"Music therapy as a method of regulating the emotional well-being of preschoolers". Music therapy for the development of preschool children


History of music therapy is several thousand years old. So even Pythagoras, Aristotle and Plato in antiquity pointed to the healing effect of music. The greatest physician Avicenna used music therapy in the treatment of nervous and mental diseases. If we talk about modern European medicine, the first mention of the use of music therapy dates back to the beginning of the 19th century - a similar treatment in psychiatric institutions was used by the French doctor Esquirol.

Initially, the appointment of music therapy patients was entirely empirical character and based on intuition doctor. Later, this method was subjected to serious scientific base . Now many music therapists actively use in their workComputer techologies.

Who can benefit from music therapy?

Music therapy is used for rehabilitation after heart attacks, cranial injuries, to relieve pain. In psychiatry, neuroses and some forms of schizophrenia are treated with music. Music therapy helps people with physical disabilities – blind and dumb – adapt, and is also an indispensable tool for shy people. With the help of music therapy, they learn self-control, communication with others.

Music therapy is a very popular form of treatment.children with autism. For such children, everything that happens in the world around them is not interesting, they are only concerned about their own inner world. Such children have difficulty communicating with their own parents, so for their treatment, you need to choose ways through which you can evoke emotions in them. Music therapy for such children helps to improve contact with the outside world.

Music therapy also helps with family problems. Spouses are invited to choose several pieces of music that both of them like. In this case, music therapy helps to organize joint activities.

Music therapy is gaining more and more popularity. No one argues with the fact that music helps in overcoming pain, relieves psycho-emotional and muscle tension. Therefore, music therapy is increasingly and with continued success being used in various fields of medicine.

There are no such pieces of music that would help all people. However, Mozart's music helps most people relax. Next in popularity are Tchaikovsky and Chopin.

Here are some tips for using musical compositions in various cases.

How to reduce feelings of anxiety and insecurity?

Major melodies, below average tempo, will help you with this. Folk and children's music gives a sense of security. Ethnic compositions and classics can have a good impact: "Mazurkas" and "Preludes" by F. Chopin, "Waltzes" by Strauss, "Melodies" by Rubinstein.

Name: Aksenova Galina Alekseevna

Position: music director

Place of work: MADOU d / s No. 42 "Berezka", Belgorod

“Music therapy as a method of regulation emotional well-being preschoolers"

The most important task of musical education of children is the formation of the leading component of musicality - the development of emotional responsiveness to music. On bright musical impressions, images, I build the development of activity in children's musical performance and children's creativity. Music is a source of special children's joy, it helps them explore the world human feelings, emotions, experiences. It has been established that music influences many spheres of human life through three main factors: vibrational, physiological and mental. Sound vibrations are stimulating metabolic processes in the body at the cell level. These vibrations are able to change the respiratory, motor, cardiovascular functions of the body. And since the child's psyche is very flexible and plastic, the psychological component of the work music director most efficient.

Many scientists note that at preschool age one of the most effective methods alignment of the psycho-emotional sphere is music therapy. Music therapy is based on the selection of the necessary melodies and sounds, with which you can have a positive effect on the human body.

In preschool age, emotions play perhaps the most important role in personality development. That's why necessary condition organizing music classes with children, I consider an atmosphere of goodwill, the creation of a situation of success for each child. This is important not only for musical development children, but also to preserve and support their health. I pay special attention in my classes to educating emotions, developing the expressiveness of movements, overcoming communication barriers, creating opportunities for emotional self-expression. The use of music therapy methods in preschoolers has become the goal of my work.

The goal is realized in the following tasks:

To form in preschoolers the ability to listen: from the well-known “close” sounds that surround the child in Everyday life, to the sounds that make up the musical intonation.

Awaken in preschoolers through music the need for creative activity express your attitude to the world.

Develop fantasy, imagination, creativity in productive activity to the music.

To cultivate a culture of listening to musical works, emotional responsiveness to an artistic image.

To solve the tasks, I introduced innovative socio-game approaches into the practice of work. Music therapy classes are built according to the following scheme:

  1. Warm-up: motor and rhythmic exercises.
  2. Main part: perception of music, singing, improvisation.
  3. Musical relaxation.

