What is the difference between violin and viola. View Full Version


"Organ of the Middle Ages"

Alto - an old bowed string musical instrument, which appeared a little earlier medieval era baroque - at the turn of the XV - early. XVI centuries. This instrument was the progenitor of all stringed bowed musical instruments, this can be easily seen in foreign titles strings bowed instruments, especially in Italian, since the instrument itself comes from sunny Italy.

The development of the Spanish Vihuela was the Viola (in Italian "Viola"), which received its Russian name thanks to French(fr. "Alto"), which for a long time was widely known in Russia. The closest relative of the viola is Viol d'amour (it. "Viola d "amore" - viola of love). Then, on the basis of the viola, new instruments appeared - a small viola - violin (it. "Violino"), grand viola- cello (it. "violoncello"), double bass (it. "cello"), viola da gamba (it. "viola da gamba" - foot viola), viola da braccio (it. "viola da braccio" - manual viola) .

The viola itself has three close relatives - the violin, which borrowed its playing position from it (i.e., the "hand" instrument) and the cello, which borrowed the tuning from it (the only difference is that the cello has an octave lower tuning, while in the violin it differs by a fifth).

The structure of the viola, like the violins and cellos, is built in fifths. The viola strings are tuned a fifth below the violin and an octave above the cello - c, g, d 1, a 1. notes are written in alto and treble clefs.

Contrary to public opinion, the technique of playing the viola differs significantly from the violin. For example, the viola is characterized by playing the pizzicato harmonic (the sound of a harp harmonic), playing pizzicato with pressing the string with the fingernail of the second finger (the sound of a snare drum), a chord with a rich bass, and much more. However big size the viola makes difficult passages difficult to play quickly. But this small flaw pales before the sea of ​​possibilities that open up before the performer.

“The timbre of the viola is less bright than the violin,” we read in famous encyclopedia, but it is easy to argue with this, since a good violist plays much brighter than even five violinists. The timbre of the viola is bright, rich, colorful, velvety (especially in the lower registers) and slightly nasal, born from the depths of wood, glue joints, lacquer ... a tree that has stood under heavy rains for many centuries, experienced drought, winter, spring, summer, autumn ...

“A feature of the timbre of the viola is a greater variety of sounding of individual strings than on other stringed instruments, for example, on the violin,” writes E. Yu. Stoklitskaya. Regarding the brightness, saturation, and even the grandeur of the timbre of the viola, the famous teacher I. D. Labinskaya likes to repeat: “This is not some kind of “violin”, this is viola.” Not without reason in many viola works they write: "risoluto" (it. - resolutely). It is impossible not to note the performance of the piano on the viola. V. V. Borisovsky emphasized that “piano is not a colorless, faceless nuance. The quietest piano should be crisp and clear, like a staged voice of a singer…” (E. Stoklitskaya “Viola Pedagogy of V. V. Borisovsky”, 2007).

The timbre of the viola can only be compared with the timbre of the organ - both of these instruments can accurately reproduce other instruments. Only the timbre of the organ is limited by the number of registers, and the timbre of the alto has no restrictions.

Such a timbre is a consequence of the inconsistency of the instrument's tuning. With an optimal length of 48o - 490 mm (only decks), dimensions modern instruments range from 350 to 420 (extremely rare, 430).

The viola is not taught from childhood, but violinists with a developed physique and large vibration move into more adulthood. Many outstanding performers, such as Niccolo Paganini and David Oistrakh, perfectly combined playing the viola with playing the violin.

For a long time“reigning in palaces”, viola, like viola art (performed on viola - genuine art), fell into decay, dirty rumors spread that “violists are failed violinists”, which later became the basis for many, often offensive, anecdotes. For example: “What is the same between a grenade and the fingers of a violist? They don’t fall in the same place twice”, “The violist and the priest died on the same day and at the same time ended up at the gates of paradise. The Holy Apostle Peter gladly lets the violist into Heaven, but asks the priest to wait. The priest is outraged

I've been praying all my life, and this guy has been playing his viola all his life! Why are you skipping ahead?!

