Psychology drawing test. Interesting psychological pictures for self-knowledge


In psychology, there are many ways to diagnose personality. An experienced psychologist will be able to tell a lot simply by analyzing a person’s body language, his manner of speaking, handwriting. In psychodiagnostic practice, psychological tests are also widely used: personality questionnaires, achievement tests, situational and projective methods.

Psychology in pictures

Psychological tests based on pictures are projective methods of psychodiagnostics. That is, they are based on the interpretation of the projections of the subject on the stimulus material in the form of weakly structured graphic images and color drawings. projection is defense mechanism psyche, which consists in attributing to someone or something own feelings, thoughts, aspirations, qualities, beliefs. A person thinks out what his consciousness and subconscious are filled with and gives out unique interpretations of what he sees. For example, think: what did you first see in the picture above - a butterfly, guns in blood spatter, or something else?

Overview of popular psychological tests with pictures

There are many on the Internet. Most of them are purely entertainment. The results obtained as a result of passing such questionnaires should not be taken seriously. We will consider the most interesting and frequently used professional techniques using drawings. .


A widely demanded method of psychodiagnostics based on pictures is the thematic perceptual test (TAT). The subject is presented with black-and-white images, most of which show people in everyday situations. A person must come up with a plot for each picture, describe what the characters think and feel.

When writing a story describing , the subject involuntarily identifies with one of the depicted characters and talks about own problems and internal conflicts.

For example, try to guess what is happening in this picture. What gnaws at the child and how will he get out of a difficult situation?

Thematic Perceptual Test

Depending on the interpretation option that you prefer, you can draw a conclusion about your psycho-emotional state and a characteristic way of solving problems.

Do you think your child is bored? Is he tired of honing his violin skills? Don't you feel in recent times the same for your work? Maybe you need a rest, new experiences? Will the child still take up classes or run away to play? From what assumption you are inclined to, you can judge what is more pronounced in your character - a sense of duty or love of freedom.

Or does it seem to you that the boy really wants to play the instrument, but he was asked not to make noise? Are all your desires satisfied? Do you feel that people around you put undue pressure on you?

Or maybe the boy is experiencing creative torment, he can’t compose a melody? Is there a problem that has been bothering you lately? Do you doubt your ability to solve it, are you afraid not to cope with your obligations?

The violin does not belong to the boy, and he simply yearns for its owner? Are you very attached to loved ones? Your biggest fear is separation from your loved one?

Wagner hand test

The technique was developed to determine the level of aggressiveness. Stimulus material - nine images of the hand, which can be interpreted ambiguously. Depending on the quantitative ratio in which the subject perceives gestures as aggressive and peaceful, a conclusion is made about his tendency to aggressive behavior.

Wagner hand test

Rorschach test

Probably the most famous psychodiagnostic drawing test is the Rorschach inkblot technique. The subject must give an interpretation of ten ink blots.

Rorschach test

The ability to see a symmetrical figure in a shapeless spot indicates the realism of perception, high level self-criticism and self-control. Discernment in the blots of images of moving figures speaks of a rich imagination. The vision in most drawings of paired images of animals and people indicates significance for humans.

Rorschach test

Most people see the skin of an animal or male figure looking from top to bottom. Less often see images in separate fragments images - the head of a dog, a horse's muzzle. The perception of an inkblot as a dominant figure indicates a fear of persons with power and authority, including the father. On the other hand, the inability to see on the card this image may indicate a lack of self-control.

There are no professional psychological tests based on drawings with comprehensive answers in the public domain. After all, the effectiveness of psychodiagnostic methods is achieved due to the subjects' ignorance of the principles of test data analysis.

Advantages and disadvantages of psychological tests in pictures

The results of projective tests are more difficult to manipulate, since the pictures presented by the psychologist are neutral in content, and there is simply no single correct answer. For most other types of testing, the “learning effect” is characteristic when passing a test item again.

