My heart wants to scream Vicki. Anime review Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda ("The Anthem of the Heart", "The Heart Wants to Sing", "Kokosake")


It's been so long since I've commented on anime that I probably shouldn't start again. But the same kokoro, which is discussed in this film, is crying naturally, as in it. I will explain.
All around banality. Everyone knows this. Everyone is talking about it. Even pigeons get bored of watching breadcrumbs being thrown onto the pavement. Stamp. Stamp, seriously. And the life of an anime fan is generally unbearable - it consists of fsia stamps. From series to series, the princes of the school and the gray mice go, who get these princes. The people are tired of this formula to the point of soreness, of course. And then suddenly an attempt to submit outside the box. Which ends with melancholy, which twisted not the heart of the heroine, but mine. For nafik? After watching the movie to the end, I really missed the closet boy and the cutie girl, because there I never regretted that the girl didn’t go over to the handsome guy with the poker face, but stayed with her closet. Never regretted. It was right, because the closet boy and the cutie girl are kindred spirits, destined for each other, and the handsome with the poker face is the third extra there. He is needed there so that the heroine at the very beginning chooses not for the beauty of her face, but at the behest of her heart. Kokoro, yes.
And here I'm looking for an answer, nafik, did the authors decide to do nafik outside the box? What prompted this? Plot? Idea? I'm looking for what motivated the authors when they did this, and I can't find it. There is a girl. She doesn't speak because words hurt. But silence also hurts - however, only her alone, that's why she suffers alone. There is a boy. Why is he here? Well, of course, to look directly into her heart! To give her and everyone around her the opportunity to hear the voice of this heart. Well this tryndets how beautiful! Eeeeeee? No, not a prince. Yes, non-standard. No, bad. Because when it's non-standard without meaning, it's a trillion times worse than common truths.
I am ready to love this film only for the girl. Her heart spoke correctly, sang beautifully and made bold decisions every time. For the sake of this girl, the film had to be born. And that's it. The rest is not liked, because. The two of them would be kindred spirits. And given the creative backlog of both, it’s even scary (at the very best sense) what they could DO in life, going hand in hand. But instead, a couple formed, where the two I never saw absolutely nothing in common, there is no talk of love. Nothing connects a pianist boy and a girl with a mole. The whole film flew by - and not a sprout of any connection between them. Well, they met there once, again - iiiiii ?! Somewhere that binds their hearts (!). About the heart of the movie! Where is the spiritual connection? Where emotional connection? Where is even the most primitive attraction between them? No. There is nothing, there is nothing. There is an opinion that love is not when people look at each other, but when they look in the same direction. THESE did not look at each other throughout the film, nor do they have a common side to look there in two pairs of eyes. If so, why are they together?
And suddenly another couple pecks in the very finale, where again it’s not clear - why all of a sudden? When did the basketball boy's chest skip a beat? When did this moment happen, and why was it hidden from the viewer? In both cases, there is only one (stillborn) connection - the desire of the author to do something outside the box. Just. For no reason that would be... Yes, damn it, from kokoro! Unconventional for its own sake.
And the story could have turned out real if the authors hadn’t forgotten in the final about why it all started. Yes, I'm talking about him again - about the heart. The name is not for nothing, is it? Or also without meaning, but just to sound nice? When the pursuit of the non-standard gives rise to something dead, then it’s better to let it be banal, but alive. Alive.
Ah, that would be a good movie. Would be.

I like to write about good but little known anime. I like it, because in this way I kill two birds with one stone: I help the creators a little, whose work was underestimated for one reason or another, and the audience, who, due to lack of publicity, could miss a worthy title. The reasons for a quality anime not getting the attention it deserves can range from lack of publicity to poor release times. This time I'm going to tell you about a full-length anime film that was released very quietly, as a result of which it in a strange way escaped public attention. I think it's unfair. This review dedicated to the musical anime called Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda ("The Anthem of the Heart", "The Heart Wants to Sing"). In short - Kokosake.