When you prayed, - Peter answers, - everyone fell asleep. And when he started to play, everyone started to pray…”, “Program international competition violists: 1st round - tuning the instrument, 2nd round - driving the bow along the open (original: empty) strings. The program of the 3rd round is not announced - anyway, no one reaches it”, “There were three sons in the family: two are smart, and the third is a violist…” and many others. As you can see, these jokes not only do not correspond to reality, but are offensive (not only for violists), humiliating and contain a large number of gross mistakes.

Alto gave way. The ancient instrument was silent. The great viola works of Bach, Mozart, Paganini, Berlioz and others have been forgotten. Of course, during the period of oblivion, some composers continued to compose music for viola - B. Bartok, W. Walson, M. I. Glinka, I. Brahms, R. Schumann, N. Roslavets, A. Adam, L. Delibes, R. Strauss , L. Janachek, I. F. Stravinsky, M. Reger - the famous organist, etc. There were also performers of these works, but, alas, they were few.

The revival of viola art occurred only at the end of the 19th century and continued throughout the 20th century. V. V. Borisovsky became the father of the Russian viola school. Although his teacher V. R. Bakaleinikov was a violist, in 1927 he emigrated to the United States, where, at the invitation of the conductor Fritz Reiner, he took the post of his assistant and the first viola in Symphony Orchestra Cincinnati.

Borisovsky himself "carried away" the viola, one might say purely by accident. Once, he heard the performance of the orchestra, where he was the soloist. Closing his eyes and not listening to low notes, the viola sounded like a violin.

V. V. Borisovsky - in the past famous violinist, accompanist of the first violins of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, but having felt the fullness of the sound of the viola, he became a violist.

Vadim Vasilievich literally “propaganda” the viola everywhere, infecting everyone with its magical sound. “The idea of ​​the equation of the viola in the rights of a solo instrument with violin and cello, proclaimed by Borisovsky at the beginning of his creative activity, in those years it seemed ... not only bold, but even daring. The level of viola performance was extremely low, and the creation of the school had to be started almost from scratch ”(Yuzefovich V.“ V.V. Borisovsky - the founder of the Soviet viola school, 1977 ”).

When founding the viola school, Vadim Vasilyevich studied the technique of playing the Viol d'amore, which is closest to the viola technique.

“Before my eyes and ears, a special viola class was born. For a long time already, but especially today, I am convinced that historically, practically and in every possible way, the creation and subsequent non-stop very successful development of it was justified. Much, much has been done by you for the prosperity of your offspring,” Professor K. G. Mostras wrote to Borisovsky in 1956. Many famous composers, such as D. D. Shostakovich, B. Astafiev, E. Denisov, often friends of the great violist, wrote for viola, and Vadim Vasilyevich was the first performer of these works.

A huge part of the works for viola are arranged and arranged by Borisovsky. Among them are "Unfinished Sonata" by M. I. Glinka, "Pavane on the Death of the Infanta" by M. Ravel.

The number of viola fans increased. Professional violists were F. S. Druzhinin, Yu. A. Bashmet, E. Yu. Stoklitskaya, I. I. Boguslavsky, A. Koval, A. V. Bagrintsev, I. D. Labinskaya, L. N. Gushchina, E. Strakhov, R. Seid-Zade and others.

In our time, this phenomenon has acquired a global character and has received the name - world altism. Sites dedicated to the viola have become increasingly popular. For example, the site of violists "Violamusic", the main users of which are already more than 1800 people, not to mention those who just drop by.

