The meaning of the small intestine in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.


Winter this year was not at all wintery. And instead of sleds and ice cubes, the children dragged a soccer ball into the yard. The fathers, without thinking twice, also joined the community chasing a leather friend.

And what about staying at home? This won't make it snow, but holidays ends very quickly. So you have to take the opportunity.

- Tanya, we are missing one player in the team. Will you go? The young man was addressing a girl dressed in a bright tracksuit.

- I? Kol, what are you? Well, what football in January? She looked at the already almost formed teams, consisting of both children and adults.

"So you won't go?" Is the gut thin?

- Uncle Kol, can I, - a boy of about ten years old was descending from the steps of the entrance.

“Come on,” the young man waved his hand and went to the players.

“Football in January… Madhouse,” the girl looked in surprise at the people running across the field, “Why did we offend Mother Nature so much?

What does this expression mean and in general, where did it come from?

From the meaning it is clear that the young man was trying to hook his interlocutor with this phrase. Like, you're afraid, you can't pull it.

So what's with the guts?

As usual, there are many versions of the origin of this expression. Choose the one that is closer to you.

So, the first version, with a medical bias.

With strong physical stress, trouble with muscles and ligaments can happen. And according to doctors, the internal organs also suffer very often. Not everyone can achieve such physical records.

Second version.

With strong emotional or physical shocks, the human body responds in different ways. The expression "gut is thin" indicates that in moments of great fright, some people have a very weak bladder. It happens. Someone throws the right portion of adrenaline into the body, while someone does not.

Version three.

IN Arabic there is an expression "kisak". Probably, it was from him that the pouch, as well as the case, went. But the most interesting thing is that “kisak” means “your wallet”.

And then our expression literally means "your wallet is thin." Those. in this case, it is already pointed out not to physical abilities, and not to weakness of the spirit. It clearly shows here that financial plan the person does not pull.

But in any case, this expression indicates that some kind of difficulties: physical, emotional or financial put a person in a position where he is unable to do something.

And this phrase usually sounds with sarcasm.

The game continued. No one noticed how lone snowflakes began to fall from the sky. They reached the ground already in the form of raindrops.

Apparently winter really wanted to reign on earth. She tried to show her presence at least in such a hint.

But as we humans would say, the guts of winter were thin. We usually say so, without going into details of the causes of what is happening either in nature or in human lives. We are accustomed to making diagnoses even in what we do not understand at all.

We are ordinary people like that: not perfect at all.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site "I want to know everything"

Meaning of the SMALL INTESTINE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


