Leroux Condru, with whom he had a sexual relationship. sexy lera kondra

Lera Kondra is a popular Russian TV presenter who is also known as a singer and actress. Not bad she manages to perform at shows as a model. Thanks to its amazing beautiful appearance the girl has no problems with job offers. Active climbing career ladder Lera skillfully combines with rest with family and friends, because she believes that there is nothing more important than home comfort.

Lera Kondra's childhood

The girl was born in Moscow on May 27, 1985. She was born in the family of the coach of the Russian national volleyball team and Olympic champion Vladimir Kondra. Perhaps it is to him that Valeria owes her unbending desire to win and iron willpower. Because of sports career Father's family constantly had to move from one place to another, so Lera's entire childhood was spent on the road, which resulted in her lack of permanent friends and affections.

The famous father pinned on the girl big hopes and wanted her to become a sports journalist. But Valeria had completely different plans - with early years she dreamed of becoming a fashion model, secretly looking at magazines from her parents, on the pages of which beautiful and self-confident girls showed clothes from leading fashion houses. Therefore, Lera was trained in modeling courses, without saying anything to her father.

The novice model turned out very organically and naturally in the photographs, and also felt confident in fashion shows, so very soon she was noticed and began to be invited to castings and shootings. Parents quickly learned about developing career daughter by chance, when Lera received a call to her home phone to inform about the place and time of the next filming. By this time, Valeria was already a fairly successful and well-known model.

Nevertheless, the girl listened to the advice of her parents and realized that higher education it doesn’t hurt her, so she entered the Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship at the Faculty of Journalism, after which her “real”, as her father claimed, work began.

Television career Lera Kondra

Valeria Kondra started her journalistic activity on the serious TV channel Zvezda, where she had to report on the hostilities. The work seemed to the girl very responsible and stressful, so she switched to the RenTV channel, where she became the host of the author's program "I'm a Traveler", which aired every Saturday. The work schedule was so heavy, and the number of flights was so large that even Lera, who was used to constant traveling, could not withstand the load. Moreover, it became more and more difficult to combine work as a journalist and participation in filming and shows as a model.

Lera Kondra and Irakli Pirtskhalava in the video "Take a Step"

When the girl was offered to transfer to the MuzTV channel, she happily agreed. It was there that the producers of the video for Irakli Pirtskhalava's composition "Take a Step" noticed her. After watching a small demo version of the news release hosted by Lera Kondra, they unequivocally agreed that it is exactly what is needed for the success of the clip.

After working with the singer for only two days, Lera became known throughout the country, besides earning as much money as she had not received throughout her entire career. Collaboration with Pirtskhalava turned out to be so fruitful that another video clip of Irakli “Around the Earth” was recorded, in which Valery can already be seen singing. After that, the girl realized that she wanted to continue working in musical direction, for which she even entered GITIS. But it turned out to be very difficult to study and work at the same time, so Valeria chose a job, leaving her studies.

Musical career of Lera Kondra

The very first individual project of Valeria Kondra was the clip "Bartender Sasha", which was released on the screen in 2011. It immediately gained popularity, it remains relevant even now, as a light and unobtrusive summer motif. The second song performed by the singer was the provocative work "Compass". This video was filmed by director Vlad Opelyants, who previously worked with such stars of the first magnitude as Alla Pugacheva, Valery Meladze and Zemfira. Also featured in the video American actress Natasha Alam, and the unusual and vivid plot did not leave anyone indifferent.

Lera Kondra and Konstantin Kryukov - This is not true

The most scandalous clip of Valeria was the video for the song "This is not true", which starred a famous young actor

The biography of Lera Kondra is an example of a successful career that has developed both on the catwalk and in television projects. The girl is in harmony with the model track. Her appearance is perfect, fits the parameters that the organizers of FashionWeek's like so much.

Lera Kondra was born in Russian capital, her father Vladimir is the coach of the Russian national volleyball team. The artist herself says that it is thanks to her dad that she has the desire to always win and be the first in everything. Due to her father's sports career in childhood, there was a need to often change her place of residence, as a result, Lera Kondra did not have many close friends.

