Choleric unlike other types. A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is what? Phlegmatic character traits


Phlegmatic is one of the four varieties of human temperament. He has an amazing natural endurance - it is almost impossible to "start" him. He is laconic, calm and balanced. What else distinguishes a person of a phlegmatic temperament? What is a characteristic feature of a phlegmatic person?

Phlegmatic character

A phlegmatic person can be unmistakably identified in a crowd. Its characteristic feature is seriousness. The phlegmatic does not like quarrels and always tries to stifle the conflict in the bud. Therefore, he will be ready to accept the point of view of the opponent, if only to avoid a collision. At the same time, outwardly, a phlegmatic person will look calm. Something, but he definitely will not show his emotions.

Another characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is prudence. He will never rush into making decisions. First, he will weigh all the pros and cons, thoroughly consider the consequences. And after that, it will finally be determined.

A person of phlegmatic temperament is distinguished by conservatism. He does not like changes in life, because it is difficult to adapt to them. In a new team, the phlegmatic will spend a lot of time making friends. After all, he scrupulously chooses the environment, looks at the new person for a long time.

Those who believe that aggressiveness is a characteristic feature of the phlegmatic are greatly mistaken. On the contrary, nature endowed him with emotional balance. Therefore, the phlegmatic does not even need to make an effort to control himself. In addition, if he quarrels with someone, he will be the first to ask for forgiveness.

What do phlegmatic people look like?

Phlegmatic slow, unhurried. Outwardly of a dense physique, likes to eat tasty food. Chew slowly, chewing each bite thoroughly. He speaks slowly, facial expressions and gestures of a phlegmatic person are inexpressive and monotonous. He does not interrupt the interlocutor, listens attentively, nodding in agreement. Always ready to give advice.

characteristic feature phlegmatic is that he is not one of those who pursue fashion. But at the same time he is neatly dressed, preferring business style in clothes.

Working with a Phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is not inclined to leadership. Due to its slowness, it takes a long time to work. But he will never let his boss down and miss deadlines. Besides, he won't leave unfinished work, because he does not like to drop things halfway. Works slowly, but qualitatively. Does not know how to switch quickly, so he is not suitable for work that requires speed and quick decisions.

A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is peacefulness. It is no wonder that he is loved in the team. After all, a phlegmatic person is able to get along with everyone. It is easy to agree with him, he will give in, go forward, understand and forgive. If someone quarrels, the phlegmatic will reconcile them. Because he can't stand conflict.

Relationship with phlegmatic

Phlegmatic is the perfect family man! He gives his entire salary to his wife. Instead of basking on the beach, he will spend his vacation renovating the bathroom. Warm attitude towards children. They love him for his prudence, gentleness and justice.

In a relationship, the phlegmatic is calm and balanced. It is about him that you can say: “With him, like behind a stone wall!”. He prefers long-term relationships because he does not like parting.

The phlegmatic is constant in his feelings and is strongly attached to his partner. Often love relationship it starts with friendship. Sex in the life of a phlegmatic takes not the most important place. He may even forget about him if the partner does not tactfully remind.

Friendship with a Phlegmatic

Friendship with a phlegmatic person is easy and pleasant. He is calm, balanced, does not impose his opinion, does not gossip. Values ​​honesty in relationships. Therefore, many want to be friends with a phlegmatic person. He has many acquaintances, but real friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Often such a person has one close friend but for the rest of your life.

The phlegmatic approaches the choice of friends carefully. Happy is he who can call him his friend. A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is his attentiveness to friends. For them, he will always find time, despite being busy. Listen, support, comfort, give useful advice. He can always "cry in his vest", while the phlegmatic himself rarely shares his problems.


Many are interested in: "A characteristic feature of the phlegmatic is ..?". The answer is simple: Patience. As well as peacefulness, kindness and fidelity. Phlegmatic interacts well with all types of temperament. It can have a beneficial effect on an active sanguine person, he will not be pissed off by a violent choleric person and a melancholic person will not be driven into depression. He does not like to show his emotions to others. However, this does not mean that the phlegmatic is an insensitive cracker. He is a wonderful husband, friend and colleague. In his company, everyone is comfortable: both adults and children.

