Rating of guitarists of all times and peoples. The best blues artists of all time


Blues performers can be called freedom singers. In their songs and in their music they sing about life itself, without embellishment, but at the same time with hope for brighter times. in front of you top blues artists of all time, according to JazzPeople.

Top Blues Artists

They say the blues is when good man Badly. We have collected the most famous blues singers, whose work reflects the structure of this difficult world.

BB King

King called all his guitars "Lucille". There is a story associated with this name. concert activity. Once, during a performance, two men started a fight and overturned a kerosene stove. This caused a fire, all the musicians hurriedly left the institution, but BB King, risking himself, returned for the guitar.

Monument to B.B. King in Montreux, Switzerland

Later, after learning that a woman named Lucille was the cause of the fight, he named his guitar that way as a sign that no woman is worth such nonsense.

For over 20 years, King has struggled with diabetes, which caused his death at the age of 89 on May 14, 2015.

Robert Leroy Johnson

- a bright, but quickly flying star in the world of blues music - was born on May 8, 1911. IN youth he met famous blues musicians Sun House and Willie Brown and decided to start playing the blues professionally.

Robert Leroy Johnson

A few months of training in the team only led to the fact that the guy remained a good amateur. Then Robert swore that he would play great and disappeared for several months. When he reappeared, the level of his game became significantly higher. Johnson himself said that he contacted the devil. The legend of the musician who sold his soul for the ability to play the blues has spread throughout the world.

Robert Leroy Johnson died at the age of 28 on August 16, 1938. He was allegedly poisoned by the husband of his mistress. His family had no money, so he was buried in the municipal cemetery. Johnson's legacy is hard to count - although he recorded very little himself, his songs were often performed by many world-famous stars (Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling stone s, The Doors, Bob Dylan).

Muddy Waters

- the founder of the Chicago school - was born on April 4, 1913 in the small town of Rolling Fork. As a child, he learned to play the harmonica, and in adolescence mastered the guitar.

Muddy Waters

Simple acoustic guitar didn't fit well with Muddy. He really started playing only at the moment when he switched to electric guitar. Powerful roar and jerky voice glorified the novice singer and performer. In fact, the work of Muddy Waters is on the verge between blues and rock and roll. The musician died on April 30, 1983.

Gary Moore

- a famous Irish guitarist, singer and songwriter - was born on April 4, 1952. In his career, he experimented a lot with different areas of music, but still gave preference to the blues.

Gary Moore

In one of his interviews, Moore admitted that he likes the dialogue that occurs between vocals and guitar in the blues. This opens up a wide field for experimentation.

Interestingly, although Gary Moore was left-handed, from childhood he learned to play the guitar as a right-hander and performed like that all his life until his death on February 6, 2011.

Eric Clapton

one of the most influential figures British rock- Born March 30, 1945. The only musician to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame three times, twice with bands and once as solo artist. Clapton played in various genres, but always gravitated towards the blues, which made his playing recognizable and characteristic.

Eric Clapton

Sonny Boy Williamson I & II

Sonny Boy Williamson is an American blues harmonica player and singer born December 5, 1912.

There are two famous Sonny Boy Williamsons in the world. The fact is that Sonny Boy Williamson II took the pseudonym of the same name in honor of his idol - Sonny Boy Williamson I. The fame of the second Sony greatly overshadowed the legacy of the first, although it was he who was an innovator in his field.

Sonny Boy Williamson I

Sonny Boy was one of the most famous and original harmonica players. He is distinguished by a special style of performance: simple, melodic, smooth. Lyrics of his songs: thin, lyrical.

Sonny Boy Williamson II

Williamson II most of all valued not fame, but personal comfort, so sometimes he allowed himself to disappear for a couple of months to rest, and then reappear on stage. Sonny Boy Williamson II passed away on May 25, 1965.

As you know, to become a professional in any business, you need to completely immerse yourself in it. If you intend to study the guitar, try to fully immerse yourself in this process: listen to quality compositions and watch the best in the business play this instrument. Seeing in front of me guitar virtuosos, it will be much easier for you to learn and learn about the instrument and music in general. We bring to your attention the top ten best guitarists of all time, which you can safely look up to.

TOP 10. Jimmy Page

Guitarist for Led Zeppelin

The guitarist of the band "Led Zeppelin" is considered one of the best "set the rhythm" of all time. He is also a talented composer and producer . Such an extensive set of songs, solos and rhythms allowed Page to become a real "titan" of the industry.

