Age given Borisova. Dana Borisova - latest news, biography photo


Dana Borisova is undoubtedly one of the most popular Russian TV presenters. Bright and stylish blonde from the very first appearance on the TV screen attracted the attention of the audience. Looking at her, you might think that the life of a screen star is carefree, full of joy and entertainment.

But is it? Or does the presenter simply play a role, hiding personal feelings and pain from prying eyes? The biography of Dana Borisova is full of unpleasant moments that could break any person. But every time this fragile blonde girl met problems with a smile - and this helped her cope with the difficulties that arose.


The birthplace of Dana Borisova is the Belarusian city of Mozyr - it was here that she was born in 1976. But when the girl was only a few months old, her parents decided to move to Norilsk. It was there that she spent her childhood.

As a child, Dana was quite shy and calm. Her relationships with peers did not go well, so she tried to distract herself as much as possible: she attended numerous circles, studied in music school in piano class.

And in high school, an event occurred that changed her whole life. Quite by chance, the girl found out that the local television was holding a competition - recruiting listeners for TV journalism courses. And Dana decided: why not try? The selection was tough, there were a lot of applicants. But unexpectedly for everyone, even for herself, she passed.

Thanks to this, at the age of 16 future star screen got on television - she became the host of the youth entertainment television program "Zebra". The purposeful girl did not want to stop there, she constantly studied and improved. Soon, she was entrusted with the program "Congratulations", as well as voicing the TV program.

Inspired by success, the high school student decided: she must definitely make a career on television. But the regional channel was not enough for her. After graduating from school, Dana moved to Moscow, where she entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

In parallel with her studies, the girl again got a job working on television. At first, she tried to combine lectures and filming, but it turned out to be too difficult. And soon rising star I had to choose: to work in a TV show for soldiers "Army Store" or to receive higher education. As a result, she left the institute, deciding that a career was more important.

Dana chose the job and never regretted it. The "Army Store" brought her first popularity: the girl began to be recognized on the street, she had fans. But Dana herself calls this period of life bleak. Despite success in professional field, the personal life of the presenter was full of experiences.

The family of the TV presenter moved to Sergiev Posad, and she was forced to spend several hours every day on the train, getting to work and then home. In addition, the relationship between the parents was quite tense, and Dana seriously feared that they would soon disperse. Unfortunately, that is exactly what happened. After the divorce, my father left for his homeland - to Belarus, my mother moved to Moscow.

And in 1996, TV presenter Dana Borisova did something that no one had done before. Russian stars did not dare. Namely, she starred in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine. Her "naked" pictures aroused indignation among the management of the TV channel, an internal investigation was even initiated. However, Dana herself did not care much about the hype around her name. She was even glad, because it only attracted additional attention to her and contributed to the growth of popularity.

Some time later, the presenter returned to the Army Store, but soon left the program completely. However, the girl was not used to sitting idle. Dana Borisova became one of the participants in the show "The Last Hero". However, the struggle for survival on the island is not for a gentle blonde, so she did not last long on the show.

For a long time, Borisova was one of the most sought-after presenters on domestic television. "Domino Principle", "City of Women", "This Morning" - she hosted many popular programs. In parallel with this, the presenter took part in entertainment shows: she once again visited the island in " last hero”, and then, completely unable to skate, she became a member of the Stars on Ice project, where Sergey Sakhnovsky was her partner. Even later, Borisova took part in the projects Diary of a Speculator, Vyshka, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

In 2017, TV presenter Dana Borisova was again in the spotlight of the press. This was facilitated by the statement of the mother of the TV presenter that her daughter needed urgent treatment for drug addiction. Ekaterina Ivanovna came to the show "Let them talk" and there for the first time openly declared her daughter's addiction.

The woman admitted that she had long been aware of Dana Borisova's problems with alcohol - she had been repeatedly treated in various clinics. And Borisova’s daughter told her grandmother about drug addiction, who once found a bottle of white powder and a banknote rolled up into a tube. After such a statement by her mother, the well-known Russian TV presenter made every effort to cope with the problem: she went for treatment to one of the clinics in Thailand.

Few people know that the presenter tried herself as a film actress. However, the filmography of Dana Borisova is quite modest - there are only a few pictures in it. The film debut took place in 2007 - Borisova starred in the film "Bear Hunt", where she played one of the minor heroines.

