The fate of man in a totalitarian state Solzhenitsyn. The theme of the tragic fate of man in a totalitarian state


Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918 - 2008)

Man, writer, philosopher...

Theme of the lesson: "Biography of A.I. Solzhenitsyn"

The purpose of the lesson :

  1. to acquaint students with the pages of the biography and creativity of an unusual person;
  2. skills to take notes, identify the main thing, generalize, reflect;
  3. personality education.


  1. film by Alexander Sokurov "Knot" (video equipment);
  2. portrait of the writer;
  3. board notes:

A) the topic of the lesson;

B) epigraphs;

C) dictionary: Dissident; Zurich; Vermont, America.

Dissident - (mouth) - one who deviates from the dominant religion in the country; apostate.

(Latin) - discordant, contradictory.

D) recording of the main works:

  1. I am not me and mine literary fate- not mine, but all those millions who did not scratch, did not whisper, did not hoarse their prison fate, their camp discoveries.

A. Solzhenitsyn

  1. ... Solzhenitsyn more than any other writer to the question of who we are today, through the question: what is happening to us?

S. Zalygin

During the classes

  1. Orgmoment
  2. 1. The word of the teacher.

In the early 1980s, President Reagan invited the most prominent Soviet dissidents living in the West to breakfast. Of the whole host of invited people, one A.I. Solzhenitsyn refused, noting that he was not a “dissident”, but a Russian writer who could not talk with the head of state, whose generals, on the advice of scientistsare seriously developing the idea of ​​selective extermination of the Russian people through directed nuclear strikes . Expressing polite refusal, Solzhenitsyn, however, responded by inviting Reagan, when his term of office expired, to visit his home in Vermont and there, in a calm atmosphere, talk about the pressing issues of relations between our two countries, unobtrusively emphasizing thatthe presidency is occupied by oneperson for a maximum of eight years,vocation Russian writer for life.

2. Who is this person?

The film by Alexander Sokurov "The Knot" will help us to recognize this person ( 23 minutes Part I ), demonstrated in December 1998, when the writer turned 80 years old.

  1. He was born in December 1918. in Kislovodsk.

Father came from peasants, became a student, then volunteered for the first world war and was awarded the George Cross. He died in a hunting accident six months before the birth of his only child.

After high school Solzhenitsyn graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the University in Rostov-on-Don (1941).. ), at the same time enters the correspondence course at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy and Literature.

Leaves for the war, from 1942 to 1945. commanding a battery at the front, awarded with orders and medals.

In February 1945 in the rank of captain, he was arrested because of the criticism of Stalin traced in the correspondence and sentenced to 8 years:

1 year - on investigation and forwarding

3y. - in the prison research institute

4y. - general work in the political special camp.

1953 - Cancer cured. Miracle.

The camp term ended on the day of Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, and cancer was immediately discovered, when, according to the verdict of doctors, no more three weeks... however, I did not die (with my hopelessly neglected malignant tumor, it was God's miracle, I did not understand otherwise. All the life returned to me since then is not mine in the full sense, it has an embedded purpose).

Then he was exiled to Kazakhstan "forever"; however, the man-made eternity lasted “only” three years, after which, by the decision of the Supreme Court of the USSR of February 6, 1957. rehabilitation followed.

After rehabilitation he worked school teacher in Ryazan.

Following the publication at 11 m issue of Novy Mir for 1962. The work “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” was accepted into the Writers' Union, but apart from a few more stories and one article, he had to give everything written from Samizdat or print it abroad.

In 1969 - Excluded from the joint venture.

In 1970 - honored Nobel Prize on literature.

In 1974 - In connection with the release of the 1st volume of The Gulag Archipelago, he was forcibly expelled to the West.

Until 1976 lived in Zurich, then moved to the American state Vermont , reminiscent of central Russia by nature.

Married with a second marriage to Natalya Svetlova, they have three children - Yermolai, Ignat and Stepan. Currently adults.

Ermolai - phenologist (study of wildlife phenomena)

Ignat - musician

Stepan is a city planner.

Instead of creative work, at the very end of the war he experienced, arrest, prison and camp befell him, but:

- It's scary to think that I would become a writer (and I would) if I had not been imprisoned..

