Stories about adventures and travels. Rudyard Kipling


It began to get dark.

Above the taiga, above the gloomy rocks, above the river with the splashing name Vels, a narrow fox moon rose.

The ear ripened by dusk.

Finding spoons in our backpacks, we settled around the bucket, fished out pieces of grayling and put them in a separate pot so that the grayling would cool down while we ate the fish soup.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us!

With a long juniper spoon, I rummaged in the depths of the bucket - my arm went into steam up to the elbow. I caught potatoes and fish giblets from the bottom - livers, caviar - then scooped up a transparent yushka with green foam.

Well, Kozma and Demyan, sit down with us! - Lyosha repeated, launching his spoon into the bucket.

Sit down with us, sit down with us, Kozma and Demyan! we confirmed.

We made a fire on the low bank of the Völs. Our shore is littered with dirty ice floes. They remained from the flood - did not have time to melt. Here is an ice floe that looks like a huge ear, and here is a mushroom.

Who are these - Kozma and Demyan? - asked Pyotr Ivanovich, who for the first time came to the Ural taiga.

Pyotr Ivanovich eats his fish soup carefully and respectfully. His head is shrouded in steam, small fires burn in his glasses.

It was the old fishermen who taught me, - Lyosha answered. - As if there are such Kozma and Demyan. They help to catch the grayling. It is necessary to call Kozma and Demyan in your ear, so as not to be offended.

By the clock it is already midnight, but the sky has not darkened, it has remained clear, twilight, and the moon has added cold and light to it.

This is probably White Night- thoughtfully said Pyotr Ivanovich.

White nights will begin later, - Lyosha answered. - They should be lighter. There is no name for this night.

Maybe silver?

What a silver! Gray night.

Having spread spruce branches on the ground, we laid out sleeping bags and lay down. I buried my head at the foot of the tree. Its lower branches have dried up, lichen has grown on them and hangs down to the fire like tow, like a bast, like a white beard.

Nearby, behind me, something rustled.

A gray night, Pyotr Ivanovich repeated thoughtfully.

She is gray, white or silver, it's time to sleep anyway.

Something rustled behind him again.

The ear was so exhausted that it was too lazy to turn around and see what it was making noise. I see a moon that hangs over the taiga - young, thin, piercing.

Chipmunk! Lyosha suddenly said.

I looked around and immediately saw that two attentive night eyes were looking at us from behind the tree.

The chipmunk stuck out only its head, and its eyes seemed very dark and large, like a gonobobel berry.

After looking at us for a bit, he hid. It can be seen that horror attacked him: who are these people sitting by the fire ?!

But here again the big-eyed head popped out. Whistling lightly, the animal jumped out from behind the Christmas tree, ran along the ground and hid behind a backpack.

This is not a chipmunk, - said Lyosha, - there are no stripes on the back.

The animal jumped onto the backpack, ran its paw into a canvas pocket. There was a rope. With a claw, he pulled her.

Let's go! - I could not stand it.

Jumping up to the tree, he grabbed the trunk and, tearing off pieces of bark with his claws, ran up the trunk, into thick branches.

Who is this? - said Pyotr Ivanovich. - Not a squirrel and not a chipmunk.

I don't know, Lesha said. - It doesn’t look like a sable, it doesn’t look like a marten either. I probably didn't get it.

The gray night is brighter. The fire subsided, and Lyosha got up, threw dry land into it.

In vain you shuged him, - Pyotr Ivanovich told me. - He te-

pen will not return.

We looked at the top of the tree. Not a single branch moved.

Long sparks from the fire flew to the top and died out in the bright gray sky.

Suddenly, some dark lump fell off the top and opened up in the air, becoming angular, quadrangular. Crossing the sky, he flew from tree to tree, hooking the moon with the edge of his tail.

Then we immediately realized who it was. It was a flying squirrel, an animal that you cannot see during the day: it hides in hollows, and at night it flies over the taiga.

His wings are fur - membranes between the front and hind legs.

The flying squirrel was sitting on the very tree that grew above me. Here some kind of husk fell down from above, pieces of bark - the flying squirrel descended. He looked out from behind a tree, then hid, as if he wanted to sneak up unnoticed.