(intestinum tenue)? is divided in humans into duodenal (duodenum), lean (jejunum) and iliac (ilium), with the thick forms 2/5, a ilium 3/5 of the entire length of the T. intestine, reaching 7? 8 m (from 472 cm to 1055, and an average of 641.3 cm). In general, in vertebrate herbivorous T., the intestine, like the entire intestine, is longer than that of carnivores. The duodenum is named because it measures almost 12 inches (digiti). In humans, it is tightly adjacent to the posterior peritoneal wall and forms three sections: the upper part (pars superior) stretches transversely from the pyloric part of the stomach. This part, forming a sharp bend, passes into an almost vertical descending part lying at right angles to it (pars descendons). This latter forms another bend and continues into the horizontal lower part (pars inferior). The ducts of the pancreas and liver flow into the descending part. In the curvature formed by the duodenum, the head of the pancreas is placed. The upper part is covered with an almost complete peritoneal cover, while the other parts are only covered in front by it. Without a sharp border, the duodenum passes into the jejunum and ileum, which are essentially impossible to distinguish between them. This part of the T. of the intestine forms numerous convolutions and bends, fulfilling the middle and lower parts of the abdominal cavity and descending into the pelvic cavity. Its upper part is wider, and the lower part is narrower and with thinner walls. The wall of T. of the intestine is formed by a serous layer, muscular, consisting of external longitudinal fibers and internal transverse ones; and the mucous membrane, which is connected through a loose submucosal layer with the muscular one. The mucous membrane of T. intestines is characterized by special transverse folds (valvulae conviventes Kerckringii), which, however, are not present in the upper part of the duodenum and in the lower part of T. These folds are more frequent in the upper part of the intestine, and each stretches for approximately half the circumference of the intestine. In the descending part of the duodenum there is a longitudinal fold on the back wall. On the lower part of this fold on a flat papilla, the ducts of the pancreas and liver open. The mucous membrane of T. of the intestine has a velvety surface, as it is covered with densely sitting villi (villi intestinales). Lieberkyunova glands (glandulae Lieberkuehnianae) lie in the wall of the T. intestine, opening in pairs between the villi throughout the entire length of the T. intestine. The duodenum contains Brunner's glands, especially numerous in its upper part. Scattered throughout the intestine are single lymph nodes and their clusters? Peyer's patches, the most numerous in the lower part of the T. intestine. Inside the villus is a network of blood capillaries and one or more lymphatic vessels. The epithelium of T. intestines is cylindrical and contains goblet cells. T. the gut of other mammals represents the same relationship as that of humans. In other vertebrates, the entire part of the intestinal tract, from the pylorus to the rectum, is called T. intestines, but sometimes in the absence of gastric expansion (in some fish)? its anterior border is indistinguishable. It is also not always possible to distinguish the duodenum. Do cyclostomes, selachians, dibreathers, and ganoids have a spiral fold on the inner surface? spiral valve. In ganoids and teleosts, does the part closest to the pylorus form blind projections? pyloric processes (appendices pyloricae), the number of which varies from one (Polypterus and Ammodytes) to 191 (Scomber scombrus). In amphibians and reptiles with an elongated serpentine body shape (Gymnophiona, snakes and serpentine lizards), only small bends are formed in the gut, while in forms with an extended body (anurans, crocodiles, turtles) twists and loops are numerous, while tailed amphibians and lizards occupy the middle between these extreme forms. In birds and mammals, the more or less convoluted T. intestine varies in length, and in domestic forms it varies more than in wild ones. In birds, in the middle of the T. intestine, there is a blind protrusion (diverticulum coecum vitelli), the remnant of the communication of the intestinal cavity with the yolk sac. As for the inner surface of the T. intestine, then primary form devices for increasing the suction surface should be considered the formation of longitudinal folds, characteristic of some fish (cyclostomes). Then, in other fish, these folds are connected by transverse folds, so that a system of folds is formed in the form of a network, the cells of which can be straight (selachia) or sinuous (bony fish), and finally, in bony fish, this network, due to the thickening of the crossbars and the deepening of the cells , changes into a surface covered with rounded, oval or irregularly shaped depressions? crypts, at the bottom of which the glands open. For the first time, villi appear in amphibians, and in anurans they reach a greater development, but amphibians also have sinuous or zigzag folds. Beginning with some birds (for example, the ostrich), valvilae Kerckringii, well developed in mammals, appear. In birds, next to the folds, there are also villi, especially well developed in the duodenum. In mammals, the longitudinal folds disappear (the transverse folds remain only in the rectum), and the villi reach their maximum development.

