Practical application of music therapy in work with preschool children. Music therapy as a means of healing children


Therapeutic possibilities musical art.

The perception of music, its performance are the main forms of not only musical perception, but also musical psychotherapy. History has left many facts testifying to the successful use of the therapeutic possibilities of musical art since ancient times. ABOUT healing properties ah music, mankind has learned more from the Bible.

The first to scientifically explain the healing effect was Pythagoras. In the III century BC. e. in the Parthian kingdom, a musical medical center was created, where, with the help of specially selected melodies, they treated melancholy, nervous disorders, and heart pains.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychoneurologist Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev began to study the influence of music on the human body. The scientist came to the conclusion that music can relieve fatigue and energize a person, positively affect the circulatory and respiratory system. Academician Bekhterev believed that mothers sing to their babies for a reason. “Without a lullaby, the full development of a child is generally impossible,” the scientist wrote.

spiritual, religious music restores peace of mind gives a feeling of peace. If we compare music with medicines, O religious music is an analgesic in the world of sounds, that is, it relieves pain.

Thanks to scientific research Swedish scientists became known to the whole world that the sounds of the bell, containing resonant ultrasonic radiation, kill typhoid bacilli, causative agents of jaundice and influenza viruses in a matter of seconds. And it is no coincidence that during the period of epidemics, bells rang tirelessly in churches.

Mozart's music has a universal effect - and all experts are unanimous in this. It has a truly magical effect: for colds and headaches, depression and mental stress. Moreover, the effect of the music of the great Austrian extends not only to people, but also to domestic animals and even to inanimate objects. For example, in Europe they found that cows who regularly listened to Mozart's works gave more milk, and the Japanese believe that Mozart makes bread fluffier and rice vodka sake more fragrant.

It has been established that during singing there is a special vibration of the internal organs. On the one hand, it helps diagnosis, on the other hand, it activates the functions of breathing. Singing cheerful songs helps with heart ailments, contributes to longevity.

Feel like better man help not only certain melodies, but also certain tools. So, it is believed that the harp harmoniously affects the work of the heart. The drum also helps the diseased heart to normalize the rhythm and heals the hematopoietic system. A gentle violin heals the soul and promotes self-knowledge of a person. The noble organ harmonizes the activity of the spine and puts "order in the head." It was not for nothing that works were performed on it mainly in churches and temples, after which people came out with a clearer consciousness and pure thoughts.

The piano normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, and the flute expands and cleanses the lungs.

Music therapy can be an effective treatment for childhood neurosis, which today increasingly affects preschoolers. The current preschool educational institutions should by all possible means help the society to solve these problems.

The main focus is on introducing children to the works of high musical art: the works of the "golden fund" of musical culture. The best music for treatment and relaxation is classical.

Relaxing, relaxing music can be listened to both during the day and in the evening, before going to bed, in a comfortable, pleasant environment. At the same time, the room should have a muffled, calm light. Comfortably seat or lay the children down, remind about proper breathing (as a rule, experts advise not to breathe with the chest, as we are used to, but with the stomach, exhale at the expense of “ten”) thanks to such breathing, air enters the cells and helps to relax better.

Activating classical music enhances brain activity, helps to return the lost and expended energy. Use this music while playing, taking morning routines.

Music therapy has three types: receptive (passive), active, integrative.

Integrative Music Therapy includes two methods:

Musical color therapy- synthesis of music and color (perception of music in combination with color).

Music isotherapyI- based on the synthesis of musical and visual perception. Musical perception in combination with viewing the masterpieces of world art has a strong psychotherapeutic effect on the child, helps to get out of conflict situations, deepens attention, awakens a feeling of love for oneself, life. Transferred to paper (in drawing) music gives self-confidence.

Receptive Music Therapy used in working with preschoolers with visual impairments, speech disorders, who have emotional and personal problems.

Active music therapy includes vocal therapy which helps the cardiovascular system and folklore therapy which teaches the harmonization of the external and internal world of a person.

Kinesitherapy develops as an independent technique and is based on the connection between music and movement, includes: choreography, corrective rhythm,rhythm therapyAnddance therapy. It gives a positive effect in children with impaired speech, vision and hearing, musculoskeletal apparatus.

A special place in kinesitherapy is occupied by dance therapy. Mastering the dance, those involved not only learn the movements, but also create artistic image. He. It has a great emotional impact on performers and spectators.

Music therapy is used both in the process of listening to music and in the process of the exercises themselves.

To relieve stress, or vice versa, to activate the emotional sphere of the child's personality, they use music for relaxation, as well as recording the sounds of nature (the noise of the sea, forest, thunderstorms, etc.)

Music therapy exercises.

Exercise "Sound of the sea".

Students listen to the sounds of the sea and then invite them to "breathe" like the sea. Take a quiet, soft breath with your stomach and gently raise your hands up. And then exhale to the sound "sh". Exhale for a long, long time, drawing in the stomach so that all the air comes out. Gently lower your arms and inhale again.

Relaxation exercise "Magic dream"

Calm music sounds with the sounds of nature. The teacher offers to sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes. Installation:“You are now in a magical dream. Rest easy with your eyes closed. May everyone have a good good dream.”

Eyelashes fall...

Eyes are closing...

We rest in peace (2 times),

We fall asleep with a magical dream.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply ...

Our hands rest...

Feet rest too...

Rest, fall asleep ... (2 times)

The neck is not tense

And relaxed...

Lips slightly open

Everything is relaxing wonderfully ... (2 times)

The tension has gone...

And the whole body is relaxed (2 times),

Like we're lying on the grass

On the green, soft grass...

The sun is shining now...

Our feet are warm...

Breathe easily...evenly...deeply...

Lips are warm and flaccid

And not at all tired.

We rested calmly

They fell asleep with a magical dream.

It's good for us to rest!

But it's time to get up!

Exercises for rhythm therapy.

Exercise "Air Bubbles"

To the sounds of the splashing of the waves, the children walk very quietly, lightly and softly on their toes, dancing to the music. They represent themselves as water bubbles, light and weightless.