Suddenly he looked out very close to me, at arm's length. His eyes, dark and dilated, stared at me.

"Catch or not?" - I thought, apparently, a flying squirrel.

He sat curled up in a ball and looked at the fire.

The fire stirred and crackled.

The flying squirrel jumped to the ground and then noticed a large dark hollow. It was Pyotr Ivanovich's boot lying on the ground.

Whistling in surprise, the flying squirrel dived into the bootleg.

At the same moment I rushed to grab my boot, but the flying squirrel jumped out and ran, ran along outstretched hand, on the shoulder and - jumped on a stump.

But it wasn't a stump. It was the knee of Pyotr Ivanovich with a large round cup.

Looking with horror into the flaming glasses, the flying squirrel coughed, jumped onto the fir tree and quickly climbed up.

Pyotr Ivanovich was feeling his knee in amazement.

Lightweight," he said hoarsely.

Having flown to another Christmas tree, the flying squirrel went down again. It can be seen that the fading fire of the fire attracted him, beckoning, like a lamp on a summer evening beckons a moth.

Sleep overtook me. Or rather, not a dream - a wolf's nap. I either closed my eyes and fell somewhere under a spruce root, then opened them and then saw a lichen beard hanging from the branches, and behind it a completely brightened sky and in it a flying squirrel flying from peak to peak.

With the first rays of the sun, the flying squirrel disappeared.

In the morning, over tea, I kept pestering Pyotr Ivanovich, asking him to give me a boot that had been worn by a flying squirrel. And Lyosha said, finishing his second cup of tea:

Was it not Kozma and Demyan who sent him to us?

Children's travel stories

The boy Maxim is already ten years old, and he has never left his country. Already all his friends have visited distant countries. Someone flew at sea to Turkey or Egypt. Someone went on an excursion to Europe and even visited Disneyland. Friends talked about how great it is to explore the world and see new things. Listening to them, Maxim understood that for him it was just a fairy tale about travel, which is unlikely to become a reality. After all, his parents were very poor.

Read a travel story

Once the boy was returning from school in a drooping state, because his friends showed photos from the snowy mountains. But Maxim was distracted from sadness by an old man who was standing near a traffic light and was afraid to cross the road. The green light at the traffic light lit up for only fifteen seconds, grandfather was afraid that he would not make it in time.
- Let me help you! - said Maxim, who loved to help people, and together they quickly crossed the road.
“How can I thank you, boy?
- Well, you, I was glad to help.
“But still, I can see that something is gnawing at you inside. You have one cherished desire.
- Everyone has dreams. My dream is a fairy tale about travel. But you can hardly help me. Maxim smiled sadly and went home. And grandfather thought that one should always be grateful for kindness, and he could not remain in debt. In addition, the old man was not an ordinary, but a hereditary wizard. Already in the same evening the boy was waiting for a surprise at home. The courier brought him a huge parcel. Opening it, Maxim saw a hundred pajamas.
- What is this? The boy's parents were surprised.
— I don't know. Today I took an old man across the road and he sent me these pajamas. And a note that dreams should come true. But why do I have so many pajamas?
“Perhaps he worked in a pajama factory?”
Maxim thought that grandfather had gone mad. But mentally I was very grateful to him for such attention.
Why do I need a hundred different pajamas? Sleep every day in a new one until they are small? Or give them to friends?
Examining the gift, Maxim suddenly noticed that each jacket has an inscription - the name of the country in the language of this country. He saw Greece, Poland, Hungary, France, USA, Mexico, Thailand, Spain. There were such inscriptions on pajamas that Maxim had heard about for the first time - Kenya, Botswana, Burundi, Mozambique.
“I guess the old man wanted to do the best, but now I’m even sadder. So many different countries There are places in the world that I will never visit.
Maxim put on pajamas with the inscription Egypt and went to bed. Waking up, the boy was incredibly surprised, because his fairy tale about travel came to life! He felt the heat of the sun and felt how strong the wind was blowing on him. Looking around, the boy realized that he had woken up on a sun lounger on the beach. There were almost no people around, but still some splashers were already swimming in the waters of the Red Sea. Maxim went to the water and felt that it was still cool. But the sea was incredibly clean.

