Rules of conduct in the museum memo. I


This instruction and instruction on the rules of conduct for students in the theater and museum designed for school students to prevent children from violating discipline when visiting a theater or museum.

1. Rules of conduct for students when visiting the theater
1.1 Everyone enters the theater lobby in an organized manner.
1.2. They undress, collect their things: they put scarves, hats in the sleeve of their clothes, shoes - in a bag.
1.3. The whole group checks in their clothes in one section of the locker room.
1.4. Hand over things culturally, throwing them over the barrier so that it is convenient for the cloakroom attendant to take them. After receiving the number, move to the side where the teacher indicates.
1.5. After handing over things, everyone gathers together, the teacher divides the group into parts and everyone goes to the toilet.
1.6. Again, everyone gathers in an organized manner, visits the buffet, eats culturally at the tables, wipes their hands with a napkin or handkerchief.
1.7. When buying souvenirs, politely thank the seller.
1.8. IN auditorium enter in a timely manner, calmly sit down in their seats, without disturbing other spectators.
1.9. While watching the performance, they do not shout, do not distract the attention of the audience, do not rustle paper and do not examine souvenirs.
1.10. After the end of the performance, do not leave the auditorium until the curtain is finally closed.
1.11. Leave the hall in an orderly manner, visit the toilet, calmly line up along the barrier, get clothes, thank the cloakroom attendant for the service.
1.12. Get dressed calmly, move to the place designated by the teacher, line up for the exit without pushing. Follow the instructions of the teacher in everything.

2. Rules of conduct for students when visiting the museum
2.1. When visiting the museum, observe the same rules of conduct as in the theater.
2.2. While viewing the exposure, do not touch anything with your hands.
2.3. While listening to the lecture, stand in a semicircle, let the small ones go forward, at the same time do not hamper the guide, do not run from one exposition to another, do not talk.
2.4. Do not climb over fences.
2.5. If the exhibits are in a showcase, do not lie down on it while viewing.
2.6. After the end of the viewing, thank the guide, go out in an organized way, visit the toilet.
2.7. If you used the locker room, get clothes, line up for the exit.

Any museum is cultural institution, which has its own rules of etiquette. How to behave correctly during the tour, in order not to seem like an ill-mannered and ignorant person? We bring to your attention the universal rules of behavior in the museum, which are appropriate to observe in any temple of art.

We're going to the museum!

Any museum is a place where unique and rare exhibits are collected. And this means that the tour simply cannot be boring. Find out the opening hours of the selected institution and check whether you need to buy tickets in advance. Majority contemporary museums permits visits to exhibitions without prior appointment for single tickets. If you wish, you can come alone or with family / friends to the museum of interest. And immediately, having paid the ticket, start viewing the exhibits.

For hiking, choose comfortable and modest clothing. There is no strict dress code in most cultural organizations, it is only forbidden to come dirty. However, this is not a reason to choose evening dresses or sportswear for the tour.

Rules of conduct for children

The most difficult thing is to follow the rules of behavior in the museum for children. If you decide to introduce your child to art, do not be too lazy to discuss the upcoming excursion in advance. The main requirement of the museum administration to each visitor is not to harm the property of the museum and not to interfere with other guests in examining the exhibits. Explain to the child that during the tour you can not make noise, you should move at a calm pace.

At what age should children be taken to the museum? Everyone is individual, the benefits of cultural institutions are enormous, but most kids under the age of 6 are not able to understand historical or artistic displays.

It makes sense to discuss the rules of conduct in the museum for schoolchildren going on an excursion in a group during class hour. Students should be reminded that while in a cultural institution it is forbidden to use any modern gadgets other than cameras (if photography is allowed by the administration). Ask the children to turn off their phones beforehand. Excursions for children are usually short and prepared specifically for a specific age category. Immediately before starting to view the exposition, young visitors to the museum should be reminded that it is forbidden to touch the exhibits, showcases and fences.

