Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air invigorates tired forces (c). Nekrasov poems and about autumn


Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus' ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

Good papa! Why in charm
Keep Vanya smart?
You let me in the moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.

He leads armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people to the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind the shoulders
Stonecutters, weavers.

He drove the masses of the people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle,
Calling to life these barren wilds,
The coffin was found here.

Straight path: the mounds are narrow,
Poles, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many of them! Vanya, do you know?

Chu! terrible exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran over the frosty glass...
What's there? Crowd of the Dead!

They overtake the cast-iron road,
Then the sides run.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
We love to see our work!

We tore ourselves under the heat, under the cold,
With an eternally bent back,
Lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Were cold and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses were crushed, the need was crushing ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the earth ...
Do you all remember us, the poor, with kindness
Or have you forgotten for a long time? .. "

Do not be horrified by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different parts of the great state -
It's all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be shy, to close with a glove,
You are no longer small! .. Russian hair,
You see, he stands, exhausted by a fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Lips bloodless, eyelids fallen,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangle in hair;

I am pitting my chest, which is diligently on the spade
From day to day leaned all century ...
You look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

Didn't straighten his hunchbacked back
He is still: stupidly silent
And mechanically rusty shovel
Frozen earth hollowing!

This noble habit of work
We would not be bad to adopt with you ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.

Do not be shy for the dear homeland ...
The Russian people carried enough
Carried out this railroad -
Will endure whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will pave the way for himself with his chest.
The only pity is to live in this beautiful time
You won't have to, neither me nor you.

At this moment the whistle is deafening
He squealed - the crowd of the dead disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I'm an amazing dream, -
Vanya said - five thousand men,

Russian tribes and breeds representatives
Suddenly they appeared - and he said to me:
"Here they are - our road builders! .."
The general laughed!

“I was recently in the walls of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw Saint Stephen in Vienna,
Well... did the people create all this?

Excuse me this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a bit wild.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than an oven pot?

Here are your people - these terms and baths,
A miracle of art - he pulled everything away! -
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vanya..."
But the general did not object:

"Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! a wild crowd of drunkards! ..
However, it's time to take care of Vanyusha;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
It is a sin to revolt a child's heart.
Would you show the child now
The bright side...

Happy to show!
Listen, my dear: fatal works
It's over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people

Gathered in a close crowd at the office ...
They scratched their heads hard:
Each contractor must remain,
Truant days have become a penny!

Everything was entered by ten's men in a book -
Did he take a bath, was the patient lying:
“Maybe there is now a surplus here,
Yes, come on! .. ”They waved their hands ...

In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet,
Fat, squat, red as copper,
A contractor is walking along the line on a holiday,
He goes to see his work.

The idle people make way decorously...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo pictorially:
“Okay ... something ... well done! .. well done! ..

With God, now home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to workers
And - I give arrears! .. "

Someone cheered. Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer... Look:
With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ...
Here even the lazy could not resist!

Unharnessed the people of the horses - and the merchant
With a cry of "Hurrah!" sped along the road...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, General?

ON THE. Nekrasov: “Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air invigorates tired forces "...

It's the beginning of September now.
Autumn comes into its own, quietly creeps up and penetrates the city squares, streets and parks. This is especially felt in the morning.
You go outside and see the first fallen yellow leaves under your feet. Of course, already from mid-August they begin to turn yellow with golden gray on the trees, especially on birches, but everyone thinks that this is not true, because it is still summer in the yard. And now you look and understand: yes, autumn has come.
I don’t know why, but I fell in love with morning walks and even jogging. Now I enjoy autumn melancholy, which gives me strength and energy more than summer. Paradox)))
There was one verse that I really like, though it is about August. Its meaning is that when you live in a village, you notice all the signs and changes in nature. The city is oppressive, and apparently that's why you want to run away from it. And autumn strengthens this desire.
E. Bondareva
He will still pass through the steppe groves,
Berries will taste in the forest,
Responds to good songs,
He will drink ripe dew from the leaves.
He will get lost in the fields, forgotten
And fall asleep like a child sound sleep.
Get up in the morning - and do not stop looking
In the bins covered with grain.
Simply, without a special mark,
August appeared in the yard.
In the city they would not have noticed him,
If it were not for the leaf in the calendar.