Suddenly the boy heard a voice. An Egyptian approached him and started talking about something, pointing to his feet. Maxim did not immediately, but nevertheless realized that it is better not to enter the Red Sea barefoot. Because they live there sea ​​urchins and there are corals. The Egyptian gave Maxim slippers, a mask and a tube through which you can breathe, smiled and left.
The boy put on slippers and went to sea. He had never bathed in such beautiful water while diving Maxim saw incredible fish! Bright, beautiful, large and friendly schools of fish circled around him. What happiness!
Maxim heard the alarm clock and woke up. Did he dream it all? But the feeling in the middle was as if he had actually experienced a real journey. And looking under the pillow, Max found Egyptian sweets, perfumes, papyrus and other souvenirs from Egypt.
Since then, Maxim has been traveling in his sleep every night. All he has to do is put on pajamas. And then it starts short story about travel. And in the morning he always finds souvenirs under his pillow. Maxim believes, although now he can only visit other countries in a dream, when he grows up, he will definitely visit every corner of the Earth.

We have created more than 300 costless fairy tales on the Dobranich website. It is pragmatic to remake the splendid contribution to sleep at the homeland ritual, the recurrence of turbot and heat.Would you like to support our project? Let's get drunk, s new strength we continue to write for you!

(42 pages)
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Ryan the lion cub lived in a large New York zoo with his father Samson, Bridget the giraffe, Nigel the koala bear, Larry the python and many other animals, and Benny the squirrel came to visit them.
Ryan was born in a zoo and had never been in the wild, but he really wanted to become as fearless and strong as his father. Ryan tried to imitate his father's powerful growl, but all he got was a faint squeak.
Well, isn't it embarrassing?
Father often told Ryan incredible stories about the times when he lived in the wild. Ryan had heard them so many times that he knew them all by heart.
If only I could grow up and become as strong a lion as Samson! Had he lived in the wild, he probably would have learned very quickly to growl as menacingly as his father. However, Samson did not want to hear about it.
“We have everything we need here,” he said.
Living in the zoo was not bad at all. When the visitors left and the zoo closed for the night, the animals showed their true nature.
That evening all the animals went to the penguins to play one of their favorite games...
They went out of their dwellings and enjoyed themselves as best they could.
This game was called turtle curling!
Samson and his team were against the penguins.
Samson's team, despite all the tricks of the penguins, led the score.
This time it was decided to use Larry as a giant slingshot in order to better disperse the turtles on the ice. Where could the penguins resist such an onslaught!
Meanwhile, Ryan went to play with his buddies Duke and Gig. Ryan tried to keep them from playing pranks, but these pranksters persuaded him to tease the gazelles. They frightened the gazelles so that they fled in horror.
How could Ryan have foreseen
that the frightened gazelles will jump over the fence directly onto the playing field, ruining the game for the teams. What a misfortune!
Ryan felt small and miserable.
Oh, how bad it turned out with these gazelles! .. Probably, he will never become as strong and brave as his father. “If I could go to the jungle! he thought.
“There I would quickly become a big and formidable lion!”
Suddenly Ryan noticed a pile of boxes in a van on the other side of the fence.
He remembered that the pigeons once said that these boxes would be taken to the ship, and that ship would go to the wild. Ryan looked at the empty boxes, and then it dawned on him: you need to hide in one of them - and he can get into the jungle! And then, when he returns home as a big and brave lion, his father will be proud of him.
Ryan jumped over the fence and nimbly climbed
But later, as the van pulled away, Ryan felt uneasy.
— What have I done? - the lion was scared. He did not think what it would be like for him to be completely alone, without a father.
- Dad, help! - desperately
he cried.
Samson heard his son's cries for help and immediately rushed to
for revenue.
"I have to save Ryan!" he exclaimed. -He can't survive alone in the jungle!
Wasting no time, Samson, Nigel, Benny, Larry and Bridget set off after the lion cub.
Friends had to drive through the whole city to get to the port. Without thinking twice, they climbed into a garbage truck that was taking waste out of the zoo.
Benny was quite sure that he would not get lost in the great city.
