Music ear test online. How to find out online if there is a rumor? Video test for the most acute hearing in the world


Publishing house "RIMIS" - laureate Literary Prize them. Alexander Belyaeva 2008.

The text and figures have been restored according to the book “Entertaining Physics” by Ya. I. Perelman, published by P. P. Soikin (St. Petersburg) in 1913.

© Publishing house "RIMIS", edition, design, 2009

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Outstanding Popularizer of Science

The singer of mathematics, the bard of physics, the poet of astronomy, the herald of astronautics - this was and remained in the memory of Yakov Isidorovich Perelman, whose books were sold all over the world in millions of copies.

With the name of this wonderful person connected with the emergence and development of a special - entertaining - genre of scientific popularization of the foundations of knowledge. The author of more than a hundred books and pamphlets, he possessed a rare gift to talk about dry scientific truths in an exciting and interesting way, to arouse burning curiosity and inquisitiveness - these are the first steps independent work mind.

It is enough to get even a cursory look at his popular science books and essays to see the special direction of their author's creative thinking. Perelman set himself the task of showing ordinary phenomena in an unusual, paradoxical perspective, while at the same time maintaining the scientific impeccability of their interpretation. main feature his creative method was an exceptional ability to surprise the reader, to rivet his attention from the very first word. “We soon cease to be surprised,” Perelman wrote in his article “What is Entertaining Science,” “we early lose the ability to be interested in things that do not directly affect our existence ... Water would, without a doubt, be the most amazing substance in nature, and the Moon - the most amazing sight in the sky, if both did not catch the eye too often.

To show the ordinary in an unusual light, Perelman brilliantly applied the method of unexpected comparison. Sharp scientific thinking, a huge general and physical and mathematical culture, skillful use of numerous literary, scientific and everyday facts and plots, their amazingly witty, completely unexpected interpretation led to the emergence of fascinating scientific and artistic short stories and essays that are read with unflagging attention and interest. However, the entertaining presentation is by no means an end in itself. On the contrary, not to turn science into fun and entertainment, but to put liveliness, artistry of presentation at the service of clarifying scientific truths - this is the essence of the literary and popularizing method of Yakov Isidorovich. “So that there is no superficiality, so that they know the facts ...” - Perelman strictly followed this thought throughout his 43-year-old creative activity. It is in the combination of strict scientific reliability and an entertaining, non-trivial form of presentation of the material that the secret of the continued success of Perelman's books lies.

Perelman was not an armchair writer, cut off from living reality. He publicistically quickly responded to the practical needs of his country. When in 1918 the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a decree on the introduction of the metric system of measures and weights, Yakov Isidorovich was the first to publish several popular brochures on this topic. He often gave lectures in working, school and military audiences (he read about two thousand lectures). At the suggestion of Perelman, supported by N.K. Krupskaya, in 1919 the first Soviet popular science magazine "In the workshop of nature" began to appear (under his own editorship). Yakov Isidorovich did not remain aloof from the reform of the secondary school.

It must be emphasized that the true talent is also marked pedagogical activity Perelman. For a number of years he taught courses in mathematics and physics at higher and secondary educational institutions. In addition, he wrote 18 textbooks and teaching aids for the Soviet Unified Labor School. Two of them - "Physical Reader", issue 2, and "New Geometry Problem Book" (1923) were honored with a very high honor to take a place on the shelf of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's Kremlin Library.

The image of Perelman has been preserved in my memory - a well-educated, exceptionally modest, somewhat shy, extremely correct and charming person, always ready to lend a helping hand. help you need to their colleagues. He was a true worker of science.

On October 15, 1935, the House of Entertaining Science began to function in Leningrad - a visible, materialized exposition of Perelman's books. Hundreds of thousands of visitors passed through the halls of this unique cultural and educational institution. Among them was a Leningrad schoolboy Georgy Grechko - now a pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice a Hero Soviet Union, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The fate of two other cosmonauts - Heroes of the Soviet Union K. P. Feoktistov and B. B. Egorov - is also connected with Perelman: in childhood they got acquainted with the book "Interplanetary Journeys" and were carried away by it.

When did the Great Patriotic War, Ya. I. Perelman's patriotism, his high consciousness of civic duty to the Motherland, were clearly manifested. Having remained in besieged Leningrad, he, no longer a young man (he was in his 60s), steadfastly endured, together with all Leningraders, the inhuman torments and difficulties of the blockade. Despite enemy artillery fire and aerial bombardment city, Yakov Isidorovich found the strength in himself to, overcoming hunger and cold, walk from end to end of Leningrad to lectures in military units. He gave lectures to army and navy scouts, as well as to partisans, about an extremely important matter at that time - the ability to navigate the terrain and determine distances to targets without any instruments. Yes, and entertaining science served the cause of defeating the enemy!

