May there be peace throughout the world! “May there always be world peace. Torez City Methodological Center


Within the framework of the interregional project "I am a citizen!" Gymnasium No. 12 celebrated the International Day of Peace, which was held this year under the motto "Let there always be peace throughout the world."

The event was attended by the Deputy Head of the Department for Work with public organizations Department of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic for Cooperation with Religious and Public Organizations Akhmed Artsaev, Chairman of the Permanent Commission Public Chamber Chechnya on youth policy issues Laila Ayubova, head of the civic education center at Gymnasium No. 12 Bela Mezhidova and others.

opening solemn event, Laila Ayubova congratulated the students and teachers on the upcoming holiday, especially drawing the attention of the audience to the enduring values ​​- peace in the life of every person. “Peace is the basis of a stable life. In quiet times, we can study and work, develop in the material, spiritual and morally. Today, fortunately, for us the world is everyday reality However, for many people this gift is nothing more than a fabulous dream, because there are people living in the shackles of instability and fear, - said L. Ayubova. “I want you to be happy, so that your joyful laughter always sounds, filling the corridors of the school and the streets of the city.”

L. Ayubova told the schoolchildren about the date that all of Russia will celebrate on December 12th. "This is Constitution Day - Basic Law Day Russian Federation- single, having the highest legal force. The main law of the country was adopted by the results of a popular vote 17 years ago - in 1993, and created the legal basis for the renewal of Russia. Thanks to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, serious political and economic transformations have become possible, the construction of a more effective model of government controlled, the development of civil society, and the most supreme value The constitution proclaimed a person, his rights and freedom. For the Chechen Republic, this date is especially significant. Thanks to it, the restoration of constitutional order and the further strengthening of the legal space in Chechen Republic which allowed our people to return forever to a peaceful and creative life,” she said. According to her, on the eve of this holiday, various events are held in the republic - thematic meetings, concerts, competitions, etc.

Schoolchildren prepared concert program, where they shared their thoughts on what needs to be done so that peace reigns on Earth and there is no war. At the solemn meeting, the guys read poems about peace, sang songs about goodness, danced an incendiary lezginka.

Ahmed Artsayev in his speech noted the importance of such events in the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. “We must remember what trials we have gone through. Remember that thousands of sons of our Motherland gave their lives for our happy future. Today, peace and tranquility reign in our streets. And we must appreciate and protect all this,” he concluded.

Recall that the International Day of Peace was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1981 as a day of universal ceasefire and non-violence. Since then, this date has been celebrated annually by millions of people from the most different countries and regions on September 21.

08 April 2015 students elementary school UVK No. 13 in Torez together with their class teachers took part in the holiday "Let there be peace in the world!"

Every year, with the onset of the May holidays, the soul experiences an inexplicable feeling of pain, anxiety and pride in its people. These days, time after time, we return to those distant heroic events of 41-45. With special emotion, we remember those who gave their lives defending their native people, huge country during the war years. The Great Patriotic War passed like a broken line through the destinies of many people. Therefore, with special trepidation, today we express our gratitude to the veterans who went through and survived the war, who selflessly and fiercely defended and defended our great motherland in difficult years. People went to war to keep peace in their family, in their village or town, in their country.

It is thanks to them that our generation lives in a happy peaceful time. A bright sun shines above our heads, and white doves fly in the blue sky.

We know perfectly well that peace on earth is the most important and very fragile thing that should be preserved and protected. We understand how important peace is for the entire planet, because when peace and harmony reign in a country, the country becomes stronger. We do not want war, and we will try to live in friendship, harmony and mutual understanding with each other, we will protect the world for the sake of future generations!

Children read poems about peace, kindness, friendship. They made white doves with their own hands - messengers of peace, goodness and prosperity on the planet. Each child wrote on a dove his wish to all the people of the earth with a call to live in peace, friendship and mutual understanding. Under the friendly loud childish “We are for peace!” - white birds took off into the peaceful sky!

For many of us, the tales of G.H. Andersen - expensive childhood memory they teach kindness and understanding, empathy and love.

On the eve of the birthday of G.Kh. Andersen, the librarian of UVK No. 13 prepared for elementary school students interesting information about the great storyteller.

A quiz was held on Andersen's fairy tales. The guys remembered the biography famous writer solved crossword puzzles, answered interesting questions. Students in grades 3-4 prepared and showed the kids kindergarten musical fairy tale about friendship "The bunny is visiting." The children took part in the drawing competition "In the world of fairy tales", the winners were awarded prizes.

Website "Mom can do anything!" collected for you best poems about the world for children. With their help, you can tell your child about such a concept as "peace", why it is so important. These simple, complete deep meaning quatrains are easy to remember even for preschoolers.

We all want peace. We need a calm sky overhead. We want not to worry about our children and ourselves, but to live happily.

