Stachek 59 theatre. stray dog


Good afternoon

I have been going to the Stray Dog Puppet Theater for more than 10 years. First took me there eldest daughter, now we go with the youngest, we can say that I am an avid theatergoer.

We spent the whole summer in the country, the children were waiting for autumn as the time when they would different entertainment, trips to museums, exhibitions and theaters, of course. Yesterday we opened the theater season by going to the puppet premiere of Stray Dog.

Theater- A stray dog.

Address– Stachek Ave., 59.

Working hours

The theater is open on weekends. Performances are shown at 11:00, 13:00 and 15:00.


Branded tickets, on which the cashier puts a stamp with the date and time. Tickets can be booked by phone, which we always do.

Puppet theater "Stray dog", tickets

Tickets are without seats and are purchased separately for the parent and child. This is indicated everywhere, but every performance I see parents who bought a ticket only for a child and then feel sad at the box office.

Entrance tickets, no seat indication.

seating arrangement

The first two rows are for children who agree to sit without their parents. Adults sit in the 3rd and 4th rows, their children are on their knees. The rest of the rows are for parents.

Seating in the hall is made according to the following principle: independent children sit in the first two rows, then children with their parents, on back rows- parents of children sitting in front.

The administrator will be happy to help you with seating.

Ticket price

Depends on session times.

11.00 and 13.00 - 450 rubles. 15.00 and 18.00 - 400 rubles.

Tickets are purchased for each incoming and for the child without fail.

Performance-lesson ( exclusive master class): 500 rub.

Performance "Cat's House"

The stage has a real curtain, so the scenery is not visible in advance, which is great.

Puppet theater "Stray dog", curtain

The performance is made in the style of a puppet operetta, the puppets sing a fairy tale by S.Ya. Marshak. As a child I watched soviet cartoon about the cat's house that burned down, there were many other details and animations in the performance, so there was no feeling that I had watched a variation of this cartoon. The performance is long, almost an hour, so not all children were able to sit through to the end, some were taken out without waiting for the end. The scenery is very bright, dolls self made so they are very attractive.

My impressions

I do not quite understand the desire of many parents to sit in the front rows. Not all children are ready to sit on their own and this has to be accepted, but many people are ready to sit down with a sobbing child in the middle of the hall, blocking everyone's inspection and shouting without letting them listen to anything. It's great that the administrator is in charge of seating, otherwise the theater would turn into a bazaar. Someone is trying to secretly take pictures, and this is prohibited. Someone is on the phone, whose glowing screen simply distracts the audience from the stage. Adults are the most difficult category of viewers, but children are the opposite. Where they put them, they sit there, watch and are busy with the performance, and not with a virtual life in gadgets.

There are no bells in the theater, but after the seating is completed, the doors to the hall are closed and the performance begins. However, many are eager to enter the hall even after the lights have been turned off. There are a lot of people at the premiere, of course, this is not entirely comfortable.

Puppet theater "Stray dog", hall

This time, my daughter got a seat in the front row, and I was sitting at the end of the hall and both saw the action perfectly. Of the shortcomings, I can only note that it was cold in the hall. Just in case, I left my daughter in a sweater, saying that she could take it off if it was hot, but it was not hot. I have a complaint against the cloakroom attendant, who assured me that it was warm in the theater. The heating has not yet been turned on, additional heaters have not been supplied, so by definition there cannot be heat there. I was wearing a short sleeve blouse and it is a pity that I was not allowed to bring a jacket with me.

Beam-bom! Tili-bom!

Outside is a tall building.

carved stakes,

The windows are painted.

A musical performance is always fun, especially when famous songs are sung. My daughter is about five years old, she knows very well the story about two orphaned kittens and their arrogant cat aunt. When we were going to the performance, I asked my daughter if she would be scared to watch about the fire. She said no, and we spoke with her again that there should not be a real fire in the theater. The fire was shown naturally, but not scary, so that none of the children sobbed or was afraid. Once I was at the play "Gingerbread Man" and there were sobbing kids, but here everyone was very empathetic and rejoiced at the positive changes in the lives of the heroes.

