Scenario of the reporting concert of the dshi, dedicated to the day of victory. Anniversary worthy of admiration


Adolina Aina Viktorovna
Job title: concertmaster
Educational institution: MAU DO CDT "Nadezhda"
Locality: Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
Material name: methodical development
Subject: Scenario of the reporting concert of the interest association "Wind Music Studio"
Publication date: 23.08.2018
Chapter: additional education

Municipal autonomous institution additional education

Center for Children's Creativity "Hope"

Methodological development on the topic:

Scenario of the reporting concert of the association


Brass Music Studios

Compiled by:


Adolina Aina Viktorovna

Salekhard 2018

"To all concert halls the world rushes the public,

wishing to once again listen to your favorite pieces of musical classics,

to once again join the beautiful.

Evgeny Svetlanov






events of the interest association "Wind music studio" UIA DO

Center for Children's Creativity "Hope"








potential opportunities, which is especially important in the process of development and

raising children. This is primarily a performance demonstration.





parents, peers and guests.

Purpose: to show and evaluate the level of creative and performing growth

team for the academic year.

Education of musical culture as an important and integral part

all spiritual culture.

Popularization of the art of playing wind and percussion music

tools and creative activity associations;

Presentation of the creative repertoire of the association;


game skills


instruments (clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, flute, xylophone) in the orchestra,

ensemble and solo performance;









mutual assistance.





responsibility in a solo concert;

Creating an atmosphere of success and celebration for children.

The target audience: students, parents, teachers.






education, teachers of children's art schools, music directors

kindergartens, accompanists, teachers-organizers, directors, in order to

assistance in the organization of concert and educational work.

The script contains the presentation "Happiness to be together."

Concert progress

The concert is dedicated international day families

"Happiness to be together"

Before the start of the concert on the screen slide number 1

B. Becker's work "The Joy of Victory" sounds without announcement(Slide

Leading:(Slide #3)

B. Becker's work "The Joy of Victory" performed by

Exemplary Brass Band of the Brass Music Studio of the Children's Center






education of the Russian Federation Mirshat Aitnyakov.

to greet



will hear

musical works performed not only by the orchestra, but also by ensembles, and

also soloists of the brass music studio.

“Happiness to be together” - so, our concert was not named by chance.

Soon we will all be celebrating one of the most wonderful

favorite holidays - International Family Day! Family is the most important thing in

life for each of us. Family is close and dear people, those whom we

we love, whom we take an example from, whom we care about, whom we wish good and happiness.

It is in the family that we learn love, responsibility, care and respect.


film history


women and gypsies who had to go through a difficult life path For

finding your happiness.

Valery Zubkov "Meeting", music from the film "Gypsy"(Slide number 4)


Our creative team is over 20 years old. Over the years, the guys have managed

to conquer the scenes not only of Russian cities, but also to receive worthy awards

abroad. The brass band adequately represents our Salekhard at many

competitive venues, and also pleases us with their performances at city

concerts. And now in execution brass band will sound

Introduction from the film "Two Captains" by Evgeny Ptichkin(Slide number 5)

Leading:(Slide number 6)

In February, at the Children's Art Institute. E. Obraztsova passed the V open competition -

festival for beginner musicians "First Steps". next number

of our concert will be a trio of clarinetists, which includes participants

this competition.

Speakers Ponomarev Svyatoslav, Timofeeva Anna, Konoplin Yuri.

RNP "Zayinka"(Slide number 7)







music, it is included in the mandatory program of works in musical

schools around the world. But it is performed on other musical instruments,

such as the xylophone.

L. Beethoven "To Elise" performed by Ksenia Askarova(Slide number 8)









It has come



an instrumental work that was popular not only in the era

classicism and romanticism, but also in our times.

M. Petrenko "Waltz" solo for saxophone and orchestra

Performed by Eduard Belikov(Slide number 9)


Tchaikovsky, was the first Russian composer to create an album for children

instrumental plays. It was easy for him to do this because he understood and

loved children. For many years he lived in a large and friendly family.

his sister, there Pyotr Ilyich felt at home comfortably. pondering













composer) he meant only common task- create a cycle of not large and

technically uncomplicated pieces folk character from childhood life

would be accessible to the children themselves.

P. Tchaikovsky "Neapolitan Song" performed by Ilya Lyashenko

(Slide number 10)


Soviet composer Yevgeny Krylatov always writes songs on ready-made

poems, so it was this time. The poet Yuri Entin, with whom he was friends and

worked the most, the composer once found a poem on his work

table and became interested. Inspired, he wrote the music for these poems not



motion picture

"Adventures of electronics" - "Winged swing".

E. Krylatov "Winged swing"

Performed by Popova Elizaveta and Elobaeva Yulia(Slide number 11)


Scott Joplin African American composer and pianist, considered the greatest

I invite the ensemble of woodwind instruments "Clarino -

Arctic", the guys will perform this famous work

Scott Joplin "Variety Artist"(Slide number 12)


In March of this year, an international




Saint Petersburg,


Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan) Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and many others



presented our capital of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Salekhard. The result of hard work and

serious preparations were recognition, stormy applause

public and strict








musical number also became a prize-winner, who received the title of Laureate of the 1st

degree. (Slides #13- #24)

I. Dunaevsky "I was driving from Berlin" -

duet of trumpeters Ilya Lyashenko and Danil Malyarchuk performs(Slide number 25)


In 1955, the picture "Maxim Perepelitsa" was released on the screens of the country -




becomes a disciplined and conscientious soldier. The movie was fun

there was a lot of music in it, and the song with

inviting and catchy refrain: Soldiers, on the road, on the road, on the road ...