A lot of literature and psychological articles have been written about temperaments. The authors are concerned distinctive features, features, compatibility, influence on character and preferences. H what is phlegmatism, and who is a phlegmatic in psychology? This is a person who treats everything calmly and imperturbably. This is the person you can trust with your secrets. But to How does temperament interact with a person's gender? Phlegmatic and femininity - is such a combination possible? What should phlegmatic girls pay attention to? We will answer these and other questions about phgmatism in this article.

Who are phlegmatic people?

The word "temperament" has now gained unusual popularity. This is a psychological term that came to us from ancient greece. It has undergone many changes and has been criticized. Some psychoanalysts have tried to circumvent it by creating new classifications. But the division into temperaments is too firmly rooted in the foundations modern psychology. Soul healers divide people into 4 categories:

  • choleric,
  • sanguine,
  • phlegmatic,
  • melancholic.

These are the temperaments. Each person has the features of several of them: some dominate, others almost do not appear. The Eysenck test will help determine them, and it will take you 15-20 minutes to complete it. The result as a percentage will show which traits of which temperament you have more strongly.

Phlegmatic women are calm and balanced

Temperament shows how nervous system person, and is determined by several criteria:

  1. reaction rate,
  2. depth of feelings
  3. ability to concentrate

These characteristics affect a person's behavior, his views, attitude to life, to himself and to people around him. They define a set of psychological defenses and a comfort zone. You can determine the temperament by carefully looking at the person, talking with him. We are interested in a woman with a phlegmatic temperament, so consider characteristics of a phlegmatic woman:

  • slowness. Even in critical situation when everyone around is accelerating to solve the problem, the phlegmatic does not change himself. It's not in his nature to rush.
  • prudence. A person with a phlegmatic character means that a person with this temperament is thoughtful and consistent. He does not like spontaneous decisions, unexpected impulses are not their story.

The phlegmatic will measure seven times, think, measure the eighth, cut off, and then double-check

  • calmness. Steadfastness and balance create the necessary harmony with oneself. The phlegmatic avoids everything that can shake a stable state.
  • Unemotional. This type of person can be well characterized by the description of a phlegmatic introvert in love: even experiencing strong feelings, a woman is able to keep them in herself, while her face does not reflect any feelings or emotions. Her reaction is hard to see, even in the most disturbing situations. In general, a phlegmatic person is hard to hurt, and he rarely takes things to heart, but if something deeply hurt him and unbalanced him, the consequences will be a difficult test for a phlegmatic person.
  • Introversion. Orientation from people is manifested in difficulties with communication. Phlegmatic is hard to find mutual language with others, he is satisfied with the company of his own thoughts, which also makes this type of temperament related to an introvert.

A characteristic feature of all phlegmatic women is poise and low emotionality.

Approximately the same characteristic of the temperament of a phlegmatic man. Only the stronger sex distinguishes more restraint and unemotionality. At the same time, phlegmatic people are reliable and responsible people, excellent performers. It is difficult for a phlegmatic person to switch from one thing to another. As a rule, he chooses a vocation once and for all his life.

The nature and characteristics of a phlegmatic woman

The image of a phlegmatic person does not correspond to the generally accepted ideal. Such a woman cannot be called light and romantic. F Legmatics are characterized by restraint and slowness. It is necessary to make great efforts to evoke emotions in her, to please her with a gift, or just to make her feel good.

She appreciates the attention and care, but will remain cold externally. A phlegmatic woman passes all events through the prism of prudence. “Women's logic” is not characteristic of her; in terms of tactics of thinking, she is close to a man. The voice of her feelings is weak and muffled by reason.

Phlegmatic women are reliable. They hardly manage to keep a warm family hearth, but they have no equal in solving issues of well-being!

