Actors of the film "Brother": then and now. What happened to the third brother of the children


About the Ulyanovs Soviet years Numerous books and articles have been written. We were given them as an example ideal family, almost all of whose members became revolutionaries. But was it really so perfect?

Anna Ulyanova-Elizarova

Anna, eldest daughter Ilya Nikolaevich and Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanov, was born on August 14 (26), 1864. After graduating from the Simbirsk Mariinsky women's gymnasium with a silver medal, she entered the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg. In 1886, she participated in a student demonstration, and was subsequently arrested in the case of her brother Alexander, who was accused of attempting to assassinate the tsar. The girl was sentenced to five years of exile, which she served in the village of Kokushkino, as well as Kazan and Samara.

In July 1889, Anna married Mark Timofeevich Elizarov. She continued to actively participate in the social-democratic movement, was repeatedly arrested.

After the revolution, Anna Ilyinichna Elizarova worked in the People's Commissariat for Social Security and the People's Commissariat for Education, was a researcher at the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute. She died on October 19, 1935.

Alexander Ulyanov

Alexander was born on March 31 (April 12), 1866. After graduating from high school with a gold medal, he entered St. Petersburg University. In December 1886, together with a fellow student P.Ya. Shevyrev created the "Terrorist faction" of the party "People's Will".

Members of the faction planned to carry out an assassination attempt on the king. Alexander sold his gymnasium gold medal and bought explosives for the bomb with this money. The attempt was supposed to take place on March 1, 1887, but it was prevented. 15 participants in the conspiracy were arrested, including Ulyanov. The court sentenced the "main conspirators" to execution by hanging, which took place on May 8 (20), 1887.

Olga Ulyanova

Olga was born on November 4 (16), 1871. She, who graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal, was denied the position of a teacher as the sister of a state criminal.

Nevertheless, in 1890 she managed to enter the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Bestuzhev Courses. Olga was a smart and gifted girl: she drew beautifully, knew several languages ​​and dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, having studied at the courses for only six months, Olga died of typhoid fever. In a fatal twist of fate, it happened on the fourth anniversary of her brother's execution.

Dmitry Ulyanov

Lenin's younger brother Dmitry was born on August 16 (28), 1874. In 1893, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, began to attend illegal Marxist circles of the Moscow Workers' Union. In November 1897 he was arrested and expelled from the university for his revolutionary activities. Only in 1901, he was still able to get a medical degree at the Yuryev (Tartu) University.

Until the revolution, Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov combined medicine with revolutionary activity. He served as a military doctor, then helped establish Soviet power in the Crimea, worked in the People's Commissariat of Health, the clinic of the Kremlin Sanitary Administration ... He died on July 16, 1943.

Maria Ulyanova

Maria, the most youngest child Ulyanov, was born on February 6 (18), 1878. After graduating from the gymnasium in 1895, she tried to enter the Bestuzhev courses, but was not accepted and completed a two-year course for domestic teachers.

In 1898, Maria Ulyanova, like her brothers and sisters, joined the RSDLP. She was a propagandist in workers' circles, distributed illegal literature, and was arrested several times. In the end, Maria managed to go abroad and get a teacher's diploma at the Sorbonne French. Returning to Russia, she worked as a governess, a front-line sister of mercy - and at the same time continued her revolutionary activities.

Rock Ulyanovs

What is the result? The Ulyanov family can hardly be called exemplary. The eldest son Alexander tried to start his "career" with the murder - and paid dearly for it. In addition, the whole family suffered because of him, which the authorities began to consider unreliable. The talented Olga died early from an illness. The rest spent their youth in prisons and exile.

Often, historians pay attention to the fact that almost all the Ulyanovs remained childless. Anna and Mark Elizarov had only adopted children. Vladimir and Nadezhda Krupskaya had no children. Maria Ulyanova did not marry. And only Dmitry had a daughter from his second marriage and illegitimate son. Maybe they, who were engaged in the revolution, were not up to family joys? Or was it just fate?

During civil wars and revolutions quite often siblings find themselves different sides barricade. However, the example of Yakov and Zinovy ​​Sverdlov stands apart, since both of them left a bright mark on the history of the twentieth century.

And although the fate of one of the leaders of the Bolshevik Party is better studied, the life of his brother is no less interesting. After all, he was godson famous writer Maxim Gorky, fought in the French Foreign Legion, achieved great success in the diplomatic field. So who is Zinovy ​​Sverdlov?

