The meaning of the word winner of the competition. The difference between a laureate and a winner


Diploma winners - are they the winners of the competition or just its participants? What is the difference between a laureate? Is there anything similar or different at all? If you also ask these questions, then this article will certainly answer them. I want to explain to you in detail what each of these concepts represents and find the difference. But let's go in order.


Laureates and diploma winners are those participants in a prestigious competition or festival who have distinguished themselves by a high level of preparation and were able to impress a strict jury. They are usually encouraged by the organizers, which undoubtedly stimulates their desire to creative growth. Becoming a laureate and a diploma winner is not only prestigious, it obliges you to comply high status and continue to move towards success, achieving new goals.

Who are the laureates and diplomats?

A laureate is someone who has won a high-level competition or festival; a person who has received a prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in music, dance, sports, science, art, or film.

Diploma of the 1st degree is one of the participants in the competition who won a prize. There are also diploma winners of 2 and 3 degrees, who confirm the success of the performance or the high level of performance of the competitive work.


First, let's look at what a laureate is. The gradation of these statuses is connected with the long-established procedures for awarding. Everyone knows that only one participant can become a winner. It is he who is the winner of the competition, receiving a reward, that is, a prize. Usually it is approved by the competition committee. The rest of the participants are awarded different prizes depending on their place.

Let's delve a little into history to find the meaning of the word "winner". Translated from Latin it means "crowned with laurels". IN Ancient Rome heroes, politicians, athletes were awarded with a laurel wreath. This tradition has been preserved in our time, however, it has changed. Instead of branches of laurel, the winners receive prizes and bonuses for their merits.

Most likely, you know that one of the most prestigious titles in the field of science, culture, literature is the following: laureate Nobel Prize. Other prizes can be awarded to winners of various competitions in any field. The participant who takes first place receives a medal or valuable prize, cup. It can also become the owner of a diploma in one of the nominations.

Diploma student

Diploma winners are participants whose merits were noted by the jury or the organizers of the competition as particularly outstanding. All this is noted in the diploma, which is certified by the seal of those who held the competition. Also, each member of the jury leaves his signature.

Unlike the laureate, the winner of the competition is not always one person. A diploma is not only honorary award, but also a kind of evidence of the high level of training, professionalism and talent of the participant. It allows the holder to present their work more a wide range connoisseurs.

Main differences

In order to structure the information above and consolidate knowledge, we note the main differences.

1. Diploma winners are the participants of the competition who received an award in the form of a diploma for special distinctions, and the laureate is the winner awarded with a prize or other valuable prize.

2. A diploma winner can be a prize-winner and at the same time take first place. In turn, the winner is highest degree awards.

3. Not the winner of the competition, but the laureate - a 100% winner who has special merits in a particular area, can become a diplomat.

Now you will certainly be able to distinguish these concepts from each other and will not look ridiculous in society, because the difference between them is significant. And in conclusion, I would like to wish you to become both a diploma winner of an important competition and a laureate of some prestigious award! Good luck and new victories!

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- (lat., from laurus laurel). 1) a person who has received a prize in a competition or the highest award. 2) a poet who. crowned with a laurel wreath in the era of humanism. 3) in England, a court poet who was on a salary. Dictionary foreign words included in the ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

WINNER- LAUREAT, laureate, husband. (lat. laureatus crowned with laurels) (book). Artist, scientist, who received the highest award, a prize. Nobel Prize Laureate. || A person who has graduated art school with a reward. Conservatory laureate. Explanatory ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

Laureate- (from Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) a person who has been awarded a state or international award for outstanding services, achievements in production, technology, science, etc., as well as the winner of competitions (mainly ... ... Wikipedia

laureate- a, m. l auréat lat. laureatus crowned with a laurel wreath. Krysin 1998. 1. A person who has received a prize or the highest award in a competition. Chudinov 1902. Person awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of science, art, National economyHistorical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

Laureate- (Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) the title of a popularly recognized poet. In antiquity, L. was a winner in poetry competitions during Olympic Games. The humanistic intelligentsia of the Renaissance is trying to revive this custom, and L. appear ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

WINNER- (from the Latin laureatus crowned with laurels), a person who has been awarded a state or international prize, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly art) ... Modern Encyclopedia

WINNER- (from Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) a person who has been awarded a state, republican, international, etc. prize, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly art) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

WINNER- LAUREAT, a, husband. A person awarded a special award for outstanding services in the field of science, art, for achievements in work. L. Nobel Prize. L. piano competition. | female laureate, and (colloquial). | adj. laureate, oh, oh. Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

laureate- noun, number of synonyms: 3 nobel (1) winner (20) sole laureate (1) ... Synonym dictionary

Laureate- (from Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) a person who has been awarded a state, republican, international, etc. prize, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly art). Political Science: Dictionary Reference. comp. Prof Paul... Political science. Dictionary.