Phlegmatic girls are malleable, they easily compromise, avoid conflicts and quarrels. But - life with a phlegmatic person will not please you with a riot of colors and surprises.

X characteristic feature of all phlegmatic is calmness and confidence. A man can rely on such a companion, she will become faithful wife and support in any situation. Phlegmatic women skillfully distribute their forces, plan their life, and manage the household. They are not characterized by impulsive purchases, rash decisions. No wonder this type of character is called that way. After all, the concept of phlegm is composure and equanimity, bordering on indifference.

A phlegmatic woman may not show feelings, but this does not prevent her from becoming firmly attached to another person. This connection is not easy to break. She becomes a guarantor of comfort, so a phlegmatic lady will do everything possible to maintain constancy in a relationship.

Phlegmatic women are characterized by restraint and slowness, they are excellent housewives and wives.

Ladies with such a character need a determined man, because it is difficult for her to important choice. The companion of a phlegmatic woman should be ready to push her in the right direction and support her if necessary.

In the upbringing of offspring, she painfully lacks sensual closeness. And emotional connection with baby. To show affection and care, you have to step over a hidden barrier. This distance in relationships often becomes the cause of misunderstanding in the family.

Despite the many disadvantages, the phlegmatic person also has a number of advantages, which is why many people tend to make a “bias” in their temperament towards phlegmatism. As a result, they ask themselves the question, how to become a phlegmatic? You will have to try to increase the features of the phlegmatic in the chebe, and it is advisable to just try to take only the best from him. In particular:

  • phlegmatic people, even with monotonous work, are assiduous and patient.
  • such employees in the team get along freely with representatives of different temperaments.
  • a phlegmatic girl is difficult to distract from work, and she will make every effort to complete it at the highest level.
  • the perseverance of the phlegmatic allows you to slowly but surely climb the career ladder.

To maintain beauty, a phlegmatic woman must have good reasons. the main problem is a slow metabolism. He becomes the cause excess weight, skin and digestive problems. It is difficult for women of this temperament to force themselves to go in for sports or go on a diet. Radical methods of weight loss are not suitable for them. Strong loads cause rejection, mental discomfort, fatigue.

A phlegmatic woman needs a strong incentive for change. She confidently sets herself tasks for many years to come and worries if something goes wrong

But failures do not affect phlegmatic ladies in the same way as, for example, melancholic ones. Adequate self-esteem and does not allow to go into despondency and wallow in disappointment. Just like the famous male phlegmatic (M. Kutuzov, A. Delvig, I. Krylov), women, with all their calmness and serenity, are able to achieve great heights.

Sexuality and phlegm

A phlegmatic girl needs a sensitive sexual partner who will understand her features and reveal her inner potential. Female sexuality is closely related to emotionality and sensitivity. To intimacy was pleasant to both partners, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  • It is difficult for a phlegmatic woman to switch. The weaker sex is not given to combine logic and sensuality in sex. The first will have to be turned off, and this should be done in advance, before the start of the foreplay.
  • Remember that the main character traits and characteristics of a phlegmatic person are slowness and low sensitivity. A woman with this temperament needs time, she is excited for a long time. The sensuality of the body increases little by little, but constantly. Erogenous zones They don't wake up right away either. You should not start active actions immediately, start from afar. Innocent kisses, stroking hugs. The transition to intense and frank caresses should be smooth.
  • The fantasy of a phlegmatic woman will have to be awakened by a man. An erotic whisper in your ear will stir up your partner's imagination and increase her responsiveness.
  • Excitation in phlegmatic girls is stable and prolonged. In this state, all their hidden possibilities are revealed. The accumulated sexual tension ends with a violent orgasm.

A man will have to wake up the fantasy of a phlegmatic woman

Despite the fact that the phlegmatic is characterized by the absence strong emotions, work on oneself will help a person of this type of character to open up. Where feelings are lacking, a conscious approach to business will help you. Remember that you can awaken dormant traits of other temperaments in yourself and discover new facets of your own personality.

