What can you tell children about the theater. Nod what do we know about the theater


Guys, when I came to the group in the morning, I found that something had changed.

Did you notice? ( The chest is not in the usual place)

Want to see what's in the chest today?

You go to the chest, take what you want in it.

Children open the chest and take things from the chest.

Guys, tell us one by one about your findings in the chest. Tell us what your item is called, describe it and tell who and what it is for.

Children describe their findings. In case of difficulties, I involve other children or tell myself.

Well done, you are right, told about your findings. Can any of you explain what it is?


A curtain








Children explain the meaning of words.

How many of you have guessed what we are talking about today? (About the theater)

Use the letters on the magnetic board to make the word "theater" from the letters that are hidden in this theatrical bag.

Children lay out the word "THEATRE"

Let's read the word on the board.

Children read, if there are mistakes, correct them.

Now get in a circle

I suggest you play

And name professions!

Ball game "Who works in the theater"

The teacher asks a question and throws the ball to the child, the child answers and returns the ball to the teacher.

Who is in charge of the theatre?

Who is in the performances?

Who plays the violin?

Who is responsible for the lighting effects?

Who works at the buffet?

Who is leading the orchestra?

Who does the make-up for the actors?

Who is responsible for the costumes for the artists?

Who checks tickets?

Who works in the wardrobe? etc.

Sit down, guys, on the sofa and chairs.

Children sit down.

Make up sentences on the pictures that I will show you:

The ballerina is dancing.

How many words are in a sentence?

Say the first word.

Name the second word.

Proposals are dealt with in the same way:

The violinist plays the violin.

The pianist plays the piano.

The trainer trains the animals.

I have prepared a surprise for you today! I invite everyone to the cinema "Friendly guys". When you enter the auditorium, what do you need to present to the controller? (Tickets)

Here are your tickets, each ticket has a row and seat written on it. I ask everyone to take their seats in the auditorium, according to the tickets.

Children come to the computer and take their seats.

Which of you will name the capital of our Motherland?

What city is called cultural capital Russia? Why?

Yes, St. Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, there are many monuments, museums, theaters in our city…. And now I will introduce you to the children's theaters of St. Petersburg.

Viewing a presentation.

While watching, I check with the children who was in this theater And what performance there watched.

I focus the attention of children on what is different types theaters: drama, puppet, musical ...

Children's performances are also staged in adult theaters, but we will get to know them next time.

Fairy-tale creatures are found not only in theaters, but also on the streets and embankments of our city. Let's remember finger gymnastics"Fairytale Creatures" (M. Sidorova)

There are many interesting things in St. Petersburg:

Horses, lions, museums... and there are countless bridges.

Fairy-tale creatures lie by the Neva,

The secret has been carefully kept for three hundred years.

Do you want to play the Sphinx game?

Let's count who will be the Sphinx. I suggest you remember the counting rhyme "At the Liteiny Bridge".


At the Liteiny Bridge

I caught a whale in the Neva

Hid behind the window

The cat ate him

Two cats helped

Now there is no whale,

Don't trust a friend

Get out of the circle.

Sphinx game. (M. Sidorova)

Children stand in a circle, in the center - a child depicting the Sphinx (on his head - a hat-mask)

Children walk in a round dance around the Sphinx and say the words:

What are you, Sphinx, lying, silent,

Do you look so mysterious?

Better join us in a circle

Yes, play a little.

The Sphinx stands up and says:

Do you want to play?

I will chase you.

And whoever I catch

I'll guess a riddle.

The riddle must be guessed about the theater.

(Goal: to clarify the knowledge gained in communication between children)

The Sphinx catches up with the children, the caught child asks a question about the theater. If the caught child answered the question correctly, then he becomes the Sphinx and the game continues.

The game is played 3-4 times.

Well done guys, they answered the questions of the Sphinx well and ran a little. Now I suggest you take a break. Take a seat on the sofa and chairs in the book corner.

Children sit down.

On the last slides you saw a circus, and now I suggest you listen to S.Ya. Marshak's poem "Circus". This poem is read for you by a real artist Oleg Basilashvili.

Listening to an audio cassette.

Did you like the poem?

Please remember which circus performers are described in this poem.

Children's answers

Look, there are books with S. Marshak's poem "The Circus" on the shelf, guess which of these books contains V. Lebedev's drawings?

You can come closer and look at the books.

Children choose a book.

- Well done, you got it right. Do you know who draws theater posters?

(Graphic designer)

I propose to play another game: everyone sit in a circle on the carpet. The game is called "Say the words "two" and "five" correctly. Only the one to whom I will give a sign with the number "2" or "5" will speak

Graphic designer.

(-Two graphic designers.

Five graphic designers.), etc.

And now we will check what you remember about theaters. Come to the tables and complete the tasks on the worksheets.

What is theater? (The building where theater performances take place)

What types of theater do you now know? ( answers using the worksheet)

- What children's theaters are there in our city?

Why do people go to the theatre?

Guys, I have a surprise for you from the buffet. Eat, please.

The children are eating sweets.

I encountered the concept of "Theater" in school years, where I enjoyed watching the performances of our guys. It amazed me and still surprises me how a person on stage can change when he enters a role! His gestures change, his image changes, and even his voice becomes different. I always, noticing the changes taking place in a person, thought: “But this is talent! TALENT with a capital letter!

