Who gives out “titles” to pop artists? Original nicknames.


Many of the people because of some characteristic features receive nicknames that stick to them for life. This fate has not escaped famous people. Emperors, outstanding historical figures, modern celebrities, athletes have nicknames, and not always harmless ones...

We bring to your attention the nicknames (or as they say now - “chase”) of world famous people of all times and peoples.

Harald I Bluetooth

The king of Denmark and Norway had this nickname because of his dark teeth.

Rollon Pedestrian

This was the name of the first Duke of Normandy - a man of powerful physique and tall stature. Almost no horse could withstand him, so he had to walk.

Eirik I Bloody Ax

The King of Norway went down in history as a very Cruel person, who killed a huge number of people, among whom were his close relatives.

Constantine V Dung

The Emperor of Byzantium received this nickname in infancy. During his baptism, he got scared and pooped in the font.

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Caligula

The Roman emperor was nicknamed Caligula because as a child he loved to wear boots similar to soldiers' shoes - caligas. Caligula means "boot".

Vsevolod Big Nest

The Grand Duke of Vladimir received this persecution for having many children.

John the Landless or the Soft Sword

This king of England had two nicknames. They called him Landless because he did not inherit any lands, and he got the nickname Soft Sword due to numerous military defeats.

Tokugawa Tsunayoshi Dog Shogun

The Japanese emperor of the 17th century forbade the killing of domestic animals - horses, cats, dogs.

Louis Philippe I The Pear King

The King of France received this nickname because of his flabby figure.

Svyatoslav Bars

The Prince of Kiev received this nickname because of his light gait.

Robert De Niro - Milky Bobby

The American actor has been very fond of milk since childhood.

Julia Roberts - Skeleton

The nickname stuck in childhood due to his tall stature and thinness.

Milla Jovovich - Russian Spy

So the actress was teased at school because of her origin.

Elle Macpherson - Perfect Body

Here, in my opinion, everything is clear without words.

Dima Bilan – Belka

The singer's real name is Belan. Hence the school nickname.

Naomi Campbell – Black Panther

The nickname was given for the color of his skin and grace.

Irina Shayk – Chunga-Changa

The model received the nickname for her plump lips.

Leonardo DiCaprio – Brake

At school, the actor was very weak in his thinking.

Jennifer Lopez – Guitar

Everything is clear here too.

Lionel Messi – Messiah, Flea

The football player received the nickname Flea for his high growth, Messiah - for excellent athletic performance.

Bastian Schweinsteiger – Pig

Translated from German, “Schwein” means “pig”. Hence the nickname of the German football player.

Masha Malinovskaya – Fly Agaric

According to her, she was very scary at school.

Oleg Gazmanov – Freckled Mowgli

As a child, the singer was covered in freckles and loved to climb everywhere.

Kristina Orbakaite – Pinocchio

It's all because of her long nose.

Philip Kirkorov – Ethiopian

Choosing a name is a responsible matter. Even the most ordinary people approach this issue with enthusiasm, leafing through lists of name meanings and advice on zodiac signs. IN royal families everything is much more complicated. When choosing the name of the future monarch, all relatives along different lines were taken into account. Astrologers compiled horoscopes, astrologers determined by the stars...

Often the child received the name of previous kings - according to tradition - to which he was assigned serial number(to avoid confusion). Or it consisted of the names of a good half of the ancestors. And all these efforts went to waste as soon as the child became king.

And all because good people immediately gave the king his nickname - depending on the appearance, actions of the monarch during his reign, his habits, even mental abilities. And not always euphonious or beautiful. This is exactly what happened with two kings - Louis VI the Fat and Charles VI the Mad. But the parents chose...

The birth of a nickname

The king's nickname could have been born in the palace corridors and on the city streets. A truly folk creation, it could have arisen overnight, or it could have been chosen from a dozen others describing the qualities of the king or his appearance.

Louis VI the Fat is the king of France, the fifth of the Capetian dynasty. Son of King Philip I and Bertha of Holland.

Of all the king's nicknames, one was usually left, which remained in history as the official one. Most likely, there was not a single ruler without a nickname; it’s just that not all of them have come down to us, although they could very likely have been bright and original. Be that as it may, they could all be divided according to several principles.

