Approximate schedule of the school day on vacation. The daily routine of a junior, senior, second shift and on vacation: sample, photo


Your child has been waiting for the holidays like manna from heaven, but you do not let him enjoy the freedom of full program. Every day you make your child read 200 pages of "War and Peace", go to a math tutor and do not let him near the computer. Stop torturing the child. It is enough to spend 20 minutes behind a book, classes should alternate with walks, and shooting games will not only not harm the child prodigy, but will even bring benefits.

Usually, teachers do not give children assignments during the summer. Well, except that they offer a list of recommended reading literature. However, the prospect of spending the summer on boring books for schoolchildren, as a rule, is not encouraging. They are easy to understand. All year the child has been poring over textbooks and rightly wants to relax and “humanly” relax during the holidays. But it’s not worth going on about a lazy child. Studies have long proven that after a rest that is not saturated with intellectual loads, there is a significant decrease in mental activity. A child who does not look at books for three whole months runs the risk of facing serious problems on the first of September.

Reading - 20 minutes

Psychologists have such a thing as "stress of the beginning school year". Unfortunately, during the longest holidays of the year, children often lose not only the acquired knowledge, but also such a useful skill as the ability to learn. To find it again, some need a few days, others two or three weeks, and still others whole month. Therefore, it is very important that your student devote at least 20 minutes a day to studying during the holidays. Let him read, and not only the works of the classics, but also fascinating stories to your taste. The process itself is important. In addition, during the holidays you can improve your knowledge in subjects with low academic performance. If the second-grader categorically does not want to sit down for lessons and constantly finds some excuses, try to turn studying proccess into an exciting activity. Does this seem like too much of a challenge to you? It looks like you haven't read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for a long time. Remember how an enterprising boy presented the process of painting the fence in such a way that all the surrounding children began to vying to beg him to let him participate in such an exciting business. Try to do something similar and get the child interested in the lessons. With high school students to arrange such shows, of course, is not worth it. It is better to think about motivation. If you know that next year your heir will have to read Tolstoy's War and Peace, Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, Goncharov's Oblomov, and a host of other voluminous and complex works, advise him to master some of them over the summer. Then in the school year the teenager will have more free time, because he will only have to scroll through and remember what he is already familiar with. Try to accustom your child to the idea that relaxing with a sense of accomplishment is much more pleasant than sour on the outskirts of a task that you still can’t turn away from.

Computer games - 1 hour

Do not forget that in the daily routine of the child there must certainly be time that he can spend at his own discretion. If your child wants to mess around, loitering from corner to corner, let him loiter. Wants to sit at the computer - do not mind. Especially the last Scientific research prove that virtual world not only not harmful, but in many respects even beneficial to children. For example, computer shooters allow a child to blow off steam and get rid of accumulated negative emotions, but they do not make him cruel. And walkers-walkers, in which you have to solve difficult logical tasks and, willy-nilly, strain the convolutions, contribute to the development of creative thinking, memory and ingenuity. If you're afraid that a computer might hurt your child's eyesight, put aside all fears.

Experts have shown that if good monitor and with proper lighting, visual acuity not only does not decrease, but even increases. According to some neuroscientists, this is due to the fact that during the game part nerve cells changes its shape and begins to interact better with each other. If this hypothesis finds further confirmation, it is likely that computer shooters and walkers will soon begin to be used as a therapeutic tool for the treatment of certain eye diseases.

However, do not forget that, as Aristotle said, "everything is poison, and everything is medicine." The question is dose. Make sure that your child spends at the monitor no more than an hour a day, otherwise the child may earn a computer addiction. It is desirable to break the session into parts. Six-year-olds and seven-year-olds are allowed to spend no more than ten minutes continuously at the computer. Children from eight to eleven years old can play fifteen minutes, from twelve to thirteen - twenty minutes, from fourteen to fifteen - twenty-five, and high school students - as much as half an hour. Then a ten-minute break is needed so that the child can do gymnastics for the eyes.

