Words denoting associations associated with the name assol. "Assol" - the meaning of the name, the origin of the name, name day, zodiac sign, talisman stones


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author's (A. Green)
Genus: female
Related articles: starting with "Assol"
The name appeared in the XX century.

Assol- a rare female Russian name that appeared in the Soviet Union after the publication of Alexander Green's novel Scarlet Sails (1922), the author of which created the heroine (see Assol (Green's character)), endowing her with a fictitious name, and the release of the popular feature film " Scarlet Sails" (1961), where leading role played by Anastasia Vertinskaya. After the demonstration of this film in the cinemas of the USSR, the name Assol became very popular with parents, as well as a household name in a romantic sense. There are two versions of the origin of the name of the heroine. According to one of them, the writer was inspired by the question "And the salt?" Addressed to the waiter; on the other - isp. al sol, "to the sun" .

Notable speakers

  • Slivets, Assol Vitalievna - (born 1982) - Russian freestyler, silver medalist of the 2007 World Championship

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An excerpt characterizing Assol (name)

- Et puis, monsieur Kiril, vous n "avez qu" a dire un mot au capitaine, vous savez. Oh, c "est un… qui n" oublie jamais rien. Dites au capitaine quand il fera sa tournee, il fera tout pour vous… [And then, Mr. Cyril, you should say a word to the captain, you know… It's like… forgets nothing. Tell the captain when he will make his rounds; he will do anything for you…]
The captain, about whom the corporal spoke, often and for a long time talked with Pierre and showed him all kinds of indulgence.
– Voice tu, St. Thomas, qu "il me disait l" autre jour: Kiril c "est un homme qui a de l" instruction, qui parle francais; c "est un seigneur russe, qui a eu des malheurs, mais c" est un homme. Et il s "y entend le ... S" il demande quelque chose, qu "il me dise, il n" y a pas de refus. Quand on a fait ses etudes, voyez vous, on aime l "instruction et les gens comme il faut. C" est pour vous, que je dis cela, monsieur Kiril. Dans l "affaire de l" autre jour si ce n "etait grace a vous, ca aurait fini mal. [Here, I swear by Saint Thomas, he once told me: Kiril is an educated person, speaks French; this is a Russian master, with who had misfortune, but he is a man. He knows a lot ... If he needs something, there is no refusal. When you studied something, you love enlightenment and well-bred people. I’m talking about you, Mr. Kiril. The other day, if it weren’t for you, then would be over.]
And after chatting for some more time, the corporal left. (The case that happened the other day, which the corporal mentioned, was a fight between prisoners and the French, in which Pierre managed to pacify his comrades.) Several prisoners listened to Pierre's conversation with the corporal and immediately began to ask what he said. While Pierre was telling his comrades what the corporal had said about the performance, a thin, yellow and tattered man approached the booth door. french soldier. With a quick and timid movement, raising his fingers to his forehead as a sign of bow, he turned to Pierre and asked him if the soldier Platoche, to whom he had given the shirt to sew, was in this booth.

Assol - light, airy, fabulous, unusual name- the same as the story written by A. Green. Let us turn to its meaning for real carriers, and also touch on the history of its origin.

The name Assol - origin and meaning

There are several versions about the origin of the name. The public learned about him in connection with the release in 1922 of the novel " Scarlet Sails". Readers were not only attracted extraordinary story love, described in the work, but also interested in the name of the main character - a faithful dreamer.

According to the recollection of the writer's wife, the word "Assol" is derived from the Spanish al sol, which means "towards the sun." The second version of the origin is not so romantic. The idea to name the heroine like that came to Green quite by accident. Buying tomato juice in the store, the writer asked the seller: "And the salt?" The sound of the phrase seemed to him suitable for the name unusual girl, therefore, slightly modifying it, Green continued to write the story about Assol.

Name and baptism

Of course, the name Assol is very unusual. The meaning in baptism is not defined, because it is not Christian. However, this is not a reason to refuse it - after all, during baptism, you can choose a different (church) name. In the past, by the way, this practice was common. church name man was secret, he was not reported a wide range of people. Keeping it secret means protecting yourself from evil forces.

Assol: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Assol - pretty controversial nature. So, seeing the goal in front of her, clearly presenting the path to achieving it, and also being able to lead others to achieve the best result, the owner of the name can give up the idea halfway through or let others rest on their laurels.