Exercise "Heron".

Students sing any sound and stand as long as possible on one leg, spreading their arms to the sides like wings. This exercise trains the sense of balance, develops coordination of movements, forms the correct posture, strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Exercise "Snowdrifts and the sun."

One child is the "sun", all the rest are "snowdrifts". To the sound of a blizzard, children “turn into snowdrifts” and freeze in a certain position. The teacher asks what or who they have become. Then the "sun" with a soft touch helps the "drifts" to melt. After all the snowdrifts have "melted", the students dance to any cheerful music.

Exercises formusic therapy.

Exercise "Carpet-flying".

In this exercise, invite the children to fly on a magic carpet with Ivan Tsarevich. Students examine reproductions of paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov "Ivan Tsarevich on gray wolf and Flying Carpet. To calm music, they close their eyes and imagine themselves as Ivan Tsarevich or Tsarevna, the children “fly” in the air on a magic carpet. The teacher touches them in turn, and they tell what they see below, below them, above, whether they are afraid to fly, whether it is cold or warm, whether it is easy to breathe, they want to fly even higher or go down to the ground.

Exercise "Sleeping Princess".

Students examine a reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "The Sleeping Princess". They are invited to imagine themselves in the images of various fairy-tale characters in the picture, and freeze in a pose characteristic of this character. Then the teacher touches them in turn and everyone “wakes up” and dances in accordance with the chosen images to the music of P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty”.

Vocal therapy.

« Melodization proper names or neutral phrases"- Ask the child to sing his name or any phrase (what he is doing now). Complication. Ask to sing your name or phrase with a certain intonation - anger and determination, sadness and despondency, fun and joy, calmness, etc.

« Melodization calls" - Sing emotionally colored calls with different intonations. (“Forward, friends!”, “Oh, how sad I am ...”, “What luck, what joy ...”, etc.). Children sing on a note and pitch that is comfortable for them.

Exercise byfolklore therapy.

Atexercise "Whowhat does he play?"

Blindfolded children one after another must guess the names of folk musical instruments sounding alternately.

In addition to music therapy, music accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.


« hare».

Children perform movements according to the text.

Here are fluffy bunnies

They sleep peacefully in their beds.

But bunnies stop sleeping

It's time to get up grey.

Pull the right hand

Pull the left hand

We open our eyes

Playing with legs

We press our legs

Straighten the legs

Now let's run faster

Along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side

And we'll be completely awake!

Wake up, eyes!

Wake up, eyes! Are your eyes awake?

Children lie on their backs, lightly stroking their closed eyes.

Wake up ears! Are your ears awake?

Rub your ears with your palms.

Wake up, hands! Are your hands awake?

Rub hands from wrist to shoulder.

Wake up legs! Are your legs awake?

They tap their heels on the bed.

Wake up kids!

We woke up! Stretch, then clap.

« Sip».

Who is already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From toes to toes.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small

We are growing, growing, growing!


Children stretch, alternately stretch their right hand, then their left, arch their backs.

« kittens».

Little kittens are funny guys:

Then they curl up into a ball, then turn around again.

Children lie on their backs, arms along the body. They bend their knees, legs pull up their chests, clasp their knees with their hands, return to her.

To keep the back flexible

So that the legs are quick,

Do kittens

For back charging.

Children lie on their backs, hands “locked” behind their heads, legs bent at the knees.. Tilt the knees to the left, in and. n., tilt of the knees to the right, in and. P.

The steam locomotive puffed

he took the kittens for a walk.

Children sit, legs together, hands in support behind. Bend the legs at the knees, pull them to the chest with the sound "f-f" on the exhale.

Kittens' afternoon soon?

Their bellies are rumbling.

Children sit in Turkish, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose

drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

Here come the kittens

Got to the sun.

Children stand on the floor, raise their hands up, stretch.


little kids

Little kids are sleeping

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Dream magic all look.

The dream is magical and colorful,

And a little funny.

The mischievous bunny is dreaming,

He hurries to his home.

Dreaming of a pink elephant

He is like a small child

Laughing, playing

But he doesn't fall asleep.

Sleep, little children!

A sparrow sits on a branch.

He chirps and you hear:

Hush, hush, hush, hush...


Lullaby of cubs

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

I sing a song to Sasha

About funny teddy bears

What are they sitting under the tree?

One paw sucking

The other one gnaws at the seeds.

The third sat on a stump,

He sings a song loudly:

"Sasha, sleep, sleep,

Close your eyes…”


(lullaby of the Ural Cossacks)

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

There is a house on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

The upper room is full of guys.

The upper room is full of guys

Everyone is sitting on benches

Everyone is sitting on benches

They eat sweet porridge.

butter porridge,

The spoons are painted.

The cat sits next to

He looks at the kids.

You, cat-cat,

You have a gray pubis

white skin,

I will give you a kokurka (butter biscuit).

Come on, kitty

Download kids to me

To me, kids to swing, lull.

And the night will end...

(Russian folk lullaby)

Bye bye, bye bye

And the night will end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in bed until morning.

The cow sleeps, the bull sleeps,

A beetle sleeps in the garden.

And a kitten next to a cat

He sleeps behind the stove in a basket.

Grass sleeps on the lawn

Leaves are sleeping on the trees

The sedge sleeps by the river,

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Music therapy as a means of healing children


IN modern society music is one of the artistic activity. Even ancient Greek philosophers noted the role of musical art in the aesthetic education of the individual and its positive therapeutic effect on the personality. Plato argued that on the one hand, the “musical ally” sent to the world puts the harmony of the individual in order, on the other hand, removes the disharmony of his mind. Music therapy is a treatment through music, creative self-expression.

Music therapy is widely used in many countries of the world for the treatment and prevention of a wide range of disorders, including developmental disorders, emotional instability, behavioral disorders, sensory deficits, physical and combined disorders, spinal cord injuries, psychosomatic diseases, internal illnesses, mental disorders, aphasia, autism.

