How often does a double row of eyelashes occur in nature? Elizabeth Taylor's famous violet eyes


An ophthalmologist named Blatt in 1924, which is why the disease is also known as Blatt's distichiasis. Ordinary eyelashes in humans grow along the incision of the eyes, along the edge of the edge of the eyelids, this row contains the openings of the meibomian glands. With distichiasis, eyelashes also grow from these, in some cases this is the only symptom of a disease that no longer brings any health problems, in others such an anomaly is associated with certain difficulties. For example, in distichiasis, it can lead to eye inflammation, tearing, irritation, and corneal ulceration. Sometimes with such a disease, eyelashes grow directly through the conjunctiva, which causes pain and discomfort. As a result, it is necessary to carry out laser hair removal or other methods of removing eyelashes.

One of the most common causes of distichiasis is hereditary, but in some cases this disease develops for other reasons, for example, it may accompany another disease, such as blepharoconjunctivitis - swelling of the eyelids - or lymphedema - excessive accumulation of fluid in the eyelids.

Scientists have proven that such an anomaly is often associated with other diseases - diabetes, heart defects, spinal cysts.

The frequency of distichiasis in nature

Among animals, distichiasis is most common in certain breeds. Most often this disease affects retrievers, dachshunds, shih tzu, Scottish shepherds, boxers, bulldogs. A double row of eyelashes is also found in terriers, Labradors, Dobermans, spaniels, and pugs. It is much less common to find distichiasis in other animals.

In humans, this anomaly is also very rare, the exact numbers of its distribution are unknown, this disease occurs in about one person in a million. The double row of eyelashes is not always noticeable, in many cases these are very thin and light cilia, similar to fluff. They grow, almost touching, and if they become tough during puberty, they begin to bring anxiety. In such cases, they are removed along with a strip of cartilage, and the defect is eliminated by replacing the mucosal flap with a flap. In some cases, distichiasis does not bring such worries and even gives the person a benefit, since this anomaly makes the eyes expressive and beautiful.

The most famous owner of a double row of eyelashes in the world is actress Elizabeth Taylor, whose charming look played significant role in her success.

Even less common are such varieties of distichiasis as tristichiasis and tetrastichiasis: these are three or four rows of eyelashes growing behind ordinary eyelashes. Such a number of hairs in the immediate vicinity of the eye almost always leads to damage to the cornea, so these diseases must be

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We are all different, this is completely normal, but a small number of us have rare features that occur in literally a few percent of people.

Today website tell you about some. Some of them are just cute features, but there are those that Superman himself would envy.

Incredibly strong bones

By studying the LRP5 gene (it is responsible for bone mineralization), scientists have found a lot of mutations. Most of them cause diseases that cause brittle bones, such as osteoporosis.

But it turned out that there is another type of mutation in the LRP5 gene. It gives a person super-dense bones that are almost impossible to break, and skin that is less susceptible to aging.

Of course, this sounds very cool, but it also has its drawbacks. For example, when a certain elderly patient needed a replacement for a worn joint, it could not be done precisely because of the excessively dense bones of the man.

"Golden" blood

Of course, blood cannot be golden in literally, but there is blood with a very rare feature - a zero Rh factor. In other words, it does not contain any antigens.

This feature was first discovered in 1961 in a representative Australian aborigines, and on currently only about 40 people with such blood are known (which, however, does not mean that there are only 40 of them).

9 of them are donors, and incredibly valuable, because their blood is suitable for any recipient. And it is precisely because of its value and rarity that some doctors call blood with a zero Rh factor “golden”.

long palmar muscle

This muscle is an atavism. She is the "inheritance" of our ancestors and is responsible for the release of claws and strengthens the grip when jumping from tree to tree.

Checking if you have it is not difficult: put your hand on a flat surface with your palm up, close your little finger together and thumb, and then lift them up slightly.

If you saw a ligament on your wrist, then you are the owner of the long palmar muscle. But don't worry if you don't find it, modern life she is useless.


genetic chimerism

IN ancient Greek myths the chimera is described as having the head and neck of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake. Of course, a person cannot be half animal, but he may well have 2 sets of DNA. For example, in the event that during intrauterine development, the embryo absorbs its twin.

Sometimes this is reflected in the appearance of a person in the form of “mosaic” skin or multi-colored eyes, but most often he does not even suspect that there are tissues with different sets of genes in his body.

Chimerism does not bring people much concern, but it can cause family problems. There is a case when they wanted to remove children from the mother, since genetic analysis showed that she was not related to them. Fortunately, it turned out that the woman suffered from chimerism, so the actual "mother" of the children was the "absorbed" twin, whose DNA was present in her body.