I am a teacher in kindergarten. We often put on theatrical performances. Telling the children that the theater awaits them, I observe the effect of this magic word. And really, it's magical! Why? Yes, because I see how smiles appear on their faces, sparks of fun light up in their eyes. Children may not ask: “What theater?”, “What is it called?”, But they will always ask, “When will it be?” But the most unique thing is the atmosphere of the theater: it is pleasant to watch the curtain as the children enter the hall, sit on chairs, look at the decorated stage and calm down in anticipation of a fairy tale.

I never turn down an offer. With interest I enter the image, I think it out myself the smallest details. I can say theater is my hobby. With the help of the stage I get to know people and their characters, I learn to understand people, with the help of the stage I learn to give children what they lack so much in modern hectic life - warmth, love and happiness. Many people think that theatrical art is an illusory deception that makes people believe that you are someone else. I can say with full confidence that the theater is an opportunity to create images, characters, individual life situations and understand them.

Yes, the theater takes a lot of time and effort. And what work is behind each performance, how much sincere and physical strength invested in every gesture and look of the actor? Instead of watching TV or just surfing the Internet, you have to go to rehearsals, cram the role, think about the missing details of the image (where to get a suit, shoes that match it, a wig, how to make a make-up ...) But despite this, I understand that I can't live without creativity. Performing in the theater, I get great pleasure from the fact that my efforts bring results. I am genuinely happy when children appreciate my vision of the image, my performance, my expended energy. How they jump up from their chairs, telling me what to do, how to behave. They sing and dance, cry and laugh, love and worry, grieve and rejoice. It seems to be one minute of playing on stage, but it is more precious than all the sacrifices made for it. Participating in the performance, I feel that I live, that my performance can be interesting to other people in my interpretation. Theater for me is a lot of emotions and an adrenaline rush!
For me personally, theater is an action that captures immediately and remains for a long time.

Theater is the world of living words, live music, living soul. How necessary it is for children in our time filled with technical innovations! For them, it's like a sip clean air. With the help of the theater, we enrich our souls, broaden our horizons. The theater acts as a source of information about the surrounding world, about life, giving rise to the work of thought.

A series of conversations about the theater with preschoolers

"LET'S GO TO THE THEATER" - series of talks about theater

For what, and why, the theater is so important in the life of a child - we have already said in introductory remarks: "The theater is the shortest and most productive way to the formation of a social model of behavior, to the formation emotional intelligence and the development of the speech of a preschool child", and that the success of the first trip to the theater must be planned and created, the so-calledwaiting stage. Therefore, we, with educators and other specialists of the kindergarten, with teachers and performers of the School of Arts, conduct such conversations - acquaintances

1 . What is theater? What does theatrical art mean?

In the hall, the stage is decorated like in a theater - there is a curtain, there are decorations, chairs are placed in the center of the hall ... Musical director stops children near the "cash desk" where "tickets" to the theater are sold, a poster with a picture of the building hangs on the wall, for example children's theater and a scene from children's play"Ay, yes Turnip!"

Dear children, do you know what theater is?

Who are the authors and directors, what kind of performances are there in the theater, what kind of scenery is there, what kind of lighting, transformations? Listen, and now I will explain everything to you in order (photo of the Bolshoi Theater). This most beautiful building has been standing for many, many years, elegant with many wonderful windows and doors. And when you enter, you will see a window with the inscription "CASS". Here they buy tickets from the cashier for the upcoming performance. ("We buy" tickets and enter the theater hall). And now, guys, we will buy a program from the theater employee. A program is a piece of paper on which everything that you are interested to know about the performance before it starts is printed: what is the name of the play, who is its author, what actors are playing and summary performance. While you are still small, your parents will go to the theater with you, they will read everything that is written in the program.

(children "buy" tickets, take programs, go into the hall, sit on chairs, the teacher shows images of the theater, auditorium, stage, orchestra pit, balconies, then the computer monitor turns on and on interactive whiteboard children see slides with a picture interior decoration theater)

The most important place in the auditorium is the stage where the action of the play takes place, and opposite the stage there is an auditorium with chairs. Those chairs that are closer to the stage are called the stalls, and those that are further away are called the amphitheater. And on the sides of the lodge with beautiful names: benoir, dress circle, balconies. In each box, in a fenced-off place, there are usually 4 or 6 chairs. And if you're sitting far away from the stage, then you'll need binoculars to get a better look at the faces of the actors or the scenery, or whatever else you're interested in.

Now pay attention to the scene. You see the light running along the edge of the stage in full length, this lighting is called a ramp. The stage itself is covered with a curtain. And as soon as the music from the orchestra pit sounds, the curtain rises, the performance will begin.

And who invented theater?

The theater existed even among the ancient Greeks. In productions, they talked about their heroes, about the gods who they believed wholeheartedly, who they worshiped and who they asked for protection and blessings for success. Before there were no theaters and actors played on the street. Almost the entire population of the city was present at the performance. And so that the public could see and hear well, they put on masks on their faces, and inserted a mouthpiece called a persona into the mouth of the mask.

From Greek theater we have borrowed many names for our theatres, beginning with the very word "theater", which in Greek is "theatron" and means "spectacle." There are a lot of interesting things in the theater. Let's take a look behind the scenes. The audience does not see this space. All actors and theater workers have their own entrance on the other side and it leads through the corridor with dressing rooms directly to the stage. There is also the office of the most important person in the theater - the director. He reads a play written by a writer for the theater, discusses it with the actors, assigns roles, appoints rehearsals - preparations are underway for showing the performance to the audience. while the actors are rehearsing the play, other work is in full swing in the neighboring rooms: decorators draw scenery for the performance, dressers sew costumes for the actors.

