Lesson on iso rainbow in the middle group. Complex lesson "Colored rainbow"


Belova Galina Vyacheslavovna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU " Kindergarten №107"
Locality: town Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Region
Material name: summary of GCD on speech development in middle group
Theme:"Compilation of a descriptive story based on the painting "Spring"
Publication date: 10.01.2019
Chapter: preschool education

Department of Education

administration of the city of Nizhny Novgorod




(MBDOU No. 107)


directly educational activities

on speech development in the middle group

“Compilation of a descriptive story based on a picture


Educator: Belova G.V.

Nizhny Novgorod

Synopsis of directly educational activities in speech

development in the middle group on the topic

“Compilation of a descriptive story based on the painting “Spring”

Target: the formation of skills to compose a short story based on a picture.

Tasks:- learn how to write simple complex sentences by picture;

develop attention, logical thinking, memory;

Summarize children's knowledge about spring changes in nature;

Cultivate love for animate and inanimate nature.

Material: painting "Early Spring", a letter, carrots, two buttons, a red bucket, a painting with

image of different snowmen.

The course of directly educational activities:

The teacher brings to the group (carrots, red bucket, 2 buttons). Guys look what I am

found near the kindergarten. What is it? Think! Who could lose it? (Children assume

name their version. The teacher leads the children to the correct answer - a snowman).

What do you think happened to the snowman? (melted).

Why? (became warm).

Why did it get warm? (spring has come, the sun is warming).

Educator: I brought a picture with snowmen. Look closely and find

snowman who walked towards us. (Listens to children's answers) Why do you think it's him?

(red bucket, 2 buttons, carrots)

Well done! You are very attentive. Found the right snowman.

And I also received a letter. It must have been a snowman. (Reads a letter) Writes to you

Dunno. "Hello children! I wrote a story about spring: “Spring has come. Frosts crackled.

The rooks have arrived. The river was covered with ice. The children put on warm coats. The streams ran." Before

goodbye. Dunno.

Educator. Guys, don't you think Dunno has messed something up.

What doesn't happen in spring?

And when does it happen?

What season is it now?

What are the spring months?

What happens in spring?

What happens to the snow?

What happens to the trees?

How do animals behave?

What is the first spring flower?

Educator: I suggest you play the game "Finish the sentence."

What can be said about:

Warm, bright, gentle, radiant - sun;

Blue, pure, high, clear - sky;

Dirty, loose, black - snow;

Cheerful, sonorous, fast - Creek;

Early, warm, long-awaited, sunny - Spring;

Young, green, soft, silky - grass.

Educator. Well done! We've worked and now we'll rest.

Fizminutka: Children perform movements in the text.

The sun began to warm

Droplets began to knock.

Drop - one, drop - two,

Drops slowly at first

And then faster and faster.

The streams ran

Try them, catch up!

The rook on a branch sways merrily.

He smiles at the spring sun.

He flaps his wings, dances "Polechka" to us.

Here he sat down by the puddle, he wants to get drunk.

He began to beat on the water with his wing, he wants to wash himself.

The rook washed himself, flew away and sat on the branch again.

The educator tells about spring, according to the picture using the scheme.

The sun shines bright and warm. The sky is blue, clear, high. Light, white float across the sky,

fluffy clouds. The snow melts. Buds swelled on the trees. People put on light jackets and

rubber boots. Animals change winter fur for summer. The birds have arrived. Children are allowed


Educator. And now try to compose a story based on the painting “Spring”. The story must

be interesting and complete. To do this, use the plan.

What season is it?

How does the sun shine?

What sky?

What happens to the snow?

What happens to the trees?

How does a person dress?

How do animals behave?

How do birds behave?

What does a person do?

Several children come out and tell about the picture, the rest help.

Educator. Well done! You have made detailed interesting stories about spring and children. I AM

I think Dunno will like such stories.

Educator. What season are we talking about today? The teacher reads a poem

"Spring" Druzhinina.

What's going on in the spring!

The birds are coming!

Snow melts and ice melts

And on the river - ice drift!

The grass appears

The field is alive.

The downpour pours like a bucket,

Thunder strikes: "Spring" Hurrah!

Educator. Are you guys excited for spring? Smile, show how happy you are for spring. Well done! Everybody

tried, worked actively, together, were attentive. Receive from Dunno spring

pictures for coloring.

Children take pictures of their choice and color them.