In contact with


It is customary to call a phlegmatic person a person who does not show violent emotions in life. Such a person is distinguished by measuredness, endurance and speaks little. Despite the fact that the phlegmatic does not show strong emotions, it cannot be called insensitive. Phlegmatic people hide all their emotions inside.

General characteristics of the phlegmatic

Phlegmatic cannot be confused with other temperaments. Such a person is serious, restrained, laconic. It is virtually impossible to piss him off, as he does not accept disputes and scandals. A phlegmatic person, having got into a conflict situation, tries to get out of it faster, therefore he often agrees with his opponent in everything. During conflict situations, such a person keeps calm and balanced, there are no brightly colored emotions and anger. After a quarrel phlegmatic first comes for reconciliation and forging friendly contact. He does not like change of scenery and changes in his life, therefore he always adheres to the plans and decisions made.

If necessary, retake important decision, the phlegmatic will think for a long time. Only by analyzing and judging everything possible options he will give his point of view.

The phlegmatic does not show aggression and rage, he remains unperturbed even during a critical situation.

Getting into a strange environment for such a person, he gets used to the new environment for a long time, adapts.

Phlegmatic temperament

New forms of behavior are not characteristic of this type of temperament. In most cases, it acts according to a template formed earlier. It is believed that he is between other temperaments. The phlegmatic balances the sanguine, will not succumb to the violent emotions of the choleric and will not become discouraged along with the melancholic.

The temperament of a phlegmatic person is determined not only during communication, but also by his appearance and the way you move. They are unhurried, their gait is measured and slow, their gestures are meager and inexpressive.

During communication, phlegmatic people usually do not reveal their soul, do not tell about their secrets. They are an excellent listener, able to listen to any person. It is believed that phlegmatic people are very reliable and loyal friends.

Phlegmatic Features

Phlegmatic people evaluate themselves soberly, without exceeding their abilities and skills. It happens that they do not value themselves and their capabilities, underestimate them. Quite often they become insecure in a new environment and among strangers. Phlegmatic people are modest and do not know how to brag.

In their work, such people, as in their personal lives, adhere to the plan, their actions are consistent. They always finish the work they start.
Phlegmatic people cannot quickly switch from one activity to another. They do not like sudden and unplanned work. Phlegmatic people should not associate their work activity with work that requires a quick switch of attention and the adoption of unexpected decisions.

Because of modesty, it is extremely difficult for such people to make new acquaintances, but because of emotional stability, phlegmatic people can easily get along with other temperaments.

In the family, phlegmatic people are also calm and balanced. Despite the fact that they are weak in expressing their emotions, their feelings are really strong and deep.

mixed type

Phlegmatic choleric. Such a mixed type of temperament can manifest itself, for example, in conflict situation. Usually phlegmatic people make concessions. If the solution to the conflict situation is of fundamental importance or affects the interests of such a person, he is capable of displaying violent and vivid emotions.

Phlegmatic sanguine. The features of a sanguine person in a phlegmatic person can appear when he is engaged in an interesting business. Also, such people can be very talkative and emotional in the company of people close and dear to him.

Phlegmatic melancholic. A phlegmatic person can show the features of a melancholic in certain situations that hurt his feelings. Being already very modest and not talkative, such a person can become even more withdrawn into himself if people begin to ridicule and offend his interests, feelings and life position.

How to communicate with a phlegmatic person?

You can not force the phlegmatic to make a quick decision. There will still be no sense, and under pressure, his actions may become even more passive and slow. Such slowness should not be mistaken for laziness or distraction. Therefore, if you are working with a phlegmatic person, you need to draw up an action plan in advance and follow it.

Since phlegmatic people do not react well to sudden changes in their plans, they need to be warned about new events in advance. Such people have to get used to the idea that they have to do something. If there is an important event ahead, phlegmatic people think about it in themselves for a long time. Therefore, when making changes, it is necessary to take into account the time remaining for the case.