So I live in a large metropolis, I don’t notice anything and already long years I dream of getting out longer to nature, to the forest, to the field, to the lake, to take a walk in quiet solitude, to think about life, to heal wounds, to stop and look around.

Many people, not only me, now want to sit alone with nature, be silent, look at her, and she would look at you.

But the words of Paustovsky about autumn, listen carefully!

Paustovsky "Distant years"
“It was already September. Twilight was approaching. Whoever has not seen the Kyiv autumn will never understand the tender charms of these hours.
The first star is lit in the sky. Autumn lush gardens silently wait for the night, knowing that the stars will surely fall to the ground and the gardens will catch these stars, like in a hammock, in the thick of their foliage and lower them to the ground so carefully that no one in the city will even wake up and know about it. »

A month ago, my husband and I turned off the Internet, and all August I did not know how to fill the information space.

I read newspapers, magazines in the evenings, and then I discovered the most curious thing for myself - in Okey (a chain of stores) there is a rack at the entrance where you can take any book you like or leave your own, which is no longer needed. And thanks to such a book circulation, I touched those books that in other circumstances would never have fallen into my hands. Not because they are not my format, but simply on the Internet there are so many things that make your eyes run wide, which is no longer up to Soviet old books.

I took a book to Oka "You and me"(library of a young family 1988). Such a somewhat naive book for newlyweds, about love, about family life.

And on the first page she opened “just the same autumn" Love letters Paustovsky,just right for my mood and immediately envied him how cool he is spending time.

(Paustovsky and Prishvin are two Russian classics that we studied at school. They wrote a lot about nature).

So, at first I skimmed through these letters, then I stopped and read aloud.

Paustovsky left for inspiration in the wilderness, in the Ryazan region, or rather in Solotcha. And now he writes to his beloved Tatyana lovely letters. About how he loves her more life etc.

I'm watching date - May 1945 ... It would seem that these letters should be filled with military theme, the triumph of victory, but there is no hint ... One love, one feeling internal state souls. Somewhere I read a phrase a couple of years ago that in Leningrad there lived a couple in love who did not notice the Blockade. Maybe a real Leningrad blockade resident will not like this statement, but it seems to me very capacious.

“Four o'clock in the morning, dead silence, only the clock is knocking ... On September 24, in the evening, I left for Solotcha. I didn't want to stay in Moscow. I wanted loneliness - deaf, complete.

I got it beyond measure. I live alone in an empty, abandoned house... Endless cold nights... And all the nights, for some reason, Sologub's verses never come out of my memory: “Not a single thing is visible in the field. Someone calls: “Help!” What can I do? I myself am poor, I myself am mortally tired - how can I help?... The garden outside the windows is already falling with rain, but there are still some small touching flowers. Here is one of them. AND autumn leaves. It's not sentimental at all. You don't have our autumn there... It's three o'clock in the morning. Darkness, wind. I went out into the garden, it was deaf, scary, only huge stars in the black sky and fallen leaves rustling underfoot.

(Based on this picture, although it is more of the August).

In my opinion, leaving the city and staying on such an “island” with yourself is wonderful!

“On the third day I sent you a second telegram. Then I went to the meadows behind the old riverbed of the Oka, to the so-called "Island". (For God's sake, don't stop reading the letter in this place - it will be interesting later.) The island is huge, it is surrounded on all sides by water - the Oka and its old channel. It was the sun, a blue day, frost lay in the shade. And since I kept thinking about one nice woman who is now so far away, I wandered until dusk. In the evening, I approached the old riverbed and saw that there was no bridge, it was flooded and water was rapidly flowing a meter above it. Then only I learned that on the Oka, in connection with the end of navigation, all the locks were opened and the second overflow of the Oka, usual here in late autumn, began. The water was rising before my eyes, I was alone on the island, it was far from Solotcha. It got dark, clouds overtook, the wind broke, and thick snow began to fall. And there was not a single haystack near. And it was dog cold. And I realized that I got into a very bad story. And I thought about you all the time. Fortunately, I had matches, I hardly made a fire, he was noticed from a distance in the evening from the other side, and a red-haired peasant Lyukhin came for me on a canoe in the dark and storm. He told me: “This is a trump card that I noticed you, otherwise the whole island will be flooded by morning.”