What else can be said about Assol? The meaning of the name is a girl, a girl, a woman with an unusual strong character, willpower; she is good at being a leader. She is a workaholic, her credo is to do, not to say. Sometimes Assols, full of the most ambitious plans, infringe on themselves in leisure, personal life for the sake of business or career. Her goal is to "embrace the immensity", therefore Assol is always energetic, active, striving to master everything that is available to a person. She does not face the problem of choice - she simply answers all the offers and challenges that fate throws at her.

When making decisions, Assol listens only to herself, the opinion of others is always in second place for her, because she is sure that her decision is the only right one. But it is the assistance, the authority of another person that helps a girl, a woman stop in an endless desire to conquer the whole world.

The bearer of the name has an interesting relationship with the opposite sex: sometimes she simply does not have enough time to show tenderness and care. But it is these feelings that soften the firm character of Assol (the meaning of the name confirms this), fill her life with harmony.

Active "energizers" and choose a partner for themselves depending on his compliance with their life principles- the same active, ambitious, purposeful, strong in spirit. External attractiveness, interests, manifestation of feelings for Assol in the background. In marriage, she appreciates the support of her husband for her goals, the sharing of principles.

Often, Assolis are trendsetters. They carefully monitor their appearance, always take care of their body, easily change their style at the behest of their own mood. This always allows them to impress others, not to follow fashion, but to set it. Constant changes in images - clothes, hairstyles, makeup - allow Assol not to succumb to the inevitable passage of time, to remain fresh and young.

Name and astrology

Compatible names: Roman, Arseny, Alexander, Artem, Igor, Anton, Yuri, Viktor, Daniil, Egor, Konstantin, Mikhail.

Suitable shades: black, red, electric, moire, neon.

Ruler planets: Saturn, Mars.

Talisman metal: tin, iron.

Talisman stone: coral, smoky quartz, cinnabar, black lignite, opal, mika, selenite, calcite, ivory, marcasite, serpentine.

Mascot plant: alocasia, strawberry.

Lucky day of the week: Tuesday.

Lucky dates, numbers: 8, 9, 17.

Suitable zodiac sign future owner: Scorpio, Capricorn.

What character does Assol have? The meaning of the name suggests such traits as sensitivity, rich imagination, emotionality, willpower, idealism.

Assol - in literally fabulous name, the story of its origin begins with a beautiful romantic book. We hope that the owners of this name are as happy and loved as the heroine

From the owners of the name Assol, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, whose representatives, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Assol name compatibility, manifestation in love

Assol, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, purposefulness and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, if such happens, you will first of all appreciate in a partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

The meaning of the name Assol: This name for a girl means "toward the sun."

Origin of the name Assol: Russian. The touching name Assol was invented by Alexander Grin, the author of the novel Scarlet Sails. Assol is translated as "facing the sun."

Diminutive form of the name: Assolyushka, Salt, Sunshine.

What does the name Assol mean? This unusual name may belong to a pensive and dreamy girl. A girl named Assol is sincere and kind. She prefers to communicate with delicate and gentle people. She is very feminine and sincerely believes in miracles. The meaning of the name Assol promises fidelity and tenderness, she wholeheartedly trusts her lover and supports him in any situation.

Angel Day Assol: the name Assol does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox saints.

Many names appeared so long ago that it is quite difficult to trace their origin. But now, it is not difficult to investigate the history of the emergence of this name, since it is relatively young, and was formed thanks to famous writer Alexander Green. Soviet writer In 1922, he presented the world with the novel "Scarlet Sails", which is still considered one of the best literary works beginning of the twentieth century. It was Assol who became main character books. In 1961, it was released on television Feature Film"Scarlet Sails", after which the name Assol became popular in Russia and abroad. In addition, the name Assol became a household name, and so often called dreamy, airy, romantic girls who were waiting for their princes and believed in love. Many said that in the name Assol, not only “content”, but also “form” is attractive, since his sound is very pleasant and easy to remember.

Characteristics of the name Assol

The nature of the name Assol: What does the name Assol mean in terms of psychology? If we talk about the main qualities of Assol's personality, which are immediately evident, then this is undoubtedly emotionality, sensitivity, rich imagination, idealism. For her has special meaning self-sacrifice.

