Onomastics as the science of proper names. Separation of historical function


Arkhipova Tatiana

The research work was presented at the regional scientific and practical conference



  1. Introduction
  1. What are the names. From the history of names
  1. Names born of the era

5. Conclusion

6. Literature


Choosing a name for a person who was born is a very important and responsible step. With this name a person lives his whole life, it becomes an integral part of his personality. By asking myself this question, Ithe topic of the scientific work "The secret of the name".

Goal of the work: study of the origin of names, their influence on the fate of people.

Research objectives:

  1. Make a brief analysis of the meaning of Russian names.
  2. To study material on anthroponymy - a science that studies proper names related to people.
  3. Identify names - leaders and most popular names.
  4. Explore the origin of personal names
  5. Historical excursion into the history of origin

In my work, I used research methods such aspartially search, static, quantitative.were made by mediagnostic studies.The work is connected with history, ethnography, and also expands ties with demography.

Object of study -modern personal names in people's lives.

Subject of study -personal names. The role of personal names.

Relevance and practical significance of the topicdue to the increased interest in this problem when choosing the name of a born child, the desire of future parents through the name to determine life path his heir. Names are meant to protect and bring happiness. The study of personal names is social in nature.

What are the names. From the history of names.

Getting into the world of Russian words, starting to study the Russian language, we simultaneously find ourselves in unusual world names and titles that are used in Russian speech. From childhood, a person is surrounded by names, through them, he, as well as through other sources, cognizes the world. It is very important that he knows their origin, meaning and significance.

The science that studies people's names, surnames, patronymics, pseudonyms is called anthroponymy.The basis of this term is the Greek words anthropos - "man" and onima - "name". Anthroponymy is one of the varieties of a special section - onomastics, the name of which is translated from Greek as "the art of giving names"

The names of people are part of the history of peoples. In some cases, a person was characterized by some outward signs, in others - according to the position in the family, relatives in relation to him, and sometimes according to the type of his occupation. For example, a baby born in winter could be called Frost. The names Krasava, Dobrynya are associated with the wishes of beauty, kindness and other qualities. And vice versa, from our point of view, abusive names were quite common - Fool, Nekras, Wolf. So our distant ancestors tried to deceive evil spirit, save children from her with ugly names.

Here are some feature names:

By appearance - Mal, Bel, Oblique, Pockmarked, Curly, Chernysh, Nekras, Milava, Chernukha;

The nature - Dobrynya, Brave, Proud, Silent, Bayan, Clever, Fool, Nesmeyana, Annoyance, Dobrava;

By profession - Kozhemyaka, Peasant and etc.

In ancient Rus', until the tenth century, there was no difference between a name and a nickname. The choice of a name in those distant times depended on the wishes of the father and mother. If the parents wanted their daughter to be a winner in everything, then they called her Victoria, which is translated from Latin: “victory”. These names, the so-called talisman names, act on people due to their meaning. Parents named their children after great figures, scientists, kings and queens. It should also be noted that the names in ancient Rus' were formed by adding several words, for example: Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Yaroslav.Literally, these names mean: Rostislav - may your glory be multiplied. Svyatoslav - consecrated by glory; Stanislav - who became glorious; Yaroslav - shining with glory.

In 988, Prince Vladimir the Red Sun gave consent to the emperor of Byzantium for the baptism of Rus'. The priests, standing on the shore, overshadowed each with a cross and gave a new name. So Zhdany and Brave, Ryzhuny and Malyuta became Vasily and Kirillami, Annamy and Evdokia.

I tried to trace what the Russian name-book was and what it became.

Any word that a person was called by was perceived by those around him as his personal name, and, therefore, any word could become a name.

Ancient Russian names were peculiar characteristics of people. The name was given to a person as a sign by which it was possible to distinguish him from a family or clan.

With the adoption of Christianity, many Old Russian names were supplanted by the so-called calendar ones, since the name of the child began to be given according to the holy calendar. And the saints offered ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew names in origin. A characteristic feature of Russian calendars is the small number of female names. This is explained by the fact that the names of ministers and keepers of the faith, who, as a rule, were men, fell into the calendar. The nominal composition of the old calendars was rich in male names - about 900. There were no more than 250 female ones.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, only church names were given in honor of the saints of the Orthodox Church. These names were used in a specific social environment.

In the 18th century peasant families girls were called by the following names: Vasilisa, Fedosya, Thekla, Mavra. A striking example to that - the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Young Lady-Peasant Woman". The young lady calls herself the name of Akulin for the reason that the name was commonly used precisely in the peasant environment. Well, if a girl was born into a family of nobles, she received a name that was uncommon among peasant women: Olga, Catherine, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Tatiana. By the way, thanks to A.S. Pushkin and his novel “Eugene Onegin”, the name Tatyana received a second life, since it appeared less and less in noble families.

The calendar names Maria, as well as Ivan, were the most popular in Russia. In the 18th-19th centuries, every 10-15th woman bore the name Maria.

Names born of the era

A sharp increase in the number of female and male names occurred after the revolution of 1917 as a result of the abolition of the act of baptism, when, apart from the church list, no name was allowed. The revolution abolished this prohibition, giving everyone the right to freely choose a name. For example, the "Tear-off calendar of the North-West Industrial Bureau" in 1925 included the following memorable dates and related names:

  1. February 7 (1478, Thomas More, author of Utopia, was born) - names proposed Maura and Thomas;
  2. February 25 (1799, establishment of the Medical and Surgical Academy in St. Petersburg) - name Academy;
  3. May 31 (1918, Coeducational Compulsory Ordinance) - Names Science and Lunachar.