And then the day will come when the performance will be announced, by this time posters will be written and pasted around the city about the beginning of the performance. And the first day of the performance is called the premiere! It means "first" in French.

Do you guys know who a props man is? This is a person who makes artificial things (show the children some fake things, objects).

And there are make-up artists in the theater - they make up actors, create desired image for the performance. Look! A table, on it is a mirror, paints, powder, wigs. Here the actor turns into a hero of fairy tales

So, this was our first trip to the theater, to the world of beauty, art, created by the will of man. Having been in the theater, having come into contact with the world of theatrical art, we have become richer, brighter, more spiritual. The theater gives our soul moments of great happiness, we learn to empathize with what is happening on the stage, we see the characters of many characters and learn to act according to our conscience in life.

next tale, which we will see with you will be "" Oh, yes Turnip!"

2. "Mysteries of Terpsichore"

Do you want me to tell you about the miracle that lives next to us, in this beautiful theater building?(demonstration of a photograph of the theater )

Try to guess for yourself! Here's a riddle for you: "You can't touch it with your hands, but you can see and hear it, it has a soul, a heart, but in order to understand it, it takes time. It can make us laugh and cry. This miracle is born and lives only in one, a place full of mystery and extraordinary transformations - the theater. And what kind of miracle is this? Of course - this is a performance.

But today we will talk about a special performance, woven from music, dance, painting. It has a beautiful, sonorous name - Ballet!

On one of the most beautiful squares in Moscow stands a majestic building with large columns. What is it called? This is the Bolshoi Theater, its roof is crowned with a quadriga of horses, controlled by Apollo, in Ancient Greece he was a patron of the arts.

We carefully step up the stairs leading up, silently walk along the parquet floor and, having found the handle of the cherished door, open it ..PHOTO OF THE HALL AND STAGE OF THE THEATER

What beauty has opened before our eyes! Long rows of seats fill a huge space in front of the stage - this is the stalls. The ornament on the balconies shines, enveloping the auditorium in several tiers in an oval shape - this is a balcony. Crystal pendants of lamps sparkle, the curtain casts gold.

And suddenly ... a bright beam of light rushes into the heights. A huge chandelier flares high overhead with hundreds of rainbow splashes. And the painted ceiling comes to life.

The god Apollo and his nine beautiful muses move in a circle in an exquisite dance. Here is Clio - the muse of history, and next to it is the muse of comedy - Thalia, with a mask in her hands, the strict Melpomene - the muse of tragedy.

But another one, dressed in flowing clothes, with a red scarf over her shoulder, attracts attention. She easily and smoothly steps through the air, the melodic sound of her tambourine crumbles like a silver rain in the sounds of a round dance.

This is Terpsichore - the long-awaited muse of dance.PHOTO

Each of us knows when he was born, but he hardly remembers the place and time of the birth of the dance. maybe it's because his birth happened a very, very long time ago?

Many thousands of years ago, when animals unknown to us lived on earth, and people existed in tribes, then dance was born!

But the traces of Terpsichore further lead to the beautiful country of Italy. Here flourished the art of poetry, painting, sculpture. Great poets. artists. musicians. philosophers glorified the life, beauty and greatness of man.

Italy has become cultural center peace. In noisy street carnivals, in magnificent palace holidays, music and dance triumphed and were loved by everyone.

The dance teacher in Italy became a very important person, he not only taught the art of dance, but also composed dance numbers himself.

Thus was born the profession of choreographer, which means "the composer of the dance." Soon the first books about this art of Trepsichore appeared. In one of them, the word "ballet" appeared, which is pronounced "ballo" in Italian, and translates as "I dance."

So called Domenico de Piacenza dance, consisting of several parts of different pace.

The beautiful Terpsichore conquered the Italians on the stage as well. small theatrical pictures that were given between performances also began to be called ballets. They were not connected with the performance according to the plot, the ballets simply delighted the eye with beautiful, graceful dances, luxurious costumes and miracles of stage technology.

Later, in France, the ballet becomes a complete performance, telling about specific events and characters. And, of course, music becomes a faithful companion and an integral part of the ballet.

No wonder choreography is called visible music.

And who composes and directs the ballet?

Let's take for example the fairy tale "The Nutcracker", the writer wrote the fairy tale (Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann), then the librettist writes the libretto, i.e. summary of the story. Using this plan, the composer will write the music, the choreographer will come up with dance moves that reveal the content of the fairy tale, the artist will draw the scenery, the conductor and his orchestra will sound the ballet scenes that will be performed by talented dancers, they must be good actors theater - and a whole ballet performance will be born.

dance art just part of the ballet. Ballet is a world of expressive movements, gestures, facial expressions, in which all parts are important, including the dance itself and pantomime.

He is very handsome and graceful, all his movements are graceful, sublime.

If the main characters dance together - this is "pas de deux". Solo parts, dances in ballet are called variations. You can take part in the performance large group artists - this is card deballet.There is also pantomime in ballet - reproduction by imitation. With the help of pantomime, the content of the play is conveyed.

Each character in the performance has his own language, but it does not consist of words, but of movements set to music and coordinated with it.

(we show slides, recordings of individual numbers from a ballet performance, encourage children to explain in words and reproduce the content of the ballet with pantomime, choreographic sketches, improvisation on a given topic)

3. Like a familiar and beloved fairy tale, told with the help of DANCING.

Ballet by K. I. Khachaturian "Cipollino"

Preliminary work:

Reading the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari - "Cipollino";

Conversations about the theater, about theatrical ballet performances;

Viewing fragments from ballet performances;

The course of the conversation - dialogue.