Music therapy focuses the teacher on cooperation with the child, on integration various kinds artistic activity. In order to enrich the sensory-emotional experience of children and fix it in memory, I use an integrative approach to music in my work, fine arts, artistic word, rhythm.

For more effective work in this direction, in groups, together with educators, we created an integrative musical and gaming environment, filled it with equipment: a music center, discs with high-quality recordings of musical works (according to age, illustrated and figurative pictures, dolls, elements of play costumes and play attributes that correspond to the content of the music, helping children understand the musical image, play it. With group educators and narrow specialists (speech therapist, instructor physical education, educational psychologist) consultations are regularly held on the use of music therapy in the classroom and during sensitive moments.

To achieve my goal, a close relationship with kindergarten teachers is necessary. After all, the material obtained from music lessons, children are fixed in independent activities, and here the leading role is given to the educator.

Little pupils are characterized by increased absent-mindedness, fatigue, they have difficulty concentrating, quickly become lethargic and irritable, and as a teacher, I need a lot of invention and imagination in order to use and apply one or another visual material in time that would captivate the child. That is why in the process of training I try to alternate musical material with speech, motor exercises, I am engaged in rhytmoplasty, I widely use immersion of children in games.

In the classroom I use elements of psycho-gymnastics, where children learn the ABC of expressing emotions - expressive movements.

We use music therapy not only in music, but also in physical education classes, morning exercises, invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep, during morning intake, during breathing exercises, during daytime sleep and in the evening. In addition to music therapy, music accompanies children and adults during the day in the group.

It is preferable to start the morning reception in kindergarten with the music of Mozart. It encourages close contact between an adult and a child, creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, love and ensures psychological well-being. Music options for the morning reception can be the following works:

  1. "Morning" (music by Grieg from the suite "Peer Gynt" ) .
  2. Instrumental music performed by Diego Modena
  3. Musical compositions (Paul Mauriat Orchestra)
  4. Arrangements for Russian folk orchestra ("Lady" , "Kamarinskaya" , "Kalinka" )
  5. saint sans "Animal Carnival" (Symphony Orchestra)

daytime sleep passes under quiet, calm music. It is known that sleep is considered as a manifestation of complexly organized activity of a number of brain structures. From here it essential role in ensuring the mental health of children. Music while sleeping is healing therapeutic effect. Daytime sleep may be accompanied by the following pieces of music:

  1. Instrumental music: Frederic Delarue.
  2. « Seasons» P. I. Tchaikovsky.
  3. Beethoven, Sonata No. 14 "Lunar" .
  4. F. Schubert "Ave Maria" .
  5. lullaby melody "For the dream to come" (series "Good music for kids" ) .
  6. Samudra Ocean "Voices of the Ocean" .

Music for the evening helps to relieve accumulated fatigue, stressful situations during the day. It calms, relaxes, normalizes blood pressure and work nervous system child's body. To do this, you can use the following melodies:

  1. Instrumental music: Sergey Sirotin, D. Livingston.
  2. Mendelssohn "Concerto for Violin and Orchestra" .
  3. Health Music: Edward Simon, Karunesh, Ocarina Blue.
  4. Bach "Organ Work" .
  5. A. Vivaldi "Seasons" .
  6. "Voices of Nature" .

Beyond regular music listening (passive form music therapy) in the classroom, I usually use a lot of active techniques, tasks and exercises used in correctional and medical pedagogy. With the help of gaming technologies, the creative abilities of the child are developed. So, for example, children really like the method of art therapy, where they collectively create their own creative compositions that express children's feelings, emotions and experiences. Children draw in class general pictures, glue applications, which contributes to emotional and motor self-expression, the development of creative imagination and the rapprochement of children. Very often in my classes I use the method of color therapy. This method involves using various attributes of a specific color. For example, in dance compositions, in etudes and in musical and rhythmic movements, I suggest that children use silk scarves, ribbons, scarves, balls bright colors, because these colors contribute to the creation of a good, benevolent mood, soothe, give a charge of positive energy and have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

But the elements of fairy tale therapy evoked the greatest response from children.