In the 1920s, a flood of new names poured in, including Oktyabrina (in honor of October), Marlena (addition of the names Marx and Lenin), Roar and Lucia (from revolution), Donara (daughter of the people), Kim ( addition of the first letters of the phrase Communist Youth International), Dinara ("child new era'), Raithia ( regional printing house), Krasarma (Red Army) Many of the names were formed from common nouns: Novella, Tractor, Grenade, Bond, Barricade.

Sometimes names were created from the letters of an entire phrase, such as Lagshmiwara(Schmidt's camp in the Arctic), Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May!)

“Semi-new” names were also created, for example, a new meaning was invested in the name Maya (in honor of the First of May), while in fact it was the name of the mythical goddess of the earth, the holidays in whose honor the month of May was named.

In 1934, on board the Chelyuskin steamer while sailing along the Northern sea ​​route a girl was born, who was given the name Karina. The ship was at that time in the Kara Sea, and the name of the sea was reflected in the name.

Comparative statistics of names

In 1920 - 1930s. most often given the name Nikolai, Vasily, Alexei, George, Ivan. Among female names, the name Maria was the most popular, then Alexandra, Olga, Ekaterina, Elena.

In the 1940s - 1950s. in the first place is the name Vladimir, followed by Yuri, Anatoly. Quite often there are Victor, Nikolai, Boris, Alexander. The names Oleg, Evgeny, Sergey appeared. Among female names, Natalya becomes a favorite, followed by Lyudmila, Tatyana.

In the 1970s, among the male names, the names Alexander, Andrey, Sergey, Oleg, Dmitry are in the lead. These names were named half of the born boys.

The most popular female name was the name Elena.

In the 1980s, Alexander became the favorite name again. The names Dmitry, Denis, Alexei are often found. Often girls began to be called Anna, Natalya, Marina.

I tried to find out what are the most common names in our village. Having studied the personal cards of residents in the village council, I found out that the most common male name is Alexander, followed by the names of Sergey, Alexei and Andrey. In women, the name Natalya is most common, as well as Tatyana and Elena. These names are most common among people born in the 60s and 80s.

The school has more boys with the names Dmitry, Alexei, Andrei, Maxim and Sergei, and girls with the names Anastasia, Daria, Marina and Anna.

In the 2000s, in our village, they increasingly began to give children names that were not met or were very rare in the 50-90s: Stepan, Gleb, Arseny, Yakov, Matvey, Daniil, Polina, Sofia, Uliana, Ksenia , Anastasia, Daria.


The frequency of use of different names is not the same. Now, as before, some names are found very often, others less often, there are also very rare, little-known names.

The number of names used for naming today is relatively small, and it cannot possibly satisfy the demands of a growing population. Therefore, it is important not to lose sight of certain categories of names that are either forgotten or have fallen out of use. different reasons or are little known.

Names, like everything in the world, have their own history. They arise, change and disappear. The history of Russian names is closely connected with the history of the people and their language.

After studying this problem, I came to the conclusion that in modern world name choice depends on:

First, the most common are cases of choosing a name in honor of relatives;

Secondly, the euphony of the name and its correlation with the patronymic, surname;

Thirdly, cases of the use of rare and peculiar names.

Less often, the choice of name depends on the case.

List of used literature

  1. Bondarenko E.O. Holidays of Christian Rus'; Russian folk calendar. - Kaliningrad: Prince. Publishing house, 1995.
  2. Gorbanevsky M.V. In the world of names and titles. – M.: Knowledge, 1983.
  3. Grushko E., Medvedev Yu. Dictionary of names. - Nizhny Novgorod: Russian merchant; Brothers Slavs, 1996.
  4. Name is destiny: A book for parents and godparents. - M .: Modern writer, 1993.
  5. Nikonov V.A. Looking for a name. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1988.
  6. Give yourself a holiday: Encyclopedia. - Donetsk: IKF "Stalker", 1996.
  7. Suslova A.V., Superanskaya A.V. About Russian names. – Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - L., Lenizdat, 1991
  8. Ktorova A. What is in my name to you…// Knowledge is power. -2000. -#7. - S. 125-127.
  9. Superanskaya A. Women's names// Science and Life - 1991. - No. 7 - P. 77-78
  10. Superanskaya A. Name and culture // Science and life. - 1991. - No. 11 - P. 79-85.

Regional scientific and practical

schoolchildren conference

in the field of linguistics


Done by: 9th grade student

MOU SOSH railway Art. bam

Arkhipova Tatiana


Krinichnaya Natalya Nikolaevna

This article will try to answer the question of what is onomastics. Here we consider its general definition from the point of view of linguistics. Attention will also be paid to defining the directions of this section. Historical onomastics will be studied in more detail.


Onomastics - what is it?

This term means one of the sections of linguistics that studies any issues related to proper names (s. and.), As well as the history of their occurrence or transformation due to long-term use in the language from which they were borrowed. In a narrower sense, this concept can be defined as a set for the study of proper names that came from another source language. The subject for study is And.

Synonymous sections are: onomastics, onomasiology and onomatology.

More about art and its analysis

Onomastics as the science of one's own name appeared a very long time ago. The translation from Greek defines it as "the art of naming". talking scientific language, we can say that this section of linguistics specializes in proper names and historical evidence that reveals their essence and meaning.

