Typical test tasks in literature oge. The monotonous noise of life


Literature examination paper consists of two parts.

In the first part of the work, it is supposed to analyze the text of a work of art placed in the examination paper itself, in the second part, topics of essays are proposed.

When evaluating the performance of all types of tasks, the verbal design of the answers is taken into account.

First part consists of two alternative options(we need to choose one of them). The first option offers an analysis of a fragment of an epic, dramatic or lyrical epic work, and the second option offers an analysis of a lyric poem or fable.

Each of the first two tasks requires a written response in the approximate volume 3–5 offers and is worth a maximum of 3 points.

Third task the first part involves not only thinking about the proposed text, but also comparing it with another work or fragment, the text of which is also given in the examination paper. The approximate volume is 5–8 sentences.

It is recommended that the examinee take 120 minutes to complete the tasks of part 1 of the work.

Second part examination work contains four topics of essays that require detailed written reasoning.

The first theme refers to the work from which the fragment for the first version of the first part is taken, and the second - to the work of the poet, whose lyric poem or a fable is included in the second version of the first part.

Tasks 2.3 and 2.4 are formulated according to the work of other writers whose works were not included in the options for part 1 ( ancient Russian literature; literature XVIII, XIX and XX centuries). Tasks 2.3, 2.4 are not related to the problems of the works given in the first part of the examination paper. The examinee chooses one of the four topics offered to him.

In the essay on lyrics, the examinee must analyze at least two poems.

The student is asked to take 115 minutes to write the essay.

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2017 the main state exam
on literature

1. Appointment of KIM for OGE

The purpose of the examination work is to assess the level of general education in literature of graduates of the ninth grade general educational organizations for the purpose of the state final certification of graduates. The results of the exam can be used when enrolling students in specialized secondary school classes.

OGE is conducted in accordance with federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents defining the content of KIM

The examination paper is compiled in accordance with the Federal component of the state standard of the main general education in Literature (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On Approval of the Federal Component state standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”).

3. Approaches to the selection of content, the development of the structure of KIM

Conceptual approaches to the formation of KIM in the literature for the OGE were determined in accordance with the normative document specified in paragraph 2, the specifics of the subject, the traditional and new forms of final control that have justified themselves.

The examination model in literature differs in a number of fundamental positions from examination models in other subjects. It contains only tasks with a detailed answer. KIM for the OGE does not include short answer assignments, although this type of assignment is actively used in the USE in literature. At this stage of training, it does not seem appropriate to formulate special questions to test students' knowledge literary facts and their level of ownership literary terminology. The examinee indirectly uses this layer of content subject when writing detailed answers (in the essay evaluation system there is a criterion “Level of proficiency in theoretical and literary concepts”).

The examination paper is designed for graduates of the IX grades of educational organizations different types(schools, gymnasiums, lyceums), including classes with in-depth study literature. The structure of the examination work meets the purpose of building a system differentiated learning V modern school: reveals the degree of mastering by graduates of the compulsory (basic) part of the program in literature; gives information about elevated level preparation of a ninth-grader in literature; allows you to draw conclusions about whether the examinee has literary abilities, about his readiness to study literature in the senior classes of the humanitarian profile.

The examination paper is built taking into account the principle of variability: examinees are given the right to choose one of the two options for Part 1, as well as one of the four tasks for Part 2.

The system for evaluating individual tasks and examination work as a whole was created taking into account the requirements of the theory and practice of pedagogical measurements and the traditions of teaching literature.

4. Connection of the examination model of the OGE with KIM USE

Exam model for conducting the OGE in principled positions successive in relation to the exam model of the exam.

The examination paper for the OGE, similarly to the KIM USE, is based on tasks of a standardized form: the documents that determine the development of examination materials indicate the content to be checked, the characteristics of the options for the examination paper and the tasks included in them are established, and the system for evaluating the examination paper is described.

The completion of the examination work in literature will require a graduate of grade IX to intensify the same activities as in passing the exam: analysis and interpretation of a literary text, search for grounds for comparison literary phenomena and facts, writing a reasoned answer to a question, etc. The level of preparation of the graduate in literature in both examinations is revealed primarily by testing the ability of the examinee to create coherent statements on a literary topic.

The attention of schoolchildren is offered a manual for preparing for the main state exam, which contains 20 options for examination work and Demo version. Each option is compiled in full accordance with the requirements of the state final certification, includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity. The manual can be used by students for self-study and teachers to organize current monitoring of the level of literary education of 9th grade graduates and to prepare them for the exam.

The codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in literature (hereinafter referred to as the codifier) ​​is one of the documents regulating the development of control measuring materials (hereinafter referred to as CMM). The codifier is a systematized list of requirements for the level of training of graduates and content elements to be checked, in which each object corresponds to a specific code. The codifier is compiled on the basis of the standard of basic general education in literature (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the Federal component of state standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”).