Guys, let's remember how it translates from French"ballo"?(children's answers). That's right, I dance. This word denotes a genre that combines music and graceful dance movements, all the characters in the ballet do not utter a single word, they speak only the language of dance, facial expressions and gestures.

And now, all together, let's remember the fairy tale of Gianni Rodari "Cipollino", tell us what it is about?(children's answers) . You know that there is a cartoon based on this tale. Have you noticed that in any cartoon or movie there is music, why do you think?(answers children) That's right, it helps to reveal the content and characterizes each character in its own way: who is sad, who is cheerful, who is kind, and who is evil.(children watch a cartoon fragment, listen to music).

But what about in ballet? Is it just dance and music? So, music should tell about everything and help dancers and ballerinas "tell" a fairy tale in dance, how does this happen?

List the heroes of the fairy tale to me and tell me about them, mark their characteristic features.(children remember the heroes of the fairy tale and say what kind of character they are).

Yes, you all remember the cheerful Cipollino, tender Radish, noble Cherry, evil Lemon and Senor Tomato. And now let's listen and watch excerpts from the ballet, in which the composer Aram Ilyich Khachaturian told us this story with the help of musical instruments symphony orchestra.

Children watch an excerpt where Cipollino is sad about his father, determine that the violins convey sadness young hero, and what does the peppy rhythm of wind instruments, bursting into the general mood of the music, say? Of course, he says that Cipollino will definitely see his old father.

But the sounds of copper cymbals in the orchestra help to imagine with what inspiration and with what joy Pumpkin builds his house(children listen and watch fragments of the ballet) .

And who is it that comes on stage? Yes, this is an important Senor Tomato... What musical instruments convey his image?(children's answers, and the music director summarizes the children's answers) Of course, this is played by trumpets, they are the main ones in the orchestra, the music is solemn, but not kind, like Senior Tomato himself. He is fat, he walks heavily, slowly, measuredly, this is reflected by percussion instruments - drums, music conveys the character of each character in his own way. In ballet, you recognize the characters by their appearance, movements, and by music you can already recognize the character of the heroes of a fairy tale, whether they are kind or not.

And now let's guys, we will continue to learn improvisation with you. You will listen to the musical excerpt from the ballet again and try to create the image of one or another fairy tale character in a dance that you will come up with yourself.(children make up characteristic movements for the heroes of a fairy tale and learn to coordinate them with the music from the ballet)

3. Imagery in the orchestral accompaniment of theatrical productions .

We listen and draw an opera - a fairy tale "Koschey the Immortal"

Preliminary work:

- "Journey" through fairy tales. where such a character as Koschey is found;

Conversations about opera productions;

We recall what choral, solo singing, ensemble, orchestra are;

View scenes and listen opera arias who have listened before.

Compilation of a dictionary for a preschooler;

Conversation flow:

Guys, today we will be guests at the opera. This is also a type of theatrical art, like a ballet performance or staging a fairy tale. Here stage action very closely merged not only with instrumental music like in ballet, but also with vocal. The term "opera" itself is translated from Italian- composition. Let's remember: what is solo, and what is choral singing what is an ensemble, orchestra ..?(children's answers) . Modern opera productions combine numerous, most diverse means of expression: solo and choral singing, various kinds of ensembles, symphony orchestra, elements visual arts- props and costumes(children are also familiar with these terms) and even ballet numbers.

Today we will listen to excerpts from the opera - the fairy tale "Koschey the Immortal", you know him in Russian folk tales Let's remember them!(children call fairy tales where there is such a character, the eternal companion of Baba Yaga).

Russian composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov wrote a children's opera-fairy tale about Koshchei. He has only five in the opera actors: the villain himself, his daughter, the Princess - Beloved beauty, Ivan-Korolevich and the wind Storm - Bogatyr.

Listen to the very beginning of the music, listen carefully, determine the nature of this music(children listen and watch musical passages from the fairy tale opera and answer the teacher's questions). That's right, this music paints a picture of the gloomy kingdom of Koshcheev. What mood does the music convey to us?(children's answers: gloomy, wary, scary, mysterious ...)

But other music sounds in the orchestra, and the children easily determine that this is a Russian folk melody, it characterizes the Princess. What words and definitions can you suggest to describe this image? Children say that she is gentle, soft, and I suggest: sedate, majestic, as a Russian beauty should be.(children memorize two new definitions: "powerful" and "stately", these words will be useful to us more than once, continue to watch an excerpt from the opera and listen to the aria of the Princess).

And now, guys, try to draw what the music told us about, depict with paints those heroes that the composer told about in his musical pictures. It could be fairy kingdom Koshchei the Immortal, and the beautiful Tsarevna, or maybe Korolevich Ivan, or the Storm-bogatyr! Fantasize, guys, and let the music help you with this.

The teacher softly turns on characteristic musical passages from the opera, and the children draw with paints the musical image they have chosen.

At the next lesson, when the children meet again to consolidate their knowledge of the opera - a fairy tale, they will all look at the drawings together and make up stories about the pictures drawn by the children. Thus, in these classes, not only musical tasks, but also tasks for the development of speech of preschoolers, the child is formed lexicon epithets and definitions with which he will operate in the future

4. Conversations about how some musical instruments appeared, and how they united each under their own "surname"

To talk about program music, it is necessary to introduce children to the musical instruments of a symphony orchestra, which can perform on the theater stage and as an independent organism that transmits its musical images, paintings, and as an accompanying, supporting theatrical heroes, their characters, thoughts and feelings.

