Pushkin A.S. captain's daughter


1.1.3. Compare two fragments of the novel by A. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter". What conclusions did this comparison lead you to?

1.2.3. Compare N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “The Uncompressed Stripe” with the following poem by F. I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn ...”. What conclusions did this comparison lead you to?

Read the fragments of the works below and complete task 1.1.3.

The next day, early in the morning, Marya Ivanovna woke up, dressed, and quietly went into the garden. The morning was beautiful, the sun shone on the tops of the lindens, which had already turned yellow under fresh breath autumn. The wide lake shone motionless. Awakened swans importantly swam out from under the bushes that overshadowed the shore. Marya Ivanovna walked near a beautiful meadow where a monument had just been erected in honor of the recent victories of Count Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev. Suddenly a white dog of English breed barked and ran towards her. Marya Ivanovna was frightened and stopped. At that very moment there was a pleasant female voice: "Don't be afraid, she won't bite." And Marya Ivanovna saw a lady sitting on a bench opposite the monument. Marya Ivanovna sat down at the other end of the bench. The lady looked at her intently; and Marya Ivanovna, for her part, casting a few sidelong glances, managed to examine her from head to toe. She was in a white morning dress, a night cap and a shower jacket. She seemed to be forty years old. Her face, full and ruddy, expressed importance and calmness, and Blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm. The lady was the first to break the silence.

You are not from here, are you? - she said.

Exactly like this, sir: I just arrived yesterday from the provinces.

Did you come with your family?

Not at all. I came alone.

One! But you are still so young.

I have neither father nor mother.

Are you here on some business, of course?

Exactly like that. I came to make a request to the empress.

You are an orphan: perhaps you complain about injustice and resentment?

Not at all. I came to ask for mercy, not justice.

May I ask, who are you?

I am the daughter of Captain Mironov.

Captain Mironov! the one who was the commandant in one of the Orenburg fortresses?

Exactly like that.

The lady seemed to be touched. “Excuse me,” she said in an even more gentle voice, “if I interfere in your affairs; but I am at court; tell me what your request is, and maybe I can help you.”

Marya Ivanovna got up and respectfully thanked her. Everything in the unknown lady involuntarily attracted the heart and inspired confidence. Marya Ivanovna took a folded paper out of her pocket and handed it to her unfamiliar patroness, who began to read it to herself.

At first she read with an attentive and benevolent air; but suddenly her face changed, and Marya Ivanovna, who followed all her movements with her eyes, was frightened by the stern expression of that face, so pleasant and calm in a minute.

Are you asking for Grinev? - said the lady with a cold look. - The Empress cannot forgive him. He joined the impostor not out of ignorance and gullibility, but as an immoral and harmful scoundrel.

Ah, not true! cried Marya Ivanovna.

How untrue! said the lady, flushing all over.

It's not true, by God it's not true! I know everything, I will tell you everything. For me alone, he was subjected to everything that befell him. And if he did not justify himself before the court, then only because he did not want to confuse me. - Here she told with fervor everything that is already known to my reader.


Pugachev left the room, and the three of us went into the living room.

What, your honor? - said Pugachev laughing. - Rescued the red girl! What do you think, should we send for the priest, and force him to marry his niece? Perhaps I will be a planted father, Shvabrin's friend; we’ll wrap up, we’ll drink - and we’ll lock the gates!

What I feared happened. Shvabrin, hearing Pugachev's proposal, lost his temper. “Sovereign! he shouted in a frenzy. - I'm guilty, I lied to you; but Grinev is deceiving you. This girl is not the niece of the local priest: she is the daughter of Ivan Mironov, who was executed during the capture of the local fortress.

Pugachev fixed his fiery eyes on me. "What else is that?" he asked me in bewilderment.

Shvabrin told you the truth,” I replied with firmness.

You didn’t tell me that,” Pugachev remarked, whose face darkened.

You yourself judge, - I answered him, - whether it was possible to declare in front of your people that Mironov's daughter is alive. Yes, they would bite her. Nothing could save her!

