What are sensitive areas of the cerebral cortex. Sensory area of ​​the cerebral cortex


19. Functions of the neocortex, functional significance of the first and second somatosensory zones, motor cortex zones hemispheres(their localization and functional significance). Polyfunctionality of cortical regions, functional plasticity of the cortex.

Somatosensory cortex- an area of ​​the cerebral cortex that is responsible for the regulation of certain sensory systems. The first somatosensory zone is located on the postcentral gyrus immediately behind the deep central sulcus. The second somatosensory zone is located on the upper wall of the lateral groove separating the parietal and temporal lobes. Thermoreceptive and nociceptive (pain) neurons were found in these zones. First zone(I) fairly well studied. Almost all areas of the body surface are represented here. As a result of systematic research, enough accurate picture representations of the body in this area of ​​the cerebral cortex. In literary and scientific sources, such a representation was called the “somatosensory homunculus” (for details, see unit 3). The somatosensory cortex of these zones, taking into account the six-layer structure, is organized in the form of functional units - columns of neurons (diameter 0.2 - 0.5 mm), which are endowed with two specific properties: limited horizontal distribution of afferent neurons and vertical orientation of pyramidal cell dendrites. Neurons of one column are excited by receptors of only one type, i.e. specific receptor endings. The processing of information in columns and between them is carried out hierarchically. The efferent connections of the first zone transmit processed information to the motor cortex (the regulation of movements is provided by feedback), the parietal-associative zone (the integration of visual and tactile information is provided) and to the thalamus, the nuclei of the posterior column, the spinal cord (the efferent regulation of the flow of afferent information is provided). The first zone functionally provides accurate tactile discrimination and conscious perception of stimuli on the surface of the body. Second zone(II) is less studied and takes up much less space. Phylogenetically, the second zone is older than the first and is involved in almost all somatosensory processes. The receptive fields of the neural columns of the second zone are located on both sides of the body, and their projections are symmetrical. This zone coordinates the actions of sensory and motor information, for example, when touching objects with both hands.

Motor (motor) zones of the cortex

The anterior central gyrus (anterior to the Roland sulcus) and the adjacent posterior sections of the first and second frontal gyrus make up the motor cortex. The core of the motor analyzer is the anterior central gyrus (field 4). A characteristic cytoarchitectonic feature of field 4 is the absence of layer IV of granular cells and the presence in layer V of Betz's giant pyramidal cells, whose long processes, as part of the pyramidal pathway, reach the intermediate and motor neurons of the spinal cord.

In the region of the anterior central gyrus, there are centers of movement for opposite limbs and the opposite half of the face, trunk (Fig.).

    The upper third of the gyrus is occupied by the centers of movement of the lower extremities, and above all lies the center of movement of the foot, below it is the center of movement of the lower leg, and even lower is the center of movement of the thigh.

    The middle third is occupied by the centers of movement of the trunk and upper limb. Above the others lies the center of the movements of the scapula, then - the shoulders, forearms, and even lower - the brush.

    The lower third of the anterior central gyrus (operculum) is occupied by centers of movement for the face, masticatory muscles, tongue, soft palate and larynx.

Since the descending motor paths intersect, the irritation of all these points causes a contraction of the muscles of the opposite side of the body. In the motor zone, the largest area is occupied by the representation of the muscles of the hands, face, lips, tongue, and the smallest area is occupied by the trunk and lower extremities. The size of the cortical motor representation corresponds to the accuracy and subtlety of controlling the movements of this part of the body.

Electrical or chemical stimulation of areas of field 4 causes a coordinated contraction of strictly defined muscle groups. Extirpation of any center is accompanied by paralysis of the corresponding segment of the musculature. After some time, this paralysis is replaced by weakness and restriction of movement (paresis), since many motor acts can be performed through non-pyramidal pathways or due to the compensatory activity of the surviving cortical mechanisms.

premotor cortex

Anterior to the motor zone is the so-called premotor zone of the cortex, which occupies fields 6 and 8. This zone is also characterized by the absence of layer IV, but in layer V, unlike field 4, there are almost no giant pyramidal cells. The premotor area is closely connected with the subcortical nodes and constitutes the most important part of the extrapyramidal systems of the cortex, which reach the final motor centers only after switching in the formations lying below the cortex.

Field 6 provides, in contrast to field 4, the implementation of not elementary movements, but complex automated motor complexes. Field 8 is the oculomotor center, irritation of which leads to a combined deviation of the head and eyes in the opposite direction.