Musical director: Today we will make a fascinating journey into the world of the birth of musical instruments, how and where did they come from?

Once upon a time, complex instruments, as they are now, did not yet exist, and people played reed pipes, which much later would turn into a beautiful sonorous wind instrument and musicians would call it "flute", which in Latin means "breath" or "breath". Maybe the first performer on the pipe was a light breeze that accidentally blew into a broken reed(the teacher gently blows the reed and a sound is born). No one knows for sure whether this was the case, but many peoples fell in love with this instrument for its soulful, clear, silvery sound. Her body began to be made not only of their reed, but also of clay, ivory, and even decorated with silver, gold and precious stones. She, so small, thin, fragile with her silvery tints, organically wove her voice into the sound of other instruments and took her rightful place in the symphony orchestra under the surname " wind instruments ". PHOTO

Centuries passed, and one day people noticed that if the strings were pulled over the hollow body of a birch bark box (the teacher shows the children the "birth" of the instrument, using simple, improvised materials) or another object, even a tortoise shell, the sound becomes more beautiful. They began to make cases different shapes and magnitude. This is how violins and harps, cymbals and many other instruments appeared. (Children try to pull a fishing line, or a thin rubber band on a wooden jar - and pulling on it - a sound is born! it brings the kids to indescribable delight, they begin to experiment with items I have prepared in advance .) PHOTO

And what do you guys think, how could percussion instruments be born: drums. timpani...(there are pebbles, sticks, inverted pottery in front of the children, and the children must, by trial and error, come to the conclusion that ancient man beat pebble on pebble, stick on stick, knocked on shells, on shards, that this is how instruments under the name "percussion" appeared) PHOTO

5 . Why are "names" and "surnames" so necessary for all instruments?

Guys, we all have a first and last name, everyone in your family has their own first name, but there is only one last name, please name the names of your relatives and then the last name of your family. It is the same with musical instruments: each has its own name, but a certain group of instruments has one, as it were, surname.(show slides of a group of strings, then brass and percussion instruments) PHOTO

Guys, name these instruments by "names", why do you think there is a violin, harp, double bass, cello, guitar, balalaika on one slide. What unites them, what do they have in common?(children's answers)

That's right, all these instruments have strings that spill music under your hands. talented musician- performer, so the "surname" of all these instruments will be - "group string instruments", and you have already named their "names".

Now pay attention to next image and name these tools by "names"(children call the trumpet, flute, pipes, oboe, saxophone, clarinet, determine what unites them and give them a "surname" - wind instruments).

That's right, musicians produce sound by blowing air into them, which is why they are a group of stringed instruments.

And here is the next slide, the children see drums, timpani, cymbals, determine that the sound is extracted simply by blows, which is why they call it "a group of percussion instruments." So children easily learn new, at first glance, difficult, incomprehensible material for preschoolers, but do not worry, children easily remember musical terms, as they constantly sound in the context of conversations and the children are incredibly happy that they know how to operate with them. Thus, not only knowledge, intelligence, but the vocabulary of preschoolers are replenished.

In the next lesson, have the children play didactic game"Find out musical instrument".

A) in appearance(instruments of one group are laid out in front of the children, they must name them)

b) sound(teacher turns on music) different instruments, children should recognize the instrument by the sound)

In conclusion, you can listen to the music of any popular march performed by a symphony orchestra, where you can easily identify the playing instrument by the sound and the children name it unmistakably.

How joyfully the eyes of children burn from the fact that they already know so much.

At the end of classes, we draw the musical instruments we like: violin, harp, trumpet, piano, etc.

The wind sings barely audibly, the linden sighs by the garden,

Sensitive music lives everywhere - in the rustle of grasses, in the noise of oak forests,

You just need to listen!

A stream flows loudly, thunder falls from the sky -

Nature fills the world with this eternal melody.

The willow sheds its quiet tears at the ford...

Nightingales quietly greet the night with the sound of branches, the song of rain

The world is filled with nature.

The birds meet the sunrise, the swallow is glad for the sun.

Ringing music lives everywhere - you just need to listen!

6. "Princess Violin" - touching story-talk about a magic tool .

Children are very fond of legends, stories, poems about the Violin, they see and hear this instrument at concerts in kindergarten, when we invite performers from the Children's Art School.

Play with the children again in the game: “Recognize me by my voice!”

Guys, how did you know each other, weren't you mistaken? Of course, by voice.

And this happened because each of you has his own coloring of the voice, unlike anyone else. And this coloring is called - timbre! Timbre is a property that every sound has, not necessarily musical. This is a special quality of sound, sound coloring. Each person has his own, deeply individual timbre of voice, by which we recognize our relatives, friends, favorite actors and singers. Each musical instrument has a certain timbre. Here is the Violin Princess, her voice cannot be confused with any other, she can cry and laugh, she can sing and talk... Listen to one old legend about the great violin maker...

One day, in the Italian city of Cremona, a magician passed by little house hearing amazing in beauty musical sounds, he went inside and saw a young man who was playing a violin he had just made.

Give me this violin and I will fulfill your every desire, - said the magician.

The young man thought and thought and answered:

I want to live forever!

Fine! But one condition: you will make nine hundred and ninety-nine equally beautiful instruments, but when you make the thousandth violin, you will die. - I agree! – said the young man.

Years passed... The master worked. When the number of instruments began to approach a thousand (and not only violins were made, but also cellos, violas, double basses, lutes, guitars), he suddenly fell ill.