And that's true, - said Pugachev, laughing. - My drunkards would not spare poor girl. The gossip-popadya did well that she deceived them.

Listen, - I continued, seeing his good disposition. - I don’t know what to call you, and I don’t want to know ... But God sees that with my life I would be glad to pay you for what you did for me. Just do not demand what is contrary to my honor and Christian conscience. You are my benefactor. Finish as you started: let me go with the poor orphan, where God will show us the way. And we, wherever you are and whatever happens to you, every day we will pray to God for the salvation of your sinful soul ...

It seemed that the stern soul of Pugachev was touched. “In be your way! - he said. - To execute so to execute, to favor so to favor: such is my custom. Take your beauty; take her wherever you want, and God give you love and advice!”

Then he turned to Shvabrin and ordered me to give me a pass to all the outposts and fortresses subject to him. Shvabrin, completely destroyed, stood as if dumbfounded. Pugachev went to inspect the fortress. Shvabrin accompanied him; and I remained under the pretense of preparing to leave.

A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Read the works below and complete task 1.2.3.

Uncompressed strip

Late fall. The rooks flew away

The forest is bare, the fields are empty,

She makes a sad thought.

Fat grains bathed in dust!

We are being ruined by the villages every night

Every flying gluttonous bird,

The hare tramples us, and the storm beats us...

Where is our plowman? what else is waiting for?

Or are we born worse than others?

Or not together bloomed-eared?

No! We are no worse than others - and for a long time

Grain has been poured and ripened in us.

It was not for the same that he plowed and sowed,

So that the autumn wind will dispel us? .. "

The wind brings them a sad answer:

Your plowman has no urine.

Yes, he started the work beyond his strength.

The hands that brought these furrows,

Dried up into a chip, hung like whips,

That a mournful song sang,

How, leaning on the plow with your hand,

The plowman thoughtfully walked in a lane.

N. A. Nekrasov


Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure pours

To the resting field...

F. I. Tyutchev


1.1.3. In Pushkin's novel The Captain's Daughter, the images of Emelyan Pugachev and Empress Catherine II are symbols of power. These historical figures are at different poles, they are radically opposite. In the novel, there are semantic and compositional parallels that connect these two characters. The main one: Grinev's meeting with Pugachev in Belogorsk fortress- meeting of Masha Mironova with Catherine II in St. Petersburg.

The image of Catherine II, fair, merciful, grateful, was written by Pushkin with undisguised sympathy, fanned by a romantic halo. This is not a portrait. real person, but some generalized image. Catherine is the shrine that the nobles defended in the war with Pugachev.

Comparison of the image of Pugachev, the king of the people, the peasant, and Catherine II, the empress of the nobility, is based on the concept of honor. "The Empress" and " great sovereign Pyotr Fedorovich" perform similar, at first glance, actions - they pardon Grinev. But if the empress fulfills her immediate duty, helping the nobleman out of trouble, then Pugachev "in a fit of generosity" acts in accordance with the code of honor, which was created by himself, and not by society. This antithesis is emphasized artistic techniques used to create images of "sovereigns". What is the mercy of Catherine, such is her portrait: “Her face, full and ruddy, expressing importance and calmness, and blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm.” In the image of Pugachev, the narrator is free from stereotypes, so his portrait turns out to be alive, real.

1.2.3. In contrast to Tyutchev's poem, N.A. Nekrasov leaves a heavy, depressing impression:

Only one strip is not compressed ...

She makes a sad thought.

It seems that the ears whisper to each other:

We are bored listening to the autumn blizzard,

It's boring to bend down to the ground,

Fat grains bathed in dust!

Anxiety arises already when reading the first lines of the poem. And only later do we find confirmation of our anxiety:

Your plowman has no urine.

He knew why he plowed and sowed,

Yes, he started the work beyond his strength.

Poor poor fellow - does not eat or drink,

The worm sucks his sick heart.

