Where traces of the life of primitive people were found. Oldest traces of life found on earth

Grade 5

1. Archaeologists find traces of life primitive people during excavations of ancient settlements, garbage pits, as well as ancient graves. Explain why archaeologists often find vessels, weapons, tools, jewelry in graves, while only fragments of objects and animal bones can be found in garbage pits?

(Full answer - 2 points)

2. Consider if the people of Rome could have already celebrated significant date: the 3000th anniversary of your city. If yes, in what year? If not. When should this date be celebrated? (Rome was founded in 753 BC)

(Assessed at 1 point)
3. They say that there is no comrade for the taste and color. But in Ancient Egypt all farmers considered two colors very good, the third obviously bad. Choose from these colors your favorite and least favorite: yellow, black and green. Explain your choice.

(Assessed at 2 points)

4. In ancient Egypt, the “land of the dead” was often called Amethis, which means “west” in translation. How to explain the similar name of the "country of the dead"?

(2 points)

Answers: 3. Yellow - unloved, because. the color of the lifeless desert. Black and green are the colors of the earth and plants.

4. The sun sets (dies) in the west.

6th grade.

1. What was “given” to the world of civilization Ancient China, Ancient India?

2. Compose short story about any of the proposed characters in the story ancient world Cast: Odysseus, Pericles, Alexander the Great, Spartacus, Gaius Julius Caesar

3. Why is the medieval society of Europe called feudal?

4. Eastern Slavs paid a tribute-tax in trade goods

5. Tribal meeting Eastern Slavs in ancient times it was called

A) gathering B) thought C) veche D) rope

6. Indicate any three prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state.

7. Give any three events that characterize the reign of the prince

Yaroslav the Wise.

Criteria for evaluation:

1. For each correctly named invention - 0.5 points;

2. Complete answer - 2 points;

3. Complete answer - 2 points;

4 and 5 task is estimated at 0.5 points;

Tasks 6 and 7 - for each correct prerequisite and event, 1 point.
Right answers:

7th grade.

1. Establish a correspondence between the concepts found in the text

"Russian Truth", and their definitions.

2. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion in the XIII century

3. Which of these terms appeared in the era of the Horde yoke?

4. The doctrine "Moscow is the third Rome" was

5. The uprising in Moscow against Fyodor Godunov in June 1605 led to

6. By the period of the Time of Troubles early XVII century applies name

8. We study the event according to the map-scheme.

8.1. What battle is shown in the diagram? Specify its year and name in the line.

8.2. Which of the Russian commanders commanded the Russian armies in this battle?

List their names.

8.3. Give short description the course of the battle. How did it end?

8.4. Formulate the meaning and consequences of the battle for Russian history

(at least three positions).

8th grade

  1. Give any three examples illustrating foreign policy
activity of the sovereigns of Moscow in the XVI-XVII centuries.

2. Note the new phenomena that have appeared in the state system of Russia in

XVIII century. (Choose all the correct answers from the list.)

3. The beginning of the reign of Alexander I was the time

4. Russia in the war with Napoleon in 1812 pursued, first of all,

target -

5. Are the following statements true? Decembrists on Senate Square

defended the ideas

A. Limitations of autocracy by law

B. the abolition of serfdom

A) Only A is true

B) Only B is true;

C) Both statements are correct.

D) Both statements are wrong.

6. Establish a correspondence between statesman and his


7. Describe the main program requirements of the Decembrists

(give at least three requirements). Specify two main program documents of the Decembrist movement.

Grade 9

About what people who levied tribute from the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes in question in the above fragment of The Tale of Bygone Years: “... from overseas they levied tribute from the Chud, and from the Slavs, and from the Mary, and from the Krivichi”?

The name of Prince Oleg the Prophet is associated with

One of the prerequisites for the transition to an era of fragmentation is

Which of the battles was the first clash between the Russian squads and the Tatar-Mongols?

About which of the capital cities Russians are coming speech in a fragment of the annals: “Truly, this city is called the third Rome ... The first Rome, born of Roma and Romulus ..., and the second Rome, that is, Constantine the floor, conceived not without the blood of many. But Sitsa and ours, this third Rome, did not conceive without blood, but after the shedding and after the slaughter of the blood of many.?

