Oblomov's test of love. Why Olga Ilyinskaya failed to awaken Oblomov to an active life


In Goncharov's novel, the reader is presented with the kind-hearted landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy and apathetic person to everything, whom nothing can awaken to life. He lies on the couch all day, rarely worrying about anything, being in constant dreams and fairy tales invented by himself. Moreover, Oblomov notices his shortcomings, but does not seek to change himself, he only asks the question: “Why am I like this?”

And this is how he was brought up in a patriarchal serf environment in his native estate Oblomovka, a wild corner of Russia, where they do not like work, where they believe superstitions and the stories of old people, where peace, affection, kindness and peace reign, where they do not know the unrest and hardships of life. Blessed land! But it was this region that made the cheerful and lively boy Ilyusha a pampered, careless and passive gentleman, for whom any movement (not to mention work) and a change in his ordinary life It's hard work, even punishment. Oblomov does not act, but only dreams and does not even think about making his dreams come true. And he dreams of serene life, dreams that he will have a family: loving wife who would take care of him, children, his home. But his dreams remain dreams. Oblomov does not go anywhere, he is all in his apartment. And the everyday life of Ilya Ilyich is rarely saturated. Only his friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was able to "revive" Oblomov.

Stolz was the complete opposite of Oblomov. Active and determined, he did not waste a single moment of his life. Oblomov appreciated and respected his friend for his constant support and help, Stolz contributed to Oblomov's black and white life bright colors. Andrei Ivanovich, in turn, although he did not approve of Ilya Ilyich’s lifestyle, appreciated his “honest faithful heart”, which “is deep like a well” and “did not love anyone so firmly and fervently.” Stolz tried with all his might not to let Oblomov wither away: he invited him to secular society, called him abroad, in the end, he introduced her to Olga, an energetic and outstanding girl. But Oblomov resisted almost all the changes that Stoltz tried to make in his life. How many promises did Oblomov make to his friend, how many times did he agree with him? But as soon as Stoltz left (and he traveled a lot), he immediately returned to his former life. And Stolz described his style of life and his main illness figuratively, but aptly: "Oblomovism." Oblomov himself understands that "his life began with extinction" and it is necessary to change it "now or never." What can change Oblomov, if even friendship is not able to do this? Only love.

This bright feeling - love - turned the whole world of Oblomov upside down. Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, in whom there was neither affectation nor coquetry, was able to make Oblomov (albeit for a while) a different person: active and cheerful. She became for him a guiding star, a ray of light. For Olga, love is a duty, she "admired, was proud of this man, prostrate at her feet, by her own strength." But she did not love the present, but the future Oblomov, whom she tried to create, like Pygmalion Galatea. What did she expect from him? “I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly; and you still have a long way to go; you must be taller than me. I have seen happy people how they love, everything boils with them, and their peace is not like yours; they don't lower their heads... they act! And you ... no, it doesn’t look like love, so that I was your goal ... ”, - Olga Oblomov says so. The latter understands that they will not be happy with Olga. “They don’t like people like me,” he says, but still he loves Olga himself, Oblomov is capable of a strong exciting feeling and emotional experiences, although the chores and everyday problems scare him, he is not ready for them even for the sake of his beloved woman. Olga hopes that she will be able to revive Oblomov, and he will live for her, but he "has died a long time ago." She asks him: "Will you be for me what I need?" But he gets a negative answer. Olga could not, like Stolz, by the way, save Oblomov.

The reason that nothing could save Oblomov is revealed by the hero of the work himself. “Why did everything die? Olga asks. - Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... you are dying! What ruined you? There is no name for this evil ... "But Oblomov replies:" There is. Oblomovism! Blame it all major disease Oblomov. But what is Oblomovism? For Oblomov - a dream, for Stolz and Olga - the whole life of Oblomov, which they so stubbornly wanted to change. The critic Dobrolyubov called Oblomovism "a vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of one's desires not from one's own efforts, but from others." But no matter what concept we give, no matter from what point of view we look, it was Oblomovism that prevented the main character from living a full life.

In Goncharov's novel, the reader is presented with the kind-hearted landowner Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, a lazy and apathetic person to everything, whom nothing can awaken to life. He lies on the couch all day, rarely worrying about anything, being in constant dreams and fairy tales invented by himself. Moreover, Oblomov notices his shortcomings, but does not seek to change himself, he only asks the question: “Why am I like this?”