Brief information

Kokosake is a two-hour full-length anime film released in the fall of 2015 by the studio A-1 Pictures. It is based on original script, written by the notorious Mari Okada. The anime received critical acclaim and was nominated for several prestigious awards. It is worth noting that the production was carried out by the team that previously released, which also tells about the dramatic everyday life ordinary schoolchildren. So the experience of the creators Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda within the genre was enough.

As a child, she was a talkative, cheerful girl dreaming of a prince on a white horse. One day, seeing how her father leaves the "castle" with unknown girl, she told her mother about it, resulting in a peaceful family life was violated. Feeling guilty for what she had done, June ran away from home, when suddenly a strange talking egg appeared in front of her, which took away her ability to talk so that June would not harm anyone with her words. Since then, June has withdrawn into herself, and tried to stay in the background. This continued until she was elected a member against her will. executive committee to prepare a school performance, which this year it was decided to stage ... a musical.


There are four main characters in the anime, accompanied by relatives and classmates. write about secondary characters I don't see the point, because they play almost no role in the development of the plot, so let's focus on the main characters. Personally, they surprised me with their elaboration and competent disclosure of characters. Each character is added for a reason - they all have their own psychological problems, which they try to deal with as the plot develops. But first things first.

main character, a girl deprived of speech. A well-written character who plays his role perfectly. June, by his example, demonstrates the problems that in modern society exposed to many people. But despite the difficulties, she did not turn into a depressive lump, pressing on pity. June was able to maintain her brilliance and spontaneity, even though she was unable to express emotions with words. Sometimes gestures and facial expressions can say more than words. A sweet, original heroine with a bright personality and deep problems that needed to be solved.

main character, ordinary schoolboy. So ordinary that I don't even know what to write about it. He is friendly to everyone, but at the same time he cannot deal with own feelings which shows up as the story progresses. To be honest, there really is nothing special about him - Takumi is a simple guy with his own little problems. Shows that kindness can hurt.

- clever and beautiful, the best in everything, but with problems that she does not tell anyone about. kind girl active and confident. Knows what he wants and knows how to say no. Pretty, but, in my opinion, in this regard, she loses to June. Her main problem is the inability to express her feelings, which is why she suffers. The mistakes she made in the past still haunt her to this day. A very familiar situation for her age, don't you think?

- an athletic straight guy who plays baseball, but was injured before the selection for the national competition. Daiki, on the one hand, is extremely predictable, but at the same time it is bright and memorable. Unfortunately, I never understood the reason for his problems, which he solved as the story progressed (some kind of crap they did with the baseball club), however general impression it leaves positive. Demonstrates that directness can be brutal.

I'm sure many people are put off by the fact that the heroes "Heart wants to sing" are schoolchildren. Drama + school = a dangerous combination that everyone loves to use anyway. Good or bad - everyone will answer in their own way. The reason for the popularity of melodramas about schoolchildren is that most of The audience is either in school or has recently been in school, so they need to understand the feelings that the characters are experiencing. However, there is a problem in all of the above - screenwriters, as a rule, are people over the age of thirty (the same Mari Okada turned forty this year), who see in schoolchildren not schoolchildren, but completely adult people with adult problems, which is very different from real situation affairs. As a result, anime characters do not look like schoolchildren, but philosophers with adult reasoning, which can cause cognitive dissonance. I personally know a couple of people who categorically refuse to watch this.


In short, The Anthem of the Heart focuses on several problems directly related to human psychology. The first problem is hiding your emotions. Inside each of us, there are so many things that we want to talk about, but we can’t for certain reasons. We are afraid to say some words, because they can hurt the interlocutor, and they can no longer be returned back. Sometimes we are afraid that in response to the revealed feelings we will be rejected, and thus we continue to torment ourselves and remain silent. Both Jun and Natsuki regret what they said a few years ago for many years and cannot forgive themselves. Only after speaking out, they felt better, and were able to take a step towards a new day. Unfortunately, not everyone has a person nearby to pour out their souls, so the problem is relevant for many people around the world.

