Shchedrivkas are the coolest in Ukrainian. The best schedrivkas in Ukrainian


Shchedrovki are ritual songs congratulating and glorifying the family - the owner and mistress, their children, boyfriend or girlfriend. They got their name from the holiday of the same name - Generous Evening, which was timed to coincide with the New Year (after all, January 13 is December 31 in the old style).
Shchedrivki (shchedrovki), like, are ritual songs that are performed during the Christmas holidays. Before the Old New Year, we offer you schedrivkas in Ukrainian and Russian.

Shchedrivkas are performed on Generous Evening - the evening on the eve of the Old New Year, on January 13th. The custom of generosity is very ancient, most likely still pre-Christian. And according to the Christian calendar, January 13 is the day of St. Melania (Malanka, Melanka, Milanka). Some generosity contain references to her.
Usually schedrivki contain wishes for a good harvest, livestock offspring, good bee swarming, peace and prosperity in the family. As in carols, in generous songs they express respect for the owners of the house and for the whole family. The traditional refrain of almost any generosity is “Generous evening, Good evening kind people to health!” (as an option - "Generous evening, good evening to good people for the whole evening").

The best generosity for children in Russian for the old new year

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
The falcon has flown
Sat on the window
Kroil sukontse.
And the rest of the owners for hats,
And the trimmings and the belts,
Hello, Happy Holidays!

Vasilyeva mother
Went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Generate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you
Owner with hostess
Great health,
Happy New Year
With all kind!

Ilya goes to Vasily,
Carries a scare of life
Where will wave - rye grows,
Kind of God rye, wheat
and any arable land.
In the field of the core,
Good in the house.
In the field of spikelets
And in the house - a pie.
Hello! Happy New Year,
with Vasily!

Shchedrivkas for the old new year in Russian for children are short

I will carry dinner
To the godparents today
I already know - baptized
Hungry on the Holy Evening!
And godparents
Ask about health
Get something tasty

The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!

Vasilyeva mother
Went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Generate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

Hurry, give me a carol!
Legs are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give
Togo in the dirt!

Funny and funny generosity for the old new year in Russian

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer!
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush.
Where is the goat's horn -
There's a stack of hay.
How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you, the owner with the hostess,
Great health
Happy New Year,
With all kind!

Today the walk
divination, skating!
Pancakes, pies, tea party,
And pranks and dates.
Winter is rushing us, hurry up!
Hurry to see
hear, participate!
Dress up and get out of the houses,
Carol, dance, joke!

Good evening to you
affectionate host,
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

We are here for you, master
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news
From the holy city
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

Short shedrivkas and sowings for the old new year in Russian

Give me a dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the kids!

Shchedrovochka was generous,
Spent the night under the window
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake
Don't bite, don't break
But in general, let's.
Good evening, good evening!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good people to health.
What are you aunt, cooked,
What are you aunt, baked?
Bring it quickly to the window.
Don't pinch, don't break
And for the whole, come on!

Don't give me cheesecakes -
You'll get it on top!
Don't give me a pie -
I'll take the cow by the horns.

We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Although the "old" New Year -
It still brings good!
We wish the old fashioned way
Fertility - cattle,
Warm booth - a dog,
Saucers of milk - for a kitten,
A handful of wheat - a cockerel,
Red girl - friend,
Small children - for mom and dad,
Grandmother - small grandchildren!
We sow, we sow, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Open the chest
Get a piglet!

I sow, I sow
Happy New Year!
Rye, let wheat be born,
Let happiness settle in the house!

Shchedrovka for children for the old new year January 13, 2015 and sowing songs

Shchedrivkas and "sowers" are good wishes in poetic form or songs with which guests call the host, congratulating on the winter holidays.

According to tradition, generosity begins on the evening of January 13 - until midnight. Sow on the morning of January 14, before noon. Generous - girls, sow - boys, but not vice versa, so as not to frighten luck and happiness.

Keep in mind: the first sowing on January 14, on the Old New Year, must be a man who will bring happiness to the house. By folk belief, girls do not bring happiness - only guys.

I sow, I sow, I sow
Happy New Year!
For the New Year, for the new happiness
Ugly wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field - shocks,
On the table - pies!
Happy New Year,

I sow, I sow, I sow
Happy New Year!
For the New Year, for new happiness -
Ugly wheat,
Peas, lentils!
On the field - shocks,
On the table - pies!
Happy New Year,
With new happiness, master, hostess!
Sow, sow, sow
Happy New Year!
Give me a ruble or a nickel -
Let's not leave here like this.
We sow, we sow
Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness, joy, health and good luck!
And also to Santa Claus
A bag of money brought you!
You will give me, and I will praise you!
Who will give money
He will become rich.
You are our master, you are our kind!
Surely you won’t give us money, but a glass of wine?