The final liberation of Rus' from the Horde yoke took place in

TO XVI century applies

economy Russia XVII century characterizes

The Synod established by Peter I replaced






Boyar Duma


Zemsky Sobor

"Charter to the cities", adopted in 1785, had as its goal

According to the Iasi Treaty of 1791


Decree on free cultivators, permission to purchase land by non-nobles, mass creation of military settlements - events related to the reign


The expansion of the use of machines and the formation of factory production in the 1830-1840s testified


The activities of the partisan detachments of D. Davydov, M. Fonvizin, A. Benkendorf, G. Kurin are associated with


Patriotic War of 1812


foreign campaigns of the Russian army in 1813-1814


Crimean War


Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878

A 17 Fill in the missing letters (letter) in historical concepts(0.5 points per correct answer; maximum 6 points):



in ... luntarism

cap... ulation

to ... nsensus

to ... corruption


IN 1
The introduction of an emergency policy in the countryside and the establishment of committees in the spring of 1918 was caused by

AT 2
Establishment process Soviet power throughout the former Russian Empire was named the head of the Soviet government V. I. Lenin

If you visit England and walk along Formby Beach on her west coast, you can literally walk on amazing footprints.

About 7,000 years ago, both Neolithic families and the animals they hunted lived on this beach. At that time, it was not at all the same as it is now - it looked more like a mud puddle than the actual beach. When the inhabitants there ran through the mud, their feet sank into it and left deep footprints.

Then the dirt dried in the sun and the tracks hardened. Then they were filled with sand, which further fixed them. As the water rose, even more mud flowed onto the footprints, and they have been sealed in it until today.

Now the dirt and sand that have preserved these footprints for thousands of years are slowly being washed away, revealing the footprints of our ancient ancestors. Unfortunately, most of them disappear within a few hours after being exposed to the environment again.

Walking along Formby Point Beach, you may be the only one to see these prehistoric footprints.

Naturally, archaeologists were simply fascinated by these prints. Found in many sedimentary layers, some have been dated between 5400 and 2300 BC. (At that time, the entire nearby territory was covered with a dense, lush forest that reached the coast. Around 1191, some monks wrote what amazement they experienced at the sight of petrified forests that appeared from under the water during a storm. And in the sources of 1796 was mentioned "underwater forest" from Formby.)

So, what can these traces, appearing and quickly disappearing again, tell us?

The footprints on Formby Beach were not only left by hunters and shepherds. There are also many smaller tracks. Often there are also paired prints. This suggests that there was a well-explored area for hunting and, of course, gathering, since the entire beach was covered with reed "beds".

There is also evidence of children playing, clusters of small, shallow footprints. The primitive babies who left them ran in circles, apparently chasing each other.

Some footprints are missing fingers. Some others show that the people who made them carried their weight in an unusual way. This suggests that one of the ancient inhabitants of Formby suffered from injuries or disabilities - which, however, did not interfere with hunting.

The depth of the tracks and the length of the steps allowed the researchers to estimate the size of those people. Surprisingly, they were not so different from you and me. Many of the male footprints belonged to people between 165 and 190 centimeters tall, while the average male was about 180 cm tall.

The nature of the male tracks, as well as the presence of deer hoof prints, probably indicate that the primitive people there hunted quite often. Drawings made by women and children show that they spent most time for the collection of reeds, bird eggs and shellfish.

In addition to human and deer footprints, the footprints of an animal that became extinct in 1627: the aurochs have been found on Formby Beach. This massive bull reached about 1.8-1.85 m in height and up to 3.35 m in length. He was a valuable hunting prey and at the same time was distinguished by incredible ferocity.

Without a doubt, the aurochs, which disappeared in 1627, were not at all like their ancient relatives. However, the researchers proved that the tracks of giant heavy hooves in the dirt of Formby really belong to them. rock painting the Paleolithic era not only showed us the aurochs in all their glory - huge, massive, amazing, but also allowed us to know exactly what their hooves looked like - the same ones that attentive visitors to Formby Beach can see today.

