Who did the winter soldier fight comics. winter soldier comic

Bucky Barnes winter soldier(2012-2013) Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier (2014) Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier (2014-2015)

Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Marvel Comics - Prehistory

How a little boy, James Buchanan Barnes lost his father (a World War II soldier) and was adopted by Camp Lehigh as their mascot and given the nickname "Bucky". It was here that he learned the identity of Captain America. He underwent rigorous training and was assigned to be Cap's sidekick, accompanying him on many adventures, and the two often worked with the original Invaders.

However, on the final mission against Baron Zemo, Bucky and Cap jumped in an experimental drone plane in an attempt to defuse the bomb. The bomb went off, letting Cap in North Atlantic where he would later be found and melted away by the Avengers. American forces never found Bucky's body and he was presumed dead. Unbeknownst to the Americans, he was found and restored Russian general Vasily Karpov.

When Bucky woke up, he had no memory of his personality, which gave Karpov the ability to reprogram Bucky as the Soviet assassin had summoned the Winter Soldier. He was sent all over the world, having made political assassinations with huge effects on cold war. However, his memory implant caused mental instability and he was kept stagnant between missions to prevent an uprising.

Recently, the Winter Soldier killed the Red Skull and stole his Cosmic Cube for Karpov's successor, former General Alexander Lukin. To get in touch with Cap's mind, Lukin also ordered the Winter Soldier to kill Jack Monroe and launch a major terrorist attack on the city of Philadelphia, fueling the power of the Cosmic Cube in the process. However, when the Winter Soldier kidnapped an S.H.I.E.L.D. Sharon Carter, she told Captain America after her rescue that she believed her abductor was Bucky. Later, Nick Fury confirmed to Cap that the Winter Soldier was indeed his former partner.

When Lukin ordered the Winter Soldier to bury the Cosmic Cube in an underground bunker, Cap, with the help of Falcon and Iron Man, tracked him down and defeated him. After the battle, Cap used the Cosmic Cube to restore Bucky's memories, but it then destroyed the Cube and disappeared. Everyone except Captain America believed he was dead.

It was recently revealed that the Winter Soldier was involved in helping Wolverine escape from Weapon X and was responsible for the loss of his wife and child.

When the Superhuman Registry Act was passed, S.H.I.E.L.D's Nick Fury recruited Bucky on undercover operations to protect Captain America from government forces. After the apparent death of Steve Rogers, Barnes became the new Captain America. Rogers survived, but upon his return, he gave Barnes his blessings to continue as Captain America on The Avengers while he assumed a federal administrator role guiding the superheroes.

Bucky(Bucky) - the name of several fictional characters appearing in the universe. original Bucky, James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes was created by writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby, who debuted in a comic called Captain America Comics#1 (March 1941) as Captain America's partner. In 2005, the original Bucky returned from his presumed death as the Winter Soldier in the comic. Captain America No. 1 vol. 5 (January 2005), and three years later, after Steve Rogers dies, Bucky becomes the new Captain America and makes his comic book debut. Captain America No. 34 (January 2008).

Bucky ranked her 53rd on the list" 100 Best Characters Comic Books of All Time"According to IGN.


Having lost his father in early age During World War II, James Buchanan Barnes was taken as the mascot of Camp Lehigh, earning the nickname "Bucky". Thanks to his skills, Bucky was sent to England on his sixteenth birthday, where he received two months of combat training in the ranks of the British Special Forces SAS and another month in the United States. During his training, Bucky became one of the best fighters. It was long before he became Captain America's devoted partner.

Then the press came up with a legend: " Camp kid becomes Cap's partner which made kids all over the country think it could happen to them too. He soon joined Cap as a member of the Invaders, fighting alongside heroes such as Namor, the Human Torch (Jim Hammond) and Toro (Thomas Raymond) And since Toro and Bucky were about the same age, they become close friends, along with Human Top and Golden Girl, who dubbed themselves The Kid Commandos. During this time, he teamed up with fellow accomplices, the Young Allies and later the Liberty Legion, to aid the Invaders in their battle against the Red Skull.Bucky also worked with a team of teenage superheroes called the Children's Special Forces.