In the morning I looked out of the windows of the mezzanine - on the site of the island, the gray Oka water went in waves, and in hindsight I became scared. How can you not think about the strangeness of life.

How quiveringly he spoke of his third wife Tatyana: " Tenderness, my only person, I swear by my life that such love (without boasting) has not yet been in the world. It was not and will not be, all the rest of love is nonsense and nonsense. Let it beat calmly and happily your heart, my heart! We will all be happy, everyone! I know and believe... "Probably only in nature such inspired thoughts, stories, images are born. It is difficult to concentrate and write anything in the city.

Often I replace trips out of town with a good book (because leaving the city is much harder than taking a book off the shelf). But now, while your little daughter is not particularly revered. Therefore, looking back, I want to remember what kind of books I liked, so that later someday I would re-read them with my daughters.

First of all, I remember Leonid Andreev's short story "Kusaka" in the fall. I read it as a child and it touched my heart. It seems to me that it is useful for children to read this, it helps them form pity and compassion for our smaller brothers.

( A dog living in an empty dacha sees only bad things from people all his life. The owners are coming to the cottage. The dog gets used to them, but in the autumn they leave, leaving her alone again).

Platonov’s story “The Cow” seems to me just as autumnal, but this is a completely hopeless story, so I won’t talk about it here. I just think it should be read sometime as a classic. At school, it seems in the 7th grade, we went through Platonov and this story shocked me.

And of course, autumn is Prishvin and my favorite “Pantry of the Sun”. About two independent brother and sister. My brother got into a swamp and almost died, but everything ended well.

While I was looking for an illustration, I found a wonderful painting by Rakhmanova Inessa “The Pantry of the Sun”.

Mommy-beauty is reading to the child Prishvin.

Prishvin has many short stories about the seasons, in particular about autumn.

“Short stories about the nature of the autumn season by Prishvin Mikhail Mikhailovich in the form of notes convey that touching mood of romance and pleasant sadness that hovers in nature in autumn. First yellow leaves beautiful time golden autumn and the onset of cold weather, the events through which the autumn nature passes, lovingly described in the lines by the writer of Russian nature.

Vitaly Bianchi, Garin-Mikhailovsky and many others also wrote about nature.

Of course autumn mood is transmitted to me in Astafiev's prose, but there is less lyricism And more adventure.

Particularly colorful pictures of nature in the film "Taiga Tale" (based on the work of Astafiev). Akimka comes to nature, to spend the winter in a small house, and there lies a dying city girl. Akimka got her out, but it took more than one month. And there are no medicines and help around ... mother taiga ...

In any case, autumn is a time of dreams, you want more warmth and love. “The colder and more hopeless the darkness outside, the more comfortable the warm soft light in the apartment seems. And if summer is the time to run away from home pipe dreams, That late fall- Time to go back. © Al Quotion

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus' ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

Analysis of the poem "Glorious Autumn" by Nekrasov

N. Nekrasov was convinced that the real vocation of the poet is to protect the interests common people, description of his troubles and sufferings, criticism of the unfair situation of the Russian peasantry. Therefore, in his work there are rarely pure lyrical works. But individual landscape sketches confirm the great poetic skill of Nekrasov. A small fragment from which the work " Railway"(1864), can be distinguished into a separate whole poem" Glorious autumn ".

The poet describes the landscape that opens before his eyes from the window of the car. A fast moving picture autumn forest makes him excited. The lyrical hero regrets that he is watching her from the side and cannot inhale the “vigorous air” and “sleep” on the carpet of fallen leaves.

Nekrasov was very fond of using figurative comparisons. In this poem, he compares the ice on the river with "melting sugar", the leaves - with a "soft bed". He considers “peace and space” to be one of the main advantages of the surrounding nature. Forests, plains, and rivers, endlessly replacing each other, are rarely disturbed by human sounds. This benevolent surrounding picture evokes in the soul lyrical hero peace and quiet bliss.