Psychological tests with pictures, on the contrary, can and even should be used repeatedly in diagnosing the same person. A new reading of psychological pictures by the subjects indicates a change in his psycho-emotional state and can serve as a criterion for successful psychotherapy. If, after passing psychological tests, you have identified increased anxiety or aggressiveness, try listening to audio hypnosis every day for a week to build confidence and compare the test results before and after. If the problem is deeper, then it is better not to hesitate and seek help from a psychologist, for example, Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Of course, psychological tests based on drawings also have disadvantages. First of all, there is no weighty scientific evidence that projective methods of psychodiagnostics have an acceptable level of validity (correspondence of the obtained results to the set goals of testing). The interpretation of the subject's reactions to pictures in psychology cannot be as unambiguous as, for example, in tests with quantitative indicators.

However, many practicing psychologists are not embarrassed by the lack of "scientific" method and they find it quite informative for their work. It can be said that the success of using pictures in psychology to diagnose personality depends on skill and

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. in the best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projective drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, pen or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You may consider yourself kind person, if what you drew is connected in some way to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Everyone has a desire to understand themselves from time to time: it happens that something is not going well at work or in the family, there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction inside, and, waking up in the morning, the first thing you want to do is change something. The best thing to do in this situation is to listen to inner voice and try to find yourself.

Often psychological drawing tests help to know yourself as a better qualified specialist! The visual test you are about to take will send you straight to your own subconscious: answer quickly and get the most truthful result.

"So simple!" invites you to look at the image above and immediately answer what caught your eye first. In the meantime, we will try to look into your subconscious. Well, are you ready?

Psychological tests by drawings

  1. Man and woman
    If the first thing that catches your eye is a man and a woman in the foreground, you are the one whose energy moves forward relentlessly and whose mind acts immediately. A powerful, bright, fiery energy is seething inside you, and you are ready to plunge headlong into your favorite business. Your desires are strong and your passions are violent.

    You know perfectly well what you want, and confidently go to your goal. When you are happy, you literally shine with warmth, but remember: everything should be in moderation. To balance the energy raging inside, give yourself a mental and physical rest, change the environment more often, enjoy soothing aromas, practice meditation and find time for walks on fresh air.


  2. Face
    If the first thing you saw in the picture is a face, under your appearance lies an emotional, dreamy and artistic nature. Especially brightly your character traits are manifested in moments of strong emotional shock, immense happiness and love. You are characterized by a calm and harmonious lifestyle, love of love and a positive type of thinking.

    You easily make friends and quickly find mutual language with the people of different nature, and your fragile nature is as easy to hurt as it is to charm. Perhaps those close to you are wondering why you are so calm and at times careless, when everyone around you does not find a place for yourself, but you were simply lucky to be born with such an enviable character.


  3. figure in the foreground
    We are sure that you are a focused, intelligent and extremely curious person, because you were the first to see a barely noticeable figure in the foreground of the picture. You are often thoughtful and silent, but at the same time you have a special love for all kinds of disputes and debates, because you are one hundred percent sure that you are right. Asking questions and just as quickly finding answers to them is something you can do endlessly.

    Your bright head keeps a lot of outstanding ideas that you happily share with others. In general, you are an excellent organizer and purposeful leader, but your stubbornness and overconfidence can cause a lot of trouble. To keep the energy in a healthy balance, associate only with friendly people, learn to control your temper and avoid aggressive situations.


Of course, only a certified psychologist can conduct professional personality tests and interpret their results, and our home subconscious mind test- just a way to once again understand yourself without outside interference. Spend 5 minutes and look into the depths of your own consciousness - we are sure

Quiz: draw a man and find out what kind of character you are

A very simple and very interesting psychological test, for which a sheet of paper and a pencil is enough.

The task is elementary - any child can do it. You take a standard A4 sheet and draw a conventional person on it. With the help of three types geometric shapes: triangles, circles and squares. You can use these elements in any combinations, sizes and proportions, but in total there should be exactly ten of them in your drawing. Ready for a masterpiece? Now read the key and decrypt hidden meaning- and then take a couple more leaves - and forward to the study of others!

Reference. Psychogeometry was created by American specialists led by Susan Dellinger, and the psychographic test “Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes” was developed by domestic psychologists Libin. And they offer detailed interpretations - for a whole book! Pics, on the other hand, offers the simplest, shortest and most understandable version of the test.