The motor and premotor fields have well-developed connections that unite them into a single complex. Afferent impulses that reach the precentral region travel mainly along pathways from the cerebellum through the red nucleus and thalamus to the cortex. Thus, the circulation of impulses through the extrapyramidal cortical-subcortical systems is ensured.

Electrical irritation of individual sections of the field 6 causes movements of the head and torso in the direction opposite to the irritated hemisphere. These movements are coordinated and are accompanied by changes in muscle tone. In response to irritations of one of the sections of field 6, swallowing movements, sudden changes in breathing and a cry occur.

Surgical removal of small areas of the premotor zone in a person (during neurosurgical interventions) leads to a violation of motor skills, although fine hand movements are preserved.

Removal of some parts of the premotor zone of the cerebral cortex leads to the appearance of reflexes that are not characteristic of a healthy adult. So, after the removal of the premotor cortex, on which hand movements depend, an enhanced grasping reflex occurs: a light tactile touch on the palm causes a strong grasping movement. It resembles the grasping reflex in newborns in the period preceding the functional maturation of the pyramidal tract.

When the area where the leg muscles are represented in the motor or premotor cortex is removed, the Babinski reflex appears in adults.

Irritation of different points of field 8 (and field 19 - occipital lobe) is accompanied by arbitrary movements of the eye (field 19 - fixation of the eye on the object in question).

Supplementary motor area

The supplementary motor area is located on the inner surface of the hemisphere near the sensorimotor representation of the leg. The diameter of this area does not exceed 1-2 cm. Irritation of its various parts shows that in this zone there is a representation of the muscles of all parts of the body. When the accessory motor area is irritated, changes in posture are observed, accompanied by bilateral movements of the legs and torso. Often, when this area is stimulated, various vegetative reactions occur - a change in the width of the pupils, an increase in heart rate, etc. It is assumed that the additional zone plays an auxiliary role in the control of a person's posture, which is carried out by the motor and premotor regions.

tertiary motor area voluntary movements - this is actually any cortex that lies in front of the motor and premotor cortex. This so-called prefrontal region occupies about 25% of the entire cerebral cortex and belongs to the phylogenetically newest brain formations. Diverse effector and afferent connections provide the decisive role of the prefrontal cortex in the organization of conscious purposeful human activity.

When talking about the plasticity of the brain, most often they mean its ability to change under the influence of learning or damage. The mechanisms responsible for plasticity are different, and its most perfect manifestation in brain damage is regeneration. The brain is an extremely complex network of neurons that communicate with each other through special formations - synapses. Therefore, we can distinguish two levels of plasticity: macro and micro levels. The macro level is associated with a change in the network structure of the brain that provides communication between the hemispheres and between different areas within each hemisphere. At the micro level, molecular changes occur in the neurons themselves and in the synapses. At both levels, brain plasticity can manifest itself both quickly and slowly. In this article, we will focus mainly on plasticity at the macro level and on the prospects for research on brain regeneration.