The invasion of railway transport can be considered blasphemy in relation to virgin nature, in which "there is no ugliness." Nekrasov gradually leads the reader to the idea that the construction of the railway violated the fragile balance of nature. Human suffering and grief have rudely invaded the beautiful and pure world.

Remaining an ardent patriot of his land, the poet concludes: “I recognize my dear Rus' everywhere.” It was very important for Nekrasov to emphasize nationality. He could not abstractly admire nature as a whole, necessarily pointing to its connection with the long-suffering Russian people. It is the surrounding beauty and harmony that leads the author to deep reflections on the fate of those people who inhabit this land. He is especially indignant at the sharp contradiction between perfect nature and the plight of the Russian peasantry.

"Glorious Autumn" is a magnificent example of Nekrasov's landscape lyrics. Even without giving this genre great attention, the poet in a fit of inspiration could create surprisingly heartfelt and deeply lyrical poems.

Here you go. The morning was wonderful. She walked and mentally said:
"Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
and planned to re-read Nekrasov.
During the day, you can’t always do what you want. If work interferes with hobbies, then in FIG such work)
Evening. I'll say banality. But, there is no other way to say: blue evening. The sky is dark blue. There may be such an effect from the lanterns, but blue is blue.
There was a little time that can be used without use)
I asked myself the question: what is it about me that I like about myself?
Appearance is ordinary. Mind? Skeptically shaking his head, we have to admit that it is good if we pull ourselves up to the middle. So, sorting myself into bones, I got to what I appreciate in myself. Mainly because I raised given quality herself. I can tell myself the truth and I can make fun of myself.
For the first, almost 20, years of my life, I lived under the strange and difficult surname Kutsevolova for my place of residence. The father gave me such a gift. IN kindergarten I did not go, but at school I drank to the fullest. It was later, when she became an adult, that she discovered that the roots of the surname stretched from the Principality of Poland and Lithuania. That "kutseval" was called those whose profession was to roll cloth on caftans. From here came the names of Kutsevalov and Kutsevolov, And Pustovalov at the same time.
Based on what the fathers brother told once family tradition that their distant ancestors fled to the Stavropol region in the 15th century from about Chernihiv region, and, given that this region is the border of Rus', Belarus and Ukraine, it seems to converge.
Historical digression - just like that.
In childhood, both I and my classmates were convinced that the root of the surname is the word short, those tailless. Can you imagine how they teased me? A girl who came to school from home education.
Somehow, apparently by experience, I don’t remember already, I determined that the more you show offense, the more they tease. I learned to pretend that I don't care.
The next step was the ability to give nicknames. The names given by me stuck usually for a long time. It turned out that I was sarcastic and very attentive. I noticed the subtleties and came up with the exact characteristics.
The weak did not tease. Usually got to those who first joined the battle.
Physical education teacher son, seeing me became shorter. Probably remembered childhood and how I drove him around big tree. For what? Neither he nor I remember, but the nickname he got from me he wore until graduation. She didn't tell her son. Sorry.)
I didn't like my last name. That's why I tried to change it as soon as possible. Then I went to improve
From those very distant childhood years, the training began - not to be afraid to laugh at oneself, to play a joke on oneself and the absence of fear to admit one was wrong in anything.
Only this quality helped and helps to live, to cope with any situations.
Why did I remember this?
Because in the morning, leaving the house, I caught my first thought:

Vanya (in a coachman's coat). Dad! who built this road?
Papa (in a coat with a red lining). Count Pyotr Andreyevich Kleinmichel, my dear!
Conversation in the car

I was not thinking about the beauties of nature. Not about autumn.
Seeing the road workers, she introduced the count in a coat with a red lining)

Then I remembered how on the Town Hall Square. this year, the spruce fell twice, and one of those "in a coat with a red lining" on the news in the morning broadcast that the city authorities had absolutely nothing to do with it. That the contractor is at fault. He did not mention a word about how the company was chosen - the contractor. Why did they choose those who have no experience in installing spruce on the square?
It's good that there were no casualties. Spruce is huge.

"Good dad! Why in charm
Keep Vanya smart?
You let me in the moonlight
Show him the truth."