Of course, for many on this list, some names may seem controversial, but the fact remains: each musician from today's TOP can be called a real professional, who has something to learn from all beginners.

TOP 9. Carlos Santana

Carlon is known for his "glassy" playing tone

The "glassy" tone of Carlos' guitar playing can be recognized as soon as it begins to sound in the composition. And this Santana is fundamentally different from the above musicians. His work is characterized by a fusion of Latin rhythms, blues and jazz. For my 65 years successful career He deservedly won 10 Grammy awards.

TOP-8. Lonnie Johnson

Solo on one string - the main feature of Lonnie

Lonnie has been called an innovator in jazz guitar and single string soloing. Johnson has built a fairly successful commercial career and is one of those musicians who can safely be called the "fundators" of food and rock. There is no doubt that his influence left a huge imprint on the work of many electro-blues guitarists born after him.

TOP 7. Stevie Ray Vaughn

Looks like Stevie left school for a reason...

Stevie Ray Vaughn left school at 17 and decided to devote himself entirely to music. Working with such personalities as Albert King, Muddy Waters and Jimi Hendrix, he quickly rose to the heights and became one of the best. He managed to create his own unique style, which was characterized by a bold and dynamic sound. Sadly, Stevie died in a plane crash in Wisconsin.

TOP 6. Django Reinhardt

French Gypsies owe a lot to this guy

Django Reinhard is a major jazz player whose style has become the musical tradition of the Gypsies of France. By the way, Django plays all his guitar solos with two fingers, because once he seriously injured his hand during a fire.

TOP-5. Robert Johnson

Many underestimate Robert as a musician

Creative activity Robert Johnson began in the 30s of the 20th century. He recorded his first songs in November 1936 in San Antonio, Texas. Some modern guitarists do not like Johnson's work, they claim that he played irregularly and in general that he does not have musical ear and clear diction. However, it was Robert's music that became the basis for the inspiration of the next generations of bluesmen. Johnson himself joked that he received the talent for virtuoso guitar playing after a deal with the devil.

TOP 4. Eddie Van Halen

Eddie is the fastest guitarist on the planet

The main "trick" of Eddie is the lightning speed of the riffs. It is striking that Van Halen is self-taught, he never took lessons from others. professional musicians. By the way, his colleagues often make fun of him and say, they say, if you were not taught to play the guitar, find your own style becomes much easier.

TOP 3. BB King

BB King plays the blues

Riley BB King, who was born in the small American town of Indianola (Mississippi), began to learn the blues almost from birth. His pure play and minimalist style influenced several generations of guitarists at once. Unfortunately, in May of this year, the musician passed away, but he still remains the main "icon of the blues".

TOP-2. Keith Richards

Legendary The participant Rolling Stones

Innovative guitar playing and the use of unique musical techniques are the main reasons why people bought tickets to the concerts of one of the participants legendary rock band The Rolling Stones by Keith Richards. Despite his impressive age, this guitarist continues to "ignite" the halls as in the best of times. There is no doubt that Keith rightfully deserves to be in today's TOP.

TOP-1. Jimi Hendrix

Here he is - the greatest guitarist of all time!

Oddly enough, but the beginning musical career Jimmy can hardly be called successful. He was a supporting guitarist for a popular pianist at the time named Little Richard, but due to contract disputes, Hendrix was forced to leave the band and start building his own career.

As it turned out, it took him nothing to realize that guitar music needed to be changed, supplementing it with fresh ideas. Moreover, Jimmy's ability to create real shows at concerts allowed him to collect incredible huge army fans and become the best of the best in the guitar business. His innovative ideas and unique playing technique changed rock and roll forever. That is why Hendrix is ​​considered the greatest guitarist of all time.

Jimi Hendrix guitar solo, 1970 (video)

Often, when watching a band perform or listening to a favorite song, we notice only the vocalist and completely forget about other musicians, namely, guitarists. But they play a key role in the activities of the groups, and many of them write melodies, which then will sit in your head for a long time ... We invite you to look at the most successful and great guitarists of all time and peoples. Each of them is good in its own way, but they are all united in one thing - they have made an invaluable contribution to the development different styles music.

1. Jimi Hendrix

It's not that Hendrix was more advanced in terms of guitar playing than his contemporaries. The fact is that he did everything more naturally. He was creative person, as if not at all making any effort in his work. Hendrix himself personified the music he played.