Nekrasov, remaining true to his mission - to fight social injustice, - shows an unsightly picture of overwork and life of the peasants. In Nekrasov's poem there is no peace from the harmony reigning in the world, characteristic of Tyutchev.

The next day, early in the morning, Marya Ivanovna woke up, dressed, and quietly went into the garden. The morning was beautiful, the sun illuminating the tops of the lindens, which had already turned yellow under the fresh breath of autumn. The wide lake shone motionless. Awakened swans importantly swam out from under the bushes that overshadowed the shore. Marya Ivanovna walked near a beautiful meadow where a monument had just been erected in honor of the recent victories of Count Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev. Suddenly a white dog of an English breed barked and ran towards her. Marya Ivanovna was frightened and stopped. At that very moment, a pleasant female voice rang out: "Don't be afraid, she won't bite." And Marya Ivanovna saw a lady sitting on a bench opposite the monument. Marya Ivanovna sat down at the other end of the bench. The lady looked at her intently; and Marya Ivanovna, for her part, casting a few sidelong glances, managed to examine her from head to toe. She was in a white morning dress, a night cap and a shower jacket. She seemed to be forty years old. Her face, full and ruddy, expressed gravity and calmness, and her blue eyes and a slight smile had an inexplicable charm. The lady was the first to break the silence.

"Are you sure you're not from here?" - she said.

Exactly like this, sir: I just arrived yesterday from the provinces.

"Did you come with your family?"

Not at all. I came alone.

"One! But you are still so young."

I have neither father nor mother.

"Are you here on some business, of course?"

Exactly like that. I came to make a request to the empress.

"You are an orphan: perhaps you complain of injustice and resentment?"

Not at all. I came to ask for mercy, not justice.

"May I ask who you are?"

I am the daughter of Captain Mironov.

"Captain Mironov! The one who was the commandant in one of the Orenburg fortresses?"

Exactly like that.

The lady seemed to be touched. "Excuse me," she said in an even more affectionate voice, "if I interfere in your affairs; but I am at court; explain to me what your request is, and perhaps I will be able to help you."

Marya Ivanovna got up and respectfully thanked her. Everything in the unknown lady involuntarily attracted the heart and inspired confidence. Marya Ivanovna took a folded paper out of her pocket and handed it to her unfamiliar patroness, who began to read it to herself.

At first she read with an attentive and benevolent air; but suddenly her face changed, and Marya Ivanovna, who followed all her movements with her eyes, was frightened by the stern expression of that face, so pleasant and calm in a minute.

"Are you asking for Grinev?" - said the lady with a cold look. - "The Empress cannot forgive him. He stuck to the impostor not out of ignorance and gullibility, but as an immoral and harmful scoundrel."

Ah, not true! cried Marya Ivanovna.

"How untrue!" said the lady, flushing all over.

Not true, by God, not true! I know everything, I will tell you everything. For me alone, he was subjected to everything that befell him. And if he did not justify himself before the court, then only because he did not want to confuse me. - Here she told with fervor everything that is already known to my reader.

The lady listened to her attentively. - "Where are you staying?" she asked afterwards; and when she heard that Anna Vlasyevna was visiting, she said with a smile: "Ah! I know. Farewell, don't tell anyone about our meeting. I hope you won't wait long for an answer to your letter."

With these words, she got up and went into the covered avenue, and Marya Ivanovna returned to Anna Vlasyevna, filled with joyful hope.

The hostess scolded her for taking an early autumn walk, which, she said, was harmful to the health of a young girl. She brought a samovar, and over a cup of tea she had just begun to endless stories about the court, when suddenly the court carriage stopped at the porch, and the footman came in with an announcement that the Empress would deign to invite the maiden Mironova to her place.