Godson of Maxim Gorky

IN Nizhny Novgorod lived with many children Jewish family. In 1884, Mikhail Izrailevich and Elizaveta Solomonovna Sverdlov had a son, Zalman (Yeshua-Zalman), who was called Zinovy ​​in Russian. future hero revolution, Jacob was born a year later. In total, Mikhail Izrailevich had six children from his first wife, two more were born in his second marriage.
The father of Zinovy ​​and Yakov was the owner of an engraving workshop and a small printing house. He legally produced forms and stamps, and secretly printed propaganda leaflets for local revolutionary organizations. Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, then already a well-known opposition journalist, and in the future - great writer Maxim Gorky (1868-1936), often visited the engraving workshop. There they became friends with Zinovy.
In 1901, the revolutionary writer and teenager were arrested by the police on suspicion of distributing illegal leaflets. However, for Zinovy ​​Sverdlov, everything ended quite well, and Gorky was sent to Arzamas, into exile.
The guy wanted to enter the Imperial theater school, opened at the Moscow Art Theater, but at the beginning of the twentieth century, Jews did not have the right to live in Moscow, with some exceptions. Maxim Gorky undertook to help a young friend. In the Arzamas Cathedral, Zalman Mikhailovich Sverdlov was baptized, and from that moment he began to be called Zinovy ​​Alekseevich Peshkov. The newly converted Christian took his patronymic and surname in honor of the godfather.
However, the change of faith did not help the guy, he was expelled from the school when the leadership educational institution it became known that he was a Jew. A father renounced his son, who changed the religions of his ancestors.
Pushing around here and there, not finding a worthy occupation for himself, Zinovy ​​Peshkov first went to Canada, from where he moved to New Zealand and soon ended up in the USA. By chance, there he again met with his godfather, and then settled in his villa, located on the Italian island of Capri.
Zinovy ​​began to act as secretary of Maxim Gorky. In 1910, the godson of the great writer married, his wife was the daughter of the Kuban Cossack colonel Lidia Burago. The young had a daughter, Lisa.

Legionnaire and White Guard

The adventurous warehouse of character did not allow Zinovy ​​Peshkov to sit in one place for a long time. During the First World War, he joined the French Foreign Legion. During the battle, called the Verdun meat grinder, in 1915, the soldier was seriously wounded. Doctors amputated his right arm. Upon learning of this, the cripple was immediately abandoned by his wife.
But the French authorities helped the brave legionnaire. For the battle of Verdun he received high award- military cross with a palm branch. Peshkov was reinstated in the army, and then, having given him an officer rank, he was sent from diplomatic mission first to Italy and then to the USA. Zinovy's goal was to persuade the governments of these countries to enter the war against Germany.
Since Peshkov's diplomatic efforts were crowned with success, in 1917 he was sent to Russia. The brother of the prominent Bolshevik Yakov Sverdlov became the representative of the French military mission in his native country.
It is noteworthy that friendship with Maxim Gorky had no effect on Political Views Zinovia. He did not accept and did not understand the revolutionary changes that took place in Russia. Historian Roy Medvedev in his essay “Sverdlovs. Glory and tragedy of one family "wrote that Peshkov met October revolution hostilely and negatively assessed the activities of his famous brother.
Zinovy ​​served in Omsk as an adviser at the headquarters of General Alexander Kolchak. In early 1919, a French military emissary sent a telegram to his brother threatening to hang Yakov along with Lenin.
After the Siberian campaign ended with the victory of the Red Army, Zinovy ​​went to the disposal of General Pyotr Wrangel, but found only the evacuation of his army from the Crimea to Turkey.
Then Peshkov returned to military service, fought for many years in Morocco. About this he wrote the book “The Sounds of the Horn. Life in the Foreign Legion. This outstanding person also became famous as a talented writer, because his work was published in Paris and London, the book was highly appreciated by critics and readers.

French Ambassador

elderly man without right hand, limping after numerous injuries, in 1940 supported the appeal of General Charles de Gaulle, the future president of France, about the need to resist the Nazis. Gradually, Zinovy ​​Peshkov became not only a combat ally, but also a friend of de Gaulle, completing his military career in the rank of general and returning to the diplomatic field. For services to France, he received the Grand Cross - the Order of the Legion of Honor, the highest state award.
In 1943-1946. the former legionnaire was the French ambassador to China, then headed the representative office for another four years European country, which became his second home, in Japan. Peshkov retired in 1950, but in 1964, in Taiwan, on behalf of de Gaulle, he met with the Chinese military and politician Chiang Kai-shek, representing the interests of France.
Zinovy ​​Alekseevich died in 1966. In Paris, he was buried with great honors, as a hero of France and a general foreign legion. The deceased bequeathed that they put in his coffin: Orthodox icon, a military cross with a palm branch, the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor and a portrait of Maxim Gorky. The dying will of Zinovy ​​​​Peshkov was carried out.