To begin with, let's evaluate which figures you got more among the “organs” of a little man.

What does triangle mean

As many as three horns - this is not a sparrow sneezed for you! A sharp and purposeful figure in all respects. And she declares to us (in a loud and confident commanding voice) about perseverance and energy. If a lover of triangles aims with his corner at some boundary and tramples on it, only an avalanche will stop him. In some places such a comrade himself is like that avalanche: “Hey, follow me!” - and everyone is already running. And he shines on them. The triangle is always right. If you think he is wrong, try to compete with him. Gore!

What does circle mean

This figurine is the most feminine in character. Not in the sense that if a gentleman preferred it, then he has a problem with traditionalism. It’s just that a round-loving person will always prefer to negotiate, rather than swinging a pitchfork and throwing excrement. She sincerely pities Mumu, wishes peace in the world, can talk heart to heart without creaking or meditate on the lawn. Krugi know how to listen and understand people better than others. Classic representative round parties - Leopold with his mantra about “let's live together”.

What does square mean

This design stands on the ground firmly and steadily. As is her fan. His logic is impenetrable, his persuasiveness is like that of the textbooks "Native Speech" and "Arithmetic" combined, willpower is measured in horsepower, endurance - the rocks will envy. Speaking of horses: he usually plows appropriately too. He has everything on the shelves - both in his head and on the shelves themselves. To unsettle him, you need ... well, except to burst into tears. Emotionality is not his part, it is for the round ones.

Having examined the work, count how many in your “portrait”: 1) triangles, 2) circles, 3) squares. Write in the form of numbers: for example, two triangles, two circles and six squares - 226. And what does this formula say about you? Yes, a lot!

1 type: organizer (811, 712, 721, 613, 622, 631)

At school and institute, you were probably the headman - well, or at least, you collected contributions from everyone for Sabantu. At work, you are the one who critical moment takes responsibility and eventually rakes it to the fullest. In the family - mommy or daddy, and not only in relation to children. Everyone - from a kitten to a grandmother - asks you what they should do. And if someone does not ask, unreasonable, then it is worse for him!

Type 2: performer (514, 523, 532, 541)

A person who knows how to do his job - with love, understanding and most often on time. You have no worse sense of responsibility than the organizer, but you prefer to answer not for everyone, but for yourself. Well, you doubt it, it happens: is it true that everything here is already perfect, but is it possible to improve it in some other way?

Type 3: dreamer (433, 343, 334)

The very talented who is talented in everything. And you can draw, and dance, if necessary, and compose a project. By the way, your writing is the best. Sometimes, however, the result is not fully applicable to reality - but what to do if the reality around you is so imperfect?

Type 4: Sympathetic (181, 271, 172, 361, 262, 163)

On your Facebook wall, all the stray dogs of the planet are looking for salvation, and your vest is ready to accept all the humiliated and insulted. It's called "developed empathy": you just don't understand what "not taking it to heart" means. And please don't show you "White Bim" or "Titanic"!

Type 5: subtle nature (451, 352, 154, 253, 154)

Sensitive and fragile soul, it is better not to turn over. Even if they don’t seriously run into you, you still worry: what if they didn’t think right? And suddenly in the depths of your soul you were offended? Yes, and you yourself know how to be offended, get excited and get upset - but they, callous people, will not even notice. However, your moods are changeable, you generally do not like monotony.

6th type: independent (442, 424, 244)

But they would not climb to you with their attitudes and prejudices. You are an artist, you see! What kind of artist is he? That's right, free! You always have a couple of brilliant ideas in your head, your own point of view and your own rules of life. It is not recommended to criticize you - unless, of course, who cares about life and reason. Because there is nothing!

Type 7: sociable (415, 325, 235, 415)

It is easier for you to say in words than to write in a report. Refer to to a stranger? Yes please, no problem. Call on the phone and get the information you need? At least twice. You are a genius of communication and immediacy itself. Sometimes being outgoing takes you to places you never expected to be. Nothing, the language will not only bring, but also bring back!