Soon the garbage truck stopped, and the animals found themselves on the streets of New York. The sight seemed daunting to them. All around were tall skyscrapers!
They have never seen anything higher. And getting through the huge city turned out to be much more difficult than friends expected.
They ran along the streets and lanes, even used underground sewer pipes, and finally ...
They made it to the port just as the ship with Ryan on board left.
- Hurry, follow! cried Samson.
The animals jumped onto the deck of a small boat, terrifying the captain.
Friends did not immediately figure out how to operate the boat.
But then, finally, the rescuers set off after the ship taking Ryan into the jungle.
For the inhabitants of the zoo, this was the first trip in their life.
After a long, eventful voyage, the boat came to a small island. Friends looked at Samson expectantly. What should they do now?
But Samson himself did not know. After all, he had never been in the jungle and invented all his stories in order to produce
impression on others. Especially Ryan.
The zookeepers panicked.
- We want to go home! they shouted and rushed to the boat. And Samson, having gathered his courage, went alone in search of his son.
did not want to leave his best friend, and he persuaded the others to help Samson find Ryan. But where did Samson go?
Troubles rained down on the animals as if from a cornucopia. The friends did not have time to go deep into the forest jungle, when they were surrounded by vicious wild wildebeests with sharp horns. Vile creatures drove the travelers to a terrible, dark cave.
To everyone's surprise, the antelopes placed Nigel on the throne as king. What would that mean?
Kazar, the leader of the antelopes, declared Nigel his deity And added that they were tired of serving the food of the lions, and from now on they themselves will feed on the lions! And Larry and Bridget will be eaten as a sample!
“But first we will fry you,” Kazar reassured them.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Samson, having heard Ryan's cries for help, found his son.
Ryan was attacked by vultures.
However, as soon as Samson appeared, they immediately scattered.
- Dad! What a blessing to have you here! Ryan rejoiced.
How good it is to be together!
- Run, son! shouted Samson.
- Why do you have to run, dad? Ryan was confused. “After all, you are the king of beasts!” Drive them away!
- Then I'll explain everything ... if it's possible, - said Samson,
planting his son on a tree, away from the sharp antelope horns.
But then they were overtaken by antelopes led by Kazar.
“I'm sorry I deceived you, Ryan,” Samson said, looking at his son. - I've never been in the jungle. I was born in a circus, and my father was always angry with me for not being able to growl loudly and not being as brave as he was. My father was born in the jungle, and I wanted to be like him. And I dreamed that you were proud of me!
Ryan was disappointed by his father's confession.
Samson and Ryan started to run at full speed, but the antelopes were faster. Soon the evil pursuers overtook them. Samson was dragged from sheer cliff, and poor Ryan was surrounded and driven to the cave.
Finally, the antelopes pushed Ryan, Larry, and Bridget into big cave where Nigel sat on the throne.
The antelopes were preparing to feast on the inhabitants of the zoo, and Nigel did not know how to stop the massacre.
Luckily, Samson found the entrance to the cave and slipped in unnoticed, hoping to save Ryan and the others.
- Dad! Ryan shouted in delight at the sight of his father. - Let's show these weaklings who's food for whom here!
Father and son stood shoulder to shoulder against the angry antelope.
At that moment, the formidable Kazar appeared. Putting out his horns, he rushed at Samson and knocked him to the ground. Little Benny, looking at his defeated friend, shouted to his friends:
We must help Samson!
The inhabitants of the zoo looked at each other and instantly figured out what to do. Just like when playing curling, they pulled Larry between two protruding rocks. Then, using this living slingshot, they shot Ryan into Kazar. The lion cub knocked the enemy to the ground.
Samson soon came to his senses. Now it's time to prove that, although he is not from the jungle, he has enough strength and courage.
And Samson let out a roar so powerful that Kazar fell on his back, and stones fell on him from the ceiling of the cave. Luckily, the others managed to escape in time.
- Phew! Ryan said breathlessly. - Now it will be yours. best story, dad!
Finally, everyone was on board the boat to sail home to New York. Ryan was proud of his father. Samson proved that you don't have to be born in the jungle to be brave. Any lion with a truly manly heart is capable of roaring intimidatingly loudly. And of course, Samson, as never before, was pleased and proud of his son.