This song soon became very popular. It has been fully respected

signs of an army marching march: evenness and clarity of step, mood

decisiveness and prowess. And at the same time there was in it both thoughtfulness and lyrical


V. Solovyov-Sedoy March "On the Road" performed by a brass band(Slide number 26)


The performer of this song was the idol of our era - National artist THE USSR -

Muslim Magomaev. When Alexandra Pakhmutova played the melody of this song

poet Nikolai Dobronravov, he said: “Alya, I don’t know, but it seems to me

amazing." Muslim Magomayev, accepted this work immediately with love and

"Melody" performed by Igor Mymrik(Slide number 27)






chant that existed at the front, so the song "Lonely Accordion" was written, she






B. Mokrousov "Lonely Accordion" performed by Igor Mymrik(Slide number 28)


And now we invite you to plunge into the atmosphere of a cheerful and cheerful

B. Karamyshev "My friend clarinetist" -

Soloist Sofya Moiseeva(Slide #29)


During school year our guys took an active part in the concert and

competitive activity not only on the stage of the Central Children's Theater "Nadezhda", but also on other





I invite Elena Valentinovna Zvonareva, director of the Nadezhda CDT, to the stage

for the presentation of certificates of honor and gratitude.



What is humoresque? - this term, derived from the word humor, to everyone, of course,

understandable without translation. This is the name given to small plays of whimsical, playful,

humorous nature.

V. Polonsky "Humoresque" for trombone and orchestra, solo - Nikita

Skuridin(Slide number 30)


The next musical number will sound another humoresque, but for

another musical instrument, for flute. I invite Elizabeth to the stage





performance of which will sound

"Humoresque for flute and orchestra" by composer M. Gottlieb(Slide number 31)

Leading:(Slide number 32)

Every year, our studio graduates guys who have successfully mastered the course

learning to play the wind and percussion instruments. And this year is no exception.

We congratulate the guys on receiving a document on the completion of the educational


For the solemn presentation of certificates, I invite the director of the CDT to the stage

"Hope" Elena Valentinovna Zvonareva.



Among the harsh pines, between the dark willows,

A birch stands in a silver dress.

Trees, flowers and bushes bowed

Before the proud majesty of her beauty.

Evgeny Dreyzin Waltz "Birch"(Slide number 33)




the most important

holidays Victory Day, in the Great patriotic war, in which the Soviet

people fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland.

Let people live in peace and serve the good truth

Simple and eternal, humane, to compose a common song!

And we need to understand in full we are people, we are one family.

And we are all given one star named Earth!

And at the end of our concert, the famous work sounds

David Tukhmanov "Victory Day"(Slide number 34)

It is with great pleasure that I present to you the teachers of the Brass Music Studio:

Honorary Worker general education Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Culture

YaNAO - leader of the orchestra Mirshat Khaisattulovich Aitnyakov.

Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation - Vladimir Nikolaevich Kovalchuk.





Mikhailovna Faizulina, Vladimir Alikovich Kilyakov, as well as concertmaster and

the host of the concert Aina Viktorovna Adolina.

We wish you all health, prosperity and great human happiness! We

we don't say goodbye! We say see you soon!

Q1. Good afternoon!
B2. Hello, dear comrades!
Q1. That's right, in the spirit of that time, we decided to address our audience today
Q2.: Friends, do you remember your first impression of watching everyone famous movie“The irony of fate, or light steam!”? Or, as Khrushchev firmly promised to build communism in the USSR by 1980, but, as one joke says, the Olympics got in the way?
IN 1. And a touching song about a bear, at the closing of this Olympics?
AT 2. Tonight is for those who remember the country where gasoline was cheaper than soda with syrup!!!
V 1: We invite you to return to the USSR again! To visit the holiday of memories and nostalgia ...
B 2: Feel the time of change, the first freedom and the spirit of pioneering! plunge into Golden time!
At 1: Today throughout this evening, we invite you to remember what was popular during the Soviet Union!
Q2: And, of course, no evening is really bright without Have a good mood. So, are you ready?
B 1: Then we start our concert
Q1: Why is it NEW?
B 2: because today we will remember not only the golden time of the dudes of the 60s, but also go through the recent past ... after all, even the 90s can already be called retro - an era ... which also had its own style ...

Albina Khusnutdinova - Gray eyes.

Q2: Let's dive into the recent 90s...
Q1. Do you remember how everyone lived then?
Q2. What did you wear, how did you get food?
Q1: Yes, it used to be different…..
B 2: New artists began to appear on the stage, some of them had big success- Hands up, Zemfira, group "Arrows", Irina Saltykova, gr. Bravo and more...
B 1: I propose to remember how it was

Nikolai Malinovsky - I'm what you need.
B 2: Perestroika, new Russians in crimson jackets with gold chains on Mercedes,
B 1: Gum "Turbo" and "Love is" ... let's remember some things from the 90s:
Adiki - Sneakers "Adidas",
Soap dishes - Rubber sandals.
Palmochka - Women's hairstyle. The hair was collected at the crown in a ponytail, fastened with a colored elastic band (elastic bands), then fluffed out in the form of a palm tree.
Laces are parents.
Cycling shorts are short pants.
Kapor - women's headdress-hood (fluffy az angora).
Varenki (jeans that were specially boiled in bleach)
Zuko, Yuppii, Invite - dry drinks.
What items were included in the food order? (Packs of Buckwheat, Tea with Elephant, Doctor's sausage, jars of Riga Sprats, Gobies in Tomato)…
B 1: and as a rule, food was laid out on the shelves almost always before the holidays ...
B 2: oh, how do you know???? /leave/

T \ K \ "Asterisks" - Kolyada.