Phlegmatic people live by their own principles, which cannot be changed. You can not force such people to abandon their way of life, educate or proofread them. If you press hard on the phlegmatic, he will show the bright features of a choleric, which will provoke a violent outburst of rage and indignation.

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Phlegmatic people are people who stand out from the rest with exceptionally peaceful views.

They differ from others in that they know everything golden mean". It is a phlegmatic personality that can have a beneficial effect on an overly active sanguine person, resist the violent emotions of a choleric person and not give special significance scrupulous melancholic. Let's see what else is so unusual lurking in this temperament.


Phlegmatic is the most loyal type of temperament. It is easy to find a common language with such a person. He is absolutely satisfied with neighbors, employees at work, superiors. He also parted with the society for some period without any problems and perfectly returns back to the team.

He appreciates friendship, knows how to keep secrets. It is incredibly difficult to unbalance a real phlegmatic, in most cases he is calm and happy.

Phlegmatic is directly related to balance. Such a person never succumbs to provocations. No matter how hard the choleric people try to call the beast to battle, phlegmatic people do not fall for such incitement.

Even if you try hard, it is unlikely that you will be able to manipulate such people. They are guided only by their own opinion based on facts, not emotions.

Concerning contentious issues, then here the phlegmatic needs to consider all possible options, and only then make a final decision. In such a person there is no extra ambition, so he can take a leadership position. The main thing is that all tasks are clearly defined, then he will really be able to achieve great results.

Phlegmatic calmness helps the phlegmatic to withstand any stressful situations.

Despite inner worries and anxiety, he outwardly remains unperturbed.

The phlegmatic personality type does not strive to be perfect. In most cases, he is always satisfied with everything.

He loves his family, children, pets, and the kids, accordingly, reciprocate, as they feel outgoing justice, prudence. Phlegmatism does not know what a feeling of anger, rage is. These people are in complete control of their emotions.

How to recognize it

You can recognize phlegmatic people by their restraint and confidence. They have a positive effect on everyone around them. That is why it is beneficial to have such a person among your friends. He will not climb forward over the heads, interrupt, achieve fame. All his decisions are taken with great responsibility.

For phlegmatic people, public speaking is a huge punishment, as they prefer to stay in the background.

A phlegmatic man does not know how to quickly interest girls. It is difficult for him to look ahead and predict events. Therefore, any situation for him is a fact that does not change in any way, but is taken for granted.

A special characteristic of this temperament is the ability to bring any business started to the end and solve all problems.

All this is done deliberately and slowly. The rush is regarded by the phlegmatic as something alien, because it is better to weigh everything well, and only then begin to act.

A surprising sign is equanimity. He remains calm even in the most extraordinary situation. If a sanguine person starts to hysteria in a state of stress, a choleric person shouts angrily, melancholic people fall into a stupor, but a phlegmatic person silently and diligently continues to do what is important to him.

With a phlegmatic, you can always reach a compromise. He has adequate self-esteem, easily endures unfair life situations. It can even be said that a phlegmatic personality is prepared for any ups and downs and fateful blows.

It is important in our life to have patience. It is the phlegmatic temperament that can withstand a lot.

If something goes wrong or just doesn't work, he will redo it until he reaches desired result. Phlegmatic people are excellent athletes.

Such people have real self-esteem. This gives them the opportunity not to take human injustice and twists of fate to heart. Someone will say that this is pessimism, but from the point of view of psychology, this is a readiness for any unpredictable situations.

Maybe a phlegmatic person is not always a successful leader, but a great mentor. When other people in the process of conflict think only about their own interests, phlegmatic people want to help all parties. These are people for whom the world is the main objective in life.

In a family, phlegmatic is easy to recognize. He belongs to the category of exemplary parents who devote maximum free time to the child. Phlegmatic by nature is monogamous and appreciates his soul mate very much.