And this is how he was brought up in a patriarchal serf environment in his native estate Oblomovka, a wild corner of Russia, where they do not like work, where they believe superstitions and the stories of old people, where peace, affection, kindness and peace reign, where they do not know the unrest and hardships of life. Blessed land! But it was this region that made a pampered, careless and passive gentleman out of a cheerful and lively boy Ilyusha, for whom any movement (not to mention work) and a change in his ordinary life is hard work, even punishment. Oblomov does not act, but only dreams and does not even think about making his dreams come true. And he dreams of a serene life, he dreams that he will have a family: a loving wife who would take care of him, children, his own home. But his dreams remain dreams. Oblomov does not go anywhere, he is all in his apartment. And the everyday life of Ilya Ilyich is rarely saturated. Only his friend Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was able to "revive" Oblomov.

Stolz was the complete opposite of Oblomov. Active and determined, he did not waste a single moment of his life. Oblomov appreciated and respected his friend for his constant support and help, Stolz brought bright colors into Oblomov's black and white life. Andrei Ivanovich, in turn, although he did not approve of Ilya Ilyich’s lifestyle, appreciated his “honest faithful heart”, which “is deep like a well” and “did not love anyone so firmly and fervently.” Stolz tried with all his might not to let Oblomov wither away: he invited him to secular society, called him abroad, in the end, he introduced her to Olga, an energetic and outstanding girl. But Oblomov resisted almost all the changes that Stoltz tried to make in his life. How many promises did Oblomov make to his friend, how many times did he agree with him? But as soon as Stoltz left (and he traveled a lot), he immediately returned to his former life. And Stolz described his style of life and his main illness figuratively, but aptly: "Oblomovism." Oblomov himself understands that "his life began with extinction" and it is necessary to change it "now or never." What can change Oblomov, if even friendship is not able to do this? Only love.

This bright feeling - love - turned the whole world of Oblomov upside down. Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, in whom there was neither affectation nor coquetry, was able to make Oblomov (albeit for a while) a different person: active and cheerful. She became for him a guiding star, a ray of light. For Olga, love is a duty, she "admired, was proud of this man, prostrate at her feet, by her own strength." But she did not love the present, but the future Oblomov, whom she tried to create, like Pygmalion Galatea. What did she expect from him? “I am your goal,” you say, and you walk towards it so timidly, slowly; and you still have a long way to go; you must be taller than me. I have seen happy people, how they love, everything is in full swing with them, and their peace is not like yours; they don't lower their heads... they act! And you ... no, it doesn’t look like love, so that I was your goal ... ”, - Olga Oblomov says so. The latter understands that they will not be happy with Olga. “They don’t like people like me,” he says, but still he loves Olga himself, Oblomov is capable of a strong exciting feeling and emotional experiences, although the chores and everyday problems scare him, he is not ready for them even for the sake of his beloved woman. Olga hopes that she will be able to revive Oblomov, and he will live for her, but he "has died a long time ago." She asks him: "Will you be for me what I need?" But he gets a negative answer. Olga could not, like Stolz, by the way, save Oblomov.

The reason that nothing could save Oblomov is revealed by the hero of the work himself. “Why did everything die? Olga asks. - Who cursed you, Ilya? What did you do? You are kind, smart, gentle, noble ... and ... you are dying! What ruined you? There is no name for this evil ... "But Oblomov replies:" There is. Oblomovism! Oblomov's main illness is to blame for everything. But what is Oblomovism? For Oblomov - a dream, for Stolz and Olga - the whole life of Oblomov, which they so stubbornly wanted to change. The critic Dobrolyubov called Oblomovism "a vile habit of obtaining the satisfaction of one's desires not from one's own efforts, but from others." But no matter what concept we give, no matter from what point of view we look, it was Oblomovism that prevented the main character from living a full life.

"ordinary story"and" Oblomov " last novel takes special place and is the most famous.

Briefly about the novel

The idea of ​​a new work was formed by Goncharov as early as 1847, but the reader had to wait another 10 years for the appearance of this novel, which was published in its entirety in 1859 and brought great success to the author. A feature of this work is that Ivan Andreevich for the first time in domestic literature considered the life of a person from birth to death. The hero himself, his life - main topic works, therefore it is named after his last name - "Oblomov". It belongs to the category of “talkers”, since its carrier, “a kind of decrepit fragment”, reminds us famous hero epics by Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove until the age of 33 (when we meet Oblomov, he was also about 32-33 years old). However epic hero after getting up from the stove, he did many great things, and Ilya Ilyich remained lying on the sofa. Goncharov uses the repetition of the name and patronymic, as if emphasizing that Life is going according to the established circle, the son repeats the fate of his father.