To our great chagrin, on March 16, 1942, Yakov Isidorovich died - he died of starvation in the blockade ...

The books of Ya. I. Perelman continue to serve the people to this day - they are constantly reprinted in our country, they are always a success with readers. Perelman's books are widely known abroad. They have been translated into Hungarian, Bulgarian, English, French, German and many other foreign languages.

One of the craters reverse side The moon, at my suggestion, was given the name "Perelman".

Academician V.P. Glushko

Excerpts from the preface to Dr. entertaining sciences"(G.I. Mishkevich, M.: "Knowledge", 1986).


The proposed book, in terms of the nature of the material collected in it, is somewhat different from other collections of this type. Physical experiments, in the exact sense of the word, are given a secondary place in it; entertaining tasks, intricate questions and paradoxes from the field of elementary physics, which can serve the purposes of mental entertainment. By the way, some fictional works (Jules Verne, C. Flammarion, E. Poe, etc.) are used as similar material, and questions of physics are touched upon. The collection also includes articles on some curious questions of elementary physics, usually not considered in textbooks.

Of the experiments, the book includes mainly those that are not only instructive, but also entertaining, and, moreover, can be performed using objects that are always at hand. The experiments and illustrations for them are borrowed from Tom Tit, Tisandier, Beuys, and others.

Online game "Absolute Rumor"

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For technical reasons, we no longer generate a table of records, so you do NOT need to enter data at the end of the game...

For technical reasons, we
we do not issue diplomas and we apologize :-(

The first 33 questions from this list. The entire list of 55 questions (from 34 to 55 chips with a musical staff) is presented in full version of this game included in the program.

2. RE
3. MI
4. SI
5. LA
6. RE
7. MI
8. FA
9. LA
10. SI
11. SALT
12. MI
13. TO 1st octave
14. RE 1st octave
15. MI 2nd octave
16. FA small octave
17. SALT 1st octave
18. LA 1st octave
19. SI small octave
20. TO a small octave
21. RE small octave
22. MI big octave
23. FA 1st octave
24. SALT small octave
25. A big octave
26. SI big octave
27. TO 2nd octave
28. RE 1st octave
29. MI 1st octave
30. FA 2nd octave
31. SALT big octave
32. A small octave
33. SI 2nd octave
34. TO 1st octave + stave
35. SALT small octave + stave
36. A large octave + stave
37. FA large octave + stave
38. RE large octave + stave
39. MI 1st octave + stave
40. TO 1st octave + musical staff
41. SALT 1st octave + stave
42. SI 1st octave + stave
43. RE 2nd octave + stave
44. MI 2nd octave + stave
45. FA 2nd octave + stave
46. ​​SALT 2nd octave + stave
47. SI 2nd octave + stave
48. TO 3rd octave + stave
49. TO 1st octave + stave
50. A small octave + stave
51. FA small octave + stave
52. RE small octave + stave
53. SALT of the big octave + stave
54. MI big octave + stave
55. BEFORE a large octave + stave

Alexey Ustinov, 2011-12-30

Game updated 2013-11-30

Teacher's comment

Absolute ear for music- the ability to determine the pitch, independently of other tones, i.e. without comparing sounds with each other and, as a result, assigning a note name to this sound. The nature of this phenomenon has not been sufficiently studied in the circles of musicologists and, apparently, therefore, it is represented by different points of view. But it is even less familiar to practitioners. At the same time, the skill of "absolute musical ear" constantly remains in the focus of both interest and controversy among almost all musicians. It is generally accepted that all string players (violinists, cellists) have such an ear, but this is not so! On the contrary, it seems that the pianist does not need it at all - however, those who have this skill say that it helps a lot, for example, when reading scores ... Another often discussed question is whether it can be developed, or is it something is it innate?

What to do with a child who easily picks up any melody and does not want to look at the musical text at all? How to develop ear for a student who knows musical symbols well, but can play false notes, memorizes them and the teacher cannot help him by any means?

One day my second-grade student asked me to play for him Gennady Sasko's piece "Blues", which is quite complex in rhythm, with a passage at the end. Played it three times... and in the next lesson he played the Blues without notes and at the same tempo as the piece sounded. The incident with this boy was for me an example of my incompetence in working with a gifted, with perfect pitch, a student ... There were not many children with perfect pitch in my teaching practice. And most often these children did not graduate from music school. From the very beginning, they could memorize and play pieces by hand, "by ear", but reading a complex text caused them resistance and, as a result, they lost interest in learning.

In other words, the skill of "absolute pitch" is not something separate in the learning process, unambiguously positive or negative. Both the presence and absence of it require additional attention from the teacher and a special approach to the student. And yet, this skill is highly desirable!