  • 2.1. visual analyzer
  • 2.1.1. Structural and functional characteristics
  • 2.1.2. Mechanisms that provide clear vision in various conditions
  • 2.1.3. Color vision, visual contrasts and sequential images
  • 2.2. auditory analyzer
  • 2.2.1. Structural and functional characteristics
  • 2.3. Vestibular and motor (kinesthetic) analyzers
  • 2.3.1. Vestibular analyzer
  • 2.3.2. Motor (kinesthetic) analyzer
  • 2.4. Internal (visceral) analyzers
  • 2.5. Skin analyzers
  • 2.5.1. Temperature analyzer
  • 2.5.2. Tactile Analyzer
  • 2.6. Taste and olfactory analyzers
  • 2.6.1. Taste Analyzer
  • 2.6.2. Olfactory analyzer
  • 2.7. Pain analyzer
  • 2.7.1. Structural and functional characteristics
  • 2.7.2. Types of pain and methods for its study
  • 1 _ Lungs; 2 - heart; 3 - small intestine; 4 - bladder;
  • 5 - Ureter; 6 - kidney; 7, 9 - liver and gallbladder;
  • 8 - Pancreas; 10 - uterus, ovary
  • 2.7.3. Pain (antinociceptive) system
  • Chapter 3
  • Is(p - p) = k.
  • 1 – Acceptor of perception; 2 - influencing factor; 3 - sense organ;
  • 4 - Afferent pathways; 5 - efferent control; 6 - knowledge system.
  • Part III. Higher nervous activity Chapter 4. History. Research methods
  • 4.1. Development of the concept of reflex. Nervism and nerve center
  • 4.2. Development of ideas about VND
  • 4.3. Research Methods
  • 3 - -Rhythm; 4 - -rhythm; b - desynchronization reaction
  • Chapter 5
  • 5.1. Congenital forms of body activity
  • 5.2. Acquired behaviors (learning)
  • 5.2.1. Characteristics of conditioned reflexes
  • Differences between conditioned reflexes and unconditioned reflexes
  • 3 - Hiss; 4 - metronome with a frequency of 120 bpm
  • 5.2.2. Classification of conditioned reflexes
  • 5.2.3. Plasticity of nerve tissue
  • 5.2.4. Stages and mechanism of formation of conditioned reflexes
  • II - time feedback
  • 5.2.5. Inhibition of conditioned reflexes
  • 5.2.6. Forms of learning
  • 5.3. Memory*
  • 5.3.1. general characteristics
  • 5.3.2. Short-term and intermediate memory
  • 1, 2, 3 - Excitatory neurons
  • 5.3.3. long term memory
  • 5.3.4. The role of individual brain structures in the formation of memory
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. The main types of VND of animals and humans
  • 6.2. Typological variants of the personality of children
  • 6.3. Basic provisions for the formation of the type of type and temperament of individuality
  • 6.4. Influence of genotype and environment on the development of neurophysiological processes in ontogenesis
  • 6.5. The role of the genome in plastic changes in the nervous tissue
  • 6.6. The role of the genotype and environment in the formation of personality
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. Needs
  • 7.2. Motivations
  • 7.3. Emotions (feelings)
  • Chapter 8
  • 8.1. Types of mental activity
  • 8.2. Electrophysiological correlates of mental activity
  • 8.2.1. Mental activity and electroencephalogram
  • 8.2.2. Mental activity and evoked potentials
  • 8.3. Features of human mental activity
  • 8.3.1. Human activity and thinking
  • 8.3.2. Second signal system
  • 8.3.3. The development of speech in ontogenesis
  • 8.3.4. Function Lateralization
  • 8.3.5. Socially determined consciousness*
  • 8.3.6. Conscious and subconscious brain activity
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. Concepts and neuroanatomy of the functional state of the body
  • 9.2. Wakefulness and sleep. dreams
  • 9.2.1. Sleep and dreams, assessment of the depth of sleep, the meaning of sleep
  • 9.2.2. Mechanisms of wakefulness and sleep
  • 9.3. Hypnosis
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.1. Levels of Integrative Activity of the Brain
  • 10.2. Conceptual reflex arc
  • 10.3. Functional system of a behavioral act
  • 10.4. The main structures of the brain that ensure the formation of a behavioral act
  • 10.5. Neuronal activity and behavior
  • 10.6. Motion Control Mechanisms
  • Application. Workshop on the physiology of sensory systems and higher nervous activity
  • 1. Physiology of sensory systems*
  • Work 1.1. Determination of the field of view
  • 1– Field of view of black and white vision; 2, 3, 4, 5 - fields of view for yellow, blue, red, green colors, respectively
  • Field of view boundaries
  • Work 1.2. Determination of visual acuity
  • Work 1.3. Eye accommodation
  • Work 1.4. Blind spot (Marriotte experience)
  • Work 1.5. Color vision test
  • Work 1.6. Determination of the critical flicker fusion frequency (cfsm)
  • Work 1.7. stereoscopic vision. disparity
  • Work 1.8. The study of auditory sensitivity to pure tones in humans (tonal audiometry)
  • Work 1.9. Study of bone and air conduction of sound
  • Work 1.10. binaural hearing
  • Work 1.11. Skin Esthesiometry
  • Indicators of spatial tactile sensitivity of the skin
  • Work 1.12. Determination of taste sensitivity thresholds (gustometry)
  • Indicators of thresholds of taste sensitivity
  • Work 1.13. Functional mobility of the papillae of the tongue before and after meals
  • Indicators of functional mobility of the taste buds of the tongue
  • Work 1.14. Skin thermoesthesiometry
  • Determination of the density of thermoreceptors
  • Study of functional mobility of skin cold receptors
  • Indicators of functional mobility of skin cold receptors
  • Work 1.15. Determination of the sensitivity of the olfactory analyzer (olfactometry)
  • Smell thresholds for various odorous substances
  • Work 1.16. The study of the state of the vestibular analyzer using functional tests in humans
  • Work 1.17. Determination of discrimination thresholds
  • Thresholds of discrimination of sensation of mass
  • 2. Higher nervous activity
  • Work 2.1. Development of a blinking conditioned reflex to a call in a person
  • Work 2.2. Formation of a conditioned pupillary reflex to a call and to the word "bell" in a person
  • Work 2.3. Study of the bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex - electroencephalography
  • 1 - Mark of irritation; 2 - frontal area; 3 - rolandic region; 4 - occipital region;
  • Work 2.4. Determination of the volume of short-term auditory memory in humans
  • A set of numbers for the study of short-term memory
  • Work 2.5. The relationship of reactivity with personality traits - extraversion, introversion and neuroticism
  • Work 2.6. The role of verbal stimuli in the emergence of emotions
  • Work 2.7. Investigation of changes in the EEG and vegetative parameters during human emotional stress
  • Changes in EEG and vegetative parameters during human emotional stress
  • Work 2.8. Changing the parameters of the evoked potential (VP) to a flash of light
  • Effect of voluntary attention on evoked potentials
  • Work 2.9. Reflection of the semantics of the visual image in the structure of evoked potentials
  • 1 - Experimenter's switch; 2 - switch of the subject; 3 – electrostimulator; 4 - photostimulator; 5 - flash lamp
  • VP parameters with semantic load
  • Work 2.10. Influence of the goal on the result of activity
  • Dependence of the result of activity on the goal
  • Work 2.11. The influence of situational afferentation on the result of activity
  • Dependence of the result of activity on situational afferentation
  • Work 2.12. Determination of the stability and switchability of voluntary attention
  • Work 2.13. Evaluation of a person's ability to work when performing work that requires attention
  • Correction table
  • Indicators of the functional state of the subject
  • The results of the labor activity of the subject
  • Work 2.14. The Importance of Memory and Dominant Motivation in Purposeful Activity
  • Digit Summation Results
  • Work 2.15. The influence of mental labor on the functional parameters of the cardiovascular system
  • Work 2.16. The role of back afferentation in optimizing the operator's activity mode at the computer
  • Work 2.17. Automatic analysis of indicators of the cardiovascular system at different stages of the formation of a motor skill
  • Work 2.18. Analysis of operator learning rate in deterministic environments
  • Work 2.19. Using a computer to study short-term memory
  • Recommended reading
  • Content
  • 2. Higher nervous activity 167
  • Localization of functions in the cortex big brain