Love in the novel "Oblomov", as in many other Russian novels, is one of the main themes. Here, as in many works, it is the spiritual development of the characters. Let's analyze in detail Oblomov's love in the novel Oblomov.

Love for Olga

Let's start our discussion with the relationship between Ilya Ilyich and Olga. Love in the life of Oblomov, short description the relationship between the characters, which we present to you in this article, can be divided into two parts: the feelings of Ilya Ilyich for Olga Ilyinskaya and for Agafya Matveevna.

Olga was the first lover of the protagonist. Feelings for Olga bring him happiness, enliven, at the same time making him suffer, because with the departure of love, Oblomov loses his desire to live.

A bright feeling for Olga comes to the hero suddenly and completely absorbs him. It ignites his passive soul, for which such violent shocks were new. Oblomov is used to burying all his feelings somewhere deep in the subconscious, and love awakens them, revives him to a new life.

Never thinking that he could fall in love with a girl like Olga, a hero with his romantic and bright soul falls passionately in love with her.

Is this true love

Olga manages to change the character of Ilya Ilyich - to beat boredom and laziness out of him. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to change: to refuse an afternoon nap, from dinner, to read books. However, this does not mean that Ilya Ilyich really wanted this. The hero is characterized by Oblomovism, his integral part.

In a dream, as you know, desires and motives hidden in the subconscious are revealed. Turning to the chapter, we see what this hero really needs. His companion should be a quiet domestic girl, but by no means Olga, striving for self-development and active life. And Oblomov writes to her that I "love" her - not real, but future love. And indeed, Olga loves not the one who is in front of her, but the one who he will become, having overcome his apathy and laziness. Noting warns Olga, writes that they need to leave and no longer meet. However, as Ilya Ilyich predicted in his letter (“you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake”), the heroine cheated on Oblomov, falling in love with Andrei Stolz. Does this mean that her love was only an introduction to a future romance, an expectation of real happiness? After all, she is selfless, pure, selfless. Olga believes that she really loves Oblomov.

Olga's love

At first, this heroine, who does not enjoy much attention among gentlemen, seems to us an adult child. However, it was she who was able to pull Oblomov out of the maelstrom of his inaction, at least for a while bringing him back to life. Stolz noticed her first. He joked, laughed, entertained the girl, advised the right books, in general, did not let her get bored. She was really interesting to him, but Andrei remained only a teacher and mentor. Oblomov, however, was attracted by her voice and the crease above her forehead, in which, in his words, "stubbornness nests." Olga, on the other hand, loves in Ilya Ilyich the mind, although crushed by "all sorts of rubbish" and asleep in idleness, as well as a pure, faithful heart. Presumptuous and bright, she dreamed that she would make the hero read newspapers, books, tell the news, discover true life and not let him doze off again. Oblomov fell in love when Olga sang Casta Diva at his first reception at the Ilyinskys. A lilac branch mentioned several times on the pages of the novel, either on Olga's embroidery during a meeting in the park, or abandoned by the heroine and picked up by Ilya Ilyich, became a kind of symbol of their love.

End of the novel

But this love in Oblomov's novel was frightening for him, Oblomovism turns out to be stronger than such high and sincere feelings. She absorbs the desire to create and act - such an inappropriate image for Oblomov, and the lovers are forced to end the relationship without ceasing to love each other. The love of Olga and Oblomov was doomed from the very beginning. Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich understood family happiness, love, the meaning of life in different ways. If for the hero the relationship between a man and a woman is a passion, a disease, then for Olga it is a duty. Oblomov loved her sincerely and deeply, gave her all of himself, idolized her. In the feelings of the heroine, a consistent calculation was noticeable. She took Oblomov's life into her own hands, having agreed with Stolz. Despite her youth, she managed to see in him kind soul, open heart, "pigeon tenderness". At the same time, Olga liked the realization that she, an inexperienced young girl, would revive a man like Oblomov. The gap between them is inevitable and natural: they are too dissimilar natures. This Oblomov love story was thus completed. The thirst for a sleepy, serene state turned out to be more expensive than romantic happiness. Oblomov sees the ideal of existence as follows: "a man sleeps serenely."