How to interact with a child

The character of the baby is phlegmatic, especially in early age, is distinguished by obvious obedience. You can always find a common language with him. Babies usually do not require much attention and cry little. Such balance often affects the pace of speech: pauses appear, the child does not immediately respond to the question asked of him.

A child can sit phlegmatically for a long time over his food at a table or a notebook, and will not get down to business until one of the adults pushes him. This must be done very carefully, not intrusively, the game form is best suited.

Phlegmatic babies take a long time and hard to adapt to kindergarten, school, so you need to do this gradually, without pressure.

But after getting used to it over time and getting acquainted with the team, the new rules, they begin to feel very comfortable and cope with all the tasks set.

Personal relationships

Phlegmatic individuals build their love relationships on calmness and balance. And this does not mean at all that such a person will be boring all the time, just his soulmate will have to take the active part of the relationship into his own hands.

It is difficult for phlegmatic people to express their feelings, because of this they may suffer. But many people want to be friends with them.

Such people are calm and reasonable, they will never impose their opinion on anyone. Many will agree that this is the perfect friend.

The phlegmatic is scrupulous about the choice of a friend. He may have thousands of acquaintances, but real friends are few. Phlegmatic people are attentive to their friends, they try to find time for meetings. You can count on their help at any time of the day or night.

The silence of phlegmatic people does not bother at all. What can not be said about sanguine people who are constantly trying to interrupt someone and speak out, which causes discontent and irritation in the interlocutor.

Labor activity

In psychology, it is said that the most prominent leaders are choleric people who have energy and know how to properly motivate employees. But, as practice shows, a phlegmatic person who tries to find the right solutions to any problem and communicate with the team can also become a manager.

Most phlegmatic people do not like public speaking. They absolutely do not know how to praise themselves, which prevents them from moving up the career ladder.

But, despite this, such people know perfectly well what work is, and show maximum effort and diligence.
Often phlegmatic people choose the profession of inspectors and inspectors. Such assiduous, painstaking work is just to their liking.

Conflicts in society are common, with each temperament behaving in its own way. Someone argues uncontrollably, but for someone it is better to shout out. Phlegmatic people always try to find a compromise so that each side has a benefit.

The phlegmatic loves and appreciates calmness, peace, and quarrels and noise depress him.

Therefore, he tries his best to correct the situation. In this he is helped by the ability not to treat people with prejudice.

The docile nature of the phlegmatic is highly valued. If you do not know which roommate will be the most pleasant in terms of communication, then choose a phlegmatic person. Such a person will always go forward, bypass any quarrel.

Advantages and disadvantages

The calmness of the phlegmatic person leads to the fact that he, like a sponge, absorbs and accumulates negative emotions in himself. It takes a lot of effort to make such a person explode. Most often, the current situation ends in peace.

The phlegmatic is a born diplomat. He can easily win over even the most negatively inclined person to his side.

Reproaches and refusals are not able to spoil their mood and cause grief.

A wonderful listener lives in a phlegmatic personality.

In a discussion, a representative of this interesting temperament will be silent for a long time and patiently, listen to conversations, and as soon as everyone calms down, he will offer the best option for all parties.

Often the fact that phlegmatic people are silent a lot is perceived by interlocutors as boredom.

One of weaknesses phlegmatic is that it is difficult for him to adapt to new conditions. For them, stability is important, so such people bypass professions where activity and initiative are needed.

Another weakness is the lack of emotionality, which leads to misunderstanding on the part of relatives, friends, and interlocutors. Such people know little about passion, they cannot fully open up to their loved ones. Those, in turn, take such behavior for indifference. When sanguine people jump, rejoice, and melancholic people cry, phlegmatic people will quietly stand aside and smile.



To recognize temperament, you need to communicate with a person, observe his manner of moving, talking. Then it is possible to notice that the phlegmatic is very slow, reasonable, makes decisions slowly. Gestures are very different from other types, they are very limited.

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