V. Shimkevich.

Brockhaus and Efron. Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is SMALL INTESTINE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (intestinum tenue) - is divided in humans into duodenum (duodenum), skinny (jejunum) and iliac (ilium), with the thick one forming 2/5, a ...
  • SMALL INTESTINE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • SMALL INTESTINE in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    intestine, part of the intestine of vertebrates and humans, located between the stomach and large intestine. In T. to. final digestion takes place ...
  • SMALL INTESTINE in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    part of the intestine in vertebrates and humans between the stomach and large intestine. In the small intestine, food is finally digested under the influence of ...
  • INTESTINE in the Dictionary of thieves' jargon:
    - 1) glutton, 2) stolen ...
  • INTESTINE in Medical terms:
    (intestinum) in anatomy general component names of different departments...
  • THIN V encyclopedic dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    mst. Tauride province., otherwise Genichesk ...
  • INTESTINE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, pl. -shkam, -shock, -shkam, well. 1. Elastic tube - part of the digestive apparatus of humans and animals. Thin to. Thick ...
  • THIN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SMALL INTESTINE, part of the intestine in vertebrates and humans between the stomach and large intestine. In T. to. food is finally digested under ...
  • THIN in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? mst. Tauride province., otherwise Genichesk ...
  • INTESTINE in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    gut, guts, guts, kisho "k, gut", gut "m, gut", guts, gut "th, gut" yu, gut "mi, gut", ...
  • INTESTINE in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    "... …
  • INTESTINE in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    inside, intestines, inside, sleeve, pipe, tube, ...
  • THIN
    and. unfold Women's to noun: thin ...
  • INTESTINE in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    and. 1) A webbed elastic tube that is part of the alimentary canal of a person or animal. 2) unfold Rubber, canvas tube or hose for ...
  • INTESTINE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    gut`a, -`i, r. pl. …
  • INTESTINE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    gut, -i, r. pl. …
  • INTESTINE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    gut`a, -`i, r. pl. …
  • INTESTINE in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Ozhegov:
    elastic tube - part of the digestive apparatus of humans and animals Thin to. Large to. Rectum Colloq elastic tube for ...
  • GUNS in Dahl's Dictionary:
    female a long, winding and narrow sleeve, in the animal's body, from the outlet in the stomach to the anus; all food from the stomach ...
  • INTESTINE in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    intestines, r. pl. intestines, 1. Part of the digestive apparatus of a person or animal in the form of an elastic tube. Small intestine. Rectum. …
  • THIN
    thin unfold Women's to noun: thin ...
  • INTESTINE in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    gut 1) A webbed elastic tube that is part of the alimentary canal of a person or animal. 2) unfold Rubber, canvas tube or hose...
  • THIN
    and. unfold female to noun. thin …
  • INTESTINE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    and. 1. A webbed elastic tube that is part of the alimentary canal of a person or animal. 2. unfold Rubber, canvas tube or hose for ...
  • THIN
    and. unfold female to noun. thin …
  • INTESTINE in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I A webbed, elastic tube that is part of the alimentary canal of a person or animal. II well. unfold Rubber, canvas tube or hose...
  • CECUM in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (coecum) - an appendage at the point of transition of the small intestines to the large intestines in vertebrates. In its rudimentary form in the form of a small protrusion ...
  • DIGESTIVE ORGANS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • DIGESTIVE ORGANS* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • OPENKI in the Encyclopedia of Biology:
    (honey mushrooms), a group of fungi belonging to different genera, which are characterized by growth large groups around the stumps. Autumn honey agaric, or real, has ...
  • INTESTINES in the Encyclopedia of Biology.
  • INTESTINES in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB.
  • ECHIURIC in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • EXTERIOR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • CHOPIN, FREDERICK in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Chopin) - famous Polish composer and a virtuoso pianist; genus. March 1, 1809 in the village of Zhelyazova Wola, near Warsaw. In children's…
  • CHOPIN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Chopin (Frederic Chopin) is a famous Polish composer and virtuoso pianist, b. March 1, 1809 in the village of Zhelyazova-Volya, near Warsaw. During childhood…
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There are people both morally and physically very strong. They all succeed! Everything is easy and simple! They know how to firmly say no and are not afraid to admit their weakness. Yes, and they have no weaknesses, and if they are, then no one even knows about them.

But today we are not talking about them, but about another category. These are people who find it difficult to live, for whom making every decision is a difficult process. And all because you constantly have to prove something. To whom? Both to yourself and to those around you. To prove that they are strong, that they are not afraid of anything. I'm not weak! The proof of this becomes the main business of life.