This section includes several subsections, among which are: toponymy, anthroponymy, astronomy, zoonymy, cosmonymy, chrematonymy, pragmonymy, carabonymy and theonymy. Below we will focus on them. general description.


Onomastics is a science that includes the following sections:

  • Anthroponymy - a section on the study of the proper names and surnames of people, as well as their origin and transformation that occurred as a result of their long-term exploitation, geographical distribution, change social function etc.
  • Astronomy - a section that analyzes the names of any celestial objects, as in total number, and individual units (the Sun or the Moon, many stars and comets, etc.)
  • Cosmonymy - the study of the names of objects that reside exclusively in outer space.
  • Toponymy - a section occupied with the analysis of p. And. objects of geography, and its formations. An example is: the Nile River, Egypt, Mount Chomolungma, etc.
  • Zoonymy refers to the section that studies p. And. and animal names.
  • Chrematonymy is a section about objects related to human culture.
  • Karabonymics is a section about proper names, which are called boats, ships and other vessels.
  • Theonymy refers to the section on the proper names of gods and various deities.
  • Pragmonimics is a subsection of onomastics that studies the name of products and goods. An example is the concept of "chokonyms" - a type of chocolate product.


All the above sections of onomastics create a common basis for the study of one's own name. The studies of this section allow a person to trace the migration path and the places where various peoples settled. This is possible due to the analysis of linguistic and cultural contacts traced in languages, as well as the determination of the specifics of the patterns of storage and transmission of proper names.

The presence of a certain social function - to be an individualizing means of defining and highlighting objects and subjects, as well as cities, phenomena, etc. - allows the proper name to also retain its etymological meaning, which is very often overlooked and / or obscured for certain reasons. It is important to be able to track such information and use it correctly. S. i. have tremendous stability, which persists even with significant revolutionary events.

Historical facts

What is onomastics? The definition of this word came to us from the Greek language. Onomastics gives us valuable information about history by establishing settlement sites, migration routes (especially important for studying peoples that have disappeared), analyzing local myths, etc. The total amount of data allows a person to get an idea of ​​the type of settlement, its social and family structure as well as relationships.

An example of onomastics, namely its activities, is the analysis of a geographer. names, the southern section of the East European Plain. It allows you to positively resolve the issue of the contribution of the Scythians to the development of the state language of the Russian Federation. Analyzing the names of cities located on waterways (for example, "Vyshny Volochek"), you can get a conclusion about the features of transport used on the water. It also helps to recognize the era of exploitation and much more.

The essence of onomastics

What is onomastics, and what is its essence?

The main task of onomastic research, as mentioned earlier, is to identify and understand the migration route various peoples. Also, this section of linguistics pays a lot of attention to the study of the cultural series of contacts that occurred during the mixing of languages.

Onomastic studies are focused on ancient dialects and the original structure and state of the language. Most important place anthroponymy occupies among the subsections of onomastics.

The studied section of linguistics includes some aspects, among which are: descriptive (analysis of philological and linguistic issues and problems), theoretical (derivation of laws and principles of functioning of any onomastic system), historical (history of names), artistic and ethnic.

Historical section

What does onomastics study, namely its historical section?

The history aspect deals with the analysis of onomastic data. S. i. are part of the language and, therefore, are part of linguistics. However, the presence of patterns that are traced in the development of proper names differs from the "evolution", for example, appellatives.

The emergence of And. and their change is subject not only to the phonetic and morphological code of laws and rules, but is also determined by the progress of society or special phenomena in it. An example is the possession of the throne by three different Alexanders and two Nicholas, which in the future led to a trend towards the spread of these names among Russian nobles. Based on foreign policy plans, Catherine II named her grandson Constantine, which corresponds to the name of the emperor of the Byzantine Empire. Also, for similar reasons, names were given to cities, such as: Odessa, Nikopol, Sevastopol, etc. In this case, the orientation of the name comes from the geographical location of the city, its population, etc.

Thus, historians can say in response to the question: “what does onomastics study?” that it analyzes its own names, through the application historical facts and uses s. And. as a valuable source of information that can serve as additional material for a researcher or scientist.

About patterns

What does onomastics mean for a historian, in in general terms we already know. However, it is important to understand that this section of science includes patterns that divide it into sections. Deetymologization is one of the reasons for such a distinction by subtypes. In the process of using one's own name, the etymological meaning and origin disappear from it. For example, when mentioning Lyubov Lvovna, the subjects do not think about the feeling of falling in love or a dangerous predatory animal. Also when we are talking about Pushkin, we do not remember artillery pieces. A person most often feels etymology when meeting unfamiliar names.

Separation of historical function

In the historical aspect of onomastics, there is a division into two layers. One of them is preonomastic. Taki calls him one of the largest scientists in the onomastic field of research V. A. Nikonov. An example is the name of the city of Paris, the meaning of which indicates that the territory belongs to the Parisian tribe. As you can see, given with. And. serves as a valuable source of information, but it can be extremely difficult or impossible to determine this.

The 2nd value of the layer is onomastic. This "platform" is extremely simple. Consider an example: Beijing is the capital of China, Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Davydov Nikolai Alekseevich - my neighbor, a laboratory assistant in one of my brother's laboratories.

Answering the question of what onomastics is in historical practice, it is also important to know about the dual purpose of all names.