B 1: we continue the excursion through the years ... we move to the 80s ... remember how we rolled bell pepper to banks...
B 2: And now, the bell pepper throws tantrums himself, asks for 20 thousand dollars for a concert and drives around in a white limousine.
B 1: And “Prima”? Previously, “Prima” was smoked, but now they are being kicked out of the Bolshoi Theater ...
V 2: Yes, in the past they did a lot of things that even now it would not even occur to them to do.
Well, for example, remember the soda machines. There was also a faceted glass - one for all. Today it would never occur to anyone to drink from a common glass!
B 1: And before, everyone drank from these glasses ... It's a common thing! And after all, no one was afraid to catch some kind of infection ...
At 2: We were drinking juice at the greengrocer's. The most delicious is tomato, and spoons for salt were in a glass of water.
AT 2. Pie with jam - well, isn't it a miracle? You never know which side the jam will come out from!
IN 1. remember the Manneken Pis on the toilet door...
AT 2. TV “Ruby” – take pliers and tyn-tyn-tyn!..: And such a miracle, a string bag with meat behind the window?
IN 1. Or a small window from the kitchen to the bathroom - what is there to see?
B 2: ...Smoke pours, a pungent smell throughout the apartment. Pioneers, perhaps, are learning to make a fire? No. In fact, this is a process of you-mi-ga-ni-me. The usual thing!
V 1: Just millions of Soviet children burned out postcards for their beloved mothers on March 8th. “Mommy, I congratulate you on International Women's Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and your son a bicycle…”.

Vlad Stasenok - Lucy.

At 2: The 80s ... I associate with Alla Pugacheva ..
В 1: And we can't leave our concert without the song of the legendary Alla Borisovna... Of course, it will be Arlekino...
B 2: But I didn’t guess ... for my entire creative life Alla Pugacheva performed many good and beautiful songs… and here is one of them.

Natalya Samsonova - You.

В 2: You remember Soviet films of the USSR well, don't you? And now we will check it.
B 1: Say famous phrase from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”, which Ivan the Terrible said when he saw the newly built Moscow.
Answer: What a beauty! Lepota!
Q2: List everything positive traits main character Nina with k / f. “ Caucasian captive”, which Comrade Saakhov described at the event.
Answer: Komsomol member, student, athlete and just a beauty.
B 1: What he worked main character with k / f. "Gentlemen of Fortune" before he became a notorious convict named Associate Professor.
Answer: Kindergarten teacher.
В 2: Sing your favorite song of Semyon Semenych from the movie. “ The Diamond Arm”, which he brilliantly performed at the Iva restaurant.
Answer: Song about hares.
V 1: Where did Evgeny Lukashin go every year on December 31 with his friends from the film. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!".
Answer: To the bath.
B 2: “What a nasty thing, what a nasty thing is yours….” - what did Ippolit mean with k / f. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" calling it "disgusting".
Answer: Jellied fish.
V 1: “Georgy Ivanovich, he is Goga, he is Gosha, he is Yuri, he is Gora, he is Zhora, does he live here?” - from which k / f. this quote.
Answer: "Moscow does not believe in tears."
B 2: “- Girl, oh, girl, what is your name?
- Tanya.
“And I’m Fedya!”
Answer: - Well, a fool!

Alexander Shcherbakov - Anastasia.

Q1: In the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but cheerfully. And now they have become too serious, and this despite the huge number humorous programs that flooded our television
B2 Although there are still TV shows that we can watch from that time, this is KVN, and the club “What where when”, Good night kids...
Q1: Speaking of babies… our smallest members are about to take the stage… and they have their debut today…. So we ask you to support them with thunderous applause.

T \ K "Buttons" - Gusariki.

At 1: It's time to reminisce about the old movies. A lot can be said about those kind, naive and noble films.
B 2. Then it was not so developed computer graphics and special effects - but this did not prevent the creation of masterpieces of such films as "The Diamond Arm", "Gentlemen of Fortune" or "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession".
V 1: And if you remember such a wonderful film as “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”. When watching this film, which has been infused over time, filled with marvelous aromas, nostalgia and charm, the younger generation really learned how people lived in the USSR.

V 2: In one 1975 year, the following were filmed in the USSR:
"Afonya", (dir. Georgy Danelia)
"Star of Captivating Happiness", (dir. Vladimir Motyl)
"Hello, I'm your aunt!", (dir. Viktor Titov)
"The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!", (dir. Eldar Ryazanov)
Prisoner of the Caucasus (dir. Georgy Kalatozishvili)
"They fought for the Motherland" (dir. Sergei Bondarchuk)
"The Adventures of Buratino", (dir. Leonid Nechaev)
“The camp goes to the sky”, (dir. Emil Loteanu)
“There, beyond the horizon”, (dir. Yuri Egorov)
"Finist - the Clear Falcon", (dir. Gennady Vasiliev)
“We didn’t go through this”, (dir. Ilya Frez)
At 1: and it's not yet full list films created during these years ... and how much wonderful music there was ....
B 2: Especially for children… Orange song, Grasshopper song, Gena the crocodile song, Forest deer and many others.