Type 8: self-sufficient (118, 127, 217, 316, 226, 136)

Unlike the previous type, open wide to everyone, you don’t particularly like to open up. You even avoid these wide open ones: you never know what comes to mind for these noisy and hectic bees. If anyone really needs it, knock on the shell and wipe your feet on the threshold. And in general, you need to take a closer look, wipe yourself off - and then already ... Sometimes, because of this feature, you have to stay and fight your problems one on one. Well, yes, you are strict with others - so, after all, with yourself too!

Do you want to receive one interesting unread article per day?

This test is ideal for large and cheerful company and helps to identify some of the character traits of the subjects. This will require clean sheets papers and pens according to the number of participants. Ask your colleagues to draw a pig without looking or with a scarf over their eyes. Then collect the drawings and hang them up so that they can be seen by all the test-takers. Usually, the images of the animal are so funny that they charge with fun for the whole holiday. After the merits of each drawing are commented on by your colleagues, announce the results. You can ask the test participants to sign the drawings in advance, if they, of course, want to be recognized.

Interpretation of drawings

The pig is shown at the top of the sheet.

This means that the person who painted it is very positive and well-mannered, endowed with a fair amount of optimism. Him life credo- everything should be fair, and if there are trials in life, they must be endured stoically, because the black stripe is always replaced by a white one.

The pig is shown closer to the middle of the sheet.

The drawing in the middle of the sheet indicates that the person who depicted it is a realist by nature.

Even in childhood, he was not prone to dreams, from childhood he set specific goals for himself and achieved them. Sobriety and calculation - these are the principles he adheres to in life.

The pig is depicted at the bottom of the sheet

Only a pessimist can draw like this. However, despite the fact that he sees the world in gray-black colors, this does not prevent him from amusing himself with petty pranks and vulgar jokes regarding both relatives and friends and colleagues.

The pictured pig is looking to the left.

This suggests that a person is a conservative by nature, always and in everything adheres to traditional views on life. He also has an excellent memory for dates.

The depicted pig is looking to the right.

The person who drew such a pig is an innovator by nature, constantly striving for something new. Family values not for him. Having gone headlong into creativity, he forgets about everything in the world, even about a loved one. And with this, few can come to terms.

The depicted pig is looking straight ahead.

belief evil spirit and straightforwardness in judgment - that's what distinguishes the one who painted such a pig. The latter quality often prevents the establishment of friendly contact. The only thing that can be advised to this person is to try to avoid disputes, otherwise you can make many enemies.

The pig is depicted with many details.

An analytical mind, caution and suspicion - this is what characterizes a person who has tried to depict a pig as accurately as possible. It is best for such an artist to work in the security service, where he can express himself to the fullest.

The pig is not shown in full

This means that the person who painted it is very emotional, distinguished by naivety and a love of risk. He is best at creative work, such as writing advertising texts.

The pictured pig has less than 4 legs

A person who portrays a pig without at least one leg is very dangerous. In his head, he hatches insidious plans, which, fortunately, are not allowed to come true due to his timid nature and lack of willpower.

The pig is depicted with 4 legs

This means that the person who painted it is firm in his views, very reliable and firmly on his feet. You can hide behind it, like behind a stone wall.

The pig is depicted with ears

The presence of ears good sign. This indicates that the person knows how to listen. And how well he does it, indicates the size of the ears: the larger they are, the better.

The pig is depicted with a tail

The presence of a tail indicates the ability to love. Size, just like with ears, matters.

Test "Draw a house"

This simple, but fun, and most importantly psychologically true test always evokes a lot of emotions. Give each participant a blank piece of paper and a pencil and give them the task of drawing a house. A few strokes will be enough to judge the character of a person. At the end of the test, collect the sheets with pictures and announce the results.

Interpretation of drawings

city ​​house

The person who painted the multi-story building is the owner of a very complex character. Most likely, he is distinguished by isolation and a tendency to focus on his own problems.

low house

Rest, peace, harmony and pleasant memories - this is what a person who has drawn a low house needs.