Now I can die in peace. My instruments will live, and I will live with them, because I put my soul, love, diligence into them.

The name of this master is known all over the world - this is Antonio Stradivari ...

The best musicians in the world played and still play on his instruments!

Smooth bow movements tremble the strings,

The motive murmurs from afar, sings about the moonlit evening.

How clear the sounds poured joy and smile into them,

A dreamy motive sounds, its name is Violin!

The children are looking at the violin, we brought it from music school, and later we will invite performers on this divine instrument...

What an elegant body she has, with smooth curves and slim waist! This tool appeared many, many centuries ago, how is such an intricate tool made? Violin masters are still studying its secrets, but to this day the mystery of the divine sounding of the violins made famous has not been solved. by Italian masters Stradivari, Amati, Guarneri. But it is known for sure that they chose the material very meticulously: they walked through the forest and among the many trees, primarily spruces, chose “singing ones”, noticed which spruce the songbirds land on more often, then listened to it with different taps and at the same time applied a doctor's pipe to appreciate the melodiousness of the wood.

Cut down a tree in winter when it "sleeps"(we recall with children the information from the section on getting to know the outside world, about the winter sleep of trees), but the tree was not felled, but carefully lowered to the ground. In the most complicated business of making violins, there were many secrets that were passed down only by inheritance, from teacher to student, often to the master's son. Without their knowledge, without soul, without talent, no matter how hard you try, you will not endow the violin with a magical voice.

In conclusion, the children with the teacher listen to violin music performed by famous musicians: Vladimir Spivakov, Yuri Bashmet, before the eyes of the children should be their portraits, photographs in the process of solo performance and playing in the orchestra.

A series of conversations about the theater with older preschoolers.

Purpose: To introduce preschoolers to the world of the theater, to the specifics of the rules of conduct in the theater, to stimulate their interest in theatrical art.

Conversation 1 "What is theater?"

Educator: Do you know what a performance is? What does "theatrical art" mean? Who are the authors? What kind of performances are there in the theatre? What kind of scenery is there? Lighting? Transformations? Listen, now I will explain everything to you in order. (I am exposing a photograph of the Bolshoi Theater). Here is a house. From the outside, there seems to be nothing special. Well, the house is like a house, only more elegant than others, and there are fewer windows than doors. They entered and saw a window with the inscription "Cashier". Tickets are bought here. (The music director approaches the table, decorated in the form of a cash desk). "Give us, please, tickets," you say to the cashier, "for today's performance." “Please,” he answers you, and tears off the tickets, which are printed with the name of the theater, the number of the row, and the seats where you need to sit. You pay money. Get a ticket and go to see the performance.

From the theater employee, the chaperon, you buy a program. The program is a piece of paper on which everything that you are interested to know about the performance before it starts is written: what actors are playing, what is the name of the play, who composed it, and more.

Very interesting show today! Let's take a look at today's program. Ba! Yes, this is the Petrushkin Theater, in which they give a fairy tale "Ay yes turnip!".

Let's buy tickets for the performance. Who will be our cashier? Children “buy” tickets and sit down to watch any fairy tale prepared by the music director.

Conversation 2 "Who invented the theater?"

Educator: The theater already existed among the ancient Greeks. They were the first to come up with the idea to present the legend of their gods and heroes in living faces. They understood how beautiful, instructive and busy a theatrical spectacle can be, where instead of a storyteller, the same people who are told about in a fairy tale appear before the audience. After all, we believe much more what happens in front of our eyes than what we are only told about. The Greeks discovered ways to present well in the theater, both serious works - tragedies, and funny ones - comedies. When the actors portrayed different people, gods, animals - the audience very often rewarded them with clapping - applause.

In ancient times, actors played in the street. Almost the entire population of the city was present at the performance. To make the actors clearly visible, they put on large masks, much larger than their heads. And so that the public could hear well, a mouthpiece was inserted into the mouth of the mask, calling the person.

From the Greek theatre, we have borrowed many names for our theatre, starting with the very word "theater", which in Greek is pronounced "theatron" and means "spectacle".

Let's put on these masks now and turn into different animals.

Now tell me, which animal is called the king of all animals?

That's right - a lion. The game is called "Beasts, beware of the lion!"

A game of the “Trap” type. The lion is in the middle of the circle, the animals move in jumps to the music, then they rhythmically clap and say: “One, two, three, well, hurry up and catch us!” and run away. "Lion" catches. The one who is caught takes his place, and so on..

Conversation 3 "In the theater"

Educator: At the last lesson, we saw the theater, went into it, bought a ticket and a program at the box office. Today I propose to go into the auditorium and look around. (Exhibits an illustration or diagram of the auditorium of the theater).

The most important place in the auditorium is the stage where the play is presented. And opposite the stage are rows of chairs and armchairs. Those chairs that are closer to the stage are called an amphitheater. And on the sides there are boxes with beautiful names: benoir, mezzanine, balcony. In each box, that is, in a fenced-off place, there are 4 or, if the box is large, 6 chairs. If you are sitting far from the stage, then you will need binoculars. This is such a device, consisting of two tubes with magnifying glasses, in order to better see what you are interested in, but to be at a relatively long distance.

Now pay attention to the scene. See the light coming from the edge of the stage and illuminating the curtain. Here a row of light bulbs, called a ramp, is placed with might and main the length of the stage. The stage itself is covered with a curtain. The performance begins as soon as the curtain rises, or moves apart, because the curtains come in two systems: rising and sliding.