IN last days During World War II, while on a mission overseas, Captain America and Bucky are sent to ruin the plans of (Baron Heinrich Zemo) who is planning to steal a drone aircraft. Zemo, having previously mined the plane, launches it into flight, but in order to prevent an explosion, Steve and Bucky make their way onto the plane and attempt to deactivate the bomb. Unfortunately, they fail to do so and the bomb explodes, and since Bucky was closer, it is assumed that he dies in the explosion. While blast wave throws the body of Captain America into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, after which it enters suspended animation, remaining in the ice for many years.

Winter Soldier

In April 1945, an experienced Soviet scout-submariner Vasily Karpov and his team crossed the English Channel. Not far from this area, they found the body of Bucky, who, as it turned out, remained alive after the explosion, but lost his left arm. Thanks to some manipulation by Soviet scientists, they manage to bring Bucky back to life. Even though he lost his memory of his previous life, Bucky retained his fighting skills and the ability to speak four languages, but had no idea how he knew all this.

The scientists also installed a cybernetic arm on him and began work on the Winter Soldier project. They began to mentally reprogram Bucky's mind, resulting in the perfect soldier. Codenamed Winter Soldier, Bucky was sent on a series of espionage missions, some of which involved taking down various high-profile individuals in the Cold War. Bucky's memory loss was so severe that even after killing many people including the Red Skull and Nomad under the guidance of Karpov's protégé Alexander Lukin, the Winter Soldier faced and still had no memory of his past.

On Lukin's orders, Bucky is ordered to take the newly obtained Cosmic Cube to safety. However, using A.I.M. technology, Captain America and Falcon manage to track Bucky and after the fight, Captain America obtains the Cosmic Cube. Cap holding the Cube declares to the Winter Soldier: " Remember who you are"Memories flooded in during this time, the Winter Soldier couldn't deal with them and destroyed the Cube, disappearing with it. Despite everyone believing that Bucky is dead due to a surge of energy from the Cube, Captain America believes that he survived, calling Bucky "a fighter". And this is true, as it was shown that Bucky was teleported by a cube to his old air base, where he first met Steve Rogers. He soon found an ally in another World War II legend. Fury provided Bucky with various equipment (including an improved cybernetic arm.) Also after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers is imprisoned and Fury helps Bucky arrange Steve's escape, but before they can complete their plan, Cap is killed.

Confused, angry, and still reeling from the shock that Steve had died, Bucky looked for a way to strike back. He decides that the only way to get revenge is to kill Tony Stark, blaming him for the death of Steve Rogers. He steals Cap's shield, which brings him into conflict with Black Widow, who is shown to be his longtime love. Baki easily defeated Natasha, after which he goes to Russia for Lukin, where he learns that the Red Skull's consciousness was transferred to Lukin's body with the help of the Cube's power. Bucky manages to sneak into Lukin's office, but before he can pull the trigger, Lukin utters the word "satellite" (the word planted into him to stop him), which sends Bucky unconscious and he is temporarily captured. Bucky is attempted to be brainwashed by Doctor Faustus so he can be used in his plans, but Bucky is able to resist Faust's effects and escape. But ultimately, Bucky was caught by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

When Bucky manages to escape from S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, he fights with, but during the fight, Bucky learns that before his death, Steve Rogers wrote a letter in which he left instructions for Tony Stark, in which he asked to take care of Bucky also indicated that he should get the Captain America costume James "Bucky" Barnes agreed to become the new Captain America, but under two conditions. that there were no traces of brainwashing left. The second condition is that he does not have to answer to S.H.I.E.L.D. or Stark. Tony agreed to these terms.

Bucky donned the new Captain America costume in a way that he didn't think he had the right to wear Steve's costume. On his first mission, Bucky fought the A.I.M. organization together, which he easily defeats.

