Contemporary Hispanic Writers. Top five bestselling books by contemporary Spanish writers


Book lovers will remember B. Perez Galdos and representatives of the “1898 generation” M. de Unamuno and R. M. del Valle Inclan, who worked at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. These authors created the basis for the development of Spanish literature throughout the last century.

Their influence is noticeable in modern Spanish literature. Under modern literature refers to the period since the early 1970s. It was at this time that the processes began that formed the main trends in the development of the latest Spanish prose.

Features of the literary process of post-Franco Spain

Although Spanish literature not very widely known, Spain has always stood out for its passion for reading and love of books. This is evidenced by the fact that in Spain books were published frequently and in large editions, for example, in the 1960s, Spain ranked 6th in the world in terms of the number of published books.

Another prominent author who developed in post-Franco Spain was Manuel Rivas, whose work addresses the theme of the "Spanish countryside". However, it would be wrong to draw parallels with Russia and call Rivas the “Spanish Rasputin”, there are a lot of fantastic and mysterious things in his books, which brings him closer to the Colombian G. Garcia Marquez than to the Soviet “village people”.

Fashionable Spanish writers of our time: Carlos Ruiz Zafon and Arturo Perez-Reverte

Elements of magic and mysticism and semi-fantastic plots are characteristic of many modern Spanish authors. Here we can talk about the influence of the tradition of "magic realism" in the Spanish-language literature of Latin American fellow writers.

The works of Carlos Ruiz Safon and Arturo Perez-Reverte tend to mix realism, fantasy and mysticism, detective and historical novel. The authors gained wide popularity outside the Pyrenees, including in Russia. We can say that they are the most fashionable Spanish writers modernity.

Successfully catching the request modern reader and market conditions, both writers were able to maintain the traditions of classical Spanish literature, creating deep and exciting works. Literary critics find common features in the work of A. Perez-Reverte and the classic of Spanish literature B. Perez Galdos. And K. Ruiz Safon was compared with G. Garcia Márquez and was even called the "Spanish Bulgakov" for the roll call of the motives of his novel "Angel's Game" with storylines"Masters and Margaritas".

It is a great joy when the thoughts of loved ones are in tune with your own. But even greater pleasure for me is the moment of recognizing myself in books. No matter how many years ago they were written, for you it is relevant now, at this moment. Therefore, one of the main values ​​of literature, I see it is its timelessness, as if it serves as proof of its non-linearity. For me, for example, Unamuno, Cortazar and Galeano are equally relevant - three centuries - the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first go hand in hand.

When I first read one of the shortest and most famous micro stories * ( microrrelatos) on Spanish, I did not understand anything. Or rather, I understood the text perfectly, but I could not catch why these 7 words are so popular? Why they are quoted all over the world, they are dedicated to scientific works, and how magically did they inspire a lot of people to create something important?

Manuel Rivas' reflections on what happens to men

Autorretrato sin mi. Parte 2. El niño interior.

Autorretrato sin mi. Horas de serenidad

Juan José Millas - inventor of a new literary genre

Talk to the dog, or rather read Antonio Gala

Yesterday, before going to bed, I read the dialogues of Antonio Gala with his dog Troilo, collected in a single book " Charlas con Troylo”and enjoyed the beauty of the style, the power and accuracy of his words, the depth of themes and the ability to show us the beauty of things through the prism of his gaze. He does it so skillfully that after reading, part of this beauty, depth and contemplative silence remains with us.

small islets national literatures barely visible in the vast ocean these days English Literature. We bring to your attention a small list of contemporary Spanish writers whose books are read all over the world.

IN currently, Javier Marias is considered not only the most important Spanish writer, but perhaps one of the the greatest writers planetary scale. Winner of numerous national and European awards, he began to publish in adolescence, and by the age of sixty, many of his novels have become recognized masterpieces. It is possible that he will be the next Nobel Laureate in the field of literature. In any case, one of the members of the Nobel Committee has already strongly recommended a novel by Javier Marias for consideration for the award.

The famous journalist and writer creates a special, cozy and deep world in his works. Winner of several literary prizes and journalistic awards, Rosa Montero is one of the most famous women Spain. Only one novel by the writer has been translated into Russian. Behind the pseudo-detective plot, there is an amazing story that will appeal to all lovers of good literature.