That's why I remembered Nekrasov. My class sense was shattered.
Anger began to rise. I thought: against whom? Revolt against the owner of our small company? Silly.
Ah, I will not arrange a frond.
Better about autumn.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps - ... "

And yet, I re-read "Railroad"

And I advise you.
We read, think, and laugh at ourselves.
What else is left to do?

They say that ten minutes of laughter replaces a glass of sour cream.
Maybe that's why people love comedians so much.
But they don't make me laugh. On the contrary, I am sad from their jokes.

Nikolai Alekseevich so perfectly showed the reality of his time and our time, and in general the time and all of us, that it becomes joyful in the soul and one wants to laugh that we, the people, have not changed and, most likely, will not change.

So: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov "Railway" year 1845

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 29.11.2011. Glorious autumn
  • 26.11.2011.
  • 25.11.2011.
  • 11/24/2011. Signs on the way, turkey, Christmas and other joys
  • 11/23/2011. People, age, sex and desire to live
  • 11/22/2011. Morning mist and cockroach bath
  • 11/18/2011. Corners - Dmitry Krasnov
  • 11/17/2011. and again some fs and others - Arvi Siig
  • 11/16/2011. middle of the week. some fs and some chatter
  • 11/14/2011. tired Monday
  • 12.11.2011.

TRAILS- words and expressions used by the author of the text in a figurative sense.

EPITHET- this is a figurative definition that answers the question what? which? which? which? and usually expressed by an adjective. The epithet differs from the usual definition in artistic expressiveness, it conveys the author's feeling for the depicted object, creates a lively, vivid idea of ​​​​it.

Throughwavy fogs the moon sneaks onsad Glades she pours a sad light. (A. S. Pushkin)

PERSONALIZATION- attribution of qualities, actions, emotions of a person to objects, nature, abstract concepts.

Storm darkness covers the sky, twisting snow whirlwinds: then like a beast, she will howl, thenwill cry like a child (A.S. Pushkin)

The earth is sleeping in the glow of blue (M.Yu. Lermontov)

COMPARISON- comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to explain one of them with the help of the other, to reveal new important properties in the object of comparison. Most often, comparisons are introduced into a sentence with the help of unions HOW, EXACTLY, AS LIKE, AS IF.

The ice is fragile on the icy river,like melting sugar lies (N.A. Nekrasov)

METAPHOR- transfer of properties from one object to another based on their similarity

The metaphor is based on comparison, but it is not formalized with the help of comparative conjunctions, therefore the metaphor is called a hidden comparison.

Metaphor can be easily converted into a comparison using the words AS, LIKE, LIKE.

Empty skies transparent glass;

Crimson bonfire of sunset (I.A. Bunin)

(The sky is clear as glass = heaven clear glass; Sunset like a crimson fire = crimson bonfire sunset)

METONYMY- allegorical designation of the subject of speech, "renaming", replacing one concept with another that has a causal relationship with it

A) the name of the vessel is used in the meaning of what is contained in this vessel;

C) the name of the place of action replaces the name of the people who are in this place;

D) a detail of appearance or clothing is used instead of the name of a person.

All flags will visit us (A. S. Pushkin) (that is, the port city will receive ships with flags of all countries of the world.)

I ate three plates (I, A. Krylov)

Drank the whole bottle.

He willingly read Apuleius, but did not read Cicero (A.S. Pushkin).

I have read all of Turgenev.

Violent Rome rejoices (M.Yu. Lermontov)

Gray helmets with a red star in a white horn shouted: "Stop!" (V.V. Mayakovsky)

SYNECDOCHE- a kind of metonymy, when the name of the part is used instead of the name of the whole or vice versa

A) singular used instead of the plural;

B) the plural is used instead of the singular;

C) a generic concept instead of a specific one;

D) a specific concept instead of a generic one.

And it was heard until dawn, howforged a Frenchman. (M.Yu. Lermontov)

We all look at Napoleons. (A. S. Pushkin)

Well, sit down, it was shining (i.e. the sun). (V. Mayakovsky)

Most of all, take care of a penny (i.e. money). (N.V. Gogol)

HYPERBOLA- excessive exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object

Tearing the mouth of a yawn wider than MexiKansky Bay (V.V. Mayakovsky)

In a hundred thousand suns the sunset burned (V.V. Mayakovsky).