The second problem is you can't blame yourself for everything. Self-flagellation is good only within reasonable limits, but sometimes it turns into a lifestyle. You begin to see a mistake in your every action, even if it was completely right. You begin to blame yourself for all possible sins. Such a lifestyle leads to personality deformation and deep unhappiness, which has no end or edge. You must be able to forgive yourself, otherwise you risk enclosing yourself in an impenetrable shell, because of which every word will hurt. After all, in most life situations everyone involved is to blame, and a simple conversation can help dot the i's.

If we ignore the meaning inherent in the script and consider the plot independently, then we can say with confidence that two hours was more than enough to tell a measured, rich story, with a series of interesting dialogues and a natural ending. Personally, I was pleased to watch what was happening on the screen. Perhaps the only serious shortcoming of the script is that many of the most important plot events occur by chance. That guy was late for the train, and there he meets a classmate; then friends sit in a cafe, and members come to it sports team resulting in a tense dialogue; then the main character will go out into the street with bags just when the other characters talk about their feelings, and she hears everything. On the one hand, such accidents are possible. But when, in a dramatic anime, the plot progresses through a series of accidents, you somehow stop believing in what is happening. This is acceptable for comedies, shonens, even adventure anime, but not for melodrama, where the viewer must empathize with the characters. Without faith in what is happening, you will never be able to fully feel the drama, but for some unknown reason, screenwriters forget such a simple rule.


Another reason why I love full-length anime films- This is an increased quality of drawing and frame rate. From the very first minutes of viewing, the difference between the film and the series will be noticeable. A real pleasure to watch the smoothly moving characters, animation and detailed images. Character design in Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda excellently executed - they are easy to remember and have an original appearance. Most backgrounds contain many small details that enliven an already lively image. The only drawback I would call is that almost all the action takes place in the interiors of the school, which are not distinguished by brightness and variety. In general, an excellent work of studio artists A-1 Pictures They are top notch as always.


Although "Heart wants to sing" stated as musical anime, the emphasis is on romance and psychology, so there is not as much music in it as one might expect. Nevertheless, musical accompaniment pleasant is chosen, because preference is given classical music, which in any situation will be a win-win option. The last song to the motive Somewhere over the Rainbow And Beethoven's pathetic sonata, which the heroines sing in two voices, turned out just fine (the song is called Anata no Namae Yobu yo). It is surprising that ordinary schoolchildren who are not involved in singing suddenly were able to sing something like this (singing two songs at the same time is very difficult), but less beautiful song it doesn't come from it.


Characters - 9.0. Four main characters, whose capabilities are used to the maximum. The characters of the students turned out to be natural.

The plot is 8.0. Pleasant and good story with too many coincidences.

Drawing - 8.5. Excellent drawing, the only drawback of which are simple backgrounds, not endowed with details (mainly for school interiors). Character design and close-ups cause no complaints.

Music - 8.0. Very beautiful melodies played on acoustic guitar. The background music is excellent, however sometimes the viewer has to listen to the silence.

Drama - 7.0. In general, not bad, but the already mentioned accidents spoil the feeling of dramatic moments. The fact that the main characters are schoolchildren only interferes with perception.


I want to immediately warn - Kokosake it is simply contraindicated to watch for people who are not able to observe the mental anguish of schoolchildren, because it is on them that the plot is built. The musical component is only a background that allows the characters to fully reveal their characters. And let some moments in Kokosake look strained, even if there are a lot of accidents in the script, even if problems arise on empty place- I am ready to accept all these shortcomings, because in return you get a very kind and dreamy story, in which there is something to think about, and which you are not ashamed to advise your friends. As long as such soulful titles continue to appear, the anime industry will not die. That's why I want to "Heart wants to sing" got to know as many people as possible.


Rudean, special for website

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Anime review Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterunda ("The Anthem of the Heart", "The Heart Wants to Sing", "Kokosake") was last modified: September 9th, 2018 by Rudean

"Words can hurt people! They can never be brought back! No matter how much you regret, they will never be returned!"