Enrique Vila-Matas is another living classic of Spanish literature who has won the love and recognition of readers all over the world. He wrote his first novel while completing his military service. He tried to work as a film critic and screenwriter. He became famous for his ironic, abrupt style, in which the barrier between reality and fiction is extremely blurred. Winner of many Spanish and European literary prizes, including the Medici Prize, whose works have been translated into many languages. The novel is a real phantasmagoria in which main character finds itself thanks to the support of Salvador Dali and Graham Greene.

Ildefonso Falcones is a lawyer and writer. His first novel was published in 2006, when the writer was almost 50 years old. This historical novel is set in Barcelona in the 14th century, when Catalonia gained a lot of power in Europe. The novel immediately received awards in the writer's homeland, in Italy, France and Cuba. It has been translated into many languages, including Russian.

Writer and journalist, Antonio Muñoz Molina devoted his whole life to literary creativity and received wide international recognition. He has won a number of Spanish and international awards and prizes, twice National Award. Molina is a member of the Royal Spanish Academy. His most famous novel contains all the best that the Spanish literary tradition is famous for

Recognized and revered in Spain as a master of magical realism, Palma creates breathtaking stories that have found their fans all over the world. In Russia they look forward to the translation final novel Victorian trilogy, which was initiated by

Carlos Ruiz Safon needs no special introduction in Russia. His cycle "Cemetery forgotten books" has firmly won the hearts of readers around the world. The first novel in the series became an international bestseller selling over 15 million copies.

List of the best bestsellers of contemporary Spanish writers.

From the series: "Everyone should know this."

Advice: Be sure to learn the names and titles of the books in Spanish! And try to read at least one of them. At least in Russian.

Spanish samples classical literature known all over the world: who does not know Cervantes' Don Quixote, Lope de Vega's comedies or Lorca's inimitable poems.

And what do we know about contemporary Spanish writers?

Not many can boast of knowledge of modern Spanish literature, although among the masters of the pen there are those whose talent is highly appreciated by readers and critics both in Spain itself and in other countries.

We offer an overview of the works of five of the best contemporary Spanish writers, whose works have become world bestsellers.

1. "The Amazing Journey of Pomponius Flata" by Eduardo Mendoza

According to critics, Eduardo Mendoza is one of the best contemporary Spanish writers. His novels have won Spanish and international literary awards and have been made into films.

The writer's debut took place in 1975, when the novel The Truth about the Savolta Affair came out, which revolutionized Spanish literature.

And somewhat parodic and even satirical novel Mendoza's "The Amazing Journey of Pomponius Flata" is dedicated to the Roman philosopher and naturalist.

While searching for some mythical river with miraculous properties, the protagonist meets Jesus.

The plot of the book intertwines stories from the Bible, information from ancient authors and philosophical reflections.

2. Pandora in the Congo by Alberto Sanchez Pignol

A native of Catalonia, Alberto Sanchez Piñol is an anthropologist by training. He became famous for his first novel, In Heady Silence, which was translated into 22 languages ​​of the world.

And in 2005, his novel in Catalan "Pandora in the Congo" was published.
Both of these works are part of a trilogy about those who eat human personality fears.

In the novel with a share of mysticism "Pandora in the Congo" we are talking about the expedition of two English aristocrats to the African jungle for diamonds and gold, where various troubles happen to them.

Moreover, they discover an unknown tribe there. The work ends quite unexpectedly and even ironically.

3. "Sweater" Blanca Busquets

(“El jersey”. Blanca busquets)

The Catalan Blanca Busquets developed a craving for literature at the age of 12, when she wrote her first story. And at the age of 17, a native of Barcelona was awarded the first award in the field of literature.

Busquets' novel Sweater tells the story of an 85-year-old woman who lost her voice as a result of a stroke and is forced to listen to the complaints of all her relatives, although she cannot answer them at least something.

So the heroine of the novel, Dolores, becomes the keeper of other people's secrets. They treat it like an interior item, they are not shy. As a result, she comes to the shock that is hiding in the bowels of the family. And all this time she knits a sweater for her beloved granddaughter.

Dorores is shocked. And then he realizes that these problems are insignificant, and there is only Love and Death. And there is such a love story in the book.

The book has been translated into Russian and can be read for free on the Internet. And it's worth it, read the reviews!

4. Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

(“sombra del viento” Carlos Ruiz Zafó)

Today, Carlos Ruiz Zafon is one of the most popular and widely read contemporary writers not only in Spain but also in the world.

Safon's debut took place in 1993 with the novel The Prince of the Mist, which won several literary awards.

In 2001, the novel The Shadow of the Wind was published, written in the tradition of medieval novels. This work has been tagged 15 prestigious awards and was a bestseller in Europe for a long time, with a circulation of 5 million copies.

The novel tells about a 10-year-old boy who falls into the hands of a mystical book that changed his life. A real mystical adventure that is read in one breath.

The action of the work takes place over 20 years, when love and hate, mysticism and detective investigations are closely intertwined in the life of the protagonist.

The book has been translated into Russian and can be read for free on the Internet.

5. “Crocodile under the bed” by Mariasun Landa

(“Crocodile bajo de cama”, Mariasun Landa)

Great children's book, serious and funny.

A native of the Basque Country, Mirasun Landa graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature and today successfully combines teaching at the Master's School of the University of the Basque Country with her creative work.

In 1991, she won the Basque Prize (a prize in the field of literature for children and adolescents), and the book written in Basque, The Crocodile Under the Bed, was awarded the National Prize in 2003.

The book has been translated into Russian and can be read for free on the Internet.

More about books in Spain:

Spanish is one of the widely used languages ​​in the world and official language international organizations. This article lists some of the world famous Spanish writers.
Spanish literature includes prose, novels, and poetry. Many countries were Spanish colonies. Thus, Spanish literature is very diverse due to historical and geographical heterogeneity. Below are a few famous writers of Spanish origin who left their mark on the world through their works.

Miguel Hernandez (1910-1942).

Miguel Hernandez was a poet and playwright whose poetry reflected beauty home country Spain. He was born in peasant family and didn't have special education. However, he was an avid reader of classical poetry and prose written by Miguel de Cervantes, Gongora, Ruben Dario, and Rafael Alberti. In order to pursue a career in literature, he decided to go to Madrid in 1931. In 1933, at the age of 23, his first book of poems, The Connoisseur of the Moon, was published. The language and style of his poetry reflected the style of his favorite authors. In 1936, he published a cycle of poems entitled "The Unquenchable Ray". By this time he was recognized in literary circles.

Camilo José Sela (1916-2002).

Camilo José Sela was born on May 11, 1916, in Galicia, northwestern Spain. His mother was English by birth and his father was Spanish. He belonged to the upper middle class with aristocratic roots. Camilo was awarded Nobel Prize in Literature for his literary activity in 1989. Although he studied medicine, his main interest was in literature. In 1942 he published his first literary work known as the "Family of Pascual Duarte". This work of his brought him instant fame, and he devoted his time entirely to literature.

Arturo Pérez Reverte (1951).

Arturo Pérez Reverte is one of the contemporary Spanish writers who wrote many novels in English language. Arturo began his career as a journalist and war correspondent in African countries for the Pueblo national newspaper. He also worked as a war correspondent for Spanish national television. Many of his novels have been filmed. Between 1996 and 1999, he wrote famous series novels based on fictional character Captain Alatriste. Some of his famous novels include "Fencing Master", "Seville Communion", "Hussar", and "Club Dumas".

And with bel Allende (1942)

Although Isabel Allende was born in Lima, Peru, she was raised in Chile. She currently resides in California after she was forced to leave Chile in 1973. Allende is one of the most famous, contemporary literary figures from the countries Latin America. She is the niece of the late Chilean President Salvador Allende. As an author, she writes for such sensitive issues like social and political conditions in Chile. One of her books, "House of Spirits" was filmed. This book is the saga of three generations of the Trueba family. Her other works include: "Love and Darkness", "The Infinite Plan", "Aphrodite", "Paula" and others.

Mario Vargas Llosa (1936).

Mario Vargas Llosa is one of the greatest contemporary writers of all time who has authored many articles, essays, plays and novels. He was born in Peru on March 28, 1936. Many of his works have been translated into various languages. He has been awarded many literary prizes for his work. His notable works include: "The City and the Dogs", "The Green House" and "Conversation in the Cathedral".

All these famous Spanish writers have left their mark on the world. They proved that the power of the word cannot be underestimated.

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