Source: PubMed

Double row of lashes

The presence of a second row of eyelashes is due to a rare genetic disorder called distichiasis. The most famous owner of "double" eyelashes was Hollywood star Elizabeth Taylor.

When Liz was little, her mother was even reproached for allegedly tinting her daughter's eyes - they were so unusually expressive thanks to this mutation.

Distichiasis usually does not cause any inconvenience to those who have it. But in some cases, the second row of eyelashes can be too close to the mucous membrane of the eye and cause irritation.

Additional ribs

"Extra" ribs are more often found in the beautiful half of humanity. Apparently for this reason, some people believe that women are born with a large number ribs than men, but in fact it is not.

Such ribs are also called cervical, as they are localized in the cervical spine. Their sizes are different people are not the same - for some they are small growths, while for others they are full-fledged ribs.

These ribs in most cases do not affect the health and well-being of a person, but sometimes they reach an impressive size and can cause discomfort.

Mutants are very real - they are present in your TVs, players and sometimes sexual fantasies. You can find many examples of iconic figures who, to one degree or another, were the most real mutants and possessed amazing "super-powers" that are inaccessible to ordinary people.

1 Ozzy Osbourne's genes make him resistant to drugs

Ozzy Osbourne has been addicted to drugs since probably the 1960s, during which time more drugs managed to run through his veins than through all South African airports combined. You can laugh and say that he barely moves and can hardly speak, but wait a minute, but look at how he looks! But logically, Ozzy should now be more like a zombie than the peppy old man he looks like now.

A group of researchers decided to find out the cause of this paradox in order to clarify how a person can stay alive after such a thing, and it turned out that Ozzy was simply made for a rock and roll life. Variations in certain genes can sometimes provide their owners with greater tolerance (and vice versa) to certain types of drugs. In Ozzy's case, this means that he can drink a lot, sniff a lot, and generally consume more than mere mortals. This variation of the ADH4 gene associated with the absorption of alcohol, experts have never seen before, and this increases the chances of an artist to become addicted to alcohol by six times, but he has a high resistance to the effects of marijuana, opiates and methamphetamines.

This explains why Ozzy is still in the ranks, while, for example, Keith Moon and John Bonham have already died of an overdose.

2 Elizabeth Taylor's mutation gave her an incredibly attractive look

The death of Elizabeth Taylor in 2011 was mourned by the whole world, and this is easy to understand: during her youth, 80% of men dreamed of a beauty. In addition, in the 1950s, Liz was a world sex symbol because of her unusual violet eyes, surrounded by a double row of fluffy eyelashes.

Perhaps many women would envy her less if they knew that such eyes were a side effect of a very rare and very painful genetic disease. When Elizabeth was first born, the doctor told her mother that she had just given birth to a little mutant: the girl had distichiasis, a rare genetic anomaly in which an extra row of eyelashes appears behind normally growing eyelashes.

The disease mainly affects dogs and humans, and can often cause a number of unpleasant complications, such as the second row of eyelashes rubbing against the eyeball, leading to irritation, frequent tearing, and decreased vision. Sometimes eyelashes grow directly into the cornea, which makes it feel like microscopic needles are constantly being pierced into the eyes.

True, Elizabeth was lucky. When she starred in the movie "Lassie" at the age of 11, someone noted that the girl made up her eyelashes too much. The scene was interrupted to wash off the makeup, and then it turned out that it was not makeup at all: Liz's look was so special thanks to an extra row of eyelashes. When the actress grew up, these eyes helped her become a sex symbol and leave a mark on people's hearts for a long time.

3. Marty Feldman's Deformed Face Looks Like It's Made for Comedies

Now imagine the exact opposite of Elizabeth Taylor. This is Marty Feldman, and you probably remember him from the role of Igor in the film "Young Frankenstein", because if you saw this face, you can hardly forget him. Feldman has an appearance that can cheer up anyone, which is quite useful if a person works as a comedian, but very frustrating if he is, for example, a judge.

most amazing feature Marty's faces are definitely eyes that look like they're trying to break out of the skull and run into different directions. This genetic disorder is called Graves' disease - a manifestation of hyperthyroidism, feature which are the bulging eyes. Less funny by-effect diseases - heart problems, due to which Feldman died at the age of 48.

This special look helped Marty get a brilliant debut role - the character Igor was written by screenwriter Gene Wilder especially for him. This can be seen in one of the scenes in the film when Wilder, who played leading role, says, "Damn your eyes!" and Marty turns to the screen and replies, "It's too late." With some other actor, it would not have looked so spectacular.