As an integrative method, music therapy includes medical, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methods in its arsenal.

Relevance of the topic: this topic at the present time has become very popular, but still little studied in Russia. A deeper study of the influence of music therapy on the development and health of children is necessary, since in modern conditions there is sharp deterioration the state of children's health, requiring the development of more effective measures.

According to research by specialists, 75% of adult diseases are laid down in childhood. Only 10% of children come to school completely healthy, and many fall behind not because of laziness, but because of poor health. Physicians, parents and teachers everywhere ascertain the lag, delays, violations, deviations, inconsistencies in the development of children, the inferiority of their health.

The aim of the work is to study music therapy as one of the independent directions in therapy for working with children using literary sources.

In this regard, the main tasks can be formulated:

1. study the research literature on music therapy;

2.reveal species musical activity used in music therapy;

3. find out the importance of music therapy as a health-saving process for children;

4. Familiarize yourself with the various activities of music therapy (choral singing, playing the musical instruments, dancing).

In the course of writing the abstract, various types of literary sources, sites, which are presented in the form of a list of references, were studied.

1. Brief history of the development and use of music therapy

music therapy correctional psychological child

How powerful is your enchanting sound!

Mozart. magical flute

The history of the relationship between music and man is rooted in the distant past, to the origins of mankind.

Scientific and historical evidence shows that dances and songs predate articulate speech. This indicates that music is the primitive language of mankind.

The use of music for healing purposes also has a long history. In the past, music was widely used in medical practice. This is known from the works of Plato, from the biography of King David, is mentioned in the myths about Apollo, etc.

The term "music therapy" is of Greek-Latin origin and means "healing with music". There are many definitions of the term "music therapy". A significant part of scientists consider music therapy to be an auxiliary means of psychotherapy, a means of specific preparation of patients for the use of complex therapeutic methods. Other authors define music therapy as: - the controlled use of music in the treatment, rehabilitation, education and upbringing of children and adults suffering from somatic and mental illnesses; - the systemic use of music to treat the physiological and psychosocial aspects of an illness or disorder; - a means of optimizing creative forces and pedagogical and educational work.

A thousand years ago, the outstanding physician of all times and peoples, Avicenna, treated patients with nervous and mental illnesses with music. In Europe, the mention of this dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the French psychiatrist Esquirol began to introduce music therapy into psychiatric institutions. Characteristically, the use of music in medicine was predominantly empirical.

Music therapy was further developed after the First World War. In the 1930s, the experience of military doctors was used by German therapists in the treatment of stomach ulcers, and Swiss ones in the treatment of mild forms of tuberculosis. Austrian obstetricians with the help of music anesthetized childbirth. The use of music and sound as an anesthetic began to be used in dental and surgical practice. All this practice became the basis for the development of music therapy after the Second World War.

In the second half of the 20th century, technical capabilities in the study of physiological reactions that occur in the body in the process of musical perception have increased significantly. It has been shown that music actively affects the functions of all vital physiological systems, the intensity of various physiological processes, respiration and the cardiovascular system, blood circulation, and even leads to certain hormonal and biochemical changes.

2.Music therapy: directions, tasks, functions

The role of music in people's lives is increasing over time. Scientists, composers, teachers, musicians have developed the problems of children's musical education and upbringing. Many researchers note the therapeutic effect musical rhythm on all systems and functions of the child's body, including the development of thinking, attention, motor skills. The psychophysical direction of musical activity is associated with the positive influence of music on various systems of the child's body.

There are four main directions of the corrective action of music therapy:

1. Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy.

2. Development of interpersonal communication skills, communication functions and abilities.

3. Regulatory influence on psychovegetative processes.

4. Increasing aesthetic needs.

The following are indicated as psychological mechanisms of the corrective influence of music therapy: * catharsis - emotional release, regulation of the emotional state; * facilitating awareness of their own experiences; * confrontation with life problems; * increase social activity; * acquisition of new means of emotional expression; * facilitating the formation of new relationships and attitudes.

Music therapy goals:

Strengthen children's health through music;

Teach children to recognize the emotions and feelings conveyed by music;

Develop a sense of rhythm, give the child the opportunity to fantasize and invent movements.

Music therapy is special kind musical activity aimed at the prevention, improvement and correction of various psycho-emotional, behavioral deviations, at the rehabilitation of the individual by means of musical art. Music performs sedative (relaxation), stimulating and cathartic functions.

The sedative (relaxation) function is related to the fact that as a result of specially organized musical activity, muscle and emotional tension is relieved, a person calms down, and restores physical and emotional strength.

The stimulating function, on the contrary, is aimed at mobilizing and activating all physical and emotional possibilities for a person: tones muscles, vital systems of the body, fills with positive, vivid emotions and gives a good mood. In this case, major, rhythmic, dance music is used.

The cathartic function of music is opposed to the sedative and stimulating. Its essence is not in making up for the missing emotions, but in delivering a person from oppressing feelings. "Catharsis - from the Greek - cleansing - originally: an emotional shock, a state of internal cleansing, caused in the viewer of an ancient tragedy as a result of a special experience for the fate of the hero, as a rule, ending in his death."

3. Mechanisms of the influence of music on a person

Music therapy includes:

Listening to musical works;

singing songs;

Rhythmic movements to music;

The combination of music and visual activity.

Goals of classes with the use of music therapy:

Creation of a long-term emotional background of rehabilitation (removal of the anxiety factor that occurs in this contingent of children due to a sharp change in social and personal status);

Stimulation of motor functions;

Development and correction of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions,

representations) and sensory abilities, disinhibition of speech function.

Music therapy uses various therapeutic mechanisms:

Allows you to overcome the psychological defense of the child - to calm or, conversely, to activate, set up to interest.

Helps to establish contact.

Promotes the development of communicative and creative abilities


Increases self-esteem through self-actualization.

Helps to express feelings.

Develops empathy.

Assists in the establishment and development of interpersonal relationships.