Watching movies - 1.5 hours

From the TV, too, you should not run away like from the bubonic plague. According to British psychologists, even infants have full right watch specially prepared programs that broaden the horizons and form the personality of the child. The whole question is as a spectacle and time spent at the screen. It's one thing when a child watches programs about animals and intellectual shows, and another thing is bloody action movies. AT primary school it is permissible to spend at the TV about one and a half hours a day, in the older one - 3-4 hours. At the same time, it is desirable to arrange watching TV shows, cartoons and movies on DVD in the morning. A few hours before bedtime, the TV can do a disservice. If adults simply get tired from prolonged contact with the blue screen, then children usually get overexcited. And first of all it concerns junior schoolchildren. In this state, it will be difficult for the baby to fall asleep, and in the morning he can meet completely broken.

Walks - 3 hours

Make sure that during the holidays the child spends at least three hours a day outside. Walking on fresh air, and in any weather, are of tremendous benefit. They strengthen the immune system, increase appetite and improve blood circulation in all tissues and organs. In addition, the sun's rays contribute to the active synthesis of vitamin D, which is necessary for the formation of strong bones. By the way, it has been noticed that children who spent a lot of time on the street adapt to schoolwork much faster than those most holidays spent in four walls.

Expert opinion

Galina Moreva, pediatrician of the highest category:

- In time summer holidays the daily routine of the child should not be as strict as during the school year. However, if for all three months he went to bed late and got up when he wanted, at the end of August you should make changes to your sleep and rest schedule. At least five days before school, send your child to bed between 9pm and 10pm. Then, by the first of September, he will learn to fall asleep on time and wake up at the crack of dawn cheerful and full of energy.

Minimum program

Take me to the museum. Taking care that over the summer the “pot” of a son or daughter does not stop “cooking”, the main thing is not to overdo it. You can keep your mind sharp not only by poring over textbooks, but also by other, more exciting activities for the child. AT recent times the concept of the so-called "useful rest" has become widespread. Its essence is to instill in the child interests that provide exciting leisure, and at the same time enrich the student with new knowledge and skills. Therefore, be sure to visit museums, theaters, a planetarium, etc. on weekends.

Organize a trip. Camping is another great way to keep the student's brain relaxed, and at the same time accustom the child to work. The main thing is that forays into nature are not limited to eating barbecue. Collect herbariums, take pictures, learn how to make a fire, set up a tent, use a compass, provide first aid, cook food on the go. Believe me, these new skills will develop observation, ingenuity and quick wit in your child.

Sign up for boxing. It will not be superfluous if you enroll a child in a section for classes in which there was a catastrophic lack of time during study. Older students can make their own choice, while younger children will need help. But don't try to make the decision for the child. Otherwise, you run the risk of forcing your child to do what he does not like at all. Perhaps boxing will really bring your treasure more benefit than classes in a physics and mathematics circle. Physical exercise children need no less than "exercises for the brain." Ideally, of course, both are harmoniously combined, so it would be great if your child wants to attend two sections at once.

As a rule, during the summer holidays, schoolchildren fall into real anarchy: they sit at computers until midnight, sleep until noon, eat as a real hunger strike sets in, or do not “get off” from snacks. Caring and far-sighted parents are unlikely to tolerate such a disgrace, and this memo will help them organize the schoolchildren's daily routine during the holidays.

First you need to remember what this very mode was during the school year, and, taking the main points as a basis, make some adjustments. Initially, you need to understand that summer and winter holiday, which are considered the longest, should not be loaded extra classes and lessons, otherwise the child simply will not rest mentally and physically. But it is also unacceptable to completely ignore study. The task of parents is to find that very “golden” middle ground.

What can be advised in this case? Pay attention to the following organizational points:

1. The child should be raised a maximum of one and a half hours later than usual. Morning exercise remains unchanged, and should consist of washing, brushing teeth, exercising, etc.

2. After breakfast, the student can be asked to complete the tasks of teachers, which are usually given for the holidays (reading literature, creating teaching aids, essays on free topics, etc.).