We need peace

We need peace
On the blue planet
They want him
Both adults and children.
They want to wake up
at dawn,
Don't remember
Don't think about war!
We need the world to build
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace
Forever! Forever!
(I. Kravchenko)

Peaceful rhyme

One two three four five!
All miracles cannot be counted.
Red, white, yellow, blue!
Copper, iron, aluminum!
Sun, air and water!
Mountains, rivers, cities!
Work, fun, sweet dream!
Let the war come out!

(V. Berestov, from Maurice Karem)

"Poems about the world"

Brings happiness strong peace,
A world without fights, attacks, battles.
The priceless joy of silence.
We will say "No!" threats and deprivation.

When there is peace, then life is full
Smiles, laughter and dreams
When there is peace, there is no line
Loss and disappointment.

We will convey to all hearts
How important it is to live under a peaceful sky,
To enjoy the silence
And fragrant, warm bread.

may Day

Noisy warm winds
Spring has been brought to the fields.
Earrings are fluffed on a willow,
Furry, like bumblebees.

Breaking river dams,
The spring wave is whipping ...
Long live May Day!
Long live Labor and Spring!

Let the world triumph in the world
And the peoples of the Earth are friends,
And also in the sun children
Ships are launched in the spring.
Ya Akim

Children, fight for peace!

Happy children of a great country,
We are interested in living in the world:
Palaces, stadiums of the Motherland are given,
All the best is given to children.

And in countries where capital now rules
No care for children
He rebelled against the world again:
It breeds a rocket after a rocket.

Therefore, we need to protect the world -
Join the fight, even though we are children:
Perform with a song, a drawing, a verse
For happiness, for world peace.

Do not fall so that never again
Rockets on us from the sky,
On the peaceful cities of our country,
to our homes and factories.

(Denis Kotelnikov)

colorful planet

There are colorful children in the world,
They live on the same colorful planet,
And this planet for all time
All multi-colored ones have only one!

Come on guys, out of bad weather
Let's hug the planet with our round dance!
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her!
(V. Orlov)

Let the doves walk on the roofs
Let the cranes melt in the sky...
Let there be peace!
We need him so much!
Peace is needed by the people of the whole earth!
Let there be rivers, cities and villages,
Let the forest grow, let the bridges be built...
Let the children of the whole planet go to school,
Let flowers bloom in all yards!
(N. Gavrilenko)

I draw the word WORLD

The sun is shining over the earth
Children play on the grass
The river is blue, but -
The ship is sailing on it.
Here at home - straight to the sky!
Here are the flowers, and this is mom,
Next to her is my sister...
The word "peace" is drawn by me.
(Dina Mikhailova)


Who coined the depressing word "war"?
Who invented battles and battles?
We never want to know these words
And this is what all our prayers are about.

Tired of attacks, bombings and explosions,
When the earth cries and is washed in blood,
Tired of all peaceful intentions failures,
When protest songs are born.

To make the sun smile

Let wars disappear forever
So that the children of all the earth
We could sleep peacefully at home
Could dance and sing
To make the sun smile
Reflected in the bright windows
And shone over the earth
To all people
And we are with you!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

Let's be friends!

Let's be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky, like a field with a plow,
Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rain,
How the sun circles with all of us!..
Let's strive for it
To be loved by both the beast and the bird.
And they trusted us everywhere
As the most faithful to your friends! ..
Let's save the planet
There is nothing like it in the whole Universe:
All alone in the universe
What will she do without us?

Igor Maznin

"Happy World"

Happy world! We are for you
What we can, we will do, of course,
And life on our little Earth,
Let it be light and heartfelt.

Let there be peace! We need him
We were not born to fight. Do you agree?
For happiness, light, good deeds,
For happy and beautiful days.


No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,
When the war will not people know.
After all, what used to be called the world,
Everyone will simply call life.
And only children, connoisseurs of the past,
Playing merrily at war
Having run, they will remember this word,
With which they died in the old days.

(V. Berestov)


The world is a very great wealth,
The world is mercy, smiles and brotherhood,
Peace - when the sun always smiles
Peace is when our tasks are solved.

May there be peace throughout the world!

War is the worst thing on earth. These are millions of dead and wounded, these are children left without parents, these are the tears of mothers who have lost their children.

I know about the war from my grandmother. She said that at that time there was an orphanage in the village of Bishmuncha in the Almetyevsk district. Children were brought here from evacuated Leningrad. It was impossible to look at them without crying. skinny, haggard faces, thin neck, arms and legs. These children cried at night because their fathers died at the front, and their mothers, brothers and sisters died of starvation.

From the sound of a flying plane, children fell to the ground or began to rush about, scream, cry. They thought they were being bombed.

Grandmother remembered one teacher. Her husband and children died during the blockade. They were put into another car during the evacuation. They were on the road of life. The Nazi pilots saw that they were carrying small children, but they still fired at the cars. The driver was mortally wounded, and the car, having lost its way, fell into a hole. The children drowned in front of their distraught mother. The teacher turned gray in one hour.

In Leningrad they ate all the cats and dogs. When sparrows died of frost, people grabbed them to cook broth from them. Still did not surrender to the enemy.

I don't want the war to start again. And for this, the children of the whole earth need to make friends and there will be peace throughout the world.

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