Forms valuable practical skills: playing music

instruments, singing, listening to music, etc.

Helps to keep the child entertained - musical games, singing, dancing, moving to music, improvisation.

4. The use of music therapy techniques in working with children

There are the following methods of music therapy in working with children:

1. Directed visualization method K.O. Connor (music and relaxation). Children need to be taught to relax just as keenly as adults. Sometimes children are very tense physically and emotionally. This leads to irritation and irrational behavior. They need help to relax. Often this allows you to identify the source of irritation. When relaxing, children can lie on the floor, they can take any comfortable position, bending and stretching the body are very useful. Can be used special exercises yoga. Music serves as background.

Having relaxed, the child builds images that are pleasant to him, revives pleasant memories that will help him cope with existing phobias or tension.

2. Music and meditation. Meditation is an excellent way of teaching relaxation - relaxation. Specially selected music serves as a background for music therapy. After meditation exercises, children can draw or move to music. Meditation is of two kinds: directive and non-directive. Directive meditation - accompanied by a story, may include elements of suggestion that set children up in a certain way. Non-directive meditation takes place when the listener freely surrenders to the images and associations that arise in him in the process of observing the development of musical content. The child is immersed in his own inner world and imagine whatever he wants.

3. Method of directed fantasies V. Ocklender (music and fantasies). Fantasies are extremely valuable for the development of children. They are used as a therapeutic agent. Music is used as a background, as an illustration, it can be organically woven into the task. This method helps children to express repressed feelings, needs, aspirations and thoughts in a safe, gentle way. The child reacts much more easily to a metaphorical representation of his life than to rude realistic images. The metaphorical power of music helps him in this.

4.Listening to music. It is very important for activities related to listening to music: specially select musical repertoire and methods of working with it; use in the classroom for other types of musical activities of children: musical movement, singing, playing in the orchestra, conducting; the use in the classroom of works of other types of art, primarily fine and fiction.

5. Vocal therapy is especially indicated for depressive, inhibited, egocentric children. The advantage of group vocal therapy is that each participant is involved in the process. At the same time, the moment of “anonymity” of feelings, “hiddenness” in the general mass is of great importance here, which creates a prerequisite for overcoming contact disorders, for affirming own feelings and healthy experience of their bodily sensations.

Songs are selected according to the mood of the group. Group placement is a vicious circle. The leader sings along with everyone. When a certain state of the group is reached, each participant is given the opportunity to propose a song, to nominate a leader. The sing-along is associated for many with overcoming shyness, as the sing-along gets into the spotlight.

6.Choral singing is the most effective means education not only of aesthetic taste, but also of initiative, imagination, creative abilities of children, it the best way contributes to the development musical ability(singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), the development of singing skills, contributes to the growth of interest in music, increases the emotional and vocal-choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of the team in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of the worldview of children, has an organizing and disciplined effect on children, and fosters a sense of collectivism and friendship.

7. Playing musical instruments. Along with listening to music, it is important to use active music-making, which helps to increase self-esteem - to overcome the ambivalence of behavior. Most often, music therapy associated with performing activities is group therapy. Active music therapy involves playing musical instruments.

Even simple instruments such as drum, triangle, xylophone can be used to perform simple pieces. Classes are limited to the search for the simplest melodic, rhythmic, harmonic forms and represent an impromptu game. Dynamic adaptability develops, the ability to listen to each other. Since this is a group music therapy, the game is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic. The most important thing is that a child expresses himself through playing a musical instrument.

8. Dance movement therapy can serve as a bridge between the world of consciousness and the unconscious. With dance movement therapy, a child can use movement to express himself more fully and to keep his identity in contact with other children. Dance movement therapy is the only type of therapy that uses a lot of free space. Movement behavior expands in dance, helping to recognize conflicts, desires, and can help to experience negative feelings and release them.

5. Main mechanisms of psychological corrective influence

Music therapy can be used both as the main method and as one of the auxiliary methods. There are two main mechanisms of psychological corrective influence, characteristic of the method of music therapy.

The first mechanism is that the art of music makes it possible to reconstruct a traumatic conflict situation in a special symbolic form and thereby find its resolution.

The second mechanism is related to the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows changing the action of the “affect from painful to pleasurable”.

A distinction is usually made between retrospective and prospective phases of music therapy. The retrospective phase has the task of prompting the participant to experience the need to actively disclose the internal conflict. Listening to music should bring a person into confrontation with their own inner life. Experiences that until then remained unconscious or only partially conscious are transformed into concrete representations. In this phase, music with a deep emotional content should be used, for example, symphonic music 19th century. In the prospective phase, two approaches are possible. The first is the discharge of mental tension, the expression of which can be muscle tension. The second is the development of the need to listen to music, the expansion of the range of experiences, the stabilization of well-being.

There are individual and group music therapy. Individual music therapy is carried out in three versions: with a distinctive communicative, reactive and regulatory action. In the first case, the teacher and the child listen to the piece of music, here the music helps to improve these relationships. In the second, purification is achieved. In the third - neuro-psychic tension is removed. All three forms can be used independently or in combination. They represent in in a certain sense passive music therapy. Along with this, there is an active individual music therapy, the purpose of which is to overcome communication disorders. It is carried out in the form of a teacher's music lessons together with a child.

Group music therapy is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic.

Music therapy helps to improve the relationship between the teacher and the child, develops a sense of inner control, opens up new abilities, and increases self-esteem.

6. Positive effect of music therapy.

Experts identify the following positive effects of using music therapy:

*Music has a strong calming effect on hyperactive children;

* Closed, constrained children become more spontaneous, they develop skills of interaction with other people;

*Improves speech function;

* Improves sensorimotor function;

*Music therapy is very effective in correcting communication disorders, it often helps to establish an emotional dialogue even when other methods have been exhausted;

* The child experiences a positive experience of the success achieved when mastering various ways of playing music, his interests develop;

*Music has a beneficial effect through the bodily level on the emotional state of a preschooler;

*Music has a huge healing potential and the ability to influence spiritual development child;

*Music, as a rhythmic stimulus, stimulates physiological processes that occur rhythmically in the motor and vegetative spheres.