Do you know the fairy tale "The Nutcracker"? No? Just today it will be presented in the theater. (The music director turns on a video recording of P.I. Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker, where the auditorium is clearly visible Bolshoi Theater, stage, curtain. Children listen to the ballet overture, watch the beginning of the performance).

Conversation 4. "Behind the Scenes"

Educator: Guys, a lot of interesting things can be found in the theater, let's see today who is hiding behind the scenes, that is, behind the stage. The audience does not see this space. Actors and employees in the theater have their own entrance from the street, leading directly to the stage. If we get there, then the most main man of those whom we will meet there is a theater director.

When the author writes the play, the theater accepts it for staging, then the first person to receive the play in hand is the director. He carefully reads the play, studies it and discusses it with the actors. Then he distributes the roles between the actors - those words and those images that the actors should speak and portray on stage, read the play to them and schedule rehearsals - exemplary execution plays. While the actors are rehearsing the play, other work is in full swing in the neighboring rooms: the decorator draws scenery for the performance, the costume designer sews costumes for the actors. And then the day comes when the first time there is a performance. This is the premiere (in French - "first time"). Guys, where do you think the actors play? That's right, on stage. (Shows an illustration). See how big she is? If we look up, we will see many curtains. These are hanging scenery, and those scenery that are on the stage are called " pavilion".

Having examined the stage, we can also get acquainted with other rooms of the "behind the scenes kingdom": from the workshop of the decorator and props, from the dressing room, from the actor's dressing room - there he puts on makeup and changes clothes.

Do you guys know who a props man is? A prop is a person who makes artificial things. (Show fake tricks, fruits, flowers for the reception).

And now we're in the actor's dressing room. Look! A table, on it is a mirror, paints, powder, fake hair, which is called a wig. Here the actor turns into a hero of a fairy tale. And theatrical make-up artists and hairdressers help him in this.

Now let's play with you actors and make-up artists, make a princess out of an ordinary girl, and out of ordinary boy grandfather.

They choose one make-up artist and two actors, they begin to transform in front of everyone

Valentina Streltsova
Synopsis of the GCD "What is theatre?"

Program content: Introduce children to the concept « theater» , varieties theaters(puppet, shadow, opera and ballet, dramatic) and features of this place; continue to introduce the professions to people who work in theater. Arouse in children a desire to participate in dramatization and improve the artistic skills of children; develop partnerships in dramatization; to encourage them to find their own means of expression (gestures, movements, facial expressions) for creating artistic image to show initiative, imagination, fantasy. Continue to develop speech and replenish vocabulary on the topic theater. Develop thinking, memory. Cultivate aesthetic taste and a sense of beauty.

Material: Presentation "What such a theater, attributes to a fairy tale "turnip", equipment for showing presentations, pictures with rules of conduct in theater.

vocabulary work

Vocabulary Enrichment: wardrobe, cloakroom attendant, foyer, usher, soffits, orchestra pit, decorator, props.

Dictionary activation: director, actor, role, props, make-up artist, applause, dresser, artist, cashier.

Lesson progress


- Magic Land Theater!

How many miracles she gives us,

Holiday, smiles, songs and laughter game

This country is waiting for us all!

And who knows what such a theater? (Listen to children's answers). Right, theater- this is an amazing house where performances, fairy tales are shown, where they dance and sing, recite poems;

Guys, were you in the present theater?

What performance did you watch?

Why do you think people go to theater? (children's answers).

Adults and children go to theater to watch a play, a fairy tale, listen to music, learn new things, relax. That's right, kids, every visit in theater is a holiday.

Theater- the art of the stage - was born in ancient times.

Word THEATER came to us from the Greek language and means "place for spectacle, spectacle". But theater is not only an art form, but also a building where we come to see performances.

Do you want to know more about theater? (children's answers)

Let's go to theater. I will be the tour guide.

I invite you on a tour


Theaters are different in genre: theaters, in which the artists do not talk, but sing, and their singing, stage action and actions are consistent with the music written specifically for this play, this is an opera.

Theaters in which the artists do not talk, but dance, and all feelings are expressed dance moves, is ballet.

In the capital of our republic there is also theaters, look.

dramatic theaters, in which the actors talk, act, move as it happens in real life.

And this is Russian drama Theater named after Bestuzhev and theater Buryat drama in Ulan-Ude.

Eat theaters, where artists are animals - animal theater.

The oldest exists in Moscow - this is theater B. L. Durova. "Grandfather Durov's Corner" act animals: hippopotamus, elephant, raven, pelican, raccoon and many others.

There are puppet theaters, where the audience does not look at live artists, but at puppets controlled by artists.

Look at this puppet theater"Ulger".

Where does it start theater?

Here is a house, big, beautiful, elegant, old. This is the building theater.

Colorful bright poster - playbill , on which, with the help of drawings, photographs and different words contains information about upcoming performances in theater(author of the performance, director, actors who play the main roles, name, date and time of the performance).

Where can you buy tickets for the show?

« box office» .

You come to the window

Give him the money.

And a window in response

Gives you a ticket.

Theater box office - place where they sell tickets for performances theater. Who sells tickets box office ? The children are the cashier.

performance in the theater is coming usually long, more than an hour. It will be uncomfortable for spectators to sit in outerwear. How to be? Where should viewers go first? (children's answers).

IN theater The dressing room is called a cloakroom, and the profession of the person who receives the outerwear of the spectators is a cloakroom attendant. The cloakroom attendant gives you a number, you put yourself in order and go on.