Vladimir Kondra was always sure that the girl would become successful, he wanted Valeria to be a sports journalist in the future. But Lera Kondra herself never shared his opinion. Her dream was to work as a fashion model; under a blanket with a flashlight, she leafed through prestigious glossy magazines where self-confident girls demonstrated designer outfits. Therefore, the girl decided to study in modeling agency while hiding this information from her father.

Photos of Lera Kondra always turned out to be very successful, she felt confident on the podium and therefore did not go unnoticed. Parents found out about their daughter's success by chance, when they called her at home and informed her about the location of the photo shoot. At that time, Lera Kondra could already boast successful career models. The girl's parents insisted on the need for higher education. The future artist did not argue with them and entered the faculty of journalism. Later, her father assured that it was after receiving her diploma that she began to “really” work.

A television

Lera Kondra began her work as a journalist on the Zvezda TV channel, where she reported on military operations. Her work was very responsible, sometimes even dangerous, so at one point she decided to switch to the Ren TV channel with a more "light" focus. The TV presenter was entrusted with the program "I'm a Traveler", which was shown on the screens every Saturday.

Lera Kondra had busy schedule, many flights, constant climate change. At one point, Valeria, who was used to traveling, got tired and realized that this process was not to her liking. At that moment her modeling career continued, and it was extremely difficult to combine shooting for gloss with journalism.

After some time, the producers of the Muz TV channel invited Lera Kondra to cooperate. There she was destined to meet the director of the video clip "Take a Step." He looked through the portfolio of the star and decided that it was Lera Kondra who would harmoniously fit into the atmosphere of the video and make it popular. In just a few days, she became recognizable not only in glossy circles, but also among music fans. At the same time, the fee amounted to an amount that she had never received before.

Lera Kondra successfully collaborated with Irakli Pirtskhalava, and the producers decided to record another joint video clip for the song "Around the Earth". Here the girl not only acted as a "decoration", but also sang a duet with the performer. Lera Kondra realized that music was her vocation and decided to enter GITIS. However, higher educational institution required a lot of time, which rising star there simply wasn't.


Lera Kondra's solo career began with a video clip for the song "Bartender Sasha", which appeared in rotation in 2011. Then it became popular and still does not lose relevance.

The second song "Compass" was provocative. Then the video was directed by guru Vlad Opelyants, known for working with, and. The American actress Natasha Alam took part in the video, thanks to a well-thought-out plot, the clip did not go out of rotation on music channels for a long time.

The most scandalous clip of Lera Kondra is “This is not true”, where a popular and successful young actor appeared. Then rumors spread about the guys' romance, but the girl herself persistently denied them. In 2012, the iFamous edition recognized Valeria as the sexiest performer of our time.

Personal life

The personal life of Lera Kondra did not become public until the moment she met the rapper. The performers first met in Kyiv and became interested in each other. At that time, their relationship was carefully hidden due to Guf's marriage to.

This turn of events did not bother the artist. Rumor has it that the singer was even going to give birth to a child performer in the next few years. Later it became known that Kondra and Guf separated, but this did not help the idol of millions to save the marriage with Aiza.


The filmography of Lera Kondra is not impressive, the star starred in only two films:

  • "Rzhevsky against Napoleon"
  • "Love in big city 2"

You can see the artist in the clips of Irakli, Guf, Ptah and Slim.

Lera Kondra. Full name- Valeria Vladimirovna Kondra. She was born on May 27, 1985 in Moscow. Russian TV presenter, singer, model, actress.

Father - Vladimir Grigorievich Kondra (born November 16, 1950), originally from Sochi, famous Soviet volleyball player, 1980 Olympic champion, world champion, multiple European champion, coach, Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR.

Mother - Natalya Alekseevna Kondra.

In childhood, due to the professional career of her father, who had to travel a lot both around the country and abroad, Lera visited many cities former USSR and in other states. Also, the family often changed their place of residence - the father coached various volleyball teams.

Lera herself also fell in love with sports since childhood. However, her creativity took over. She sang, danced and painted from an early age. Parents encouraged and tried to develop their daughter's creative inclinations.

I read a lot in school years her favorite subject was Russian literature. By the senior classes, Lera showed up literary talent She had a good command of the word and could express her thoughts in an interesting way.

After graduating from school in 2003, she entered the Russian University of Peoples' Friendship (RUDN) at the Faculty of Journalism, which she graduated in 2009 with a master's degree in journalism. As Lera said, she fell in love with television.