Currently, music therapy is considered independent direction, a kind of section of psychotherapy, it is entrusted with a number of tasks for psychocorrection. Despite the fact that the use of music for medicinal purposes is now becoming more widespread, the theoretical aspects of music therapy have not been fully developed.

The purpose of classes using music is to create a positive emotional background, rehabilitation, stimulation of motor function, development and correction of sensory processes and sensory abilities, disinhibition of speech function.

The most important for children's activities is the training of observation, the development of a sense of pace, rhythm, time, mental abilities and fantasies, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, education volitional qualities and the ability to restrain affects, the development of general fine and articulatory motor skills.

To accomplish these tasks, the organizing principle of musical rhythm and its emotional impact on the child's behavior.

Practical material is a variety of tasks that are organically related to music and arranged according to a specific lesson scheme, providing for the correct alternation of physical and mental stress. Musical accompaniment regulates the pace and nature of movements, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes smooth, sometimes jerky. From the very beginning, music should guide the behavior of the child, restrain excessive excitability in some and activate passivity and inertia in others. The child himself must feel the leading role of music.

The direct therapeutic effect of music on the neuropsychic sphere of children occurs with its passive or active perception. Music therapy contains a system of various differentiated methods, some of which are, of course, traditional, others are modified in a certain way in accordance with the specifics. speech disorder. Music therapy includes listening to music, singing songs, rhythmic movements to music, a combination of music and art activities, etc.

Musical rhythm is used in the treatment of disorders of motor and speech functions, correction of delayed development of psychomotor, impaired sense of rhythm, deviations in speech breathing. With preschoolers, it is carried out in the form of activities combined with rhythm games, breathing exercises. Music therapy is used for speech pathologies of organic origin, has a beneficial effect on intellectual activity, music has a positive effect on learning activities, increasing learning motivation, increasing satisfaction with learning.


1. Burno M.E. Practical guide in creative self-expression therapy. M., 2002, p.214.

2. Vorozhtsova O.A. Music and play in child psychotherapy. Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy. M., 2004, p.90.

3.Vygotsky L.S. psychology of art. Minsk, 1998, p.356.

4. Music therapy in music education: Proceedings of the first all-Russian scientific and practical conference / Ed. A.S. Klyuev. SPb., 2008, p.254.

5. Nazaikinsky E.O. Psychology of musical perception. M.: Muzyka, 1974, p.378.

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“Music is not only an ennobling, educational factor. Music is the healer of health."

(V.M. Bekhterev)

It's no secret that the musical impact stimulates the development of the child, develops and enhances his intelligence. Scholars believe that music literally words, has a magical effect on the human brain. The beneficial effect of music on the human soul was noticed in antiquity. In the Middle Ages, music was used to treat psychological disorders and was used as an anesthetic. Scientists are currently proving positive influence classical music and lullabies for the development and health of children.

You can help your child with music therapy. Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic method for correcting emotional states. This method allows you to quickly relieve mental stress, calm down. IN childhood music therapy will successfully cope with a child's behavioral problems, emotional anxiety, and will also help to survive related to child development. In the modern world, our kids spend more and more time in front of TV screens and computer games. Parents are not against such leisure of children, since the child is busy and does not bother mom and dad. Parents are free to mind their own business. It is a pity that they underestimate the harm that frequent communication with the TV and computer does to the baby. After all, more and more often cartoons openly radiate aggression, and films are stuffed with murders and violence. As a result, the fragile psyche of the child suffers. And if not everything goes well in the family, then a real mental trauma is inflicted on the child, he becomes withdrawn, insecure, he develops a feeling of guilt, fear, he feels insecure and unnecessary to anyone, the child appears. All this affects the relationship of the child with peers, which is extremely important in childhood. The child is difficult to enter the team, he is not confident in himself and is afraid that he will not be accepted.

What forms of music therapy can be used when working with children

Passive music therapy-when the child is a listener. For listening, musical works close to the mental state of the child are offered. This method is aimed at forming a positive emotional state of the child and at the child's way out of a problem situation with the help of music. The method of passive music therapy can be used in several ways: it is a musical picture and musical modeling. In the first case, the child, listening to a musical composition, focuses on the musical picture, which he presents thanks to musical sounds, melodies, which has a beneficial effect on his emotional, mental state.

When musical modeling, the composition is composed of different musical fragments. The first fragment corresponds to the state of mind of the child, i.e. similar in character to his experiences. The second piece of music should be opposite to the previous one and neutralize it. The third fragment contains dynamic music that can increase the emotional state of the child. And finally, music for relaxation.

Active music therapy

This is vacalotherapy - increasing a positive emotional state with the help of singing;

Instrumental music therapy - the formation of optimism by playing musical instruments.

Kinesitherapy, which includes psycho-gymnastics, rhythmoplasty, corrective rhythm, plot-game kinesitherapy. Kinesitherapy teaches to express emotions with the help of body movements. With the help of this technique, the child acquires relaxation skills.

Music therapy exercises

In the forest.(Elements of musical modeling and kinesitherapy)

Experience an emotional state. (disturbing music) We got lost in the forest, all around tall trees, thorny bushes, stumps. We walk, raising our legs high, stepping over tall grass, hummocks.

exit stage difficult situation, calm. (joyful music) But here we see a sunny clearing ahead. It has soft green grass, a clear lake in the middle. Flowers of extraordinary beauty grow in the grass, birds sit on the trees, grasshoppers chirp in the grass. The child sits on the floor and looks around.

Emotional relaxation. (Calm music for relaxation) Water splashes quietly in the lake, you can hear a stream murmuring somewhere, birds chirping, bees buzzing. We are blown by a light warm breeze. The child lies on the floor in a comfortable position with his eyes closed.


Exercise is good to do in the air.