    General characteristics. In certain areas of the cerebral cortex, neurons are predominantly concentrated that perceive one type of stimulus: the occipital region - light, the temporal lobe - sound, etc. However, after the removal of the classical projection zones (auditory, visual), conditioned reflexes to the corresponding stimuli are partially preserved. According to the theory of I.P. Pavlov, in the cerebral cortex there is a “core” of the analyzer (cortical end) and “scattered” neurons throughout the cortex. The modern concept of function localization is based on the principle of multifunctionality (but not equivalence) of cortical fields. The property of multifunctionality allows one or another cortical structure to be included in the provision of various forms of activity, while realizing the main, genetically inherent function (O.S. Adrianov). The degree of multifunctionality of different cortical structures varies. In the fields of the associative cortex, it is higher. Multifunctionality is based on the multichannel input of afferent excitation into the cerebral cortex, the overlap of afferent excitations, especially at the thalamic and cortical levels, the modulating effect of various structures, for example, nonspecific thalamic nuclei, basal ganglia, on cortical functions, the interaction of cortical-subcortical and intercortical pathways for conducting excitation. With the help of microelectrode technology, it was possible to register in various areas of the cerebral cortex the activity of specific neurons that respond to stimuli of only one type of stimulus (only to light, only to sound, etc.), i.e. there is a multiple representation of functions in the cerebral cortex .

    At present, the division of the cortex into sensory, motor and associative (non-specific) zones (areas) is accepted.

    Sensory areas of the cortex. Sensory information enters the projection cortex, the cortical sections of the analyzers (I.P. Pavlov). These zones are located mainly in the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. The ascending pathways to the sensory cortex come mainly from the relay sensory nuclei of the thalamus.

    Primary sensory areas - these are zones of the sensory cortex, irritation or destruction of which causes clear and permanent changes in the sensitivity of the body (the core of the analyzers according to I.P. Pavlov). They consist of monomodal neurons and form sensations of the same quality. Primary sensory areas usually have a clear spatial (topographic) representation of body parts, their receptor fields.