New sweetheart

With her departure, the protagonist still does not find what to do with the formed one and again lies idle all day long and sleeps on his favorite sofa in St. Petersburg, in the house of the hostess Agafya Pshenitsyna. She attracted the hero with full bare elbows, neck and housekeeping. New sweetheart she was hardworking, but she did not differ in intelligence ("she looked at him stupidly and was silent"), but she cooked well and kept order.

New Oblomovka

Having got used to the measured and unhurried rhythm of the life of this mistress, over time, Ilya Ilyich will humble the impulses of his heart and begin to be content with little again. All his desires, as before meeting with Olga, will be limited to food, sleep, empty rare conversations with the businesslike Agafya Matveevna. She is contrasted by the writer Olga: a faithful, kind wife, an excellent housewife, but she does not have the height of the soul. Ilya Ilyich, having plunged into the unpretentious semi-village life in the house of this hostess, seemed to have fallen into the former Oblomovka. Slowly and lazily dying in his soul, he falls in love with Pshenitsyna.

Lyubov Pshenitsyna

But what about Agafya Matveevna herself? Is that what her love is? No, she is devoted, selfless. In her feelings, the heroine is ready to drown, to give all the fruits of her labors, all her strength to Oblomov. For his sake, she sold some of her jewelry, gold chains and jewelry, when Tarantiev tricked Ilya Ilyich into paying him a large sum ten thousand per month. It seems that all former life Agafya Matveyevna passed in anticipation of the appearance of a person who can be taken care of like a son, who can be devotedly and selflessly loved. Main character works is exactly like this: he is soft, kind - it touches female heart accustomed to the ignorance and rudeness of men; he is lazy - this allows you to take care of him and take care of him like a child.

Before Oblomov, Pshenitsyna did not live, but existed without thinking about anything. She was uneducated, even dumb. Nothing but conduct household She wasn't interested. However, in this she reached true perfection. Agafya was constantly on the move, realizing that there is always work. It contained the meaning and content of the whole life of the heroine. It was to this activity that Pshenitsyna owed the fact that she captured Ilya Ilyich. Gradually, after the beloved settled in her house, significant changes take place in the nature of this woman. Love Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" contributes to the spiritual elevation of the heroine. It awakens glimpses of reflection, anxiety and, finally, love. She expresses it in her own way, caring for Ilya during his illness, taking care of the table and clothes, praying for his health.

new feelings

This love in Oblomov's life did not have the passion and sensuality that was present in relations with Olga. However, it was precisely such feelings that fully corresponded to "Oblomovism". It was this heroine who fixed her favorite "oriental robe", which Oblomov refused, falling in love with Olga.

If Ilyinskaya contributed to the spiritual development of Ilya Ilyich, then Pshenitsyna made his life more calm and carefree, without informing him of problems with money. He received care from her, but Olga wanted his development, she wanted him to communicate with people, appear in society, understand politics and discuss the news. The hero could not, and did not want to, do everything that Olga wanted, and therefore surrendered. And Agafya Matveevna created a new Oblomovka in St. Petersburg, caring for him and protecting him. Such love in Oblomov's novel for Pshenitsyna fully satisfied his needs. As well as in home Ilya Ilyich, on the Vyborg side the sound of knives was heard all the time.

Andrey Stolz's opinion

Andrei Stolz, Oblomov's friend, this love in Oblomov's life is incomprehensible. He was an active person, he was alien to the orders of Oblomovka, her lazy homeliness, and even more so the woman who had become coarse in her environment. Olga Ilyinskaya is the ideal of Stolz, romantic, subtle, wise. There is not a shadow of coquetry in her. Andrei offers Olga a hand and a heart - and she agrees. His feelings were disinterested and pure, he does not seek any benefit, despite the fact that he is a restless "dealer".

Ilya Ilyich about the life of Stolz

In turn, Ilya Ilyich does not understand the life of Andrei Stolz. The title character of the work continues the gallery " extra people"discovered by M.Yu. Lermontov and A.S. Pushkin. He avoids secular society, does not serve, leads an aimless life. Ilya Ilyich sees no point in violent activity because it does not consider it true manifestation the essence of man. He did not want an official career, mired in papers, denies and elite where everything is false, hardened by heart, hypocritical, there is no free thought, no sincere feelings.

Marriage of Stolz and Olga

While the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna is close to life, natural, it should be noted that the marriage of Stolz and Olga is utopian. In this sense, Oblomov turns out, oddly enough, closer to reality than such a seemingly obvious realist Stolz. Andrei, together with his beloved, lives in the Crimea, in their house they find a place for things necessary for work, as well as romantic trinkets. Even in love, they are surrounded by perfect balance: passion subsided after marriage, but did not die out.