Look at the clouds floating across the sky. This cloud looks like a giant, and this one looks like a horse. And come on, you and I will turn into white fluffy clouds. Here a light breeze blew, and we swim, spin around the sky with it. (light music by Tchaikovsky) The shape of the cloud changes from the breath of the wind. You should move smoothly, easily, making various movements.

bee in a flower(kinesitherapy)

The bee flies across the field. (Rimsky-Korsakov "Flight of the Bumblebee") He sits on one flower, then on another. The child imitates the flight of a bee, flaps its wings, sits on flowers (on a sofa, armchair, chair). But then the bee flew in, got tired and fell asleep on a beautiful flower. Night has come. (Brahms "Lullaby") We throw a thick scarf over the child. Morning came, the sun rose, the bee woke up and again flew from flower to flower. (We remove the scarf, we change the music)

The brave daredevil.(kinesitherapy)

Once upon a time there lived a cowardly bunny in the forest. I was afraid of everything around. He sits under a bush and shakes. (The child imitates the behavior of a hare.) The wind blows, the hare trembles, the branch crunches - the hare shakes even more. (Schumann's music "Santa Claus") But the hare is tired of being afraid. He climbed onto a stump and shouts: “I am a brave man, I am not afraid of anyone!” (music by Beethoven "Ode to Joy")

Suddenly, a wolf came into the clearing. (Toy from puppet theater) Yes, so suddenly that the hare lost all his courage. He trembled like an aspen leaf, jumped off the stump, and so awkwardly that he landed right on the wolf's back. And the hare took off running. (Saint-Saens "Hare") The child shows how the hare runs away.

And the wolf was actually frightened of the hare, which so unexpectedly attacked him and ran away forever from this forest. (music by Beethoven “Ode to Joy”) The animals began to praise the hare: “Well done, Brave, daring, drove the wolf away, was not afraid!” Since then, the hare is not afraid of anything.

Pinocchio– Stress relief game

An adult says to a child: “Now you will turn into Pinocchio”

Stand up straight, the body becomes wooden, like Pinocchio.

Tighten your shoulders, arms, fingers, they become wooden.

Legs tense up, toes become wooden.

The face and neck, forehead are tense, the jaws are compressed.

And now from Pinocchio you are again turning into a boy (girl).

All muscles are relaxed.

Magic scissors

The music of Shestakovich sounds Leningrad Symphony» .

The adult invites the child to draw himself. Then he sticks or draws black blots around this portrait. These are the child's fears. An adult and a child designate each fear: “This is darkness, this is Baba Yaga, this is loneliness” (Mozart’s music) After that, the child is offered to cut out his portrait and stick it on Blank sheet paper. An adult gives the child pre-prepared colored circles that indicate parents, people close to the child, friends. He should stick them next to the portrait as he sees fit, naming each one. And the child tears the cut blots into small pieces and throws them away.

snowmen.(Psycho-gymnastics for removal stressful situations)

An adult invites a child to turn into a snowman. Stand up straight, arms to the sides, puff out your cheeks, freeze and remain in this position for 10 seconds.

(music by Chopin "Winter's Tale") But then the sun came out, sun rays reached out to the Snowman and he began to melt. The child lowers his hands, crouches, lies on the floor, relaxes.

Crystal water

The child crouches, clasps his hands like a ladle and, as it were, scoops up water from a stream, then raises his hands up and pours the water over himself, then, jumping on one leg, utters a long “ee-ee-ee” for as long as he can. At the same time, the bell rings, the child listens and follows the sound until it subsides.

How does it sound.

The child is invited to show how he will beat the drum, glockenspiel or use another musical instrument if he is sad, cheerful, scared.


Invite the child to sing the sound “mmm”, in time for as long as he can stretch. Exercise promotes stress relief and relaxation.

Stretching out the sound “ah-ah-ah” helps to quickly relax.

Extend the sound "and-and-and" - in a few minutes it stimulates the working capacity of the brain, activates the work of all body systems. These exercises also contribute to the development and will be useful for.

To neutralize the child's feelings such as uncertainty, anxiety, fear, invite him to listen to the works of Rubinstein, Chopin, Strauss waltzes. The music of Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert will help to calm down. To relieve tension in a relationship, listen to Bach. The music of Tchaikovsky or Beethoven will help to improve your mood. And the music of Khachaturian, Liszt, Mozart contributes to raising vitality. To concentrate, use the works of Mendelssohn, Debussy, Tchaikovsky. Listen to music with your child, it will help you improve your emotional state.

Music therapy in kindergarten.

"The use of music in the correction of the psycho-emotional sphere of the child."

Music surrounds us always and everywhere. We love to listen to it (some classical, some folk, some modern), sing, dance, sometimes even just whistle. But, probably, few of us think about its benefits. But since ancient times it has been known that music has a mental and physical effect on any organism.

The luminaries of ancient civilization Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato drew the attention of contemporaries to the healing power of the influence of music, which, in their opinion, establishes a proportional order and harmony in the entire Universe, including disturbed harmony in the human body.

“Music enhances any joy, calms any sadness, banishes diseases, alleviates any pain, and therefore the Sages of Antiquity worshiped the Single Power of the Soul, Melody and Song.” In the Middle Ages, the method of music therapy was used to treat an epidemic of disease - the so-called dance of St. Vitus. At the same time in Italy, treatment with music of Tarentism (a severe mental illness caused by the bite of a poisonous spider - tarantula) became widespread.

The first attempts at a scientific explanation of this phenomenon date back to the 17th century, and extensive experimental studies - to the 19th century. Great importance was attached to music in the system of treatment of mental patients by S.S. Korsakov, V.M. Bekhterev and other famous Russian scientists.

Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic method that uses music as a remedy, as well as a controlled use of music in the correction of the child's psycho-emotional sphere. The direct therapeutic effect of music on the neuropsychic sphere of children occurs with its passive or active perception.