    Primary projection zones of the cortex consist mainly of neurons of the 4th afferent layer, which are characterized by a clear topical organization. A significant part of these neurons has the highest specificity. For example, the neurons of the visual areas selectively respond to certain signs of visual stimuli: some - to shades of color, others - to the direction of movement, others - to the nature of the lines (edge, stripe, slope of the line), etc. However, it should be noted that the primary zones of certain areas of the cortex also include multimodal neurons that respond to several types of stimuli. In addition, there are neurons there, the reaction of which reflects the impact of non-specific (limbic-reticular, or modulating) systems.

    Secondary sensory areas located around the primary sensory areas, less localized, their neurons respond to the action of several stimuli, i.e. they are polymodal.

    Localization of sensory zones. The most important sensory area is parietal lobe postcentral gyrus and its corresponding part of the paracentral lobule on the medial surface of the hemispheres. This zone is referred to as somatosensory areaI. Here there is a projection of skin sensitivity of the opposite side of the body from tactile, pain, temperature receptors, interoceptive sensitivity and sensitivity of the musculoskeletal system - from muscle, articular, tendon receptors (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Scheme of sensitive and motor homunculi

    (according to W. Penfield, T. Rasmussen). Section of the hemispheres in the frontal plane:

    A- projection of general sensitivity in the cortex of the postcentral gyrus; b- projection of the motor system in the cortex of the precentral gyrus

    In addition to somatosensory area I, there are somatosensory area II smaller, located on the border of the intersection of the central sulcus with the upper edge temporal lobe, deep in the lateral groove. The accuracy of localization of body parts is expressed to a lesser extent here. well-studied primary projection area is auditory cortex(fields 41, 42), which is located in the depth of the lateral sulcus (the cortex of the transverse temporal gyri of Heschl). The projection cortex of the temporal lobe also includes the center of the vestibular analyzer in the superior and middle temporal gyri.

    IN occipital lobe located primary visual area(cortex of part of the sphenoid gyrus and lingular lobule, field 17). There is a topical representation of retinal receptors here. Each point of the retina corresponds to its own area of ​​the visual cortex, while the zone of the macula has a relatively large zone of representation. In connection with the incomplete decussation of the visual pathways, the same halves of the retina are projected into the visual region of each hemisphere. The presence in each hemisphere of the projection of the retina of both eyes is the basis of binocular vision. Bark is located near field 17 secondary visual area(fields 18 and 19). The neurons of these zones are polymodal and respond not only to light, but also to tactile and auditory stimuli. Synthesis occurs in this visual area various kinds sensitivity, there are more complex visual images and their identification.

    In the secondary zones, the leading ones are the 2nd and 3rd layers of neurons, for which the main part of the information about the environment and the internal environment of the body, received in the sensory cortex, is transmitted for further processing to the associative cortex, after which it is initiated (if necessary) behavioral response with the obligatory participation of the motor cortex.

    motor areas of the cortex. Distinguish between primary and secondary motor areas.

    IN primary motor area (precentral gyrus, field 4) there are neurons that innervate the motor neurons of the muscles of the face, trunk and limbs. It has a clear topographic projection of the muscles of the body (see Fig. 2). The main pattern of topographic representation is that the regulation of the activity of muscles that provide the most accurate and diverse movements (speech, writing, facial expressions) requires the participation of large areas of the motor cortex. Irritation of the primary motor cortex causes contraction of the muscles of the opposite side of the body (for the muscles of the head, the contraction can be bilateral). With the defeat of this cortical zone, the ability to fine coordinated movements of the limbs, especially the fingers, is lost.

    secondary motor area (field 6) is located both on the lateral surface of the hemispheres, in front of the precentral gyrus (premotor cortex), and on the medial surface corresponding to the cortex of the superior frontal gyrus (additional motor area). In functional terms, the secondary motor cortex is of paramount importance in relation to the primary motor cortex, carrying out higher motor functions associated with planning and coordinating voluntary movements. Here, the slowly increasing negative readiness potential, occurring approximately 1 s before the start of movement. The cortex of field 6 receives the bulk of the impulses from the basal ganglia and the cerebellum, and is involved in recoding information about the plan of complex movements.

    Irritation of the cortex of field 6 causes complex coordinated movements, such as turning the head, eyes and torso in the opposite direction, friendly contractions of the flexors or extensors on the opposite side. The premotor cortex contains motor centers associated with human social functions: the center of written speech in the posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus (field 6), the center of Broca's motor speech in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus (field 44), which provide speech praxis, as well as musical motor center (field 45), providing the tone of speech, the ability to sing. Motor cortex neurons receive afferent inputs through the thalamus from muscle, joint, and skin receptors, from the basal ganglia, and the cerebellum. The main efferent output of the motor cortex to the stem and spinal motor centers are the pyramidal cells of layer V. The main lobes of the cerebral cortex are shown in Fig. 3.