Lera Mineeva - Forest deer.

V 1: In the 1970s, jazz orchestras were replaced by electric musical instrument groups. Accompanied by them, the mass song sounded in a new way.
V 2: Without vocal-instrumental ensembles, history popular music cannot be represented in full. The 1970s marked a turning point in the history of popular music.
Let's remember the VIA of those times .... After all, it was Vocal-instrumental ensembles that became popular in those years ....
Funny boys
singing guitars
Good fellows
Flow, song ... You can list indefinitely ...
V 1: But on the eve of the great holiday, we will remember one wonderful song of that time ...

Alsu Khaziyeva - A soldier walks through the city

V 2: The rhythms of the new songs are beautiful,
Love them and sing them
But the years test the word
And in their hobbies.
B 1: Do not forget the old songs,
They will tell you a lot
They were sung to the accordion and to the guitar,
And just like that, and just like that.
B 2: They were blown around the world by the wind,
But in our years, in our days,
For joy and sadness light,
They will come to you as friends.

Guzel Sultanova - Tenderness.

V 1: Oh, and what kind of dances were in those years ...
B 2: They are still classics choreographic art- Twist, rock - n roll, and from Russian - this is of course a round dance and a lady ... a classic ...

T / K "Buttons" - Lady.

V 1: In the 50s and 60s, a a large number of musical comedy films.
The songs that sound in them become, one might say, "folk".
B 2: Let's go over the songs with you. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the movie in which it sounds
And a smile without a doubt suddenly touches your eyes - " Carnival Night»
In a dark blue forest where aspens tremble - "Diamond Hand"
Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Iv.Vas"
When spring comes, I don’t know - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”
Somewhere in the world - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
Your Honor, Lady Separation - "White Sun of the Desert"
How were you - Kuban Cossacks»
If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"
Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"
There are so many golden lights - “It was in Penkovo”
Fatigue Forgotten - "New Adventures of the Elusive"
Hey sailor! - "Amphibian Man"

Dinara Marsutdinova - Hey sailor!

In 1: Songs different years… Those that we love to listen to and sing always. They have been part of our lives since childhood.
At 2:60 - years ... On the concert stage, on the radio and from the first long-playing records, good lyrical melodies sound - about peaceful and happy life, friendship and love ... The country was reborn and sang songs of Youth and Student Festivals, songs that came from the movie screen, and after - from the screens more black and white televisions - first heard in the legendary " blue lights” and during the broadcasts of large holiday concerts.

ANS. Elegy - Ivushki.

V 1: Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of ourselves.
B 2: Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together. I give you variants of song lines, and you continue them.
People meet...
At the edge of the forest...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley...
Summer wanders through the alleys ...
We will go, we will rush ....
V 1: And there are songs that can be recognized literally from 2 letters. Let's try.
Oh ... viburnum blooms
Oh… frost
And ... in our yard
Eh ... it's good to live in a Soviet country
We ... honestly want to tell you
There ... where the maple makes noise
Everyone... kings can
No need .... sad
V 1: Well done, you sing just wonderful. And we continue to sing old songs from good and kind films.

Alexandra Ovchinnikova - Girls are standing.

B 1: No matter how strange it may seem, but in last years became very popular and fashionable dance Boogie Woogie…
V 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that it gained great popularity among young people ...
V 1: It became fashionable to dress brightly, to behave differently from everyone else ... and for such behavior they could be expelled from the party, and this did not frighten anyone .... Because it was the time of "Dandy".

T \ K "Yoldyz" - Boogie-woogie.

IN 1: Soviet song loved by people of all ages and professions.
V 2: Songs are loved for the beauty of the melody, the breadth and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become our true friends. They are with us in joy and in moments of sadness.
B 1: The most meaningful, deep ones become the musical callsigns of the Time. In the language of poetry and music, they write a song chronicle of our deeds. The singers give life to the song.
V 2: The search continues, as the influx of new young forces on the stage continues - a guarantee of its development, its future. The audience applauds the new pop talents, pinning their hopes on them.
Q 1: Who can say if they will come true?
В 2: Given the peculiarities of previous years, it is impossible, of course, to establish direct links between the old and the new stage, but we must not forget that there were wonderful masters on the stage. Their names should be next to the names of those who take the stage today, bringing joy to the audience.
V 1: And today for the speakers:
dance group"Yoldyz", Guzel Sultanova, Albina Khusnutdinova, Dinara Marsutdinova, Dance group "Stars", Alsu Khazieva, Alexandra Ovchinnikova
Vladik Stasenok, Valeria Mineeva, Alexander Shcherbakov, Dance group "Buttons"
Ensemble__Elegy, Nikolai Malinovsky
The hosts of the concert are Viktor Praporov and Natalia Samsonova.
B 1: Allow me to give the floor to the Director of our Center national cultures Daniya Galimzyanovna Musina. /delivery/

B 2: Our dear friends! So our retro concert came to an end ... We want to thank our friends - patrons, these are: ...... ..
And of course you, our dear viewers! After all, you are our best and true friends!

Final Song! "Friendship"
Thank you for your attention!
See you soon!