In 2010, the entire world viola community celebrated a remarkable event: it was 110 years since the birth of V. V. Borisovsky. Also, in 2010, the violin and viola teacher I. D. Labinskaya celebrated her 80th birthday. Inessa Dzhamilievna dedicated most his life, training and education of future musicians. She still works at the M. M. Ipollitov-Ivanov Children's Music School. I am happy that I had the opportunity to learn from her. And now I can just talk to her. The love and professionalism with which she teaches young children to extract sound from small violins is like a miracle (future violists, in primary school are engaged in the violin class, and only at an older age do they switch to the viola). She, that kind teacher who lives by students: their successes and failures, teaching them to love music and understand. Although she did not want to be mentioned in this article - this is just a small thanks for her great work. I would like to wish Inessa Dzhamilievna good health, strength and many years of life.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the viola no longer enters the musical "arena", but is rapidly bypassing other instruments, more and more asserting itself as the king of musical instruments, having rich history full of ups and downs.

It is fairly easy to confuse the viola and the violin, and some players find the violin to be a difficult instrument, after which it is easy to switch to the viola. But this is not so at all. Violin and viola are two separate instruments, and mastering both requires work and practice. The violin and viola have significant differences that affect the sound and playing technique.

The structure of the violin and viola

Both of these instruments are strings, but the viola sounds in a lower register. Both instruments have the same structure: there is a neck and body, four strings. However, the viola is larger than the violin. Its body can be up to 445 mm long, and the neck of the viola is also longer than that of the violin. This is a fairly massive instrument, so it will not be easy for violinists to switch to viola. In addition, due to the size of the viola, it is learned to play as an adult, unlike the violin, which is played from childhood.


The violin is a delicate instrument whose sound depends on many things, such as lacquer and material. Sound range: from G small octave to A fourth octave.

The viola sounds lower than the violin. Its range is from C small octave to E third octave. It is also interesting that the notes for the viola are written in the alto clef.


Violin and viola require different bows due to construction, size and sound. At the bow of the violin at the block (the end of the bow, which the musician holds), sharp and right angles. The viola bow has rounded corners, and this bow is also heavier.

When choosing between viola or violin, consider the following guidelines:

  • Your build and hand size. If you have big hands and a strong physique, feel free to try the viola. The violin is suitable for people with a fragile physique.
  • Musicians are also advised to take into account the characteristics of a person's character when choosing an instrument. It is believed that the violin is suitable for open and emotional natures, and the viola is for restrained and calm people.
  • Try playing both instruments, or at least listen to their sound. Still, the choice of instrument is more a matter of personal preference, so choose an instrument that suits you.

Remember: the main thing is that the instrument pleases you. Then you will have progress in the game and enjoy

Musical Instrument: Viola

At first glance, this bowed string instrument an uninitiated listener can easily be confused with a violin. Indeed, apart from the size, they are externally similar. But one has only to listen to its timbre - the difference is immediately noticeable, chest and at the same time surprisingly soft and slightly muffled sound, directed inward, resembles a contralto - soft and expressive.

When thinking about stringed instruments, the viola is usually forgotten in favor of its smaller or larger counterparts, but the rich timbre and interesting story make you take a closer look at it.

Viola, so to speak, is a philosopher's instrument, without attracting attention, he modestly settled himself in the orchestra between the violin and the cello.


Languid, eloquent, noble, velvety, sensitive, powerful, and sometimes veiled - this is how you can describe the varied timbre of the viola. Its sound may not be as expressive and bright as that of violins but much warmer and softer.

The colorful timbre coloration is the result of the varied sound of each string of the instrument. The lowest pitched “C” string has a powerful, resonant, rich timbre that can convey a sense of foreboding and evoke gloomy and gloomy moods. And the upper “la”, in sharp contrast with other strings, has its own individual character: soulful and ascetic.

Game techniques

Do you know how much effort it takes to play the viola? Its large body plus the length of the neck require considerable strength and dexterity from the musician, because playing this instrument is difficult even physically. Due to the large size of the viola, the playing technique is somewhat limited compared to the violin. The fretboard positions are further away, which requires a lot of stretching of the fingers of the left hand of the performer.