Music therapy allows you to solve a number of problems: to overcome the psychological defense of the child - to calm down or, conversely, to set up, activate, interest, establish contact between an adult and a child, helps to develop the communicative and creative abilities of the child, to engage him in an exciting activity - musical games, singing, dancing, movement to music, improvisation on musical instruments.

At preschool age, the activating effect of music is achieved musical arrangement various games, special remedial classes with children. Music therapy is carried out in the form of subgroup sessions with rhythmic games, breathing exercises, reproduction of a given rhythm with a gradual slowdown in pace. The volume of music should be strictly metered.

Music affects the breath.The unhurried pace of a piece of music slows down breathing, makes it deeper. The fast and rhythmic pulsation of the dance subordinates the breath to its pace, forcing us to breathe faster. The same with the heartbeat: slower and quieter - the calmer the rhythm of heart contractions.

Music also relieves muscle tension and improves body mobility and coordination.Through the autonomic nervous system, auditory nerves connect the inner ear to the muscles of the body. Therefore, strength, flexibility and muscle tone depend on sound and vibrations.

Every child has a favorite music that acts on his soul most effectively. It is surrounded by a huge number of different genres, styles, directions. How to understand this abundance of musical material, to highlight the most useful for the child's body?

Scientists have found that our brain is biologically receptive to certain music. They believe that listening to music in the first 3 years of a person's life helps the brain form an idea of ​​the world around us. The brain adapts easily in the early years, so it is necessary to expand the musical repertoire.

Children's songs: - "Antoshka" (Y. Entin, V. Shainsky)

- “Bu-ra-ti-no” (Y. Entin, A. Rybnikov)

- “Be kind” (A. Sanin, A. Flyarkovsky)

- "Merry Travelers" (S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadomsky)

- “We divide everything in half” (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky)

- “Where Wizards Live” “Long Live Surprise” (from the movie “Dunno from Our Yard” by Y. Entin, M. Minkov)

- “If you are kind” (from the m / f “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev) - “Bells”, “ Winged swing"(from the film "Adventures of Electronics", Y. Entin, G. Gladkov)

- “A true friend” (from the film “Timka and Dimka”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev)

- "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians" (Y. Entin, G. Gladkov)

- “Beautiful is far away” (from the movie “Guest from the Future” Y. Entin, E. Krylatov)

- "Dance of the little ducklings" (French folk song).

One of the options for using the potential of musical art is background music that sounds like a “second plan”, without setting a conscious perception in the classroom. The use of background music is one of the available and effective methods psychological and pedagogical impact on the child in an educational institution and helps to solve many problems of the educational process. What?

1. Creating a favorable emotional background, eliminating nervous tension and maintaining the health of children.

2. Development of the imagination in the process creative activity, increased activity.

3. Activation of mental activity, improving the quality of knowledge assimilation.

4. Switching attention during the study of labor educational material, prevention of fatigue, fatigue.

5. Psychological and physical relaxation after a training load, during psychological breaks, physical culture minutes.

Using music in speech development classes mathematical development, manual labor, designing, drawing, the educator should focus on the possibilities of its active and passive perception by children.

With active perception, the teacher deliberately draws the attention of children to the sound of music, its figurative and emotional content, means of expression.

With passive perception, music acts as a background to the main activity. So, in a lesson on the formation of mathematical representations in order to enhance intellectual activity, increase concentration, concentration of attention, sounding music is background.

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loudly. Music should be listened to by children in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, even the mood of the children. It’s good if the children in the group are met in the morning by a friendly teacher who prudently turns on sunny major classical music, good songs with good text. In this case, music will act as a therapeutic tool, correcting the psychophysical state of children. After all, every day a child is inflicted, albeit imperceptibly, but a trauma - a situation of separation from home and parents. Kindergarten is their second home. And music in this regard provides an invaluable service.

Music therapy includes:listening to music, singing songs, rhythmic movements to music, musical pauses in class, a combination of music and visual activities, playing children's musical instruments, musical exercises and others. Recommendations for the use of music therapy in correctional work with children:

1) you can use for listening only the work that absolutely all children like;

2) listen better musical pieces that are familiar to children;

3) the duration of listening should be no more than 10 minutes during the entire lesson.

To relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial effect of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the noise sea ​​waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax;

Music for relaxation:- Albioni T. "Adagio"

Beethoven L. "Moonlight Sonata"

Gluck K. "Melody"

Grieg E. Solveig's Song

Debussy K. "Moonlight"

Rimsky-Korsakov N. "Sea"

Saint-Saens K. "Swan"

Tchaikovsky P.I. "Autumn Song", "Sentimental Waltz"

Chopin F. "Nocturne in G minor"

Schubert F. "Ave Maria", "Serenade"

Name: Aksenova Galina Alekseevna

Position: music director

Place of work: MADOU d / s No. 42 "Berezka", Belgorod

"Music therapy as a method of regulating the emotional well-being of preschoolers"

The most important task of musical education of children is the formation of the leading component of musicality - the development of emotional responsiveness to music. On bright musical impressions, images, I build the development of activity in children's musical performance and children's creativity. Music is a source of special children's joy, it helps them master the world of human feelings, emotions, experiences. It has been established that music influences many spheres of human life through three main factors: vibrational, physiological and mental. Sound vibrations are stimulating metabolic processes in the body at the cell level. These vibrations are able to change the respiratory, motor, cardiovascular functions of the body. And since the child's psyche is very flexible and plastic, the psychological component of the work of a music director is the most effective.

Many scientists note that at preschool age, one of the most effective methods of leveling the psycho-emotional sphere is music therapy. Music therapy is based on the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the human body.

In preschool age, emotions play perhaps the most important role in personality development. That's why necessary condition organizing music classes with children, I consider an atmosphere of goodwill, the creation of a situation of success for each child. This is important not only for musical development children, but also to preserve and support their health. I pay special attention in my classes to educating emotions, developing the expressiveness of movements, overcoming communication barriers, creating opportunities for emotional self-expression. The use of music therapy methods in preschoolers has become the goal of my work.

