Garden and flowers in the works of the Impressionists. Edgar Degas: Blue Dancers


Alexey Zaitsev- one of prominent representatives impressionism. Works of this contemporary artist are well known not only in Russia but also abroad. The master paints in oils, generously applying strokes, but the paintings are light and sunny. Perhaps this is the secret of the charm of his paintings.

Alexey Zaitsev is from Ryazan. He developed a love for painting from childhood - Alexei's own aunt was an honored artist of the union, she was happy to introduce her nephew to the world of art. Perhaps children's observations of how paintings are born became the starting point for creative pursuits future artist.

Deciding to connect his life with fine arts, Alexei enters Moscow University and receives an education in the specialty " book chart". He never became a professional illustrator, but the knowledge and skills gained at the university allowed Alexei Zaitsev to develop his artistic talent.

A distinctive feature in the character of Alexei Zatsev is selfless love for the Motherland. Traveling around Moscow and its suburbs, he enthusiastically observes everyday life ordinary people, often makes sketches in the open air, and then, returning to the studio, finalizes the images. The artist is equally good at both urban sketches and natural landscapes, and genre scenes. Everything breathes life, full of colors. The artist masterfully combines work with a palette knife and drawing details with a brush, as a result, the paintings do not lose their sophistication, but acquire a special saturation of colors.

texture painting by Dmitry Kustanovich, a St. Petersburg artist whose work is also loved all over the world.

Impressionism is a movement in painting that originated in France in XIX-XX centuries, which is an artistic attempt to capture some moment of life in all its variability and mobility. Impressionist paintings are like a qualitatively washed-out photograph, reviving in fantasy the continuation of the story seen. In this article, we'll take a look at 10 of the most famous impressionists peace. Fortunately, talented artists much more than ten, twenty or even a hundred, so let's focus on those names that you need to know for sure.

In order not to offend either the artists or their admirers, the list is given in Russian alphabetical order.

1. Alfred Sisley

This french painter English origin considered the most famous landscape painter second half of XIX century. There are more than 900 paintings in his collection, of which the most famous are “Country Alley”, “Frost in Louveciennes”, “Bridge in Argenteuil”, “Early Snow in Louveciennes”, “Lawns in Spring”, and many others.

2. Van Gogh

Known around the world sad story about his ear (by the way, he did not cut off the whole ear, but only the lobe), Wang Gon became popular only after his death. And in his life he was able to sell a single painting, 4 months before his death. They say he was both an entrepreneur and a priest, but he often fell into psychiatric hospitals due to depression, so all the rebelliousness of his existence resulted in legendary works.

3. Camille Pissarro

Pissarro was born on the island of St. Thomas, in a family of bourgeois Jews, and was one of the few impressionists whose parents encouraged his hobby and soon sent him to Paris to study. Most of all, the artist liked nature, and he depicted it in all colors, and more precisely, Pissarro had a special talent for choosing the softness of colors, compatibility, after which air seemed to appear in the paintings.

4. Claude Monet

From childhood, the boy decided that he would become an artist, despite the prohibitions of the family. Having moved to Paris on his own, Claude Monet plunged into gray days hard life: two years in the service in the armed forces in Algeria, litigation with creditors due to poverty, illness. However, one gets the feeling that the difficulties did not oppress, but rather inspired the artist to create such bright pictures, as "Impression, Sunrise", "Houses of Parliament in London", "Bridge to Europe", "Autumn at Argenteuil", "On the Shores of Trouville", and many others.

5. Konstantin Korovin

It is nice to know that among the French, the parents of impressionism, one can proudly place our compatriot Konstantin Korovin. Passionate love for nature helped him intuitively give unimaginable liveliness to a static picture, thanks to the combination of suitable colors, width of strokes, choice of theme. It is impossible to pass by his paintings "Pier in Gurzuf", "Fish, wine and fruit", " Autumn landscape», « Moonlight night. Winter” and a series of his works dedicated to Paris.

6. Paul Gauguin

Until the age of 26, Paul Gauguin did not even think about painting. He was an entrepreneur and had big family. However, when I first saw the paintings of Camille Pissarro, I decided that I would certainly begin to paint. Over time, the artist's style has changed, but the most famous impressionistic paintings are Garden in the Snow, By the Cliff, On the Beach in Dieppe, Nude, Palms in Martinique and others.