The fatigue accumulated over the years of hard work makes itself felt, therefore, in order not to undermine your own health, it is better to go on vacation for at least 2-3 weeks.


Complete frivolity, frivolity and childishness distinguish the person who painted the castle.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, especially for the fairer sex.

The main thing is not to take on the burden of responsibility in the form of a family or a responsible post, otherwise you may not be able to cope with your responsibilities.

Spacious country house

Such a drawing means that its author has a need to deal with the housing issue, for example, buying new apartment or at home. For bachelors and childless persons, such a drawing should speak of a hidden need for love and hearth who has a large and friendly family.

Big house behind a high fence

The person who painted the house with a high fence can be judged by the latter: the more impregnable the fence, the more closed the character. If the house is surrounded by a hedge of picturesque bushes, this indicates gullibility and sociability.

Test "Choose a figure"

To pass this test, you will also need blank sheets of paper and pencils, 12 to be handed out before the announcement of the task. Draw a square, a triangle, a rectangle, a circle and a zigzag on the poster in advance and attach it to the wall so that everyone can see it.

Invite the participants to choose and draw the figure with which they associate themselves, or the figure that first caught their eye. After that, give the task to draw the remaining figures in order of personal preference. Explain to the audience that the figure chosen first characterizes the dominant features of a person, the characteristics of his behavior, while the rest complement the image, make it multifaceted and complex. You can either read out the characteristics given below in front of the audience, or print it out on a piece of paper in advance and distribute it after passing the test.

Psychological characteristics of personality forms


If a square is in the first place, this means that a person is by nature an incorrigible workaholic. Unusual perseverance and diligence ineradicable need to bring any matter to the end - these are the main qualities of the Square. Methodism, patience, attention to detail, love of order and excellent memory allow him to become an excellent specialist in his field.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, organized and predictable life. He does not like violations of the usual course of things, because in this case everything will have to be calculated and ordered again.

Such qualities are very useful in work, but interfere with personal life, so the Square, as a rule, is very lonely. Family happiness is guaranteed to him if on his own life path he will meet the same man obsessed with work and order.


The triangle is a symbol of leadership. And most Triangles feel this on a subconscious level. The true representatives of this figure have the ability to focus on main goal, which they are helped to achieve by such qualities as willpower, a tendency to analytical analysis, energy, self-confidence and self-righteousness, as well as ambition and the ability to grasp everything on the fly.

Triangle Life - eternal struggle and rivalry for the first place and the right to decide everything and for everyone on your own, both at work and in your personal life. They don't like to admit their mistakes and change decisions made. Their categoricalness sometimes borders on cruelty, which, of course, cannot but affect relations with others.


This figure, chosen as the main figure, symbolizes a state of constant change. A rectangle is a person who is always dissatisfied with the way he lives now, so he is always busy searching better share. His most specific traits- inconsistency and unpredictability of behavior. Regardless, Rectangles is not alone. Courage, curiosity, a keen interest in everything that surrounds them and gullibility attract people to them. Many take advantage of their naivety and manipulate them to their advantage.

A circle

The circle symbolizes harmony. The one who chooses him as the main figure appreciates most of all in life good relations with people. Krug is a philanthropist, thanks to which any work team becomes a friendly team, and the family becomes harmonious union He is distinguished by the ability to hear and listen, high sensitivity and the ability to empathize. In addition, he is well versed in people and unmistakably recognizes a hypocrite and a liar.

There is nothing more difficult for the Circle than to take part in interpersonal conflict. For him, a bad world is better than a good quarrel, so he strives with all his might to improve relations in the team. Being a born psychologist, the Circle is a useless organizer, so it is better for him to work in a team with Squares and Triangles.


This figure differs from the rest in its open shape and symbolizes creativity, creativity, dissent, expressiveness and eccentricity. People who choose it are characterized by intuitiveness, creative thinking the ability to see beauty in the ordinary. Zigzags are unsurpassed aesthetes and idealists. In their work, they need complete freedom, but under the condition of tacit control, since they often quickly lose interest in the subject under study and sometimes do not finish the job.