After all, who is in favor now? Strong personality capable of not only clearly formulating and setting a task, but also solving it. And sometimes it doesn't matter how. The main thing is that the goal is achieved. Such people go ahead, not particularly thinking about morality and legality. But it is these people who are respected, they try to be like them.

But not everyone is given this “valuable” ability to “fit” so gently into the conditions dictated by life. In their address it just sounds: “Yes, where is he? The gut is thin!

Oh, how easy, how easy it is for us to evaluate our neighbor! How much disdain in this expression! But after all, the occasion is different, and not everyone who has a thin gut is worthy of contempt.

In fact, the gut is thin young man who does not want to join the army. No, he doesn't have to be a coward! Just afraid of this tough life. Doesn't consider himself ready for it. Here the press went to great lengths and gave the public such a “portrait” army life that both the guys and their parents began to panic about military service.

There are pacifists and believers who are disgusted by weapons, and they will never take them in their hands. But brutal men believe that without going through this “school of life”, it is impossible to get real hardening. But, alas, the gut is thin! You will have to “mow down” from the army, get a certificate of unsuitability, or simply hide from the military registration and enlistment office.

And try to speak out against rudeness. Immediately make sure that this is also not easy. The gut does not stand up even in the case when the situation requires decisive intervention. Need action? And he won't! Nothing will happen, because it's scary to step off the tower and jump into the water. So what's the harmless tower? Scary to the point of horror, lips go numb, and courage, which is so little, evaporates with lightning speed at the sight of real danger.

So people jump, hearing: "Who does not jump, that Muscovite." The gut is thin not to jump? So after all, they can cripple and kill! Out of caution, in the name of a sense of self-preservation, today we will jump together with everyone. And tomorrow we'll just stand in the crowd, but a little on the sidelines, near the House of Trade Unions in Odessa. No, we won’t kill anyone, and we won’t shoot either - we’re not animals! But we can't get away from the crowd. And nothing can be done about it - the gut is thin!

And then we will roll down, we will not even notice. But we can no longer refuse to shoot at the separatists. Shoot first because they will order at a distance. Ruined houses and mutilated corpses of women and children will not be seen. A little game of "war" and returning home as a hero.

But life will make adjustments. We will roll further, lower and lower, because one meanness, even the smallest one, will certainly drag another along with it. And it's scary to kill, and not to kill too. They will announce, what good, an accomplice of the separatists and they will shoot him himself!

These are, of course, some of the most recent events recent history. But it is they who, as clearly as possible, demonstrate today how easily and quickly you can turn into a criminal. Everyone should say: “I am a coward! I have a small intestine! But I’m not a scoundrel and I don’t want to become one and I won’t!” Indeed, according to all the laws - both God's, and human, and legal - murder and betrayal are strictly punishable. Don't have the strength to scream it? So at least admit to yourself - this is already half the battle.

Save us all, Lord, from such a choice! From fear of punishers! From the horror of war, from shell explosions, from losses and deaths! And most importantly, from excruciating shame for their actions.

And now a few words about those cases when it is not at all worth fighting with the concept of "guts". This is me about how cleverly other people are able to manipulate us with the help of this magic phrase. Don't smoke?! Don't drink?! Have you tried drugs? So you have a small intestine! And then follows the harsh conclusion that our young fellow citizens are so afraid of: “You are a weakling!”

This is already a stigma, and many are ready to do anything to wash it off in order to prove their strength. How

to explain to them that in this case it is not at all ashamed to admit one's "weakness"? And a firm no, said in response to each of these questions, is the best proof of strength of character.

What happens? If you are an indecisive person, if you are a coward, then you should fight your weaknesses. Declaring to yourself that the expression "guts is thin" is not about you. In this case, you can and should fight with yourself.

And if you are provoked to meanness, to any muck, then you should not prove to anyone that everything is in order with your guts. That's for sure - the lot of the weak.