In 2017, another unpleasant event happened to Dana Borisova: according to a court decision, she was deprived of parental rights. According to the woman herself, this was a severe blow for her. But she could not defend her right to raise a child, because at that time she was in the clinic and could not interrupt the treatment. Currently, Dana Borisova can only see her daughter under the supervision of the girl's father.

Woman's happiness

The personal life of Dana Borisova has always attracted the attention of the press. A beautiful and smart girl was not deprived of the attention of men. Many novels are attributed to her, but most of them, according to the presenter herself, are nothing more than an invention of the press.

Her first really serious relationship- an affair with businessman Maxim Aksenov, whom the presenter met in 2005. Relations developed quite rapidly: soon the lovers began to live together, and in 2007 Borisova gave birth to a daughter, Polina. But soon the couple broke up. Dana was very upset by the breakup: she had severe depression, and it took a long time to recover.

Only a few years after the breakup, Dana was able to fall in love again. For several years she had a relationship with Andrei Troshchenko. In 2015, without a celebration and guests, they formalized the relationship. A beautiful wedding took place only 2 months later. But this union did not become "love for life." Living in a legal marriage less than a year, Dana Borisova and Andrei Troshchenko divorced.

After that, the TV presenter had a relationship with Alexander Morozov, the captain of the KomAr hockey team. But this novel ended quickly enough. The athlete accused the presenter of treason, and they broke up.

Now Dana Borisova is alone, her heart is absolutely free. After treatment in Thailand, she plans to return to work in television, as well as open her own clinic to help drug addicts. Author: Natalya Nevmyvakova

Dana Alexandrovna Borisova. She was born on June 13, 1976 in Mozyr (Belarus). Russian TV presenter and socialite.

Dana Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in Belarusian Mozyr in the family of a policeman and a nurse.

Shortly after the birth of Dana, her parents - father Alexander and mother Ekaterina - decided to move to Norilsk in order to earn money. My father worked at the Norilsk Nickel plant.

Later, she noted that she considers herself a northern girl, and after Norilsk she was unusual in other warmer cities.

Dana has a sister, Ksenia, who is three years younger, a flight attendant by profession.

As she admitted in an interview with reporters, relations with her peers did not go well. She was thin and inconspicuous, the boys did not like. According to Dana, she was teased as a "badger" as a child. “Until the age of 14, I was not at all successful with the boys. All sorts of lagging students were often “hooked” to me, I was a leader, for two months I even replaced the chairman of the council of the school squad. she confessed.

She studied well, at school she was an excellent student. Algebra was my favorite subject.

IN school years was fond of music. As Dana recalled, she "diligently played the piano for two hours a day." “In general, I am very grateful to my parents for giving me to all kinds of developing circles and sections,” she noted.

While studying at school, for several years she worked as an announcer in the Norilsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and hosted a youth program. Then the Norilsk TV and radio company decided to conduct an experiment and opened a TV journalism class. And, having heard the announcement of recruitment in the experimental class, she went to the competition and passed it. So in the 10th-11th grades, Dana was already earning money, she was the host of the Zebra youth program and worked as an announcer: she read a TV program and live hosted the program "Congratulations."

In 1993 she entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov, in the same year, having won the competition, became the host of the Army Store program. She took an academic leave at the university, transferred to evening department but ended up dropping out in her sophomore year.

1996 - the first Russian TV presenter starred for Playboy magazine (the magazine was released in February 1997), which was the reason for official investigation, which was carried out by the Ministry of Defense at the direction of the then Minister of Defense Igor Rodionov.

1997 - left the Army Store program, but soon returned.

She was awarded a certificate of honor from the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Russia "For success in patriotic propaganda."

2002 - recognized as the most popular girl Russian Internet.

2003 - took part in the programs "The Last Hero 3: Staying Alive" and "City of Women" on Channel One as a co-host.

2004 - took part in the program "The Last Hero 5. Supergame".

2005 - finally left the Army Store.

2005 - host of the program "Domino Principle" (NTV).

2006 - film debut. Dana Borisova starred in episodic role in the film Bear Hunt.

2006-2008 - host of the program "This Morning" (NTV from 06:00 to 09:00).

In October 2012 - January 2013 she was the host of "Business Morning" on the RBC TV channel.