3. The child should have dinner and lunch at the same time as during the school year.

4. Sections and circles remain in the same set as they were before, after them walks in the fresh air, trips to visit and to the cinema, for example, are acceptable.

5. Older children school age it is necessary to give the opportunity to try to independently organize leisure, using time with benefit.

6. Parents need to diversify the student's diet as much as possible, giving him the opportunity to gain strength, energy and health.

7. Summer is a great time for recovery at sea, in countryside, camp or sanatorium. In the last two cases, the organization of the daily routine will fall on the shoulders of the administration.

8. You should go to bed no later than eleven in the evening, or an hour later than usual. Experts insist that a good night's sleep is the key to a productive morning and afternoon.

9. In order to set the student up for an early resumption of classes, a couple of days before the start of those, visit the stationery store together and replenish stocks of pens / notebooks and other small things.

Remember that even a small intermission in studies leads to the need for subsequent psychological and even physical adaptation to it. It is not necessary from the very first days to demand high marks from the student and ideal behavior. By your actions and adjusting the daily routine, help him get back on track.

Each parent thought about how to properly observe the daily routine for the child and what adjustments he should undergo when the student is on vacation. The features of both forms of compiling the daily routine will be discussed below.

Surely every parent has heard of such a concept as “daily routine” and “daily routine”. Often, after all, every mother wants to subordinate the child’s day to a certain regulation so that he does not wander around doing nothing, does not sit out all his free time on the Internet and did not get too tired all day long. After all, it is known that due to a poorly distributed load throughout the day, the baby can be very tired, lazy and not do some important things. Therefore, it is important to accustom the child to a certain regulation of the day from the earliest school age.

It is known that the routine for a student of younger years, middle and older, will differ significantly from each other. This is explained by the fact that gradually, as they grow older, they change physiological needs of a person, his psychological attitude, which means that every parent must not only take into account the age of his child, but also what exactly he wants to do at one time or another.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the advantages of observing the regimen by the child. Firstly, this is the discipline of the child, since he will get used to doing everything in the same period of time. This will not allow him to be too wasteful of his free time, which means that he himself will be able to competently distribute some activities, allocate a certain interval to them.

Secondly, the child's body will gradually get used to the fact that in certain time he eats, wakes up, studies and goes back to sleep. In this case, by a certain point in time, the body will rebuild, which will allow it to better absorb food, study with pleasure, fall asleep quickly and get up easily in the morning.

Thirdly, the child will be constantly busy with something, which means that he will not get bored and he will not have time for various pranks, he will not contact bad companies and avoid many problems.

The correct daily routine for a student, as mentioned above, should be made in accordance with his age, since older and younger children have slightly different physiological needs.

For kids younger age you need to draw up a daily routine, taking into account the need of a small organism for a sufficiently long, up to ten hours, sleep. In addition, in the afternoon you also need to take about an hour to relax. The rise of the first grader should take place at 7-7: 30 in the morning, depending on what time classes begin at school. After getting up, you do not need to let the child bask in bed, it is best if he rises and does a little exercise.

This will invigorate him, make him wake up, clear his head and warm up his muscles before a long hard day. It is better to do exercises with a slightly ajar window, since fresh air is good for health. It is best to start charging with simple sips, then do several inclinations in different sides. Next should be exercises on the hands and shoulder joints, on the torso and back, and finally on the legs. In this sequence, charging will be more efficient.

After that, you can wash your face, brush your teeth and go to breakfast. It is important to remember that breakfast is one of the most important meals, as it will ensure performance almost until lunchtime. Even if the child refuses to eat in the morning, citing the fact that he has no appetite, it is still necessary to force him to eat at least a few tablespoons of porridge, and put one or two apples with him to school. The second breakfast, as a rule, is given to kids already in the school cafeteria.