First, it is necessary to distinguish some geographical objects, people, etc. from others. That is, to single out someone or something from the general series. In this case, the name introduces a unit of speech within the boundaries of a certain topic (cities, animal names, people's names, etc.). Conclusions about names are made using various additional means, for example, when studying a person's name, formants are used.

from the Greek onoma - name, name) - proper names in their totality, as well as a science that studies proper names: personal names (this branch of O. is called anthroponymy, or O. in the narrow sense of the word), geographical. names (see Toponymy) and names of tribes and peoples (see Ethnonymy). O. (in the narrow sense of the word). Already the first written monuments of various peoples record the existence of personal and generic names in ancient times. Gradually created b. or m. a stable (but changing with the development of society) system of naming (different for different peoples). So, for example, in Dr. Rome citizen had a personal name (praenomen), generic name(nomen) and nickname (cognomen); main and the generic name remained unchanged. In Dr. In Greece, citizens added the name of their father to their personal name (for example, Pericles, son of Xanthippus). The names were of a class-class character. So, in Rome, the generic name of the patron (patron) appeared as the generic name of inferior citizens and dependent persons, the slaves did not have a solid name (the name was often given by the master of the slave), their names were often formed from ethnonyms ("Syrian", "Scythian", etc. d.). Names (and later surnames) usually go back to words denoting: natural phenomena, objects material culture and the phenomena of everyday life, households. life, professions, social and political phenomena. life, geographic names, individual characteristics this or that person, the concept of beliefs, cult and ideology, etc. U Slav. and germ. tribes with the adoption of Christianity, names borrowed from the gospels, as well as from the names of Greek, lat. and local saints; a certain number of names of other Germans continued to be retained. and others - Slav. origin. Modern the method of naming (personal name, patronymic, surname) was established in Russia only gradually, from the 16th-18th centuries. (earlier for boyars, then for nobles and merchants, townspeople; the surnames of serfs were first recorded in the 10th revision of 1858, but even there the main mass of serfs did not yet have surnames). In Japan, until the "Meiji Revolution" (1867-68), only nobles and a small number of other privileged people had the right to bear surnames; in many surnames do not exist in Eastern countries. The history of names and surnames, closely connected with the history of the people (reflects tribal relations, the decomposition of tribal ties, family relationships, extension public relations, social class. structure of society, change and development of societies. institutions, culture, etc.), can be used by the historian as a supplement. source for the reconstruction of some sources. phenomena and processes, especially those ist. periods (in particular, antiquity, early medieval), from which meager ist. sources. Thus, O., being a branch of linguistics, also performs the role of an auxiliary source. disciplines. O.'s data are involved, for example, when resolving the issue of ethnicity. belongings of ancient peoples, in the study of migrants. processes, determining the role of local and alien elements in the ist. development to. - l. district; O. gives some material for resolving the issue of the sources of slavery (the ethnicity of the Roman slaves by their names) and many others. etc. However, in all cases, O.'s data serve only as an auxiliary material and are considered in conjunction with data from other sources. Lit .: Barseghyan O. X., Given name. Theoretical and descriptive essay, Yer., 1964 (in Armenian); Superanskaya A.V., What is your name? Where do you live?, M., 1964; Witkowski T., Grundbegriffe der Namenkunde, V., 1964; Chichagov V.K., From the history of Russian. names, patronymics and surnames (questions of Russian historical onomastics of the XV-XVII centuries), M., 1959; Tupikov N. M., Dictionary of Old Russian Personal Names, St. Petersburg, 1903; Holma H., Die assirisch-babylonischen Personennamen..., Hels., 1914; Zgusta L., Die Personennamen griechischer St?dte der n?rdlichen Schwarzmeerk?ste, Praha, 1955; Schulze W., Zur Geschichte lateinischer Eigennamen, B., 1904; Trombetti A., Saggio di antica onomastica mediterranea, 2 ed., Firenze, 1941; Bach A., Deutsche Namenkunde, Bd 1-3, Hdlb., 1952-56; Miklosich, F., Die Bildung der slavischen Personen- und Ortsnamen, Hdlb., 1927; Onomastica slavogermanica, hrsg. von R. Fischer, Bd 1, B., 1965; Caetani L., Gabrieli G., Onomasticon Arabicum, v. 1-2, Roma, 1915; Japanese dictionary. names and surnames, 2nd ed., M., 1958 (from the article: Kapul N.P., Japanese names and surnames as a phenomenon of language and writing); Taszycki W., Bibliografia onomastyki polskiej.., Kr., 1960; Wegweiser zur Namenforschung, Halle, 1962; Smith E., Personal names. A bibliography, N. Y., 1952. L. E.

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Lecture 1


    Toponyms as an object of study of onomastics.

    Toponymic object terminology.

    Methods and techniques toponymic research.

Basic terms and concepts:

hagiotoponym, agoronym, agroonym, appellative, astionim, geolonim, hydronym, godonym, dromonim, comonim, limnonym, oikonym, oceanonym, onym, onomastics, oronim, pelagonim, potamonim, toponym, toponymy, urbanonym, horonim. Recommended literature:
  1. Bondaletov V.D. Russian onomastics. - M., 1983. Zhuchkevich V.A. General toponymy. – Minsk, 1980. Linguistic encyclopedic Dictionary\\ V.N. Yartseva. - M., 2002. Podolskaya N.V. Dictionary of Russian onamastic terminology. - M., 1978. Podolskaya N.V. Modern Russian onomastic terminology. - M., 1978. Popov A.I. Geographical names: An introduction to toponymy. - M.-L., 1965. Pospelov E.M. City names: yesterday and today (1917-1992): Toponymic Dictionary. - M., 1993. Superanskaya A.V. General theory of proper name. - M., 1973. Tolstoy N.I. – Dictionary of geographical terms: Semasiological studies. - M., 1969.
Questions and tasks:

      Define the scientific discipline "onomastics".