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.

ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N.

See what "gut is thin" in other dictionaries:

Intestine tonka- GUNS, and, pl. shki, shock, shkam, f. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Intestine tonka- who. Prost. Iron. 1. Someone lacks the strength, talent, ability to do something. I already know about all your art, Ivan Gerasimovich said, pacing up and down the room. Yes, Philip Ivanovich, your gut is still thin. Not… … Phrasebook Russian literary language

Intestine tonka- who. Prost. Iron. or Contempt. About the lack of strength, abilities, means for the implementation of what l. BMS 1998, 262; 3S 1996, 225, 384; SPP 2001, 44 ... Big Dictionary of Russian Sayings

Intestine tonka- About weakness, inability to do something ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

small intestine- simple. , mocking or contempt. someone has little strength, ability to do something. The expression is actually Russian: from the notion that when lifting weights, you can tear your guts ... Phraseology Reference

GUNS- pogov. It won’t work, it won’t work out ... Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Colloquial Phraseological Units and Proverbs

one's gut is small- Not enough strength, abilities, means ... Dictionary of many expressions

The muzzle is thick, but the gut is thin- who. Small. Shuttle. iron. About a weak person who gets angry, threatens someone. SRNG 18, 258 ... Big Dictionary of Russian Sayings

intestine- n., f., . Morphology: (no) what? intestines, why? gut, (see) what? gut what? gut, what? about the gut; pl. What? guts, (no) what? intestines, why? guts, (see) what? guts what? guts, what? about the guts 1. The gut is a long tube in the body ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

INTESTINE- GUNS, intestines, genus. pl. gut, female 1. Part of the digestive apparatus of a person or animal in the form of an elastic tube. Small intestine. Rectum. || only many. Digestive apparatus, viscera (colloquial). 2. Rubber or canvas tube ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

The gut is thin. Or is it all we can do?

Winter this year was not at all wintery. And instead of sleds and ice cubes, the children dragged a soccer ball into the yard. The fathers, without thinking twice, also joined the community chasing a leather friend.

And what about staying at home? It will not snow from this, and the holidays are ending very quickly. So you have to take the opportunity.

- Tanya, we are missing one player in the team. Will you go? The young man was addressing a girl dressed in a bright tracksuit.

- I? Kol, what are you? Well, what football in January? She looked at the already almost formed teams, consisting of both children and adults.

"So you won't go?" Is the gut thin?

- Uncle Kol, can I, - a boy of about ten years old was descending from the steps of the entrance.

“Come on,” the young man waved his hand and went to the players.

“Football in January… Madhouse,” the girl looked in surprise at the people running across the field, “Why did we offend Mother Nature so much?

What does this expression mean and in general, where did it come from?

From the meaning it is clear that the young man was trying to hook his interlocutor with this phrase. Like, you're afraid, you can't pull it.

So what's with the guts?

As usual, there are many versions of the origin of this expression. Choose the one that is closer to you.

So, the first version, with a medical bias.

With strong physical stress, trouble with muscles and ligaments can happen. And according to doctors, the internal organs also suffer very often. Not everyone can achieve such physical records.

With strong emotional or physical shocks, the human body responds in different ways. The expression "gut is thin" indicates that in moments of great fright, some people have a very weak bladder. It happens. Someone throws the right portion of adrenaline into the body, while someone does not.

In Arabic there is an expression "kisak". Probably, it was from him that the pouch, as well as the case, went. But the most interesting thing is that “kisak” means “your wallet”.

And then our expression literally means "your wallet is thin." Those. in this case, it is already pointed out not to physical abilities, and not to weakness of the spirit. Here it is clearly and clearly shown that financially a person does not pull.

But in any case, this expression indicates that some kind of difficulties: physical, emotional or financial put a person in a position where he is unable to do something.

And this phrase usually sounds with sarcasm.

The game continued. No one noticed how lone snowflakes began to fall from the sky. They reached the ground already in the form of raindrops.