The goal is realized in the following tasks:

To form in preschoolers the ability to listen: from the well-known “close” sounds that surround the child in Everyday life, to the sounds that make up the musical intonation.

Awaken in preschoolers by means of music the need for creative activity to express their attitude to the world.

Develop fantasy, imagination, Creative skills in productive activities to music.

To cultivate a culture of listening to musical works, emotional responsiveness to an artistic image.

To solve the tasks, I introduced innovative socio-game approaches into the practice of work. Music therapy classes are built according to the following scheme:

  1. Warm-up: motor and rhythmic exercises.
  2. Main part: perception of music, singing, improvisation.
  3. Musical relaxation.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on integration various kinds artistic activity. In order to enrich the sensory-emotional experience of children and fix it in memory, in my work I use an integrative approach to music, fine arts, artistic word, rhythm.

For more effective work in this direction, in groups, together with educators, we created an integrative musical and gaming environment, filled it with equipment: a music center, discs with high-quality recordings of musical works (according to age, illustrated and figurative pictures, dolls, elements of play costumes and play attributes that correspond to the content of the music, helping children understand the musical image, play it. With group educators and narrow specialists (speech therapist, instructor physical education, educational psychologist) consultations are regularly held on the use of music therapy in the classroom and during sensitive moments.

To achieve my goal, a close relationship with kindergarten teachers is necessary. After all, the material received in music lessons, children consolidate in independent activities, and here the leading role is assigned to the educator.

Little pupils are characterized by increased absent-mindedness, fatigue, they have difficulty concentrating, quickly become lethargic and irritable, and as a teacher, I need a lot of invention and imagination in order to use and apply one or another visual material in time that would captivate the child. That is why in the process of training I try to alternate musical material with speech, motor exercises, I am engaged in rhytmoplasty, I widely use immersion of children in games.

In the classroom I use elements of psycho-gymnastics, where children learn the ABC of expressing emotions - expressive movements.

We use music therapy not only in music, but also in physical education classes, in morning exercises, invigorating exercises after an afternoon nap, during a morning reception, during breathing exercises during daytime sleep and evening time. In addition to music therapy, music accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.

It is preferable to start the morning reception in kindergarten with the music of Mozart. It encourages close contact between an adult and a child, creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, love and ensures psychological well-being. Music options for the morning reception can be the following works:

  1. "Morning" (music by Grieg from the suite "Peer Gynt" ) .
  2. Instrumental music performed by Diego Modena
  3. Musical compositions (Paul Mauriat Orchestra)
  4. Arrangements for Russian folk orchestra ("Lady" , "Kamarinskaya" , "Kalinka" )
  5. saint sans "Animal Carnival" (Symphony Orchestra)

daytime sleep passes under quiet, calm music. It is known that sleep is considered as a manifestation of complexly organized activity of a number of brain structures. From here it essential role in ensuring the mental health of children. Music during sleep has a healing therapeutic effect. Daytime sleep may be accompanied by the following pieces of music:

  1. Instrumental music: Frederic Delarue.
  2. "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky.
  3. Beethoven, Sonata No. 14 "Lunar" .
  4. F. Schubert "Ave Maria" .
  5. lullaby melody "For the dream to come" (series « Good music for children" ) .
  6. Samudra Ocean "Voices of the Ocean" .

Music for the evening helps to relieve accumulated fatigue, stressful situations during the day. It calms, relaxes, normalizes blood pressure and work nervous system child's body. To do this, you can use the following melodies:

  1. Instrumental music: Sergey Sirotin, D. Livingston.
  2. Mendelssohn "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra" .
  3. Health Music: Edward Simon, Karunesh, Ocarina Blue.
  4. Bach "Organ Work" .
  5. A. Vivaldi "Seasons" .
  6. "Voices of Nature" .

Beyond regular music listening (passive form of music therapy) in the classroom, I usually use a lot of active techniques, tasks and exercises used in correctional and medical pedagogy. With the help of gaming technologies, the creative abilities of the child are developed. So, for example, children really like the method of art therapy, where they collectively create their own creative compositions that express children's feelings, emotions and experiences. In the classroom, children draw general pictures, glue applications, which contributes to emotional and motor self-expression, development creative imagination and bringing children together. Very often in my classes I use the method of color therapy. This method involves using various attributes of a specific color. For example, in dance compositions, in etudes and in musical and rhythmic movements, I suggest that children use silk scarves, ribbons, scarves, balls of bright colors, because these colors help create a good, good-natured mood, soothe, give a boost of positive energy and beneficially affect the human body as a whole.

But the elements of fairy tale therapy evoked the greatest response from children.

So, under a certain character of music, children get into a fairy tale, portray the heroes of their favorite fairy tales and compose their own fairy tales themselves. The child gets the opportunity to play and live a variety of roles, acquire a new psychological experience learn to build harmonious relationships with adults and peers. In music therapy classes, I use psycho-gymnastic studies and exercises that not only help to relax children and relieve psycho-emotional stress, but also teach them to control their mood and emotions, to express their emotional state. So, for example, children turn into butterflies, flowers, birds. I want to note that even the most usually inactive children are happy to improvise and convey magical images.

The method of game therapy contributes to the correction and regulation of aggressiveness and other behavioral disorders in children. I use both contact, unifying games, and cognitive games, games for the development of basic mental functions, and, of course, therapeutic games. During these games, personality-oriented interaction of an adult with a child and children among themselves, their communication in pairs, in groups is carried out. All games contribute to muscle relaxation, removal of physical aggression, psychological relief, removal of stubbornness and negativism, and also develop the emotional and cognitive spheres.

In almost every lesson, I use the method of vocal therapy, where children sing songs that bring up kindness, a sense of camaraderie, aimed at charging with positive emotions and psychological relief. For example, songs "Song of Friends" V. Gerchik, "My family" A. Yermolov, who perform all these tasks.

Thus, with the help of music therapy, it is possible to model the emotions and behavior of a child, help children gain strength, develop attention span, and feel successful.


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