Semyon Altov biography. Participation in TV shows


Semyon Altov, real name - Semyon Teodorovich Altshuller. Born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Soviet and Russian satirist writer. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2003).

Semyon Altshuller, who became widely known as Semyon Altov, was born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).

Father - Theodor Semyonovich Altshuller, originally from Nezhin, teacher at the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute.

Mother - Lyubov Naumovna Zalesska, originally from Kremenchug, an architect by profession, but after the birth of children she was a housewife.

Semyon was born in evacuation. After the war, the family returned to their native Leningrad, but they were not at home - the Germans bombed them. We settled in a communal apartment where 29 people lived.

Graduated from Leningradsky Institute of Technology named after Lensovet.

He started writing at the age of 26.

Altov's works have been performed, and the author also performs his own works. Altov stands out among other performing humor writers for his unique performing style. He reads his monologues with an impenetrable and even gloomy expression on his face, in a monotonous low voice with a peculiar accent. Altov's manner of pronunciation is parodied by many pop artists(brothers Ponomarenko, Khristenko, etc.).

Altov took part in the creation comedy series"Klutzes."

Altov participated in the television programs “Room of Laughter”, “ false mirror", "No intermission", "Izmailovsky Park", "Gentleman Show", "Jurmala", "Evening Quarter", etc.

In 1994, Semyon Altov became a laureate international festival satire and humor “Golden Ostap”, receiving a gilded figurine after Sergei Dovlatov and.

In 2001, he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival “MORE SMEHA” (Riga). In 2003 he was awarded the title Honored Artist Russian Federation. In 2008, the artist became a laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize.

Semyon Altov. Best monologues

Semyon Altov's height: 165 centimeters

Personal life of Semyon Altov:

Wife - Larisa Vasilievna Altova, a choir conductor by profession.

According to the artist’s story, he met his wife three times: “The first time was at the Lensovet Palace of Culture. A girl with a face of amazing beauty was sitting in the foyer. I had a ticket to” Oral journal", which I led. I asked: “Do you want to go?” She went, but I didn’t see her again. Exactly a year later I went to Tekhnolozhka (Lensovet Technological Institute), to the Komsomol committee. A girl was sitting at the piano with a face of amazing beauty and played Griga. He asked: “Do you want to go to the concert. piano music"She wanted to, but needless to say, I didn’t see her again. Another year passed. In an unfamiliar company, a girl with a face of amazing beauty sang with an exciting chest voice to the guitar. I thought about where to invite her. And then Larisa said: “Don’t you remember: we’re meeting for the third time!” They didn’t wait for the fourth and soon got married.”

The couple had a son, Pavel Semyonovich Altov, his father’s producer (known as the director of the series “Klutzes” on NTV), married to Anna Altova. Pavel gave the artist three grandchildren: Varvara, Ekaterina and Vasily.

Filmography of Semyon Altov:

1984 - Pericola dialogue writer
1986 - BDT thirty years later (film-play)
1987 - Peace to your home" (television play) - author of reprises and interludes
1992 - Good luck, gentlemen
1992 - Who's there?
1993 - Chance - screenwriter
1994 - Altshousy - director and screenwriter
1996 - Klutzes" (short film) - screenwriter
1997 - Don't be a fool

Bibliography of Semyon Altov:

"Dog's Joys"
"Gain altitude"
"224 Favorite Pages"

Soviet and Russian satirist, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Biography of Semyon Altov

Semyon Teodorovich Altov (real name Altshuller) was born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk (later Yekaterinburg), where his relatives were then evacuated. Afterwards the family returned to Leningrad. His fatherTheodor Semyonovich Altshuller, a native of Ukraine, taught at Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Mother Lyubov Naumovna Zalesskaya, also originally from Ukraine, worked as an architect.

In his youth, Semyon practiced boxing. After school he graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet, where he studied at the faculty chemical technologies. Then Altov tried himself in various professions: he worked as a chemist, managedcreative department at the House of Actors, was a watchman and bouncer in a restaurant.

The creative path of Semyon Altov

Write satirical stories Altov began at the age of 26, and at the same time began reading his works on the stage, becoming an artist of Lenconcert. In the eighties, he traveled around the country with other comedians with the program “Show-01”.

Altov about the life of artists in the 1980s: “Variety program “Show-01.” Soviet authority was already creaking from weakness. Satirists increasingly boldly hinted at individual shortcomings. True connoisseurs subtexts cum right in auditorium. Suddenly the hooligan program is a joke. There were many of us. Altov, Arlazorov, Billevich, Nikolenko, Gorodinsky. Young “Litsedei” traveled with us. From behind the scenes, everyone watched Polunin do “Asisyai” with phones! New every time! Great artist! Lenya Yakubovich appeared on stage and no one knew yet that this was Russia’s favorite Leonid Arkadyevich! “Show-01” was funny, but not vulgar! A rare combination by today's standards! It was a stage that I am not ashamed of.”