At the end of the performance, the actors were given flowers and my daughter was very upset that she did not get flowers - she also wanted to give them. We agreed that next time we would come with our own bouquet.

Puppet theater "Stray dog", actors


Finally, I want to mention that there are only two toilet cubicles in the theater. We always visit the ladies' room at home, not at the theater, because there can be a queue. Previously, chickens hung on the doors, and now cute puppies that immediately attract attention.

Puppet theater "Stray dog", the door to the toilet

Previously, there was a stall selling juices and sweets in the theater, but now there is nothing like that, so I recommend taking some kind of snack with you. Still, emotional viewing of the performance awakens appetite.

Thank you for your attention! Have a busy theater season.

For a quarter of a century that the Stray Dog puppet theater has existed, it has occupied its niche among professional teams, earned the love and respect of the audience, managed to visit many cities and countries, participated in serious festivals. Despite the fact that the theater is aimed at children from the age of three, in the auditorium there are people of the most different ages, because Stray Dog strives to preserve the atmosphere of a family theater. The basis of the repertoire are works of classical children's literature, popular contemporary children's authors, fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

Repertoire children's theater"Stray Dog":

N. Shuvalov


Based on the work of K. Chukovsky

Children do not go to Africa for a walk: in Africa there are SHARKS, in Africa there are GORILLAS, in Africa there are big, evil CROCODILES. But this is the most interesting thing in Africa!

Who among us did not want to go there and see everything with our own eyes?! At least in dreams ... And such a "journey"-fantasy suits TANECHKA and VANECHKA their GRANDMA, a great dreamer and dreamer.

Slowly, the three of them go on this "journey" from their parents. The world of Africa is even brighter and more amazing than the fantasies themselves, and not as scary as they draw it: the sharks - scribbles "were not afraid, and" they caught the Rhinoceros, rode a little, "and pulled the hippo out of the swamp, tickled his sides. All this It was fun and funny...

Suddenly, BARMALEY appeared - a thunderstorm of all naughty, small children. No compassionate requests, tears, sweets, softened the heart of the robber: he was going to have dinner with Tanya-Vanya. But the good Doctor AIBOLIT, who descended on an umbrella from an airplane, decided to save Tanya and Vanya, first conducting peace negotiations with Barmaley. But it was not there! The doctor himself almost got to the villain for lunch, but the Gorilla arrived in time, leading the Crocodile. But Barmaley was afraid of the Crocodile ...

I wonder how this "journey" to Africa ended? Come!

Dramatization and staging - Honored. activity Arts of the Russian Federation N. Borovkova

Artist - A. Torik

Composer - S.Ushakov

Choreographer - Laureate of the State. Prizes of the Russian Federation G. Abaidullov

ugly duck

Dedicated to the 200th anniversary of G.-Kh. Andersen

A fascinating tale about a little duckling who was born not like everyone else. Long neck, long legs, short wings, "Mac-Mac" instead of the usual "Quack-Quack" - not only other people's duck aunts and turkey uncles, but even their own brothers and sisters did not accept him. The poor duckling can only die alone on a frozen lake, and sadly watch how swans fly by in a beautiful white stripe in the sky. But a miracle will happen (you just have to believe!), And the little ugly duckling will turn into a beautiful white swan and fly away with a flock of swans to distant hot countries.

The main feature and, probably, the charm of the performance is that during the action not a single “human” word is uttered, but the audience understands everything and is very interesting. Dolls, like living ducks and geese, swimming in real water with diving and splashing, "bird's tongue" - all this causes delight and joy among young spectators.

Director: Jacques Mathyssen (Denmark)

Artist: Alevtina Torik

Composer: Sergey Ushakov

Technical support: Dmitry Bondarenko, Anton Prokhorov


G.-H. Andersen "Thumbelina"

Based on a fairy tale

One of the most tender and poetic fairy tales of H. H. Andersen has found a new and unexpected incarnation on the stage of the puppet theater "Vagabond Piss". The story of the little girl Thumbelina turns out to be a philosophical parable and, at the same time, a revived picture of bizarre visions.