Apparently winter really wanted to reign on earth. She tried to show her presence at least in such a hint.

But as we humans would say, the guts of winter were thin. We usually say so, without going into details of the reasons for what is happening either in nature or in human lives. We are accustomed to making diagnoses even in what we do not understand at all.

We are ordinary people like that: not perfect at all.

I am always glad to see you on the pages of the site "I want to know everything"

Clinical picture of polyps of the small intestine

Polyps of the small intestine are very rarely diagnosed, their clinical picture is always blurred. For the time being, they do not manifest themselves in any way, so the patient does not suspect the existence of benign growths. Much later, when the polyps in the small intestine grow to large sizes(from 2 to 5 cm), very characteristic symptoms appear. This is intestinal obstruction and traces of blood in the feces during bowel movements. In 30% of cases, benign neoplasms can become malignant, so it is so important not to miss the moment and try to identify the described pathology in time, at early stages. What should make each of us worry and seek help from specialists? The first hints of the organism itself.

As mentioned above, in the first stages, neoplasms do not manifest themselves in any way, there are symptoms of small intestinal polyps, but they can indicate any other gastrointestinal disease. Patients begin to notice:

  • Severe flatulence in the intestines, occurring in the pauses between meals.
  • Mild nausea.
  • Unstable chair.

It is the frequent alternation of constipation with diarrhea, or a long course of mono disorders, according to doctors, that should make each of us make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. Similar symptoms indicate the initial stages of the development of the described pathology.

Polyps of the small intestine are dangerous because they constantly grow, gradually closing the lumen of the hollow organ. This makes it difficult for the passage of chyme, its absorption into the intestinal wall. The phenomena of obstruction are always accompanied by a strong rumbling, it seems to the patient that a strong sound wave is running through the intestines, its movement becomes audible to all the surrounding people. And it's very inconvenient.

Obstruction gives rise to pain, strong, cramping. Its localization depends on where the benign neoplasm is located. When polyps grow to very large sizes, frequent vomiting occurs. At the site of the formation of a pathological neoplasm, a spasm of the wall of a hollow organ often occurs, therefore, obstruction due to intussusception is another symptom of polyps in the small intestine.

Polyps are treated only radically. They are removed during endoscopy. When an accumulation of several growths is detected, a resection of the affected wall is performed. Open surgery is also preferable when histology shows signs of malignancy of the neoplasms.

tube, hose, fire gut, inside, sleeve, pipe, gut

What's happened INTESTINE, INTESTINE this is the meaning of the word INTESTINE, origin (etymology) INTESTINE, synonyms for INTESTINE, paradigm (word forms) INTESTINE in other dictionaries

1) A webbed elastic tube that is part of the alimentary canal of a person or animal.

2) unfold Rubber, canvas tube or hose for water supply.

GUNS, -i, pl. h. -shki, -shock, -shkam, f.

1. An elastic tube is part of the digestive apparatus of humans and animals. Thin to. Thick to. Straight to.

2. Elastic pipe for water supply (colloquial). Rubber, tarpaulin k. Fire k.

will not stand who(simple) there is not enough (not enough) strength, ability for something.

1. Part of the digestive apparatus of a person or animal in the form of an elastic tube. Small intestine. Rectum.

| only many. Digestive apparatus, entrails ( colloquial).

2. Rubber or canvas tube for water supply; same as sleeve, hose ( colloquial). Irrigate from the gut.

The gut is thin or weak or the gut will not hold ( vulg., neglected) - not enough strength, abilities. “Probably work - the gut is thin!” Mayakovsky. Guts tear (with laughter) ( colloquial fam.) - laughing, reach exhaustion. Climb out of the guts ( simple) - try your best. Let out the guts ( simple) to kill. Exhaust (all) guts ( simple) - exhaust, lime. Reach for the gut ( simple) - to go, go in single file, a continuous string.