1955-1968 - novel "In the first circle"

1955-1967 - story " cancer corps»

1958-1968 - "The Gulag Archipelago" (camp country designation)

1963-1964 - 227 witnesses

1956 - the story "Zakhar-Kalita"

1959-1963 - the story "Matryonin Dvor"

By 1994 - 10 volumes of "Red Wheel" (narrative of the revolution)

! Let us turn to his ideas about the purpose of art in people's lives.

Art, rightly believes Solzhenitsyn, is characterized by a secret Inner Light, and all of it is not given to man to grasp.

Solzhenitsyn believes that there are two types of artists:

  1. one "claims to be the creator of an independent spiritual world and shoulder the act of creation of this world"
  2. the other knows a higher power over himself, this world was not created by him
    The artist can only feel the harmony of the world, the beauty and ugliness of the human contribution to it more sharply than others - and sharply convey this to people.»

? - What type of artist would you classify Solzhenitsyn?

Defining his understanding of art, Solzhenitsyn reflects on Dostoevsky's "mysterious" phrase "Beauty will save the world."


  1. The history of the creation of the work

g №5, 89g, p.21

  1. The camp, its structure, its regimen, its purpose
  2. The social hierarchy of camp life. Her laws. Campers.
  3. Main character story:

a) Autobiography - on behalf of Shukhov.

b) What is the figure in front of us. What an impression.

5) Speech matter, from which Solzhenitsyn's hero was created.

6) Collective farm life, covered in the work.

Theme of the lesson: "The theme of the tragic fate in
totalitarian state»

(A.I. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich")

The purpose of the lesson :

  1. based on the analysis of the story, to penetrate into the world of a man from the people, to find out how he relates himself to the forcefully imposed reality and its ideas;
  2. expression of the ability to analyze, prove their thoughts about the read work;
  3. education of the creative reader.


  1. portrait of the author;
  2. epigraphs to the topic;
  3. vocabulary: totalitarianism, righteous

Totalitarianism - one of the forms of the state, characterized by complete (total) control by the authorities state power over all spheres of society, the physical elimination of constitutional freedoms and rights.

Righteous - 1. a person who lives according to the commandments prescribed by any religion;

2. one who is guided by the principles of justice, honesty, does not violate the rules of morality.

What field the executioners trampled,

They crushed with a merciless wheel.

Oh, if all the tortured stood up

And told the truth about everything.


I was very lucky that I was in the camp and, most importantly, that I survived there.

"I" survived to find itself in art and revive in it the faces of those who were hidden behind alphanumeric characters.

A. Solzhenitsyn

During the classes

I. Organizing moment

II. Work on speech breathing "Start"

III. Express survey (based on a work read at home)

  1. name full name the protagonist of the storyIvan Denisovich Shukhov)
  2. Camp number of Ivan Denisovich ( Shch-854)
  3. In what years do the events covered in the work take place?


  1. How old is the main character of the story?
  2. List the heroes of the work, their occupation in freedom ( 0.5b for each)

IV. 1. The word of the teacher, turning into an analysis of the work.

The conversation is accompanied by a commentary reading of the text.

Most strong impression Shukhov's thoughts, the secret of his inner life conveyed by monologue, produce on us.

Let's start, perhaps, with the idea that Ivan Denisovich thought of.

The working day ended, everyone returned to the camp.

And here's the thought:

“Five roads converge to the watch ...” ( p. 77) text.

City planners - slaves - go to work along tomorrow's streets: in the morning - to the objects, in the evening - back.

Prisoners walk according to the camp rule, holding their hands behind and lowering their heads.

The columns go, as if to a funeral, “and you can see,” Ivan Denisovich is annoyed, “only the legs of the front two or three and a patch of sunken land, where to step over with your feet.

The mental activity of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov does not stop for a second.

He keeps track of camp time by hours and minutes.

2. … Camp. His device, his mode, his purpose.

Life flows behind barbed wire.

What saves a person in this inhuman life?

As always, involvement in the community of people. Here it is a brigade, the annals of a family in free life. Brigadier Father...

The brigadier in the camp is everything ... ( p. 30, p. 34)

3. The social hierarchy of camp life. Her laws.

Camps (Buinovsky Caesar)


  1. The protagonist of the work

a) Autobiography (individual)

b) How did you get to the camp?

c) What is the figure in front of us. What impression does

d) Speech matter from which Solzhenitsyn's hero was created

  1. Kolkhoz life

Conclusions, generalizations.