So, under a certain character of music, children get into a fairy tale, portray the heroes of their favorite fairy tales and compose their own fairy tales themselves. The child gets the opportunity to play and live a variety of roles, gain new psychological experience, learn to build harmonious relationships with adults and peers. In music therapy classes, I use psycho-gymnastic studies and exercises that not only help to relax children and relieve psycho-emotional stress, but also teach them to control their mood and emotions, to express their emotional condition. So, for example, children turn into butterflies, flowers, birds. I want to note that even the most usually inactive children are happy to improvise and convey magical images.

The method of game therapy contributes to the correction and regulation of aggressiveness and other behavioral disorders in children. I use both contact, bonding games and educational games, games for the development of the main mental functions, and, of course, therapeutic games. During these games, personality-oriented interaction of an adult with a child and children among themselves, their communication in pairs, in groups is carried out. All games contribute muscle relaxation, removal of physical aggression, psychological relief, removal of stubbornness and negativism, and also develop emotional and cognitive spheres.

In almost every lesson, I use the method of vocal therapy, where children sing songs that bring up kindness, a sense of camaraderie, aimed at charging with positive emotions and psychological relief. For example, songs "Song of Friends" V. Gerchik, "My family" A. Yermolov, who perform all these tasks.

Thus, with the help of music therapy, it is possible to model the emotions and behavior of a child, help children gain strength, develop attention span, and feel successful.


Brusilovsky L. S. Music therapy: a guide to psychotherapy. - Tashkent, 1985.

Petrushin V. I. Musical psychotherapy. - M., 2000

Bochkarev L.P. Psychology musical activity. - M.: Institute of Psychology, 1997.

Ivanchenko GV Psychology of music perception: approaches, problems, prospects. - M.: Meaning, 2001.

Maltsev S. M. On the psychology of musical improvisation. - M.: Music, 1991.

V. I. Petrushin Musical psychotherapy M., 1999

G. I. Anisimova “100 musical games for the development of a preschooler. Senior and preparatory groups " , publishing house: Academy of Development, series: Kindergarten: day by day, 2008

Fundamentals of musical psychology Fedorovich Elena Narimanovna

10.3. Music therapy techniques in the treatment of children

10.3. Music therapy techniques in the treatment of children

Music therapy uses a variety of methods therapeutic and educational impact on patients. Including methods of other psychotherapeutic approaches are used: elements of psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, group psychotherapy, dance therapy, meditations, breathing exercises, autogenic training, improvisation, rhythmic exercises.

Distinguish passive and active forms of music therapy.

passive form is reduced to the perception of musical works corresponding to the emotional state of a person. This form of music therapy is used in combination with breathing exercises, rhythmics, accompanied by a display of paintings. The influence of music in this case can be expressed in two ways: on the one hand, cause relaxation, on the other hand, produce a stimulating effect, ethical and aesthetic effect, form a positive attitude towards new life values, new psychological attitudes.

Active form of music therapy characterized by the direct participation of the patient himself in the performance of works. The active form is expressed by a variety of vocal, instrumental, speech, dramatic, motor, visual manifestations, which include clapping, rhythmic tapping, singing in a choir, playing the musical instruments, the simplest voice improvisation, etc. The active form develops communication skills, self-control, endurance, and is widely used in medical and special pedagogy, in musical and pedagogical correction of educational activities and student behavior.

The issues of treating children with music therapy are studied by Z. Mateyova, S. Mashura. They described the following methods of work in the treatment of children from stuttering, which have shown their effectiveness.

These methods, according to our observations, can be successfully used in the art education of children for the purpose of creative self-expression:

1) motor relaxation and merging with the rhythm of the music;

2) musical-motor games and exercises;

3) psychosomatic relaxation with the help of music;

5) playing children's musical instruments and rhythmic recitation;

6) receptive perception of music;

7) music drawing;

8) pantomime;

9) motor dramatization to music;

10) musical stories;

11) games with a bibabo doll (rag doll);

12) breathing exercises to music.

Let's consider them in more detail.