Principle of appearance

The easiest way to earn a nickname from people is to have something special in your appearance. The first and simplest is to play up the appearance of the ruler. This is exactly how they got their prefixes to their official names:

Louis VI the Fat - it’s clear why,

Frederick I Barbarossa - for his gorgeous red beard,

Philip IV the Handsome - apparently for beauty by those standards,

Louis-Philippe d'Orléans - “The Pear King” and a caricature of him.

Louis-Philippe d'Orléans, the Pear King - the face shape has been the subject of many caricatures, not only because of its resemblance to a pear, the fact is that the French word la poire can mean both fruit and stupidity...

About Louis XIV- Almost everyone knows the Sun King, and there was also Harold I Hare's foot, Sven I Forkbeard, Richard III the Hunchback, William II Rufus (Red), Edward I Longshanks (Longshanks) and... Viking King Harald II Blue Tooth.

It may be true that he had blue teeth, but most likely BlueTooth is a corruption of the Scandinavian Bletand (black). Harald was not a typical Norwegian - he had brown eyes and black hair.

Hobbies of the King

Often the reason for assigning a nickname was what the monarch did most and his personal preferences. William the Conqueror - fought, Enrique the Navigator - walked the seas, Henry I the Birdcatcher - caught birds when he received the news that he had become king.

Henry of Navarre, nicknamed “Gallant Vigorous.”

But the first place in the originality of the nickname is shared by the King of France Henry IV and the Romanian King Carol II. For his demeanor, Henry of Navarre received the nickname Gallant Vigorous. King II was known as the Playboy King because of his romantic adventures.

He was married three times, the number of his girlfriends is legendary. In the end, the Romanian king completely abdicated the throne and fled the country with an ordinary girl, leaving a Greek princess for her.

Personal qualities and generalizations

Nicknames received due to personal qualities have preserved for us the true face of their bearers. Brave warriors like Charles the Bold of Burgundy, Philip the Brave of Burgundy and Richard the Lionheart of England or those who suffered failures during their reign like the English king John the Landless, who lost almost all the French territories of the Plantagenets in the wars.

Charles VI the Mad is the king of France since 1380, from the Valois dynasty.

Character traits could also become the king's nickname - good or bad: Pedro the Cruel of Portugal or Alfonso the Meek of Aragon, Pedro the Ceremonial of Aragon or Charles the Mad of France.

Piety in the behavior of the monarch was especially noted: Louis the Pious of France, Stephen the Saint of Hungary, Louis the Saint of France. Far-sighted rulers were called Wise: Sancho the Wise of Navarre, Charles the Wise of France, Alfonso the Wise of Castile.

Lionheart and Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty is actually a real nickname English king Richard III, not just a character famous poem. The story is also reliable. He was not loved for his ugliness, but the nickname was born after a battle in which his legs were cut off and no one from the army was able to come to his aid.

Richard III - King of England since 1483 from the York dynasty.

There were common nicknames - a whole series of Great, Just, Evil and Good kings: Charlemagne, Knut the Great, John the Good of France, Philip the Good of Burgundy, Charles the Evil of Navarre and others. Even an entire royal dynasty was given the nickname - the Lazy Kings (Merovingians), for never cutting their hair.

Harold I Harefoot

The reign of this English king began in 1035 and lasted 5 years. During this time, he became famous mainly for his hunting skills and fast running, for which he was called Hare's Paw.

Edmund II Ironside

King of England since 1016, Edmund tirelessly showed courage in battles with the Danes. He found himself in the center of battle so often that his subjects almost never saw him without armor. This is what made him Ironside.

John I Posthumous

Alas, the 13th king of France died just five days after ascending the throne, for which he was named so by the people. Even more sadly, he was proclaimed king on the same day that he was born.

Pepin III the Short

The king of the Franks of the mid-8th century received his nickname for a rather prosaic reason - he was rather short in stature.

Louis XV Beloved

During one of the wars that fell during the long reign of the 65th King of France, Louis became very ill. The people were seriously alarmed, but when the ruler recovered, France was so pleased with his healing that she nicknamed Louis the Beloved.

Russian rulers

Our princes and kings also had nicknames that they deserved for one reason or another.