LITOTES- excessive underestimation of the properties of the depicted object or phenomenon

Your Pomeranian, lovely Pomeranian, no more than a thimble! (A.S. Griboyedov)

IRONY- hidden mockery; the use of a word or expression in the reverse sense of the literal

Where, smart, are you wandering, head? (appeal to the donkey in the fable of I. Krylov).

PERIPHRASE- Descriptive turn of speech, replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of their distinguishing features or an indication of character traits. Used to avoid speech repetition.

The king of beasts (instead of a lion) Our smaller brothers (instead of animals)

tricks- special syntactic constructions that give expressiveness to speech (often figures of speech):

ANTITHESIS (OPPOSITION)- a sharp opposition of concepts, thoughts, images. Antithesis is often created with antonyms.

You are wretched, You are plentiful, You are powerful, You are powerless, Mother Russia! (N. Nekrasov)

INVERSION- the arrangement of the members of the sentence in a special order that violates the usual, direct order, in order to enhance the expressiveness of speech, reverse word order.

It was annoying, they were waiting for the battle (M.Yu. Lermontov)

GRADATION- sequential arrangement of words or expressions in the order of their increasing (less often decreasing) meaning (semantic or emotional). A chain of concepts or definitions with a gradual increase or decrease in significance.

Glowing, burning, shining huge blue eyes.

All facets of feelings, all facets of truth

Erasedin worlds, in years, in hours. (A. Bely)

OXYMORON- a contrasting combination of words that are opposite in meaning.

Dead souls, living corpse, sad joy, sweet bitterness of memories

PARCELLATION- an artistic technique consisting in dividing the sentence into separate fragments, which are incomplete sentences, intentional violation of the boundaries of the sentence; division of one sentence with the help of dots into several parts - two or more.

And all the Kuznetsky Most and the eternal French ... Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When the Creator delivers usFrom their hats! Cheptsov! And studs! And pins! (A. S. Griboyedov)

It happened a long time ago. A long time ago. Anna is in trouble. Big.

ANAPHORA monophony, repetition of words at the beginning of lines or at the beginning of sentences.

Wait me and I'll be back.

Just wait a lot.

Wait when sad

yellow rain,

Wait when it snows,

Wait when the heat

Wait when others are not expected,

Forgetting yesterday. (K. Simonov)

EPIPHORA- repetition of words at the end of lines or at the end of sentences.

I don't know,where is the border

Between North and South

I don't know,where is the border

Between friend and friend! (M. Svetlov)

I would like to know why Ititular adviser? Why exactlytitular adviser? ELLIPSIS- omission of the predicate, giving speech dynamism.

We sat down - in ashes, hailstones - in dust. (V. Zhukovsky)

LEXICAL REPETITION- intentional repetition of the same word or phrase to enhance the emotionality, expressiveness of the statement.

It seemed that everything in nature fell asleep:sleeping grass,slept trees,slept clouds!

QUESTION AND ANSWER FORM OF PRESENTATION- a form of presentation in which questions and answers alternate. What to do? Don't know. Who to ask for advice? Unknown.

SYNTAX PARALLELISM- the same syntactic construction of neighboring sentences. People are learning Knowledge. People learn Memory. People learn Conscience. (According to Yu. Lotman)

CITATION- use of quotes in the text.

There is such a beautiful saying: "Patience is beautiful" (According to N. Gorlanova)

Syntactic means of expression:

ROWS OF HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF THE OFFER - one or more rows of homogeneous members in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence "And the years passed quickly and inaudibly and carried away these memories with them," there are two rows of homogeneous members: 1) predicates: "went and carried away", 2) circumstances: "quick and silent"

INTRODUCTORY WORDS - words (phrases) that are not grammatically related to the sentence.

For example, in the sentence "So," honor is the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience "" the introductory word is So - indicates the connection of thoughts in the text.

HANDLING - a word or combination of words that names the person (sometimes the subject) to whom the speech is directed.

For example, in the sentence "Guys, isn't Moscow behind us?" (M.Yu. Lermontov) the address is the word "Guys".

rhetorical address - not only names the person to whom the speech is addressed, but at the same time can convey expressive-emotional relationships.