After the events Secret Invasion, Captain America joins the New Avengers and offers to use his house as their headquarters. Later, he is involved in the search for the child and Jessica Jones, Daniel. He was considered a potential team leader, but he turned it down because he did not have the necessary experience in managing a team.


Bucky trained under Steve Rogers (the original Captain America) during World War II, he is a master hand-to-hand combatant and proficient in various martial arts, and is also skilled in the use of various weapons, such as firearms, combat grenades, as well as throwing knives. Bucky is a very talented scout. And his time as an undercover Soviet agent (known as the Winter Soldier) further enhanced his skill. He is also fluent in many languages ​​including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Russian, Latin, Japanese and also understands French.

The Winter Soldier's left arm was lost in the explosion and replaced with a cybernetic prosthesis. Now it left hand possesses inhuman strength, can freely function even if separated from his body (once, thanks to this function, the Winter Soldier was able to escape from his captors). In addition, create electric charges, electromagnetic pulses from the palm of his hand, it has a holographic function that allows him to disguise his metal hand so that it appears to be real.

As the new Captain America, he inherited the original Cap's shield. Bucky wears a new shock-absorbing suit made from a mixture of Kevlar and Adamantium. He is also armed with several weapons such as knives, pistols (mostly Colt M1911A1 and Luger P08 pistols) and grenades.

In the media
Animated series

Bucky appeared in the 1966 Marvel Super Heroes animated series, voiced by Carl Banas. After Bucky finds out real personality Captain America, he becomes his partner. First, several months of training pass, and then he goes to fight with Cap against enemies.

Bucky/Winter Soldier appeared in The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, with Scott Manville voicing the role of young Bucky and John Curry voicing the Winter Soldier. Bucky helped Captain America during World War II. He and Cap made their way to the Hydra base, where they had to fight against creatures from other worlds. Ultimately, when the Hydra base is destroyed and the Red Skull tries to escape to spaceship, but the hero duo cling to the ship and follow it. During the fall, the Red Skull ejects and leaves the heroes on a mined ship. At this time, Bucky reveals that he got caught in his foot and when Captain America tried to help him, Bucky kicked Cap, stating that "the world needs Captain America more than Bucky." Though presumed dead for decades, he returns as the Winter Soldier as one of the government agents.

Bucky appeared in the animated series The Super Hero Squad, voiced by Rod Keller. He appears in the episode titled "The Witch great war!", when Scarlet Witch travels back in time (to 1942) and tries to stop the rocket from launching, she is captured by the Red Skull. And when they are planning to send her along with the rocket, Captain America appears along with Bucky and rescues her and stops the rocket from launching.

Bucky/The Winter Soldier appeared in Avengers Rally!, voiced by Bob Bergen. He appears in the episode "Ghosts of the past", he infiltrates the Avengers Tower and kidnaps the Red Skull. Its origin briefly shown and it is stated that Buckypresumed dead in World War II but was actually kidnapped red skull and turned into a super soldier. Now he aspires take revenge on the Red Skull, but he forced to flee after his plan will be thwarted by the Avengers.

Animated films

Bucky appeared in the 2006 animated film The New Avengers, voiced by James Arnold Taylor. Bucky Barnes was a war photographer and friend of Captain America during World War II. When Steve is presumed dead, having died while trying to deactivate a prototype Nazi atomic bomb during the flight, Bucky marries Gail. Buck and Steve reunited in the 2000s after Steve was discovered in the Arctic and defrosted.


Bucky Barnes appears in The First Avenger, portrayed by Sebastian Stan. Bucky served with his best friend Steve Rogers during World War II.

The Winter Soldier appears in the 2014 film Captain America: The Winter Soldier, portrayed by Sebastian Stan. It was shown that as a result of Zola's experiment, Bucky's body was revived, Hydra also brainwashes him and uses him as an assassin. His left arm has been replaced with an advanced cybernetic prosthesis. He was given the code name "Winter Soldier". During a fight with him, Captain America discovered that Bucky was the Winter Soldier.