Vasily Kosoy and Vasily II the Dark

Cousins for a long time fought for the place of Grand Duke of Moscow. In their struggle they did not shun self-harm. Vasily Yuryevich was blinded by order of Vasily Vasilyevich, for which he received the nickname Oblique.

Vasily II Vasilievich Dark - Grand Duke Moscow since 1425, fifth son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow Vasily I Dmitrievich and Sofia Vitovtovna.

When Vasily II himself was captured, he was overtaken by equal revenge, and he, also blinded, began to be called the Dark One.

Vladimir I Red Sun

The Grand Duke who baptized Rus' had many nicknames - Saint, Great, Baptist. But more than others, Vladimir Svyatoslavich received the nickname from the epics - Red Sun.

"Vladimir the Red Sun and his wife Apraxia Korolevichna." 1895. Illustration for the book “Russian epic heroes”

In folklore it is reflected in collective image, which was, among other things, the personification of natural phenomena.

Yury Dolgoruky

The founder of Moscow was pretty tossed around various principalities. Twice he became the Grand Duke of Kyiv, fought for Pereyaslavl, and himself founded many cities besides Moscow.

Yuri Vladimirovich, nicknamed Dolgoruky - Prince of Rostov-Suzdal and Grand Duke of Kiev, son of Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh.

He received the nickname Dolgoruky not only for his disproportionate Long hands, but also for the love of annexing the lands of weaker rulers.

Prince Kievsky Svyatoslav enemies nicknamed him Leopard. More than once he emerged victorious, having a much smaller number of troops...

Prince Yaroslav was nicknamed wise. Through dynastic marriages he strengthened ties with European countries and founded a number of new cities.

Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible

The Tsar of Moscow Ivan IV was called the Terrible for his ferocity, and Peter I became the Great for many great and glorious deeds.

The nicknames of the kings were also given based on merit. Thus, Alexander I quite officially received the prefix “Blessed” from the Synod in 1814, Alexander II was called the Liberator, for the abolition of serfdom, and Alexander III was called the Peacemaker, because under him Russia did not wage wars.


14 chosen

Choosing a name is a very responsible matter. Even the most ordinary people approach this issue with enthusiasm, leafing through lists of meanings of names and advice on zodiac signs, remembering what a hero grandpa was or what a beauty grandma was known for. In royal families, things are much more complicated. When choosing the name of the future monarch, all relatives along different lines were taken into account. Astrologers compiled horoscopes, astrologers determined by the stars. Often the child received the name of previous kings - according to tradition - which was assigned a serial number (to avoid confusion). Or it consisted of the names of a good half of the ancestors. And all these efforts went to waste as soon as the child became king. And all because the good people immediately gave the king their nickname - depending on the appearance, actions of the monarch during his reign, his habits, even mental abilities. And not always euphonious or beautiful. This is exactly what happened to two kings whose birthdays are today - Louis VI the Fat and Charles VI the Mad. But the parents chose...

The birth of a nickname

The king's nickname could have been born in the palace corridors and on the city streets. A truly folk creation, it could have arisen overnight, or it could have been chosen from a dozen others describing the qualities of the king or his appearance. Of all the king's nicknames, one was usually left, which remained in history as the official one. Most likely, there was not a single ruler without a nickname; it’s just that not all of them have come down to us, although they could very likely have been bright and original. Be that as it may, they could all be divided according to several principles.

Principle of appearance

The easiest way to earn a nickname from people is to have something special in your appearance. The first and simplest is to play up the appearance of the ruler.

  • This is exactly how they got their prefixes to their official names:
  • Louis VI the Fat - it’s clear why,
  • Frederick I Barbarossa - for his gorgeous red beard,
  • Philip IV the Handsome - apparently for beauty by those standards,
  • Louis-Philippe d'Orléans, the Pear King - the face shape has been the subject of many caricatures, not only because of its resemblance to a pear, but because the French word la poire can mean both fruit and stupidity...

Almost everyone knows about Louis XIV - the Sun King, and there were also Harold I Harefoot, Sven I Forkbeard, Richard III the Hunchback, William II Rufus (Red), Edward I Longshanks (Longlegged) and... Viking King Harald II Bluetooth. Maybe he really had blue teeth, but most likely BlueTooth it's a corruption of Scandinavian Bletand(black-haired). Harald was not a typical Norwegian - he had brown eyes and black hair.