In parallel with her studies at RUDN University, she took up modeling business. She said: "I always loved to be photographed, at first model business was just my hobby while I was graduating. The podium brought me the first money I earned, then this hobby turned to professional level and completely different fees.

In 2009, she became the host of the program "I'm a Traveler" on the REN TV channel. In 2010, she was the host of the Russian Street Awards.

In 2011, she was invited as a co-host of the Personal Trainer program with (NTV-Plus Sport). In the same year, she became the host of the Top Sexy with Leroy Kondra program on the Music Box channel.

She played small roles in the films "Love in the Big City 2" and "Rzhevsky against Napoleon."

In 2013, she hosted the Right to Love program on the STS channel, but for some reason it never went on the air.

In 2014, together with Edgard Zapashny, she was a co-host world festival circus art"IDOL" in the Great Moscow Circus.

She also gained fame as an actress of video clips. She has appeared in many commercials famous performers- Irakli and Dino MC47 ("Make a move"), Slim ("It's cold"), Ptah feat. Noggano, Tati, Tato ("Maple"), Guf ("For her" and "Mowgli"), Dino MC47, ST ("We continue Rock & Roll"), etc.

It was the shooting in the clips that prompted her to try herself as a performer. She said: "At first, as a model, I starred in the clips of other famous artists as main character. The producers quickly noticed me and offered me cooperation. By that time, I was already professionally engaged in vocals.

In 2010, she made her debut as a singer with Irakli, they recorded a track and shot a video for the song "Around the Earth".

In 2011, the premiere of Kondra's debut solo composition "Bartender Sasha" took place. Soon the clip appeared on all music channels in Russia. In the same year, she presented a video for the track "Compass".

In the summer of 2012, her video “This is not true” was released, in leading role withdrew.

In 2012, she was included in the "100 sexiest girls on the planet" according to FHM magazine. In the same year - "The Sexiest Singer of 2012" according to IFamous magazine.

Lera Kondra - Mexico

In 2014 received music award Chilli Chart Award for Best Female Singer.

In June 2017, she became the winner of the Top 100 Most Stylish People of Russia Award. In the same year, she was recognized as the Model of the Year by the Fashion TV channel “Fashion TV Awards 2017”.

"I have many goals that I strive for. I am constantly on the move, so as soon as I reach main goal on this moment I immediately come up with a new one and strive for it"- said the artist.

"I am a very versatile person, sometimes I myself do not keep up with my thoughts. I always take on several things at the same time, everything is interesting to me and I enjoy every new knowledge and skill"- Lera told about herself.

Height of Lera Kondra: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Lera Kondra:

Was in a relationship with a circus performer. However, their romance quickly ended.

In 2014, she broke out in an affair with rapper Guf (real name - Alexei Dolmatov). The couple has been the focus of media attention. Scandalous to this relationship was given by rumors that Lera broke Guf's marriage with (later - Anokhin). It was this that Leroux and Aiza herself accused of. However, Kondra rejected these accusations, she stated: “We started dating Lesha when they no longer lived with Aiza. She had a young man whom she did not hide, Lesha had me. him from the family!” But Lesha was against it and forbade me to even read comments on the Internet. The situation hit me so hard that I had to slow down with my career as a singer."

Lera and Guf lived together for some time in a rented house outside the city. Lera even began to think about the child. However, the couple never got married.

"I want once and for all Great love, has not yet met the same one, "said Lera.

Filmography of Lera Kondra:

2010 - Love in the big city 2 - episode
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - episode

Songs of Lera Kondra:

Bartender Sasha
It is not true
Without you
To be free
You didn't come again
You are my
Two weeks
Around the Earth (with Irakli)
Make a move (with Irakli and Dino MC 47)
Again with me you played in love

Video clips of Lera Kondra:

2010 - Around the Earth (with Irakli)
2011 - Bartender Sasha
2011 - Compass
2012 - It's not true
2014 - Mexico
2014 - Trusting

Valeria Vladimirovna Kondra - Russian singer, actress and TV presenter. Rumor has it Lera Kondra- for some time she was Guf's cohabitant, "winning" him from.