  • The Winter Soldier appears in Captain America: Civil War, portrayed by Sebastian Stan. The Winter Soldier is one of central characters movie. Bucky reminisces about his friendship with Rogers, who, at this time, is trying to protect his friend from the authorities. Since the government believes that the terrorist attack that took place in which the ruler of Wakanda is killed is the work of the Winter Soldier. In addition, it was shown in the film that the Winter Soldier killed Tony Stark's parents, Steve found out about this, but decided to keep this fact a secret from Stark, in the hope of preventing a skirmish between Stark and Bucky. But in the end, thanks to Baron Zem, Stark finds out about this and because of this, Tony was blinded by a thirst for revenge and decided to ignore the fact that the Hydra brainwashed Bucky and forced him to kill Stark's parents.

video games

The Winter Soldier appears in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, voiced by Crispin Freeman.

The Winter Soldier appears in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2.

Bucky appears in Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet, voiced by Rod Keller.

Bucky appears in Captain America: Super Soldier.

Bucky appears in Marvel Super Hero Squad Online.

The Winter Soldier appears in Marvel Heroes.

Bucky appears in Lego Marvel Super Heroes.

The Winter Soldier appears in Marvel: Avengers Alliance.

The Winter Soldier appears in Marvel: Contest of Champions.

The Winter Soldier appears in Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes.

Bucky appears in Lego Marvel's Avengers.

The Winter Soldier appears in Marvel: Future Fight.

In Avengers: Infinity War, Bucky will be given a new codename - White Wolf. Although White Wolf and Bucky are two completely different characters in the comics, Marvel's decision to combine them allows us to predict what kind of future Bucky will have, including his relationship with Captain America and possibly being in "".

In Captain America: Civil War, it was decided that Black Panther should take the Winter Soldier into custody until the problem of his brainwashing by HYDRA was resolved. After that, Bucky did not appear until the post-credits scene of Black Panther, in which the Wakandan kids called him the White Wolf, which led fans to seriously consider what this could mean for the character. The fact that Bucky will become the White Wolf was confirmed by the cover of Entertainment Weekly, dedicated to the War of Infinity.

We know Bucky will play important role in Avengers: Infinity War. He will be among the heroes who opposed Thanos and the Black Order. But we don't know where Bucky will end up by the end of the movie, or what his place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be in the future. Perhaps Bucky's new identity can tell what kind of future Marvel has planned for him.

Who is the White Wolf in the comics?

Introduced in Black Panther #4 in 1999, White Wolf was a white man named Hunter whose parents died in a plane crash in Wakanda. Hunter came to King T'Chaka and was adopted by him. When he was born, Hunter became jealous, but not because he wanted the throne of Wakanda. He did not dream of becoming king, because he sincerely loved Wakanda and his adoptive father. He worked hard to prove his worth to the king. He eventually became the leader of the Wakanda secret police, the hatut zaraze, who were referred to as the "Dogs of War" in the Black Panther movie.
Given the name White Wolf, Hunter continued to serve in Wakanda until the king's death. Hatut zaraze was disbanded by T'Challa due to the particularly brutal methods of interrogation practiced by the Secret Police. This greatly worsened the relationship between Hunter and T'Challa. Hunter left Wakanda to become a mercenary, but is known to have returned home during the crisis. He later became an ally of T'Challa's successor Casper Cole.

Why did Bucky become Marvel's White Wolf?

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Judging by the comics, the White Wolf has nothing in common. However, the events of Infinity War could put Bucky on the path to Transforming into Marvel's White Wolf. Bucky is a fugitive - he will never again be able to live like free man in his own country, so working for the Black Panther might be the best career choice for him. In Wakanda, he can finally get new job and a new goal. In Captain America: The First Avenger, he was Cap's best friend. In The Winter Soldier, he turned into a brainwashed assassin working for HYDRA. IN " civil war He was on the run. Who will Bucky be now? It is unlikely that he will become a full-fledged superhero, so turning into the White Wolf is the most logical option for him. And it could completely redefine Bucky's role in the MCU.