Hobbies of the King

Often the reason for assigning a nickname was what the monarch did most and his personal preferences. William the Conqueror - fought, Enrique the Navigator - walked the seas, Henry I the Birdcatcher - caught birds when he received the news that he had become king.

But the first place in the originality of the nickname is shared by the King of France Henry IV and the Romanian King Carol II. For his demeanor, Henry of Navarre received the nickname Gallant Vigorous. King II was known as Playboy King because of their romantic adventures. He was married three times, the number of his girlfriends is legendary. In the end, the Romanian king completely abdicated the throne and fled the country with an ordinary girl, leaving a Greek princess for her.

Personal qualities and generalizations

Nicknames received due to personal qualities have preserved for us the true face of their bearers. Brave warriors like Charles the Bold of Burgundy, Philip the Brave of Burgundy and Richard the Lionheart of England or those who suffered failures during their reign like the English king John the Landless, who lost almost all the French territories of the Plantagenets in the wars.

Character traits could also become the king's nickname - good or bad: Pedro the Cruel of Portugal or Alfonso the Meek of Aragon, Pedro the Ceremonial of Aragon or Charles the Mad of France. Piety in the behavior of the monarch was especially noted: Louis the Pious of France, Stephen the Saint of Hungary, Louis the Saint of France. Far-sighted rulers were called Wise: Sancho the Wise of Navarre, Charles the Wise of France, Alfonso the Wise of Castile.

Lionheart and Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty in fact, the real nickname of the English King Richard III, and not just a character from a famous poem. The story is also reliable. He was not loved for his ugliness, but the nickname was born after a battle in which his legs were cut off and no one from the army was able to come to his aid.

There were common nicknames - a whole series of Great, Just, Evil and Good kings: Charlemagne, Knut the Great, John the Good of France, Philip the Good of Burgundy, Charles the Evil of Navarre and others. Even an entire royal dynasty – the Lazy Kings (Merovingians) – was given the nickname for never cutting their hair.

Russian rulers

Our princes and kings also had nicknames that they deserved for one reason or another.

The Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav was nicknamed Leopard by his enemies. More than once he emerged victorious, having a much smaller number of troops...

Son of Svyatoslav Kyiv Prince Vladimir earned two nicknames - the Saint and the Red Sun. He baptized pagan Rus', was able to unite other princes.

Wise nicknamed Prince Yaroslav. Through dynastic marriages, he strengthened ties with European countries and founded a number of new cities.

The founder of Moscow, Prince Yuri Vladimirovich, received the nickname Dolgoruky not only for his disproportionately long arms, but also for his love of annexing the lands of weaker rulers.

The Tsar of Moscow Ivan IV was called the Terrible for his ferocity, and Peter I became the Great for

many great and glorious deeds.

The nicknames of the kings were also given based on merit. Thus, Alexander I quite officially received the prefix Blessed from the Synod in 1814, Alexander II was called the Liberator, for the abolition of serfdom, and Alexander III was called the Peacemaker, for the fact that Russia did not wage wars under him.

Do you know interesting nicknames kings?

4-03-2017, 19:31

Celebrities often give their fans the impression of being self-confident and selfish. However, few people know that such behavior is only a reverse reaction to all the grievances that they have experienced since the very beginning. early childhood. Common school nicknames, which at first glance amaze with their innocence, can deeply and permanently wound a person’s soul.

We are accustomed to perceiving show business stars as people who do not have worldly problems, which is a huge mistake. Before becoming famous, each of them went through their own life trials, sometimes easy, and sometimes cruel and unfair. In this article you will find out what nicknames the stars have Russian show business I had to put up with it during my school years.

Masha Malinovskaya

It’s hard to believe that the undisputed beauty, TV presenter and ex-State Duma deputy Masha Malinovskaya was not even one of the beautiful girls in her childhood. Marina Sadkova, which is the girl’s real name, was a fool for a long time in the eyes of her peers. According to Malinovskaya herself, she had to endure offensive nicknames from her classmates for a very long time.

In one of her interviews, the girl said that since childhood she has had a lot of complexes. It is noteworthy that she considers the main lever for achieving her goals to be her resentment towards her comrades, who called her names throughout her school years. offensive nickname"fly agaric".