WINNER- premiums. Jarg. arrest, please. Iron. A person infected with several sexually transmitted diseases at the same time. UMK, 115; BBI, 126; Baldaev 1, 224 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings


  • , Yulduz Khaliullin. The book is the first in Russian popular science essay on the life and work of the outstanding Muslim scientist, Nobel Prize winner Abdus Salam. One of the creators ... Buy for 415 rubles
  • Nobel laureate Abdus Salam, Yulduz Khaliullin. The book is the first in Russian popular science essay on the life and work of the outstanding Muslim scientist, Nobel Prize winner Abdus Salam (1926-1996). One of…

To get the status of a laureate or winner, you need to make a lot of efforts and impress the strict jury with the result. What exactly do the two mentioned names mean, in what cases are they used, and what is the difference between a laureate and a winner? Let's try to figure this out.


Laureate- a person who has won a competition or achieved outstanding results in any kind of activity. The word originated in Ancient Greece. It is associated with laurel. The woven branches of this plant adorned the heads of those who proved to be the strongest and most dexterous in the competition.

Winner- a person who has gained the upper hand over his rivals in an organized competition, tournament, etc.


Both terms can refer to contestants who outperform others in a contest or competition. At the same time, the difference between a laureate and a winner can be traced in the fact that the first name is more often used in relation to creative events (musical, literary, dance), and the second is also applicable to sports or intellectual competitions.

I must say, the word "laureate" has a more "loud" connotation. So, for example, they can call someone who received an award at an international or republican festival. But for small-scale competitions, the term “winner” is more applicable. Much is also determined specific situation and preferences of the organizers of a particular event.

Winners, for example, can be declared by those who took the top three positions in the competition. In this case, the degrees are awarded: I, II and III. In other cases, all particularly distinguished participants (in any number) receive such status without specifying specific prizes. Sometimes only one, the most talented applicant, becomes a laureate or winner.

Finding out what is the difference between a laureate and a winner, it is worth considering one more nuance. It lies in the fact that the concept of "winner" always implies a competitive aspect. In this case, until the most successful participant is revealed, there is a rivalry between at least two parties.

Meanwhile, the word "laureate" has a slightly different meaning. According to one interpretation, only those individuals who were able to make a special contribution to the life of society and deserved, for example, the Nobel Prize, receive such an honorary title. In this sense we are talking not about a competition, but about someone's hard work for the benefit of others.



|| A person who graduated from a higher art school with an award. Conservatory laureate.

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "LAUREAT" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat., from laurus laurel). 1) a person who has received a prize or the highest award in a competition. 2) a poet who. crowned with a laurel wreath in the era of humanism. 3) in England, a court poet who was on a salary. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) a person who has been awarded a state or international award for outstanding services, achievements in production, technology, science, etc., as well as the winner of competitions (mainly ... ... Wikipedia

    laureate- a, m. l auréat lat. laureatus crowned with a laurel wreath. Krysin 1998. 1. A person who has received a prize or the highest award in a competition. Chudinov 1902. Person awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of science, art, national economy ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) the title of a popularly recognized poet. In antiquity, L. was a winner in poetry competitions during the Olympic Games. The humanistic intelligentsia of the Renaissance is trying to revive this custom, and L. appear ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    - (from the Latin laureatus crowned with laurels), a person who has been awarded a state or international prize, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly art) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) a person who has been awarded a state, republican, international, etc. prize, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly art) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    LAUREAT, a, husband. A person awarded a special award for outstanding services in the field of science, art, for achievements in work. L. Nobel Prize. L. piano competition. | female laureate, and (colloquial). | adj. laureate, oh, oh. Dictionary… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Exist., number of synonyms: 3 nobel (1) winner (20) sole laureate (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin laureatus crowned with laurels) a person who has been awarded a state, republican, international, etc. prize, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly art). Political Science: Dictionary Reference. comp. Prof Paul... Political science. Dictionary.