In order to help my students, and not to repeat the mistakes of my youth myself, now I use the method of Maltsev S.M. - the author of a comprehensive methodology for teaching piano playing, as well as solfegging, synchronous with piano playing. This method helps me to identify already in the first year of education children with good developed hearing and constantly work with them by reading music from a sheet.

Most students and those who want to master the wisdom of music, easily learn and play their favorite melodies on the piano or guitar, still need to develop their ear. And the game "Absolute pitch" is an excellent tool for this. It is suitable for all ages.

Small children, who cannot even read, will guess the right answer from the pictures. (Only they need help - first play the game NOTES - PICTURES so that the child gets acquainted with the notes hidden in simple words: HOUSE, TURP. In the same place, he will get acquainted with the sound of notes.).

Older kids and adults will discover when they play that they HAVE perfect pitch and that this skill is developing - tested!

Of course, someone might say that there are no semitones (more precisely, a full chromatic scale) in the game. Yes, the game only includes white piano keys, i.e. in fact, we are in a major (DO) or minor (LA) fret ... Someone may note that the steps of the fret and intervals play a role here ... Absolutely right! But, start with simple tasks, achieve confident recognition of these notes, and you will take a big step in improving your musical ear. Believe me, you will get great pleasure when you find out that you identify the name of the note by ear!

Krivopalova L.N.
Piano teacher, Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth, Tomsk

The Virartek team expresses its gratitude to Lyubov Nikolaevna Krivopalova, who took an active part in the creation of this game and in its testing. THANK YOU! Good luck to you and your students!

Hello dear readers. On this page you can test your ear for music using the "Online Solfeggio" block. Let's see how it works. In order to test your musical ear - click "Start". You can pre-select one of the five presented keys, as well as a mode. By default, the "note" mode and the key will be in C major.

You can guess one note - the "note" mode, guess five notes - the "test" mode, guess the interval - the "intervals" mode.

rice. 1

By clicking on the "Start" button, either a note or an interval will be played, in accordance with the mode that you have selected. Next, you need to select from the list which note/interval sounded (n) and click on the "Check" button.

If you guessed correctly, the sun sign will be displayed. If you select the test mode, you will be shown how many notes you guessed out of the proposed ones. By pressing the "Again" button, you can take the test again, select a different tone or mode.

You can also enable or disable the display of the correct note or interval in case you guessed wrong (by default - disabled) by clicking on the green square with the note in the lower left corner:

rice. 2

And here is the test itself - good luck.

Note Test Intervals Chords

About intervals

You will hear that the sound of all intervals is different, but you can divide them into several groups - some sound harsh and dissonant - this group is called sharp or dissonances, these include seconds (m2, b2), sevenths (m7, b7) , as well as a tritone (which is called a reduced fifth - mind5 or an increased fourth - uv4). All other intervals are harmonious.

But the latter can also be divided into large-small and clean. Large and small harmonious intervals are thirds and sixths, pure quarts, fifths, octaves (pure ones are also called "empty", since they have a sound neither major nor minor). Large and small, as you remember, differ in their sound - a major third (b3), for example - sounds major (fun) and is the main indicator of the major chord, small (m3) - minor (sad), with sixths also - major (b6 ) - has a major sound small (m6) - minor.

Now that you know how the intervals are distributed by sound, it will be easier for you to navigate in the process of recognizing them by ear.

Music teachers, passing the verdict "the bear stepped on the ear", put an end to the singing and musical career many people. But is an ear for music really the lot of the elite, or are they not telling us something? Find out the answer here, and take the music data test at the same time.

Lack of musical ear - myth or reality?

Scientists conducted an experiment to study the presence of ear for music in dogs. Playing one of the notes on the piano, they gave the dog food. After a while, the dog developed a reflex, and, having heard the right sound, it ran to a bowl of food. The animal did not respond to other notes. But if even our smaller four-legged brothers have an ear for music, then why are there so many people in the world who do not have it?

Lack of ear for music is a myth that we have been led to believe. Scientists say: everyone has the ability to hear notes and reproduce them, just not everyone has it equally well developed. Therefore, musical ear happens:

  • absolute - such a person is able to determine the height of notes without comparison with the standard. Such unique people are born one in ten thousand. Usually violinists and parodists who imitate sounds have this gift;

  • internal - allowing, looking at the notes, to correctly reproduce them with a voice. This is taught in solfeggio lessons in music schools and conservatories;
  • relative - endowing its owner with the ability to accurately determine the intervals between sounds and their duration. This is usually the case with trumpeters.

The sense of rhythm is also part of the musical ear. It is best developed in drummers.

To determine the level of development of musical ear, they usually turn to a specialist. He offers several tasks:

  • repeat the melody. A musical phrase is played on the instrument, which the subject must reproduce with his voice, beating the beat with claps;

  • tap out the rhythm. With the help of a pencil, a rhythmic pattern is set, which must be repeated. You will have to complete several such tasks, and each time the rhythm will become more complicated;
  • reproduce intonation. The tester sings a melody, and the one who is being checked must repeat it, preserving all the intonations of the performer.