Many books and articles were written about the Ulyanovs in the Soviet years. They were presented to us as an example of an ideal family, almost all of whose members became revolutionaries. But was it really so perfect?

Anna Ulyanova-Elizarova

Anna, the eldest daughter of Ilya Nikolaevich and Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanov, was born on August 14 (26), 1864. After graduating from the Simbirsk Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium with a silver medal, she entered the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg. In 1886, she participated in a student demonstration, and was subsequently arrested in the case of her brother Alexander, who was accused of attempting to assassinate the tsar. The girl was sentenced to five years of exile, which she served in the village of Kokushkino, as well as Kazan and Samara.

In July 1889, Anna married Mark Timofeevich Elizarov. She continued to actively participate in the social-democratic movement, was repeatedly arrested.

After the revolution, Anna Ilyinichna Elizarova worked in the People's Commissariat for Social Security and the People's Commissariat for Education, was a researcher at the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute. She died on October 19, 1935.

Alexander Ulyanov

Alexander was born on March 31 (April 12), 1866. After graduating from high school with a gold medal, he entered St. Petersburg University. In December 1886, together with a fellow student P. Ya. Shevyrev, he created the "Terrorist faction" of the "Narodnaya Volya" party.

Members of the faction planned to carry out an assassination attempt on the king. Alexander sold his gymnasium gold medal and bought explosives for the bomb with this money. The attempt was supposed to take place on March 1, 1887, but it was prevented. 15 participants in the conspiracy were arrested, including Ulyanov. The court sentenced the "main conspirators" to execution by hanging, which took place on May 8 (20), 1887.

Olga Ulyanova

Olga was born on November 4 (16), 1871. She, who graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal, was denied the position of a teacher as the sister of a state criminal.

Nevertheless, in 1890 she managed to enter the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Bestuzhev Courses. Olga was a smart and gifted girl: she drew beautifully, knew several languages ​​and dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, having studied at the courses for only six months, Olga died of typhoid fever. In a fatal twist of fate, it happened on the fourth anniversary of her brother's execution.

Dmitry Ulyanov

Lenin's younger brother Dmitry was born on August 16 (28), 1874. In 1893, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, began to attend illegal Marxist circles of the Moscow "Workers' Union". In November 1897 he was arrested and expelled from the university for his revolutionary activities. Only in 1901, he was still able to get a medical degree at the Yuryev (Tartu) University.

Until the revolution, Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov combined medicine with revolutionary activities. He served as a military doctor, then helped to establish Soviet power in the Crimea, worked in the People's Commissariat of Health, the clinic of the Kremlin Sanitary Administration ... He died on July 16, 1943.

Maria Ulyanova

In 1898, Maria Ulyanova, like her brothers and sisters, joined the RSDLP. She was a propagandist in workers' circles, distributed illegal literature, and was arrested several times. In the end, Maria managed to go abroad and get a diploma as a teacher of French at the Sorbonne. Returning to Russia, she worked as a governess, a front-line nurse - and at the same time continued her revolutionary activities.

Rock Ulyanovs

What is the result? The Ulyanov family can hardly be called exemplary. The eldest son Alexander tried to start his "career" with a murder - and he paid dearly for it. In addition, the whole family suffered because of him, which the authorities began to consider unreliable. The talented Olga died early from an illness. The rest spent their youth in prisons and exile.

Often, historians pay attention to the fact that almost all the Ulyanovs remained childless. Anna and Mark Elizarov had only adopted children. Vladimir and Nadezhda Krupskaya had no children. Maria Ulyanova did not marry. And only Dmitry had a daughter from his second marriage and an illegitimate son. Maybe they, who were engaged in the revolution, were not up to family joys? Or was it just fate?

Artem Chadov grew up in Vyborg and last saw his famous brothers in early childhood. He never tried himself as an actor, as he saw himself exclusively as a singer. After graduating from the Vyborg military choir school, he worked as a soloist of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baltic Fleet for ten years. Demobilized from the army, Artem tried to start pop career, but his biggest success was the final vocal competition"Voice of Vyborg".


Recently, the creators of the world's first 3D musical POLA NEGRI announced a casting for the role of her husband main character Pauly Negri, currently played by Maxim Leonidov and Gosha Kutsenko. Artem Chadov got to the audition and really liked the author of the idea of ​​the musical Janusz Yuzefovich. A Polish theater director familiar with Russian cinema noted the young singer and said that "he reminds him of someone." As it turned out, Artem reminds of not one, but two stars of the modern domestic cinema. New soloist the musical is actually quite similar to its famous brothers.