      Describe the specifics of this linguistic discipline.

      Define the term "toponym".

      What is the name of the discipline that studies toponyms. What are the tasks of the linguistic study of geographical names?

      Describe aspects of the study of toponyms?


Among the various nominal categories in linguistics, as in many areas of logic, much attention is paid to proper names. Neither general, nor abstract, nor collective, nor common nouns are associated with a special branch of linguistic science, which would study only one of the classes. The proper names are related to separate section linguistics. This section is called onomastics, the name in its internal form contains the general designation of the name. The term "onomastics" has two meanings. Firstly, it designates the complex science of proper names, and secondly, the proper names themselves (i.e. onymy). Proper names are part of the language, demonstrating the most paradoxical situations, the analysis of which should contribute to the emergence of new, more in-depth general linguistic concepts. The construction of a general theory of proper names is the identification of general patterns inherent in a given lexical category, it is the search for regular properties of names (onyms), regardless of the language with which they are associated or used. Onomastics arose as an applied science necessary for historians, geographers, ethnographers, literary critics and did not go beyond the auxiliary scientific discipline. When linguists joined the study of this issue, onomastics emerged as an independent discipline that analyzes linguistic material using linguistic methods. Onomastics studies the basic patterns of the history, development and functioning of proper names. Onomastic research uses data from archeology, the history of material and spiritual culture, biology, philosophy, logic, psychology, etc. There are a number of sciences that are especially interested in onomastic material, whose representatives consider onomastics their own. auxiliary discipline. However, proper names are words, and as such they belong primarily to linguistics. The relationship between onomastics and linguistics is characterized as the relationship of part and whole. Onomastics is a part of linguistics. Going beyond the limits of linguistics is carried out due to the extralinguistic components of onomastics, which are obligatory for it. This also explains the possibility of studying onomastic material by linguistic methods: establishing the linguistic affiliation of names, identifying phonetic and morphological patterns. In the extralinguistic analysis of onomastic material, they study the history of the emergence of objects, changing their names, transferring the names of famous objects to others, chronology geographical discoveries and movement of tribes and peoples. All these studies, which are fundamental for historians and geographers, are auxiliary for onomastics, as they help to clarify the reasons for the emergence and change of names, trends in names and traditions associated with the assignment of names. The method of naming, the image underlying the name, is individual for each nation. Names live colloquial speech are closely connected with the realities, traditions peculiar to a certain people. The more primitive the culture of the people, the more original ethnographic features it retains and the more vivid the connection of its onomastics with the specifics of everyday life and rituals. Language is a social phenomenon. The choice of a particular language by an individual is determined by the cultural and historical unity of which he is a member, and language variations are also due to economic, cultural, social reasons, as they are due to variations in mores and customs among different peoples. Since onomastic vocabulary is part of the vocabulary in general and, consequently, part of the language, the provisions of sociology also apply to it. Even more than appellatives, onyms respond to social changes. The name always reflects the culture and social life society. In this regard, onomastic research helps to reveal social processes, and onomastics occupies an important place in sociological works. The study of the particular features of the onomastic system of each nation reveals Interesting Facts associated with its history, ethnography, geography, etc., and gives great material for further research. Directions of onomastic work are outlined in a number of studies. Any study of proper names aims to know the unknown, to discover the unknown. Therefore, each new onomastic work is based on previous experience and itself, in turn, serves as a foundation for subsequent work. Theoretical onomastics studies the general patterns of development and functioning of onymic systems. It contributes to the identification of specific onomastic characteristics that distinguish proper names, both from the general vocabulary and from other classes. special vocabulary. Descriptive onomastics deals with the analysis of the onomastic state of a certain territory, language, dialect in a certain historical period. The description deals with only one type of words (proper names), and sometimes with just one of its classes (toponyms, anthroponyms, etc.). There can be no pure synchrony for onomastics. The name is always the result of serious transformations and long historical development. Applied onomastics is a special area of ​​onomastic research. It is closely connected with the practice of naming, as well as with their functioning in living speech. Among the applied tasks facing onomasts are the establishment of a uniform pronunciation and stress of proper names, the development of normative models for the formation of patronymics, names of residents by place of residence, adjectives from geographical names, etc. In onomastics, the following aspects are distinguished: lexicological, lexicographic, logical, semasiological, terminological, typological, psychological, sociological, historical, geographical, cultural. Lexicological aspect aims at inventorying the material and describing the toponyms of the Evenk language as part of its vocabulary, comparing toponyms with their appellatives. Lexicographic aspect is aimed at identifying lexical groups that are most suitable for secondary nominations. Since toponyms are mostly words of secondary nomination, they can only retain to some extent the residual semantics of those words from which they were once formed. Psychological aspect reveals the worldview of the name-giver, his way of thinking and the sequence of reasoning. Analyzing the affiliation of informants, one can note their age and social affiliation, highlighting children in particular, since they believe that innovations often come from them. Geographic aspect is manifested in the fact that many toponyms reflect lexemes, one way or another connected with natural conditions. Cultural aspect has in mind the study of the national-cultural background on which toponyms arise and their systems develop. Any aspect presupposes, first of all, the presence of material collected according to a certain principle and task and having passed a certain approbation and inventory. So, onomastics, as a special linguistic discipline, turns out to be associated with the complex of the humanities. All of them, helping to reveal the specifics of the named objects, and at the same time the status of names, turn out to be auxiliary for linguistics, the methods of which are carried out onomastic research. The study of geographical names, the identification of their originality, the history of occurrence and the analysis of the original meaning of the words from which they are formed, is carried out by toponymy - one of the sections of toponymy. Human life is closely connected with various places, which are designated with the help of special words - geographical names, or toponyms (from the Greek words topos - "place" and onoma - "name, name"). Toponyms are an integral part background knowledge native speakers of a given language and culture: they, like in a mirror, reflect the history given people, the history of settlement and development of this territory. Therefore, it is this part of the vocabulary that has long attracted the attention of not only philologists, but also historians, ethnographers and geographers. Toponymy explores geographical names (toponyms), their functioning, meaning, origin, structure, distribution area, development and change over time. Many scientists believe that toponymy is a synthesis of linguistics, geography and history. The representative of each science looks at toponyms with his own eyes, draws attention to their various features and draws conclusions completely different nature. Thus, toponymy is a branch of linguistics that studies the theory of the creation, transformation and functioning of geographical names. The historical component in toponymy is obligatory. But this is not the history of states and peoples, but the history of the language. No historical event is directly reflected in the language. Traces of it can be found indirectly in individual words. Only linguists can analyze all types of geographical names in their relationship with each other, with other proper names and with the entire language system in which they are created and used. It is known that the writers of classical antiquity showed interest in geographical names, mainly in their semantics, but only in the 20th century. toponymy has become a subject scientific research. Geographical names are primarily an element of vocabulary. They are actively or passively part of the language and therefore are studied by linguists. At the same time, in most cases, a geographical name is a special element, different from other words. Often we use toponyms only as proper names, as if they had no other lexical meaning. You can't put an equal sign between in ordinary words, which we use to convey thoughts and toponyms that meet the service task - the designation of a geographical object.