An amazing, quite extraordinary little girl appeared from a small magic seed. Either the fruit of the fantasy of a woman who really wanted to have a child, or reality ... Leaving the woman's house, the girl is faced with a beautiful, but far from safe world. Thumbelina meets on her way the prudent Toad, who chooses brides for her stupid son. And the May Beetle, the rake, whose friends are the offshoots of an old dry tree. And a caring, but shy Mouse, for whom there is nothing more important than a cozy mink. And a huge, sad Alchemist Mole who spends all his time in his underground laboratory. What to do? Reconcile with fate and someone else's will, or try to fight? The meeting with the free and beautiful Swallow helps the main character to make a decisive choice.

A poetic performance about finding one's own path will be of interest to children from five years old, as well as their parents.

The performance is a nominee for the Highest Theater Award of St. Petersburg "Golden Soffit" in the nomination " Best Job puppet theater artist

A.P. Chekhov


dog history

Dramatization by A. Sergeeva

A small dog named Kashtanka lives in the carpenter's house. She plays with the boy, sleeps under the workbench, having happy, colorful dreams. One day, during a walk, Kashtanka loses her master. On the street she meets mysterious stranger who brings her to his apartment. There Kashtanka meets a goose, a cat, and a pig. These unusual animals can sing, dance, and even shoot from a cannon. Because they are all circus artists! The stranger who sheltered Kashtanka turns out to be a clown.

At first, Kashtanka's relationship with her new neighbors is not easy. But gradually hostility gives way to friendship and games. However, memories of former life do not leave her. Speaking in the circus arena, Kashtanka meets the carpenter and the boy again.

Will Kashtanka return to native home or prefer him fame and fame?

by all favorite work A.P. Chekhov on the stage of the theater became a philosophical performance about the search for inner harmony with oneself and the outside world. Unusual scenery performance and animation allows viewers to see the world through the eyes of a small dog.

For children from 5 years old

Duration - 50 min.

Stage director - Alfiya Abdulina

Scenography, puppets - Roman Vilchik

Animation - Alexander Sokolov

Composer - Sergey Ushakov




Based on a Russian folk tale

“How wonderful that once we baked Kolobok” - the creators of the hero Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter sing. And Kolobok turned out to be not simple! Cheerful, energetic, inquisitive, he looks in admiration at the world around him, and wants to give joy and kindness to everyone. With the words: “suddenly I can come in handy and help someone,” Kolobok runs away from the threshold towards adventures ...

... In a dark, gloomy forest, it doesn’t go well at all. The wolf suffers from loneliness. The hare is ready to die with fear from every rustle. The bear was overcome by laziness ... But the arrogant and cunning Chanterelle quite likes this state of affairs. Beautiful and flattering, she leads the unfortunate animals and looks like a real mistress of the forest.

The appearance of Kolobok changes everything. He gives everyone the right kind word, revealing new, interesting aspects of life to the animals. And the hare suddenly discovers courage and determination in himself, the Wolf - friendliness, the Bear - curiosity. Fantasies and songs of Kolobok create real miracles,

And the secret, believe me, is

that they baked it with goodness.

Who will come into the world with joy,

he will always find friends!

Only the narcissistic Fox is not happy about the appearance of Kolobok, because the animals have now ceased to admire the red cheat. “There is a simple solution - Kolobok must be eaten!” Lisa sings...

But let the audience not be afraid for the hero! We will reveal the secret: “Our beloved Kolobok was able to make a happy fairy tale” - these are the words of the final song of the play. But how Kolobok managed to cope with the Fox - you will see for yourself!

Director - Nadezhda MEYEROVICH

Artist - Evgenia TERENTIEVA

Composer - Daria MALYGINA


A very possible incident at the theater of Jacques Guignol ...

The owner of the puppet theater Jacques Guignol, traveling the world, told and showed the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. But every time, at the moment when the Wolf pounced and ate Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood, the children began to cry. And so Jacques Guignol decides to drive the gray robber out of his performance. Everything would be fine, when all of a sudden! ..