    Rice. 3. Four main lobes of the cerebral cortex (frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital); side view. They contain the primary motor and sensory areas, higher-order motor and sensory areas (second, third, etc.) and the associative (non-specific) cortex

    Association areas of the cortex(nonspecific, intersensory, interanalyzer cortex) include areas of the new cerebral cortex, which are located around the projection zones and next to the motor zones, but do not directly perform sensory or motor functions, so they cannot be attributed primarily to sensory or motor functions, the neurons of these zones have large learning abilities. The boundaries of these areas are not clearly marked. The associative cortex is phylogenetically the youngest part of the neocortex, which has received the greatest development in primates and in humans. In humans, it makes up about 50% of the entire cortex, or 70% of the neocortex. The term "associative cortex" arose in connection with the existing idea that these zones, due to the cortico-cortical connections passing through them, connect the motor zones and at the same time serve as a substrate for higher mental functions. Main association areas of the cortex are: parietotemporoccipital, prefrontal cortex frontal lobes and the limbic association area.

    The neurons of the associative cortex are polysensory (polymodal): they respond, as a rule, not to one (like the neurons of the primary sensory zones), but to several stimuli, i.e., the same neuron can be excited when stimulated by auditory, visual, skin and other receptors. Polysensory neurons of the associative cortex are created by cortico-cortical connections with different projection zones, connections with the associative nuclei of the thalamus. As a result, the associative cortex is a kind of collector of various sensory excitations and is involved in the integration of sensory information and in ensuring the interaction of sensory and motor areas of the cortex.

    Associative areas occupy the 2nd and 3rd cell layers of the associative cortex, where powerful unimodal, multimodal, and nonspecific afferent flows meet. The work of these parts of the cerebral cortex is necessary not only for the successful synthesis and differentiation (selective discrimination) of stimuli perceived by a person, but also for the transition to the level of their symbolization, that is, for operating with the meanings of words and using them for abstract thinking, for the synthetic nature of perception.

    Since 1949, D. Hebb's hypothesis has become widely known, postulating the coincidence of presynaptic activity with the discharge of a postsynaptic neuron as a condition for synaptic modification, since not all synaptic activity leads to excitation of a postsynaptic neuron. On the basis of D. Hebb's hypothesis, it can be assumed that individual neurons of the associative zones of the cortex are connected in various ways and form cell ensembles that distinguish "subimages", i.e. corresponding to unitary forms of perception. These connections, as noted by D. Hebb, are so well developed that it is enough to activate one neuron, and the entire ensemble is excited.

    The apparatus that acts as a regulator of the level of wakefulness, as well as selective modulation and actualization of the priority of a particular function, is the modulating system of the brain, which is often called the limbic-reticular complex, or the ascending activating system. The nervous formations of this apparatus include the limbic and nonspecific systems of the brain with activating and inactivating structures. Among the activating formations, first of all, the reticular formation of the midbrain, the posterior hypothalamus, and the blue spot in the lower parts of the brain stem are distinguished. The inactivating structures include the preoptic area of ​​the hypothalamus, the raphe nucleus in the brainstem, and the frontal cortex.

    Currently, according to thalamocortical projections, it is proposed to distinguish three main associative systems of the brain: thalamo-temporal, thalamolobic And thalamic temporal.

    thalamotenal system It is represented by associative zones of the parietal cortex, which receive the main afferent inputs from the posterior group of the associative nuclei of the thalamus. The parietal associative cortex has efferent outputs to the nuclei of the thalamus and hypothalamus, to the motor cortex and nuclei of the extrapyramidal system. The main functions of the thalamo-temporal system are gnosis and praxis. Under gnosis understand the function of various types of recognition: shapes, sizes, meanings of objects, understanding of speech, knowledge of processes, patterns, etc. Gnostic functions include the assessment of spatial relationships, for example, the relative position of objects. IN parietal cortex they distinguish the center of stereognosis, which provides the ability to recognize objects by touch. A variant of the gnostic function is the formation in the mind of a three-dimensional model of the body (“body schema”). Under praxis understand purposeful action. The praxis center is located in the supracortical gyrus of the left hemisphere; it provides storage and implementation of the program of motorized automated acts.

    Thalamolobic system It is represented by associative zones of the frontal cortex, which have the main afferent input from the associative mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus and other subcortical nuclei. The main role of the frontal associative cortex is reduced to the initiation of the basic systemic mechanisms for the formation of functional systems of purposeful behavioral acts (P.K. Anokhin). The prefrontal area plays leading role in developing a behavioral strategy. The violation of this function is especially noticeable when it is necessary to quickly change the action and when some time elapses between the formulation of the problem and the beginning of its solution, i.e. stimuli that require correct inclusion in a holistic behavioral response have time to accumulate.