Occupation: singer, actress, TV presenter.
Date of birth: May 27, 1985
Place of birth: Moscow, Moscow region, RSFSR
Citizenship: Russia

Lera Kondra was born on May 27, 1985 in Moscow, in the family of the Olympic champion and coach of the volleyball team Vladimir Kondra.
From the early childhood Lera Kondra often changed her place of residence, traveling with her parents from country to country.
In 2003 Lera Kondra entered journalism faculty of RUDN University. In 2009 she received her education. Master, journalism.

Career of TV presenter Lera Kondra

2009 Lera Kondra plays the role of the TV presenter of the program "I'm a Traveler" on the REN TV channel.
2010 Lera Kondra- host of the Russian Street Awards
2011 - co-host of the Personal Trainer program with Laysan Utyasheva(NTV-Plus Sport).
2011 Lera Kondra- host of the program "Top SEXY with Leroy Kondra" on the Music Box channel.
year 2013 Lera Kondra- host of the program "The Right to Love" on the STS channel.

Lera Kondra's career

As an actress Lera Kondra took part in the filming of clips:
Irakli & Dino MC47 - "Make a Move" (2008)
Slim - "Cold" (2009)
Bird feat. Noggano, Tati, Tato - "Maple" (2009)
Guf - "For Her" (2009)

Also Lera Kondra played in films:
"Love in the City 2" (2010)
"Rzhevsky against Napoleon" (2012)

Career of the singer Lera Kondra

In 2010, the debut work took place in musical career: Lera Kondra and Irakli shot a joint video for the song "Around the Earth". The video, created by director Yulia Ivanova and cameraman Marat Adelshin, appeared on all music TV channels in the country. The composition itself was in hot rotation on Russian Radio, Europe Plus, Love Radio, Fresh Radio, Hit FM and many other radio stations. The number of views on Ello's YouTube channel has exceeded 500,000.

In 2011, Lera's debut solo video work premiered on Ello's YouTube channel Kondra"Bartender Sasha". Soon the clip appeared on all music channels in Russia. Filming took place in Kyiv, the video was directed by Sergey Tkachenko (Yolka "Provence", MakSim "Shards").
Also in 2011, the singer's next video for the track "Compass" appeared. Filming took place in Los Angeles, the famous Russian video maker Vlad Opelyants became the director, and Hollywood actress Natasha Alam took part in the filming of the video. In the summer of 2012, a video was released for the track "This is not true", where Konstantin Kryukov played the title role.

Prizes and achievements of Lera Kondra
According to FHM magazine, Lera Kondra is among the top 100 beautiful women planets.
According to IFamous magazine, Lera Kondra recognized as the most sexy singer 2012. (IFamous, "Faces of the Year 2012".)

Passions in the family of the popular rapper Guf and his wife Aiza have not subsided for several months. What awaits them? Divorce after many years life together Or is it the long-awaited truce? Heat.ru was the first to whom Aiza Dolmatova agreed to speak frankly about life with a famous rapper and the reasons for the upcoming divorce.

Aiza, dispel the rumors, are you reconciling or are you still getting a divorce?
- I want to appeal to all the people who call our divorce PR: Lyosha and I are not the people who can joke and play with such things. Yes, we are breaking up. Let's break up forever. Hope we stay good relations, but so far it hasn't worked.

What was the reason for such a decision?
- Everything is very banal, in fact: fame, fame, women, money. Fun for everyone but me. I think that my husband just lost love for me, since he was with other women. But I'm up last day I believed it could still be great. There is a son, there is me, I try so hard. I tried to work, to make myself. But nothing worked out for me, because I was constantly in a hassle.

Well, did you know who you married?
- No, I did not marry a man with such a reputation. Initially, I fell in love with a very modest, kind, sweet person who gave me gifts every day and made me happy. good mood. I believed in love when we first met, when everything was just beginning.

Do you think Guf left you himself if you didn’t decide to leave first?
- He left me. Points are placed and bridges are burned. It will be immoral for me if we reunite again. I don't understand myself. I, in principle, with a not very normal psyche. I have many quirks. Pride is what I lost in my relationship with Lyosha and gained again just now.

Doesn't it bother you that Alexey sends you his candid photos with other girls?
He always wanted freedom. Always wanted a lot of girls. He's also a rapper.