And what happened during the performance, you can find out by watching our fun, exciting performance.

Stage director - Dmitry Nuyanzin

Set Designer - Alevtina Torik, Laureate national award festival " golden mask”, Laureate of the highest theater award of St. Petersburg “Golden Soffit”

Composer - Anatoly Bogdanov


Entertaining performance lesson

For beginners big and small artists

Project by A. Abdulina

It's fun, interactive play performance- lesson. The purpose of this performance is to teach children how to create their own puppet theater in any interior using the most ordinary things that surround them daily.

The performance begins with a fun warm-up of hands and fingers. After all, hands are the basis of puppet theater. Children, together with the actors, repeat the movement of their hands and fingers. When the hands and fingers are warmed up, we begin to work miracles. Actors teach children how to make various, funny characters out of hands and fingers: crabs, cockerels, birds, snails, men, etc. Actors show mini-performances with these characters. And then the children act out scenes with the images that they liked the most.

Further, the task becomes more difficult. We take various objects (fabrics, ropes, balls, pillows, everything that comes to hand) and create all kinds of dolls from them. All this happens in front of the children, and then they also come up with their own characters and act out skits.

After that, the actors dedicate the children to the secret shadow theater. This is the most exciting spectacle for both children and adults. The guys are taught how to do whatever you want with your hands, fingers, as well as cardboard or thick paper and play an amazing, unusual performance. Children will be given the opportunity to show their own fictional performance or image that they have created. Actors will also show small funny scenes(etudes) shadow theater.

All this takes place in an interior close to home, so that you can clearly see how you can make a puppet theater screen, or a shadow theater screen, a tablet for working with a puppet at home, in school class or kindergarten. Only we offer an interior in the Art Nouveau style, so that there is an artistic image of our performance, in which a beautiful classical music in modern processing. And everyone who watches our performance can create their own performances in any style, genre, direction - since the space for imagination is not limited.


Based on Russian folk tales

The artists, playing the spoons, harmonica and balalaika, tell the story of the well-known forest deceiver - the Fox, who gives everyone a lot of trouble and trouble. The red-haired cheat with her cunning and flattery will either drive the Bunny out of the hut, then take the fish from the Muzhik, then kidnap the chickens, then leave the Crane hungry ... The action, generously seasoned with many funny jokes, proverbs and sayings, to the accompaniment of Russian folk instruments, gradually leads to the exposure of liars and robbers, and the triumph of justice

Director - L. Fedorova

Artist - N. Burnos

Lighting designer - L. Novikova

Composer - S. Ushakov

"Fly Tsokotukha"

Among the greenery and flowers lived-was a FLY-TSOKOTUHA. She lived happily, happily ever after, singing songs, and basking in the sun. Once

The fly went across the field and suddenly found the money. Mukha went to the market and bought a SAMOVAR. She called the guests, began to treat them with tea. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an evil spider appeared. Then all the guests fled, threw the Fly to death. The fly sheds tears, calls for help. The brave KOMAR flew here, fought with the SPIDER and won! Here is the joy, here is the fun: the people are gathering - the Fly is getting married!

Stage director - V. Lezin

Art director - D. Deryagin

Muses. design - V. Lezin

N. Meyerovich

« lifesaver»

Based on the fairy tales by V. Suteev "Apple" and "The Magic Wand"

The Hedgehog was walking along the road and suddenly saw a beautiful mushroom on a white leg with a red cap with polka dots. This mushroom was so big that the Hedgehog could hide under it from the Wolf, who lives in every real forest. At this time, the Hare ran past and saw a juicy apple on the top of a tall, tall tree. No matter how hard he tried, he could not pick the treasured fruit until the Crow came to the rescue. The apple flew down and fell straight on the back of the Hedgehog. What started here! Fuss, din, controversy! How, how can we share the apple? I had to call the Bear so that he would judge everyone ...