7. Paul Cezanne

Cezanne, unlike most of his colleagues, became famous during his lifetime. He managed to organize his own exhibition and gain considerable income from it. People knew a lot about his paintings - he, like no one else, learned to combine the play of light and shadow, made a loud emphasis on right and wrong geometric shapes, the severity of the subject of his paintings was in harmony with romance.

8. Pierre Auguste Renoir

Until the age of 20, Renoir worked as a fan decorator for his older brother, and only then he moved to Paris, where he met Monet, Basil and Sisley. This acquaintance helped him in the future to take the road of impressionism and become famous on it. Renoir is known as the author of a sentimental portrait, among his most outstanding works– “On the Terrace”, “Walk”, “Portrait of the Actress Jeanne Samary”, “The Lodge”, “Alfred Sisley and His Wife”, “On the Swing”, “The Frog” and many others.

9. Edgar Degas

If you haven't heard anything about Blue Dancers, Ballet Rehearsals, ballet school"And" Absinthe "- hurry to learn more about the work of Edgar Degas. The selection of original colors, unique themes for paintings, the feeling of movement of the picture - all this and much more made Degas one of the most famous artists peace.

10. Edouard Manet

Do not confuse Manet with Monet - these are two different person who worked at the same time and in the same artistic direction. Manet was always attracted by everyday scenes, unusual appearances and types, as if by chance "caught" moments, subsequently captured for centuries. Among famous paintings Manet: "Olympia", "Breakfast on the Grass", "Bar at the Folies Bergère", "Flute Player", "Nana" and others.

If you have even the slightest opportunity to see the paintings of these masters live, you will fall in love with impressionism forever!

Impressionism is often regarded precisely as a direction in painting that originated in the 19th century in France. Impressionism brought in a double revolution, which is simultaneously reflected in the vision of the world and painting technique. He shows painting moving, ephemeral, elusive, focusing on the passing moment in the present. In addition, impressionism is characterized by light, touch, and color vibration.

prominent representatives modern impressionism in painting many, but in this publication we will focus on four artists - Andre Kohn (Russia), Laurent Parcelier(France), Diane Leonard and Karen Tarlton(USA)- each of which owns unique technique in painting.

Andre Kohn- a native of Volgograd, Russian Federation. From the age of 15 he took up a serious study of painting under the guidance of Natalia Gavrichenko and Anatoly Vrubel. Since the artist deserved high praise in oil painting from Western colleagues, he migrated to America. On this moment lives with his family in Phoenix. The artist's paintings are in corporate, museum and private collections in Europe, Canada, USA, Japan, Australia and Russia.

André Cohn is a recognized leader in the field of modern impressionism. With a mature and fresh imaginative style, he always creates the extraordinary out of the ordinary. The artist's objects are interpreted through the poetry of movement. On the American scene, the impressionist Andre Kohn is considered one of the most interesting figures.

Modern French impressionism in painting by Laurent Parcelier

Laurent Parcelier- maestro watercolor, contemporary french impressionist. Characteristic in the work of Porzelier is a clean and bright manner of conveying those places where the artist himself visited. the artist shines with light, brightness, impression. Author's strokes and tones inherent only to him alone.

Contemporary American Impressionism in Painting by Diane Leonard

Diana Leonard is one of those artists who have gained instant popularity. She began to create from the age of 20 and almost immediately her talent was appreciated by experts in the field modern painting. Diane Leonard- an impressionist artist, honored in his homeland, and also a part-time writer. The canvases of the artist will speak for themselves. Enjoy watching!

Contemporary impressionist painter Karen Tarlton

Karen Tarlton in one of her personal interviews, she spoke of herself as a universal artist working in the genre of impressionism. In her own words, strong point The artist is plein air painting. The tool in the creation of author's colorful canvases is, and with it the rich color palette. In her paintings, Karen Tarlton does her best to inspire and please the viewer with a combination of light, color and texture.

Karen is a current specialist in Impressionist painting with a palette knife. Often paints landscapes and portraits. Currently lives and works in Manhattan Beach, California.

Impressionism is a trend mainly in french painting, characterized by the desire to convey by means of art fleeting impressions, richness of colors, psychological nuances, mobility and variability of the atmosphere of the surrounding world.

oily smears, bright colors, domestic scenes life, candid poses and, most importantly, an accurate description of the light ... Just a fraction of the characteristics of one of the most popular artistic directions. in France in mid-nineteenth century. Prior to its emergence, still lifes, portraits and even landscapes were usually created by artists in their studios.

