and experiences at the moment of climax and denouement.

    Conclusion about the revealed character traits, moral character, ideals, life goals characters.

    "Clutches" of the episode with other episodes of the epic work.

III.Conclusion on the role of the episode as a stage in the development of the conflict, which is important for understanding the ideological meaning of the work.

Theme I.S. Turgenev. Story about a writer. "Mu Mu". Main plot and characters.

Lesson Objectives :


to introduce I.S. Turgenev, with the history of the creation of the story "Mumu".


    to form the ability to analyze the text of a work of art

    develop the ability to express their thoughts, generalize, draw conclusions.


    education of universal values.

    start to alize the first part of the story (the image of the lady and Gerasim);

    to teach to state and comment on the narrative text;

    enrich vocabulary.

    respect the opinion of the speaker.

During the classes

    org. moment.



Guys, look at our class is conditionally divided into 4 corners - Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Gogol, Turgenev. Approach part of the audience with the word you need. Find a partner from your team. In pairs for 30 seconds, explain to your partner why you chose this particular statement. The partner who has more letters in the name.

Let's listen to commands. Tell what your partner told you.

    The student tells the biography of I. S. Turgenev

“According to his father, Turgenev belonged to an old noble family, his mother, nee Lutovinova, was a wealthy landowner; in her estate Spasskoe-Lutovinovo passed the childhood years of the future writer, who early learned to subtly feel nature and hate serfdom.

The writer's mother, Varvara Petrovna, despite her education and intelligence, was a cruel landowner-serf. She could tear away from the family and exile a maid to a distant village for that. That she did not have time to wipe the dust from the table, or to flog the gardener if someone plucked the landowner's favorite flower.
In 1827 the family moved to Moscow; At first, Turgenev studied in private boarding schools and with good home teachers.
Then, at the age of 15, he entered the Faculty of Languages ​​at Moscow University, in 1834 he transferred to the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University.
In May 1838 Turgenev went to Germany.
Until August 1839, Turgenev lived in Berlin, listened to lectures at the university, studied classical languages, and wrote poetry.
In January 1843 Turgenev entered the service of the Ministry of the Interior.
In May 1845 Turgenev retired. He writes a lot.

III. Teacher's message about serfdom

In Rus' there was a time that in history is called serfdom. What do you know about serfdom?

Serfdom is such laws, according to which the majority of Russian peasants could not leave their landlords. According to these laws, the land belonged to the landlords, and the peasants had to work on it. The wealth of the landlord was determined by how many "souls" he had - male peasants (women were not considered "souls"). There were landowners who had several thousand "souls".

Peasants "attached" to the landlords' land were called serfs. The landowners did whatever they wanted with their serfs: they assigned them excessive work, for the slightest offense they gave them to the soldiers, flogged - sometimes to death. Peasants were sold like cattle, while children were separated from their parents; traded serfs for dogs.

There were landowners who started theaters with serf actors. Beaten among the serfs were excellent musicians, artists, sculptors. All of them were as dependent on the landowners as those who worked in the fields. beautiful works art created by the hands of serfs. Unfortunately, it is even impossible to count how many talents perished in serf captivity.

There were laws forbidding landowners cruel treatment with serfs, but they were performed poorly. Known, for example, such a case. The landowner Natalya Saltykova, known for her cruelty, began to go bald in her prime. She had to wear a wig, and so that the serf hairdresser would not reveal this terrible secret to anyone, the landowner chained the young man to a cage, and put the cage in her bedroom.