This is how our performance begins, staged based on the fairy tales of the writer and artist Vladimir Suteev "The Apple" and "The Magic Wand". funny inhabitants autumn forest- inquisitive Hedgehog, restless Hare, narcissistic Crow, reasonable Bear - learn to be friends, be brave and help each other out in trouble. This story tells about a sympathetic heart, a smart head and mutual assistance, which help to find a way out of difficult situation. The characters talk about how important it is to value friendship and believe in goodness.

The fact that the puppeteers are hidden from the eyes of the audience gives particular credibility to what is happening. This creates the feeling that the characters come to life and really talk, sing songs.

Kind charming dolls, catchy songs, a dynamic plot and a real cartoon capture the attention of not only a child, but every adult. We recommend the performance to all those who are three years old.

The performance is a diploma winner of the XXII Festival "Theaters of St. Petersburg for Children" in the nomination "For the best duet of Olesya Toropova (the role of the Hare) and Andrei Kolokoltsev (the role of the Hedgehog)"


Once a city girl ALENKA was sent to her grandmother in the village. She didn’t like everything here: getting up early, and walking into the forest, and watching the GOOSE DOROFEY.

Once Alyonka went to the meadow of the Gosling to graze, but fell asleep ... It was then that the FOX kidnapped him. Alenka had to go in search of the forest. There she met with the forest inhabitants, who taught her to communicate with Nature, to greet every tree, every blade of grass and every path, to sing good songs, and, most importantly, helped to find Dorotheus the Gosling.

Actors and performers:

Alenka - art. A.Butineva

Gosling Dorotheus, Frog - art. S. Samoilov

Fox, Grandmother - art. E. Tikhomirova

Hedgehog - art. S. Shipodko



Fairy tale

Who, who lives in a teremochka? Who, who lives in the low? And a friendly company lives in it, which will defeat both the WOLF, and the BEAR, and the FOX, and it will remain for itself to live and live and make good.

A cheerful, colorful performance will undoubtedly delight our viewers and tell them that Friendship does wonders and overcomes all misfortunes.

The music of the young composer S. USHAKOV is surprisingly consonant with the text of the work by S.Ya. MARSHAK, and it seems that this fairy tale should sound EXACTLY THIS and nothing else.

The combination of LIVE SHOT actors, puppets and masks creates a lively and fun atmosphere!

Artists participating in the performance:

E. Kalinina, A. Butineva, S. Samoilov/S. Tolstov, K. Kozhev

Director-producer - Honored. activity Arts of the Russian Federation N. Borovkov

Production Designer - National Award Winner

Festival "Golden Mask", laureate

The highest theater award of St. Petersburg "Zo-

Lotoy soffit" A.Torik

Composer - S. Ushakov

"Three piglets"

There were three cheerful, carefree little pigs. While it was summer - they sang songs, had fun, autumn came - it's time to think about the house.

Each built a house for himself by virtue of his character.

And meeting with the Gray Wolf gives them the opportunity to learn about true values in life.

A sweet fairy tale with pronounced characters both in puppets and in acting, sometimes touching, sometimes with subtle humor revealing the theme of "home" for every creature living on earth.

Directed by Ruslan Kudashov

Artist - Laureate of the national award of the festival "Golden Mask", Laureate of the highest theater award of St. Petersburg "Golden Soffit" Alevtina Torik

Actors: Margarita Shumilova, Andrey Plotnikov, Vladimir Ermilov, Ekaterina Kalinina

K. I. Chukovsky.


The old woman Fyodor lives and lives in this world, quiet and peaceful in appearance. Yes, but they say strange things about her: as if she does not want to live in purity! Well, let's take a look at Fedora's house.

What is this! There are cobwebs on the windows and doors, the tablecloth on the table is warped, the mice feel at home, and the cockroach lives in Fedora's pocket. And the dishes! The samovar has not been cleaned, the plates have not been washed, the forks and spoons are in disarray. And also Fedorina's cats, hooligans and loafers, do not respect dishes at all, throw them and beat them!

How so, Fedora?

But Fedora only smiles. She seems to be doing just fine! And even the desperate escape of the dishes did not affect Fedorina's wonderful mood: after all, her cats, having built musical instruments from the remains of the dishes, are starting a fun concert ...