Oksana Fedorova

Former Miss Universe and popular TV presenter of children's TV show Oksana Fedorova also cannot boast happy childhood. From the very youth the girl had to endure bullying from her peers only because her height was very different from the others. According to the presenter, it was quite difficult for her to learn to feel at ease in society, since in childhood she was constrained by a huge number of complexes. Fedorova still remembers her school nickname with resentment “ big bird”, which she was given for her tall stature and excessive stoop.

Dmitry Nagiev

It would seem, what shortcomings could such a charismatic and cheerful man like Dmitry Nagiyev? However, as a child, the actor could not boast of such a caustic and brilliant sense of humor, which became a kind of red rag for his peers.

According to the actor himself, until the eighth grade he was overweight, which led to offensive shouting in his direction: “The fat barrel gave birth to a son.” It was because of obesity that Dmitry had problems throughout his childhood. serious problems with communication with their peers. Only at the age of 17, when the actor suddenly lost more than 10 kilograms, offensive nickname has sunk into oblivion.

Dima Bilan

Many people know that the real name popular pop singer Dima Bilan - Victor Belan. Nobody knows for sure true reasons changing just one letter in the performer’s surname, but the story from his childhood makes it possible to suggest one of the options.

Still during school years classmates little Victor They constantly came up with all sorts of nicknames that would be in tune with his last name. As the artist himself recalls, most of all he did not like the nickname “squirrel”. After attempts to decline the name, Bilan’s comrades switched to new level, giving Dima the nickname “Pivets”, and then Sherlock Holmes. As Dima Bilan himself states, he deserved the latter for his unsurpassed game of hide and seek.

Ani Lorak

As a child, the Ukrainian performer was no different from her peers, so she also could not escape the fate of receiving nicknames. As the performer herself recalls, she had enough rare name for his country - Carolina. Because of this, throughout her childhood her friends were affectionately called Rabbit. Also, Ani Lorak’s front teeth helped this nickname appear, because they began to grow faster than the rest, and the star looked like a small rabbit. The singer also recalled that as a child her grandmother called her by the funny nickname Karoltya.

Philip Kirkorov

It is not difficult to guess that Philip Kirkorov in his childhood was very different from his peers. The main reason What distinguished the singer was his appearance and very dark skin. Thanks to appearance Kirkorov managed to capture a rather cheerful and ethnic clique - Ethiopians.

Elvis Presley - legendary American singer and a film actor whose name is associated with the rise of rock and roll in the mid-twentieth century. Post-war youth needed air fiery rhythms new music, free and energetic. The embodiment of this musical freedom was the idol of millions, Elvis Presley.

His hits from half a century ago are incredibly popular even today. And while the memory of the singer who literally blew up music world with their temperamental songs, the true spirit of rock and roll is alive and well.

Childhood and adolescence

Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in the tiny town of Tupelo (Mississippi). Together with him, his twin brother Jesse Garon was born, who died shortly after his birth.

Elvis's father, Vernon Presley, was a descendant of immigrants from Germany and Scotland; mother, Gladys Presley, had a richer pedigree: her ancestors were Scots, Irish, Normans, and Cherokee Indians.

The Presleys lived extremely modestly, since Vernon could not find permanent place work, and after his imprisonment (he was accused of forging checks) financial situation the family deteriorated even more.

Despite financial restrictions, Elvis considered his childhood to be happy: Gladys loved her son dearly, spoiling him as much as possible. The boy always remembered how his mother, not having enough money to give him a much-desired bicycle, bought what she had enough money for - a guitar, which ultimately determined the main occupation of Elvis's entire life.

The boy loved music, which accompanied him constantly: all family members were believers, so for Elvis it was mandatory not only to regularly attend services, but also to rehearse in the church choir.

First steps towards your dream

It is not surprising that after moving to Memphis, Tennessee in November 1948, the teenage Elvis began to delve consciously and with deep interest into the peculiarities of pop music that sounded on the radio day and night. He listened to country tunes, comparing them with black blues, boogie-woogie, rhythm and blues and traditional pop music. Frequently visiting dance evenings and concerts famous singers, Elvis already at the age of 14 realized that he also wanted to become a pop singer.