For the first time in the history of art, artists made it a rule for themselves to paint not from the studio, but under open sky: on the bank of the river, in the field, in the forest. Trying to express their immediate impressions of things as accurately as possible, the Impressionists created new method painting.


One of the first paintings depicting the urban working class. Caillebotte exemplifies a continuing interest in Everyday life. Notice how accurately the artist captured the light coming through the window and the shadows. The painting is as realistic as a photograph, but was nonetheless rejected by the most prestigious art exhibitions and salons: the depiction of semi-naked working-class men was considered a "vulgar subject".

It is believed that art has no boundaries. Nevertheless, people have decided to divide the works of artists into genres, in which one can get confused quite easily, because the boundaries of styles are arbitrary. Today we will talk about one of the main trends in painting - impressionism.

Emergence of Impressionism

Impressionism as a genre of art originated in France in the 1870s. The origin of this style was the creation of the painting by C. Monet "Impression. Sunrise" (1872). One journalist called the artist an impressionist, but with a negative connotation. But soon it was forgotten, and the picture gave rise to a new genre.

in 1874, the Impressionist painters held their first stand-alone exhibition. The paintings exhibited on it have been criticized for their lack of meaning, looseness and poor rendering. However, the artists did not stop and continued to organize such events, declaring their art.

Impressionism was a purely French phenomenon. Artists from other countries were able to adopt some features, but not to the full extent.

It was the Impressionists who were the first to move away from generally accepted standards and patterns. academic writing thus giving a huge impetus to the development art. They were deeply involved in researching colors and new writing techniques, which ultimately led us to today's diversity.

It should be noted that impressionism had a serious impact and inspired representatives of other areas of art with its novelty: sculpture, music and literature.

What are impressionist paintings about?

Impressionism focuses on the image and the impression it gives to the viewer. Impressionist paintings most often depict ordinary scenes from life: the bustle of the city or landscapes. Their works give viewers those fleeting impressions experienced by the painters themselves. Impressionism does not notice problems or negativity, it only shows positive sides life.

Mostly in the paintings you can see such subjects as picnics, boating, dancing, tea drinking, fun at the outdoors and other joys of life. The people in the paintings were not frozen, but moving, playing, laughing, most often depicted by the Impressionists. Pictures allow us to plunge into the living reality of past centuries, to see what kind of environment surrounded people XIX century.

Features of Impressionist paintings

The talent of reflecting on the canvas of an instant first impression is main feature all artists. They always created from nature, without any sketches, capturing and transmitting general mood. Impressionist paintings do not carry deep meaning or hidden content, they depict everyday life, but they do it not simply, but masterfully. When looking at such paintings, the viewer immediately has a certain thought or emotion, which remains for some time after viewing.

A special style of writing was developed by the Impressionists. The pictures painted by them are most often distinguished by fuzzy lines and separate strokes. The fact is that they conveyed all colors. standard set paints, skillfully putting strokes. great attention in their works they paid attention to the play of light and shadows, trying to create a contrast. Indicative in this respect is the painting by O. Renoir "Ball at the Moulin de la Galette" (1876).

Great Impressionists of the Past

Since the inception of the movement, there have been many artists who worked in the style of impressionism, but very few can be called truly great. So, the most famous impressionist artists are C. Monet, O. Renoir, A. Sisley and C. Pissarro. In general, impressionism as a trend was especially popular in late XIX centuries, it was then that true masters created.

This was the beginning, the inspiration for other equally famous artists - V. van Gogh, P. Cezanne, P. Gauguin. These artists became the founders of post-impressionism, which made it its goal to reject the image real life, moving to the image of its basics.

Modern Impressionists

Do not think that the direction ceased to exist after its heyday. Until now, there are artists who choose impressionism for their work.

The paintings of modern impressionists cause no less admiration than the canvases of the past. To date, many masters create in this genre, but time will tell which of them is most worthy of this title. Nevertheless, there are several artists whose canvases are positioned as Impressionist paintings. Photos of their work are presented below.

Take, for example, an artist named Kent R. Wallis. His canvases are distinguished by bright, saturated colors, with the help of which he creates magnificent landscapes.

Also fascinating are the paintings of the artist I.J. Paproski (E.J. Paprocki).

In his canvases, flowers, leaves and other small elements are done very realistically, while the rest of the background is done with strokes. This allows him to convey the beauty of details and at the same time common first impressions characteristic of impressionism.

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