With the works of Altov, who is the author last performance Arkady Raikin “Peace to Your House”, performed by Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur, Gennady Khazanov, Klara Novikova and other comedians. Semyon Teodorovich is a fan of declaring his texts himself. What distinguishes him from other artists is his exceptional manner of presenting his works: Altov’s voice is always monotonous and drawling, his face is impenetrable, almost gloomy, without any emotions. He is also known as a screenwriter. Thus, Altov worked on the creation of the comedy series of the NTV channel “Klutzes”, etc.

Altov in different time took part in such television humorous programs, How"Room of laughter", " No intermission", "Distorting Mirror" by Evgeny Petrosyan, " Gentleman show", "Evening Quarter", " Jurmala», « Full house", etc. In 2017, Semyon Altov became a guest of the program "Alone with Everyone", where he told presenter Yulia Menshova when exactly he really felt like a comedian.

Personal life of Semyon Altov

In his youth, Semyon Teodorovich married a choir conductor Larisa Altova, who soon bore him a son Pavel Altova, who later became his father’s producer.

The satirical writer has three grandchildren: Varvara, Ekaterina and Vasily Altov.

Awards and achievements of Semyon Altov

1994: laureate of the international festival of satire and humor “Golden Ostap”, received a gilded statuette after Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
2001: laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the More smeha international festival in Riga.
2003: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
2008: laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize.

Filmography of Semyon Altov

Klutzes (1996, short film)
Altshous (1994)
Chance (1993, short film)
Who's there? (1992, short film)
Good Luck, Gentlemen (1992)

Peace to your home (TV, 1987)
BDT thirty years later (1986, film-play)
Pericola (TV, 1984)

Don't be a fool... (1997) (expedition member)
I Don't Understand (1989, short)

His smart humor appeals to many, and the unique timbre of his voice captivates from the very first words spoken. He has been happily married for more than 40 years and, embarrassed, admits that the key to his family happiness was a bad memory. He can be surprised every day by what beautiful woman next to him, and admits that he met his own wife three times.

Triple dating

Semyon Altov. / Photo:

Semyon Altov is not ashamed of the fact that he has a bad memory. Even at concerts he sometimes reads his own works and he feels funny because he may not remember his jokes.

He met a girl named Larisa three times. The first time he came to the cultural center, where he taught the “Oral Journal” after the institute, and saw a very pretty girl in the foyer reading a book. I decided to meet him and invited him on a date to his “Oral Journal.” Larisa came on a date, but he didn’t find her. However, that day she herself did not plan to continue their acquaintance, because Semyon did not make much of an impression on her that day.

Larisa Altova. / Photo:

They met for the second time about a year later, in some common company. The girl played the guitar amazingly, and she was very beautiful in appearance. And he met her again.
When, after some time, he saw in the trade union committee of his own technological institute, it was surprising beautiful girl, sitting at the piano and playing Grieg with inspiration. When Semyon came up to meet her, she was simply indignant: how much is possible? But I still went on a date with him. At the same time, her gentleman, in order not to forget about the date, marked the days of meetings with a cross in special calendar, which the couple still keeps.

And Semyon Altov made the fateful decision to get married after visiting Larisa’s house for the first time. He saw a lonely volume of Bunin on her bookshelf. This was the fifth volume of a five-volume series. The future satirist had the first four, but he never managed to get the fifth at that time. It seemed to both of them that this sign and property should be reunited. In fact, this was their first confession of feelings to each other.

The beginning of a long journey

Semyon and Larisa Altov. / Photo:

The wedding was celebrated noisily and cheerfully. Most of all, Semyon Altov liked the toast that in this married couple the beauty of the groom's mind and the amazing beauty of the bride were reunited.
Semyon Teodorovich still never ceases to admire the beauty of his wife. And she doesn’t understand what she could find in him, an ordinary engineer at that time with a small salary. Larisa Vasilievna refuses to answer this question.

The satirist himself believes that without love they could not have lived together for so long. And at the same time, he doesn’t forget to joke about his bad memory, even in such a situation. serious issue, How family relationships. He says that every morning he looks in surprise at the beautiful woman next to him and only then remembers that this is his wife.

A home where everyone is warm and comfortable

Semyon and Larisa Altov. / Photo:

When a son appeared in the family, the couple were very unanimous in that small man– this is already a personality. Therefore, they raised him with great respect, trying not to break or mold him at their own discretion, but simply supporting the child’s desire for what he liked.

Semyon Altov with his son. / Photo:

When Semyon Teodorovich decided to develop his son’s writing talent, he suggested writing only half a printed page a day on their typewriter. As a result, the boy brought his father a text that looked more like an accounting report. Pavel never became a writer, but at one time he was his father’s producer, tried his hand at directing, and then successfully became involved in business.