Toponymy is by far the most terminologically developed branch of onomastics. The development and refinement of terminology continues uninterruptedly. By 1965, such terms as hydronymy, microtoponymy, oronymy, comonymy, urbonymy were fixed, today a number of new terms have been added to them, i.e. increased detailing of terms in the hierarchical system. Let's get acquainted with the main terms of toponymy, reflecting the named geographical reality. A hagiotoponym is a toponym derived from any hagionim (hagionim is the name of a saint). Agroonym is a type of toponym. The name of the land allotment, plot, arable land, field. Astionim is a type of oikonym. The proper name of the city. A geonim is a type of hydronym. The proper name of any bolt, wetland Hydronym is a type of toponym. Any proper name water body, natural or man-made, incl. Oceanonym, Pelagonym, Limnonym, Potamonym, Gelonym. Dromonym is a type of toponym. The proper name of any means of communication: land, water, underground, air. A komonim is a type of oikonym. Any proper name rural settlement. Limnonym is a type of hydronym. The proper name of any lake, pond. Oikonym is a type of toponym. The proper name of any settlement, incl. urban type - astionim and rural type - komonim. Oronym - Toponym class. Proper name of any element of the relief of the earth's surface (positive or negative), i.e. any orthographic object. Pelagonym is a type of oceanonym. The proper name of any sea or part of it. A potamonym is a type of hydronym. The proper name of any river. An urbanonym is a type of toponym. The proper name of any intracity topographic object, including the agoronym, godonym, the name of a separate building, we bury the city. Horonym is a toponym class. Proper name of any territory, region, district, including economic-administrative, urban, natural. You can get acquainted with other toponymic and onomastic terms by referring to such publications as the Dictionary of Geographical Terms: Semasiological Etudes. Tolstoy N.I. (1969), "Dictionary of Russian onamastic terminology" Podolskaya N.V. (1978) and to another work by Podolskaya N.V. "Modern Russian onomastic terminology" (1978).


In practice, it is very difficult to draw a line between a method and a technique, as well as to identify a hierarchy of methods.

1. Linguistic attribution of the collected toponymic material

Before proceeding to the description of the collected toponymic material, the linguistic attribution of the nominees and the collection of information about language features each of the languages ​​that participated in the formation of toponyms of this sample at the time of the creation of names and at the present time. Information about the type of language, about its phonological, morphological, lexical systems remains a necessary condition for summing up the scientific basis for a successful interpretation of toponymic material.

2. Textual analysis

Toponymic texts include descriptions of lands, scribe books, charters, land surveying acts, geographical maps, directories of administrative-territorial division and any lists of toponyms of a more general or narrowly local profile, for example, street directories this city.

3. Inventory of toponymic material

Before proceeding to linguistic analysis of certain units of a particular national toponymicon, it is necessary to identify its particular semantic fields and hierarchical relations of microfields subordinate to it. For the starting point in the standard description of toponymicon, usually officially accepted forms of toponyms are taken. However, since the codified forms of toponyms are organically linked both with the system of geographical names that exist in lower styles of speech and with dialectal forms, the latter cannot be ignored when analyzing supradialectal toponymy.

4. Classification of toponyms

Classifications in toponymy are carried out according to various principles, according to the types of named objects, according to the linguistic affiliation of names, according to the nature of lexical bases, according to formal indicators, on the basis of typological, chronological, genetic commonality of names, etc. For any toponymicon, it is very difficult to single out the basic principle of division.