The next day, early in the morning, the decrepit Kutuzov got up, prayed to God, dressed, and with the unpleasant consciousness that he had to lead the battle, which he did not approve of, got into a carriage and drove out of Letashevka, five miles behind Tarutin, to the place where the advancing columns were to be assembled. Kutuzov rode, falling asleep and waking up and listening to see if there were shots on the right, was it starting to happen? But it was still quiet. The dawn of damp and cloudy was just beginning autumn day. Approaching Tarutin, Kutuzov noticed cavalrymen leading horses to a watering hole across the road along which the carriage was traveling. Kutuzov took a closer look at them, stopped the carriage and asked which regiment? The cavalrymen were from that column, which should have been already far ahead in the ambush. "A mistake, perhaps," thought the old commander-in-chief. But, driving even further, Kutuzov saw infantry regiments, guns in the goats, soldiers for porridge and with firewood, in underpants. They called an officer. The officer reported that there was no order to march. - How not to ... - Kutuzov began, but immediately fell silent and ordered the senior officer to be called to him. Climbing out of the carriage, head down and breathing heavily, silently waiting, he paced back and forth. When the requested officer of the General Staff Eichen appeared, Kutuzov turned purple not because this officer was the fault of the mistake, but because he was a worthy subject for expressing anger. And, shaking, panting, an old man, having come into that state of fury, in which he was able to come when he was lying on the ground from anger, he attacked Eichen, threatening with his hands, shouting and cursing in public words. Another who turned up, Captain Brozin, who was not guilty of anything, suffered the same fate. - What kind of canal is this! Shoot the bastards! he shouted hoarsely, waving his arms and staggering. He experienced physical pain. He, the Commander-in-Chief, His Serene Highness, whom everyone assures that no one has ever had such power in Russia as he, he has been put in this position - ridiculed in front of the entire army. “In vain did you bother so much to pray for this day, in vain did not sleep the night and thought about everything! he thought to himself. “When I was a boy officer, no one would have dared to make fun of me like that ... And now!” He experienced physical suffering, as from corporal punishment, and could not help but express it with angry and suffering cries; but soon his strength weakened, and, looking around, feeling that he had said a lot of bad things, he got into the carriage and silently drove back. The anger that poured out did not return anymore, and Kutuzov, blinking his eyes weakly, listened to excuses and words of defense (Yermolov himself did not appear to him until the next day) and the insistence of Benigsen, Konovnitsyn and Tolya to make the same unsuccessful movement the next day. And Kutuzov had to agree again.

The next day, early in the morning, Emma wrote a letter to her mother and a note to a friend of her late father, district bailiff Bedrosov. At her call, Elena appeared with breakfast on a tray, followed by an old footman in dress livery. His mischievous eyes darted around.

- What is your name? the girl asked.

- Boris, ma'am.

- Take this note to the district bailiff Bedrosov.

“Yes, sir,” said the old man, and, bending over, he walked towards the door, but immediately stopped and added: “I must warn you, madam, that I am deaf-and-dumb to strangers.

Emma nodded and, after drinking a cup of coffee, began to dress with Elena's help.

“You will come with me,” she said, preening herself in front of the mirror.

- As you command.

“Do you have a decent dress to portray my aunt?”

“Everything is already stocked up here.

A few minutes later, both women left the house on foot.

- Where is the Red Zucchini? Emma asked her companion softly.

“A few steps from here,” the old woman answered, and turned into a narrow, dirty street, where there was a tavern, the red roof of which was visible from behind a high fence. “Here it is,” she whispered, pointing with her eyes at the nondescript house.

From there they went up to the old city and stopped in front of the windows of a store, in which photographic portraits were displayed. Emma remained outside, while Elena went inside and reappeared a minute later with a large envelope in her hands.

Returning home, Emma dismissed her servant, sat down on the sofa in the living room and took out the portrait of Count Saltyk from the envelope. She peered at him for a long time and attentively, as if studying every feature of his face, no worse than any detective examining the portrait of a criminal whom he was assigned to catch.

The count was depicted in a fur dressing gown with a long pipe in his teeth. It was a truly handsome man: regular features, as if carved from marble, big eyes in which mind, energy and passion glowed - in a word, he possessed the highest degree attractive appearance.

