Fundamental Library of Russian Literature and Folklore. Fundamental electronic library


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Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore"(FEB) - full text Information system, created with the aim of accumulating diverse (textual, sound, visual, etc.) information about Russian literature of the 11th-20th centuries, as well as folklore, the history of Russian philology and folklore.

The library provides free access to a repository of texts of various types: sources, research and reference literature. All information provided is structured into six thematic sections:

  • Science of Literature and Folklore
  • Old Russian literature
  • Russian literature XVIII century
  • Russian literature XIX century
  • Russian literature of the XX century
  • Folklore

Since it is not possible to publish all once published texts, first of all, the significance of the published works, the "citation" of the works of writers and researchers, their significance for Russian literature and culture are taken into account.


The basis for the formation and development of FEB are electronic scientific publications (ESP). It is indicated that

Electronic scientific publication can be dedicated both to the work of the writer or a separate genre, as well as specific literary work, for example, ENI "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The entire information space is organized into a hierarchical structure that allows you to navigate and move not only between subject-thematic sections like "Encyclopedic information", "Works", "Literature about ...", "Chronicle of life and work", "Bibliography", but also within structure of an individual work.

Reference sections

Within the framework of the FEB, the opportunity has been implemented to quickly turn to a variety of reference materials necessary to work with the texts presented in ENI. The entire body of auxiliary materials is divided into 4 groups:

  • Science of Literature and Folklore. Here are the materials on the history, as well as current state humanities in Russia. The materials are arranged in the section personalia, containing bio-bibliographic materials about the life and work of Russian scientists in the humanities, as well as four ENI: "News of the Academy of Sciences"(includes all issues from 1852 to the present), "History of World Literature"(in nine volumes), "History of Russian Literature", as well as "Russian Archive" .
  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias. This section presents literary encyclopedias, reference books, as well as language dictionaries, with the help of which the user of the library can clarify the meaning of a particular term and expression. From dictionaries to this moment presented: Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov, Dictionary of pseudonyms of Russian writers, scientists and public figures , Poetic dictionary, Russian dictionary language XVIII century (articles A-D). The list of encyclopedias has Literary encyclopedia in 11 volumes. (1929-1939), Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms in 2 t. (1925), Lermontov Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia "Words about Igor's Campaign": in 5 volumes, The Word about Igor's Campaign" in Literature, Art, Science: Brief encyclopedic Dictionary , Dictionary-reference book "Words about Igor's Campaign": in 6 issues. feature this section FEB is clearance waiver individual publications in favor of a unified alphabetical list of papers not broken down by volume. You can search by individual words, titles and authors.
  • Link directory presents a collection of links to other electronic libraries and projects dedicated to Russian literature and philology. The current version of the database dated November 1, 2006 includes 816 resources sorted into ten sections: multidisciplinary philological sites, specialized sites, personal (memorial) informational resources, scientific periodicals , scientific and educational institutions, literary and memorial museums, scientific libraries, electronic libraries and collections of texts, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, online bibliographies and link directories. Within sections, links are sorted alphabetically.


Fund "Fundamental e-library" (Fund "FEB") - non-profit organization, established by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Lavrentievich Yanin, Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Technical Center "Informregister" of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation. The structure of the FEB Foundation includes the Board of Trustees, the Board and CEO Foundation. Well-known Russian historian and archaeologist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Lavrentievich Yanin was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees and President of the FEB Foundation.
Konstantin Vladimirovich Vigursky, director of the Fundamental Electronic Library "Russian Literature and Folklore", candidate of technical sciences, has been appointed General Director of the FEB Foundation.
In accordance with the Charter, the main goals and activities of the Fund are:

  • Preservation and dissemination of the world cultural heritage, in particular, monuments of Russian literature and results scientific research in Russian philology and folklore.
  • Research and development in the field of electronic libraries and electronic publishing.
  • Providing the global scientific community and everyone interested persons free access to the monuments of Russian literature and Russian scientific heritage.
  • Assistance liberal education all levels.
  • Improving the efficiency of scientific research through the use of modern information technologies.
  • Propaganda of Russian literature and expansion of international cultural ties.