Jun Naruse was a cheerful girl who dreamed of meeting her prince. She often went to the hotel for lovers, which looked like a fairy-tale castle, and looked at the couples driving out of there. Noticing her father with another woman, June told her mother about this, which served to split the family. Parents accused the girl of her talkativeness, she ran away from home and met a magical egg that sealed her mouth.

"Your heart is too chatty"

Now every spoken word of Juna was given to her severe pain in her stomach, since then the girl decided that it would be better for her to always be silent and no longer hurt anyone with her words.

She became withdrawn, stopped communicating with people (it was better for her), but her heart was restless. June is elected against her will as a member of the executive committee for the preparation of a school performance, for which it was decided to stage a musical. But will the girl be able to overcome her pain and sing about what has been on her heart since childhood and causes unbearable pain?


♬ Jun Naruse

The main character, devoid of speech. She laid the blame for the divorce of her parents and decided that now not a single word will leave her lips, which only brings pain to others. Once in the committee, the girl ceases to be clamped, she tries to communicate with people and remove the curse of the egg from herself. June cannot talk about what torments her heart because of the pain in her stomach. Then the girl wants to try to sing about her feelings and hidden emotions.

♬ Takumi Sakagami

The most ordinary schoolboy who became indifferent to everything.

"I'm quite happy with the role of a boring guy. I'm tired of expressing my feelings or arguing with someone. I just got swearing, and I didn't care"

He lives with his grandmother in the house where his father's music room was left on the top floor. As a child, he taught him to play the piano, and now the boy can record a song to the music of some old musical. Takumi is very kind to Jun and wants to help her open her heart.

♬ Natsuki Nito

She also has hidden problems in her soul that torment her. But she does not want to tell anyone about this and behaves in public like an ordinary girl, kind and the best in everything. There were times when she could not help one person very dear to her, which she greatly regrets. Now Natsuki is a committee member and wants to help Jun with her problem.

♬ Daiki Tasaki

Athletic straight guy playing baseball. He also has his own problems, having been injured before qualifying for national competitions, he is temporarily unable to play. But he still goes to training, where he likes to command the players because of which he causes them to dislike him. Daiki became another person chosen for the committee against his will.


At first, the anime was like a children's fairy tale, and I didn't fully understand if this egg (which cast a curse) existed. But the further you go, the clearer and more interesting it becomes to watch. You pass through all the inner experiences of the heroes through yourself and understand that inside even the most cheerful person there can be hidden pain that torments him. I really liked the whole idea with words that can hurt. Because this problem is very popular among people. A person, without thinking, said something to another, nothing will come of it, but the interlocutor can remember these words for life. The second problem that hooked me is the inability or unwillingness to talk about my experiences and mistakes. You can’t keep everything in yourself, sometimes you share it with someone and it even becomes easier and you realize that your problems are not terrible at all.

Since this anime ends with a musical, I want to note the excellent soundtracks that accompany the feature, and especially the final one. I really liked the musical itself and how it was shown really hard work that the characters did before it was shown.

It is one of the most famous animated films by Japanese director Tatsuyuki Nagai. He has many works in this craft, and there are curious cartoons, noteworthy. This cartoon intrigued me with its title and poster, and at that very moment I knew that sooner or later I would watch it.

The cartoon turned out to be sincere, very touching and heartfelt. It is for those who feel For those who love deep, human stories, full of secrets and reasoning over eternal themes. The anime is atmospheric, the story is sincere, but I will not say that I am completely delighted with what I saw. Some I liked, some I didn't.