Vocabulary work wardrobe, cloakroom attendant

The foyer is a room intended for the public to relax during the intermission or for the audience to stay in anticipation of the performance. vocabulary work

Here we are, let's get some rest



Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent down, twice - bent down,

Raised hands to the sides

Apparently the key was not found.

To get him the key

You have to get on your toes.

Stay strong Pinocchio,

Here it is - the golden key! (text movements).

Upon entering theater ticket attendant checks tickets for spectators. Vocabulary work.

So, we are the audience. The performance will begin soon and it's time for us to go to the auditorium. But what is it? Which of you is the most attentive and heard an unusual sound? This theatrical call. Total in theater Before the start of the performance, three bells are given. The third call indicates that the performance is about to begin. After the third bell, the lights go out in the hall. Entering the auditorium after the third bell is indecent.

Take a closer look, do you like it? What makes an auditorium beautiful? (Walls, lamps, in the center of the ceiling - a huge chandelier). Do you have chandeliers at home? Are they the same as this one? (children's answers). This chandelier is very large, as the auditorium itself is huge. When the performance begins, this chandelier will go out, darkness will come in the auditorium, and special spotlights - spotlights will illuminate the stage. vocabulary work

Soffits are special lamps in the auditorium that illuminate the stage from the front and from above. With the help of spotlights, illuminators can depict sunrise or sunset, flashes of lightning, starry sky and much more on the stage.

If you are sitting far from the stage, you will need Opera glasses, which you can bring with you or purchase in the wardrobe.

Let's take a look at our auditorium. The most important place in the auditorium is the stage on which the performance is played. The scene itself is not yet visible. It's still covered by a curtain. theater curtain- cloth blocking the stage from the auditorium. Curtains are sewn from dense dyed fabric, gathered into folds and decorated with emblems. theater or a wide fringe sewn to the bottom of the curtain. The performance will begin as soon as the curtain rises or moves apart, as they are sliding or rising.

Many performances in theaters accompanied by music. Where do you think the musicians sit, is it on the stage? (children's answers).

The orchestra pit is a special room for the orchestra in theater located in front of the stage. Vocabulary work.

Before the performance can be seen by the audience, people prepare it for a long time different professions. Let's list them, try not to forget anyone! (Theatrical professions)

The scenery for the performance is made in the painting and scenery workshop according to the sketches of the set designers. Vocabulary work.

Props - fake, specially made sculptures, furniture, utensils used in theatrical performances instead of real things. Worker theater who makes props is called a props. Vocabulary work.

The sound for the performance - the phonogram - is prepared by the sound engineer. During the performance, he can turn on any phonogram: the sound of rain or the rumble of waves, the rumble of the crowd or the whistle of the wind. Vocabulary work.

Actors for a performance may need a variety of suits: vintage and modern, fabulous and ordinary. The profession of a person who sews and makes costumes is called a "dresser". Vocabulary work.

Before the performance, the make-up artist applies makeup to the actors. An experienced make-up artist can change the face of an actor beyond recognition. Vocabulary work.

An actor is a person who plays a part in a play.

He runs the show

By heart knows all the scenes.

He teaches how to play the part.

What do you guys call him? This is the Director

He chooses which play to put on, distributes roles, organizes and conducts rehearsals and everything that happens on the stage is the director. Vocabulary work.

The break between the performances is called the intermission. During the intermission, all the spectators usually go out to the foyer. theater. At this time, you can go to the buffet, tidy up in the toilet room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of artists theater, which are hung on the walls of the foyer.

Here the show has come to an end. Did you like it? How can we express it without words? Thank the actors for their wonderful performance? That's right, applause! Vocabulary work.

Applause is a form of expressing gratitude to the artists. If you liked the acting - applaud! You can also give them flowers.

Our tour has come to an end, did you like it?

word game: Name the professions theater»

Let's see how you remember the professions of people in theater, let's play the game "Name the professions"

Who is performing in front of the audience? (actors)

Who is staging the play? (director)

Who lights up the stage? (light operator)

Who cooks, sews costumes? (dresser)

Who draws the scenery? (artist)

Who puts on the makeup? (make-up artists)

Who sells tickets? (cashier)

Who accepts clothes for storage? (cloakroom attendant)

Who works at the buffet? (barmaid)

Who prepares the scenery for the stage? (decorator)

Well done, all professions are well remembered.

Dramatization of a fairy tale "Turnip"

Guys, do you want to play theater?

Then I will be a director, and you will be artists and spectators. These chips in a magic box will help us distribute the roles. Take chips. Who has red - you will be artists, who has blue - spectators. Artists put on costumes, masks, take the necessary props.

Guys, artists, have you guessed which fairy tale you will show? (Turnip)

Spectators pass into the hall. Appeal to "spectators"

you want to be good audience? Then let's get acquainted with the rules of conduct in theater. (Models - pictures)

What does this picture mean?

1. The main rule is to keep silence during the performance.

- What does this picture say?

2. Important rule- arrive on time.

3. It is very important, children, not to talk during the performance.

When the show is over -

Heard "Bravo!", compliments;

To all the actors, in gratitude,

We give (applause)

Well done! Show how you'll clap

Showing a fairy tale "Turnip"

caregiver: everyone did a great job with their role, performed like real actors.

Summary of the lesson

caregiver: What have you learned? What surprised you the most? What do you remember? What new words did you meet, etc.

caregiver: if you liked our trip, show thumb by lifting it up. If you don't like it, drop it down.

I'm glad you all enjoyed it, thanks for participating.

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