As told Days.Ru in the press service of POLA NEGRI, Artem received an invitation to join the Moscow troupe of the musical and does not yet know how the brothers will react to his unexpected success, because Andrei and Alexei are almost unfamiliar with him. " Last time we saw them 20 years ago. Summer with my great-grandmother. They beat me together, and since then, my parents no longer allowed me to communicate with them.", - Artem recalls with a smile.

young singer worries that he may be confused with the Chadovs, and he is even thinking about taking the pseudonym Roman Bogdanov for stage performances. " Andrey, Alexey, Artem, and there is also our second cousin Ashot Chadov. He lives in Novorossiysk. I sometimes correspond with him, but the brothers are not even sure that they know about his existence. In general, there were too many Chadovs."

Many books and articles were written about the Ulyanovs in the Soviet years. They were presented to us as an example of an ideal family, almost all of whose members became revolutionaries. But was it really so perfect?

Anna Ulyanova-Elizarova

Anna, the eldest daughter of Ilya Nikolaevich and Maria Alexandrovna Ulyanov, was born on August 14 (26), 1864. After graduating from the Simbirsk Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium with a silver medal, she entered the Bestuzhev Higher Women's Courses in St. Petersburg. In 1886, she participated in a student demonstration, and was subsequently arrested in the case of her brother Alexander, who was accused of attempting to assassinate the tsar. The girl was sentenced to five years of exile, which she served in the village of Kokushkino, as well as Kazan and Samara.

In July 1889, Anna married Mark Timofeevich Elizarov. She continued to actively participate in the social-democratic movement, was repeatedly arrested.

After the revolution, Anna Ilyinichna Elizarova worked in the People's Commissariat for Social Security and the People's Commissariat for Education, was a researcher at the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute. She died on October 19, 1935.

Alexander Ulyanov

Alexander was born on March 31 (April 12), 1866. After graduating from high school with a gold medal, he entered St. Petersburg University. In December 1886, together with a fellow student P.Ya. Shevyrev created the "Terrorist faction" of the party "People's Will".

Members of the faction planned to carry out an assassination attempt on the king. Alexander sold his gymnasium gold medal and bought explosives for the bomb with this money. The attempt was supposed to take place on March 1, 1887, but it was prevented. 15 participants in the conspiracy were arrested, including Ulyanov. The court sentenced the "main conspirators" to execution by hanging, which took place on May 8 (20), 1887.

Olga Ulyanova

Olga was born on November 4 (16), 1871. She, who graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal, was denied the position of a teacher as the sister of a state criminal.

Nevertheless, in 1890 she managed to enter the Physics and Mathematics Department of the Bestuzhev Courses. Olga was a smart and gifted girl: she drew beautifully, knew several languages ​​and dreamed of becoming a doctor. However, having studied at the courses for only six months, Olga died of typhoid fever. In a fatal twist of fate, it happened on the fourth anniversary of her brother's execution.

Dmitry Ulyanov

Lenin's younger brother Dmitry was born on August 16 (28), 1874. In 1893, he entered the medical faculty of Moscow University, began to attend illegal Marxist circles of the Moscow Workers' Union. In November 1897 he was arrested and expelled from the university for his revolutionary activities. Only in 1901, he was still able to get a medical degree at the Yuryev (Tartu) University.

Until the revolution, Dmitry Ilyich Ulyanov combined medicine with revolutionary activities. He served as a military doctor, then helped to establish Soviet power in the Crimea, worked in the People's Commissariat of Health, the clinic of the Kremlin Sanitary Administration ... He died on July 16, 1943.

Maria Ulyanova

Maria, the youngest child of the Ulyanovs, was born on February 6 (18), 1878. After graduating from the gymnasium in 1895, she tried to enter the Bestuzhev courses, but was not accepted and completed a two-year course for domestic teachers.

In 1898, Maria Ulyanova, like her brothers and sisters, joined the RSDLP. She was a propagandist in workers' circles, distributed illegal literature, and was arrested several times. In the end, Maria managed to go abroad and get a diploma as a teacher of French at the Sorbonne. Returning to Russia, she worked as a governess, a front-line nurse - and at the same time continued her revolutionary activities.

Rock Ulyanovs

What is the result? The Ulyanov family can hardly be called exemplary. The eldest son Alexander tried to start his "career" with a murder - and he paid dearly for it. In addition, the whole family suffered because of him, which the authorities began to consider unreliable. The talented Olga died early from an illness. The rest spent their youth in prisons and exile.

Often, historians pay attention to the fact that almost all the Ulyanovs remained childless. Anna and Mark Elizarov had only adopted children. Vladimir and Nadezhda Krupskaya had no children. Maria Ulyanova did not marry. And only Dmitry had a daughter from his second marriage and an illegitimate son. Maybe they, who were engaged in the revolution, were not up to family joys? Or was it just fate?

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