Camp life, no matter how regulated it was, offered the prisoners a choice: there were executioners and guards, fools and informants, goners and just raw prisoners.

? What did Shukhov choose?

Quietly and imperceptibly for all, he became a righteous man.

Every day and hour had to choose between good and evil, strength and weakness, dignity and humiliation.

The most difficult thing in choosing is to find support.

! And again, the reader is seized by a sense of the absurdity of what is happening at the behest of the camp: for some reason, in the camp hospital, the young poet finishes verses unfinished in the wild.

The peasant Glukhov was brought from the war to the logging site.

Yes, and the guards themselves, escorts, Russian people, who, in the cold, stand on the towers and protect whom? And for what?

? What kind of robber horde captured the country and sent one part of the people to another?

! The theme of the responsibility of the people and its leaders for the present and future of the country.

Lesson summary


1. Find the beginning of the action, plot plot

2. Who are they, the main characters of the story

Group tasks:

I. Narrator

II. Matryona

Theme of the lesson: “A village is not worth without a righteous man”

The purpose of the lesson :

1) trace how the image of the “stately Slav” is shown in the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn;

2) development monologue speech the ability to maintain a dialogue;

3) personality education.


1. portrait of the writer;

2. writing on the board.

During the classes

I. Organizing moment

II. introduction teachers.

The study of the Russian character continued in other works by A.I. Solzhenitsyn at the end of 50 x - n.60s.

In the original version, the work was called “A village does not stand without a righteous man”, and the action in it took place in 1956 (in the published edition, events developed in pre-Khrushchev times in 1953). The changes were aimed at giving the story a more private meaning.

III. Conversation on the content of the work.

What event is the plot of the story focused on?

At 184 ohm km from Moscow along the branch that goes to Murom and Kazan

What do we learn about the narrator?

He went all the way to Matryonin's Court "from" the dusty hot desert, where he "stayed for ten years". He succeeds in fulfilling his dream of returning to “internal” Russia when “something is shaken in the country ...” (allegory about liberation from the camp, a memorable “camp padded jacket”. Long years did not put malice in the soul of the narrator ...)

What did you learn about Matryona's life?

The heroine is, as it were, outside of society, merging with nature. Darkness, ignorance. Memories of Matryona’s youth that in her youth she “did not consider five pounds as a burden”, and once “grabbed by the bridle, stopped the sleigh”

ugly heroine:

In the game, her equestrian will not catch,

In trouble - he will not fail - he will save:

Stop a galloping horse

Will enter the burning hut!

The heroine finds herself in the center of the eternal confrontation between good and evil, trying to connect the edges of the abyss with her “conscience”, with her very life.

Culminating in outer and inner plot plans is the moment of Matryona's death at the crossing.

Matryona is still trying to restore the “harmony” common life, making their bright contribution to the cause started by "breakers - not builders", for which "good" is a material concept.

Matryona - Thaddeus

Among her fellow villagers, Matryona remains "misunderstood", "stranger".

At the end of the story folk wisdom becomes the basis for assessing the heroine: "... she is the same righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand."

Review of the Gulag Archipelago.



1. No. 5, 1990 Literature at school

One hour, one day, one human life in the works of A.I. Solzhenitsyn

2. Akimov "On the winds of time"

3. No. 5, 1989 Literature at school

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: travel guide

4. No. 4, 1997 One day…

The conflict between the temporal and the eternal in the story "One day ..."

5. Weekly supplement to the newspaper "First of September" No. 17-18, 1993.

1. A concentration camp is a miniature totalitarian state.
2. "People live here too" - the basic principle of Ivan Denisovich's life.
3. Only labor achieves the freedom of the spirit, the freedom of the individual.
4. Preservation of dignity and humanity in any conditions, at any time - all this is the main thing for a person.
5. The human soul is something that cannot be deprived of freedom, cannot be captured or destroyed - this is the meaning of the story.