Anna Burtseva
Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the middle group. Compiling a story based on the painting "Spring"

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

Middle preschool age

Theme: Drawing up a story from a picture"Spring"

Program content: Improve skill tell by picture successively complete sentences finishing your thought. Contribute development grammatically correct children's speech. Skill write a short story of 3-4 sentences. Consolidate children's knowledge of signs spring. Raise a caring attitude towards birds and the natural environment.

preliminary work: Examining the painting, conversation on it. Selection of adjectives for nouns. Observation on a walk for the weather, birds. Listening to birdsong, drops, murmur of a stream. Reading fiction literature: poems, stories, riddles about spring.

Equipment: Use TCO, disk, easel, painting, cat mask, house model, snowman costume.

Course progress.

Q. Guys, let's greet each other and our guests. Let's smile at each other, look at our neighbor on the left and right.

Children sit on chairs and listen melody: birdsong, drops, murmur of a brook.

Q. What do you hear? (appeal to children)

How do birds sing?

What are the birds singing about?

And what signs spring you still know?

(children's answers)

The teacher draws the attention of the children to picture.

Q. About what season tells the picture. (Address to children)

What is shown on picture?

(children's answers)

B. Guys, I'll tell you I'll tell you a little story about this picture and listen carefully. And then you will make up your story.

The bright, gentle sun shines. A warm breeze is blowing. Clouds float across the blue sky. Willow fluffed under the warm rays of the sun. Snow slides from the roof of the house, icicles drip. Nina came home from school. And I decided to visit my snowman friend. Seeing the snowman, Nina felt sorry for him. His white fur coat has darkened, and his head is about to fall.

3-4 children are called for compiling a story.

Q. And now we will rest and play a game

"Sparrows and a cat"

The role of the cat and sparrows is performed by children.

B. Birds fly merrily, birds peck grains, birds play joyfully, talk

Chiv-chiv, chiv-chiv

Children imitate movements and chirp with each other.

The cat runs out and tries to catch the birds, the birds fly away to their houses.

Q. Guys, what did Nina talk about with the snowman? Do you want to know?

(children's answers)

B. Let's liven up with you picture?

(children's answers)

Snowman and girl enter (as children)

Q. Guys, who came to us?

Children act out the conversation between the girl Nina and the snowman.

D: Hello my friend.

With: Hello.

D: Why are you so sad?

With: Because Spring has come, I'm melting.

D: Do not be sad snowman next year we will meet with you.

AT: Guys, let's say goodbye to the snowman.

(children say goodbye, the snowman leaves)

Q. Guys, what season were we talking about?

What time of year has passed?

(children's answers)

MBDOU No. 57 "Ryabinka", Kaluga

Lakhno E.B. Synopsis of GCD in the middle group in the educational field " Speech development". Subject: Drawing up a story from a picture" Spring is coming" // Owl. 2016. No. 2..2016.n2-a/VP16030063.html (date of access: 24.02.2019).

Target: The development of oral speech of children through the systematization of knowledge about spring


  1. Learn to select words-definitions for nouns, activate the dictionary on the topic "Spring".
  2. Develop a monologue form of speech, exercise in compiling stories based on a picture.
  3. To consolidate knowledge about the change of seasons, ideas about the changes that occur in spring in nature.
  4. To evoke positive impressions from the creation of creative collective work in children.
  5. Encourage children to love nature.

Integration: educational areas "Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognition".

Vocabulary work: thawed areas, migratory
Equipment:Demo: models of a bear's den, a birdhouse with a starling, snowdrops, a rook bird, the painting "Spring has come" cut into four parts

Q. What can be said about the brook, what is it like?
D. The brook is fast, murmuring, blue, talkative, sonorous, transparent, cold.
B. Great, you all know. Who else noticed the surprise from spring?
Children find snowdrops.
Q. What are these flowers called?
D. Snowdrops
Q. Guys, Anya and her mother found out the legend about snowdrops and she wants to tell us about it.
D. An old Russian legend tells that once the old woman Winter with her companions Frost and Wind decided not to let the beautiful Spring on the earth. But the brave snowdrop straightened up, spread its petals and asked for protection from the sun. The sun noticed the Snowdrop, warmed the earth and opened the way for Spring.
V. Guys, here is the spring message. What is shown here?
D. Snowdrop - beautiful, spring, tender, the first flower.
Q. And where, first of all, do snowdrops appear?
D. On the thawed patches (let's say all together)
Q. What is thawed patches?
D. Places where the earth peeps out from under the melting snow.
Q. Who else found a spring surprise, tell us what you saw?
D. I found a birdhouse and a bird
Q. What is the name of the bird?
D. Starling ……..
Q. What kind of bird is this?
D. Migratory (dictionary work)
Q. Guys, let's help the birds build birdhouses.
Finger gymnastics
D. Birdhouses are ready,
You can settle (banging fists against each other)
Ready at home - tower (connect the fingertips of two hands into the "roof of the house")
Fly, fly merry birds (connect the fingers of two hands together "overlap")
Hurry up at home. (wave fingers)
V. Guys, and the starling brought us news. What is shown here?
D. There is a birdhouse on the tree, a starling sits next to the birdhouse.
Q. Where did the starling on the tree come from?
D. He flew in from warm countries.
Q. Guys, now let's remember the signs of spring.