The main method of sound extraction on the viola is the "arco" - moving the bow along the strings. Pizzicato, col lego, martle, detail, legato, staccato, spiccato, tremolo, portamento, ricochet, harmonics, the use of mute and other techniques used by violinists are also subject to violists, but require a certain skill from the musician. You should pay attention to one more fact: violists, for the convenience of writing and reading notes, have their own key - alto, nevertheless, they must be able to read notes in treble clef. This causes some difficulties and inconvenience when playing from a sheet.

Viola training in childhood not possible because the tool has big sizes. They begin to study on it in the last classes music school or in the first year of music school.

Violin- an instrument that is called both the "queen of instruments" and the "queen of the orchestra". A huge number of works have been written for violin solo and with orchestra accompaniment, even musical notation start by learning the clef, called the treble clef.
Alto, although it is a close relative of the violin, it does not receive such attention. Most often, it is perceived simply as a large violin, and not as an independent instrument. For a long time, the viola was the "violin of the loser", it was believed that if the violinist does not show promise, he can be retrained to become a violist. AT recent times viola became popular, there really appeared talented musicians gathering full halls.
The appearance of the violin is rather vague. Let us dwell on one of the generally accepted versions: the ancestors of both the violin and the viola were stringed instruments called viola. They differed from the violin in that they had more flat shape, six or seven strings, and played them, resting the instrument on the knee. In the sixteenth century there was already a clear division into two families: viols and violins. But some researchers argue that the first in the family of violins were not violins at all, they appeared a little later, but violas. It was they who were the first to be introduced into orchestras and began to gradually replace the soft-sounding viols.


The violin belongs to the high register strings and consists of a body and neck. The body is two decks connected by strips of wood, shells. Inside the case there is a darling that transmits vibration between the decks. Attached to the top deck is a neckboard, on which the strings are attached. On the one hand, the neck is attached to the body, its lower part is attached to the neck, which passes into the head of the violin. The neck has special holes for tuning pegs, with the help of which the violin is tuned.
Outwardly, the viola is easy to confuse with the violin: soundboards, fretboard, four strings. But it is much larger than the body of the violin, from 385 to 445 mm, the neck is also longer. This instrument is more massive than the violin. And the musician who plays this instrument must also be of a fairly strong constitution, and have strong hands.


The violin is a four-string musical instrument tuned in fifths. The smallest details affect the sound of the violin: the material of manufacture, lacquer, symmetry. The violin's sound range is from the salt of a small octave to the fourth la.
The viola sounds a fifth below the violin. The range of this instrument is from to a small octave, to a third octave. The notes for this instrument are written in a special alto clef, but they can also be in the violin clef.

Thus, TheDifference.ru found the following differences between violin and viola:

The viola and violin have a similar structure, but the viola is much larger in size and has an elongated neck.
The viola is not taught to play from childhood, like the violin. You need someone to play the viola strong arms, therefore, this instrument is switched to already in adulthood.
The viola is tuned a fifth below the violin.

07.07.2009, 22:24


07.07.2009, 23:17

08.07.2009, 21:13

If you are 17, will you not be drafted into the army in a year? What about the viola. what about the violin and from any school?
And you certainly want to be a professional musician?
1. That's exactly why I don't want to waste another year in 8th grade. So that they don’t take me THERE, I need to have a certificate of study at an institution of secondary vocational education, and for this I have a bone in my throat to do now! Yes, and as they explained to me, they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to take a student of the school into the army.
2. I DEFINITELY wish to become a professional musician.:skripka:

Olga Ginzburg

08.07.2009, 21:22

And you still think?! The viola is a wonderful instrument, with a rich timbre. And if your physical data allows you, don't even think about it - go and play.
Once upon a time my husband was offered to enter the horn instead of the clarinet, and he (the fool) refused. And so he remained a musician without a diploma. A musician, as they say, is from God. Now he regrets, but the train has left.
And you, if you play the viola, you can also practice the violin. Oleg Krysa, at one time, played part of the repertoire on the violin and part on the viola at our concert. Good luck to you.