1. What was called a tribe?
a) Several clans living in the same area+
b) The team of relatives
c) Residents of the same city
d) Collective of hunters

2. Where were traces of the most ancient people who lived more than 2 million years ago found?
a) North America
b) in East Africa +
c) South Australia
d) in Western Europe

3. How was a man called by scientists about 40 thousand years ago, when a man became like a modern one?
a) a smart person
b) "upright man"
c) "reasonable person" +
d) "uneducated person"

4. Which of the following activities contributed to the emergence of agriculture?
a) Cattle breeding
b) Craft
c) Gathering+
d) Hunting

5. What signs are characteristic of the appearance of the most ancient person?
a) protruding jaws +
b) straight gait
c) jumping gait +
d) arms hanging below the knees +

6. What was the name of the primitive collective of people, where the custom “one for all and all for one” operated?
a) the human race
b) tribal community +
c) neighborhood community
d) tribe

7. Who was the first pet?
a) cow
b) Pig
c) dog
d) goat

8. Which animal became more successful hunting With the invention of the harpoon by primitive people?:
a) sitting birds
c) big fish
b) small fish
d) fast running animals

9. What ability was the main difference between the most ancient man and the animal?
a) hunt
b) build a house
c) live alone
d) Make tools +

10. What animals were hunted 40-12 thousand years ago by primitive people?
a) horses, deer, bison +
b) mammoths, cave bears +
c) wolves, foxes, tigers
d) hares, dogs, martens

11. How hard did people get their food?
a) hunting +
c) farming
b) craft
d) gathering.+

12. How did primitive people communicate?
a) speech +
b) gestures
c) various sounds
d) drawings.

13. What helped ancient man ability to make tools?
a) better communicate with each other
b) better hunting +
c) live alone
d) collecting

14. If a primitive man lost fire, then his:
a) forced to rekindle the fire
b) expelled from the team +
c) forced to guard the sleep of relatives all their lives
d) demanded to make fire alone again

15. What event happened about 40 thousand years ago?
a) Homo sapiens appeared+
b) People have learned to process metals
c) People switched to agriculture and animal husbandry
d) The first sites of primitive people appeared

Geologists decided to count the Quaternary period from the appearance of the first fossil remains of primitive people. But there was serious problem: paleontologists continue to find more and more ancient traces of their existence. Thus, the beginning of the Quaternary period is pushed further and further, which inevitably leads to a new question: do the found fossils already belong to a person or still a monkey similar to a person?

The first people - who are they?

In our time, scientists unanimously believe that the first, who can already be considered not monkeys, but almost people, are Australopithecus. These bipedal creatures, whose remains were first found in 1920 in South Africa take us back in time. Here the traces date back to 3.5 million years ago, there the skeleton is 3.1 million years old. There are finds that allow us to talk about an even more distant past: 5, 6 and even 7 million years ago ... It seems that these human-like creatures lived only in Africa. Some of them, undoubtedly, were the ancestors of the first real man - Homo bayns, who appeared a little more than 2 million years ago, and now he was followed almost immediately by Homo erectus. The first species lasted about a million years. The second, who is also called Pithecanthropus, turned out to be a real wanderer. Its traces are found almost everywhere in the Old World. The oldest of them are 150 thousand years old. But already just some 100 thousand years ago, more than developed person, who even possessed the rudiments of culture: Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, or, as they often say, "Neanderthal". He disappeared from the face of the Earth about 35,000 years ago, but our direct ancestor, Homo sap1eps5ap1en5, was his contemporary. Recently, in a cave in Mount Qafzeh, Israel, paleontologists discovered the fossil remains of this ancient "modern" human. Their age is about 90 thousand years. Thus, the man turned out to be much older than scientists thought so far.

Australopithecus skull

Australopithecus is divided into four extinct species. Most likely, they became victims of the ever-increasing dryness of the climate in South and East Africa.

Several large cemeteries with the remains of prehistoric man:

1. Olduvai

2. omo

3. Swartkrans

4. Taung

5. Trinil

6. Zukudian

7. Verteshsolos

8. Tautavel

9. La Chapelle aux Seine

10. cro magnon

11. swanscombe

12. Neanderthal

13. Qafzeh

humble beginnings

According to researchers, less than a million people lived on Earth 40,000 years ago. This figure may seem very modest, given that their prehistory lasted millions of years ... However, over time, these prehistoric people, some of which did not yet belong to our species, settled in Europe, the Middle East, India, China and even the island of Java - according to in fact, all the lands that we call the Old World.