The story of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" was conceived in the camp in 1950-51, and written in 1959. The image of Ivan Denisovich was formed from the soldier Shukhov, who fought with the author in the Soviet-German war. All your personal experience life in the conditions of the camp, the author outlined all his impressions in his story. Main character works - simple Russian man, unremarkable. There were very, very many people like Shukhov in the camp. Before us are people whom fate brought to a concentration camp, innocent people who have not done anything reprehensible. Among them: Chaser, carrying milk to the forest, Baptists suffering for their faith, Estonians, captives. They all live, work in the camp, try to maintain their own existence. There is everything on the territory of the camp: a bathhouse, a medical unit, and a dining room. All this resembles a small town. But the matter is not complete without guards, of whom there are a huge number, he is everywhere, they make sure that all the rules are followed, otherwise the punishment cell awaits the recalcitrant.
And now, for eight years now, Ivan Denisovich has been wandering around the camps, enduring, suffering, tormented, but at the same time he retains his inner dignity. Shukhov does not change his peasant habits and “does not drop himself”, does not humiliate himself because of a cigarette, because of soldering, and even more so does not lick bowls, does not report on his comrades to improve his own fate.
Conscientiousness, unwillingness to live at someone else's expense, to cause inconvenience to someone makes him forbid his wife to collect parcels for him in the camp, to justify the greedy Caesar and "do not stretch the belly on someone else's good." He also never feigns an illness, and when he is seriously ill, he behaves guilty in the medical unit: “What ... Nikolai Semenych ... I’m kind of ... sick ...” Solzhenitsyn writes that he says at the same time “conscientiously, as if preying on something someone else” . And while he sat in this clean medical unit and did nothing for five whole minutes, he was very surprised at this: “It was marvelous for Shukhov to sit in such a clean room, in such silence ...”
Work, according to Shukhov, is salvation from illness, from loneliness, from suffering. It is at work that a Russian person is forgotten, work gives satisfaction and positive emotions, which are so few among prisoners.
That's why it's so bright folk character the character emerges in the scenes of the work. Ivan Denisovich and a bricklayer, and a carpenter, and a stove-maker, and a poplar carver. “He who knows two things will pick up ten more,” says Solzhenitsyn. Even in bondage, he is seized by the excitement of the work, conveyed by the author in such a way that Ivan Denisovich's feelings turn out to be inseparable from the author's own. We understand that A.I. Solzhenitsyn is a good bricklayer. He transfers all his skills to his character. AND human dignity, equality, freedom of the spirit, according to Solzhenitsyn, is established in labor, it is in the process of work that convicts joke, even laugh. Everything can be taken away from a person, but satisfaction from a job well done cannot be taken away.
In the phrase where Shukhov says that “he himself does not know whether he wanted freedom or not,” there is a very significant meaning for the writer. Prison, according to Solzhenitsyn, is a great evil, violence, but suffering contributes to moral purification. With all their behavior in the camp, the heroes of A.I. Solzhenitsyn confirm the main idea of ​​this work. Namely, that the soul cannot be taken captive, it cannot be deprived of its freedom. The formal release of Ivan Denisovich will in no way change his worldview, his system of values, his view of many things, his essence.
The concentration camp, the totalitarian system could not enslave strong in spirit there were a lot of people in our long-suffering country, who survived on their own and did not let the country perish.