For example, in the sentence "Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness" (A.S. Pushkin), a rhetorical appeal - Dreams Dreams(inanimate noun)

or in the sentence "What do you see, martin, to the window that, freestyle, do you sing?" (A. Delvig) appeals " swallow", "free", name the one who does not respond to the appeal to him.

EXCLAMATION SENTENCES - sentences that are pronounced with a special exclamatory intonation.

For example, "Duel!"

QUESTIONS - interrogative sentences for the purpose of the statement, pronounced with a special interrogative intonation.

For example, "But what about Pushkin?"

A RHETORICAL QUESTION - a question that does not require an answer, an affirmation or denial expressed in the form of an interrogative sentence.

For example, "Wealth is good to have; But should anyone dare to be proud of it?" (A. Sumarokov)

COMPARATIVE TURNOVER - one of the brightest means of expression Russian language. It is used to compare an item or feature with another item or feature.

For example, "Black as pitch, the shadows lay on the grass" (A.N. Tolstoy)

CONVERSATIONAL SYNTAX CONSTRUCTIONS characteristic of colloquial speech, more often these are incomplete sentences or constructed in violation of syntactic norms.

For example, "Grish, and Grish! Look, a piglet ... Laughs ... Yes, but in his mouth! .. Look, look ... a blade of grass in his mouth, by golly, a blade of grass! .. That's something! (A.I. Kuprin)

NAME OFFERS - one-part sentences, in the grammatical basis of which there is only one main member of the sentence - the subject.

For example, “And I kept looking at the cement cone, rereading the names again. Righteous G.A., private. Proskurin S.M., private. Pyzhov A.S., lieutenant. Rogachev M.V., junior sergeant. Rodionov N.I., private ... "(E. Nosov)

Phonetic means of expression.

sound recording- playing with sounds to enhance expressiveness.

ASSONANCE- the repetition of the same vowel sounds in poetic speech.

I quickly fly along cast-iron rails. I think my mind. (N. NotKrasov)

ALLITERATION- the repetition of the same consonant sounds in poetic speech.

Frost drunk puddles are crunchy and fragile, like crystal. (AND.Northerner)

Lexical means of expression:

SYNONYMS words that are close in meaning.

Mysweet and tender beast.

CONTEXT SYNONYMS- words that are similar in meaning only in this text(outside the text they have no similarity in lexical meaning).

His heavy body is filledflexible, bestial graces (M. Sholokhov).

ANTONYMS- Words with opposite meanings.

You Andmighty , You andpowerless , Mother-Rus! (N. A. Nekrasov)

CONTEXT ANTONYMS- words that are contrasted in meaning only in the given text.

Millions - you. Us- darkness, and darkness, and darkness (A. Blok).

For you -century, for us -single hour. (A. Blok).

PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS- stable combinations of words, understood not literally, but figuratively.

Far away, work carelessly.

DIALECTISMS- words used only by residents of a particular area (dialect in Greek means "local dialect"): in some Russian villages towel called differently towel, squirrel - vekshey, hare - ushkan, wolf - biryuk.

Were in the ravinesgoats . (= snakes) (According to I.S. Turgenev)

TERMS - words or combinations of words denoting a concept used in science, technology, art. IN fiction terms are used more often as a means of creating the speech characteristics of characters.

One day, when the winter ended andantifreeze was no longer needed in the car, I opened the faucet, and all the liquid fromradiator spilled onto the ground, onto the lawn under the windows of our village house. (V. Soloukhin)

INDIVIDUAL AUTHOR'S WORDS (OCCASIONALISMS) - words that are the word creation of a writer or poet. They are created with a specific stylistic goal, they make up the writer's lexicon. They should be distinguished from neologisms proper.

They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the levelhighest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk to them. (D. Granin)SPEECH - words characteristic of the colloquial style of speech, often rude words that do not correspond to normalized literary speech.

Why should I scream: "Hey you, let's go to the buffet,let's devour or something!" (S. Lvov)

BOOK VOCABULARY - high style words. Arise, prophet, and see, and listen ... Selflessness, duty ...

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