Their ingenuity is impressive. They invented effective stone tools (the very first primitive ones are about 3 million years old). 400 or 500 thousand years ago, prehistoric people comprehended the wisdom of taming fire. They begin to bury their dead; the oldest of all graves known to us is 60 thousand years old. Perhaps they also had initial forms Art: Some drawings in Tanzania are over 40,000 years old and may be the work of predecessors of Homo sapiens sapiens. Finally, these people, certainly less developed than we are, adapted to very diverse living conditions, which varied depending on both the region and the era. Some lived in tropical Africa, while others crept up to the glaciers in Europe and the Himalayas. Of course, they could not penetrate there if they were not already organized in communities and if they did not possess a sufficiently inventive mind.

Taming the fire

This is one of greatest achievements primitive man. The oldest remains of the hearth were found in Verteshsolos, on the territory of present-day Hungary. It was lit 450,000 years ago by Homo erescus. However, even more ancient people, of course, tried the meat of animals roasted on the fires of forest fires, and, quite possibly, even knew how to keep this fire. In France, the oldest hearth was found near Nice (Terra Amata). He is 380 thousand years old.

People threw not only wood into the fire, but also bones and fat, which made the flame brighter. This tamed fire, drawing primitive people to itself, united them, gave them more peace of mind and allowed them to cook food.

First steps

The oldest footprints left by our ancestors, the Australopithecus, are 3,680,000 years old. They were found in the Olduvai Valley in Tanzania. Further north, in the Omo Valley in Ethiopia, Lucy's skeleton was found. This young female Australopithecus lived 3.1 million years ago.

Gallery of ancestors

From the first hominids, Australopithecus, to humans modern look, often called Cro-Magnon, at least 5-6 million years have passed. During this time, several types have changed prehistoric people: australopithecine (southern monkey); Homo (which means "man") first habilis (skillful), then erectus (upright), then sapiens (reasonable). The most famous of all ancestors, the Neanderthal man, also belongs to the latter species. Our immediate predecessor was Homo sapiens sapiens, or Cro-Magnon man.

Geologists have discovered ancient traces of microbial life up to 4.3 billion years old in the vicinity of Quebec. The discovery suggests that life on Earth appeared immediately after the formation of the planet.

“We can say that life could have arisen on Earth almost instantly, at hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor almost immediately after the planet formed. The rapid emergence of life on Earth fits well with other recent findings, suggesting that as early as 3.7 billion years ago, microbes formed entire layers of sedimentary rocks, ”said Matthew Dodd from University College London (UK).

However, not all scientists agree: according to a number of experts, there is no way to prove that these traces are indeed evidence of the emergence of viable microorganisms in the early stages of the development of the planet's ecosystem.

Life is known to have evolved in Earth's oceans for most of Earth's 4.5 billion years of history. However, there is still heated debate about exactly when the first microorganisms appeared, notes.

Three years ago, Japanese geologists discovered hints of the existence of life on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago, studying samples of graphite from the Isua Formation, which formed at the same time in Greenland.

Last year, scientists found the first unequivocal evidence of life in that era, and in 2015 they found in Australia supposed traces of life that inhabited the Earth's oceans 4 billion years ago.

Dodd and his colleagues, studying the rocks of one of the oldest layers of the earth's crust in the vicinity of Quebec, stumbled upon "true traces of life" that, scientists are convinced, have existed for almost as long as the planet itself.

It is difficult to examine these traces without a microscope. At maximum magnification, you can see something resembling microbial fossils previously found in Norway and California. However, previous fossils date from a later period.

Scientists have seen many unusual elongated "tubes" a few micrometers long. They were filled with hematite, iron oxide. Geologists note that the structure of the crystals in the pipes is identical to the deposits of hematite, which forms at the bottom of the sea near thermal springs where bacteria live. The tubes themselves were inside hollow balls, which the researchers believe resulted from the release of gases during the decomposition of microbes after their death.

Dodd and his colleagues are convinced that they have managed to find all the signs of the oldest product of the vital activity of the first microorganisms of the Earth.

Other geologists are skeptical about Dodd's discovery, noting that the results of the study cannot be considered conclusive. It is difficult to establish that the tubular formations are indeed evidence of the earliest life, since many different fluids have passed through the rocks over 4.5 billion years. In addition, it was difficult for ancient microorganisms to oxidize iron, since they lived in depths that were practically inaccessible to oxygen.

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