1. Motor relaxation and merging with the rhythm of the music used for the purpose of relaxation. A person's ability to obey the rhythm manifests itself spontaneously, causes a feeling of eurythmy, syntony of bodily movement with the musical rhythm. The experience of rhythm uniformity provides complete mental relaxation, has a calming, harmonizing effect. Positive emotions, caused by the fusion of the rhythm of movement and the rhythm of music, affect breathing, pulse. Motor relaxation can be achieved in a relaxed sitting position or lying on mats (for example, in choreography classes) to relieve muscle tension. To get out of the state of motor relaxation, contrasting works are selected: at a moving pace, with an elastic rhythm and bright dynamics.

2. Musical-motor games and exercises stimulate and concentrate attention, prepare for an unexpected change of movements according to sound signals. Sudden beeps can change the game process, the behavior of the leader or the group. To conduct musical-motor games and exercises, the simplest musical instruments, toys, sports equipment, costume props are widely used. Games provide development fine motor skills and coordination of students' movements, create conditions for the development of communication skills, become a source of new impressions and experiences, form adaptation mechanisms.

The content of musical-motor games is selected in accordance with the age and interests of children: these can be group outdoor games, rhythmic riddles, etc. The music that is most preferable for playing has a clear rhythm, moving tempo, and a catchy melody: classical, folklore, dance works are suitable . It is better if the music is performed by a teacher who can arbitrarily change the pace and dynamics depending on the game situation.

Musical and motor games activate the creative self-expression of students, and due to the variety of forms, they are one of their favorite activities.

3. Psychosomatic relaxation through music(musical relaxation). This technique is well used in group music therapy. Music is presented as a "sound field" with a flow of free associations. Music has a calming, harmonizing effect with its regular meter, moderate tempo, and the calm nature of the melody. Classical music and music of the baroque and classicism eras are suitable for this technique: works by A. Vivaldi, J. S. Bach, W. A. ​​Mozart. To achieve relaxation, it is recommended to close your eyes and take a comfortable position. At the end of the session, which lasts 10-20 minutes, the music becomes louder, the eyes open, and several breathing exercises are performed. Musical relaxation can be used in combination with autogenic training in the treatment of anxiety, relieving the effects of stressful situations, combined with showing pictures, art slides or with poetry consonant with the content of the music.

4. Singing causes a musical experience, develops the emotionality of children, promotes group communication. Singing can be combined with dancing, dramatic action, musical stories.

Songs are selected according to age, range children's voice, i.e., understandable, causing an emotional response. Students can compose their own song: the first sentence of the melody and poetic text the teacher comes up with, and then the students continue. Songs own composition performed with joy, cause pleasure.

5. Playing children's musical instruments and rhythmic recitation complements musical-motor games and exercises. Two main methods are used: 1) the “bodily game” method: claps, clicks, light taps, etc.; 2) the method of the simplest musical improvisation on musical instruments by K. Orff.

The first method develops a sense of rhythm, enhances motor, vocal and speech activity, and coordinates movements. "Bodily game" can be used as a rhythmic accompaniment when singing, as a way of communication in group games, musical stories, dramatization games, as a preparation for music making.

The second way of playing children's musical instruments by K. Orff allows children to compose elementary music, the simplest improvisation. “Improvisation on musical instruments means in psychotherapy the opportunity to get rid of something that torments us in order to find the best. A man plays on his instrument what he cannot say. Using the instrument as a means of self-expression, he voices, and then verbalizes what reflects the inner world of his soul, ”G. G. Decker Voigt points out.

Children easily learn to play drums, tambourines, wooden beaters, bells, cymbals, triangles, tambourines, castanets, metallophones, etc. Playing these instruments does not require special training, but replaces the verbal expression of feelings, releases repressed emotions. The simplest improvisation begins with children's counting rhymes, rhythmic recitation, and singing. With the help of an instrumental game, you can create a situation of "conversation" or "quarrel" between different musical instruments, or play "echo".

6. Receptive perception of music It is used for the purpose of relaxation and positive stimulation in a state of physical rest. B. Schwabe points to the great possibilities of this therapeutic method: it stimulates cognitive functions, the experience of catharsis with a subsequent therapeutic effect. Musical experiences of the individual, aimed at realizing one's own inner world, distract from negative states.