Dana Borisova burns

At the end of 2015, Dana Borisova announced that she had changed her profession as a TV presenter to.

Growth of Dana Borisova: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Dana Borisova:

In 2005, Dana Borisova met businessman Maxim Aksenov. Soon Dana had already moved to the young man's apartment in the center of Moscow. Maxim at that time held an impressive post in an oil company, and Dana Borisova was already a well-known TV presenter.

Dana Borisova and Maxim Aksyonov

Dana Borisova with her daughter Polina

Less than a year after the birth of their daughter, Borisov and Aksyonov separated. Dana began a prolonged depression and the girl even sought solace in alcohol, and Maxim almost never visited their joint daughter and did not pay child support at all, which was the reason why the TV presenter sued him in 2009, which she won. In the same year, Maxim proposed to Dana a large sum- in return, he wanted the girl to abandon her daughter.

Only in 2011, Aksenov and Borisova improved their relationship, which to this day remains friendly. Maxim takes an active part in the life of his daughter and even pays for an expensive gymnasium for the child, and Dana stopped telling reporters what a bad father he is.

In 2011, Dana Borisova had an affair with a businessman named Andrei. She presented him in this way at the exhibition of Vladimir Shirokov, which they visited together: "Andrey. We met a few months ago and now we will never part", Dana said. However, she broke up with Andrei.

In March 2014, Dana Borisova got into a scandal with the publication intimate photos a rejected lover who was much younger than her. This happened after a few months of a stormy romance, Dana stopped responding. young man to calls and messages. The offended gentleman sent home an intimate celebrity photo shoot to popular online publications.

“If this man wanted to hurt me, then he didn’t succeed. There is nothing in the photographs that can upset me. You see, I wanted to date an ordinary man, not a celebrity. I was so tired of pretentious men that I trusted this guy from Blagoveshchensk", Dana said.

In the spring of 2014, Dana Borisova came to the show "Let's get married!". There she met a businessman from Germany Alexei Pankov. As soon as Alexei went into the studio, Dana exclaimed: "That's it, I like him!" For the sake of a new lover, Dana moved to Germany.

Dana Borisova in the program "Let's get married!"

Dana went in for sports, went on a diet and turned to plastic surgeons who made her gorgeous breasts.

Dana Borisova before and after plastic surgery

The novel did not last long, and Dana accused Pankov of being a gigolo. The TV presenter claimed that Alexei Pankov took 300 thousand dollars from her and did not return it. "In three months I bought only sports suit" - said Borisova.

Parting with Pankov became a real nightmare for Dana - the offended lover called Dana a mercantile person who only thinks about money, and even threatened to douse her with sulfuric acid. Fortunately, his villainous plan never materialized.

In February 2016, at the moment when she and her daughter were vacationing in the Maldives. At the same time, he took with him two expensive foreign cars. Borisova decided to write a statement to the police and file for divorce. On June 6, 2016, the couple officially divorced.

Dana Borisova and Andrey Troshchenko

In July 2016, Dana announced that for a man who is much younger than her. At the same time, she showed wedding ring Cartier.

Dana was repeatedly accused of addiction to alcohol. Like, she has tried many times since 2010 to treat her daughter for alcoholism, sending her to different clinics: “For more than two weeks, her daughter did not stay anywhere. I would have known then that the problem is not even in the bottle! You know, I myself worked as a paramedic in an ambulance for 25 years. Overcame drug addicts! But always already in an emergency - after an overdose, for example. And I had never seen a drug addict in everyday life, I didn’t know what it looked like. Otherwise, I would have realized that my daughter needed to be saved when she could still be saved.

Name: Dana Borisova

Age: 41 years old

Place of Birth: Mozyr, Belarus

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 58 kg

Activity: TV presenter

Family status: divorced

Dana Borisova - Biography

A smart blonde who copes with the role of a TV presenter. Dana knows how to interest the interlocutor. She achieves a lot thanks to her determination.

Childhood years, the family of Dana Borisova

There are no white spots in Borisova's biography, everything is clear and simple, bright and bold. Small town Mozyr in Belarus - hometown Given, but nothing more. A few months after the birth of their daughter, Dana Borisova's father and mother moved to Norilsk. The upbringing was strict, because no other behavior was expected in the family of a policeman and a nurse.