Upon completion of studies at high school young Elvis worked as a truck driver, while simultaneously mastering the specialty of electrician at evening courses. But such a high workload did not prevent the young man from devoting a lot of time to singing and polishing his masterful guitar playing. The first and most grateful listener of the aspiring singer was his mother, to whom Elvis dedicated songs as the most to a close friend in those years.

Turning point in the fate of the future King of Rock, we can confidently name the young man’s accidental acquaintance with Sam Phillips, the owner music studio, instantly appreciated huge talent and sensual voice young man. The producer’s instincts didn’t let him down, who later became famous as the “discoverer” of Elvis Presley.

Soon Sam Phillips brought the young singer together with local musicians - double bassist Bill Black and guitarist Scotty Moore, and together they recorded those dynamic, catchy compositions that brought Presley deafening popularity.

Variety and cinematic activities

Elvis Presley's fame grew and expanded thanks to new recordings combined with continuous tours throughout the southern states. From the beginning of 1955, Tom Parker, who received the title of Colonel in the South of the United States, began promoting the singer. This experienced producer had a solid wealth of useful connections in American show business, so his patronage was a real success for the aspiring performer.

In the summer of 1955, the demand for Presley's records exceeded the boundaries of the province: the most prominent music observers of the American capital called the singer rising star country, which Parker did not fail to take advantage of. He strongly advised management large company RCA Records took notice of the talented young man. And on November 21, 1955, the contract with Presley was finally signed. This important point in Elvis's life can well be noted as the vertical takeoff of his career.

Recorded on RCA Records debut album « Elvis Presley"and the single "Heartbreak Hotel" took leading positions in the American National Hit Parade. The discs, released in more than a million copies, were instantly sold out.

Elvis Presley - "Blue Suede Shoes" (1956)

Presley's first performance at central television created a real sensation, and the singer’s name became known throughout the country. Invitations to participate in various shows came from all television studios. Without giving up these tempting offers, Elvis at the same time recorded new singles one after another, and also toured a lot, invariably causing an incredible stir with his person.

The widespread hysteria over Elvis Presley and his work is explained by the organic combination of the fiery, clear rhythm of the singer’s compositions with the inexpressible charisma of his nature. The King of Rock and Roll, who was natural and relaxed on stage, revived the thirst for self-expression in the souls of his listeners. His songs are a synergy of feeling and energy, which with irresistible force influenced the audience, which always filled the concert halls to capacity.

Top 10 Elvis Presley songs

Abroad, Presley was also widely known to fans of pop music: by the end of the 50s of the last century, his singles took first place in the charts in Canada, Germany, England, Italy, Australia, South Africa. He was well known even in the USSR, despite the complete lack of Elvis Presley records on sale during the years of his worldwide popularity.

Elvis Presley in the movie "Love Me Tender"

Large Hollywood companies did not ignore the singer with their favorable attention. He was offered roles in such films as Love Me Tender (1956); "Prison Rock" (1957); "King Creole" (1958); "Blazing Star" (1960); "Blue Hawaii" (1961) and others. In total, more than 30 films were shot with Presley’s participation, almost each of which featured his unique music, and, most importantly, his unique organic nature and charisma were forever captured on film.

Personal life of Elvis Presley

In the late 50s (December 20, 1957) Presley was drafted into the army. He was assigned to the 2nd Panzer Division, which was located in West Germany, and it was there that Elvis met future wife Priscilla Beaulieu, who was only 14 years old at the time.
Presley's companion last months his life was Ginger Alden, a fashion model and actress.

Premature death

The life of the King of Rock and Roll ended on August 16, 1977. Being in severe mental decline, he took an excessive dose of sedatives - and Presley’s heart stopped forever.

Perhaps the singer would have been able to cope with his next depressive state, as he had managed before, but the situation worsened due to the betrayal of loved ones.

The singer's father fired Presley's closest friends, Red and Sonny West, along with David Gebler, who acted as bodyguards. In retaliation, they published a book with detailed description the singer’s aggressive escapades on tour, his addiction to drugs and attacks of morbid suspicion.

Elvis, shocked by this merciless blow to the back, plunged into the maelstrom terrible experiences. Due to sad thoughts, he began to suffer from insomnia, so he decided to resort to medication. An excessive dose of drugs caused Elvis to fall asleep forever...

Elvis Presley. In the power of rock

However, for his loyal fans, Presley and his music remain alive to this day!

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