But earlier, Marty almost ruined everything: when his hyperthyroidism began to manifest, he had an operation to make his eyes look normal again. The doctor ruined the operation, and as a result, the actor began to look even worse, but did not hold a grudge against him: when Feldman became famous, he said that he could regain his normal face, but did not want to, because then there would be no one to play his role.

4. A rare genetic disease made John F. Kennedy the owner of a truly "presidential" appearance

The tragically deceased John F. Kennedy is one of the most famous and popularly beloved presidents of the United States. One of the obvious qualities that brought him this love was the appearance of a young energetic movie star. Kennedy always looked like he'd just stepped out of a beautician's office with a tanning session.

The president owed his striking appearance to a genetic disease: he suffered from Addison's disease, a rare endocrine disease that causes the adrenal glands to lose the ability to produce enough hormones. But "thanks" to this disease, the face acquires a beautiful, healthy golden hue. People with the same ethnic pigmentation should have much paler skin.

This curious side effect worked in Kennedy's favour, because just at the time of his election campaign, in the 1960s, color television began to gain popularity, and the youthful candidate with a Hollywood tan quickly won the hearts of voters.

Kennedy himself has always denied that he has Addison's disease, since it requires constant treatment and, with complications, can lead to a coma, which is highly undesirable for the president. However, recently declassified medical documents confirm that he had the disease, and at a late stage of development - between 1955 and 1957, Kennedy was hospitalized nine times. If he had not been killed, then sooner or later complications would have appeared.

5. Abraham Lincoln - another US president, whose appearance was more than impressive, thanks to a mutation

Lincoln was the tallest president in US history - his height was as much as 195 cm, while the average for men in the 19th century was only 170 cm. So Lincoln always stood out from the crowd, and in order to appear even taller, the president wore a top hat 20 cm height.

It is quite possible that high growth, narrow face, Long hands and legs and a small, underdeveloped lower jaw are manifestations of Marfan's syndrome, due to which the connective tissues in the body weaken and soften. Some researchers disagree and argue that Lincoln's appearance was caused by a hereditary mutation that affected 11 generations of his ancestors. One way or another, everyone agrees that something was wrong with his genome.

In those years, a politician had to have the temperament of a Bengal tiger, since the situation in the country was extremely tense, so it was only natural that people endowed the necessary qualities with people who looked personable and strong. By the way, about the face of Lincoln goes interesting legend- allegedly, initially the president did not wear a beard and did not try to hide his small lower jaw, until one day some girl wrote him a letter with such a proposal, mentioning that his face looked too strange, and it would be better to somehow smooth it out. Lincoln followed the advice, and since then the beard has become one of his calling cards.

Elizabeth Taylor

Men leave, but jewelry remains forever. Elizabeth Taylor, who would have turned 83 on February 27, knew about this like no one else. Numerous spouses and fans of the Hollywood diva adored her and literally showered her with luxurious jewelry, which made up the world-famous "Elizabeth Taylor Collection". Today we are looking at the photo album " Elizabeth Taylor eyes and beauty ornaments

Elizabeth Taylor said that when she was born, she did not open her eyes for eight days. But when I did, the first thing I saw was wedding ring her mother

WITH youthful years Elizabeth Taylor was fond of collecting jewelry with key rings, telling about any memorable events in her life. On this gold bracelet, you can see a keychain in the form of a clapperboard in memory of the film "The Taming of the Shrew", as well as a sphere with four medallions inside, on which the names and dates of birth of her children are written

Historical, iconic, legendary and even epochal are just some of the words that can be used to describe the jewelry that makes up the luxurious collection of Elizabeth Taylor. The main Cleopatra of Hollywood was called a collector not only of precious stones, but also of the husbands who gave her these stones.

Without a doubt, one of the most generous donors was Richard Burton, whom Elizabeth Taylor married twice! It was this actor, whom our heroine met on the set of the film Cleopatra, which made her famous, who presented her with a 69-carat diamond ring as a gift. The gem, called "Taylor-Burton", is still considered one of the largest in the world.

Elizabeth Taylor won the hearts of men who were ready to lay down all the jewels of the world at her feet. Like this diamond ring, dubbed "Taylor-Burton"

The famous Taylor-Burton diamond weighing just over 69 carats, whose history began back in 1966, when a rough diamond was found in South Africa. Jeweler Harry Winston made a pear-shaped diamond out of it, which was soon bought by Richard Burton.