Museum etiquette cheat sheet for adults

Upon entering the museum, you must leave your outerwear in the cloakroom. If you have large bags, hats and other items that will interfere with the viewing of the exposition, leave them too. When purchasing a single ticket, you can join another group in order to listen to the guide. Remember: you can not interrupt the guide, even if you are sure that you understand a particular issue better than him.

The rules of conduct in the museum include careful attitude to the presented exhibits and property cultural organization. Be sure to check before starting to view the exhibition whether it is allowed to take pictures and shoot videos. The thing is that even the flash of your camera can harm some exhibits.

During the visit big museum it is better to carefully study part of the exposition than to try to quickly run around all the halls. If this is your first time visiting a major temple of art, don't be too lazy to get a paper guide with a map. Be sure to read the signs next to the exhibits.

Remember that the rules of conduct in the museum are always set by the administration. If you have any questions, it is best to contact the employees of the organization for their solution.

Come to the museum and enjoy
There are so many important things in it!
Touch the art with your soul,
Invite relatives and friends to the museum!
Open your heart to beauty
Every exhibit is amazing!
Only those who understand art
Who is happy to see the beauty!

A hundred and two hundred years will pass,
And three hundred years will pass
But every shot and portrait
Any thing, any object,
This is where the people will be saved.

Sergei Mikhalkov

Address: 352192,

Krasnodar region,


Industrial Zone No. 10

Contact number:

8 (861-60) 5-54-95

GKU SO KK "Gulkevichsky rehabilitation center for children and adolescents with disabilities"


for children

Compiled by: social educator

Zhilinskaya N.V.



Any museum is a cultural institution that has its own rules of etiquette. How to behave correctly during the tour, in order not to seem like an ill-mannered and ignorant person? We bring to your attention the universal rules of behavior in the museum, which are appropriate to observe in any temple of art. We're going to the museum! Any museum is a place where unique and rare exhibits are collected. And this means that the tour simply cannot be boring. Find out the opening hours of the selected institution and check whether you need to buy tickets in advance. Most modern museums allow visits to exhibitions without prior appointment for single tickets. If you wish, you can come alone or with your family, friends to the museum you are interested in. And immediately, having paid the ticket, start viewing the exhibits.For a trip to the temple of art, choose comfortable and rather modest clothes. Before going to the museum, you must turn off the sound of the phone. Do not use other gadgets, behave modestly, culturally, do not touch the exhibits with your hands. At the end of the tour, thank the guide for an interesting story.

Rules of conduct in the museum

    Be quiet and modest in the museum.

    Do not touch the exhibits.

    Listening to the lecture, stand in a semicircle, do not interfere with the guide, do not touch the fence.

    Don't talk in the museum.

    Do not use your phone or other gadgets.

    At the end of the lecture, be sure to thank the guide.

    Take photos only with permission.

    At the end of the tour, visit the toilet, drink water.

Instruction number 1. Guidelines for excursions:

1. 1. To the museum, to the exhibition

1. 2. To nature

1. 2. 4. Do not pollute nature.

1. 2. 5. Do not light a fire.

1. 2. 6. Don't break trees.

Instruction number 3. Rules of conduct during technology lessons:

- when working with a needle -

- when working with scissors -

4. 6. Be polite.

5. 3. Do not agree to any proposals of unfamiliar adults.

6. 2. It is allowed:

12. 2. Walk only in formation.

12. 4. Take your seat.

16. 5. Follow the safety rules on the ice (#7).

16. 1. Observe traffic rules (№2)

16. 2. Follow the rules fire safety and handling electrical appliances (No. 6).

16. 3. Follow the rules of conduct in in public places (№4).

16. 4. Observe the rules of personal safety on the street (#5).

16. 5. Follow the rules safe behavior on the water in summer (No. 8).

16. 6. Follow the rules of conduct when you are alone at home (#10).