5. Etymological analysis

Etymologization in toponymy is a technique that is often used. Having no sufficient grounds for it, sufficient material and unaware of the limitations that exist here, each researcher, having collected at least minimal material, hurries to find out from which appellative this or that toponym is derived, without delving into the etymology of the corresponding appellative. However, there are usually many intermediate stages between the name and the appellative, passing through which the names change, their models and forms change, the connection with the original appellative is lost, and instead the connection is acquired with words to which the name actually has nothing to do. Etymological analysis in toponymy differs from etymological analysis in appellative vocabulary in that for a toponym it is sufficient to identify an appellative or a primary proper name underlying the etymologized nominee. Reliable toponymic etymologies can be obtained only by comparison with the etymologized name of toponymic material. For example, mass analysis word formation of toponyms and anthroponyms, as if belonging to the same models, allows them to be correctly divided into morphemes, to highlight their stems and formants.

6. Word-building analysis

Toponymic word-formation constitutes a subsystem in the word-formation system of the prevailing language, while borrowed toponyms, as a rule, are adapted by it. If in general linguistics word formation can be considered both as a part of grammar and as an independent section, then in toponymy it is a special independent direction, an independent section of research. The facts of modern and historical word formation can be distinguished, in connection with which the problem of distinguishing between morphemic and word-formation analysis in toponymy is much more acute than in appellative vocabulary.

7. Structural analysis

With its help, toponymic patterns and lexemes and affixes that fill them are revealed. In the process of toponymization of lexemes, they are re-decomposed, as a result of which the connection of toponyms with the original word is lost. Useful at a certain stage, such an analysis cannot exist on its own, without being supported by cultural and historical facts. This technique turns out to be more fruitful in the case when the researcher has developed his own toponymic concept, to confirm which he uses the material of the necessary structures.

8. Formant analysis

Formant analysis consists in identifying the toponymic formant of the name, which is not always equal to the suffix of the appellative. Such an analysis is closely related to structural analysis, but unlike the latter, its application is more limited. The formant method of toponymic analysis allows the researcher to identify mass-repeating elements in toponyms: toponymic bases, toponymic suffixes, and toponymic prefixes. A special case of the formant method is the suffix method. The study of productivity and territorial distribution of Russian suffixes was carried out by V.A. Nikonov, he emphasizes that up to 94% of Russian or toponyms mastered by the Russian language are suffixed. This provision is partly relevant for toponyms that are based on the Evenki lexeme, for example: the name of the village Norsk (suffix –sk-), hydronyms Abaikank (topoformant – ka), Irakanchik (-kan- -a diminutive suffix of the Evenki language, -chik- - suffix borrowed from Russian.

9. Analysis of the fundamentals

An analysis of the stems, especially in those cases where the use of synonymic stems takes place, gives a lot of interesting things from the point of view of the repeated, secondary use of lexical units of certain types and raises new questions, why, for what reason, these lexical stems are involved in such and such a system. and are used repeatedly. Although the bases of toponyms are distinguished in the course of structural analysis, their study is directly related to the semasiological aspect of the study of toponymic vocabulary.

10. Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis cannot be the end in itself of toponymic research. He only gives good illustrations for the description of toponymic states, carried out by linguistic methods, and serves as a confirmation or refutation of toponymic concepts and hypotheses.

11. Experimental studies

In some cases, to clarify some features of the functioning of the name, the researcher resorts to experiment. This may be an analysis of the use of words selected by the linguist in the speech of certain social groups, depending on what the experimenter is interested in. Any ordinary native speaker of this language has his own opinion about words and names. From the opinions of individuals, a linguistic public opinion. This is usually done through various surveys and is based on psychological factors. An experiment on free associations that the proposed toponyms evoke can confirm the presence of a large passive pool of nominees, since the associations they evoke are usually random and inexpressive. Questioning is a method of toponymic research, which involves the answers of the subjects, especially those whose opinion is considered authoritative, to a series of questions of interest to the researcher. Thus, the methods and techniques of toponymic analysis are called upon from all specified parties consider and study toponyms, if possible, identify their etymology.

In Azerbaijan and Turkey, the child was given two names - one of them was false, the second was real - all in the same hope as the Russians, to mislead evil spirits. In some nations, children are given obviously bad names- Son of a Whore, Dog Tail, etc. - repelling evil spirits. Historians and ethnographers find the custom of hiding one's name among almost all peoples of the world.

The ancients were sure, writes the candidate historical sciences Alexander Gorbovsky, that the fate of a person, a city and even a state is destined by his name. In his opinion, today's custom of changing the name is connected with this idea. Like the ancients, it also suggests a change in fate. This is precisely the meaning of the fact that, entering into marriage, a woman takes a new name (surname) of her husband. This is what writers and actors do when they invent a pseudonym for themselves; changing the name, taking tonsure or church rank, entering into a secret society.

At the beginning of our century, the Russian researcher S. R. Mintslov wrote about the striking homogeneity of the characters and properties of the bearers of the same name. Based on the analysis of the names of prominent personalities of the past, he came to the conclusion that among the Alekseevs most often there are prudent people, Alexanders, as a rule, are merry fellows, and Peters are mostly quiet, quiet people, but with a firm and stubborn character. Sergey, Mintslov believes, very often are the fathers of prominent people: Pushkin, Griboyedov, Turgenev, Dargomyzhsky were Sergeyevichs. It is difficult to disagree with the latter, if we recall that out of a small number of leaders Soviet state, who played the most prominent role in its history, two - Khrushchev and Gorbachev - were also Sergeyevichs.