G. G. Decker-Voigt in the process of receptive perception of music advises to perform the following exercises:

1) Take a comfortable position and listen to the music of your “own body”: to the rhythm of breathing, to the pulse.

2) Imagine an imaginary picture: season, landscape, time of day, etc. Think about whether music makes you daydream? If yes, what about?

3) Is music a "mirror" of your mood?

4) What kind of music is associated with warmth, affection, intimacy?

5) With what musical instruments does your mood resonate?

6) Do you remember events, situations or people with music? What do they look like now? What are your feelings?

7) What kind of music depresses you?

8) Is there "too much" music? What music do you want to turn off immediately?

9) What do you know about the composer, his life? How does the music tell about it?

10) Can music that gives rise to sadness or brings joy be called “one’s own”?

The receptive perception of music is good to use in combination with color or multi-colored lighting. Even Plato spoke about the deep relationship between music and color. “Music is not visible, and painting is not audible. But associatively one can “see” music and “hear” painting. Musical experience evokes visual representations, while painting evokes auditory ones. These ideas are based on the real connections of our life experience, where the sound is inseparable from the visible and from other sensations with a holistic coverage and perception of reality, ”writes N. V. Serov. And further: “Color associations are a kind of “recollections” of Plato, which bring sensual images or emotions into the intellect, while stimulating other senses” [ibid.].

Both sound and color have an unconscious expressiveness. When a person talks about the unconscious attributes of art, he uses the so-called synesthesia effect. Translated from the Greek "synesthesia" ( sunaisthesis) is a simultaneous sensation, a joint feeling; these are intersensory associations that arise on the basis of the similarity or contiguity of impressions of different modalities, mainly auditory, tactile, and visual.

Synesthesia determines such familiar expressions as “sharp sound”, “velvet timbre”, “melodic line”, “ light tone"etc. Synesthetic impressions cause real images space, movement, color, gesture, plasticity or mental tone. In music therapy, the color display of music is most often used, i.e. the sound timbre is associated with color.

Children spontaneously associate the sounds of musical instruments with color. Sound and color have a hypnotic effect on a person, that is, they have the properties of suggestion and hypnosis. Color and music carry information for the unconscious: for example, green, blue have a calming effect; yellow - excites; red - activates. The influence of music on children can be assessed using the M. Luchard test and its numerous modifications (see Chapter 8, paragraph 8. 4). This diagnostic allows you to assess the emotional impact of music on students.

So, the receptive perception of music is:

- as an emotional stimulus for liberation, achieving relaxation;

- as a means of developing thinking, imagination, fantasy;

- as a means of activating biological rhythms with the rhythm of music;

– as a form of musical experience that eliminates psychological barriers, ensures the development communicative qualities;

- as a factor in activating children's creativity.

7. music drawing is a means of self-expression and a means of understanding internal conflicts. Music drawing or graphic recording is carried out directly to the music. The idea to combine drawing with music arose when learning rhythmic drawing from the Czech art teacher K. Peters. He developed a technique that combines spontaneous drawing with music. The stimulus for music-making is the movements with two hands to the music, gradually turning into free “conducting”. Such spontaneous movements with crayons or paints in both hands are transferred to a board or paper in the form of lines, circles, triangles, rhombuses, knots, or others. “Finger drawing” with colored and glue paints is allowed with all ten fingers. Children love to knead and "press" the paints. As a result, one's own "picture" appears, causing a feeling of joy.

Note that each child has his own symbolism of the drawings: the sharper the conflict, the less understandable the symbols.

It is better if the child explains the symbolism of the drawing himself. In the process of music making, you can use music of various types and genres: song, dance, marching. It is better to start with a march at a moderate pace, then move on to song and dance music and alternate them. Music drawing leads the child to a calm activity, a balanced state, provides the opportunity for creative self-expression.

8. Pantomime It's more like a game stage dance in which movement, gestures replace words, are complemented by facial expressions. short stories or musical sketches are accompanied by musical improvisation and pantomime of the band members. Another option is also possible: the teacher conveys the content of the story by musical improvisation without words, and the children come up with a story, plot and express it with pantomime. For such tasks, you can use images of animals, symbolic and fantastic images, sketches of moods. Pantomime relieves motor tension, develops the emotional sphere and its plastic expression, awakens children's imagination.