The portrait of the count was still lying on the table when Bedrosov entered the living room, a lively, agile man of about forty, short in stature, with thin hair, prominent cheekbones and a tiny ugly nose. Kissing Emma's hand, he led her to the window to get a better look at her face, and exclaimed in a fit of genuine delight:

- My God, how you have grown, how prettier! How long have I carried you in my arms! Do you remember how they harnessed me to the cart and drove me with a whip? How glad I am to see you again!

“I am very glad to find an old sincere friend in you,” Emma answered with a friendly smile.

- I accept the title of a friend with gratitude, but I categorically renounce the old one! Am I a grey-haired decrepit old man? I am a man, as they say, in the prime of life! and he laughed. - Yes, dear young lady, as a friend of your late father, I am ready to protect you from all evils and misfortunes, but at the same time I reserve the right to sometimes drag you behind you.

“And I take you at your word and proclaim you my knight!”

Bedrosov bowed low and added:

“I am waiting for your orders and I hope that you will be pleased with me!”

“Sit right here, next to me, and we’ll talk in a friendly way,” said the young hostess, seating her guest on the sofa. “I confess that I envy you.

- It is interesting to know what exactly I arouse in you this far from the best feeling?

“You are enjoying an advantage that we mere mortals dare not dream of.

– What is it?

“You know everything about everyone.

- Yes ... that is, how can I tell you - in essence, it’s like luck and chance is your best ally ...

– You know how great female curiosity is... You will inevitably envy a man for whom secrets do not exist, who boldly looks into the most secret bends human heart and, like a giant spider, throws its web over the whole city.

- This is true to a certain extent.

– How happy I would be to lift the veil of at least some mysterious adventure for a moment!

– Why not? The police need allies, and women are so good at sniffing things out. Here you have no equal.

“In that case, accept me as your agent.”

- With great pleasure! replied the police officer, kissing Emma's hand.

“Today I intend to check how far your omniscience extends,” the girl said with a sly smile and asked, pointing to the portrait lying on the table: “Who is this?”

“Count Soltyk,” Bedrosov answered without hesitation. – Do you know him?

- No ... This portrait was displayed in the window of a store, and I bought it because I liked it.

“You are not the first and you will not be the last to be carried away by the appearance of this gentleman!” Heed my friendly advice: confine yourself to a portrait of the count and avoid personal acquaintance with him.

“Don’t think that I fell in love with him, he just interests me.

- And it is not safe ... He is a despot, Don Juan, an inveterate egoist, a soulless, immoral, merciless man!

- God, with what terrible colors you describe it!

“I managed to wrest more than one unfortunate victim from the claws of this monster! .. I am closely watching him ... I repeat to you once again: this acquaintance will lead you to inevitable death!”

Don't worry, I'm reasonable. He will not be able to entangle me with his nets.

- In that case, you will the only woman, who did not succumb to the devilish charm of this cunning man.

Bedrosov had lunch with Emma at one of the best restaurants in the city. After dinner, they rode around in a carriage for a long time. It was almost dark when the girl returned home. Soon Kazimir Yadevsky also arrived. Elena played the role of an aunt and poured tea, sitting in front of a boiling samovar. Firewood crackled cheerfully in the fireplace, the hostess was in an excellent mood, which did not escape the attention of her interlocutor.

– Why are you surprised? she asked, “you have become more prudent, I feel safe, that is why I am so cheerful.

"So my love for you is reckless?"

- Moreover.

- Dangerous?

Emma nodded her head affirmatively.

“I dare not explain this to you,” she added, “but believe me, this love will not bring you happiness, at least in the sense that you understand it.

“Do you really intend to remain a Vestal Virgin until the end of your life?”

A bitter smile crossed the beauty's lips.