Ball game. (ball around)
Into the sky.
D. Blue, light, clear, radiant, high
B. Sun
D. Dazzling, radiant, red, warm, clear, gentle, affectionate.
V. Clouds
D. Light, transparent, airy, white, curly, fluffy.
B. Grass
D. Thick, green, fragrant, juicy, tender, like a fluffy carpet
V. Well done! And ahead of us is still waiting interesting job. What do I have in my hands?
D. Parts of a painting
B. What needs to be done to make it work the whole picture?
D. Collect
Q. Who will help me assemble the picture?
Who will tell the story of the picture?
The children are talking.
Q. What would you name the painting?
D. Beginning of spring, spring, blooming spring, spring came.
V. And now we will give the floor to Polina. She will combine all your suggestions into one big story.

D. (Story example) The beginning of spring.
Spring has come. The sun is getting hotter and warmer. Snow is melting outside and thawed patches are forming. The first flowers appear on the thawed patches - snowdrops. The boys launch boats on the water. The first buds are blooming on the trees. From distant countries birds arrive: rooks, starlings... I like spring!
Q. Guys, what mood did this picture cause?
D. Joyful, calm, cheerful, cheerful.
B. Let us have our good mood express with bright, varied colors.
The girls will draw trees, a stream, thawed patches, and we will ask the boys to decorate the picture with birds, stick birdhouses, the sun, boats
Children depict a spring landscape.
Q. Did you like the picture? You got a beautiful picture, because you worked together, tried!
Guys, what season are we talking about today?
D. About spring.
Q. What do you remember?
The children answer.
Q. Guys, who remembers what the legend told by Anya was about?
D. About the snowdrop.
Q. I also learned a lot from you about spring.
You have worked very hard today. Created magic picture and talked about spring. Guys, at home, be sure to tell your parents the story that we composed.
Spring heard your stories and wanted to give you a present.
B. Shows a basket of treats for the children.

Valentina Sheveleva
Compiling stories for plot picture"Early Spring" in senior group

Compilation of stories based on the plot picture "Early Spring"

Target: Continue to teach children to independently compose a story based on a plot picture. Develop the ability to compose complex sentences grammatical structure speech. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate an understanding of the beauty of nature

Lesson progress:

1. Finger gymnastics "My house"

2. The teacher reads a poem

"The snow is no longer the same, -

It darkened in the field.

Ice cracked on the lakes

It's like they split.

Clouds run faster.

The sky got higher.

Sparrow chirped

Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day

Stitches and paths

And on willows with silver

Earrings glow. " S. Ya. Marshak

What season is the poem talking about?

How did you guess what it says about spring?

What happens in spring in nature?

What do they do migratory birds in the spring?

How are the children dressed in spring?

3. D / and "Say with the word" spring "



4. Guys, we are looking at the picture, and today we will make a story based on it. Let's take a look at its content.

What are the kids doing? (Children walk near the kindergarten)

Look at the girl in the red coat, what can you say about her? (The girl picked flowers on the thawed patches, where the snow melted)

Why has the snow melted? (The sun shines brightly and warms, so the snow melts, thawed patches appeared, streams ran)

What are the boys doing? (A boy in a striped cap launches a boat in a stream, and the second looks at the boat)

Tell us about the girl sitting on the bench?

5. Now come up with a story based on the picture "Early Spring"

According to the plan:

1. What season is it?

2. What are the girls doing?

3. What are the boys doing?

4. How they have fun together

6. If it is difficult for children to tell, the teacher gives a sample story

The story of the picture "Early spring"

Has come early spring. The sun shines bright and warm. The snow began to melt, veins appeared, streams ran on thawed patches.

The children got dressed and went for a walk. The girl Tanya picked a flower, she will bring it to the group and put it in the water, and the girl Masha took Petrushka with her for a walk and tells him about spring, she wants to make Easter cakes from the last snow.

The boys Vanya and Dima made a paper boat and float it in a stream. Children are interested and have fun on a walk.

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