9. Motion dramatization to music combines music and movement. It is intended to depict the plot of a work or musical space (for example: using gestures to convey musical space - “wide, far” or “slow, deep”, or “easy - hard”). Active perception of music, transferred to the area of ​​motor expression, creates conditions for relaxation.

10. Musical stories represent the composition of the plot, plot for a musical work in combination with plastic and dance moves. The narration of the story can be interspersed with the playing of musical instruments; and students - to act as heroes of the story. Other options for musical stories: read its beginning, and students - dream up and come up with its ending; and vice versa, you can come up with the beginning and plot of the story for a given ending. One example of musical stories is S. Prokofiev's symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf".

11. Bibabo doll games(a rag doll that is worn on the hand). The game leads to the experience of catharsis, relieves negative states and internal conflicts, balances the emotional state, develops independence and volitional qualities personality. It is believed that each child has his own way of playing with a doll. The doll completely "obeys" the desires of the child, his ideas, fantasies, personifies the immediate environment or a fictional character. When playing with dolls, an illusion arises human communication. Game situations give vent to a variety of feelings: joy, sympathy, empathy, as well as the release of affects, aggression. According to the characteristics of children's games, it is possible to determine what exactly in the immediate environment positively or negatively affects the child.

12. Breathing exercises to the music are used to harmonize the internal state, relieve tension of the vocal cords. Breathing exercises have long been recommended for the treatment of illness and the promotion of health: they were given great attention in the rhetoric of the ancient Romans.

Breathing exercises to music are used for various vowels: “o”, “u”, “i”, “e”, etc.; they can be sung separately or sequentially as a melody, performed in a sitting or lying position. You can sing sonorous and hissing consonants, imitate the voices of animals, etc.

Thus, the described methods of music therapy give a good effect in the treatment of children, serve as a means of relaxation in the provision of individual psychological assistance, provide musical and pedagogical correction of the activities and behavior of students, as well as their personal development and creative self-expression in artistic activity.


1. Burno M. E. Therapy with creative self-expression. M., Yekaterinburg, 1999.

2. Gotsdiner A. L. Musical psychology. M., 1993.

4. Mateyova Z., Mashura S. Music therapy for stuttering. Kyiv, 1984.

5. Meneghetti A. Music of the soul. Introduction to music therapy. SPb. , 1992.

6. Petrushin V. I. Musical psychotherapy: theory and practice. M., 1999.

7. Serov N. V. Antique chromatism. SPb. , 1995.

8. Teplov BM Psychology and psychophysiology of individual differences. M., Voronezh, 1998.

9. Shushurdzhan S. V. Guide to music therapy. M., 2005.

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Music therapy with children

Currently for educators modern society, the problem of increasing the number of preschool and school age with behavioral disorders, as well as in mental and personal development. In kindergartens and schools, psychologists, educators and other specialists are working on this problem. Many people are looking for new unconventional methods pedagogical assistance to children. One of these methods is music therapy.

The history of the relationship between music and man is rooted in the distant past, to the origins of mankind. The use of music for healing purposes also has a long history. In the past, music was widely used in medical practice. The impact of music on our lives is all-encompassing.

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of correcting emotional deviations, fears, movement and speech disorders, behavioral deviations, communication difficulties, as well as for the treatment of various somatic and psychosomatic diseases.