08.07.2009, 21:25

from viola to violin - I have not heard of this.
My opinion is that it is better to enter the school "worse", but for the violin. And then to study, and if you study well, then maybe someday it will be possible to transfer to "good". And if you are lucky with the teacher, then this is not necessary. Don't step on yourself, it doesn't end well, as a rule.
By the way, do they know who will read you on the viola that you started at the age of 12? And then, maybe they don’t even guess, and this says a lot about a person and his capabilities.

08.07.2009, 21:47

By the way, do they know who will read you on the viola that you started at the age of 12? And then, maybe they don’t even guess, and this says a lot about a person and his capabilities.
Everyone in Merzlyakovka knows about this - all the time I studied with my last teacher I went there to her classes, and often performed at auditions for concerts. The thing is, not everyone believes it. At one of the consultations M.I. Keselman even hinted at the absence of any documentary evidence of this. Although I can provide anyone with a commendation sheet from 2005 at any time. where it is written in clear Russian "A student of the 1st grade of the orchestral string department is awarded for excellent studies."

08.07.2009, 21:53

somehow it is not very clear what exactly is happening. If you are not a "man from the street" and you are known, then how did it happen that the idea about the viola became a surprise and now you have to urgently decide something in two days?
It is only clear that for some reason they don’t want to mess with you, for which reason you won’t understand from the Internet.
You must be aware that there is no turning back. A violinist who plays the viola from time to time is one thing, but a violist who dares to pick up the violin, and even publicly, with a claim to something, is quite another. Viola, which is pushed into the hands "by force", under the pretext that you do not pull on the violin - this is a serious psychological problem. This is a trauma that a slightly proud person never forgets. Do you need it?

08.07.2009, 21:59

If the army threatened me, I would act anywhere and for anything, definitely. This will give you the opportunity to buy time, besides, you can continue to study the violin at the same time and try to enter somewhere in a year. And in general, you can do a lot of things, already being a student. Or maybe you will like the viola, who knows.

08.07.2009, 22:07

You can continue to play the violin at the same time and try to enter somewhere in a year.

This doesn't happen.

Music is certainly better than the army, in any form, but if there is an opportunity not to take vital important decisions in a matter of days, then this opportunity should be used, I think.

08.07.2009, 22:16

Viola, which is pushed into the hands "forcibly", under the pretext that you do not pull on the violin - this is a serious psychological problem. This is a trauma that a slightly proud person never forgets. Do you need it?
I don't need it, pardon the expression. It's so insulting, humiliating... I want to prove to them that I'm not like they think that I can do more! But how can I prove anything to them without going to college? This is a big dilemma for me...
And why they don’t want to mess with me, I’ll tell you now: everyone who didn’t listen to me spoke about the “lack of base”, supposedly I practice too little, and this is reflected in my game. Although at the same time it is widely noted that I have a good sound ... In addition, this distrust about the period of study also affects.
In general, I need the opinion of professional musicians, preferably faced with this problem. Then I would be able to choose more or less the right direction for myself.

08.07.2009, 22:24

well here I am professional musician, faced with this problem in the same form as you - I started at the age of 12, and at 15 I entered the St. Petersburg ten-year school, where I was happily sent to the viola. Opinions sounded something like Olga's - "and you still think ?!" And I'm still thinking. I think that they just got off - why mess around when there are already more or less ready-made violinists at the age of 15. Those. this is not the problem of the applicant - with adequate classes in a few years, everything could be caught up, but the problem of teachers and their desires.

If you want to play the violin, you need someone to take charge of you. Where to look for it, and whether there are such now - I do not know. I would enter anywhere, at least in some hole, but the violin, if they take it, and then I would intensively look for a teacher.