2. Keith Richards

There's a reason people are willing to go to great lengths to watch Richards play. Of course, this guitarist is no longer at the peak of his powers, but this is definitely a person who created a lot of amazing and diverse songs and melodies. His guitar playing has always been innovative, and his use of ever-changing approaches has always been at the heart of the Rolling Stones' sonic sound.

3. BB King

Riley B King from the American town of Indianola, Mississippi, plunged into the blues almost from birth. His minimalist style and pure musical "narrative" have influenced generations of guitarists. Now 87, he is still the king of the blues and plays about 100 shows a year.

4 Eddie Van Halen

Van Halen's skill comes in part from how he plays the guitar. He mastered the tapping technique to perfection and even improved it. He is now 55 and continues to tour.

5. Django Reinhardt

Perhaps this is the first major European jazz musician, which played "jumping". Reinhardt's original style has become a musical tradition in French Gypsy culture. It is known that Reinhardt played all his guitar solos with two fingers, after he damaged two other fingers on his hand in a fire.

6. Mark Knopfler

One of the most respected fingerpicking guitarists of his generation. Knopfler's precision and melodiousness greatly slowed down the evolution of the punk scene in the late 70s.

7. Robert Johnson

There's a good reason that every article about Robert Johnson is accompanied by the same iconic photograph of him, because only two portraits of this blues musician have survived. Most Johnson spent his life outside of commercial success, playing on the streets or in diners, but he remains perhaps one of the most pivotal blues musicians in history.

8. Stevie Ray Vaughn

Stevie Ray Vaughn (right) left school at 17 and immersed himself in the world of music, working with blues musicians like Albert King and Muddy Waters, as well as rock musicians like Lonnie Mac and his idol Jimi Hendrix. Vaughn developed his own original style with a characteristic bold sound and, together with the group "Double Trouble" for seven years, enjoyed a successful musical career. Tragically, Vaughn died in a helicopter crash in Wisconsin.

9. Ry Cooder

Charismatic, versatile and extraordinary musician. He is best known for his main role at the Buena Vista Club. Cooder started out as a teenager and a promising blues musician, and to this day remains famous for his exquisite "glide" while playing the guitar.

10. Lonnie Johnson

An innovator in the field of jazz guitar and guitar solo on the same string. Johnson had a fairly successful commercial career. He is one of the few guitarists who can claim to have laid the foundation for blues and rock, and his influence has left a mark on the work of almost every electric blues guitarist who was born after him.

11. Carlos Santana

The "glassy" tone of Santana's guitar playing is recognizable as soon as he appears in the song. And this can not be said about all the musicians who are represented in this list. The fusion of Latin rhythms, blues and jazz, characteristic of Santana's work, has become almost a cult, and dizzyingly colorful outfits and a 65-year (!) career have deservedly led him to 10 grammy awards and three Latin Grammy awards.

12. Jimmy Page

The guitarist of Led Zeppelin became one of the best "set the rhythm" of all time. However, he is also one of the greatest composers and producers in the world of rock. With such an extensive array of songs, solos and rhythms, Page easily became one of the titans of the industry.

13. Paco de Lucia

Definitely the greatest of all living representatives of flamenco on the guitar. De Lucia is an incredibly technical and talented guitarist. His work with John McLaughlin and Larry Coriel resulted in one of the most exciting albums ever written in the world of guitar music.

14. Eric Clapton

The only three-time winner of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Clapton revolutionized guitar playing and became one of the most respected and influential musical figures in the rock era. His style has changed over time, but he's always stuck to his blues roots.

15. Brian May

The Commander of the Order of the British Empire is also a rock legend. His guitar playing is real theatrical performance, and the list of hits of the Queen group, to which he had a hand, is truly impressive.

16. Chet Atkins

Atkins mastered a huge number of styles - from country to jazz and classical. He developed his own 4-finger guitar style to play both melody and chords at the same time. He resurrected country music with a Nashville sound that is now integral to the musician's personality.

17. Slash

The Guns N' Roses guitarist wrote some of the most memorable tunes of all time, and his solos - on songs like "November Rain", "Sweet Child o' Mine" and more - have gone down in history. Guns N' Roses may be trying to replicate the success of their first album, but Slash's playing has always been successful.

18. Chuck Berry

Berry is best known for his formative rhythms and blues. As a result, he served as an inspiration for artists such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. As a guitarist, Chuck Berry was economical and clean, but as a showman, he was bright and witty.

19. David Gilmour

Gilmour's elegant solos, sometimes dreamy, sometimes melodic, became the basis of the band's music. Pink Floyd". His solos in the compositions "Comfortably Numb", "Time" and "Money" have forever stuck in the soul of many music lovers. He managed to create a sound that can not be confused with anything.