In working with children, music therapy is used to correct emotional deviations, fears, movement and speech disorders, psychosomatic diseases, and behavioral deviations. Music therapyallows you to overcome the psychological protection of the child - to calm or, conversely, activate, adjust, interest; helps to establish contact between the psychologist and the child; helps to develop the communicative and creative abilities of the child; increases self-esteem based on self-actualization; develops empathic abilities; helps to strengthen relationships with a psychologist and other people, promotes the establishment and development of interpersonal relationships; forms valuable practical skills - playing musical instruments; helps to keep the child entertained - musical games, singing, dancing, moving to music, improvisation on musical instruments; short music playing at each lesson is well absorbed by children who do not tolerate study loads; captivates and has a strong calming effect on most hyperactive children; withdrawn, constrained children become more spontaneous and develop skills to interact with other people. Improves speech function. Music therapy is very effective in correcting communication disorders that have arisen in children for various reasons. Music therapy sessions allow you to create conditions for an emotional dialogue, often even when other methods have been exhausted. Contact through music is safe, unobtrusive, individualized, relieves fears and tension. Variation in the classroom of familiar and unfamiliar works, their volume, speed makes it possible to work with different children..

For children with disabilities, the usefulness of music therapy is obvious, because.

Helps to strengthen trust, mutual understanding between the participants in the process;

Helps to accelerate the progress of therapy, since inner feelings are more easily expressed through music than through conversation;

Music enhances attention to feelings, serves as a material that enhances awareness;

Indirectly increases musical competence, there is a sense of internal control and order.

The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of success. Therefore, already from the age of two, children with disabilities can be treated and developed with the help of music therapy.

Currently, music therapy is an independent psycho-corrective direction, which is based on two aspects of the impact:

1) psychosomatic (during which a therapeutic effect on body functions is carried out);

2) psychotherapeutic (during which, with the help of music, deviations in personal development, psycho-emotional state are corrected).

The cathartic (cleansing) effect of music makes it possible to use it in corrective work with children who have developmental problems.

For example In order to correct fears in children with autism, it is advisable to use individual music therapy. Traditionally, there are three levels of individual music therapy:




On the communicative level, the teacher's efforts are aimed at establishing emotional contact with the child. At this stage, melodic works of the classics are used. The child plays or dances to the music, the teacher watches him and encourages him. It is important that by the end of the lesson, he can approach the child, take his hand, stroke his back, etc.

On a jet level, the purpose of which is catharsis, the child plays to the music with an object that frightens him. For example, a child is offered a horror doll. First he must give her a name. Then, to the sounds of rhythmic music, he begins to interact with her in accordance with the psychologist's instructions: "The Scarecrow begins to run away from us, we catch it, throw it, drive it away, it leaves us."

On the regulatory level, the psychologist offers various situations in which the “horror story” and the child may find themselves. The child is asked to choose the music to which the "horror story" communicates with him: slow, relaxing or fast, activating. The choice of music emphasizes the peculiarities of the child's emotional state and his attitude to frightening objects.

Music therapy is used both individually and in groups. Each of these forms can be represented in three kinds music therapy:




Receptive Music Therapy Classes by means of receptive music therapy are aimed at modeling a positive emotional state.

The child's perception of music helps to "step" out of real life into another, imaginary world, a world of bizarre images, moods. In a large preliminary listening - a story, the psychologist sets up the perception of a certain figurative musical picture, then the melody, as it were, takes the listeners away from negative experiences, reveals to him the beauty of nature and the world.

After listening in a conversation with the "patient", the psychologist finds out what he "saw", "felt", "did" in an imaginary journey, what picture he can draw, describe with words. This perception of music provides stress relief, improves the psycho-emotional state of a person.

In psychocorrectional work, psychologists useintegrative music therapy. An example is the synthesis of musical and visual-visual perception. Classes are built in such a way that the perception of music is accompanied by watching videos of various pictures of nature. At the same time, the child is invited, as it were, to "step" deep into the image - to a ringing cool stream or to a sunny lawn, mentally catch butterflies or relax, lying on the green soft grass.The organic combination of the two ways of perception gives a stronger psycho-corrective effect.

Active music therapy used in working with children different options: vocal therapy, dance therapy, with the aim of correcting psycho-emotional states in children and adults with low self-esteem, a low degree of self-acceptance, reduced emotional tone.

What kind of music has the greatest therapeutic effect?

According to observations, listening to classical music and sounds of nature gives optimal results. For autogenic training musical works are selected in accordance with the impact on certain functions, while options may be provided aimed at calming or mobilizing.

In the table you see a list of works that can affect the emotional state of both a child and an adult. I use these works both in music lessons and in extracurricular activities..