16. 7. Follow the rules of animal safety (No. 9).

16. 8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and bladed weapons, ammunition.

16. 9. Do not use medications without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

Instruction number 1. Rules of conduct during excursions

1. 1. To the museum, to the exhibition

1. 1. 1. Behave calmly, with restraint.

1. 1. 2. Carefully examine, listen, do not run randomly from one to another.

1. 1. 3. Don't touch anything without permission.

1. 1. 4. Do not speak loudly.

1. 1. 5. Don't forget to thank the tour guide.

1. 2. To nature

1. 2. 1. Take clean water for drinking and washing hands.

1. 2. 2. Do not drink raw water from natural reservoirs.

1. 2. 3. Do not collect plants unknown to you, in any case, do not take them into your mouth.

1. 2. 4. Do not pollute nature.

1. 2. 5. Do not light a fire.

1. 2. 6. Don't break trees.

1. 2. 7. After the event, go straight home.

1. 2. 8. Follow the rules traffic.

Instruction number 2. Traffic Laws

2. 1. Walk on the sidewalk only with right side. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.

2. 2. Cross the road at the place where a footpath is indicated or a traffic light is installed. Cross the road at the green light.

2. 3. When crossing the road, look first to the left, then to the right.

2. 4. If there is no traffic light, cross the road at the crossroads. You need to cross the street straight, not obliquely.

2. 5. Do not cross the road in front of nearby traffic.

2. 6. On the roadway, games are strictly prohibited.

2. 7. Do not enter the roadway on a bicycle.

Instruction number 3. Rules of conduct during technology lessons

When working with a needle -

3. 1. Keep the needle always in the needle case.

3. 2. Do not leave the needle in the workplace without a thread.

3. 3. Pass the needle in the needle case and with thread.

3. 4. Do not put the needle in your mouth, do not play with it.

3. 5. Do not stick the needle into clothing.

3. 6. Before and after work, check the number of needles.

3. 7. Always keep the needle bar in one place.

3. 8. Do not be distracted while working with the needle.

When working with scissors -

3. 9. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

3. 10. Scissors should have blunt, rounded ends.

3. 11. Don't leave scissors open.

3. 12. Pass the scissors rings forward.

3. 13. Do not play with scissors, do not bring it to your face.

3. 14. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Instruction number 4. Rules of conduct in public places

4. 1. Talking loudly, shouting, laughing in the street is indecent.

4. 2. You can not litter on the street: gnaw seeds, throw papers, candy wrappers, apple cores.

4. 3. While visiting the cinema, do not make noise, run, start games.

4. 4. While watching a movie, it is indecent to interfere with the audience, slam chairs, whistle, stomp.

4. 5. When entering the hall and when leaving, do not rush, push.

4. 6. Be polite.

Instruction number 5. Rules for personal safety on the street

5. 1. If someone walks on the street and runs after you, but it’s far from home, run to the nearest crowded place: to the store, bus stop.

5. 2. If unfamiliar adults try to take you away by force, resist, scream, call for help: "Help! I'm being taken away stranger!"

5. 3. Do not agree to any offers from unfamiliar adults.

5. 4. Do not go anywhere with unfamiliar adults and do not get into a car with them.

5. 5. Never boast that your adults have a lot of money.

5. 6. Do not invite strangers home if there are no adults at home.

5. 7. Don't play after dark.

Instruction number 6. Fire Safety and Electrical Appliance Rules

6. 1. 1. Throw burning matches, cigarette butts indoors.

6. 1. 2. Carelessly, carelessly handle fire.

6. 1. 3. Dispose of burning ashes near buildings.

6. 1. 4. Leave open doors stoves, fireplaces.

6. 1. 5. Plug into one outlet a large number of current consumers.

6. 1. 6. Use faulty equipment and devices.

6. 1. 7. Use damaged sockets. Use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of fireproof materials.

6. 1. 8. Use electrical cords and wires with broken insulation.