08.07.2009, 23:00

Hello, dear forum users! Please do not refuse the poor applicant to help with advice!
Here's the thing: I'm 17 years old, born in Krasnodar Territory, started studying music at the age of 12, studied in Moscow for the last 3 years. And now the time has come for admission, and after the first auditions it became clear that either the viola shines for me, or nothing at all (In Merzlyakovka I fell under the category "recommended to participate in the viola competition", and in Gnesinka I scored only 60 points.), I also submitted documents in Schnittke, audition tomorrow. At the preliminary consultations in Gnesinka and Merzlyakovka, I was strongly recommended to enter the viola ... I could go to the viola, but to be honest, I don’t really like this instrument (I don’t think of myself as a violist, for me this is a wild idea, it always seemed to me that to play the viola you need some special type of thinking, more melancholic or something...), and everything is aggravated by the fact that my "apparatus" is not adapted for this instrument (even teachers who gave consultations noted this everywhere).
So, ladies and gentlemen, I need your advice - WHAT SHOULD I DO??? My hands just drop ... Should I enter the viola or continue to achieve the violin like a kamikaze? Which teacher should you go to? What school should I enter?.. Can I transfer from viola to violin, if I'm already a student? I would be glad for any information! Thank you very much in advance!
Forgive me for butting in, but it seems to me that it is worth striving for your favorite instrument, even if, to put it mildly, you are not supported in this. Think of it as the next step on the path to the profession, which must be overcome. If it’s really bad with the above educational institutions, I would venture to advise where I study - moki.ru. Formally, this is a regional institution, but in fact Moscow, it is only considered "simpler", well, the competition, respectively, is lower by an order of magnitude, and the old people are calmly treated there. Just need to quickly decide everything, because. pianists have already, for example, passed their specialty. I don't know about violinists.

08.07.2009, 23:42

This doesn't happen.
That is, maybe theoretically it is possible, but it will be a case for the record book.

Theoretically (and practically) everything happens in life, I don’t know, unfortunately or fortunately :) My violinist brother just told me about two cases known to him in connection with this topic: in one student transferred to the violin, and in the other he received diploma as a violist and violinist. We are not talking about the book of records, it’s just that the circumstances of both developed.

Music, of course, is better than the army, in any form, but if there is an opportunity not to make vital decisions in a matter of days, then this opportunity should be used, I think
Of course, but it seems that the author does not have this opportunity. In fact, he and only he can prioritize in this situation.

08.07.2009, 23:55

My violinist brother has just told me in connection with this topic about two cases known to him: in one, a student transferred to the violin, and in the other, he received a diploma as a violist and violinist. We are not talking about the book of records, it’s just that the circumstances of both developed.

And you can find out where it happened, in what city or country?
In any case, if this happens, then this is an exception to the rule. It happens that they win a million in the lottery - this is approximately from the same series.

09.07.2009, 00:27

It happened in Russia, though quite a few years ago. And apparently, the point here was in the efforts made for this, both in classes and in preparing the ground for such actions. Someone is waiting for winning the lottery, while someone achieves everything himself. However, I will not argue, everyone has their own opinion and their own ideas about what can and cannot be and why.

09.07.2009, 00:34

oh lord. I clarify that by lottery I meant not the chance of an event, but its probability. The likelihood that with all the efforts something will work out is extremely small.

09.07.2009, 00:50

I clarify that by lottery I meant not the chance of an event, but its probability. The likelihood that with all the efforts something will work out is extremely small.
If it wasn't in the capital cities, it's more possible. They treat everything easier there, but still - how lucky.

I clarify that I meant the same. Just passivity in thoughts leads to passivity in actions (deepest IMHO). The city is extremely metropolitan. In general, the author himself to decide, in the end.