The impracticality and naivety of zigzags sometimes annoys others, but their wit, cheerful disposition and ease of communication compensate for these shortcomings.

Test "What do the doodles say?"

Many of us, during boring lectures or meetings, in thought or simply because there is nothing to do, begin to draw different patterns on a piece of paper. If this happens to your colleagues, try to collect a collection of such drawings, so that later you can decipher them in the presence of the whole team. Everyone will be interested to know what his scribbles say.

Interpretation of drawings

spirals, circles, wavy lines

A person who draws spirals, circles and wavy lines is not interested in other people's problems. All his thoughts are focused exclusively on his own emotional experiences. Perhaps in this moment he is in a crisis, so others should not pay attention to him or be offended, even if he has gone too far with his egocentrism. After some time, he realizes his mistake and apologizes.

Flowers, sun, garlands

It may seem to some that flowers, the sun, all kinds of garlands are a sign Have a good mood. However, this is not the case. The person who draws them suffers from a lack of communication, dreams of true friendship, as well as attention from the opposite sex. It is simply necessary to surround him with care and tenderness, and then everything will work out in his life.


A person drawing grids, for some reason unknown to others, feels a sense of awkwardness. Having a soft and compliant nature, he tends to often swallow resentment and hide irritation. If things go on like this, he will face a spiritual crisis. The task of others is to prevent this from happening.

intertwined hearts

Drawings resembling patterns on wallpaper

Such patterns indicate that a person is experiencing great boredom. Perhaps he was tired of sitting in an endless meeting or enduring a long telephone conversation, or maybe he was tired of the lifestyle that he has been forced to lead lately, but has not yet found another way for himself.


The man is clearly on to something. Most likely, this is a feeling of guilt that arose as a result of telephone conversation. However, worries and worries are in vain. Maybe in what happened, there is a share of his guilt, but you don’t need to shift everything onto your shoulders.

Various little men

Little people express a person's desire to evade their duties. Perhaps he does not have enough moral support to do what is entrusted to him.

Triangles, squares and other geometric shapes

Such figures are evidence that a person has clear goals and firm convictions. It is difficult to knock him off the intended path. He will try by all means to achieve what he has planned. He can be entrusted with any difficult task and not be afraid for its failure.

Honeycomb of bees

Harmony and beauty, calmness and tranquility - this is what a person who draws a honeycomb strives for. It is good to be with him, as he radiates goodness and warmth. In addition, he has a need to constantly take care of someone.

Chess fields

A person who draws chess fields is most likely tormented by hidden complexes and a sense of his own worthlessness. But his experiences are groundless and far-fetched, because others respect him, value him as an excellent specialist in his field and good friend, so you should not hide from everyone in a shell, but you need to live a normal and fulfilling life.

intertwined circles

The intertwined circles speak of the desire to have a stable relationship with the opposite sex. In addition, they may also indicate that a person wants to be in the thick of things, to participate in all public affairs. With his enthusiasm, he can move mountains.

Test "Non-existent animal"

This test allows you to identify the characteristics of a person's character, his inclinations and preferences. Hand out blank sheets of paper to those who wish to pass it. simple pencils(a felt-tip pen or pen is not suitable) and offer to draw a non-existent animal and come up with a non-existent name for it. Then collect the drawings and characterize them using the following description.

Interpretation of drawingsThe position of the animal on the sheet

The location of the picture in the center of the sheet is the norm and indicates the harmony of the individual. Deviations from the center indicate the presence of certain qualities.

The location of the animal is closer to the upper edge of the sheet

This suggests that this person:

A high self-evaluation;

Dissatisfaction with their position in society;

Lack of recognition from others;

The desire to move up the career ladder;

The tendency to self-affirmation.

The location of the animal at the bottom of the sheet

This testifies to:


Low self-esteem;



Disinterest in one's position in society;

Lack of desire for self-affirmation.

The central part of the figure (the head or what is depicted instead of it)

Head turned to the right

This indicates that a person has such qualities as:


The desire to achieve goals;

Striving for self-realization.

Head turned to the left

This person has:

Increased reflection;

tendency to think;

Lack of desire for activity;


Fear of action.