Let's smoke, friend. Under this howl, something is not asleep, it is not sung. It's February now. And you and I And March will not smile at anything. Lev Platonovich Karsavin
Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn became famous in the 60s, during the period " Khrushchev thaw". "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" shocked readers with knowledge of the forbidden - camp life under Stalin. For the first time, one of the countless islands of the Gulag archipelago was opened. Behind it was the state itself, a merciless totalitarian system that suppresses man.
The story is dedicated to the resistance of the living to the inanimate, of man to the camp. The Solzhenitsyn hard labor camp is a mediocre, dangerous, cruel machine that grinds everyone who gets into it. The camp was created for the sake of killing, aimed at the extermination of the main thing in a person - thoughts, conscience, memory.
Take, for example, Ivan Shukhov, "the local life ruffled from rise to lights out." And to remember his native hut "there were fewer and fewer reasons for him." So who is whom: camp - man? Or man - camp? The camp defeated many, ground them to dust. Ivan Denisovich goes through the vile temptations of the camp. On this endless day, the drama of resistance plays out. Some win in it: Ivan Denisovich, Kavgorang, convict X-123, Alyoshka the Baptist, Senka Klevshin, pom-brigadier, foreman Tyurin himself. Others are doomed to perish - film director Tsezar Markovich, "jackal" Fetyukhov, foreman Der and others
The camp order mercilessly persecutes everything human and implants the inhuman. Ivan Denisovich thinks to himself: “Work is like a stick, there are two ends in it: if you do it for people, give quality, if you do it for a fool, give it a show. Ivan Shukhov firmly remembered the words of his first foreman Kuzemin, an old camp wolf who had been imprisoned for 12 years since 1943. "Here, guys, the law is the taiga, but people live here too. In the camp, that's who dies: who licks bowls, who hopes for the medical unit, and who goes to knock on the godfather." This is the essence of camp philosophy. The one who loses heart dies, becomes a slave to sick or hungry flesh, unable to strengthen himself from the inside and resist the temptation to pick up leftovers or inform on a neighbor.
How can a person live and survive? The camp is an image both real and surreal, absurd. This is both commonplace and a symbol, an embodiment eternal evil and the usual low malice, hatred, laziness, dirt, violence, thoughtlessness, adopted by the system.
Man is at war with the camp, for it takes away the freedom to live for himself, to be himself. "Do not expose yourself" to the camp anywhere - this is the tactic of resistance. “Yes, and you should never yawn. You must try so that no guard sees you alone, but only in the crowd,” such is the tactic of survival. Despite the humiliating system of numbers, people stubbornly call each other by their first names, patronymics, and last names. Before us are faces, and not cogs and camp dust, into which the system of people would like to turn.
To defend freedom in a hard labor camp means to depend as little as possible internally on its regime, on its destructive order, to belong to oneself. Apart from sleep, the camper lives for himself only in the morning - 10 minutes at breakfast, and at lunch - 5 minutes, and at dinner - 5 minutes. Such is the reality. Therefore, Shukhov even eats "slowly, thoughtfully." This is also liberation.
The main thing in the story is a dispute about spiritual values. Alyoshka the Baptist says that one should pray "not for a parcel to be sent or for an extra portion of gruel. One should pray for the spiritual, so that the Lord removes evil scale from our hearts..." The story's finale is paradoxical for perception: "Ivan Denisovich fell asleep, quite satisfied ... The day passed, unclouded by anything, almost happy. If this is one of the "good" days, then what are the rest?!
Alexander Solzhenitsyn made a breach in " iron curtain"and soon he himself became an outcast. His books were banned and confiscated from libraries. By the time of the forced expulsion of the writer, "In the First Circle", "Cancer Ward", "The Gulag Archipelago" had already been written. This was persecuted by all the power of the state punitive machine.
The time for oblivion has passed. The merit of Solzhenitsyn is that he first spoke about the terrible disaster experienced by our long-suffering people and the author himself. Solzhenitsyn lifted the veil over dark night our history of the period of Stalinism.

Other writings on this work

“... In the camp, only those who are already corrupted in the wild or were prepared for this are corrupted” (According to the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”) A. I. Solzhenitsyn: "One day of Ivan Denisovich" The author and his hero in one of the works of AI Solzhenitsyn. ("One day of Ivan Denisovich"). The Art of Character Creation. (According to the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich") Historical Theme in Russian Literature (Based on A. I. Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich) The camp world in the image of A. I. Solzhenitsyn (based on the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”) Moral problems in A. I. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The image of Shukhov in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The problem of moral choice in one of the works of A. Solzhenitsyn The problems of one of the works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn (based on the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich") The problems of Solzhenitsyn's works Russian national character in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". The symbol of an entire era (based on Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich") The system of images in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn - humanist writer Plot and compositional features of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” The Theme of the Horror of the Totalitarian Regime in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” Artistic features of Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". Man in a totalitarian state (based on the works of Russian writers of the 20th century) Characteristics of the image of Gopchik Characteristics of the image of Ivan Denisovich Shukhov Review of the story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The problem of national character in one of the works of modern Russian literature Genre features of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn The image of the main character Shukov in the novel "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" "One day of Ivan Denisovich". The character of the hero as a way of expressing the author's position Analysis of the work Characteristics of the image of Fetyukov One day and the whole life of a Russian person The history of the creation and appearance in print of the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” The harsh truth of life in the works of Solzhenitsyn Ivan Denisovich - characteristics of a literary hero Reflection of the tragic conflicts of history in the fate of the heroes of the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The creative history of the creation of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Moral issues in the story The problem of moral choice in one of the works Review of A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" The hero of Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Plot and compositional features of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Characteristics of the image of Alyoshka the Baptist The history of the creation of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" by A. I. Solzhenitsyn Artistic features of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" One day and the whole life of a Russian person in the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One day of Ivan Denisovich" The harsh truth of A. I. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" Characteristics of the image of Andrei Prokofievich Tyurin Characteristics of the image of Kavtorang Buinovsky Characteristics of the image of Kilgas Johann The fate of the story "One day of Ivan Denisovich"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To acquaint students with the pages of the novel by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago".
  2. 2. To develop the skills of text analysis, preparation of a detailed answer to the question.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Formation of students' ideas about the scale of mass repressions in the USSR.
  2. Development information culture students and an objective attitude to the historical past of the country.
  3. Attracting students' attention to the problem of memory.
  4. Raising a sense of citizenship and responsibility for the fate of the country.
  5. Formation of self-awareness of students on the basis of historical values.