20. Jeff Beck

Like Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page, Beck is one of three famous guitarists who played with The Yardbirds. For this, he entered the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and then he entered there again thanks to his solo activities. The 68-year-old guitarist has produced some of the most exciting and dizzying guitar melodies V recent history music. And although he is no longer as commercially successful as many of his contemporaries, he is his influence in music world cannot be underestimated.

Far from any hobby that appears in our lives is capable of becoming a matter of a lifetime in the future, a way of good earnings and the opportunity to become famous all over the world. The people we will talk about today are extraordinary and very talented individuals who loved music very much and, subsequently, it endowed them with popularity and the love of fans.

Today we will talk about the most famous guitarists in the world, in their field, they have long been recognized as real professionals, you want to listen to their compositions again and again, they do not get bored, they are distinguished by the depth and beauty of thought.

Some of them even became the founders of some new musical trends, these are the people that every beginner and even a professional guitarist who has a desire to achieve something more in the world of music should look up to. I would like to separately note that our top 10 is made in an arbitrary sequence, because how can you compare the best of the world this?

  • Jimi Hendrix. Is it possible to describe in a nutshell this person who has long deserved the title of "legend"? A virtuoso guitarist whose work was admired by such famous musicians, like Paul McCartney and Freddie Mercury, managed to have a huge impact on the history and formation of rock music. And the point is not at all that he simply skillfully controlled the guitar and knew how to play it with almost any part of his body, but that he brought many innovative ideas to music, expanded the vocabulary of the electric guitar and its range, mastered the unique playing technique and managed to become a living personification of his own music.
  • BB King. He is better known to the world as the "King of the Blues", who plunged into his element almost from the cradle. From a very young age, he sang in the choir, and at the age of 12 he already bought his first guitar, from where the story of a talented guitarist, musician, songwriter and singer began. During his long career, King has managed to greatly develop one of the most recognizable musical styles, and many famous performers borrowed and continue to borrow unique techniques King.
  • Eric Clapton. He is called one of the most influential musicians in the rock era, and in the list of the most talented guitarists in the world according to the cult magazine Rolling Stone, Clapton is confidently ranked 4th. Received the nickname "slow hand" for the smoothness and softness of the sound that he skillfully extracts from the instrument. Recognized as one of the best rock and blues guitarists, in addition, he is an undeniable master of playing in the classical style.
  • Chuck Berry. He is called one of the most influential early rock and roll guitarists, according to many experts, some of his compositions became a real source of inspiration for the musicians of such great bands as The Beatles, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones and others, who at one time did cover versions of his songs.
  • Robert Johnson. It is noteworthy that all articles about this great musician, bluesman and guitarist are always accompanied by a single iconic image, because only two portraits of this talented person. Most of its creative career, he spent outside of commerce, entertaining people in cafes and squares, inventing and writing down own songs. As a result, he is called one of the best blues musicians of the last century, because he managed to create the basis for the creativity of subsequent generations.
  • Keith Richards. There are many reasons why this British guitarist, as well as songwriter, is on the list of the best and most famous. Of course, now he is no longer at the peak of his form, however, it was he who created a real sea of ​​​​various guitar parts and melodies, and his guitar playing always has some zest, he always tries to change and bring something new into his work. Together with his friend Mick Jagger, he is the constant "heart" legendary band The Rolling Stones, and is also known for its unique collection of guitars, the number of which is total about 3 thousand pieces!
  • Eddie Van Halen. It is noteworthy, but this man in his whole life did not take a single lesson from a professional, nevertheless, he managed to master and hone to full skill the most difficult technique of the game is tapping. Founded with his brother group of the same name Van Halen is also one of the first guitarists to use the tremolo system.
  • Jimmy Page. Even at a very young age, Jimmy gained fame as a gifted guitarist, at that time he was already performing as a session guitarist for serious bands. In the late 60s, he founded his own, known today as Led Zeppelin, and from that very moment it began its rapid ascent along the walk of fame. As a result, Jimmy became one of the most famous composers, songwriters and music producers in legendary world rock.
  • Ry Cooder. He is called the most expressive and extraordinary performer of slide guitar compositions. Its popularity came at the end of the last century, however, the meaning of the above words has not been lost from this. Rai is known for his mastery of the glissando technique, and is a renowned blues collector, folk singer, and film composer.
  • Brian May. He began to develop his hobby at the age of seven, but due to lack of funds, he trained on a home-made guitar, which he made with his father from oak. Later he organized a student group, and 20 years later he became the guitarist of the Queen group, where he took part in its most popular hits.