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An excerpt characterizing the Fundamental Electronic Library

- Where is this Great Temple, Radomir? Magdalene asked in surprise.
- In a marvelous distant country ... At the very "top" of the world ... (meaning North Pole, former country Hyperborea - Daaria), - quietly, as if having gone into the infinitely distant past, whispered Radomir. “There stands a holy man-made mountain, which neither nature, nor time, nor people can destroy. For this mountain is eternal... This is the Temple of Eternal Knowledge. Temple of our old Gods, Maria...
Once, a long time ago, their Key sparkled on the top of the holy mountain - this green crystal that gave the Earth protection, opened souls, and taught the worthy. Only now our Gods are gone. And since then, the Earth has plunged into darkness, which man himself has not yet been able to destroy. There is still too much envy and malice in him. And also lazy...

“People need to see clearly, Maria. - After a short pause, Radomir said. And it is YOU who will help them! - And as if not noticing her protesting gesture, he calmly continued. – YOU will teach them KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING. And give them real FAITH. You will be their Guiding Star, no matter what happens to me. Promise me! .. I have no one else to entrust what I had to do myself. Promise me, my light.
Radomir carefully took her face in his hands, carefully peering into the radiant Blue eyes and... unexpectedly smiled... How much infinite love shone in those wondrous, familiar eyes!.. And how much was in them deepest pain... He knew how scared and lonely she was. He knew how much she wanted to save him! And despite all this, Radomir could not help but smile - even at such a terrible time for her, Magdalena somehow remained just as amazingly bright and even more beautiful! .. Like a pure spring with life-giving clear water...
Shaking himself, he continued as calmly as possible.
– Look, I will show you how to open this ancient Key...
An emerald flame blazed on Radomir's open palm... Each slightest rune began to open up into a whole layer of unfamiliar spaces, expanding and opening into millions of images that smoothly flowed through each other. The marvelous transparent "structure" grew and swirled, opening more and more floors of Knowledge, never seen by today's man. It was stunning and boundless!.. And Magdalena, unable to take her eyes off all this magic, plunged headlong into the depths of the unknown, experiencing a burning, sizzling thirst with every fiber of her soul!.. She absorbed the wisdom of centuries, feeling like a powerful wave, filling every cell of it, an unfamiliar Ancient Magic! The knowledge of the Ancestors flooded, it was truly immense - from the life of the smallest insect it was transferred to the life of the universes, flowed for millions of years in the life of alien planets, and again, with a powerful avalanche, returned to Earth...
Opening her eyes wide, Magdalene listened to the wondrous Knowledge ancient world... Her light body, free from earthly "shackles", was swimming in the ocean like a grain of sand distant stars enjoying the grandeur and silence of universal peace...
Suddenly, a fabulous Star Bridge unfolded right in front of her. Stretching, it seemed, to infinity itself, it sparkled and sparkled with endless clusters of large and small stars, spreading at her feet in a silver road. In the distance, in the very middle of the same road, all shrouded in golden radiance, a Man was waiting for Magdalene ... He was very tall and looked very strong. Coming closer, Magdalena saw that not everything in this unprecedented creature was so "human" ... Most of all, his eyes were striking - huge and sparkling, as if carved from precious stone, they sparkled with cold edges, like a real diamond. But just like a diamond, they were insensitive and aloof... The masculine features of the stranger's face surprised with sharpness and immobility, as if a statue stood in front of Magdalene... Very long, lush hair sparkled and shimmered with silver, as if someone had accidentally scattered stars on them ... The "man" was, indeed, very unusual... But even with all his "icy" coldness, Magdalena clearly felt how wonderful, peace enveloping the soul and warm, sincere kindness came from a strange stranger. Only for some reason she knew for sure - not always and not to everyone this kindness was the same.
The “man” raised his hand extended to her in greeting and said affectionately:
- Stop, Starlight... Your Path is not over yet. You cannot go Home. Return to Midgard, Maria... And take care of the Key of the Gods. May eternity keep you.
And then, the powerful figure of the stranger suddenly began to slowly oscillate, becoming completely transparent, as if about to disappear.
– Who are you?.. Please, tell me who you are?!. cried Magdalene pleadingly.
– Stranger... You will meet me again. Farewell Starry...
Suddenly, the wondrous crystal snapped shut... The miracle ended as unexpectedly as it had begun. It immediately became chilly and empty around... As if it was winter outside.
– What was it, Radomir?! This is much more than we were taught!.. – Magdalena asked in shock, without taking her eyes off the green “stone”.
“I just opened it up a little. So that you can see. But this is just a grain of sand from what he can. Therefore, you must keep it, no matter what happens to me. At any cost... including your life, and even the life of Vesta and Svetodar.
Staring at her with his piercing blue eyes, Radomir persistently waited for an answer. Magdalene nodded slowly.
– He punished this... Stranger...
Radomir only nodded, clearly understanding who she was talking about.
“For thousands of years people have been trying to find the Key of the Gods. Only no one knows what he really looks like. And they don’t know its meaning, - Radomir continued much softer. - There are the most incredible legends about him, some are very beautiful, others are almost crazy.