The role of the White Wolf in Infinity War

Thanks to Shuri, Bucky has been rebooted for Avengers: Infinity War and is ready for action: he will fight aliens. We know from the trailer that Bucky will fight alongside Black Widow, Captain America, Hulk, Black Panther, Falcon, and the Wakandans as they face Thanos' army. Bucky will also get a new look and a new metal arm to replace the one that was destroyed. iron man in the Civil War.


It's entirely possible that Bucky develops a sense of camaraderie towards Black Panther, Okoya, and other Wakandans during the film. By helping them fight against Thanos' army, Bucky will have a chance to further prove his loyalty to the Panther people, and at the end of the movie, T'Challa can put Bucky's skills to good use. Although T'Challa didn't want to use Bucky as an assassin, he was always willing to accept him as a good soldier. Since it's better for Bucky not to appear in the United States, the best solution for him would be to stay in Wakanda - in the place where he was cured of the poisonous influence of HYDRA and his arm was restored. Depending on the events of the movie, Black Panther might have appointed him leader of the Hatut zaraze, as T'Challa's father did in the comics.

Bucky can't be the next Captain America

If the events of Infinity War force Bucky to stay in Wakanda, it could debunk popular theory fans, according to which Bucky will follow in the footsteps of his fellow comics Steve Rogers and become the next Captain America. Infinity War is expected to be last film for many of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's heroes, which is why some fans have speculated that Steve Rogers will be among the heroes destined to die. If Steve survives this film, his story could end in Avengers 4, which is rumored to be the finale of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we now know it.

In comics, the world rarely does without Captain America. The title of this hero was worn by three characters. In the 1980s, a US agent became Captain America. The Winter Soldier received this title in the 2000s after Steve's death in Civil War.
While Marvel may introduce us to a new Captain America in Phase 4, fans shouldn't count on Bucky taking the Captain's shield. Instead, the shield can go to the Falcon or to some of the characters not yet introduced, such as USAgent.

Will the White Wolf return in Black Panther 2?

While the Bucky comics have always been associated with Captain America and Black Widow, White Wolf is a Black Panther character. If Bucky continues on this trajectory, we can rest assured that he will return to play a major role in " black panther 2". If he was left out of the first film, he could provide an interesting addition to the sequel.

Black Panther 2 could have explored T'Challa's relationship with Bucky more deeply, which was quite complicated in Civil War when T'Challa mistakenly believed that Bucky killed his father. Since there will be so many characters in Infinity War, it's likely that Bucky and Panther will never meet. This can be fixed in Black Panther 2. If that happens, the movie could show Bucky as a loyal Wakanda soldier, and even give him a new arsenal and a white suit more like the one the White Wolf wore in the comics.
As for Bucky's relationship with Black Panther, everything will depend on Infinity War. Until we see the movie, it's hard to tell what kind of person Bucky will be, as Infinity War will reinvent the character. Given his backstory, he may use more violent methods in Black Panther. However, he can also imitate Steve Rogers.
Many fans are waiting for " " to find out what the future holds for Bucky as the White Wolf.

I'll start my review right away. Yes, in the Russian box office the film is called "The First Avenger: Another War." But this is completely different from the original title "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" (Captain America: The Winter Soldier), and it is not clear why it was necessary to call the film completely differently, despite the fact that the first absolutely corresponds to the film. Although, for sure, because the distributors and the first film were named the same way, contrary to original name, that is, not "Captain America: The First Avenger", but simply "The First Avenger".

Now let's start about the movie. But there is also a small summary. Those who are into comics and/or just watch movies based on Marvel comics know that some movies have a connection with each other. For those not in the know:

There is such a thing as the "Marvel Cinematic Universe", which combines a series of films about superheroes from Marvel comics, which are united by the main storyline. There are already 9 such films.

The first part left behind a somewhat blurred impression. It seems that the film is not bad, and everything was there, but on the other hand it is somehow rustic, damp, not without a share of naivety, more reminiscent of special issue superhero series. By this it is clear that the film was shot on hastily just as a backstory, in principle, like the movie "Thor", in order to quickly introduce and unite the characters in the Avengers. Then, basically, everything rested on time and money, which naturally could not be risked, not knowing for sure whether this huge film project would be successful. However, the films from the "line" went generally well, and "The Avengers" collected a very impressive box office, firmly making it clear that the audience is interested and wants even more. Therefore, you can safely deploy sequels, making them much cooler than their predecessors.