6. 1. 9. Leave heating stoves unattended.

6. 1. 10. Do not pick the socket with your finger or other objects.

6. 1. 11. Repair and disassemble electrical appliances ourselves.

6. 2. It is allowed:

6.2.1. Protect the house from fire.

6. 2. 2. In the event of a fire, call the fire brigade.

6. 2. 3. Use all available means to extinguish the fire.

6. 2. 4. Sound an alarm.

6. 2. 5. Meet firefighters and inform them about the fire.

6. 2. 6. Know the evacuation plan in case of fire.

6. 2. 7. Shout and call for help from adults.

6. 2. 8. Move crawling or crouching if the room is heavily smoky.

6. 2. 9. Remove people and children from the burning building.

6. 2. 10. Throw a veil over the victim.

Instruction number 7. Ice safety rules

7. 1. Before moving on the ice, you need to make sure of its strength, tested by adults.

7. 2. You should go along the already laid path.

7. 3. You should not go skiing and sledding in an unfamiliar place with a cliff.

7. 4. You should be especially careful near bushes and grass protruding to the surface; in places where there is a fast current, where sewage from industrial enterprises flows.

7. 5. Do not forget in autumn and spring the ice is thin.

Instruction number 8. Rules for safe behavior on the water in summer

8. 1. Swimming is allowed only in places permitted and in the presence of adults.

8. 2. You can not dive in unfamiliar places - at the bottom there may be sunk logs, stones, driftwood.

8. 3. You should not swim in wetlands and where there are algae and mud.

8. 4. You should not start a game where you have to "drown" each arc as a joke.

8. 5. Do not raise false alarms.

Instruction number 9. Safety rules when dealing with animals

9. 2. Do not stare into the dog's eyes and smile. Translated from "dog" it means "show teeth", or say that you are stronger.

9. 3. You can not show your fear and excitement. The dog can sense this and act aggressively.

9. 4. You can not run away from the dog. By this you invite the dog to hunt for the fleeing game.

9. 5. Do not feed other people's dogs and do not touch the dog while eating or sleeping.

9. 6. Avoid getting close to big dogs guard breeds. Some of them are trained to rush at people approaching a certain distance.

9. 7. Do not make sudden movements when handling the dog or the owner of the dog. She may think that you are threatening him.

9. 8. Don't touch the puppies or take anything the dog plays with.

9. 9. If in a narrow place (for example, at the entrance) the dog comes towards you on a leash, it is better to stop and let its owner pass.

9. 10. Animals can spread diseases such as rabies, lichen, plague, typhoid, etc.

Instruction number 10. Rules of conduct when you are alone at home

10. 1. Only a well-known person can open the door.

10. 2. Don't leave your apartment key in a "safe place"

10. 3. Do not hang the key on a string around your neck.

10. 4. If you have lost the key, inform your parents immediately.

Instruction No. 11. Rules for communicating on the phone

11. 1. Do not give the address or apartment number.

11. 2. Never give out your phone number (you can only answer "yes" or "no")

11. 3. Do not enter into conversations with strangers.

Instruction number 12. Rules of conduct in the dining room

12. 1. The attendants go to the dining room 10 minutes earlier for table setting.

12. 2. Walk only in formation.

12. 3. Be sure to wash and dry your hands before eating.

12. 4. Take your seat.

12.5. Do not talk while eating.

12. 6. Keep cleanliness and order on the table.

12. 7. After eating, clean up your dishes.

12. 8. Before I finished eating - wait for your comrades.

12. 9. Return to class in the ranks.

Instruction number 13. Rules of conduct while walking

13. 1. Go for a walk in the ranks.

13. 2. Play on the sports ground.

13. 3. Do not play with piercing, massive objects.

13. 4. Do not push, do not put steps.

13. 5. Do not throw snowballs, stones, various objects.

13. 6. Go to the toilet only with the permission of the teacher, educator.