Type of lesson: lesson-seminar (2 lessons of 40 minutes each).

Form of work: group.


  1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn's novel "The Gulag Archipelago".
  2. Portrait of a writer.
  3. multimedia presentation .
  4. physical map.
  5. Candle.


I. Organizational moment

On the board is a portrait of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, an epigraph to the lesson.

(Slide #1)

II. Introduction to the topic

Against the background of music (Oginsky's polonaise "Farewell to the Motherland") performed by the student, A. Andreevsky's poem "From Moscow to the Outskirts" sounds. (Slides No. 2,3,4 flash by).

What is the issue raised in this poem?

What poets and writers of the 20th century touched upon this problem in their works?

What do you think the topic of our lesson is?

III. teacher's word

Yes, today in the lesson we will talk about totalitarianism, about the crimes of the ruling regime against its people, about mass repression, about punitive institutions, and, most importantly, about the survival of a person who has not killed the human element in himself in the "wild" conditions of exile. And the novel by AI Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago" will help us to understand this.

goal setting;

What do you think are the objectives of the lesson?

(Slide number 5)

IV. Analysis of the chapters of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's novel "The Gulag Archipelago"

1. The words of A.I. Solzhenitsyn sound (Epigraph to the lesson).

I dedicate
to all those who did not have enough life
tell about it.
And may they forgive me
that I didn't see everything
don't remember everything
didn't think of everything.

Who do you think A.I. Solzhenitsyn is addressing?

What did the writer want to convey to us?

(Slide number 6), (Slide number 7. Lesson plan).

2. Work in groups.

(Each group was given task cards).

(Slide number 8)

Part 1 ch.2 "History of our sewage".

  • What's happened totalitarian regime?
  • When did the repressions start?
  • How was the "History of Our Sewerage" created?
  • For what purpose were repressions carried out in our country?

According to AI Solzhenitsyn, the repressions in our country did not unfold in 1937, but much earlier. In the novel The Gulag Archipelago, he proposed his own periodization of the terror that unfolded in our country after the revolution.

Over the course of 3 volumes, one after another, there are endless stories about unjust arrests, dungeon atrocities, crippled destinies.

(Slide number 9)



  • What are the statistics of the Gulag?
  • What National composition prisoners?
  • What impression did the chapter "Male Plague" have on you?

Until the late 1980s, official statistics on the Gulag were classified, so estimates were based either on the words of former prisoners or their family members.

Analyzing the chapters, Solzhenitsyn also does not give the total number of convicts, but the figures given are horrifying.

(Slide number 10)

part 2. Chapter 1 "Ships of the Archipelago".

Part 2 Chapter 2 "Ports of the Archipelago"

Part 2, Chapter 3 "Slave Caravans".

  • How would you place the Archipelago on a map?
  • How and under what conditions were people transported?
  • Where were the ports of the Archipelago located? (Show on the physical map).

(Slide No. 11 "Map of the Archipelago")

"Close your eyes, reader. Do you hear the rumble of wheels? These are the Stolypins. At every minute of the day ... Every day of the year. But the water is squelching - these are the prisoner barges. But the motors of the funnels are roaring. "They squeeze in. And this roar? - overcrowded transfer cells. And this howl? - the complaints of the robbed, raped, abused."