Teacher's message "Circumstances explaining the appearance of the story" Mumu "

Even as a child, having known the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev wrote: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated ... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, wore famous name: this enemy was serfdom. Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end - with which I swore never to try on ... ”It was his Annibal oath (oath until the end of his life) - to fight for the abolition of serfdom.
"Mumu" is the first work in which Turgenev exposes the vices of serfdom.
In 1852, N.V. Gogol dies. Turgenev took the death of the writer hard. Sobbing, he wrote an obituary. But the authorities forbade the use of Gogol's name in the press. And for the article printed by Turgenev in Moskovskie Vedomosti, the tsar personally ordered Turgenev to be put under arrest and sent to his homeland under supervision a month later. Under arrest "on the Syezzhaya, in a room near the police for those arrested," Turgenev lived next to the execution room, where the serf servants sent by the owners were flogged. The whipping of rods and the cries of the peasants probably evoked the corresponding impressions of childhood. In such conditions, the story "Mumu" was written.

The prototypes of the heroes of the story were real people

Prepared student's story

In the distant master's village of Turgenev's mother, Sychevo, lived a deaf-mute man from birth, named Andrey. But his mistress (mother Varvara Petrovna) noticed him, admired his guards growth and bearish strength, wished to have that guardsman at her Moscow house as janitors. Let him chop wood for the kitchen and rooms, carry water from the Alexander Fountain in a barrel, court and guard the manor's yard. No one in all of Moscow will have such a giant janitor as the janitor of the widow of a colonel of the Yekaterinoslav regiment. And what is dumb and deaf as a cork - even better!

For a man, city work is easy, boring. But Andrey lived and lived, as if without complaining, with the mistress until her death, he performed the service carefully, respected his mistress, did not contradict her in anything.

Once a quiet courtyard girl took a liking to the mute, and the mistress, knowing this, decided to give her in marriage to another - he endured this. And his little dog, nicknamed Mumu, a favorite, rescued from the Fontanka River somehow in the winter, joy and consolation, meekly drowned himself, if the mistress ordered.

How he said goodbye to her there, with the dog, how he drowned, is unknown. And only from that time on Andrey never smiled, he accepted gifts from the mistress gloomily, like a stone, but did not look at the dogs, turned away. After the death of the lady, just as gloomily, without gratitude, he accepted his freedom and went somewhere to Rus'.

Thus, the prototypes of the main characters of the story are people well known to Turgenev: his mother and the janitor Andrei, who once lived in their house. Everything described happened in house number 37 on Ostozhenka Street, which still exists in Moscow to this day.


Mix Freeze Group.

    How many types of fairy tales do you know?

    How many participants are in Krylov's fable "Quartet"?

    How many brothers are in Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess ..."?

    How many fairy tales did A.S. Pushkin write?

    Hey ar-guide.

Put a "+" or "-" sign in the column "to"


The story "Moo-mu" is about a dog

Gerasim is good man dog loving

Lady- good woman who respects her serfs

    Reading 1 chapter


What do we know about the lady? At the beginning of the story about the mistress, it is said that she lived out her life alone in an old house in Moscow. The sons served in St. Petersburg, the daughters got married and probably rarely visited their mother.
- How do you understand the words: “Her day, joyless and rainy, has long passed; but even her evening was blacker than the night”? In the morning a person is called his childhood and youth, the day is maturity, the evening is old age. Turgenev wants to say that the life of this woman was bleak and her old age was completely gloomy.

- In what words do we feel the attitude of the writer to the mistress?

– Draw verbal portrait ladies.

Let's consider a reproduction of the painting by the itinerant artist V. M. Maksimov "Everything is in the past" (1889) - What do we see in the picture? What feelings does this picture evoke?
The old landowner is living out her last days in a hut, where servants probably once lived. The old two-story manor house with white columns is boarded up and is falling apart. The trees of the old park are broken by the wind. The paths are overgrown with grass.
The landowner sits in an armchair, leaning on a pillow. Her feet rest on a red velvet cushion, worn from long use. The landowner is wearing a white lace cap with a green bow, and a colored scarf is tied around her neck. A dark shawl is thrown over a patterned golden dress, and in her right hand she holds a golden pince-nez. To the right at her feet on the ground is an old dog, nearby, on a trough full of water, a sparrow chirps.
A simple woman in a dark scarf, a black shirt, a dark skirt with flowers, and a checkered homespun apron is sitting on a step, knitting in her hands. She replaces the old woman's maid. The whole situation is miserable: a copper samovar stands right on the bare boards of the porch, a torn colorful carpet hangs on the railing, on the table the meager food in a dish is covered with a white napkin. Only an expensive Chinese cup speaks of the former wealth of the landowner.
Blooming lilacs rage over the head of the old woman, swallows fly in the sky, the sun clearly shines on the collapsing house and on the yellow logs of the peasant's hut with open windows. Life moves forward, and this feeling of life contrasts sharply with the motionless, inanimate face of the old woman and the devastated face of the woman serving her, for whom there is nothing left in this life, only to sit in the yard and remember the past.