09.07.2009, 01:25

Hello, dear forum users! Please do not refuse the poor applicant to help with advice!
Here's the thing: I'm 17 years old, I was born in the Krasnodar Territory, I started studying music at the age of 12, I studied in Moscow for the last 3 years. And now the time has come for admission, and after the first auditions it became clear that either the viola shines for me, or nothing at all (In Merzlyakovka I fell under the category "recommended to participate in the viola competition", and in Gnesinka I scored only 60 points.), I also submitted documents in Schnittke, audition tomorrow. At the preliminary consultations in Gnesinka and Merzlyakovka, I was strongly recommended to enter the viola ... I could go to the viola, but to be honest, I don’t really like this instrument (I don’t think of myself as a violist, for me this is a wild idea, it always seemed to me that to play the viola you need some special type of thinking, more melancholic or something...), and everything is aggravated by the fact that my "apparatus" is not adapted for this instrument (even teachers who gave consultations noted this everywhere).
So, ladies and gentlemen, I need your advice - WHAT SHOULD I DO??? My hands just drop ... Should I enter the viola or continue to achieve the violin like a kamikaze? Which teacher should you go to? What school should I enter?.. Can I transfer from viola to violin, if I'm already a student? I would be glad for any information! Thank you very much in advance!

You can always switch to alt. Even in the process of learning - on any course.
In Merzlyakovka they could not tell you otherwise. They prefer to take well-trained children there. Therefore, those who did not pass the exams in the competitive class at the Central Music School and the Gnessin Ten Years School go there more often.

In Gnesinka, they now prefer not to recruit a lot of people. And, of course, they also want technically advanced... If you decide to play viola, then Stoklitskaya and Vernigora are great teachers.

I don't know anything about Schnittke.

You will be gladly taken to the violin at the Pushkin School (MOMU No. 2 named after Prokofiev.) This is 40-50 minutes. from the Yaroslavl railway station. They are expected to have a very small flow of applicants this year due to the fact that the regional ministry of culture planted a "pig" on them - they sent recommendations to all schools in the region not to prepare applicants for this school. They wanted to shorten it, but, fortunately, it did not work out. The school was saved. They were given a set, but the flow had already dispersed to other establishments. They are now in such a situation that they will most likely take everyone who wants it. Exams are already underway there, but if you call and tell us about your ardent desire to study, then perhaps all is not lost. And there will be announced additional set in August-September. Moreover, Anna Grigoryevna Dvoretskaya teaches there - a good teacher from Gnesinka. (I know many of its graduates - this is a very worthy job). From the regional schools, the guys also successfully enter Moscow universities (including the conservatory). If you don’t get through Schnittke either, write to me in a personal, I’ll give you the phone number of the right and important person. He decides a lot (almost everything) there.

09.07.2009, 17:48

All in all so...
Yesterday I was in Schnittke, where they offered me a choice: either I go to them, to prof. Igolinsky, but I refuse further competition in other institutions, or I continue the competition in all schools, but I can forget about them. I was given half an hour to think. Moreover, they did not give ANY guarantee that I would go beyond the 2nd round.
And after thinking as far as it was possible, I chose the 2nd option...
You will probably call me a weirdo, or some other more unpleasant word, but if you think about it, I did the right thing - I, frankly, have problems with solfeggio, especially in writing dictations. Moreover, there are 2 places for the violin, and 4 more contenders with a more complex program (example: I have a Viotti concerto No. 22, while others have both Mendelssohn and Venyavsky ...).
In Gnesinka, after 2 rounds, my total score is 121 ... Now I'm seriously thinking of going to Merzlyakovka to play viola, there I got 84 after the 1st round (passing 75), and they gave guarantees ...
But I'm not going to leave the violin! I will enter, prepare a violin program for the senior year, and I will translate! ..
I'm more inclined to fight than to stay full and satisfied... :spaga:
Let's see what happens...

09.07.2009, 18:29

Oral exam in solf. in Merzlyakovka will be on the 11th, that is, the day after tomorrow. I'll let you know as soon as I know my score.

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