Since ancient times in Ukraine on January 13, on the eve of the Old New Year, they are generous, and on the morning of January 14 they sow.

Tonight, January 13, on the eve of the Old New Year, according to Ukrainian traditions"Drive Melanka" and are generous. Tomorrow morning, January 14, they honor St. Basil and sow. Only girls and girls are generous, and only boys and young men are sowing, since it is believed that if a man first enters the house on January 14 before noon, he will bring happiness and prosperity with him.

Old New Year is rich in traditions and beliefs

So, the festival is preceded Slavic holiday Melanki, which is celebrated on the night of January 13-14. According to tradition, a generous kutya (filled with lard) was served for dinner that day. Therefore, the evening at Melanka is also called Generous.

The whole family sits down for dinner that evening. Particular attention is paid to clothing: it must be neat, ironed and clean. After a meal, you should look at neighbors and friends to ask for forgiveness for possible offenses and misunderstandings.

Evening at Melanka- it's not only family celebration in the broadest sense of the word. It also provides a chance for young people to create own family. So, if a young man failed in a matchmaking, then on a Generous Evening he can try his luck again. The main thing is to find your beloved at home. As for the girls, that evening they gathered in flocks and went to be generous. According to the rules, generosity can only take place under the windows of houses towards the end of the evening (by midnight).

It is also believed that at night in the courtyard you can "see" how New Year accompanies the old one.

Ask any Russian or Ukrainian about his favorite holiday, and he will happily answer you: "New Year and Christmas!" Of course, these celebrations are loved and celebrated in other countries, but not a single foreigner fully understands what this strange Old New Year holiday is. Only we have preserved a cheerful and wonderful tradition of celebrating two New Years at once - according to the New and Old styles. It is with the Old New Year that so many Ukrainian and Russian traditions and rituals are associated, among which the ritual of generosity and schedrivka (or schedrovka) are the most famous. Shchedrivki (in Ukrainian - shchedrivki) are funny short children's songs and poems glorifying generous hosts and wishing them wealth and good luck in the coming year. They begin to sing and read on the evening of January 13th.

Funny short generosity in Russian - How, to whom and when to be generous on the Old New Year

Even great connoisseurs of Russian history confuse carols with carols. Yes, and how not to make a mistake here - both those and other songs in Russian glorify the owners of the yards, to whom the cheerful performers came with their own performances. However, there is a difference between these short songs. Russian carols are performed on Holy Evening, before Christmas. Since Christmas coincides with the pagan holiday Kolyada, carols glorify both Jesus and Kolyada, depending on which carol is performed (Christian or folk). Short funny songs in Russian are sung on the Generous evening before the Old New Year on January 13 (December 31 according to the old style). In their content, there is much less mention of the divine. Russian shedrivkas glorify the owners of the house, wish them well, profits, and health. According to tradition, both children and adults, women and men can sing them. On the morning of the coming New Year, on January 14, they go to sow. This Slavic rite is performed only by men and boys. It is believed that the house into which they let the wheat sower in the morning young man, will live in prosperity all next year. Before starting the generosity, you should ask the owners of the house to give you permission for the ceremony. You can sing songs and recite poems only after obtaining permission. On the Internet and in specialized literature, you can find a lot of funny generosity in Russian. We suggest paying attention to the most popular of them and watching a video demonstrating the ceremony.

Vasilyeva mother
Went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Generate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

little boy
Sat down on the bed.
plays the pipe,
Carol amuses.
Give me a dumpling
a spoonful of porridge,
Sausage ring.
It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the kids.

Our goat
Already an old bird
Recently from Kyiv,
With long Kisama:
- I'll stop with my feet,
chipped horns,
Tail sweep!
You need to goat three pieces of lard,
Meow, meow ... fat!
For the goat to get up.
Oh get up goat
And get scared.
By this house
By owner
Have fun!

Wonderful folk schedrivki in Ukrainian - How to see off the old year in Ukraine e

Ukrainian schedrivki differ from Russian short funny songs only in the language in which they were written many years ago. The content of schedrivkas in Ukrainian is almost identical to the content of Russian poems and songs for the evening before the Old New Year. In Ukraine, Shchedrivki begin to teach children as soon as they pronounce the first words in their lives. Ukrainian ritual traditions for Christmas days, Christmas time, Holy and Generous evening are more developed than Russian ones. In the Carpathians, no one is without generous last night outgoing year - 13 January. Sometimes those who participate in the generosity ask for the first time what kind of costumes they should wear to go around the courtyards singing songs. It's simple - if you have already caroled and you still have caroling costumes, put them on. In case special folk costumes no, you can use any clean, festive clothes. It is considered a good custom to richly present children who came to sing songs on New Year's Eve with sweets and money. The more you give to the guys, the more profitable the whole coming period will be for you. Of course, giving gifts for funny songs and poems should be reasonable, according to the family income. Sometimes generous people can be invited to join the farewell of the old year.