- Compare two landowners.

-- So let's summarize our observations. Who is this lady and what is the atmosphere of that house in which all events unfold? Who is ready?
- The author in the text calls Gerasim "... the most wonderful person ...". How do you understand this word? Choose synonyms. ( good, outstanding, best, good, prominent, noticeable.)

Why does the author call Gerasim "the most wonderful person", distinguishes him from all? Gerasim is dumb, he cannot tell about himself. Therefore, the idea of ​​him will be formed from a comparison of him with those around him. Find a portrait of Gerasim.

- What is the main thing the author notes in the portrait of Gerasim? (“... Twelve inches of growth, built by a hero ...”).

Who in Rus' were called heroes? ( heroes are not only physically strong people, but also kind, able to provide assistance.)

Is it possible to judge the attitude of the author to his hero by this description? ( Turgenev admires Gerasim, his strength and greed for work. Turgenev speaks of solemnityrestlessworks of Gerasim, i.e., about his indefatigability and diligence.)

Has your normal life been disrupted? How does the text say about it? (" The lady took him from the village, where he lived alone, in a small hut, apart from his brothers, and was considered perhaps the most serviceable draft man.)

What did Gerasim do in the city? (… We bought him boots, sewed a caftan for the summer, a sheepskin coat for the winter, gave him a broom in his hands and assigned him as a janitor..)

How did Gerasim feel about his duties? Look for a comparison in the description of his work.
“... Will he start chopping firewood, the ax will ring with him like glass, and splinters and logs will fly in all directions ...”
- With whom does Turgenev compare Gerasim and why? ( “Like a tree grows on fertile soil.” - its soil is village life, “... like a young healthy bull, ...” - strength, power are emphasized, “looked like a gander ...” - a goose is a reasonable bird, self-esteem, reliability are emphasized )

How does Gerasim feel in Moscow? Why did Gerasim “suddenly go somewhere in a corner and, throwing a broom and a shovel far away, threw himself face down on the ground and lay motionless on his chest for hours”? ( The captured animal experiences fear, horror from the unknown, suffers. He does not understand his position, he is used to freedom, to the fields, he has always been busy in the village.)

Gerasim's closet. (We read out the description of Gerasim's dwelling).

What kind of relationship did Gerasim have with those around him? (“... And what about strangers, so after he caught two thieves one night, banged their foreheads against each other, and banged them so hard that at least don’t take them to the police later, everyone in the neighborhood began to respect him very much ...” We say that the roosters did not fight in his presence, but he respected the geese.)

How did he treat the household? “With the rest of the servants, Gerasim was not on friendly terms, they were afraid of him, but short: he considered them to be his.” Further we will see how the relationship between Gerasim and the rest of the courtyards is changing.

Hey - ar - guide.

- Put signs in the column "after". Have your opinions changed?

VI. conclusions

Connect Extend Challenge

3. What have you learned?

2. What else needs to be worked on?

1. Question that you had during the lesson?

Why is Gerasim "the most wonderful face" of all the servants? (A hero, hardworking, everything is in order, everyone respects, there are no more such people among the servants.)

What traits of Gerasim impress you the most?

VII. Homework.

ind. task: prepare an expressive reading by roles: the dialogue of the lady with Gavrila p.124, Gavrila with Kapiton p.27-30

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