Lunch should take place in a relaxed atmosphere, without watching TV or reading books, as this will distract from the process of eating. After dinner, it is necessary to set aside an hour or an hour and a half for sleep, and after it the child can sit down to perform homework. As a rule, two and a half to three hours are allocated for this, since during this time the baby usually manages to cope with tasks. After completing the lessons, the child can spend in any section, circle, or just play on the street. Before going to bed, you can take a short walk so that he can fall asleep faster. Dinner should take place at six o'clock in the evening and be light enough that the child does not feel discomfort.

At half past eight, preparation for sleep should take place. During this time, the kid must collect a portfolio for tomorrow's trip to school, wash, take a shower and brush his teeth. Already at nine o'clock in the evening he should go to bed in order to feel cheerful the next morning.

Many experts advise parents at primary school age to give their children time for the computer, but no more than forty minutes a day. It is best if the child will be on some useful sites or just play educational games.

The daily routine of schoolchildren from the fifth to the seventh grades is slightly different from the daily routine of a schoolchild lower grades. The main difference is that the child has more activities, interests, hobbies. As a rule, at this age he is already more independent, which means that he can take part in drawing up his own daily routine, adjusting it at his own discretion. Of course, some items should remain untouched, such as getting up early, eating at the same time, and doing homework.

It is best to advise the child to fill in the free time intervals that will remain between certain classes by visiting various sections and circles, music school or interest clubs. Ideally, it is necessary that the child spends less time at the computer, reads more books, walks in the fresh air and develops. But still, it’s better not to put pressure on the child, but to give him a little independence in choosing certain activities in the daily routine.

In order for a middle-aged student to feel full of energy and not get tired for the whole day, experts advise to allocate at least nine hours a day for sleep in the daily routine. If the child has increased fatigue, it is necessary to slightly adjust the daily routine and remove some activities, leaving more time for rest. If the child falls ill, the previously drawn up daily routine should also undergo some changes.

The daily routine of a student during the holidays should be based on the basics of scheduling described above. But, due to the abundance of free time, it must undergo some adjustments. First of all, you should not load him with too many classes during the holidays, because during the summer and winter holidays he should gain strength before the new academic quarters. But it’s also not worth dissolving the child too much, since it will be easy enough to break the daily routine, but in order to force it to continue to be observed later, it will take a lot of effort on the part of the parents.

The rise of the student during the holidays can be an hour and a half hours later than usual. Morning procedures, however, should remain unchanged: exercises, morning hygiene and breakfast remain in force. After breakfast, the child can do a bit of school preparation, as some teachers may provide a list of books to read during the holidays. Lunch and dinner should also be held at the usual time for the child.

You should not forget about sections and circles even during the holidays. After them, you can spend a few hours outdoors, weather permitting, or just hang out with friends. This will allow the child to feel more independent and mature, since he will distribute most of his free time himself, practically at his own discretion.

You can also get ready for bed an hour later than usual, but you should not let your child stay up too late. Experts advise parents to send their middle school-age child to bed no later than eleven o'clock, as this will ensure greater efficiency in the morning.

The daily routine for teenagers will already be somewhat different. Only the time of getting up and breakfast remains unchanged, as well as morning hygiene procedures. As a rule, a teenager spends up to two or three hours at school, after which he goes home for lunch. Time in the afternoon should already be more compactly distributed, as many older students study with one or even several tutors, or prepare for exams on their own.

After classes, it is necessary to start doing homework, which is also given, as a rule, two to three hours. The teenager has the right to plan the remaining free time on his own. It is best if he reads a book, takes a walk on the street with friends, helps around the house or visits any sections, and does not spend time at the computer.

Preparation for sleep in teenagers can take place at half past ten in the evening, because in order to get enough sleep, he needs to go to bed no later than twelve o'clock. Many say that at this age you need less time for a good rest.

The daily routine of a student during the holidays should be drawn up taking into account the fact that classes and even study should still occupy the main share throughout the day.

As can be clearly seen from the article, it is necessary to competently approach the preparation of the daily routine of a student who is on vacation. This must be done based on the rules for drawing up the usual daily routine.

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