The girl was somehow lonely: mom and dad are constantly at work. Due to her thinness and excellent grades, she had no friends, many considered her a crammer. For this reason, Dana went headlong into circle and sectional classes, playing the piano was her real passion. But the girl had communication and care when her sister was born. Dana behaved like a real educator and caring mother in relation to their younger sister.

A television

Also in adolescence the girl came across an advertisement from a television and radio company about recruitment into a class of television journalism. She passed the selection, not at all thinking about what she could do. From that moment began the journalistic biography of Dana Borisova. From the age of sixteen, the girl got on television. The work of the presenter and announcer she was familiar with school bench. The starting point was the city of Norilsk. After graduation, Dana, who already believed in her lucky star and talent, moves to the capital of Russia.

Successfully passed the exams at Lomonosov Moscow University. She also failed to study successfully and attend all the couples of the course. Shooting the popular "Army Store" took a lot of time, but for Borisova, her career as a TV presenter became the most important thing. soldiers military service began to write Love letters girl, beautiful blonde began to be recognized on the street. During this period, Dana began her first trials: she was robbed more than once, her parents separated.

Dangerous games

Filming for men's magazine Playboy made Dana extremely popular, as an investigation in show business is PR for a TV star. After some time, the girl left the TV show that brought her fame. Borisova began to look for herself. She is invited to different projects and the show, it's different everywhere. She succeeds due to the fact that she manages to change her roles.

The TV presenter has few experiments on television, she begins to act in films, but she has only one picture "Bear Hunt" on her account. For a while, Dana disappeared from the screen. But two years later, viewers saw her again in new show projects.

Borisova's personal life

The biography of personal life is replete with many novels. The presenter herself spoke about the singer Danko and that she had been with him for only a few months. Moreover, she was not at all embarrassed by the fact that the singer had a pregnant girl. The musician left Dana after the birth of the child. Later, a businessman appeared in the role of husband, in whose apartment they lived for some time. The housing was located in the center of Moscow, which was convenient for both. The marriage was not registered, and even the birth of Polina's daughter could not keep Maxim Aksyonov from leaving a year later, leaving his wife and daughter.

In the life of a star, there were moments of depression. Dana began to devote a lot of time to her appearance, she lost weight. appeared in her life new man Andrey Troshchenko. With this man, Borisova came to the wedding, they lived together for three years before their painting.

Having celebrated the marriage, eight months later the divorce proceedings began. But Dana was not long in search, hockey player Morozov Alexander became her lover almost immediately. The woman had to make a choice between a new husband and filming in America. Of course, the career was in the first place for an ambitious star. Scandals unfold around the name of Dana Borisova one after another. The star began to fear for her life and the life of her daughter.

Trouble attacks Dana Borisova

Dana always allowed her father to see her daughter. As usual, started new year holidays, and Polina went to dad. Soon an SMS message came that the father took the girl to live with him, and real mother won't see her again. Only this year, thanks to the efforts of the police, Dana Borisova got her daughter back. In the TV show "Let them talk," Dana's mother spoke. She told Andrei Malakhov that her daughter was using drugs. She was worried about her health and asked for help. Dana does not admit this and does not communicate with her mother.

Malakhov insisted on the compulsory treatment of the TV presenter, after apologizing for such a decision. Polina is still with her father, and Dana herself was sent to Koh Samui to Thailand for rehab. The mother of the TV star on the air voiced, in her opinion, the one who is guilty of her daughter's drug addiction. The case has not yet been completed, Dana had previously undergone treatment in a special clinic. Whether a second course will be effective, time will tell.

Let them talk. Dana Borisova interrupted treatment in a Thai drug clinic.

Dana Alexandrovna Borisova is one of the most popular blondes in Russian show business, a famous TV presenter, journalist and actress who over the years has been destroying stereotypes about blondes. Her list of accomplishments includes certificate of honor Ministry of Defense leadership Russian Federation. She owes her success and popularity not only to her bright appearance, but also to her militant, purposeful character.

Borisova's biography

Dana Borisova's date of birth is June 13, 1976. The girl was born in Byelorussian SSR, in the city of Mozyr. When she was a few months old, her parents decided to move to Norilsk, where the future TV star spent her childhood. Her father, Alexander Borisovich, served in the police, and Dana's mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna, worked as a nurse in a local clinic.