It will be worse in the camp.

Unfold a spacious map of our Motherland on a large table. Put bold dots on all regional cities, on all railway points where the rails end and the river begins, or the river turns and the footpath begins. What is this?

The whole map is infested with infectious flies. This is what you got a majestic map of the ports of the Archipelago. Its ports are transit prisons, its ships are wagons - zaki"

(Part 2, Chapter 2 A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago").

Teacher's word.

Man - that sounds proud!
The man is the truth!
You have to respect the person!
(M. Gorky)

Was it so in the years of Stalin's repressions?

(Slide number 12)

  • What kind of torture was used on prisoners?
  • part 1, chapter 3 "Consequence".
  • Part 1. Chapter 11 "To the highest measure."
  • Describe the life of the prisoners.
  • part 3, chapter 7 "Indigenous way of life"
  • How did people try to survive?

part 4, chapter 1 "Ascent"

part 11, chapter 4 "Change fate"

part 4, ch.6-7 "Convinced fugitive"

part 4, chapter 10 "When the earth is on fire in the zone"

Of course, writes emphasizes, in the camp it was important to survive "at any cost", but still, not at the cost of losing the soul or spiritual deadness.

This was the "Russian character": it is better to die in an open field than in a rotten nook.

Teacher's word.

"There are a lot of grins near the Archipelago, a lot of mugs. You won't get lost from any side, approaching him. But, perhaps, he is the most disgusting of all from the mouth from which he swallows youngsters" (Part 2, Ch. 14 "Gulag Archipelago" ).

(Slide number 13)

Ch.2 Ch.17 "Youngsters".

  • Who are the minors?
  • Why were the children judged?
  • camp education.
  • Children's native labor.

"Stalin's immortal laws on youngsters lasted 20 years

(until the Decree of 24.4.54):.

They reaped twenty harvests. For twenty ages they have gone mad in crime and debauchery,” writes AI Solzhenitsyn.

In the 1930s alone, there were about seven million street children.

Then the cause of homelessness was solved simply - the Gulag helped. These five letters have become an ominous symbol of life on the verge of death, a symbol of lawlessness, hard labor and human lawlessness. The inhabitants of the strange Archipelago turned out to be children. . .

Of course, it is necessary to know what happened to children who ended up on the street or lost their parents (most often through the fault of the state). It is necessary to talk about children's destinies, distorted by the Stalinist regime.

In our time, the attitude of the state towards children has changed, but the problems remain, although attempts are being made to somehow solve them.

The President of Russia admitted that almost five million homeless or street children are a threat to the national security of the country.

Teacher's word.

One of the most tragic and cynical pages in the annals of the Gulag is undoubtedly the one that tells about the fate of the woman behind the barbed wire. A woman in the camps is a special tragedy, a special topic. Not only because the thorn camp, logging or wheelbarrow is not compatible with the idea of ​​the purpose of the fair sex.

But also because a woman is a mother. Either the mother of children left in the wild, or - giving birth in the camp.

6 group. Part 2. ch.8 "Women of the Gulag".

(Slide number 14)

  • How did the women get into the camp?
  • camp life women.
  • Hard labor.
  • "Mums".

(Slide number 15)

I saw a woman in a harsh square:
Before the Solovetsky stone she wept:
"Do not let, Lord, that it was again,
Blessed be, unfortunate country!"
(Anatoly Alexandrov)

V. Generalization of the material

teacher's word

The lessons of the Gulag, as one of the most tragic pages in the history of mankind, still require their impartial reflection and study.

Much of what our compatriots experienced half a century ago, of course, is terrible. But it is even more terrible to forget the past, to ignore the events of those years. History repeats itself, and who knows, things could happen again in an even harsher form.

"If the Gulag" was printed in the Soviet Union, in a completely open circulation and in unlimited quantities - I always believed that the Soviet Union would have changed. Because after this book: "life" cannot continue in the same way, "- so A.I. Solzhenitsyn argued.

Against the background of music (Oginsky's polonaise "Farewell to the Motherland"), the student performs V. Dokunin's poem "Let's remember all the innocently killed."

(The candle lights up.)

VI. Reflection

(Slide number 16)

  • What got you excited about the lesson?
  • I want to leave the lesson (with what?):
  • I remember in class:
  • Do posterity need to know this?