    The thalamotemporal system. Some associative centers, for example, stereognosis, praxis, also include areas of the temporal cortex. The auditory center of Wernicke's speech is located in the temporal cortex, located in the posterior regions of the superior temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere. This center provides speech gnosis: recognition and storage of oral speech, both one's own and someone else's. In the middle part of the superior temporal gyrus, there is a center for recognizing musical sounds and their combinations. On the border of the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes there is a reading center that provides recognition and storage of images.

    An essential role in the formation of behavioral acts is played by the biological quality of the unconditioned reaction, namely its importance for the preservation of life. In the process of evolution, this meaning was fixed in two opposite emotional states- positive and negative, which in a person form the basis of his subjective experiences - pleasure and displeasure, joy and sadness. In all cases, goal-directed behavior is built in accordance with the emotional state that arose under the action of a stimulus. During behavioral reactions of a negative nature, the tension of the vegetative components, especially the cardiovascular system, in some cases, especially in continuous so-called conflict situations, can reach great strength, which causes a violation of their regulatory mechanisms (vegetative neuroses).

    In this part of the book, the main general questions of the analytical and synthetic activity of the brain are considered, which will make it possible to proceed in subsequent chapters to the presentation of particular questions of the physiology of sensory systems and higher nervous activity.

    The sensory cortex is a small part of the brain located between the motor cortex and the parietal lobe. It is this part of the brain that is responsible for bodily sensations and perceptions. All of our tactile, visual, auditory and olfactory impulses originate in the sensory area of ​​the cerebral cortex. The maximum concentration of cerebrospinal fluid is reached where we had a fontanel in childhood. Taoists believe that the hardening of this soft area initiates a process by which we perceive each sensation as independent. In childhood, we feel external stimuli, but are not able to be aware of each sensation separately.

    Taoists call this area the cavity bai gui, in which, when experiencing stressful mental states all sensations are concentrated and the mind can comprehend absolute purity - enlightenment of consciousness.

    In Taoism, this area of ​​the brain is stimulated both by visualizing the light at the top of the head and by gazing at it with the inner eye, the purpose of which is to increase its level of perception. This zone is important not only from the point of view of restoring youth and achieving enlightenment of consciousness, but also because it is through it that the spirit leaves the body at the time of death.

    When the sensory area of ​​the cerebral cortex is intensely stimulated, the body's ability to receive physical and mental sensations is greatly enhanced. This heightened sensitivity to sensation is also expressed in the hypothalamic response to intense sexual arousal; The hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release gonadotropins into the endocrine system.

    This only happens if one has experienced some intense state of an ecstatic nature, which underlies almost all transcendental experiences described in meditation and yoga treatises. Sex, being a source of energy, provides the best and most effective means in order to experience such a state.

    The spinal cord and brain are completely surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and it is this fluid, according to Taoists, that is responsible for the passage of sexual energy from the kidneys to the brain. The enlightenment effect is caused by a combination of an increase in blood temperature and the movement of sexual energy reaching the top of the head. Keep in mind that quite a lot of this fluid is located in the sensory area of ​​the cerebral cortex.

    Both Tigresses and Taoists strive to stimulate the sensory cortex. The methods may be slightly different, but the end goal is the same. The tigress achieves consciousness enlightenment by absorbing male sexual energy, which in Taoist books is called the restoration of yin through yang. The Taoist man achieves enlightenment through the return of sexual energy to the brain, or the restoration of yin through yang.

    The Tigress, through total concentration on the oral stimulation of the male penis, can achieve a state of supreme receptivity, resulting in the Tigress's ability to absorb male sexual energy and experience spiritual transformation. main meaning consists in increased stimulation of the pituitary and hypothalamus, so that they react to the limit and produce hormones that can restore youth.


    Having discussed how Western science and Taoist spiritual alchemy perceive the process of energy absorption, we can now talk more about orgasm as such.

    Immediately before or immediately after orgasm, a person's consciousness is in a state of heightened receptivity. During an orgasm, time stops in him and all nervous system focuses on sensations and the release of sexual fluids.

    The more intense the orgasm, the richer and brighter the sensations and perceptions.