Municipal budgetary educational institution
additional education "Urmar children's art school"
Urmar region Chuvash Republic
/429400, Chuvash Republic, Urmarsky district, village of Urmary,
st. Mira, d. 10, MBOUDO "Urmarskaya Children's Art School" /

reporting concert of the department
plucked and wind instruments
"In the world of magical sounds"

Completed by: teacher MBOUDO "Urmarskaya Children's Art School"
Mikhailova Margarita Pavlovna

Place of work: MBOUDO "Urmarskaya Children's Art School" Urmary settlement
Urmarsky district of the Chuvash Republic, st. Mira, 10

Urmary - 2014

Leading. Good evening, Dear friends!
Together. Good evening!
Leading. We are pleased to welcome you to this wonderful hall.
Leading. There is one country on earth, it is called music.
Consonances live in it and sounds, but whose hands open them?
Leading. Who makes the world sound when it gets tired of being silent?
When is it like a string that should ring?
Leading. Of course, this is a musician, his impulse, his talent,
His desire to create, and to give beauty to people.
Leading. We are starting our concert.
- We invite a 1st grade student Daria Kornilova to the stage
She will perform “Andante” by M. Carcassi
Leading. - 1st grade student Sofia Kornilova
will perform for you "Etude" by D. Aguado
Leading. We learn to play instruments
And we go to solfeggio and choir.
On these wonderful things
All musicians have grown since ancient times.
- M. Carcassi "Waltz" will be performed
1st grade student Daria Fedorova
Leading. The music gets louder and louder.
The morning of birth sounds in the heart.
Stars of luck, excitement of love
You, musician, hurry up!
- W. Mozart "Allegretto"
performed by 1st grade student Vera Ananyeva
Leading. We invite Yulia Andreeva, a student of the 1st grade, to the stage.
She will perform "Etude" by M. Diabelli
Leading. How well the guitar sings along!
Oh, how much sun and heat are in the song!
We dedicate a few lines to you
Thousands of strings and fun in fate!
- P. Veshchitsky "Lyrical song"
performed by 1st grade student Ilya Golosov
Leading. - Performed by Saparkina Anastasia
“Cuckoo” will sound in the processing of T. Sychetinsky
Leading. The element of music is a powerful element.
The more incomprehensible it is, the stronger it is.
My eyes, bottomless, dry,
Tears fill with her.
- Russian folk song"Will I go, will I leave"
processed by A. Ivanov-Kramskoy
performed by a quartet of guitarists of 2nd grade students
Leading. Music is more than just sound. Music is movement.

· And flies like a bird from the hands of restless whirling notes.
- E. Makarov "Evening" will be performed by
1st grade student Egorova Constance
Leading. - Polish folk song "Bear with a doll"
performed by a string ensemble
Leading. - "Chatushka" will be performed
2nd grade student Valeria Nikiforova
Leading. You will meet the day with a cheerful song,
And in the evening you will sing a song -
Life becomes more interesting
And the world is unspeakably good!
- "Smile"
Leading. The sound of beautiful music will help us in a sad hour.
In moments of fear and despair, she, as a friend, will support us.
When the world spins with happiness, and the legs suddenly start dancing,
We turn our hearts to music.
- E. Shilin "Waves of Spain"
Leading. - L. Beethoven "Theme from the 9th symphony"
will be performed by 3rd grade student Maria Mikhailova
Leading. We are grateful to our fathers and mothers.
It is not easy for them to be with us!
And the most beloved, the best,
We want to dedicate a song now.
- “Sweetheart” is performed by a 2nd grade student Dmitry Kuzmin
Leading. - "Soldiers of Russia" - will be performed by an ensemble of guitarists
Leading. Three strings include all states of the soul
And laughter, and joy, and sadness,
As soon as the plectrum touches the strings -
To the sounds of music and your heart will respond -
This is how human nature has created
Sings from the sounds of the soul house.
- N. Loktev "Topotushki"
performed by 4th grade student Uliana Simushkina
Leading. I want the music to sound from under my favorite, good hands,
And poured a clear juicy sound.
The soul rejoiced in delight: after all, a musical instrument -
Souls are just an accompaniment.
P. Moriah "Melody" - will be performed by a quartet of guitarists
Leading. " Last call"- in the same version
Leading. A wonderful union - music and children!
What a blessing to hear voices
Which is not more wonderful in the world,
And see grateful eyes.
- words by Yuri Entin, music by Evgeny Krylatov
"Winged swing" - Spanish. ensemble of students of the department
Leading. This concludes our concert.
Leading. Thank you for your attention.
Together. Until we meet again!!!