While working on Cleopatra, Richard showered his Elizabeth and emeralds. The stunning headset from Bulgari was a reminder of a wonderful time in their lives. It was then that Barton said the phrase that became famous: "I introduced Liz to beer, and she introduced me to Bulgari."

Elizabeth Taylor with her most generous husband, Richard Burton

Recall that the romance of Barton and Taylor spun on the set of the film "Cleopatra"

"Mirror of Cleopatra", created by the jewelers of the House of Bulgari especially for the filming of the film with the participation of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Made of gold and turquoise, it has become one of the unique items in the actress's collection.

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra in the film of the same name

Emerald Bulgari necklace, part of a set donated by Barton Taylor to commemorate the filming of Cleopatra

Taylor wore this necklace to the Oscars in 1967. It became happy for her: the actress received the coveted golden statuette for her role in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"

Emerald and sapphire diamond brooch given by Taylor Barton in 1965. According to Elizabeth, this jewelry from Tiffany & Co has forever remained for her a symbol of the first turbulent days of her marriage to Richard.

An indicator of Richard's great passion for Elizabeth was another impressive diamond (this time weighing 33 carats), named after the actress. She received it from her boyfriend for Valentine's Day in 1968. This sparkling piece of jewelry was one of Taylor's favorites. She did not part with him until her death in 2011.

The Krupp diamond ring that Taylor received from Barton on Valentine's Day in 1968

“This ring gives me the most amazing sense of beauty,” Taylor used to say.

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

In 1971, in honor of the birth of Elizabeth Taylor's first grandchild, when she was 39 years old, Richard Burton gave her a Van Cleef & Arpels headset with the words "You are so beautiful that no one will believe that you are a grandmother"

Many ill-wishers claim that Barton tried to make amends for his betrayal with such generous gifts. Like it or not, no one will know, but we must pay tribute to the actor - he gave not just jewelry, but a whole story. Like, for example, the Taj Mahal diamond, which the actress received on her 40th birthday.

Elizabeth Taylor wearing the Taj Mahal diamond pendant

The spirit captures not so much from beauty, but from his "biography". As the name implies, the stone is associated with one of the new seven wonders of the world - the mausoleum built in memory of the young wife of Emperor Shah Jahan. It was he who presented this diamond to his beloved Mumtaz Mahal four years before her sudden death.

A Bulgari art deco sapphire sautoir was one of Richard's gifts for Elizabeth's 40th birthday. A little later, she completed it with the same ring.

The story of the famous “wandering” pearl Peregrine is also admirable. According to legend, a 55-carat mother-of-pearl stone was found in the 16th century and later became part of the Spanish crown, in which Queen Isabella posed for the legendary Velazquez. Having secured "the most flawless pearl in the world" (with the help of Barton, of course), Taylor gave it to the jewelers of the House of Cartier, who made it into a luxurious pendant.

In this form, Barton presented Taylor with the legendary pearl of Peregrine. A little later, she ordered a ruby-encrusted frame for her from Cartier.

Peregrine's Legendary "Wandering" Jewel

Taylor called the "wandering" pearl the most perfect in the world.

The saying "Men go, jewelry stays" was, to some extent, the definition of Taylor's entire life.

Elizabeth Taylor

The actress adored diamonds for the sparkle they gave to the image

Elizabeth Taylor's special relationship with jewelry is also characterized by the fact that her most famous book she wrote about jewelry. In it, the actress said that for all her husbands she was a queen. After all, it was not for nothing that Mike Todd, the third husband of the star, presented her with an old diamond tiara with the words “You are my queen!”. It was in it that she shone at the Oscars in 1957.

Elizabeth Taylor with Mike Todd, who presented her with a vintage tiara with the words "You are my queen" as one of the gifts

The same diamond crown, made in 1880

In August 1957, Elizabeth Taylor and Mike Todd (her third husband) were vacationing in a villa in France. Elizabeth was swimming in the pool when Mike unexpectedly presented her with three red boxes with the Cartier logo, inside of which was an amazing ruby ​​set.

Elizabeth Taylor

Ruby Cartier set

However, the actress presented such generous gifts to herself from time to time. For example, she once ordered sapphire clip-on earrings from the French jeweler Joel Arthur Rosenthal. For their manufacture, stones of different shades were used to convey the special shade of Elizabeth's eyes. “She told me that her eyes are blue, like mine, sometimes green, but to everyone else they seem purple,” the designer recalled.