Well, as far as we know, Guf still calls you at night?
- He remembers me out of inertia. Because I'm a big part of his life. Even today, he confessed his love to me on Twitter. But only a few understood: these are lines from his new song. Good rhyme. I will fill five more albums with my name.

But in the video "For her" your husband chose not you as the main character, but Lera Kondra, with whom, as they say, he had a sexual relationship.
- Only because she paid. It's her style. My husband asked me not to talk about her. Even though he is a complete freak, I will keep my word.

So you think he's already dating someone now?
- I'm sure not one! Now Alexey is an absolutely free person.

In your life there were not only bad moments, but also good ones. Tell...
- It was a long time ago. Once we woke up in the morning at Lesha's house. I wanted to eat, I saw old seeds scattered on the carpet on the floor. Ate them. Then for the first time he said that he loved me and would not give me away to anyone. This happened two days after the start of our relationship.

And yet, who initiated the breakup?
- The first brick was laid three years ago, when I found out about his first betrayal. Naturally, this was far from the first betrayal in his life, but the first that I learned about.

Were you pregnant at that moment?
- Yes. You know, I was a good wife. I gave birth to him healthy, beautiful child. It was stupid of him to go through all that.

Guf - what kind of person is he?
- He wonderful person. The only problem is that it depends very much on the opinions of others. But if I had not been his wife, I would not have become his friend. Because I love devoted people and I wouldn't trust him. Now all the stories in my life are connected with him. Even when I meet friends, I have nothing more to talk about with them, except for him ... I remember how he cried once when I felt bad in Jamaica. I had a strong sunstroke. I was taken away in an ambulance, and he was terribly worried. Then I even thought that he loves me. That relations began to improve for the first time in a long period. This is as recently as July 17 of this year.

But there were more pleasant things in the relationship, holidays, memorable dates?
- All the holidays in our life together were ruined. I have never spent a single birthday without tears. Every Valentine's Day, every March 8th, we fought. And then he disappeared and hung out somewhere with his friends. While we are so shocked by what is happening that both behave inappropriately. Watch our showdowns, imagine that you are watching a bad movie.

Do you plan to get married in the future or will you work and provide for your son yourself?
Of course, I would marry a second time. I am a wife and mother - I can’t do anything else. On February 4, 2014, it was supposed to be 9 years since Guf and I were together. They planned to give birth to a daughter, but did not have time. It's a pity, of course. I really want a daughter anyway. I think I'll be stealing sandbox girls soon. Kidding. After parting with Lesha, by the way, I even learned to cook. As for work, I'm launching own line clothes, which will be called Chic by Aiza. I have always been fond of design, I know how to sew and draw well. But with Lyosha, all my interests have always been secondary. And now that I'm free, I finally have time to find myself.

I know that you were given an apartment recently?
- Yes, I did not even think that I could be so lucky. My parents gave me a huge 3-room apartment in one of the best areas of Moscow. We will live there with my little one. Let's paint all the walls, I'll do it just the way I want it myself. I have always dreamed of own apartment with Lesha. But it didn't work out.

But what about the apartment in which you lived for so many years? Isn't she yours?
- No. We rented this apartment for 200 thousand rubles a month. Now they've moved out. It's just that Lyosha and I are absolutely not commerce. They did not think about their own housing when they lived together. Both of us creative people, butterflies. Flutter, each in his own world.

They say that in your life appeared new man, are you making serious plans, or is it just a hobby?
Yes, there is such a person. I didn't even think it would be so serious. But for now I don’t want to say anything about him, because it’s too early. And wrong for my son. But I won't mourn my past relationships. Stupid is he who, because of the departed, spoils his future. I learned a lot thanks to my marriage to Lyosha and I will not make these mistakes in the future.

Now a childhood friend, motorcyclist Sergey Sterin, is constantly next to Aiza.

Isa where better in character than her husband ... I myself listen to Guf and have nothing against his work ... In this case, I consider both of them as people ... Judging by her external condition and looking at her face, she just got sick of life with him .. She went through too much while he was having a good time)) She simply became not sympathetic to him as a woman, because she had outlived her age next to him ... There are a lot of figured beauties around who are ready to sleep with Guf, without thinking about his wife and child.

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Aiza Dolmatova, Aiza, Guf

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