Oh lord, lord
Let melanochka into the house,
Melanochka walk cleanly,
Do not mess up anything in the hut.
How to mess up, then pomie,
Їsti call that nakri.
Good evening!

Oh chi є, chi nema pan gospodar at home,
Generous evening, good evening, Mr. Lord at home?

Oh, vin, є, sit at the end of the table,
Generous evening, good evening, sit at the end of the table.

And there are three kelishki on that table,
Generous evening, good evening, three cells to stand.

From the first keliha p "є Most Pure Diva,
Generous evening, good evening, p "є Prechista Diva.

From another cell, the Lord himself lives,
Generous evening, good evening, the Lord himself is living.

From the third cell, the lord himself lived,
Generous evening, good evening, the Lord himself is alive.

Children of Shchedrivka in Ukrainian - Short funny poems and songs for a generous evening

Often Russians and Ukrainians argue: what came first - Ukrainian or Russian schenkovki. Both children of shchedrivkin in Ukrainian and shchedrivka in Russian appeared at about the same time. The Russian and Ukrainian people understand each other without an interpreter, because we have the same roots and history. Roots short funny New Year's songs their paganisms grow in Ukrainian and Russian. The Slavs then lived in peace, harmony, sharing the last piece of bread not only on the evening before the Old New Year, but also in Everyday life. Each yard tried to invite cheerful song performers to itself. Some especially hospitable hosts seated dear guests at their table, shared with them the New Year's Eve meal. No one let go of kind visitors empty-handed - they were given sweets, pastries and small money. In turn, returning to their homes, the generous people shared their honestly earned gifts with the whole family.

Come generously to your hati.
Generous evening, good evening!
Here the ruler lives - the riches of the Volodar.
Generous evening, good evening!
And yoga wealth is golden hands.
Generous evening, good evening!
And yogo potiha is a good child.
Generous evening, good evening!

Shchedryk bucket,
Give me a dumpling
Porridge breast,
Kіltse kovbaski,
More than that is not enough -
Give me salo
And how I will convey
Give it to the cowbass.

Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow came,
I began to twitter,
Viklikati Lord:
- See, see, Lord,
Look at the cat
There the sheep were crouching
And the lambs were born.
In you the goods are all good,
You will be a mother to the world of pennies.
Want not a penny, then half,
There is a black-browed woman in you.
Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow has arrived.

We are generous and sleep under the window.
Happily, share you with the whole herd.
Hai count your fields of gold,
So that life was happy in my future.

Funny short generosity about the kindness of the owners - Wishes in songs and poems for the Old New Year

Shchedrivki - funny short songs about the generosity and kindness of the owners with the wishes of their wealth, profit and happiness, they begin to sing closer to the upcoming Old New Year. Today in cities it is unsafe to walk the streets at midnight, so the ceremony can be performed a little earlier - in the second half of January 13th. In Ukrainian villages and Russian villages, traditions are alive to be generous almost at midnight. Singing merry songs and reading verses with each other, generous people bring good luck and prosperity to the house they visit. We suggest that you remember what the owners of the houses wish when you go to them on the evening of January 13th.

Shchedryk is kind, I'm no worse
Give me a pancake that's bigger!
What a generous donut
What a dumpling.

generous, generous
I smell sausage, there is no sausage
let's have candy.

Vasilyeva mother
Went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Generate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

Short and funny generosity for children and adults - Funny songs and poems for the Old New Year

Today, mostly children are generous, but the history of Ukraine and Russia knows that adults also go home with short and funny songs and poems in Russian and Ukrainian on the Old New Year. Disguised in National costumes or putting on masks that have been preserved since Kolyada, they knock on the doors of houses to wish people well, sing to them and receive their reward - sweets and money. To all future generous givers, we offer a selection of funny donations for children and adults. In preparation for January 13, memorize a few of them by memorizing their texts. For those who will be waiting for guests on the festive evening of January 13, we advise you to bake as many cookies as possible in advance, buy a lot of different sweets, exchange large bills for small money - gifts for perfectly performed New Year's songs and recited poems should be enough for everyone!