Pavel Florensky, an outstanding Russian scientist and philosopher, believed that the name Alexander corresponds basically to the sanguine, with a bias towards the choleric character. Alexandra in relation to women are helpful and kind, but their feeling for a woman rarely “explodes the inner life with a plow” and is more often limited to light flirting. It's good with the Alekseys now and you need to be satisfied with this, not particularly counting on the fact that it will be just as good in the future. The name Elena marks feminine nature, Nikolai is very kind by nature, Vasily usually hides tender feelings in himself. Constantine is distinguished by inconstancy.

Concerning the mysticism of names, V. A. Nikonov, a specialist in the field of anthroponymy - the science of names, recalls in his book “Name and Society” the story of Jack London, in which one woman calls her sons the name of the deceased beloved brother Samuel, and all four of them, one by one, takes away death. Interesting are the observations of G. Ace, who analyzed three hundred modern detective novels and found a connection between the names and fates of the characters.

According to the newspaper "Za rubezhom" (No. 39, 1986), psychiatrists from the United States conducted a study and found that people with funny and strange names four times more than the rest are predisposed to various kinds of mental complexes, and a child with a name that causes ridicule is in a defensive position from childhood, he is forced to fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which forms certain traits of his character. Specialists from the universities of San Diego and Georgia found that teachers in schools persistently give low marks to students with some names, high - with others. Girls with attractive names do not advance well in the business world, but they can achieve noticeable success in show business. English therapist Trevor Weston determined that people whose names begin with the letters of the last third of the alphabet are three times more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Academician A. A. Bodalev does not deny the connection between the name of a person and his personal characteristics. He believes that the name, like a frequently heard word, is subjectively very significant for the formation of a complex of forms and ways of manifestation of personal characteristics.

There are several theories explaining how a person's name can influence his character.

social theory. From a social point of view, a person's name is a clot of social information about its carrier. Praskovya, Oktyabrina, Oksana, Guram, Isaac, Nikolai... Knowing only one name, we already have an idea about the origin, nationality, possible religion, basic properties of a person's character and temperament. The representations of zr are approximately the same for different people, which, in turn, determines approximately the same attitude towards the bearer of the given name. Well, when thousands of people meet a person “by name”, then this cannot but form similar character traits in different bearers of the same name. The social nature of the name was more pronounced in the last century, when names were given according to the calendar, and behind each name there was a life story of a saint with very specific forms of behavior, character traits, attitude to the surrounding reality, etc. - life. “By name and life” was the stereotypical formula of lives, and the church and the Orthodox people followed this formula when educating the future Christian.

emotional theory. According to this theory, a person's name is seen as an emotional stimulus. Some names sound soft, affectionate and evoke a feeling of pleasant, gentle, sublime in those around them, while others, on the contrary, evoke unpleasant emotions, make you cringe internally, tense up, and become cold. This is the so-called “music of names”. The initial attitude of others towards the bearer of the name will largely depend on what it is. In the future, this attitude may change radically, but when an unpleasant-sounding name evokes the same type of negative reaction in thousands of people, this will, of course, affect the characteristics of a person’s character.

sound theory. The name is a set of sounds of different heights and timbres. Different names - different sets of sounds, different sound stimuli for the brain. And different stimuli, as you know, excite different structures of the brain. And therefore, in a child named Vasya, who during the entire pre-speech period of his development hears “you” a thousand times in the words “Vas-ya”, “Vas-ilek”, “Vas-yutka”, there is a thousand-fold excitation of brain structures associated with reflection sounds "v", "a" and "s". Things are quite different for a boy named Kolya. His brain structures associated with the reflection of the sounds “v”, “a” and “s” are in a state of relative rest, but the structures associated with the perception of the sounds “k”, “o” and “l” are constantly excited. The sound load on some brain formations in one child and a load that is completely different in its physiological pattern in another cannot, in our opinion, not affect the formation of differences in the psyche of these children. The original confirmation of this theory was found by an electrical engineer from Kharkov Vladimir Sanzharevsky. Through a cascade of amplifiers, he connected a microphone to a membrane on which metal powder was sprinkled. After that, the name was spoken into the microphone several times in a row. And it turned out: the same name always corresponds to a strictly defined pattern on the membrane.

There is another mechanism for the possible influence of the name on the formation of character. We believe that it operates at the level of unconscious associations and sensations of a person. We came to this conclusion as a result of studies in which we asked people to answer the question, what color do they associate with different names. It turned out that for the statistically overwhelming majority of the studied, the name “Tatiana” evokes the idea of ​​red (and close to it) colors, while the name “Elena” is usually associated with blue (and close to it) colors. From the psychology of color, it is known that the red color awakens a state of anxiety, danger, suffering in a person, while blue, on the contrary, causes a feeling of calm and tranquility. According to Khigir, Tatyanas are mostly domineering, somewhat rude and unrestrained, stubborn, trying to resemble men in some ways and appropriate their functions. Helena, on the contrary, - and Florensky wrote about this - is the personification of softness and tenderness. We assume that Tatyana, evoking a feeling of unconscious anxiety and danger with her name, are forced from childhood to experience a wary-negative attitude of people towards themselves, and therefore to be in constant “deaf protection”. Hence - this type of character. Girls with the name Elena, having received a name from their parents as a gift that evokes an unconscious reaction of peace in others, grow and form in an atmosphere of more favorable psychological comfort.

I don’t know about anyone, but the above data, observations, studies, theories convinced me that there is a connection between a person’s name and his mental characteristics. Of course, this connection cannot be absolutized, of course, it is not rigid, of course, many other factors influence the formation of the mental make-up of a person, but this does not mean that the name does not affect the character of a person.

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