School as an external student: why I am against. External study at school: a privilege or a real opportunity


Children are not a parental continuation, but completely independent individuals, but some parents try to play their own unrealized programs in children and even protect them from the mistakes that they made in own life. Why shouldn't you do this, even if you really want to?

Irina Kovalenko graduated from school at the age of 15, a month later she celebrated her 16th birthday, and with it the admission to the first year of the prestigious medical school. The heroine experienced all the pros and cons of external education. Therefore, when her eldest son said that he wanted to follow the example of his mother and finish early primary school, mother suggested to her son not to rush.

The diploma will be awarded differently, depending on the program you received. Some states have different requirements so it's important that you research this before you start. The reading section looks at skills in sentence structure, reading comprehension, and language use.

Learn for others. The exam is held for 7 hours and 45 minutes, with part of the time devoted to each subject. In order to get a good mark on such a large exam, it is important to study individual subjects in advance. Try to start training at least 2 months before - more time if it's been several years since you last time studied in high school. It seems overwhelming, but there are plenty of resources to help you study before it's time to take the test.

I went to school at the age of 7 (my birthday is in July). I did not differ in any outstanding abilities, except for a passion for cooking: the first recipe was invented by me at the age of 6. By the first grade, I somehow knew how to read and write. My parents didn't have the opportunity to stay at home with me, so I went to kindergarten from toddler age. Dad and mom were students, and grandmothers were actively working. Mom didn’t even go on academic leave with me (she studied at Moscow State University, which she later graduated with honors).

Come to the examination center to take it. Find an exam center in a location convenient to you. Call the center or register online to get an exam date. The exam itself is not available online and must be taken in person at the exam center.

Take any material you have requested to the examination center. If you have registered for an all-day exam, make sure you have free program day. In some cases, you can take the exam in two parts. You probably have a lunch break, but make sure you have a good breakfast so you don't get distracted from your hunger during the exam. If you break any rule, even by accident, it may result in disqualification from taking the test.

  • Make sure you get a good night's sleep before the test.
  • It has great importance when it comes to concentration.
  • Follow the exam administrator's instructions carefully.
When a child sees for several months that the object of his lust disappears from his sight, he does not think that he still exists.

In elementary school, I studied almost on one five. I did the lessons "in 5 minutes", without much straining. I didn’t have an excellent student complex, but I didn’t understand how it was possible to get fours, and even more so threes, because studying was very easy for me! How did it happen that I went to an external study?

I have a sister, she is 1.5 years older than me. WITH early childhood there was a spirit of competition between us, I always wanted to catch up and overtake her. And then one spring, when I was in the fifth grade (it was March or even April), dad said: “If you want, I will agree at school, and you can pass the 6th grade program, and in the fall go with your sister to 7th grade ? What a question, of course I want! So, in 3 months I mastered the annual program, successfully passed the exams, and in September we were already in the same class.

When we become adults, we become aware of the permanence and permanence of matter. If the age enters this maturation, the school must play a certain role, mainly in the primary age. The most significant problems concern gases. The goal is to understand that they have the same item Fluid and solid bodies Below are some thoughts and some points about two gases that can be taught in elementary school: air and water vapour.

One of the characteristics of children's thinking is what psychologists call "perceptual primacy." This means that the child has difficulty understanding what is not perceived and especially what is not visible. Therefore, air, especially when it is motionless, is not recognized as a substance. The wind is a familiar phenomenon from the children's school. But students do not easily claim that it is air in motion. The second aspect is mutual language, which uses the word "air" as a synonym for "wind" or "draft" and which suggests to young children that air only exists outside.

Everyone called me a child prodigy, which was extremely pleasant. But after a while it turned out that, not having the habit of learning (to study systematically and consistently), I began to gradually slide into "good students". Further education, in high school, and then at the institute, turned out to be extremely difficult for me. After the 8th grade, my sister and I went to different special schools: she entered the school at the Moscow Institute of Architecture (Moscow Architectural Institute), I moved to a specialized biology and mathematics class. The level of education here was an order of magnitude higher and, despite the fact that new school I loved it, I couldn't raise my GPA above 3.5. So I ended up with a bunch of triples in my certificate.

But what do these words mean? Many children may say that empty bottle actually air, that air is everywhere, and so on. but apart from words, understand that air is matter means. Full awareness that air has everything general properties matter, the ability to reason about these properties in order to explain certain situations.

Of course, the first two properties are interrelated: all air traffic without visibility or disappearance. Air, like everything else, obeys the law of conservation. The goal can be implemented directly from the loop. But if no work has been done before, it adapts perfectly to the cycle. It's easy to imagine others. My state of mind is as follows.