    Premiums. Jarg. arrest, please. Iron. A person infected with several sexually transmitted diseases at the same time. UMK, 115; BBI, 126; Baldaev 1, 224 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings


  • , Yulduz Khaliullin. The book is the first in Russian popular science essay on the life and work of the outstanding Muslim scientist, Nobel Prize winner Abdus Salam. One of the creators...
  • Nobel laureate Abdus Salam, Yulduz Khaliullin. The book is the first in Russian popular science essay on the life and work of the outstanding Muslim scientist, Nobel Prize winner Abdus Salam (1926-1996). One of…

Participation in competitions requires a high level of skill and creativity. But it's even harder to choose winners. The main problem arises when there is no exact definition between the names of prizes and the jury, as well as the participants, cannot figure out the division of awards. Modern society provides us with many names of contestants: participant, diplomat, winner, prize-winner, laureate. The most difficult is the definition of such concepts as "diploma winner" and "laureate". How are these two terms different?

Who is a "diplomate"?

A diplomat (derived from the word "diploma", translated from Greek - "folded in half") is a person who was awarded a diploma for different types activities, for example:

  • Performance in competition.
  • Participation in the festival.
  • Taking part in the competition.
  • Exhibition of scientific works.

The term “graduate student” is often used as a synonym for the word student. Diplomas given to distinguished contestants have a special structure. They must indicate the surname and initials of the participant, the date, name and place of the competition, the seal of the organization and the signatures of the jury members.

This document is issued to the participant who is remembered for his outstanding number, progressive ideas, high level training and skill.

A diploma is a three-stage award, but a variation of a special design may also be awarded. The title of diplomat entitles a person to engage in his field of work additional types activities and present the results of research to a wide audience.

"Laureate" - who is it?

Laureate (translated from Latin - “one who is crowned with laurels”) - a person who has been awarded a special award: regional, city, state, republican, international; winner, in most cases, art competitions.
Areas of this type of award:

  • National economy.
  • Art.
  • The science.
  • Technique.
  • Sport.

This term comes from the time of Ancient Greece, where winners were crowned with a laurel wreath and prominent people. A modified tradition is presented in our time. Laurel wreath- a symbol of honor. Deprecated value of this word - a person who graduated with an award educational institution artistic direction.

The title of the winner of the competition is awarded by the decision of the jury. The conditions of the competition determine the number of laureates: there can be either one winner or three. In this case, their places are hierarchically determined by the steps.

The presentation of prizes and awards to laureates takes place in a solemn atmosphere, often with the use of artistic performances.

What do these values ​​have in common?

There are many common qualities that are observed in the meaning of both terms:

  1. The awarding procedure has its origins historically and requires only one winner in each category.
  2. These titles can be awarded to any participant of the competition who has shown best qualities in some area.
  3. The awarded participants were noticeably ahead of their competitors in tasks.
  4. Both ranks can have a three-tier structure.
  5. The selection of winners is carried out by the jury.
  6. At the same competition, both laureates and diploma winners can be awarded.
  7. They are used in any field of art.
  8. They are characterized by special documents that confirm the position of the participants (these documents are formed in accordance with the norms of the law).
  9. These titles provide success to the person who received them, and are the basis for their further creative growth.

Main differences in meanings

Although there are many general characteristics between the meanings of the words "diploma" and "laureate", there is still characteristic differences, which will help to accurately understand the problem:

  • At the lexical level, the main difference is the origin of words with different languages- Greek and Latin.
  • A diploma winner is only a participant who managed to conquer the audience and the jury in one kind of activity, and a laureate is a person who is awarded a cash prize for winning a festival, competition, competition.
  • If the titles of the laureate are highest award in the event and this participant can no longer take any prize, then the student can also become the winner of the competition, that is, receive two awards.
  • The sphere of awarding the laureate is only the one to which the competition is dedicated, that is, the title of laureate is absolute, while the diplomat may not prove himself in general condition competition, but he will clearly succeed and outperform other participants in any one particular type of work.
  • The diploma winner is awarded with a special diploma, and the laureate - with a diploma and a cash prize.
  • The title of laureate is the highest in the hierarchy of awards.


In conclusion, it should be noted that despite a large number of both general and different characteristics, both types of awards are very much needed.

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