Borisova received a strict upbringing. She studied well at school, was a disciplined child. She attended various circles and sections, learned to play the piano. In her school years, she was not successful with the opposite sex, she was an inconspicuous and thin girl.

Soon, a replenishment happened in the Borisov family, Dana had a younger sister, Ksenia, with whom she spent all free time. The presenter often recalls how she read books to her sister and always shared sweets with her.

During the period of study at Borisova's school, I accidentally came across an ad about a passing enrollment in a journalism class, which was conducted by a local television and radio company.

Not really hoping for success, the future star nevertheless decided to try her luck and, surprisingly, managed to pass a tough selection. Thus, the first step on the path to glory was taken.

creative way

The debut of Dana Borisova as a TV presenter took place at the age of sixteen. For the first time on television, she could be seen in the youth television show Zebra. After a while, she began to host the show "Congratulations". She also worked for some time as an announcer for local TV channel. Having made a choice future profession, Dana decided to move to Moscow to continue her studies.

After graduating from school, the girl moved to live in the capital, where in 1993 she entered the Lomonosov Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. It was not possible to graduate from Borisova University. After passing the competition, she became the host of the TV show "Army Store". She took academic leave while studying. In the future, nevertheless, she decided to leave her studies, having studied only until the second year.

After the program "Army Store" went on the air, Borisova woke up famous. They began to recognize her everywhere, she became the idol of the soldiers, for whom the release of this TV show was originally intended. The presenter daily received a huge number of letters from fans who idolized her.

Her career as a TV presenter developed rapidly. In 1996, Dana was invited to star in candid photo shoot For Playboy magazine to which the famous blonde agreed. Borisova became the first celebrity of Russian television who dared to take such a candid shot.

In 2003, Dana was invited to take part in the popular reality show The Last Hero 3: Lost. The gentle blonde could not cope with the difficulties that awaited her on the island. Borisova had to leave the island and drop out of the game. Despite the difficulties that Dana faced on the project, she nevertheless returned to the show a year later and took part in The Last Hero 5. Supergame.

Further, together with Larisa Krivtsova, she became talk show host"City of Women" on Channel One. And in 2005, Borisova left Channel One and switched to the NTV channel at the invitation general producer Alexandra Levina. She was offered to host the famous talk show "Domino Principle". Her co-host was Elena Hanga.

In 2006, Dana made her film debut. She starred in a cameo role in the film "Bear Hunt". This role, unfortunately, turned out to be the only one acting career did not follow. In the same year, she becomes one of the leading information program"This morning" on the NTV channel, where she worked for about two years.

Then there is a lull in Borisova's career. She disappears from the TV screen, but soon reappears on the RBC TV channel, where she hosts the program “ business morning". In subsequent years, she became the host and participant in several more programs: the sports show "Tower", the show "Machine" on the channel "Pepper" together with Viktor Loginov.

List of TV shows hosted by Dana:

  • "Army store";
  • "City of Women";
  • "Domino principle";
  • "This morning";
  • "Business morning";
  • "Car".

Participation in TV projects:

  • "The Last Hero 3: Staying Alive";
  • "The Last Hero 5: Supergame";
  • "Tower".

Personal life

Like any beautiful, charming woman, Dana had a huge number of admirers. Known to be associated with popular singer Danko, with whom she lived together for some time. But this relationship did not last long.

News about Borisova and Aksenov appeared in 2005. Maxim Aksenov is a successful businessman. The couple began to live together. In 2007, Borisova gave birth to a daughter, Polina, from her common-law husband. This was followed by a breakup, which Dana endured hard, falling into a deep depression. The couple resolved all financial issues through the courts. However, in the future they still managed to establish friendly contact.

After a bitter breakup, the TV presenter was able to gather her strength and began to lead again. active life. Gave numerous interviews in which she approved plastic surgery, after which there were rumors about a possible facelift. Fans compared photos of Dana Borisova in her youth and now, trying to find evidence.

Soon her personal life improved, she met her true love- Andrey Troshchenko. They registered their relationship on June 22, 2015, but the magnificent celebration was played only after two months.

Rumors began to appear in the press that Borisova was pregnant for the second time. But the famous TV presenter did not work out with this man either, the marriage broke up.