We bring to your attention a selection of 10 books that will tell you and your child about travel, adventure, discover the world and its secrets. With the help of these books, you can instill in your child a love of travel, discovery, learning new things. The child will learn to be observant, to notice even the most inconspicuous things, because everything can be important in our world. Everything has its purpose.

Here is the list itself. In it you will find books for the youngest readers who are just beginning to explore the world, and for older children who already know a lot and are interested in many things.

    1. "Mouse on the Sea", Lucy Cousins

A book for the little ones who go on a trip with their parents. This worldwide famous series Lucy Cousins ​​will tell the child about what awaits him on the journey. This is a story from the life of a Mouse who went to rest on the sea. Bright illustrations, understandable dialogues are very attractive to young readers, and also help them explore the world with fun and pleasure.

    1. Otto in the City by Tom Champ

The wonderful Wimmelbuch Book by Tom Shamp will help to introduce the child to active life people in the city. Kitten Otto goes on a trip around the city, and you and your baby follow him.

    1. World Map “Travel Map Kids”

This is an unusual manual that will open the whole world to the child! With this card, the child will learn about many amazing facts from the history and culture of different countries. "Travel Map Kids" will introduce children to the geography and unique places of our planet. This is a world map and 34 stickers and cards for it. The child needs a set of stickers and cards to simply place on country maps. Thus, the little traveler can explore the world with great pleasure! Sets for two age categories: 6-8 and 9-12 years. The map will help smaller kids to learn the fauna of different countries, and older children will find the wonders of the world and various sights of the world.

    1. “Summer in the countryside”, Zina Surova

This is a very exciting story about the adventures of four friends - Luka, Tasha, Lelik and Dasha in the village. There are a huge number of ideas for an interesting pastime in the summer in the countryside, and children will also discover various secrets and features village life and nature. From the book, the child will learn how to get into a rainbow, make a hut or a nest for a stork, he will get acquainted with the device of the Russian stove and honey extractor.

    1. “Finders”, Zina Surova, Ksenia Dryzlova

This is a very interesting game book that will help make any walk or trip with children a real adventure. The book introduces the reader to what surrounds him. She will teach you to be observant and attentive.

    1. “Seryozhik”, Elena Rakitina

This book is about the exciting magical adventures and travels of the little hedgehog Serezha. It is wise and very good fairy tale about a dream, friendship, loyalty and responsibility. And also about the fact that the Key opens all the doors, if you correctly answer a single question: “What is the most important thing in the world?”

The following books are worldwide famous novels and stories for middle and older children school age.

    1. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

An island lost in the ocean, hidden treasures, pirates… All this and much more the young reader will find in this wonderful work by Robert Stevenson.

    1. "Children of Captain Grant", Jules Verne

This is a superb adventure novel of the most read French writer Jules Verne. He will talk about amazing adventures heroes who went on a very long and dangerous journey to explore the islands of the mysterious Pacific Ocean.

    1. "Around the World in 80 Days" by Jules Verne

This book can probably be called the most fascinating of all that are included in the series “ Extraordinary Journeys Jules Verne. The author goes along with his funny characters hundreds of roads around the globe. And all in order to win a bet from the members of his club.

    1. The Timeless Trilogy by Kerstin Gere

Girl Gwendolyn Shepherd suddenly finds out that she inherited from her great-great-grandmother unusual gift, namely the time travel gene. And now every day she is transferred to the past, which is full of mysteries and secrets. What is the Mystery of the Twelve who hunts time travelers in the past, and why does everyone around think she has some kind of “raven magic”? The Timeless trilogy is suitable for readers of all ages!

We are sure you can add to this list!

Imagine that one day your child, having read books about Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver and Phineas Fogg, comes to you with the question: why are the main characters of adventure books for children adults?

Do not rush to answer that the hardships and dangers of distant wanderings are beyond the reach of children. Instead, invite your child to read about the amazing adventures of their peers.

In our list you will find best books about travels that the main role assigned to children. This is mainly literature for school age, but some stories can be read for preschoolers.

1. Selma Lagerlöf "Niels' wonderful journey with wild geese"

This fairy tale book was actually conceived as a textbook on the geography of Sweden. But even schoolchildren will agree: if all textbooks were like this, no one would yawn in class.