    Also, orgasm actively stimulates the occipital lobe of the brain (which controls vision) and reduces the activity of the motor cortex (which controls voluntary movements). During orgasm we perceive and feel the world through highly concentrated sensations. Colors seem brighter to us, and consciousness is filled with luminous images. The body no longer controls voluntary movements, but only those that contribute to orgasm. Even the auditory and speech centers of the brain are in a state of increased activity.

    With regard to increasing the acuity of hearing and vision, many sexual failures occur just because the sexual partner says some inappropriate words during the orgasm of the second partner. A person at this moment is so sensitive that words of resentment or disapproval sink very deep into consciousness and affect his sexual behavior in the future. That is why, as you will learn later, during intercourse, the Tigress always shows deep approval regarding the partner’s penis, the quality of his sperm and actions.

    After orgasm, the whole body goes into a state of rest, and therefore most sexologists consider it a tranquilizer. This is because the pituitary gland, which also controls the production of calming hormones, instantly sends them to the endocrine system, which is the body's natural defense against too intense and prolonged sensations. The response to calming hormones is more pronounced in men than in women, since the body of the latter is better adapted to multiple orgasms; usually for the pituitary gland to release into female body calming hormones, it takes more than one orgasm. This explains the fact that women after orgasm can be very energetic, as they are still under the influence of gonadotropins.

    Men can also have multiple orgasms, but this only happens when the subsequent stimulation is intense enough and there is a gap between orgasm and new arousal. a certain amount of the time it takes for calming hormones to lose activity. The intensity of the first orgasm determines the amount of dormant hormones released by the pituitary gland into the body.

    Men who ejaculate frequently are less and less affected by calming hormones as they age. To test the effect of these hormones, a man must restrain ejaculation for two weeks or so. Then during ejaculation it will be difficult for him not to close his eyes. These calming hormones are necessary to restore male youth, so ejaculation should not be frequent. After that, during ejaculation, these hormones will have a stronger effect on the entire endocrine system. A tigress benefits not only from her orgasm, but also from her partner's orgasm. By increasing the intensity of a man's orgasm, she can achieve a state of supreme receptivity in which she absorbs both his orgasm and his sexual energy. She achieves this by concentrating entirely on the man's maximum arousal and orgasm - in the sense that all her attention is drawn to his penis and sperm. Like a child who is excited and impatient before opening a birthday present, she moans in anticipation of his orgasm. Holding his penis at a distance of five to seven centimeters from her face, she looks directly at the head of the member, and when the sperm is released, she imagines how the energy of his orgasm penetrates right into the top of her head. When the man finishes ejaculating, she closes her eyes and moves pupils up and down, as if intently examining the upper part of the brain. She turns her attention to the warmth of his seed on her face. With the head of his penis in her mouth, she sucks nine times (very gently and without effort if the penis is too sensitive) and again imagines the energy of his penis penetrating the top of her head.

    In these practices, she makes full use of her imagination. When we grow old and are adversely affected environment and pressure from society, we lose the ability to use the imagination. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools that we humans, alas, use too rarely. IN childhood fantasy prevents us from distinguishing imaginary friends from real ones and makes it possible to visually and vividly represent all our goals and hopes. With age, we use the imagination less and less, although it is involved in the formation of religious experiences: we perceive our god as a real, living person. In this respect we call imagination faith, but it functions in exactly the same way.

    The child uses imagination more often than rational thinking, which destroys the power of imagination. The white tigress uses her imagination to the fullest and, as a result, is able to perceive sexual energy as something quite material. We must remember that everything that exists in the world is the material embodiment of an idea.

    Just as some successful athletes, businessmen and movie stars still in adolescence dreamed of becoming rich and famous, feeling that this would certainly happen, the Tigresses imagine and perceive themselves to have already reached youth and immortality - and they are absolutely sure that it will be so. Using her imagination, the Tigress is able to increase the intensity of not only her own orgasm, but also that of her partner and recreate the spiritual and physical state of her youth.

    The tigress increases the intensity of her sexual sensations by using men, who are called Green Dragons. She does this in order to avoid the routine that is negative consequence lengthy sexual relations with one partner, whose intensity of sensations gradually decreases over time. In addition, as the proverb says, close relationships breed contempt. With one man, her sexual desire will be realized in sex, the purpose of which will be procreation, and not spiritual rebirth. Having lost the desire for rebirth, it can no longer change. Tigress also uses other men to arouse her main partner, the Jade Dragon, so that he, watching her make love to them, can also make his orgasm more intense. Thus, increasing the intensity of her orgasm and that of her partner is the key for the Tigress to cleanse, preserve and restore youth. From this point of view, sex becomes medicine.

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