After breaking up with her ex-husband, Dana began to be noticed with a new boyfriend. This time, hockey player Alexander Morozov became her chosen one. A few months later, a conflict occurred between them, and the couple broke up.

In 2017, the father of Dana Borisova's daughter tried to keep the girl with him, arguing that the child liked living with his father more. With help law enforcement TV presenter succeeded return daughter.

Drug addiction

In April 2017, on the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk" Dana's mother came with a statement that her daughter was a drug addict. According to the mother of the TV presenter, she did it publicly, hoping for help, as Dana's condition worsens, which causes fear for her life. This fact was also confirmed by close friends of Borisova. The celebrity herself denies addiction to drugs and considers herself absolutely healthy.

Andrey Malakhov promised to influence Dana. In the next issue, information appeared that Borisova was undergoing rehabilitation in Thailand. Video reports were shown on the condition of the presenter and the course of treatment.

It turned out that Dana realized her addiction and fully followed the prescribed treatment.

TV presenter now

After the publication of information about drug addiction, the presenter Dana was deprived of parental rights. Polina has been living with her father for some time. Borisov considers the decision of the court unfair. At this time, the girl was undergoing treatment in Thailand, which she is not going to interrupt, trying to recover as quickly as possible.

After some time, the famous blonde revisited Malakhov's TV show "Let them talk", where she shared the latest news. Dana Borisova announced her full recovery and that he is never going to take illegal drugs again. In the near future, she is going to be involved in helping people caught in strong networks of drug addiction. For these purposes, he plans to open his own rehabilitation center.

Attention, only TODAY!

Dana Borisova is a smart blonde who copes with the role of a TV presenter. Dana knows how to interest the interlocutor. She achieves a lot thanks to her determination.

Dana Borisova is undergoing treatment in the capital's hospital. Botkin, although earlier the star refused to go there. The fact is that the TV presenter lost her voice - on a nervous basis. The former common-law husband allows you to communicate with his daughter Polina no more than once a week. According to Borisova, it was the long separation from the child that caused the illness.

"My dears, thanks a lot to everyone who visited me during these two days! I suffer from a severe somatic cough, which was the answer to all the stresses associated with the fact that I communicate with my daughter once a week, on other days I don’t even hear her on the phone, I have no way to contact her ... Acclimatization, I was diagnosed with tonsillitis and laryngitis. In addition, the diaphragm was torn. I drank a huge amount of drugs before the TV shooting with Andrey Malakhov to relieve pain and cough. I had a gastric lavage. I am a woman of faith, there can be no talk of any suicide attempt. It's outrageous to write such filth and poison me! Love to all!" Borisova shared with fans.

Dana's illness was dedicated next issue program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". For obvious reasons, Borisova was unable to attend the shooting. The mother of TV presenter Ekaterina Ivanovna came to the transfer studio, she shared her feelings for her daughter.

“Dana, I was completely off topic. I turned off my phone because I was on the road. At first I thought you had a breakdown. We had this problem, and it remains, there is no getting away from it. This is a chronic disease, we will recover all our lives. But I was not at all scared when I found out about the alleged breakdown, ”the woman said.

Not only Ekaterina Ivanovna supports the celebrity - the father of the star Alexander Alexandrovich also expressed a desire to help his daughter. “I'm glad she has such friends. I think with them she will quickly be able to get on her feet. What happened came as a shock to me. Sunny, call me, I'll come at any time. Your mother is to blame for all the troubles, mine ex-wife. Docha, I am sure that everything will be fine with you, ”the father of the TV presenter is categorical.

Borisova did not specify how many more days she would have to spend in the hospital. Fans, in turn, wish Dana a speedy recovery.

Dana Borisova - biography

Dana Borisova is one of the most famous blondes in the world. Russian television. She is smart, charming and endlessly sweet. In many ways, it was these qualities that allowed the TV presenter to make dizzying career on TV. She was the sex symbol of all soldiers in Russia, as well as one of the most interesting TV presenters of his time.

Childhood years, the family of Dana Borisova

There are no white spots in Borisova's biography, everything is clear and simple, bright and bold. The small town of Mozyr in Belarus is Dana's hometown, but nothing more. A few months after the birth of their daughter, Dana Borisova's father and mother moved to Norilsk. The upbringing was strict, because no other behavior was expected in the family of a policeman and a nurse.