Olga's inner world

However, Stolz does not at all suspect what riches Olga's sublime soul conceals. She outgrew him spiritually, because she did not stubbornly strive for one specific goal, but saw different ways and chose which one to follow. Having chosen Stolz, she wanted to find equal husband or even a life partner trying to subdue her with his power. At first, Ilyinskaya really finds happiness in his face, but as they get to know each other better, she begins to realize that there is nothing special in such a life, that she is exactly the same as everyone else. Stolz lives exclusively by reason, not interested in anything other than business.

Footprint in Olga's soul

The love of Olga and Oblomov left a huge mark in the heart of the heroine. She sought to love and understand Oblomov's life, because for her life is love, and love is a duty, but she failed to do this. After marriage, Ilyinskaya feels in her life some features of Oblomov's former idyll, and this observation alarms the heroine, she does not want to live like this. However, the love of Stolz and Olga is the feelings of two developing people who help each other in everything, and they must certainly find a way out in order to continue searching for their own path.

Ilya Ilyich

In order to characterize the main character as a whole, as well as love in Oblomov's life, quotes from the text can be given in different ways. The next one is especially interesting: "What a fuss here! And outside everything is so quiet, calm!". Andrei and Olga believe that if you lie quietly on the couch, and do not run like crazy through life, then you are certainly lazy and do not think about anything. However, such battles took place in Oblomov's soul that Ilyinskaya could not imagine. He thought about these difficult questions, his thoughts went so far that Stoltz would have gone mad. Ilya did not need a wife who throws tantrums, she herself does not know what she wants. In the depths of his soul, he was looking for a companion, whom not only Ilya Ilyich himself would love, but who, for her part, accepted him as he was, without trying to remake him. Such is the ideal love in Oblomov's life.

So it turns out that the hero loved Olga sincerely, in a way that no one else loved and could not love, and she wanted to heal him, after which, when he was on the same "level" with her, love. And Ilyinskaya paid dearly for this, when Oblomov died, she realized that she loved him exactly as he was, with all the obvious flaws.

The role of love in the life of a hero

The role of love in Oblomov's life, therefore, was very great. She, according to the author, is the most important driving force, without which it is impossible spiritual development people, nor their happiness. According to I.A. Goncharov, love in Oblomov's life was milestone his internal formation, which is why she is given so much space in the development of the novel.

"Oblomov" appeared when feudal system more and more revealed its inconsistency, and the novel immediately attracted the attention of readers. Goncharov worked on this work for many years, touched the artist's pen to the innermost strings of the "Russian soul". The writer created a hero who embodies the main national traits, although in a form not the most attractive, but causing love and sympathy. The author drew in detail the socio-historical reasons for the formation of Oblomov's character, which is why in the novel important place occupies the image of those conditions and that environment (the Oblomovka estate) in which the formation of the hero took place, a certain gene structure that Olga Ilyinskaya could not change.

He is a gourmet and a dreamer, he dreams of changes, but he himself does not want to do anything for this. He - good man, for which the beautiful woman Olga fell in love with him. When a spark of love arises between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya, Olga hopes that she can change Oblomov, begins to develop a plan. But Oblomov is afraid of change, believing that the outside world is terrible, deadly.

In turn, Agafya Matveevna cooks deliciously, takes care of Oblomov, without demanding anything from him. It’s not scary with her, like with Olga Ilyinskaya, you don’t have to change with her. He runs away from his feelings for beautiful woman. Ashamed of what he has lived, he realizes that he lived in vain, and it is already too late to change anything.

Ilyinskaya's relationship with Oblomov is unpromising, she agrees to marry the German Stolz, prudent, rational, a man of a different psychology, who cannot give her the fullness of feelings experienced with Oblomov. All three are unhappy...

It seems to me that Olga Ilyinskaya could not have changed Oblomov because of his spiritual poverty, narrowness of interests, poverty and primitiveness of nature, but most importantly, his unwillingness to self-development. Ilya Ilyich (symbolic combination: Ilya-Ilyinskaya) fell in love with Olga seriously! This was precisely the cruelty of the drama that happened between them ... Pushkin and Dostoevsky, Goncharov and Griboedov, Bunin and Nekrasov wrote about love, painful and pure, unrequited and healing, Goncharov showed cowardly love.