We see the story of one girl. She is not like other children. The main character of this story is silent, does not speak. As a child, she saw the betrayal of her father, and her parents separated. This was the reason why the girl did not speak. She has complicated relationship with her mother, she yearns for her father, and at school she behaves closed. Everything changes when the heroine gets close to one boy. This acquaintance will awaken the voice of her heart

It was nice to plunge into this sad, but at the same time beautiful story, but a strange aftertaste remained. It seems to be a touching story with a double bottom, but there was some kind of dryness. The middle of the story was completely inanimate, there was not enough emotion, more colors. The anime is half good. I am convinced that a cartoon could have been created much better from this story.

It is impossible not to notice deep meaning shown, the philosophy of everything seen, as something that you so want someone to get into our hearts, into our souls, to feel a close, kindred person and talk to him like with yourself. Behind her silence, the main character was seething inside, emotions were seething, she wanted to scream so much, and no one noticed it. I saw only one boy, and it's wonderful. Their story is full of something warm, that's what kept it all. This cartoon is about our secrets, life, loneliness, about what they just don’t talk about.

« The heart wants to scream» mental and sad anime 2015. I can’t say that I am completely delighted with this cartoon, but many connoisseurs of the animation world will be curious to plunge into this chipped story full of heartache, a thirst for an alternative and a desire to be understood, heard, and solved. I'm neutral.

Thank you for your attention!

“I will part with you, my voice, goodbye, sleep under the mountain.
Disappear forever under the surface of the lake, you leave me forever.
I wounded so many with rude speeches, I brought evil to them.
But it is hard for the heart to endure that malice, and now my voice has subsided.

"Good morning". "Yes, hello." "How was your day today?"
Those words are already familiar to me how bad it is without them.
But my voice, it has disappeared forever, and it has become easier for everyone now:
After all, my words hurt them greatly, but they won’t be in the future.

Let the soul torn from despair, but all the same parted with him.
Well, now I am left alone, and there is no more strength to cry.

I'll write my unwanted review
In this film, we are told about a girl who cannot speak because of the "curse" that was placed on her for hurting other people with words. I would like to immediately note a drawback for me personally: the idea with the curse from the egg looks very childish and ridiculous, as for me. It was possible to come up with something more serious, like a childhood trauma. In general, because of this part of the story, it seems a little fabulous and frivolous, but in fact, in the full-length film, quite serious problems and experiences of 16-18 year olds. Well, then our main character meets friends who lift and pull her out of depression, from which her life becomes brighter, but is it so

no, the girl is disappointed that she hurt herself again, having said and heard unnecessary words, she was convinced that words hurt.

After all, as the girl was convinced, words hurt, so maybe it’s better to keep silent and not talk to anyone? Find out in the anime, and I'm here to write a review.
This anime has enough merits to watch it:
The story is not drawn out, but the events do not happen too quickly, which I consider to be great advantages for the film - to put everything on the shelves and so that there is no sudden “falling in love”, which is not even clear where it came from, and what the characters did to each other. Everything is wrong here, we look at the development of relations between all the main characters from beginning to end, and there are no inconsistencies due to one or another attitude towards someone. It's great to see history developing in this way.
As I mentioned above, important issues are raised here that many of us have to keep quiet about. It is the same here, only here this fate is on the heroes. In so many problems I remembered myself, my acquaintances, and in the behavior of the characters I also remembered someone in someone, it was pleasant from this feeling. Their problems are not at all stupid, especially when you realize that you yourself experienced something similar through something like that.
Music in important points very pleasant, I really like the soundtrack, it is quite memorable and the moments with them are deposited in my heart. The audiophone fit perfectly into the situation in which it was inserted, from which these moments are postponed and remembered, and when they are comprehended, there is a pleasant feeling that it was really cool, I don’t know what to call this feeling)
In this anime, I want to tell you, there is important advice for those who watch it - look carefully at the characters, their facial expressions, emotions, you can understand a lot from them, be it jealousy, love, hatred. After all, as such, they won’t tell you directly here, otherwise you’ll sit with surprised faces and ask: “how is it? They couldn’t have had anything, why do they have such feelings?”, And just underestimate this creation.
There is only one drawback for me - this idea with an egg, as I wrote, does not fit into this rather serious film.

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