The girl was somehow lonely: mom and dad are constantly at work. Due to her thinness and excellent grades, she had no friends, many considered her a crammer. For this reason, Dana went headlong into circle and sectional classes, playing the piano was her real passion. But the girl had communication and care when her sister was born. Dana behaved like a real educator and caring mother towards her younger sister.

Dana Borisova in her youth

Career and projects

Even as a teenager, the girl came across an ad from a television and radio company about recruiting for a TV journalism class. She passed the selection, not at all thinking about what she could do. From that moment began the journalistic biography of Dana Borisova. From the age of sixteen, the girl got on television. The work of the presenter and announcer was familiar to her from school. The starting point was the city of Norilsk.

After graduation, Dana, who already believed in her lucky star and talent, moved to the capital of Russia.
Successfully passed the exams at Lomonosov Moscow University. She also failed to study successfully and attend all the couples of the course.

Shooting the popular "Army Store" took a lot of time, but for Borisova, her career as a TV presenter became the most important thing. The conscripts began to write love letters to the girl, the beautiful blonde began to be recognized on the street. During this period, Dana began her first trials: she was robbed more than once, her parents separated.

Filming for the men's magazine "Playboy" made Dana extremely popular, as an investigation in show business is a PR for a TV star. After some time, the girl left the TV show that brought her fame. Borisova began to look for herself. She is invited to various projects and shows, she is different everywhere.

She succeeds due to the fact that she manages to change her roles.
The TV presenter has few experiments on television, she begins to act in films, but she has only one picture "Bear Hunt" on her account. For a while, Dana disappeared from the screen. But two years later, viewers saw her again in new show projects.

Photo: Dana Borisova without makeup

Family and children of Dana Borisova

The family and children of Dana Borisova are a separate page in her life, since she is very attached to them. Dana was born into a family that is far from creative, but intelligent and very hardworking.

According to Dana Borisova, mother Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisova worked as a nurse all her life, including in an ambulance. It was she who sounded the alarm when her daughter began to abuse antidepressants, but reproached herself because she believed that she should have understood everything much earlier.

Father - Alexander Borisov - for a long time he served in the police and compensated for his absence at home by often bringing Danochka chocolates. Then he went to work at a nickel plant in Norilsk.

Borisova had a three-year younger sister named Ksenia, who did not become an actress or TV presenter, but devoted herself to the sky, becoming a flight attendant.

Dana has only one daughter so far, although information constantly appears in the press that the girl is pregnant from her boyfriends. The TV presenter often says that she does not mind becoming a mother again, but for this she has not yet met her prince on a white horse, suitable for the role of a father.

The daughter of Dana Borisova - Polina Aksenova

She was born in August 2007, businessman Maxim Aksenov became her father. The girl does not often appear at social events and participates in television shows, although she has her own Instagram page.

Polina lives with her father while her mother is undergoing a course of getting rid of drug addiction. She studies at a prestigious gymnasium quite well, while doing drawing and gymnastics at the same time.

The girl looks like her mother and is very attached to her, although she does not plan to become a TV presenter.

Former civil husband of Dana Borisova - Maxim Aksenov

Entered the life of a spectacular blonde in 2005, he never ceased to admire her beauty and talent. The businessman, after a short romance, moved his beloved to a capital apartment.

The head of one of the oil companies was in no hurry to propose to her, even after the birth of a common child. At the same time, as soon as the baby was a year old, troubles and quarrels began in the family, so Maxim left Borisova, demanding that his daughter be given to him for compensation.

Dana refused, but became depressed and began to abuse alcoholic drinks. The couple's relationship improved only in 2011, they remained friends for the sake of their daughter.

Photo: Dana Borisova civil husband Maxim Aksenov

Former husband of Dana Borisova - Andrey Troshchenko

Appeared in the life of a TV presenter in 2013. At the same time, everything went just fine before the wedding, although the businessman turned out to be a non-secular person, he never appeared in public with Dana, and there was practically no joint photos.

The wedding of young people took place in 2015, but the happiness did not last long, because after eight months the marital relationship came to naught, and the very next year there was a divorce.

At the same time, Andrei simply ran away while his women were sunbathing in the Maldives. Borisova was upset that the guy took a couple of prestigious foreign cars with him, so she wrote a statement to the police about him, which did not lead to anything.

Dana Borisova and Andrey Troshchenko

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