The head is straight

The person who depicted this animal in this way is characterized by:


Concentration on own experiences and problems.

On the head, as a rule, the sense organs are drawn: ears, mouth and eyes.

Ears - an indication of a person's interest in the information he receives, as well as the significance of the opinions of the people around him about him.

Mouth - an indication of a number of signs. The image of a parted mouth with a tongue, but without lips, indicates talkativeness. The same mouth, but with drawn lips, speaks of sensuality. An open and outlined mouth without a tongue and pronounced lips is considered a sign of mistrust, fears and frequent fears about something. A mouth with drawn teeth is nothing more than verbal aggression in response to condemnation and censure, a defense against criticism. The rounded shape of the outlined mouth in the drawing of a child or teenager betrays a feeling of anxiety and timidity.

Eyes have special meaning. The presence of fear in the soul of a person is given out by the eyes with a careful drawing of the iris. Eyelashes indicate a hysteroid-demonstrative demeanor, a person’s desire for recognition by those around him, their admiration for him. external beauty and manner of dressing.

The size of the head also matters. If it looks larger compared to the body of an animal, this indicates that a person in himself and others appreciates intelligence and the ability to make rational decisions.

The presence of horns and other details on the head, especially in combination with bristles, claws and

needles) is a sign of aggression towards others.

Feathers are a pronounced tendency towards a demonstrative type of behavior, self-justification and self-decoration.

Hair on the head or mane indicates sensuality, sexuality and emphasizing one's masculinity or femininity.

Paws, legs, a pedestal on which a figure is depicted

When interpreting such details of the drawing as legs, paws or a pedestal, which often depicts an animal, great importance has their size in relation to the whole figure.

Large paws, legs and pedestal

It speaks of:

The desire to think about decisions;

Solidity in everything;


Based on verified information.

Small paws, legs and pedestal or lack thereof

A person who depicts these details in this way or who does not draw them at all is characterized by:

Superficiality of judgments;


Unfounded judgments;

Impulsiveness in decision making.

Equally important is the nature of the connection of the paws or legs with the body. The unidirectionality and uniformity of the shape of the paws or legs indicate the banality of the decisions made and the standard of thinking. And vice versa, the variety of forms and positions of the limbs testifies to the originality of judgments, the originality of attitudes, independence and the desire for creative self-expression.

Figure details rising above the figure

Such details can be purely functional (wings, tentacles, additional limbs or parts of the shell) or be decorative (bows, feathers, curls, flowers, etc.).

Functional details

Their presence in the figure indicates that such a person has:

Ability to understand various areas of knowledge and activity;

Tendency to dictate;

Self confidence;


Active life position;

The desire to win their place under the sun;



Decorating details

They testify to such personality characteristics as:

Propensity to outrageous;


Dependence on the opinions of others.


By the tail, one can judge a person’s attitude towards himself, his decisions, behavior and words. At the same time, you need to pay attention to which way this detail of the picture is turned.

Tail turned to the right

The tail turned to the right expresses the attitude towards one's actions. If it is directed upwards, this means that the author of the drawing is satisfied with his behavior and does not allow criticism in his address. If the tail is lowered, then this indicates low self-esteem. If it is depicted neither raised nor lowered, this indicates an objective attitude towards oneself.

Tail turned to the left

By turning the tail to the left, one can assume a person's attitude to his thoughts and speeches. Whether this ratio is positive or negative also depends on the vertical position of the tail.

Contours of the figure

When analyzing a non-existent animal, its contours are also important (the absence or presence of spikes, shields, needles, shells, etc.), as well as the quality of drawing the contours. Numerous protrusions (especially sharp corners) and careful contouring indicate the presence of aggression towards others, as well as the fact that a person feels threatened by society and subconsciously seeks to protect himself from danger.

The so-called dirty contours of the figure indicate that the author of the drawing is in fear and anxiety. A doubling contour line, shields and all kinds of barriers suggest that in the soul of such an "artist" there is a place for suspicion and fear about something.