You may be offered another task: guess the note. Standing back to musical instrument, you must name which sound of the octave the teacher played.

Let's say right away: this method of determining the level of musical abilities is the most accurate. Although at home you can also try to check whether you have a developed ear for music or not. The site “All for Children” will help you with this, where in the section “ Music tests» you will find a task that is far from childish, after completing which you will get an objective assessment of your musical data, and also learn how to quickly learn notes on the guitar, it turns out that this is not at all difficult.

Music is the universal language of mankind. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Test your ability to recognize musical sound you can also use the tasks that are offered in this video:

Ways to develop an ear for music

Why are some people born with absolute pitch, while others are far from perfect? Our brain is to blame. A small part of the right hemisphere is responsible for the development of musical ear. There is white matter that controls the transmission of information, including sound.

The ability to correctly reproduce notes largely depends on the amount of this substance. It is impossible to increase its volume, but it is quite possible to speed up the processes taking place there. To do this, there are exercises for the development of musical ear. We present the most effective of them.


Play all seven notes on the instrument in order and hum them. Then do the same without the tool. When the result satisfies you, the order of the notes should be reversed. The exercise is boring and monotonous, but effective.


Playing two notes on the instrument (do-re, do-mi, do-fa, etc.), then try to repeat them with your voice. Then do the same exercise, but already moving from the "top" of the octave. And then try to do the same, but without the piano.


This exercise is used by educators. kindergarten but it's great for adults too. Play with any player (phone player will do) a few musical phrases from any song, and then repeat them yourself. Did not work out? Make several attempts until you are satisfied with the result. Then move on to the next song section.


Turn on any music and dance - this is how you develop a rhythmic ear for music. Reading poetry to music also contributes well to this.

Melody selection

Try to find a familiar melody on the instrument. It will not turn out right away, but when it comes out, you, firstly, will believe with your strength, and secondly, you will make big breakthrough in learning.

Take it, tell your friends!

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The concept of "ear of music" should be considered from the point of view of the ability to quickly capture, identify, remember and reproduce the sounds heard. For artificial development, cultivation of musical ear, the use of systematic methods is required, with the help of which the best result can be achieved.

Proper qualitative testing of musical ear will reveal in the child, and not only in the child, the abilities that should be developed.

When is it necessary to conduct an ear test?

Basically, anytime! In general, there is an opinion that a person acquires an ear for music on genetic level but this is only half true. In order to become professional musician no special talent is required, and even the presence of some "rudiments" of such guarantees the possibility of obtaining high results during regular practice. Here, as in sports, everything is decided by training.

How is a musical ear tested?

In particular, an ear for music should be carried out and tested exclusively by a professional music teacher. The process itself consists of several stages, as a result of which it becomes possible to draw certain conclusions (although you don’t have to rely on the reliability of the findings - often, often they turn out to be erroneous simply because the child perceives the test situation as an exam and is worried). It is important to diagnose hearing according to three main criteria:

  • having a sense of rhythm;
  • assessment of voice intonation;
  • musical memory abilities.

Rhythmic hearing test

Usually checked like this. The teacher first taps a certain rhythm (best of all, a melody from famous cartoon). Then he asks the subject to repeat it. If it accurately reproduces the real rhythm, we can talk about the presence of hearing.

The test continues: examples of rhythmic patterns become more complicated. Thus, it is possible to test the musical ear for a sense of rhythm. It should be noted that it is the sense of rhythm - in the matter of the presence or absence of hearing - that is the main and accurate criterion for evaluation.

Voice intonation: is it sung cleanly?

This is not the main criterion for "sentencing", but the procedure to which all candidates for the title of "listener" are subjected without exception. To identify the correct intonation of the voice, the teacher sings a familiar simple melody, which the child repeats. In this case, the purity of the voice and the prospect for vocal lessons are revealed (timbre beauty - this applies only to adults).

If the child does not have a very strong, melodic and clear voice, but the presence of hearing is detected, he may well attend lessons in playing an instrument. In this case, it is the test of musical ear that matters, and not the presence of excellent vocal data. Yes, and one more thing: if a person sings dirty or does not sing at all, then it is a mistake to think that he has no hearing!

Guessing the notes on the instrument: hide and seek

The one who is being tested turns his back to the instrument (piano), the teacher presses any of the keys and then asks to find it on the keyboard. The test is carried out in the same way with the other keys. A potential "hearer" must accurately guess the notes by pressing the keys and listening to the sounds. This is somewhat reminiscent of the well-known children's game of hide and seek, only in this case it is hide and seek.

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