Far from any hobby that appears in our lives is capable of becoming a matter of a lifetime in the future, a way of good earnings and the opportunity to become famous all over the world. The people we will talk about today are extraordinary and very talented individuals who loved music very much and, subsequently, it endowed them with popularity and the love of fans.

Today we will talk about the most famous guitarists in the world, they have long been recognized as real pros in their field, you want to listen to their compositions again and again, they do not get bored, they are distinguished by the depth and beauty of thought.

Some of them even became the founders of some new musical trends, these are people that every beginner and even a professional guitarist who has a desire to achieve something more in the world of music should look up to. I would like to separately note that our top 10 is made in an arbitrary sequence, because is it possible to compare the best of this world?

  • Jimi Hendrix. Is it possible to describe in a nutshell this person who has long deserved the title of "legend"? The guitar virtuoso, whose work was admired by such famous musicians as Paul McCartney and Freddie Mercury, managed to have a huge impact on the history and formation of rock music. And the point is not at all that he simply skillfully controlled the guitar and knew how to play it with almost any part of his body, but that he brought many innovative ideas to music, expanded the vocabulary of the electric guitar and its range, mastered the unique playing technique and managed to become a living personification of his own music.
  • BB King. He is better known to the world as the "King of the Blues", who plunged into his element almost from the cradle. From a very young age, he sang in the choir, and at the age of 12 he already bought his first guitar, from where the story of a talented guitarist, musician, songwriter and singer began. Over the course of his long career, King has been able to greatly develop one of the most recognizable musical styles, and many famous artists have borrowed and continue to borrow King's unique techniques.
  • Eric Clapton. He is called one of the most influential musicians in the rock era, and in the list of the most talented guitarists in the world according to the cult magazine Rolling Stone, Clapton is confidently ranked 4th. Received the nickname "slow hand" for the smoothness and softness of the sound that he skillfully extracts from the instrument. Recognized as one of the best rock and blues guitarists, in addition, he is an undeniable master of playing in the classical style.
  • Chuck Berry. He is called one of the most influential early rock and roll guitarists, according to many experts, some of his compositions became a real source of inspiration for the musicians of such great bands as The Beatles, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones and others, who at one time did cover versions of his songs.
  • Robert Johnson. It is noteworthy that all articles about this great musician, bluesman and guitarist are always accompanied by a single iconic image, because only two portraits of this talented person have survived in history. Most of his creative career, he spent outside of commerce, entertaining people in cafes and squares, inventing and recording his own songs. As a result, he is called one of the best blues musicians of the last century, because he managed to create the basis for the creativity of subsequent generations.
  • Keith Richards. There are many reasons why this British guitarist, as well as songwriter, is on the list of the best and most famous. Of course, now he is no longer at the peak of his form, however, it was he who created a real sea of ​​\u200b\u200bvarious guitar parts and melodies, and his guitar playing always has some kind of zest, he always tries to change and bring something new into his work. Together with his friend Mick Jagger, he is the constant "heart" of the legendary bands The Rolling Stones, and is also known for its unique collection of guitars, the number of which in total is about 3 thousand pieces!
  • Eddie Van Halen. It is noteworthy that this man in his entire life did not take a single lesson from a professional, nevertheless, he managed to master and hone the most complex playing technique - tapping, to full mastery. Together with his brother, he founded the Van Halen band of the same name, and is also one of the first guitarists to use the tremolo system.
  • Jimmy Page. Even at a very young age, Jimmy gained fame as a gifted guitarist, at that time he was already performing as a session guitarist for serious bands. In the late 60s, he founded his own, known today as Led Zeppelin, and from that very moment it began its rapid ascent along the walk of fame. As a result, Jimmy became one of the most famous composers, songwriters and music producers in the legendary world of rock.
  • Ry Cooder. He is called the most expressive and extraordinary performer of slide guitar compositions. Its popularity came at the end of the last century, however, the meaning of the above words has not been lost from this. Rai is known for his mastery of the glissando technique, and is a renowned blues collector, folk singer, and film composer.
  • Brian May. He began to develop his hobby at the age of seven, but due to lack of funds, he trained on a home-made guitar, which he made with his father from oak. Later he organized a student group, and 20 years later he became the guitarist of the Queen group, where he took part in its most popular hits.

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