Ways of influence of music on the emotional state






Mood modeling (with overwork and nervous exhaustion)



E. Grieg,


2-3 min.

3-4 min.

When depressed, melancholic mood

"For joy"

"Ave Maria"

L. Van Beethoven,

F. Schubert

4 min.

4-5 min.

With severe irritability, anger

"Chorus of the Pilgrims"

"Sentimental Waltz"

R. Wagner,

P. Tchaikovsky

2-4 min.

3-4 min.

With a decrease in concentration, attention




P. Tchaikovsky,

C. Debussy,

R. Debussy

2-3 min.

2-3 min.

3 min.

Relaxing effect



"Sonata in C major" (ch 3),


"Sentimental Waltz"

romance from the movie "The Gadfly",

« Love story»,



"Prelude No. 1",

"Prelude No. 3",


"Prelude No. 4",

"Prelude No. 13",

"Prelude No. 15",


"Prelude No. 17"

P. Tchaikovsky,



saint sans,

P. Tchaikovsky,

D. Shostakovich,

F. Lay,

D. Lennon,


J. S. Bach,

J. S. Bach,

J. S. Bach,

F. Chopin,

F. Chopin,

F. Chopin,

K. Gluck,

F. Chopin

2-3 min.

3 min.

3-4 min.

2-3 min.

3-4 min.

3-4 min.

4 min.

3-4 min.

3-4 min.

2 minutes.

4 min.

3 min.

2 minutes.

4 min.

1-2 min.

4 min.

2-3 min.

Tonic action




"Umbrellas of Cherbourg"





2-3 min.

3 min.

2-3 min.

3-4 min.

In addition to the usual listening to music (passive form of music therapy), you can and should use many active techniques, tasks and exercises used in correctional and therapeutic pedagogy. These are different methods. I would like to talk about the methods that I use constantly in my work.

Great response from childrenelements of fairy tale therapy. So, under a certain character of music, children get into a fairy tale, portray the heroes of their favorite fairy tales and compose their own fairy tales themselves. Each hero of the fairy tale has his own melody, and it can change depending on the mood of the child.

I also actively use the methodvocal therapy In working with children, vocal therapy classes are aimed at forming an optimistic mood: the performance of life-affirming formula songs, optimistic children's songs that can be sung to a phonogram or accompanied by accompaniment.I noticed that children who sing become more emotionally responsive, more liberated in an unfamiliar environment, muscle clamps are also removed, the child becomes more plastic articulatory, which also has a beneficial effect on the general emotional state, as a rule, children after vocal lessons arrive in positive mood. And of course I would like to say about the reception of music for children noise instruments. And for several years now there has been an ensemble of spoon-carriers in our school. For me, it was a surprise with what great desire the children began to practice on spoons, overcoming pain in their fingers, sacrificing change. There are unbalanced children in the ensemble, often reacting aggressively even to the most harmless remarks. So here I am and teaching staff noticed that with the beginning of learning to play on spoons, the children began to respond more adequately and calmly to comments addressed to them. The ensemble began to be invited to various festivals and concerts. How much pride, joy was in the children's eyes. Because our school is mainly involved in activities among correctional institutions. Summing up, I can say that playing with spoons increased the self-esteem of children. After all, this is a rather difficult task and not everyone can do it. And this realization by the child of the fact that “I can” elevates him in his own eyes and gives confidence in his abilities in everyday life.

In this way , music therapy will have a beneficial effect on the general emotional state of children, increase the emotional status of children if they:

Favorable conditions have been created for practicing music therapy with children;

Thought out methodological techniques: special musical exercises, games, tasks;

Selected special pieces of music;

all the senses in children are involved;

The integration of musical influence with other activities has been established.


1) Zhavinina O., Zats L. Musical education: searches and finds // Art at school. - 2003. - No. 5. Kiseleva P. In the key of C-major // Teacher's newspaper.

2) Markus L. I., Nikologorodskaya O A. Heals anger and fills time Do it yourself. - 1990. - № 3. Ovchinnikova T. Music for health. - St. Petersburg.

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5) http://nsportal.ru/detskii-sad/raznoe/muzykalnaya-terapiya

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