VII. Homework

  • Essay-reasoning "What did the chapters of A.I. Solzhenitsyn's novel "The Gulag Archipelago" make you think about?
  • Essay-review "My reflections on the novel".


  1. New Newspaper " female face Gulag".
  2. "New Newspaper". Grishchenko V., Kalinin V., "Women of the Gulag".
  3. Ovchinnikova L. "Children in Stalin's camps".
  4. Richter T.V. "Characteristics of the work of A.I.. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago".

1. A concentration camp is a miniature totalitarian state.
2. "People live here too" - the basic principle of Ivan Denisovich's life.
3. Only labor achieves the freedom of the spirit, the freedom of the individual.
4. Preservation of dignity and humanity in any conditions, at any time - all this is the main thing for a person.
5. The human soul is something that cannot be deprived of freedom, cannot be captured or destroyed - this is the meaning of the story.

The story of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" was conceived in the camp in 1950-51, and written in 1959. The image of Ivan Denisovich was formed from the soldier Shukhov, who fought with the author in the Soviet-German war. All his personal experience of life in the conditions of the camp, all his impressions, the author outlined in his story. The protagonist of the work is a simple Russian man, unremarkable. There were very, very many people like Shukhov in the camp. Before us are people whom fate brought to a concentration camp, innocent people who have not done anything reprehensible. Among them: Chaser, carrying milk to the forest, Baptists suffering for their faith, Estonians, captives. They all live, work in the camp, try to maintain their own existence. There is everything on the territory of the camp: a bathhouse, a medical unit, and a dining room. All this resembles a small town. But the matter is not complete without guards, of whom there are a huge number, he is everywhere, they make sure that all the rules are followed, otherwise the punishment cell awaits the recalcitrant.
And now, for eight years now, Ivan Denisovich has been wandering around the camps, enduring, suffering, tormented, but at the same time he retains his inner dignity. Shukhov does not change his peasant habits and “does not drop himself”, does not humiliate himself because of a cigarette, because of soldering, and even more so does not lick bowls, does not report on his comrades to improve his own fate.
Conscientiousness, unwillingness to live at someone else's expense, to cause inconvenience to someone makes him forbid his wife to collect parcels for him in the camp, to justify the greedy Caesar and "do not stretch the belly on someone else's good." He also never feigns an illness, and when he is seriously ill, he behaves guilty in the medical unit: “What ... Nikolai Semenych ... I’m kind of ... sick ...” Solzhenitsyn writes that he says at the same time “conscientiously, as if preying on something someone else” . And while he sat in this clean medical unit and did nothing for five whole minutes, he was very surprised at this: “It was marvelous for Shukhov to sit in such a clean room, in such silence ...”
Work, according to Shukhov, is salvation from illness, from loneliness, from suffering. It is at work that a Russian person is forgotten, work gives satisfaction and positive emotions, which are so few among prisoners.
Therefore, the character's folk character is so vividly loomed in the scenes of the work. Ivan Denisovich and a bricklayer, and a carpenter, and a stove-maker, and a poplar carver. “He who knows two things will pick up ten more,” says Solzhenitsyn. Even in bondage, he is seized by the excitement of the work, conveyed by the author in such a way that Ivan Denisovich's feelings turn out to be inseparable from the author's own. We understand that A.I. Solzhenitsyn is a good bricklayer. He transfers all his skills to his character. And human dignity, equality, freedom of the spirit, according to Solzhenitsyn, is established in labor, it is in the process of work that prisoners joke, even laugh. Everything can be taken away from a person, but satisfaction from a job well done cannot be taken away.
In the phrase where Shukhov says that “he himself does not know whether he wanted freedom or not,” there is a very significant meaning for the writer. Prison, according to Solzhenitsyn, is a great evil, violence, but suffering contributes to moral purification. With all their behavior in the camp, the heroes of A.I. Solzhenitsyn confirm the main idea of ​​this work. Namely, that the soul cannot be taken captive, it cannot be deprived of its freedom. The formal release of Ivan Denisovich will in no way change his worldview, his system of values, his view of many things, his essence.
The concentration camp, the totalitarian system could not enslave the strong-willed people, of whom there were a lot in our long-suffering country, who survived on their own and did not let the country perish.

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