Attached files

"At the Crossroads of Two Centuries". Scenario of the concert Time: 05.11.2011. Venue: Krasnodar Philharmonic named after G.F. Ponomarenko Equipment: musical instruments, microphones, music stands. Design: philharmonic. Organizers: Administration of the Philharmonic Society, leader of the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra " New wave» Gotlib V.I., teacher organizer Gotlib T.F. Participants: the brass band of the State Symphony Orchestra of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko and the musicians of the exemplary youth pop-jazz orchestra "New Wave". Presenters (4 people) go on stage (to the closed curtain). 1 presenter: Good afternoon, dear friends, connoisseurs and lovers of jazz music!!! We are glad to see you at today's program "At the Crossroads of Two Centuries". 2 leader: This new project Vladimir Gottlieb with the participation of two big bands. Brass band of the State Variety Symphony Orchestra of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko, which was created with the participation of Vladimir Gottlieb in 1994 at the end of the 20th century, formerly called the Ekaterinodar Band. 3 presenter: And the big band "New Wave" of the Center children's creativity Prikubansky district, which was created in 2007 at the beginning of the 21st century, also by Vladimir Gottlieb. Presenter 4: Your attention will be presented to the works of various styles and trends of jazz. 1 presenter: Let's talk about what jazz is? For example: some argue that Jazz (English Jazz) is a form musical art, which arose in the late XIX - early XX century in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures and subsequently became widespread. characteristic features musical language jazz initially became improvisation, polyrhythm based on syncopated rhythms, and a unique set of techniques for performing rhythmic texture - swing. Further development of jazz occurred due to the development of new rhythmic and harmonic models by jazz musicians and composers. Moderator 2: What do you think? Jazz is the style of life... jazz musician not a performer. He is a creator who creates his art before the eyes of the audience - fragile, instantaneous, elusive, like the shadow of falling snowflakes ... 3 presenter: And if I say so? Jazz is a delightful chaos, which is based on the intuition, taste and feeling of the ensemble brought to the limit ... 4 presenter: Yes, what are you! Jazz is ourselves at our best. That is, when spiritual uplift, fearlessness and frankness coexist in us ... 1 presenter: And what conclusion did we come to? And the fact that Jazz is an international and most democratic art form, where there are no language barriers and musicians communicate with each other and understand each other through music. 2 presenter: This music speaks its own language about eternal problems life, about good and evil, about love and hate, about joy and sorrow, about the beauty of the world and human soul, about the height of thoughts and aspirations, about the comic and tragic life. 3 host: And then, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and now, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, jazz remains jazz. And so… All together: WE BEGIN!!! 1. (The curtain opens. Two orchestras are sitting on the stage, on both sides, the jazz composition “The chicken” performed by two orchestras sounds. The hosts leave). Presenter1: 2. Performed by the Brass Band of the State Variety Symphony Orchestra of the Krasnodar Regional Philharmonic named after Grigory Ponomarenko, you will hear "WIND MACHINES" in translation - "windmill" from the repertoire of the KOUNTA BASIE orchestra, arranged by Sammy Nestiko. Honored Artist of the Kuban Vladimir Gottlieb at the conductor's stand Presenter2: Beginning musicians of the New Wave Exemplary Youth Variety Jazz Orchestra of the Center for Children's Creativity of the Prikubansky District are on stage. Orchestra "New Wave": winner regional festival-competition children's creative groups "Collective of the Year-2008", winner of the "Grand Prix of the regional festival-competition "Collective of the Year 2009", diploma winner of the All-Russian competition "Star Express", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Yuri Silantyev, Presenter 3: laureate of the All-Russian Jazz Festival 2009. In the summer In 2010, the orchestra visited GERMANY, within the framework of friendly relations between sister cities KARLSRUHE-KRASNODAR. He performed in the cities of BRUCHSAL, KARLSRUHE, BADEN-BADEN. Artistic director collective Honored Artist of Kuban, laureate of all-Russian and international jazz festivals and competitions Vladimir Gotlib. Presenter 4: 3. The orchestra will perform "JA - DA" - a traditional jazz theme written by Carlton and arranged by Andy Clark. The theme is based on a popular song from 1918. One of the best records on a gramophone record by the ensemble KIDA ORI. Soloists: bass guitar IVAN FILONYCH, trumpet VADIM IORDANOV. Presenter 1: 4. Played by two orchestras, you will hear one of the most popular pieces among traditional jazz musicians, written by James Black in 1896. "WHEN THE SAINTS MARCH" (two orchestras). Presenter 2: 5. "SIR DUKE" is one of popular songs American singer Steve Wonder. It will be performed by the soloist of the Regional Philharmonic Nina Gotikoeva Presenter3: 6. The comic song of the jazz legend Ella Fitzgerald “A tisket a tasket” (Philharmonic Orchestra) will be performed by Maria Pakshina, soloist of the New Wave orchestra. Give her a round of applause. Presenter 4: 7. “Swing Machines” (two orchestras). Swing is one of the earliest styles of jazz that has come down to our times. Soloists: saxophone DMITRY SKORIKOV, trumpet VALERY NESMACHNY, trombone SERGEY KOLOSOV, saxophone EKATERINA TASHINA. Presenter 1: 8. The song "Puttin on the ritz". Orchestra "New Wave" Translated "Dress smarter" from the movie "Blue Skies". The song has a story. It was written in 1929 by Irving Berlin (Isidor Beilin), a native of Russia. His contribution to the world musical culture huge and priceless. He has written scores for many motion pictures and Broadway musicals, as well as many hundreds, if not thousands, of songs. The song found its second life in the early 80s - thanks to Taco Okerse or simply Taco. Presenter 2: 9. The song "Puttin on the ritz" is considered unofficial anthem Hollywood. Now you will hear this song performed by the soloist of the Philharmonic, Laureate of international competitions Nina Gotikoyeva and the aspiring soloist of the New Wave orchestra Maria Pakshina. Presenter 3: 10. The Philharmonic Orchestra will perform "The Pink Panther", written by Mancini for the well-known animated series of the same name. Presenter 4: 11. Bart Howard and Sammy Nestiko “Fly me to the moon. (philharmonic orchestra). In translation "Let's fly with me to the moon." Presenter 2: This is such a romantic title of the song. Meet! Performed by Nina Gotikoeva. Presenter 1: 12. The youngest participant in today's concert with Sergey Yarushin's song "Holidays" (New Wave Orchestra) is on stage. Presenter 3: Despite her young age, she is a laureate of all-Russian and international festivals and competitions. Meet! Natalya Gorbenko! Presenter 4: 13. Peter Gann - "Theme". The piece has often been performed by the Duke Elengton Orchestra. (philharmonic orchestra). Soloist: Mikhail Gottlieb. Presenter 1: 14. A modern jazz-rock piece by Milan Svoboda with a comic title "Monkey Diets" translated as "Diet for a Monkey" (New Wave Orchestra). Soloists: trumpet Vadim Iordanov, trombone Roman Borinsky. Presenter 2: 15. What a wedding without a button accordion, What a concert without ... Caravan !!! (two orchestras perform Ravel's Caravan). The orchestras rise. Leading, vocalists take the stage. There is a presentation of all the participants of the concert to the thunderous applause of the audience. Until we meet again!!!