We plant, we plant!
Merry Christmas to you!
Open the chest
get a piglet!


Give me a dumpling!

a spoonful of porridge,

Top sausages.

It's not enough

Give me a piece of fat.

Take it out quickly

Don't freeze the kids!

Good evening, generous evening,

Good people to health.

The falcon has flown

Sat on the window

Kroil sukontse.

And the rest of the owners for hats,

And the trimmings and the belts,

Hello, Happy Holidays!

Good evening, generous evening,

Good people to health.

What are you aunt, cooked,

What are you aunt, baked?

Bring it quickly to the window.

Don't pinch, don't break

But in general, come on.

Bringing to your attention funny short generosity in Russian and Ukrainian , we want you to remember that Russians and Ukrainians have the same roots. We are Slavs peaceful people wishing historically each other peace, goodness and prosperity. Happy New Year to you and happiness to you all!

One of the traditional Ukrainian songs, known as "Shchedryk", in musical processing Nikolai Leontovich became world famous. On English language known as "Carol of the Bells". Not a single Christmas in the USA, Britain and other Western countries is complete without this Ukrainian song.


Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow came,
I began to twitter,
Viklikati Lord:
- See, see, Lord,
Look at the cat
There the sheep were crouching
And the lambs were born.
In you the goods are all good,
You will be a mother to the world of pennies.
Want not a penny, then half,
There is a black-browed woman in you.
Shchedryk, Shchedryk, Shchedryvochka,
The swallow has arrived.

Generous, generous, generous,
Beagle in the evening to the town.
And from the place that th to hati,
In a generous evening, be generous!
generously, generously generous,
Generous joy bestowed!
Generously generous I give birth!
Zapashno loaf!
Goodness in the screens of all the hooks,
I buy pennies for rahunki!
Sob in your spell you sizzled,
Srіblo-gold turned green!
Generously happy again again!
A hotel for the generous people!

Yak walked and wandered
That generously chiseled.

With her we came to the hut,
So let's be generous!

Happiness, joy, prosperity,
In defense - angel!

Hai come to the donkey
Friends are virn and fun,

A sea of ​​laughter and love.
May you be healthy!

Melanochka walked,
Vasilechka asked:
- Vasilechka, my brother,
Let me go to the hut.
Rejoice, people
It will be holy to you
Make tables
Give us a pie.

The sky is clear, the stars vkryli,
Our land was sanctified.
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Snow was arguing
Put on the road.
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Good evening, my lord
We brought praise to God.
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Our songs garni dari
Born to be praised
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Good God, good God,
Send a happy river to people!
Generous evening, Holy evening,
Let's keep people healthy!

Good evening, good evening
You are happy!

Sob was in your homeland
Baby is rich!

Sob be healthy
I did not know grief!

Vyshivanka creeped
Shobi your share!

Sob in your homeland your friend
Smіh lunav usyudi!

Good evening, good evening
You are beaten, people!

Oh, in Jerusalem they called early,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

And the Virgin Mary walked in the garden,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

I walked around the garden, gave birth to a son,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

Sina gave birth, carried in her arms,
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

Oh school of thought
Malanka pastured two kachura.

Oh she pastured, pastured, ruined,
Oh shit, I got lost.

Lost in an open field
Already there Vasilko plow ore.

Oh ore, ore, bring the plow itself,
Youmu Malanka must be worn.

Oh let that one go for a walk,
Yak pike-fish along the Danube.

Yak pike-fish with perch,
Our Malanka with young people.

Generous evening, good evening -
I am mature, and I am small!

Happiness, joy, love,
Sob forever be healthy

I rich, and fun
І yards, і in donkeys.

Sob the Lord protected,
I gave you everything you need,

Shchab vy kvіtli with leather crocodile,
We live with New Rock!

Generously-generously steel nakritii!
Bude river rich, sity,

Be happy and healthy "I,
You will live with love,

Chesnі will do the right thing,
All your dreams come true!

Generously, generously to you!
With New Rock you are blown!

Yak walked and wandered
That generously chiseled.

With her we came to the hut,
So let's be generous!

Happiness, joy, prosperity,
In defense - angel!

Hai come to the donkey
Friends are virn and fun,

A sea of ​​laughter and love.
May you be healthy!

If at Christmas it is customary to go from house to house and sing carols, then on the Old New Year on the Generous evening of January 13, adults and children are generous - they sing schedrovki, or schedrovki, with wishes to the owners of happiness, health, prosperity and all kinds of blessings. Going with your family to visit Generous evening? Then be sure to teach your children interesting and funny words in Ukrainian. We have selected the best short shchedrivkas (shchedrovkas) for adults and children in Ukrainian.