In the meantime, you can go along with Niels on the road and experience exciting adventures. The path of Niels is full of secrets and dangers, but there are always friends next to him who will help in difficult times.

2. Elena Rakitina "Big Journey Home"

Mishka and Yegorka are restless and curious people. Today they are going to the forest, to a party of gnomes, tomorrow African natives are waiting for them, and the day after tomorrow they plan to take a tram ride along hometown. I really want to join their company and see how diverse the world is.

3. Alfred Shklyarsky "Tomek in the Kangaroo Country"

How many times Tomek Wilbowski, an ordinary teenager, dreamed of traveling! His dreams came true: he went on a real expedition to Australia and learned from his own experience what a storm at sea is and how dangerous it is to meet a predator. Shklyarsky wrote 9 books about Tomek's wanderings, and more than one generation of children have read his adventure books.

4. Ernest Seton-Thompson "Little Savages"

Boys learn so reluctantly ... Not at all - they comprehend some sciences with pleasure. Young heroes the books decided to spend the summer in the forest like real Indians: to live in a wigwam they built with their own hands, learn to shoot without a miss and read the tracks of animals.

The adults supported their idea, and the old hunter shared useful secrets Indians.

5. Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

The girl Ellie considered herself a homebody, but one day a hurricane took her to a distant country - involuntarily she had to travel to return home. But how many new things she learned along the way and how many friends she found!

Then Ellie went on fairy tales more than once, and when she grew up, she passed on her love of travel to her daughter Annie. This is described in other books by Volkov.

6. Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant"

37 parallel south latitude- this is a thin line on the map and the vast expanses of the oceans in reality. Somewhere on this parallel, Captain Grant found refuge after a shipwreck.

His children, Robert and Mary, go in search of their father. Like all travel books written by Jules Verne, this story captures from the first pages.

7. Jan Larry "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali"

dragonfly as vehicle - the best choice for those who want to get to know the tiny inhabitants of our planet.

Children of normal height cannot fly on dragonflies, but Karik and Valya were helped by a professor who invented a shrinking elixir. Journey in thick grass begins!

8. Vitaly Korzhikov "Solnyshkin's Merry Sailing"

Sailor Alyosha Solnyshkin has already grown out of children's pants, but has not lost his childish curiosity. It will help him in a difficult voyage, and ship everyday life will not seem boring and monotonous.

Read the continuation of the story in the books "Solnyshkin sails to Antarctica" and "Ice Adventures Swim-Know".

9. Masha Vaysman "Really, fun?"

A trip to the sea with the whole family is very cool. There are mountains that look like dragons, silent jellyfish, pools of healing mud, tourists in tents and gold fish to which you can whisper your desires. Look around through the eyes of a Fili boy - is it really fun?

10. Kir Bulychev "The Adventures of Alice"

Parents often take their children to work. But if dad is a cosmobiologist, then he has to work on distant planets, which means that his daughter has the opportunity to travel around our galaxy and even beyond.

Alice takes advantage of this opportunity by making friends among aliens and taming strange animals from other planets. Bulychev wrote a series of books about Alisa Selezneva, in which the girl travels both in space and in time.

11. Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island

Do you think there is no place for children in a pirate adventure novel? But Stevenson entrusted the role of the narrator and the main character to the teenager Jim Hawkins.

Jim accidentally got involved in Captain Flint's treasure hunt, but proved to be an observant, resourceful and courageous expedition member. Supplement your reading with a wonderful cartoon by David Cherkassky.

12. Fedor Konyukhov "How I Became a Traveler"

Fedor Konyukhov is a famous traveler who made 5 round-the-world voyages and crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a rowboat. And the first independent travel he undertook at the age of 15, having conquered the Sea of ​​Azov alone. How the boy was preparing for a sea trip and what he encountered along the way, you will read in this book.

13. Aaron Becker Journey

There are so many discoveries, excitements, joys in this book - but not a single word. Travel with your children through the painted worlds of Aaron Becker, learning to recognize the beauty and notice the little things that the eye usually does not linger on.

It is quite possible that these books will awaken in the child a passion for travel, and he will lay his own route for new family trips. And if you show that you are well versed in children's attractions (this will help you), the child will be grateful for your advice.

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