/ The curtain is closed. Music background. - the voice of the Vedas. behind the scenes/
1Ved. : Russia glorious deeds,
Reborn through culture.
And there will be Russian tribes
Again high to be considered.
And the Phoenix bird will take off
From the ashes of oblivion
Face of the Holy Virgin
And give us inspiration!
/Fanfare. The curtain opens. Brass band on stage. Music performance. works.
After which the voice 1ved .:
An exemplary group of children's brass band, artistic director and conductor of the orchestra, laureate of the Governor's Prize in the field of culture and art Denis Nikolaevich Durnovtsev./
/music exit leading in classic outfits /
2 Vedas: Good afternoon, dear friends!
1 Vedas: We are glad to welcome you in our hospitable hall of the Palace of Culture "Krasnaya Gorka"
2: Today will take place big concert"IN New Year with good friends”, where the creative teams of our Palace of Culture will take part.
1: Clear fire art people lit in time immemorial and has been passed down from generation to generation ever since. Art can change a person's life better side, enrich him with courage, nobility, wisdom and, of course, goodness.
2: The closer we are to the unfading light of art, the brighter the reflections falling on us.
1: Our Palace is always wide open
For thirsty meetings and fellowship of hearts!
2: For those who wish to reveal their talent,
Dance among the crystal garlands.
1: and now, as now, putting aside all sorrows,
Watch a concert in our festive hall!
2: Meet the mature and young in years
Singers and dancers!
1: Readers!
2: Musicians!
1: We are glad to meet you again!
2: Long live the holiday
1.2: before the new year! (folk talents)
1: On stage exemplary team vocal studio pop song "Ocharovashki" ensemble "Caprice". Laureate of the 21st city competition for young vocalists "Silver Bell". Artistic director: Nelli Nokolaevna Mishkina.

1: There are many beautiful holidays,
Everyone comes in their turn.
But the best holiday in the world
Most the best holiday New Year!

2: He comes on a snowy road,
Having swirled snowflakes round dance.
The beauty of the mysterious and strict
fills the heart of the new year!

1: We wish you all the joys in the world for the new year,
Health for 100 years ahead to you and your children.
May joy in the coming year be a wonderful gift to you,
And tears, boredom and trouble leave better in the old!

2: Scholarship holder of the Prokopyevsk Young Talents Foundation Anna Chumachenko sings for you. "New Year's Song".

1: When the folk choir sings,
There is no place for old age and boredom!
To the dearest sounds
The space becomes brighter!

2: While the folk choir sings,
Folk spring - will not run dry!
Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia -
Against any wind!

1: Meet the folk collective choir of war and labor veterans. Artistic director Nelli Nikolaevna Mishkina.

1 ved: Song! it captivates us with joy and sadness, infects us with fun, gives rise to an inexpressible feeling of communion.
The song is a true friend. She is always there - in work, in battle, for festive table, on a campaign, by the fire, in the ranks of a marching column, in solitude.

2 Vedas: You know, Olga, let's sing with you,
I can't believe in life without good songs.
Let a smile on your face
It looks like the sun is shining again!
1: "Lost Soul" Performed by Alisa Pstyga.

1 Vedas: (to the audience) Dear friends, please tell me, on this festive day, are you happy with the art and talent of our artists, whom you have just seen? (answers)
2 Vedas: Great! Since today is a holiday, we will try to do everything so that everyone has good mood so that the laughter does not stop and the smiles on your faces do not go out. Do you agree? (answers)
1: Dear friends, we invite everyone in the hall to take part in the New Year's auction. It is necessary to name adjectives on the topic: “About what new year's eve you are dreaming". I call the first adjective: Cheerful.
/Background music./
Thank you! May all your dreams come true!
Dear friends, your applause!

1: The old year ends, good, good year.
We will not be sad, because a new one is coming to us!

2: Let's remember all the good things that happened!
Let's meet the best that will be!

1: Fortune shone on us all year!
And may luck never forget us!