(About the Key of the Gods, and, indeed, there are different, beautiful legends. In what languages ​​have they tried to paint the largest emeralds for centuries! .. In Arabic, Jewish, Hindu and even Latin ... But for some reason no one wants to understand that stones will not become magical from this, no matter how much someone would like it ... The proposed photographs show: the Iranian pseudo Mani, and the Great Mogul, and the Catholic "talisman" of God, and the Emerald "tablet" of Hermes (Emeral tablet) and even the famous Indian Cave of Apollo from Tiana, which, according to the Hindus themselves, was once visited by Jesus Christ.
- It just worked, apparently, someone once had an ancestral memory, and the person remembered - there was once something unspeakably great, donated by the Gods. But WHAT - they are unable to understand ... So the “seekers” have been walking for centuries, it is not known why, and they are circling in circles. It was as if someone was punishing: “go there - I don’t know where, bring it - I don’t know what” ... They only know that hefty power is hidden in him, unprecedented knowledge. The smart ones are chasing after knowledge, while the "dark" ones, as always, are trying to find it in order to rule the rest... I think this is the most mysterious and most (to each in their own way) desired relic that has ever existed on Earth. Now everything will depend only on you, my light. If I'm gone, don't lose him for anything! Promise me, Maria...

Fundamental electronic library "Russian literature and folklore"(FEB) is a full-text information system created to accumulate multispecies(textual, sound, visual, etc.) information about Russian literature of the 11th-20th centuries, as well as folklore, the history of Russian philology and folklore.

The library provides free access to a repository of texts of various types: sources, research and reference literature. All information provided is structured into six thematic sections:

  • Science of Literature and Folklore
  • Old Russian literature
  • Russian literature of the 18th century
  • Russian literature of the 19th century
  • Russian literature of the XX century
  • Folklore

Since it is not possible to publish all once published texts, first of all, the significance of the published works, the "citation" of the works of writers and researchers, their significance for Russian literature and culture are taken into account.

ENI [ | ]

The basis for the formation and development of FEB are electronic scientific publications (ESP). It is indicated that

An electronic scientific publication can be dedicated both to the work of a writer or a particular genre, or to a specific literary work, for example, ENI " A word about Igor's regiment". The entire information space is organized into a hierarchical structure that allows you to navigate and move not only between subject-thematic sections like "Encyclopedic information", "Works", "Literature about ...", "Chronicle of life and work", "Bibliography", but also within structure of an individual work.