– I gave up all the aspirations of a young heart and acted completely consciously. I look at life as a journey through the boundless valley of sorrows. Nature itself appears to me as a tempting demon leading the human race to destruction. She, like the ancient serpent who seduced our foremother Eve, seduces us with the mysterious rustle of leaves in the forest, the murmur of a stream, the sonorous song of a nightingale and a light breath of wind. She amuses us with the ghosts of love, friendship and the angelic smile of innocent children. All this is nothing more than a net with which the enemy of the human race entangles us. We have succumbed to its pernicious influence to such an extent that we sin at every step without realizing it.

- In your opinion, a person should voluntarily give up everything that adorns his life?

- Yes, I should.

- Why, it will not be life, but hard labor!

“I love you as a friend, as a brother, but you will never succeed in drawing me into the sinful whirlwind of another love.

At that moment there was a call at the entrance, and someone knocked on the door. Elena went out into the corridor, where a woman was waiting for her, wrapped in a gray kerchief, from under which large shiny eyes looked out. After talking with the mysterious stranger, Elena returned to the living room and, taking advantage of the moment when Casimir went to the lamp to light a cigar, whispered in Emma's ear:

- A Jewess came here, the mistress of the Red Tavern.

- What does she want?

- She did something important discovery and is counting on your help.

Why shouldn't she announce it herself?

- She doesn't make up her mind.

- Okay, I'm willing to help her.

“God will reward you for this, good lady!”

When will she need me?

“We will find out in due time.

The Little Humpbacked Horse

"That would be so long ago than not," -
The king from the bed gave the answer
And ordered that the noble
Everything was found for Ivan,
Called him young
And "happy journey!" said.
The next day, early in the morning,
Ivan's horse woke up:
“Hey! Master! full sleep!
Time to fix things!"
Here Ivanushka got up,
I was going on the path,
Took fly and a tent
Yes dinnerware -
All overseas jam -
And sweets for cooling;
I put everything in a travel bag
And tied with a rope
dressed warmer,
He sat on his horse,
Pulled out a slice of bread
And drove east
Is it the Tsar Maiden?
They go for a whole week;
Finally, on the eighth day,
They come to the dense forest.
Then the horse said to Ivan:
“Here is the road to the ocean,
And on it all year round
That beauty lives;
Twice? she just leaves
With okiyana and leads
Long day on earth to us.
You'll see for yourself tomorrow."
And, having finished the speech to Ivan,
Runs out to the okiya,
On which the white shaft
Lonely walked.
Here Ivan gets off the skate,
And the horse tells him:
"Well, pitch your tent,
Set the device wide
From overseas jam
And sweets to cool off.
Lie down behind the tent
Yes, dare your mind.
You see, the boat flickers over there.
Then the princess swims.
Let her enter the tent,
Let him eat, drink;
Here's how to play the harp -
Know that the time is coming.
You immediately run into the tent,
Grab that princess
And hold her tight
Yes, call me soon.
I'm at your first command
I'll just run to you
And let's go ... Yes, look,
You take a closer look at her
If you sleep her
That way you can't avoid trouble."

Here the horse disappeared from the eyes,
Ivan huddled behind the tent
And let's turn the hole