Semyon Altov with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. / Photo:

Semyon Teodorovich and Larisa Vasilievna are very different people both in character and temperament. But they live together easily and joyfully, for 40 years without having time to get bored of each other. They both can’t imagine how they can go on vacation separately if they have the opportunity to spend time together. New Year and others family holidays they invariably try to celebrate homes, gathering under one roof the people closest and dearest to their hearts.

Semyon Altov with his wife and son. / Photo:

They rarely manage to quarrel seriously. Even when the hot and quick-tempered Larisa Vasilievna makes a scene because of a shirt of the wrong color that her husband is wearing, Semyon Teodorovich believes that she must first be allowed to calm down. But sometimes he cannot stand the intensity of the quarrel and calmly says something, because of which the flaring scandal immediately turns into a comedy performance.

Semyon Altov collects signs from hotels. / Photo:

Even the satirist’s hobby is very unusual: he collects signs from hotels with inscriptions that are usually hung on room doors asking “Do not disturb!” He naturally stole his first copy from a hotel in Turkey, and then friends and acquaintances began to bring them to him from all over the world.

Semyon Altov believes that not much is needed to be happy: “Rejoice at what you have, and not suffer over what you don’t have.”


Born on January 17, 1945 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet.

Fame Semyon Altov received thanks to works performed by almost all comedians national stage, including Gennady Khazanov, Klara Novikova, Efim Shifrin. Writer Semyon Altov author of the latest performance Arkadia Raikina "Peace be to your house", staged at the Moscow Theater "Satyricon". Peru Altov seeds owns several books ( "Chance", "Dog's Joys", "Gain Height", "224 Selected Pages"), he also took part in the creation of the comedy series "Klutzes". Performances at which the humorist writer performs his own works are held with great success. At the same time, he still manages to publish a printed humor magazine. In 1994 Semyon Altov became a laureate of the international festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap", receiving a gilded figurine after Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Write Semyon Altov He started at the age of 26 (but truly professionally, the comedian admits, he only knows how to write and perform on stage). He got on stage because of financial interest. But I quickly realized that it was genuine low voice combined with the themes of the stories create the desired comic effect. Someone compared his speaking style to reading crime chronicle. Women sometimes say that the voice Altov seeds erotic. The writer jokes about this: "If with will happen for years brain liquefaction, and I will no longer be able to write, then, thanks to this voice, I will go to the phone sex service.


1984 - Pericola - author of dialogues
1986 - BDT thirty years later (film-play) (participation)
1987 - Peace to your home (television play) - author of reprises and interludes
1992 - Good luck, gentlemen
1992 - Who's there? (short film)(participation)
1993 - Chance (Ukraine, short film) (screenwriter)
1994 - Altshousy (Director and screenwriter)
1996 - Klutzes (short film) (screenwriter)
1997 - Don’t be a fool - member of the expedition

Semyon Teodorovich Altov was born on January 17, 1945 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute named after Lensovet.

Semyon Altov gained fame thanks to works performed by almost all comedians of the national stage, including Gennady Khazanov, Klara Novikova, Efim Shifrin. Writer Semyon Altov was the author of Arkady Raikin's last play "Peace to Your House", staged at the Moscow Satyricon Theater. Peru Semyon Altov owns several books ("Chance", "Dog's Joys", "Gain Height", "224 Selected Pages"), he also took part in the creation of the comedy series "Klutzes". Performances at which the humorist writer performs his own works are held with great success. At the same time, he still manages to publish a printed humor magazine. In 1994, Semyon Altov became a laureate of the international festival of satire and humor "Golden Ostap", receiving a gilded statuette after Sergei Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Why do they endure torment? What do they need? But they all need one thing: a family, a nest, a strong shoulder nearby. So let's drink to their bright dream! For you, Vasya!

Altov Semyon Teodorovich

Semyon Altov began writing at the age of 26 (but truly professionally, the comedian admits, he only knows how to write and perform on stage). He got on stage because of financial interest. But he quickly realized that his genuinely deep voice, combined with the themes of the stories, created the desired comic effect. Someone compared his speaking style to reading a crime chronicle. Women sometimes say that Semyon Altov’s voice is erotic. The writer jokes about this: “If brain liquefaction occurs over the years, and I can no longer write, then, thanks to this voice, I will go to a phone sex service.”

Semyon Teodorovich Altov - photo

Semyon Teodorovich Altov - quotes

Why do they endure torment? What do they need? But they all need one thing: a family, a nest, a strong shoulder nearby. So let's drink to their bright dream! For you, Vasya!

And who else will listen to us, why we didn’t become who we could, but became, who we became, and who is to blame - they listen to all this nightly bullshit, washing our shirts with one hand, cutting potatoes with the other, raising our mediocre children with the third.

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