13. 7. From the street, come in line.

Instruction number 14. Rules of conduct during autumn holidays

14. 1. Follow the traffic rules (No. 2)

14. 2. Follow the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

14. 3. Follow the rules of conduct in public places (#4).

14. 4. Follow the rules of personal safety on the street (#5).

14. 5. Follow the rules of behavior near water bodies during their pre-winter freezing, ice safety rules (No. 7).

14. 6. Follow the rules of conduct when you are alone at home (#10).

14. 7. Follow the rules of animal safety (No. 9).

14. 8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and bladed weapons, ammunition.

14. 9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

14. 10. Beware of ice to avoid falls and injury.

Instruction No. 15. Rules of conduct during winter holidays

15. 1. Follow the traffic rules (No. 2)

15. 2. Follow the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances (No. 6).

15. 3. Follow the rules of conduct in public places (#4).

15. 4. Observe the rules of personal safety on the street (#5).

15. 5. Follow the safety rules on the ice (#7).

15. 6. Follow the rules of conduct when you are alone at home (#10).

15. 7. Follow the rules of animal safety (No. 9).

15. 8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and edged weapons, ammunition.

15. 9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

15. 10. Beware of ice to avoid falls and injury.

15. 11. Do not play near buildings with snow and ice hanging from the roofs.

Instruction No. 16. Rules of conduct during spring break

16. 1. Follow the traffic rules.

16. 5. Follow the safety rules on the ice.

16. 8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and bladed weapons, ammunition.

16. 9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

16. 10. Beware of ice to avoid falls and injury.

16. 11. Do not play near buildings with snow and ice hanging from the roofs.

Instruction No. 17. Rules of conduct during summer holidays

16. 1. Follow the traffic rules.

16. 2. Follow the rules of fire safety and handling of electrical appliances.

16. 3. Follow the rules of behavior in public places.

16. 4. Follow the rules of personal safety on the street.

16. 5. Follow the rules of safe behavior on the water in the summer.

16. 6. Follow the rules of conduct when you are alone at home.

16. 7. Follow the safety rules when handling animals.

16. 8. Do not play with sharp, piercing and cutting, flammable and explosive objects, firearms and bladed weapons, ammunition.

16. 9. Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription, drugs, alcohol, do not smoke or sniff toxic substances.

Museums visited by hundreds and thousands of people. The exhibits help to learn a lot of new and interesting things about the culture of past centuries, so one of the most important rules that should be observed while on an excursion is to keep them in their original form. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to touch with your hands what is on display.
The museum hall does not include outerwear and shoes. Usually museum visitors leave clothes , umbrellas , bags and bags in the cloakroom . And as a “replacement shoe”, they are offered special leather cases that are put on directly on the shoes.
If you decide to visit the museum, then the senseless quick running around all the halls is unlikely to leave any impressions of what you saw in your memory. Exhibits should be viewed carefully. You have to be quiet in the museum. Shouting, laughing and rolling on the parquet means showing your ignorance in etiquette and bad manners.
Lecture in the museum, accompanied by a guide, requires silence and attentiveness from you. It is impolite at this time to share opinions about what you see with a neighbor. Conversations distract the guide and interfere with others.
Usually in museums the lecture starts at a certain hour and it would be impolite of you if you make others wait for you. If you are late , it is rude to interrupt the tour guide and ask about what he said before you arrived . Leave all questions until the end of the lecture, then no one will reproach you for bad manners and tactlessness.After the end of the lecture, do not forget about the words of gratitude addressed to the guide.
It is indecent to lag behind the tour during a lecture and look at the exhibits in another hall. It is also unacceptable to make various abrupt movements in the museum, which can lead to irreparable consequences.
While at the exhibition, refrain from criticism. All your by no means flattering statements about some work of art testify not at all about brilliant erudition, but about ignorance and lack of culture. Stormy outbursts of emotions are also inappropriate here.

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