Reference sections[ | ]

Within the framework of the FEB, the opportunity has been realized to quickly turn to a variety of reference materials necessary for working with the texts presented in the ENI. The entire body of auxiliary materials is divided into 4 groups:

  • Science of Literature and Folklore. Here are presented materials on the history, as well as the current state of the humanities in Russia. The materials are arranged in the section personalia, containing bio-bibliographic materials about the life and work of Russian scientists in the humanities, as well as four ENI: "News of the Academy of Sciences"(includes all issues from 1852 to the present), « History of world literature » (in nine volumes), « History of Russian literature » , as well as "Russian Archive" .
  • Dictionaries and encyclopedias. This section presents literary encyclopedias, reference books, as well as language dictionaries, with the help of which the user of the library can clarify the meaning of a particular term and expression. From the dictionaries at the moment are: Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov , Dictionary of pseudonyms of Russian writers, scientists and public figures, Poetic dictionary, Dictionary of the Russian language of the 18th century(Articles A-D). The list of encyclopedias has Literary encyclopedia in 11 volumes. (1929-1939), Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms in 2 volumes. (1925), Lermontov Encyclopedia , Encyclopedia "Words about Igor's Campaign": in 5 volumes, The Word about Igor's Campaign" in Literature, Art, Science: A Concise Encyclopedic Dictionary, : in 6 issues. A feature of this section of the FEB is the refusal to design individual publications in favor of a unified alphabetical list of articles that are not divided into volumes. You can search by individual words, titles and authors.
  • Link directory presents a collection of links to other electronic libraries and projects dedicated to Russian literature and philology. The current version of the database dated November 1, 2006 includes 816 resources sorted into ten sections: multidisciplinary philological sites, specialized sites, personal (memorial) information resources, scientific periodicals, scientific and educational institutions, literary and memorial museums, scientific libraries, electronic libraries and text collections, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, online bibliographies and link catalogs. Within sections, links are sorted alphabetically.

Fund [ | ]

Foundation "Fundamental Electronic Library" (Fund "FEB") is a non-profit organization founded by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Lavrentievich Yanin, Institute of World Literature. A. M. Gorky of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific and Technical Center "Informregister" of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Federation. The structure of the FEB Foundation includes the Board of Trustees, the Board and the General Director of the Foundation. Well-known Russian historian and archaeologist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valentin Lavrentievich Yanin was elected Chairman of the Board of Trustees and President of the FEB Foundation.
Konstantin Vladimirovich Vigursky, director of the Fundamental Electronic Library "Russian Literature and Folklore", candidate of technical sciences, has been appointed General Director of the FEB Foundation.
In accordance with the Charter, the main goals and activities of the Fund are:

  • Preservation and dissemination of the world cultural heritage, in particular, monuments of Russian literature and the results of scientific research in Russian philology and folklore.
  • Research and development in the field of electronic libraries and electronic publishing.
  • Providing the world scientific community and all interested persons with free access to the monuments of Russian literature and the national scientific heritage.
  • Promoting liberal education at all levels.
  • Improving the efficiency of scientific research through the use of modern information technologies.
  • Propaganda of Russian literature and expansion of international cultural ties.

During its existence, the free browser Mozilla Firefox has managed to win the recognition of a huge number of Internet users around the world. At the moment, it has firmly established itself among the most popular programs in this category. A few days ago, a new vendor product was introduced. It's about about the web browser, with which you can not only view web pages in the familiar 2D format, but also interact with augmented and virtual reality. Naturally, new feature is available provided that virtual reality facilities take place on any particular site. It is worth noting that the developers did not dare to create a software solution for the AR or VR platform, choosing something in between. This is due to the fact that even the relatively fast pace of technology development still does not allow a person to fully immerse himself in the digital world.

The authors of the project emphasize that over the years they have rethought many aspects of the functioning of modern web browsers. A huge number of consultations were held with developers of hardware solutions, content providers, as well as ordinary users. These consultations raised a variety of issues, including:

  • options for entering text information,
  • navigation features,
  • additional functions.

Ultimately, it was possible to create a program that can dynamically provide priority and the necessary computing power to exactly the environment that is on the web resource in a dominant position.

Another notable feature is an integrated search engine for web resources that support virtual and augmented reality. It is noteworthy that, if necessary, you can search in private mode. The authors of the project do not hide the fact that not all the tools available in the Reality arsenal function without errors, since the presented opportunities only enter the lives of many people. At the moment, you can download the web browser in the official online store. It can work with Daydream, Viveport and Oculus devices.

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