Will it be possible to help the unfortunate dishes? What miracle can transform Fedora, make her attentive and kind? This is a miracle - mercy and compassion that are present in the soul of every person, you just need to wake them up!

The performance teaches how important it is to admit mistakes, to be able to empathize, and most importantly, how wonderful it is to live in a clean and peaceful home. Funny scenes from the life of Fedora's cats and many songs make the performance exciting and dynamic. In addition to traditional puppets, shadow puppets are involved here, and the role of Fedora is played by a large life-size puppet, which enters into a dialogue with the defenders of its dishes on an equal footing!

Website of the children's theater "Stray Dog"www. puppet theater. spb.en

How long ago did she live - there was one dog in the world. She had no home and no place to live. The dog wandered around the world and in every country, in every city, in every village played with children, arranging for them funny and sad puppet shows. All children and adults loved the sorceress dog. And since she was constantly traveling, everyone began to call her Stray Dog.
Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. One day, in the autumn of 1990, a stray dog ​​wandered into glorious city Saint Petersburg. She liked the banks of the Neva so much that she decided to stay in our city forever. On Prospekt Stachek, 59, in a small cozy theater, a Stray Dog built a house for herself and began to live - to live, but to make good money, to invite children to performances. A great fame went to the hospitable house, and soon different dolls began to visit the dog. Once Fly flew in - a clatter with her samovar, to drink some tea, and she was overstayed. Still visiting! Little Red Riding Hood came from France and also decided to stay. Three funny pigs hid at the Stray Dog from a terrible gray wolf, and the Wolf turns out to be not so scary ... And now they all live together, and sing songs. The ugly duckling found a true friend in Stray Dog and stopped being lonely. Last year, someone softly knocked on the door of the house. Behind the door was a hedgehog. He was small, skinny, cold and soaked to the skin. The hedgehog quietly asked the Stray Dog how to find the way to the sea. And she took him by the hand and led him to drink warm tea with honey. The Hedgehog remained, and he also brought his friend Bear cub for tea with honey. And next year, the Stray Dog is waiting for his sister, the dog Kashtanka, to visit. Many dolls found shelter in the house of the Stray Dog (as the inhabitants of the house and the servants of the theater affectionately began to call the Stray Dog). Directly not a house, but a teremok in which everyone lives together and cheerfully! Dolls have fun, dance, play, and on holidays and weekends, children are entertained!
However, the Stray Dog did not forget about his past wanderings, did not forget about those kids who were so happy to meet her. She still loves to travel with her friends - dolls around the kingdom of the Russian state and overseas countries. The traveler dog has visited both maritime Estonia, and the heart of Europe, France, the country of alpine meadows Switzerland, hospitable-festival Croatia. Having delighted the children with performances, the dog sunbathed with them on the beaches of Spain, swam in the lakes of Karelia, walked the streets of Denmark, ran through puddles in the rain in England, admired the beauties of countries such as Korea, Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia, Latvia, Austria, Finland . And in every country, in every city, the Stray Dog found friends and admirers. But visiting is good, but being at home is better. And the Tramp remembers that she has her own theater and her own audience. She's rushing home!
A stray dog ​​lives - does not grieve, but is friends with the kids. But older children, and even adult uncles and aunts, come to visit her.
And the Stray Dog also has an owner, Alfiya Abdulina, who takes care of her pet and does everything possible to make her enjoy life and make others happy. And 18 pairs of tireless hands that bring dolls to life and work wonders on stage. Treatment and the birth of dolls takes place in a special magical room where real magicians and wizards conjure - venerable and not very artists, and their assistants. The dog is also visited by overseas directors who create outlandish and unprecedented performances. And the Stray Dog herself likes to arrange in the house New Year's performances, Christmas trees, children's birthdays and invite many guests. After all, the main thing for her is to hear laughter and see a twinkle in her eyes, then she is happy and wags her tail affably.
And just recently, in October of this year, the Stray Dog celebrated its 25th anniversary! Over the years, she has found her home on Stachek Avenue, her audience, and her devoted friends.
And there was a feast for the whole world! ..

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