I left school at the age of 15. In the summer I turned 16, and at that time I was already enrolled in the first year of medical school. But the first two years of study did not add up. Sometimes I started to get sick, I had tantrums because I couldn’t remember anything else. And only in the third year, when I turned 18, I felt at ease.

Start with decanting situations between two clearly identified vessels. Continue with situations that are interpreted by the presence of air but no movement. Finally, finish with situations where the air of the room interferes. Here is an example for each category.

Moving between two clearly marked containers. The teacher organizes a performance, presenting a mysterious object. He clicks on the bottle. The balloon is inflated. This situation is immediately interpreted by the students as a displacement of air. It's illogical, they know that one is puffing balloon blowing air. They imagine that the pump is hidden under a cloth. When they open a bottle, they easily formulate and reason in their own words: "When you press, the air comes out of the bottle and enters the balloon."

The first two years at the institute was very difficult for me to study. Firstly, there was no habit of sequential mastering of the material, which prevented me even at the end of school. In the first year there were disciplines that could only be mastered by cramming. Latin, anatomy.. Horror! I still remember my first sessions with a shudder! Secondly, I was overwhelmed by the euphoria from admission, which released only by the end of the first course. Well, and thirdly, the lack of control affected.

Situations where there is no air movement. Consider, to illustrate our meaning, the following experience. Students do not all expect the correct answer, but after realizing the experience and the effort they make to push the bottle, they manage to formulate an explanation as follows: "water cannot enter the bottle, because there is already air."

Room Air Situations Let's see what happens if we pierce the bottle in the previous figure. Air can break through the hole to allow water to enter the bottle, so you need to wonder if air is in or out and imagine an experiment to find out.

And then to enter a university at the age of 15 is not very correct physiologically. There is such a branch of medicine - social hygiene, which explains why it is at the age of 7 that a child is ready for schooling and why exactly 10 years are allotted for mastering the basic material. And I took a leap that my brain didn't really need. It would be nice if I was some kind of brilliant child who read at the age of 3 and proved theorems at the age of 5. No, I was the most ordinary girl, and therefore my 16-year-old brain simply could not master the level of the university program.

Air weight Experience classic. You must balance the balance with a badly inflated ball on the board and a tare on the other board, take care to handle the same ball in two weighings, and not equalize two balloons, one well inflated, the other badly inflated. Do not work with balloons: they are too deformable, which causes unpleasant surprises due to the buoyancy of the air.

From a pedagogical point of view, students should of course be asked to anticipate. The sensitive experience of sports activity suggests that a poorly inflated balloon is heavier than a well-inflated balloon. The sequence follows the classic pattern of anticipation, debate, verification, formulation.

Yet again, medical institute is a university with high requirements for students. Therefore, the first two years were catastrophically difficult for me. Sometimes I started to get sick, I had tantrums because I couldn’t remember anything else. But by the age of 18, everything settled down, as it should have been, I learn with my age. So, starting from the third year, there was not a single four in my certificate, now I enjoyed my studies. I didn’t get a red diploma precisely because of the triples in the first year ...

From kindergarten children have no problem stating that in a bowl full of soup we cannot add milk. Ultimately, the goal is to be able to access the formulation of the same structure: "Water cannot enter the bottle because there is already air." "Water can get into the bottle because air can escape through the hole." If this question is being handled in Cycle 3, it is helpful to end by examining general situations such as filling a glass of water. When water enters the glass, the air in the glass will go away.

These air movements are not visible, but we know they are because we are confident in the reasoning we are using. It will be noted in passing that the occurrence life situations occurs at the end of the progression: it is necessary to master the reasoning "moving, preserving" so that they become the subject of a new understanding.

At the age of 21, I graduated from the 6th year and I had more opportunities than my peers to arrange my own future life V at its best. I had many ambitious dreams, which, unfortunately (or fortunately?), were not destined to be fulfilled due to the birth of children ...

Having received the specialty “pediatrician”, after the institute I was actively engaged in research work, entered one of the prestigious residencies in neonatology, and graduated from it, however, with a break for maternity leave. So by specialization I am a neonatologist. Now I'm working on it at home. I have 4 children (11, 7, 5 years old and 1.5 years old). In 2 months we are waiting for the appearance of the fifth. Since the birth of my daughter (third child), I quit my job, and since then I have not worked.