The same earrings from the French jewelry house JAR, conveying the subtle shade of the actress's eyes

Elizabeth Taylor parted with jewelry as easily as she accepted them. “I know that there is a certain amount of magic in my jewelry, and I hope that it will be transferred to other people, to keep and protect those who will possess them, because we are all just temporary guardians of this beauty,” the actress admitted in last years own life.

Elizabeth Taylor

At an auction arranged after death Hollywood star, her jewelry collection was sold for record amount at $119 million

Taylor wore almost all of her jewelry for the rest of her life.

During the auction in 2012, later called the most extraordinary, the starting price of $ 20 million (this is the amount the star's collection was estimated at) was exceeded by almost 6 (!) Times. All proceeds were donated to various charity organisations just like Taylor wanted.
Perhaps, for such a big heart, and not only for her beauty and sensuality, she was so loved by these generous men?

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most beautiful actresses peace. The charm of the legendary actress is really her distinguishing feature and the reason for this is a genetic mutation. This mutation was visible even in infancy, frightened parents even took Elizabeth to the doctor and showed her unusually thick eyelashes with horror. The doctor reassured the parents, explaining that the child has a double row and that's okay. A little later, by 6 months, her eye color changed. On the unusual, rare, or rather, the rarest - purple.

The reason for this color is again a genetic mutation with the name "origin of Alexandria". From birth, such people have the usual eye color (blue, brown, gray), but when 6 months pass, a change closer to purple begins.


The process takes about half a year and during puberty it becomes darker in color or mixed with blue. To health purple the eye does not affect, a person sees everything just as well as other people. Studies have shown that 7% of the owners of the "origin of Alexandria" are highly susceptible to heart disease. For Taylor, these problems were the cause of her death.

She was born on February 27, 1932 - the queen of Hollywood, the most famous brunette beauty of the 20th century and just a great actress - Elizabeth Taylor.


When she arrived at the studio for her first screen test, she was asked to remove her makeup from her eyes, the directors thought there was too much mascara on her eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that this was her natural feature.


Taylor was able to prove that she is not just a beautiful "accessory" for cinema. She has won three Oscars. Her role as an elite prostitute in the film Butterfield 8 (1960) brought her the first gold statuette. The second award went to Elizabeth for her work in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966), where she reincarnated as the vulgar brawler Martha. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary Oscar for her humanitarian work.




One of the main films in the career of the actress was "Cleopatra" (1961). First, for the transformation into Egyptian queen Elizabeth received $ 1 million - a fee that was considered simply unheard of at that time. Second, 65 historical costumes for Taylor they cost almost $200 thousand - such a budget has not yet been provided to any film actor.


Finally, it was this film that brought into vogue "Cleopatra's eyes", that is, strong black eyeliner and long arrows.


Elizabeth is famous for her numerous marriages. She went down the aisle eight times, and twice with the same lover - Richard Burton. This man is considered the main man in Taylor's life. They met on film set"Cleopatra". A stormy romance ended with a wedding in 1964.


After 10 years, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but a year later they got married again. The second marriage lasted only a year. Taylor and Burton's relationship was turbulent not only in life but also on screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and The Taming of the Shrew.


One of Elizabeth's closest friends was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godmother of the two older children of the musician and communicated very closely with him. They say that it was Taylor who named Jackson the “King of Pop”, after which this title was assigned to Michael forever. In addition, the artist actively defended her friend from all attacks and allegations of child molestation. History has shown that Elizabeth was right, as the singer was later found not guilty. Jackson's death was a terrible blow for Taylor.


Elizabeth adored gems And jewelry. Most often, she received such gifts from her husbands, especially from Burton. In particular, Richard presented his beloved with the famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Henry the Eighth Mary Tudor and the Spanish queens Margarita and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond because it was incomparably beautiful and should have belonged to beautiful woman in the world," Burton once admitted.

Another famous donor of jewelry to the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received from him an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds. Not surprisingly, in December 2011, Taylor's jewelry collection went under the hammer for an impressive $116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $20 million).


Throughout her life, the artist was haunted by injuries and illnesses. She broke her spine five times. Back problems began after filming National Velvet (1945), when young Liz fell off the horse. In addition, Taylor underwent surgery on the hip joints, she had a benign brain tumor removed, and in different time she suffered from an addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers, and alcohol. And this is not a complete list. “My body sometimes drives me crazy,” the actress admitted.


Here is a small selection of her photographs, very interesting and sincere. On some, she poses for a pin-up, this beautiful Taylor, on others she is a charming and happy mommy with her baby, on the third, a deep inner breakdown is visible.







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