It is worth paying attention to what direction the protrusions have: upward (upper contour) means protection from superiors or older ones, downward (lower contour) - from disrespect from subordinates, their ridicule and condemnation, directed to the sides (lateral contours ) - readiness to defend in any situation. This is also evidenced by the details of the type of shields depicted inside the main contour, that is, on the body of the animal. Moreover, those located on the right testify to the desire to protect, defend their activities, and those located on the left - to protect their beliefs and thoughts.

Energy rating

The number of details shown (in addition to the most necessary, which include the head, paws, tail and body) indicates the level vital energy in a person. The more of them, the higher it is. The absence of additional elements may indicate the presence of chronic diseases, especially in combination with a poorly traced, cobweb-like contour.

A bold contour, made with strong pressure, in the absence of additional details, is a sign of anxiety. What it is attached to will tell the element of the picture, made in this way

The nature of the line and some details of the figure

It is necessary to evaluate the nature of the line according to the following criteria

Line dubbing;


Inaccurate connections;

Contour sections from overlapping lines;

Sketching the details of the drawing;

Line deviation from the vertical axis;

Unidirectional lines;

Fragmentation of forms and lines;

Broken and unfinished drawing.

All depicted animals can be divided into 3 conditional groups: threatening animals, threatened and neutral. The animal itself demonstrates an attitude towards its own person, gives an idea of ​​the position of a person in the world and his identification of himself by significance (for example, with a lion or an insect).

The non-existent animal is psychological picture the author of the drawing. The characterization can begin with the position in which the animal is located: it stands on 4 or more legs or differs in upright posture, whether it is covered with wool or dressed in human clothes, whether it looks like a person in some way. separate parts of his appearance. The last two signs speak of the emotional immaturity and infantilism of the author of the drawing. Moreover, the greater the similarity between the animal and man, the stronger these qualities are expressed.

How aggressive a person is can be judged by the number, nature and location of the corners in the figure. These are the direct symbols of aggression (claws, beaks, needles and teeth), which were discussed above.

Do not ignore the symbols associated with sex (udder, nipples, breasts, etc.), which will tell about a person's attitude towards his own and the opposite sex, as well as his obsession with the problem of sex.

The presence of a circle in the figure (especially not drawn with a pencil) indicates the secrecy and isolation of a person, his unwillingness to give information about himself to others.

A special case is the image of an animal with mechanical details, which can be in the form of a pedestal, a tripod, tank or tractor tracks, screws, propellers, antennas, keys, lamps, handles, etc. Such drawings are most often observed in mentally ill people.

About the absence creativity can be judged by the similarity of a non-existent animal with an existing one (for example, a cat with flippers, a fish with a snout, a pig with wings, etc.). The more it is, the creativity less.

Animal name

The most interesting thing in this test is the name of a non-existent animal. It is often a rational combination of parts of a word (elephant, pig cat, etc.) or a word formed with the help of Latin, book-scientific suffixes and endings (turla-metius, etc.). The first option points to such a feature as rationalism, the second - to the demonstrativeness of one's own knowledge and erudition.

Sometimes an animal is given a sound name without any understanding (for example, lulula, kalushara, bukatupa, etc.), meaning a frivolous attitude to everything, an inability to recognize a danger signal, and irrationality of thinking.

Ironic and humorous names (gupochurka, tazoland, etc.) indicate a condescending attitude towards people. Names with repetitive elements (zi-zi, boom-boom, etc.) speak of infantilism.

A dreamer and an indefatigable visionary are given out by overly long names such as bramkamdun-samosis.

Test "Guess who it is"

This is a test of ingenuity and non-standard thinking. To conduct it, you will need to prepare several posters that show the following figures.

Test participants need to guess what is shown on the posters. To do this, they will need to distribute blank sheets of paper and pens. Whoever writes the answers on his piece of paper the fastest wins. Of course, provided that the answers are correct.


1. A bear climbing down from a tree.

2. Mexican in a sombrero.

3. Dwarf in phone booth plays the trombone.

4. Pencil.

5. Sandwich with potatoes.

6. Polar bear on snow.

7. Train in the tunnel.

8. Border guards with sheepdogs sit in ambush.

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