2: For the winner of the auction and of course for everyone present, a magical pre new year gift!
1: An oriental dance ensemble, a diploma winner of the Kuzbass Open Championship in oriental dances"The Many Faces of the East". For you, the choreographic composition "Wings of Love"

1: Our Motherland is generous for talents -
Everywhere Russians are held in high regard as masters.
2: Our free, amazing people,
He has been creating miracles for centuries - fairy tales!
1: And art is eternal in the world.
And always good for us only shines!
2: And the soul sings when it notices
That talent lives in our children!
1: Hurry up and announce them!
2: Wait, don't rush.
Here they have their debut now!
1: That's right, Denis, the team that will now appear in front of our audience will be on this stage for the first time.
2: Meet young stars acting skillstheater group"Surprise". Leader Alisa Olegovna Pstyga. "Primal New Year"

1: The accordion in our area is heard from all sides,
Walks down the street. Why should she lie down?
2: And the free song is alive and asks in the heart,
And no one can stop this song.
1: Dear friends, your applause for the accordion ensemble. Diploma winners international competition accordionists named after Gennady Zavolokin - brothers Sidorov.
1: May the new year dawn on you,
Will give you success.
And at work - let it sound
Cheerful, ringing laughter!
2: Let a true friend be near
Both on holiday and in bad weather!
And let it into your house, like a snowball,
Happiness always comes!
1: First branch reporting concert creative teams DK "In the New Year with good friends" is completed.
2: Break_____ minutes.
/Music. – curtain closing/

/Music. – opening of the curtain – exit of the presenter/
2Veda: Dear friends, we continue the program of the reporting concert.
Oh! And then, according to the script, the words of my co-host Olga Where is she?
/Music. – exit of the host in disguise (modern outfit with New Year’s paraphernalia, in the form of bunny ears /
2: Finally! And then I started to worry!
1: Dear friends, we are opening the second branch of our program.
2 (interrupts): Stop! Stop! Olga, what is your outfit and what is on your head?
'Cause we gotta keep going concert program reporting concert "New Year with good friends"? Have you mixed up all the programs?
1: And I, Denis, did not confuse anything. You yourself just said that we need to conduct a concert called "New Year with good friends."
Do you know what the new year 2011 will be like according to the Eastern calendar?
2: No, I'm not into that.
1: And I will answer. 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Therefore, my outfit corresponds to a cheerful festive new year mood!
By the way, on this magnificent day, I want to give you, Denis, a New Year's gift. Try it on please!
(gives rabbit ears - leading puts them on)
1: Dear friends, the rabbit is a harmless cute animal that will definitely bring you and me sincere happiness, true love, good health and good mood.
2: And indeed, the soul has become more fun! Feels like a new year is coming! Time to sing!?
1: Of course! Meet the soloist of the vocal association "Crystal" Yevgeny Ilyukhin with thunderous applause. The song "Lady Love" sounds

1: Wake up, honest people,
A meeting with art awaits you!
2: Now arrived for the holiday
oriental beauties!
1: Everyone has a secret
But there are no secrets for you!
2: Young ladies will tell everything,
Show your skills!
1 On stage, the ensemble "Many Faces of the East" - "Drum Conversation"

Denis, do you agree that children are a wonder of the world?

Of course, Olga! .. Tell me, what films did you like to watch as a child?
1. You know, Denis, I have always loved to watch fabulous, unusual, breathtaking, but simply unbelievable stories. For example - "Pippi Longstocking"
2. Are you thinking the same thing as me?
1Yes, it's time to invite the children's ensemble "Grace". They will give a song, which is called "Pippi - a long stocking"

1: New Year is a holiday of miracles and magic!
We offer you, dear friends, in this Once again make sure.
I have a silver ball in my hands that grants a wish. I'll throw it into the hall. Whoever catches the lump, we ask you to come up to the stage. So, catch!
/Background music. - the one who caught it comes out /
1: Today our hall is full of beautiful wonderful people. Namely, you were lucky enough to catch a magic ball. And we'd like to ask you a few questions.
2- introduce yourself, please.
1- Do you often attend cultural and leisure programs held in our recreation center?
2- Which team or individual creative person our scene you are more likeable?
1- Do you have big plans or dreams for 2011? (Which?)
1Thank you! And now the fulfillment of your desire is a New Year's gift and applause from all those present!
/ presentation of the prize. Lucky leaves the stage /

2 And now, like in a fairy tale
Eastern Star Dancing!
1: winner of the open cup of Siberia in oriental dances in 2010, soloist of the ensemble "Jasmine" Svetlana Sivirgina. "Unexplained Magic"

1: Played first

2: Then they sang,

1: And in a year they will dance

2: Ensemble of girls on stage -

1: It's called "Milady"!

2: Show - group "Milady", leader Tatyana Khaymina. The song is "You".

1. And here come the heroes,
The ensemble has long been known to us!

2. Plastic movements
He will surprise us today
He will dedicate his number for you.

1 meet the break-dance team "Pronix" with dance composition Street dance!


1: Leaves old year rustles it last page.
Let the best that was - will not go away, and the worst - will not be able to happen again!

2: So that the songs, so that the dances never stop.
Happy New Year!
1: Happy New Happiness!
(in chorus): May trouble pass us by!

Evgeny Ilyukhin and the ensemble "Slides" - "Happy New Year, friends"
1 Dear friends, the time has come to invite the director of the Palace of Culture, an honored worker in the field of culture and art, Galina Nikolaevna Sikorskaya, to this stage! Your applause!
/congratulatory speech, presentation of gifts to participants of amateur performances/
(The final words of the hosts):
1 Yes, for the glory this time
A holiday has come - then we have it!
2: Have fun from the heart,
United with creativity!
1: Thank you all,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
2: You, personalized artists!
You, young talents!
1 And of course the audience,
Creativity connoisseurs!
With coming
(chorus): Happy New Year!
2: Goodbye!
1: See you soon!
/Music. – the curtain closes/

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