17:42 12.01.2015

The best short shedrivkas in Ukrainian for adults and children

generous, generous
Novy rіk vinshuyu,
I am flying a new river,
I congratulate you!
Have a generous evening
Grown up and little ones
I generously encourage
I give birth to joy.

Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!
And sir, like a master,
Lord, like a viburnum,
And children, like flowers!
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health!

At our clinic
Tits swim.
And you, young people,
Bake burners,
Take out the oven
Give us a pie.
Generous evening, good evening,
Kind people to health "I!
And behind this word, be healthy to us,
Possibly panonka, my lord,
Not by himself, by the master,
With the master of that and with the children.
Wish you good luck, healthy "pits,
Happiness, healthy "pits and new rock,
And new rock and old age!

Generous evening - folk holiday Slavs; evening on the eve of the Old New Year. Among Ukrainians, Belarusians and in the south of Russia, the name Generous Evening is more common, in central Russia and in the north - Vasiliev Evening. Its celebration comes from an ancient, probably pre-Christian custom. According to the Christian calendar, this is also the day of St. Melania (Melanka, Malanka, Milanka).

On this day, in the morning, they begin to prepare the second ritual kutya - generous. Unlike lean (for Kolyada), it can be seasoned with squirrel (meat and lard). For a rich evening, kutya is put on pokuti (in the red corner). In addition, housewives bake pancakes, pies and dumplings with cottage cheese to thank those who are generous and sowing.

In the evening and until midnight, generous people go around the houses. According to a long tradition, New Year's detours of the sowers, as well as Christmas carolers, take place after sunset, that is, when every devilry. Teenage girls, alone or together, run around the neighbors to show their generosity.

Today the walk
divination, skating!
Pancakes, pies, tea party,
And pranks and dates.
Winter is rushing us - hurry!
Hurry to see
hear, participate!
Dress up and get out of the houses,
Carol, dance, joke!

Shchedrovochka was generous,
Spent the night under the window
Chi ram, chi sheep,
Serve the pancake
Don't bite, don't break
But in general, let's.
Generous evening, oh good evening.
Don't give me cheesecakes -
You'll get it on top!
Don't give me a pie -
I'll take the cow by the horns.

Give me a dumpling!
a spoonful of porridge,
Top sausages.
It's not enough
Give me a piece of fat.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze the kids!

The sparrow is flying
twirls its tail,
And you people know
Cover the tables
Receive guests
Meet Christmas!

Good evening to you
affectionate host,
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

We are here for you, master
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news
From the holy city
Rejoice, rejoice earth
The Son of God was born into the world.

How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you
owner with hostess
Great health
Happy New Year
With all kind!
Carol, carol!

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer!
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush.
Where is the goat's horn -
There's a stack of hay.
How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Great health
Happy New Year,
With all kind!

carol, carol,
Christmas Eve!
Good aunt,
The pie is sweet
Don't cut, don't break
Give it quickly
two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let's not stand!
The stove is heated
I want a pie!

little boy
Sat on a sheaf
plays the pipe,
Carol amuses.
Avsen, avsen,
Tomorrow is a new day!
Don't stand at the gate
Tomorrow is the New Year!

The night is silent, the night is holy
There is light and beauty in the sky.
God's Son is wrapped in swaddling clothes,
In the Bethlehem den lies.
Sleep, Holy Child,
Sleep, Holy Child.

The night is silent, the night is holy
And bright and clean.
Praises the joyful choir of angels,
Far announcing space
Over the sleeping earth.
Over the sleeping earth.

The night is silent, the night is holy
We sing Christ.
And with a smile the baby looks,
His gaze speaks of love
And shines with beauty.
And shines with beauty.
Vasilyeva mother
Went to be generous
Scatter wheat across the field.
Generate, God, wheat,
Barley, buckwheat.

Hurry, give me a carol!
Legs are chilly
I'll run home.
Who will give
He is the prince
Who won't give
Togo in the dirt!

You, the owner, do not torment
Donate quickly!
How is the current frost?
Does not tell you to stand for a long time,
Orders to submit soon:
Either from the oven pies,
Or money piglet,
Or cabbage soup!
Give you God
full yard bellies!
And in the stable of horses
In the calf's barn
To the hut guys
And in the litter of kittens!
Open the chest - get a piglet!

For a new summer for you,
For a red summer!
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush.
Where is the goat's horn -
There's a stack of hay.
How many donkeys
So many pigs for you;
How many trees
So many cows;
How many candles
So many sheep.
Happiness to you, the owner with the hostess,
Great health
Happy New Year,
With all kind!

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