The trailer N2 of the second part of the film about the Captain impressed many, making it clear that it would be something else, something more serious, spectacular, and, for sure, with good plot. Very intriguing.

And finally, March 13 in the world, and April 3 in Russia and neighboring countries the film is released to the big screen. Judging by the discussions on the Internet, people go to cinemas in droves. And indeed, in our city, tickets from the box office were sorted out faster than hot cakes from a student buffet. Not immediately, but still managed to get into the session.

Here it is. From the very beginning, we are thrown into turbulent events. And already after the first spectacular scenes, when some secret data is mentioned on the screen with high level access, you understand that everything will not be so simple. And a little later, after 25-30 minutes, it becomes clear that the film is quite different from its bright and straightforward predecessor, and in particular, that the film has become more like a serious spy thriller, where there are secret organizations, double agents, conspiracies, secret projects, betrayal, duplicity, etc. In addition, the film perfectly balances the action with all the other scenes, so everything turned out in moderation, which cannot but rejoice. And all these wonderful components are connected by a solid plot that is interesting to follow, and not just wait and watch scenes of battles, chases and explosions.

To the above details, I would like to add that the film turned out to be more serious and even gloomy, which is good for it. Now I tried to compare Cap 2 with other Marvel films that would be just as serious, close in spirit, but nothing comes to mind. I don't mean to say that they are bad, no. They are good, spectacular, spectacular, so bright and just superheroic. And this more movie not about a superhero, but about a super agent, a super soldier (although, in fact, Cap is one). And if you compare with something, although it will not be correct, because these are not Marvel projects, but DC, and also because these pictures are several levels cooler and grander in every sense. But if you already compare, no matter how wrong and strange it may be, then Cap 2 is still closer to the films about K. Nolan's Batman. Well, you can also compare a little with the films about J. Bourne and Agent 007. Something like that.

Of course, I won’t reveal the plot to you even close, otherwise it’s not interesting, especially if you wish, at least on the same Wikipedia, you can get to know it in detail. However, I can say that of course there are references to both past and future films. And even more references and parallels will be found by those viewers who watch the series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I. T. "". This series is already intertwined with cinematic universe, mentioned at the very beginning, but just the same with the second part of the Captain, perhaps most of all. Therefore, there is an exchange of information between the series and the film, so one complements the other it's great. And of course, there were additional endings after the movie, so take your time to leave the cinema hall after the end. Although here's another one, let it be a small, very small spoiler: remember in the first film such an organization as "Hydra"? Remembered? Okay, that's enough.

I would also like to draw attention to the characters. If past films only briefly talked about Captain, Black Widow, Nick Fury, then here we will learn much more about them, and each of them will reveal himself more as a person. In addition to these heroes, on which a certain emphasis is made, a couple more entertaining personalities will be added. One of them is a former military man nicknamed Falcon, familiar to comic book fans as one of Cap's old friends. And of course, a charismatic and mysterious enemy, codenamed Winter Soldier, who is unlikely to leave you indifferent. He is also familiar to comics fans, but his true identity will not be a secret for them, but for ordinary viewers it will be a surprise.

And, perhaps, the last thing I would like to stop on is the soundtrack. It may not be the most amazing tunes, but the music perfectly complements the film, adding pluses to many parameters, so this is in the film at the level.

Let's come to a conclusion. What do we end up with? Good, interesting, more serious and thoughtful plot compared to the first film, revealed characters, excellent action scenes, dynamics, solid soundtrack what else do you need to watch? So I recommend the film to almost everyone, primarily fans of comics and science fiction, as well as spy action movies, and just fans of good movies. Of course, this is not a masterpiece, not a thoughtful and not high cinema, but for its genre everything is at a decent level. Personally, I got full satisfaction from the film and even more.

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