Despite the fact that earlier the name Assol was very popular, today it is quite difficult to find its owners, which greatly complicates the analysis of the name and the main qualities of its bearer. However, it is still possible to find out something. The meaning of the name Assol fully justifies the girl, since she is a reverent, soft, romantic person.

Assol and her personal life

Love and marriage Assol: When a woman with a name finds a candidate for husband, she is quite capable of forgetting about work and, after marriage, devotes herself to family and children. Assol is not at all upset that she will not achieve success in her career - she is completely uninterested in this. The one with the name feels much more comfortable in the role of a housewife. Assol will be happy with a strong, reliable, loyal and wealthy man. True, the owner of the name should beware of tough and uncompromising men, since she herself will not be able to defend her own point of view and certainly does not want to participate in the conflicts that will inevitably arise in this case. She is very selective in relationships with men. Like the heroine of the above book, she also draws in her head the ideal of a future spouse and is waiting for just such a man. This seems more than strange to others, but it is surprising that Assol really meets his ideal and becomes happy.

Sometimes Assol's dreams seem too unrealizable, but to everyone's surprise, even they come true, because this is how Assol's name is rewarded for his patience and striving. A girl with this name cannot be called a person, strong spirit, but at the same time, she is able to achieve her goals, although she will very slowly begin to realize her plans.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A girl with this name is very sensitive to changes in life circumstances and has difficulty adapting to a new environment. It is not surprising that Assol tries to work in one place until retirement, not to divorce her husband, so as not to destroy the family.

Often owning the name Assol lives by standards and cannot deviate from the rules, which, of course, greatly limits her abilities. She does not attach great importance to ambition, she never seeks to take a leadership position or change her life dramatically. On the contrary, she is looking for positive moments in any situation, just not to leave her comfort zone.

Assol name, what does it mean? Does the name assol affect the fate of the carrier, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she's an assol of pure water!"

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Assol: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Assol:
  • Origin of the name Assol: Soviet

Numerology Of The Name Assol

  • Name number: 8
  • Heart number: 8
  • Personality number: 9
  • Happiness number: 8
  • Assol lucky numbers: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, 116
  • Lucky days of the month: 8, 17, 26

The meaning of the letters of the name Assol

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • a - strength and power
  • c - nervousness, depression, common sense, oppression, imperiousness, capriciousness
  • o - emotionality, mysterious unrest
  • l - logic, ingenuity, musicality, cannot stand discomfort, artistry, pettiness, logic
  • b - the ability to classify, put on the shelves

Talismans named after Assol

  • Lucky season: Autumn
  • Lucky days of the week: Tuesday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Monday and Friday
  • Lucky Color: Pink
  • Mascot Plant: Thistle
  • Talisman stones named after Assol: Copper, Iron, Topaz, Magnet, Aquamarine, Ruby, Carnelian, Hematite, Garnet, Sapphire
  • Spirit Animal: Snake
  • Wood: Reed

Astrology named after Assol

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Assol, the ruler is the planet Mars and Pluto, which gives the name a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits from Mars and Pluto: Perseverance, energy, zeal, performance

The disadvantages that Mars and Pluto endow with a name: Cruelty, hatred, envy

  • Name astrological color: Blue
  • Cardinal direction: West
  • Astrological stone: Obsidian, Sardonyx, Tiger's Eye
  • Representing Animal: Wolf, Swan, Deer

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant planet for Assol: Uranus

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Uranus

Planetary number and meaning of the name Assol

For the name Assol, the planetary number is 5 and governs this name Jupiter.

This number is associated with great energy and activity. In addition, it indicates a fairly large freedom of action, which is given to a person, but can, in the worst case, lead him to fall into sin. Five is also the number of the law, which punishes misused freedom.

Zodiacal and sacred number of the name Assol

For the name Assol Zodiac number - 8 Scorpion.

The key sign of Scorpio creates a field of risk and attraction of extreme situations. These names, in the worst case, create a field of destruction around the person, into which the surrounding people can also fall. At best, they give life-saving protection in extreme situations, help to overcome their fears and become different, to be reborn. All names associated with the sign of Scorpio are magical.

sacred number for the name Assol - 2 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Taurus

Taurus draws the person into the decision material problems. At best, they create a field of harmony and order, and at worst - a field of accumulation, greed, inertia and laziness.

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