Common language confuses "water vapour" and "mist", erroneously referring to "water vapour" as those droplets of liquid water suspended above the air above pots of water. boiling water or next to a hot shower. Water vapor is not visible! Like air, it is colorless and odorless, so the primacy of perception is an obstacle to the perception of the presence of water vapor where there is no mist or mist. the physical state in which it most often occurs. Thus they hold that iron is necessarily solid and that air is always gaseous.

As for water, the design is variable. This is a liquid for the youngest children. It is either liquid or solid, for those who have accepted the idea that ice and liquid water are the same substance. The language of the language reinforces this trend. Which scientist did not allow talking about the change of state " ice water"? When we talk about air, we always mean that it is gaseous, otherwise we will indicate "liquid air".

I do not work with children according to some special technique. At one time, all the "developers" were tested on the "poor" older child (Zaitsev's cubes, Montessori, etc.). But, to be honest, I did not see the effect. Despite my constant studies with him, he did not make progress. And only by five years the situation has changed. The son learned to assemble puzzles, to read, however, he began only at the beginning of the first grade. And what an effort! He drew badly, except that LEGO was carried away in earnest, and so far this is his main hobby (except for books). And then, suddenly (at about 7 years old) there was a sharp jump in all directions, and now he is "ahead of the rest of the planet." But, again, I believe that this is happening not because of my studies with him, but in spite of them ...

Another characteristic of children's thinking is finalism, which causes the child to view events determined by a predetermined goal in terms of his own intentional actions. The causes of causes and effects are transformed into "pseudo-reasoning" in which the end justifies the cause.

The coexistence of these obstacles leads to great difficulties. Can these obstacles be considered in the school? They are too present and too strong to hope for productive work in the cycle. This becomes possible in the third cycle, knowing that the subject remains difficult. cannot isolate himself, so he cannot cause experimental situations when he interferes alone. It is always mixed with air, which it implies from a didactic point of view, to make sure that students already have good control over situations involving air.

The second son, by the way, began to read at the age of 5.5, no one taught him (except that we skimmed the letters through the usual primer, and then, under his pressure), and no one really worked with him. And in music he makes more progress than the older one, with whom we did a lot more. Now the second son is going to the 1st grade, already knowing everything he needs to do by the end school year. But again, there is no merit here. I just try to read a lot to them usually, and play games with them. Board games(now, of course, according to the circumstances), and the rest they catch themselves.

However, here are some suggestions adapted to the cycle. When Cycle 3 students, faced with the classic situation of drying or evaporation, have to explain what has become of the water, we usually find the following three interpretations. The water just disappears. b) Water escapes and turns into air. C) Water turns into water vapor and mixes with air.

It would be interesting to test them, but unfortunately they are not experimentally testable, but it is very useful to start a discussion so that each student justifies and relativizes his position explicitly in comparison with others. Situations of the obvious appearance The first track is to ask students to look for situations where water appears. They usually find several examples: steam on the windows of houses or cars; fog comes out of the mouth in winter; fog on the glasses glasses The teacher can bring other situations. Students' reflections are solicited, asking them to anticipate, justify, or interpret as systematically as possible.

The eldest son is graduating from elementary school this year. And a couple of years ago, he also had an idea to go to external studies. He took it as a cure for boredom. The first 2 years he studied hard, precisely because it was easy for him, he knew everything, and boring going to class depressed him. The school was like hard labor. In the presence of "5" and "4" in the diary. But then the teacher changed, she "saw" him, and now he is the "star of the class." He constantly participates in some competitions, olympiads, marathons and he likes it. And I am very glad that his brain is busy, and the energy is directed in a peaceful direction. Now he is not interested in externship, because he simply does not have time for boredom.

A closed cube containing ice cubes is covered with water from the outside, a discussion is needed, followed by counter experiments. Empty in extension Glass bottle placed in the cold. What will happen when it is released? Students reflect, expect, justify before the experiment is completed.

Evaporation followed by condensation. This experiment can hardly be presented to the students, and in any case it is carried out by the teacher, it consists of boiling water in a room and observing, soon after, by fogging the window away from the heat source. Students are not manipulated, but it is necessary to organize waiting times and debates.

Initially, I was against the idea of ​​an external student, because I understand that he does not need it. He is very similar in temperament to me. But I, as a woman, am naturally more patient, I can do the necessary work, even if it is difficult or not very desirable for me. And he is not too diligent, and not capable of monotonous work. Therefore, if he suddenly encounters the same difficulties in his studies as I did in my time, then due to his age and character, he may simply not be able to cope. Better to "be the best among the worst" than vice versa, in his case, at least. Let him grow up a little to be ready for more in-depth studies, then he will have another school and other tasks. But he's not ready for it yet.

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