To see the princess.
Clear noon is coming;
The king-maiden swims up,
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device.
"Hm! So here is the Tsar Maiden!
As the fairy tales say,
Argues stirrup, -
What is red
Tsar-maiden, so marvelous!
This one isn't pretty at all.
And pale and thin,
Tea, three inches in girth;
And the leg is a leg!
Pah you! Like a chicken!
Let someone love
I won't take it for free."
Here the princess played
And sang so sweetly
That Ivan, not knowing how,
He crouched on his fist;
And under the voice of a quiet, slender
Falls asleep peacefully.
The West was slowly burning down.
Suddenly the horse neighed over him
And, pushing him with a hoof,
He shouted in an angry voice:
“Sleep, my dear, to the star!
Pour out your troubles!
It’s not me they’ll hang on a stake!”
Here Ivanushka cried
And, sobbing, begged
So that the horse forgives him.
"Release the guilt to Ivan,
I'm not going to sleep ahead." -
“Well, God forgive you! -
The hunchback screams at him. -
We'll fix it, maybe
Only, chur, do not fall asleep;
Tomorrow, early in the morning
To the gold-embroidered tent
The girl will sail again -
Drink sweet honey.
If you fall asleep again
You can't take your head off."
Here the horse disappeared again;
And Ivan set off to collect
Sharp stones and nails
From broken ships
In order to prick
If he takes a nap again.
The next day, in the morning,
To the gold-embroidered tent
The king-maiden swims up,
Throws the boat on the shore
Enters the tent with the harp
And sits down at the device ...
Here the princess played
And sang so sweetly
What is Ivanushka again
I wanted to sleep.
"No, wait, you bastard! -
Ivan says, getting up. -
You won't leave all of a sudden
And you won't fool me."
Here Ivan runs into the tent,
A long braid is enough ...
“Oh, run, horse, run!
My little hunchback, help!"
In an instant, a horse appeared to him.
“Oh, the owner, distinguished himself!
Well, sit down quickly!
Hold her tight!"
Here the capital reaches.
The king runs to the princess.

Takes by the white hands
Leads her to the palace
And sits down at the oak table
And under the silk curtain,
Looks into the eyes with tenderness,
Sweet speech says:
"Incomparable girl!
Agree to be a queen!
I barely saw you
He boiled with strong passion.
Your falcon eyes
Won't let me sleep in the middle of the night
And in broad daylight
Oh, they torture me.
Say a kind word!
Everything is ready for the wedding;
Tomorrow morning, my light,
Let's marry you
And let's start to sing along."
And the young princess
Saying nothing
Turned away from the king.
The king was not at all angry,
But I fell in love even more;
On my knees before her,
Gently shook hands
And the balusters began again:
"Speak a kind word!
Why did I upset you?
Ali by what you love?
Oh, my fate is deplorable!
The princess tells him:
"If you want to take me,
Then you deliver to me in three days
My ring is from an okian!” -
“Hey! Call me Ivan! -
The king hurriedly shouted
And I almost ran.
Here Ivan appeared to the king,
The king turned to him
And he said to him: “Ivan!
Go to okyan;
The volume is stored in the okian
Ring, you hear, Tsar-girls.
If you get it for me,
I'll give you everything." -
“I am from the first road
I drag my legs with force -
You're on the okyan again!" -
Ivan speaks to the Tsar.
“How, rogue, do not rush:
See, I want to get married! -
The king shouted in anger
And he pounded his feet. -
Don't deny me
And hurry up and go!”
Here Ivan wanted to go.
"Hey, listen! Along the way -
The queen tells him
Come take a bow
In my emerald tower
Yes, tell my dear:
Daughter wants to know her
Why is she hiding
Three nights, three days
Is your face clear from me?
And why is my brother red
Wrapped up in the dark rainy
And in the misty sky
Will not send a beam to me?
Don't forget!" - "I will remember
Unless I forget;
Yes, you have to know
Who are the brother, who are the mother,
So that we don’t get lost in our family.”
The queen says to him:
“The moon is my mother. The sun is a brother.
“Yes, look, three days ago!” -
The groom-king added to this.
Here Ivan left the Tsar
And went to the hayloft
Where his horse lay.
“What, Ivanushka, sad?
What did you hang your head on?" -
The horse tells him.
"Help me, hunchback!
You see, the king decided to marry,
You know, on a thin queen,
So it sends to the okian, -
Ivan says to the horse, -
He gave me only three days;
Feel free to try here
Get the devil's ring!
Yes, she told me to come
This thin queen
Somewhere in the tower to bow
Sun, Moon, moreover
And to ask you something…”
Here is a skate: “To say in friendship,
This is a service, not a service;
Service everything, brother, ahead!
You go to sleep now;
And tomorrow, early in the morning,
We'll go to the okiya."
The next day our Ivan
Taking three onions in his pocket,
dressed warmer,
Sat on his skate
And went on a long journey...

Let me rest, brothers!

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