The codifier consists of two sections:
- Section 1. "List of content elements checked at the main state exam in LITERATURE";
- Section 2. "List of requirements for the level of training of students who have mastered general education programs basic general education in literature.
Section 1 of the codifier includes material from the subsections "Basic theoretical and literary concepts" and "Literary works intended for compulsory study" of the standard. The inclusion of a list of theoretical and literary concepts in the codifier allows using a certain set of terms in the formulation of tasks, without going beyond the mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs. In addition, this list makes it possible to more objectively evaluate the answers of the examinees according to the criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks. Included in the coding works of art, knowledge of which is checked with the help of KIM, constituting a meaningful corpus of an exemplary program of basic general education in literature. The codifier did not include the content elements italicized in the section of the standard " Mandatory minimum the content of the main educational programs”: this content is subject to study, but is not included in the section of the standard “Requirements for the level of training of graduates”, that is, it is not an object of control.

Features of KIM for conducting the main state exam in LITERATURE
Codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of students for the main state exam in LITERATURE
Instructions for performing the examination work
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Option 11
Option 12
Option 13
Option 14
Option 15
Option 16
Option 17
Option 18
Option 19
Option 20
Demonstration version of control measuring materials for the main state exam in LITERATURE
Assessment system for examination work in literature
Samples of examination forms.

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Part 1

Browse literary texts, suggested in option 1 and option 2 of part 1, and select the option that you will perform. Execution is evaluated onlyONE part 1 option.

Option 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1.1.1–1.1.3.

Fragment action III phenomena 1


I'm strange, but who's not strange?

The one who looks like all fools;

Molchalin, for example ...


Examples are not new to me;

It is noticeable that you are ready to pour out bile on everyone;

And I, so as not to interfere, dodge from here.

Chatsky(holds her)


(To the side)

For once in my life, I'll pretend.


Let's leave this nonsense.

Before Molchalin I am not right, I am guilty;

Perhaps he is not what he was three years ago:

There are such transformations on earth

Boards, climates, and mores, and minds,

There are important people, they were known for fools:

Another in the army, another bad poet,

Other ... I'm afraid to name, but recognized by the whole world,

Especially in recent years,

That they have become smart at least where.

Let Molchalin have a lively mind, a brave genius,

But does he have that passion? that feeling? ardor that?

So that, besides you, he has the whole world

Was it dust and vanity?

So that every beat of the heart

Has love accelerated towards you?

So that thoughts were everything, and all his deeds

Soul - you, pleasing to you? ..

I feel it myself, I can not say

But what is now boiling in me, worries, enrages,

I would not wish personal enemy,

And he? .. will be silent and hang his head.

Of course, humble, everyone is not frisky;

God knows what secret is hidden in it;

God knows what you came up with for him,

Than his head has never been stuffed.

Perhaps your qualities are darkness,

Admiring him, you gave him;

He is not sinful in anything, you are a hundred times more sinful.

No! No! let it be smart, smarter by the hour,

But is it worth you? here's one question for you.

To be more indifferent to me to suffer a loss,

As a person you, who grew up with you,

As your friend, as your brother,

Let me make sure...

(A.S. Griboyedov, "Woe from Wit")

To complete tasks 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, first write down the task number in the answer sheet, and then give a direct coherent answer to each question (approximate volume - 3–5 sentences). Rely on the author's position, state your point of view. Justify your answer using the given fragment (you can refer to other episodes of the work).


And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand

In a moment of heartbreak...

Desires!.. what good is it in vain and eternally to desire?..

And the years pass - everything best years!

To love ... but whom? .. for a while - it's not worth the trouble,

And it is impossible to love forever.

Do you look into yourself? - there is no trace of the past:

And joy, and torment, and everything there is insignificant ...

What are passions? - after all, sooner or later their sweet affliction

Will disappear at the word of reason;

And life, as you look around with cold attention, -

Such an empty and stupid joke...

To complete task 1.2.3, first write down the number of the task in the answer sheet, and then give a direct connected answer (approximate volume - 5–8 sentences). Follow the direction of analysis indicated in the task. Express your point of view with the author's intent in mind. Justify your answer using the given texts.
Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

1.2.3. What brings together the poem of M.Yu. Lermontov "Both boring and sad" with a poem by A.S. Pushkin " A gift in vain, a gift random …»?

A gift in vain, a gift random,

Life, why are you given to me?

Ile why the fate of the mystery

Are you sentenced to death?

Who me hostile power

Called out of nothingness

Filled my soul with passion

Doubt aroused the mind? ..

There is no goal in front of me:

The heart is empty, the mind is empty,

And makes me sad

The monotonous noise of life.

(A.S. Pushkin)

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE from the proposed essay topics (2.1–2.4). In the answer sheet, indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is estimated at 0 points).

Argument your thesis based on literary works(in an essay on lyrics, it is necessary to analyze at least two poems).

Use literary-theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Consider the composition of the essay.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

2.1. What content is put into the concept of "mind" by the heroes of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

2.2. As in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov, the theme of love and the motive of loneliness are connected?

2.3. Which moral issues puts N.M. Karamzin in the story " Poor Lisa»?

2.4. As in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenin, the poet's love for his native land was embodied?

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