Ukrainian ki?shka, Polish. kiszka "gut; sausage", polab. ko?isа "kidney".

Probably related to OE. ko?s?t?has "innards, intestines", ko?s?as "case, scabbard", possibly also Greek. ?????? "urinary bladder, bladder, (blacksmith's) fur", ?????? "Female genital organs", Avest. kusra- "hollow"; see Bernecker 1, 679; Janzen ZfslPh 15, 51 et seq.; Matzenauer, LF 9, 177; M.–E. 4, 691. Cf. kish? n. Not related to kitty? "purse", contrary to Mi. TEl. 2, 109.

An elastic tube that is part of the human or animal digestive tract.

Small intestines. Rectum.

Rubber or canvas tube or sleeve for water supply; hose.

The torn logs no longer burned, but smoked heavily; the student, working with his gut, directed the jet first at these logs, then at the peasants. Chekhov, Guys.

(intestinum) in anatomy is a common component of the names of various parts of the intestine.

Why the herds of the gifts of freedom.

Restoration of meanings

The morning is wiser than the evening

It's not in vain that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Well, Monday is a hard day by definition. So last night a post about PACE slipped through with the wrong title. Was like this: “A spit on Russia at the PACE winter session in Strasbourg” . The title is obviously made up by a colleague zergulio and was later repeated. Nami - thoughtlessly, we must admit.

Now let's imagine the situation: you are walking along the fence, and here you are dog started barking. So, it's vicious, boisterous and angry. Like a dog with mother. And what? Are you offended by a dog? You can get angry with her, be annoyed by barking, not notice her - anything you want, but just don’t be offended, don’t feel slighted. Because you can only be offended by an equal to you or the one you love.

Now about the minerals mentioned above. Let's take one of them, Zyuganov. Tell me honestly, what do we need it for? We hoped for him all this liberal time. And what about Zyuganov? He makes millions for himself, various trips to Europe at public expense, and the people have been fooling around for a quarter of a century. Actually, he is cunning, this grandfather Zyu. Never bad word won't say about the people, let alone other liberals. This is his role: to tell people good things and lead them astray.

  • the Council under the President of the Russian Federation to promote the development of civil society institutions and human rights;
  • commission on legal matters and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
  • advisory working group of the commission under the President Russian Federation on modernization and technological development of the Russian economy;
  • Ethics Council at the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation;
  • Public Council under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation;
  • council for foreign economic activity under the ministry economic development Russia;
  • Public Council under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • Public Council under the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia;
  • public expert council on small and medium-sized businesses under the mayor and the Government of Moscow;
  • public advisory council at the Moscow OFAS Russia;
  • Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation for the Development of Private Entrepreneurship, Small and Medium Business;
  • Chairman of the Commission of the Presidium of the General Council of the Party " United Russia» on tariff policy and monitoring of services in the field of housing and communal services and energy saving
  • Board of SRO NP "Association construction organizations medium and small businesses”;
  • working group of the Coordinating Council under the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation on interaction with national associations of self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction;
  • member of expert working groups approved on January 24, 2011. Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin to prepare proposals for topical issues socio-economic strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020 (“Strategy 2020”);
  • deputy State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation from the faction "United Russia" (from the Orenburg regional branch);
  • First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Communal Services;
  • member of the Public Council of the Central federal district, Head of the Commission on Health and Formation healthy lifestyle life, development of charity and mercy and ecology;
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the non-profit Foundation "National Health Development Fund";
  • President of the non-profit partnership National Agency for Low-Rise and Cottage Construction (NAMIKS);
  • member Public Chamber Russian Federation III composition and was the chairman of the commission on social issues and demographic policy;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies;
  • shareholder and owner of 20 companies.

    The level of workload of the deputy is impressive, isn't it? Well, that's not all. In her free time, Elena Leonidovna. raising a daughter! And darns her husband's socks. Maybe.

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