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… You ask, Inna, about my summer impressions. I'll be happy to tell you about them. First of all, nature. Do you remember how stuffy, dusty our city was in July? And suddenly I was in heaven. Quiet, thoughtful river, clean sandy shore, forest around, birch groves, lovely sunny meadows. And above all this - a high clear sky with light transparent clouds.

But my main impression is connected with the book, and even - you will not believe it - from the list of works for compulsory reading.

At home they call me a book-eater (you know, I really like to read), but when something is imposed on me, it always causes a protest. And then "Oblomov"! It turns out that this is my grandmother's favorite book. I started reading so as not to offend my golden granny. At first it was boring, and then I got so carried away that I forgot about the river. And all the time I thought: what wise men the classics were, how they knew how to read in souls! After all, the novel was written one hundred and fifty years ago, but as if about us, about our experiences, about something that you don’t even dare to admit to yourself.

Reading, I realized how scary it is when things are replaced by words, when dreams are cut off from life, when a person understands what needs to be done, how to act in order to achieve happiness, but laziness and apathy destroy him, do not allow him to rise. Indeed, why don’t people fly? Why couldn’t love for Olga Ilyinskaya save Oblomov to this beautiful, talented, poetic girl, After all, at first he seemed to wake up from a heavy sleep: he got up from the sofa, threw off his dressing gown, began to read in order to talk about what he had read with Olga. Lethargy, drowsiness, apathy disappeared. "Flowering Love Poem" unfolds in the background spring scenery. As a token of your love

Olga gives Oblomov a blossoming lilac branch. So he writes a letter to his girlfriend. Sincerely, not sparing himself, he tells Olga about his human weakness, lack of will. His love was wingless. Oblomov saw in her, this love, "the most difficult school of life." It struck me that, having written a letter in which he actually renounces Olga, from love, Ilya Ilyich did not feel grief, moreover, he almost felt cheerful.

Striking, in my opinion, is the farewell scene between Oblomov and Olga. This is the decisive moment, it requires the full exertion of forces. And what do we see?! Olga, who for a very long time believed that she would be able to revive her beloved, help him change his attitude to life, now realized that all her efforts were in vain. It hurts a lot, but the girl finds the strength to pronounce a merciless sentence on her beloved and part with him forever. And Oblomov in this scene seems to me especially pathetic and helpless. In response to Olga’s bitter reproaches, he “smiled somehow pathetically, painfully bashfully, like a beggar who was reproached for his nakedness. He sat with that smile of impotence, weakened by excitement and resentment; his faded look clearly said: “Yes, I am poor, miserable, poor ... beat, beat me ...” Oblomov does not contempt, but sympathy and participation causes me in this scene. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but that's how I feel. I regret that the wonderful aria that caused Ilya Ilyich to cry, and the lilac branch, and the thrill of happiness, and dreams of rebirth, have remained in the past.

I have nothing to reproach Olga for: she sincerely wanted to save Oblomov and did everything she could for this. But pigeon tenderness is not enough for her, she dreams of an active, meaningful, useful life. A kind, smart, gentle and noble man turned out to be too weak to become her reliable companion. And again I ask myself: “What ruined Oblomov, why didn’t even Olga with her love become an anchor of salvation for him?”

It would seem, what does it matter to me, living a century and a half after Oblomov and Olga?

But I think, I think ... I repeat: "The lilacs withered ... Snow ... fell asleep."

The fate of Ilya Ilyich is not indifferent to me. He was ruined by "Oblomovism" - Oblomov's upbringing, Oblomov's way of life, Oblomov's sleepy laziness. Yes, he is a gentleman and does not know how to do anything, because he is used to (and has the opportunity) to live by the labor of others.

But after all, such a character, such an attitude to life can take shape in our time, albeit in a different form, and then nothing will save. Perhaps, while reading Oblomov, for the first time I seriously thought about life, about my responsibility for how my fate would turn out.

I was especially excited by the moment when Oblomov clearly realizes what ruined him. To Olga’s question: “What ruined you? There is no name for this evil,” Ilya Ilyich replies in a barely audible voice: “There is ... Oblomovism!” As you can see, he pronounces his own sentence. He understands everything, but is powerless to change himself. This is a tragedy for any person.

That's what I thought about, walking through the sunny glades, admiring the radiance of the transparent birch groves, listening to the rustle of leaves. I feel like I've matured a lot this summer. Thanks to I. A. Goncharov for "Oblomov", for a talented life lesson, for making me re-evaluate my actions, my life, my relationships with loved ones. And I also realized that “education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person.”

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