Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor are dating. Personal life of actress Eliza Taylor


Young Australian actress Eliza Taylor acting in films since 2002. Her filmography includes more than 20 films. different genre and format. The most famous of them are serials "A hundred", "Neighbours", "Pirate Islands".

Eliza Taylor born and raised in Melbourne, where she first realized she wanted to be an actress. Eliza started acting when she was 13 years old. Luck immediately smiled at the aspiring actress - in one year she received two major roles at once - in TV series "Pirate Islands" And "Night Party".

After another 2 years, Eliza was invited to the next interesting and large-scale project - the series "Neighbours" where she played Janai Timmins.

Since 2008, Eliza began to conquer other countries. She moved to the UK, where she began to play in the theatrical production of Snow White.

And in 2014, Eliza Taylor received an invitation to America and began acting in one of the most anticipated projects of the year - the series "A hundred". In this serial film, Eliza plays a teenage girl who, in the company of several young people, had to explore an abandoned after nuclear explosion Earth.

Filmography of Eliza Taylor / Eliza Taylor

  • November Man (2014)
  • Hundred (TV series, 2014 - ...)
  • Patrick (2013)
  • Cleaners (TV series 2013)
  • 6 stories (2012)
  • On the Edge (TV series, 2008 - 2011)
  • On a visit to the Rafters (TV series 2008 - ...)
  • Homicide (TV series, 2007 - 2011)
  • Big Wave (TV series, 2005 - 2008)
  • Night party (TV series, 2003 - 2007)
  • Pirate Islands (TV series 2003)
  • All Saints (TV series 1998 - 2009)
  • Blue Healers (TV series 1994 - 2006)
  • Neighbors (TV series 1985)

Celebrity biographies


27.02.16 10:15

This unusual beautiful actress did not need false eyelashes so popular now: nature rewarded her double row own fluffy long eyelashes (rare case). The eye color of the star was also “exclusive”: someone called it violet, someone called it sapphire. The personal life of Elizabeth Taylor was of interest to the media and fans no less than her work - after all, the film star married eight times, and twice - for the same person.

Biography of Elizabeth Taylor

young starlet

Americans Francis Lenn and Sarah Viola Taylor were living in London when their second child was born in their family, a girl they named Elizabeth Rosemond. It happened on February 27, 1932. Early childhood Liz passed in Hampstead. But when the second World War, and London began to bomb, gallerist and actor Francis and his wife, theater actress, decided that they and their children - Howard and Liz - would be safer in America.

Thanks to this move, Elizabeth was able to adolescence try your hand at cinema. Creative biography Elizabeth Taylor began at the age of nine with the comedy A Man Born Every Minute, and a year later she played in the Oscar nominee, family melodrama Lassie Comes Home.

However, the audience fell in love with the direct artistic girl with unusually blue eyes after she performed leading role in the sports drama National Velvet. Her heroine, the brave rider Velvet, who decided to participate in men's competitions (National Horse Racing), won the hearts of Americans.

Prove to everyone that you are talented: Queen of Hollywood

The end of the 1940s became rich in roles for the aspiring performer (the tapes "The Conspirator", "Cynthia", "Father of the Bride", "Little Women" - by the way, the last two films were reshot years later and became hits, but the originals are no worse remakes). Elizabeth understood that the "pillars" of Hollywood did not really believe in her talent, thinking that the audience was attracted only by the beauty of the actress, but she soon proved her "professional suitability".

The first "bell" of true glory was the drama "A Place in the Sun", one of best films 1951. Then iconic images appeared in the biography of Elizabeth Taylor - she played Rebecca in the film adaptation of Ivanhoe, Leslie in the drama with the participation of James Dean "Giant" (nominated for 10 Oscars and received one) and Maggie in the adaptation of Tennessee Williams' play "The Cat on the Hot roof." For the role of Maggie, the actress could have become an Academy Award winner (like Paul Newman, who played the heroine's husband), but the statuette went to Susan Hayward. The shooting of this film was very difficult for Liz - just at that time, her beloved husband Michael Todd tragically died in a car accident. So the personal life of Elizabeth Taylor was in the spotlight of the press, but she did not give up and finished the job. After that, she was increasingly called the "Queen of Hollywood."

An unusual gift: the fateful "Cleopatra"

On the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Taylor was offered to play the legendary Egyptian ruler, the mistress of Caesar and Antony, Cleopatra in the grandiose peplum of the same name. The studio saw only her in this image - the actress suited the role both in appearance and temperament. Kinodiva broke down for a long time and once mentioned that she would act in film for ... 1 million dollars. The producers seized on this phrase and offered the star just such a fee. She signed the contract and became the first actress to receive such a gigantic sum for her work.

In general, the project turned out to be extremely expensive: taking into account inflation, the studio spent more than $ 300 million on amazing effects, costumes and salaries for actors and extras. Another feature of the filming is that they lasted a very long time (the film was released only in the summer of 1963), in particular, due to illness main star- She underwent surgery and was forced to take a break for rehabilitation.

The historical film "Cleopatra" was nominated for 9 Oscars (of which she earned four: the awards went to the cameraman, artist, costumes, visual effects). And Taylor received her "gift": the performer of the role of Anthony. Although both she and Richard Burton were not free, they filed for divorce and got married.

Great Creative Union

Since then, the biographies of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard have been closely connected - they have 11 tapes in total. Movies often illustrated their turbulent personal relationship. For example, they were antagonists (who later became husband and wife) in the film adaptation of Shakespeare's comedy The Taming of the Shrew, and in the drama Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, they portrayed spouses who have exhausted each other to the limit for 20 years. By the way, for the role of Martha, a hysterical and wanton, Elizabeth received a second Oscar (the first was for the little-known film Butterfield 8, in which Liz played an elite prostitute). In total, the picture "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" won five statuettes.

Expensive "Oscar"

The role of Martha went to the 34-year-old actress is not so easy - to look flabby, she decided to gain weight. At short stature(only 157 cm) every extra kilogram was instantly reflected in the figure. After filming, she could not return to her previous form for a long time, fuel was added to the fire by the diva's passion for drugs and alcohol, as well as health problems (in particular, diseased heart). So in more late paintings(Soviet-American fairy tale " Blue bird”, an adaptation of Christie’s novel “The Mirror Cracked”) Elizabeth bears little resemblance to her former self, although she was not so many years old (respectively, 44 and 48).

Lady of the British Empire

Taylor's career gradually declined, although she played in theatrical performances and appeared on TV. The role of Alexandra del Lago in the television movie based on Williams's play "Sweet Bird of Youth" was somewhat biographical: drinking and losing fans Hollywood star Alexandra seems to be copied from Taylor. At 62, she ended her film career by starring in a family fantasy comedy based on famous animated series"The Flintstones". For a year for this, the actress was awarded an honorary Oscar - a statuette named after John Hersholt. And in 2000, Elizabeth received the title of Lady - she was awarded the Order of the British Empire.

Personal life of Elizabeth Taylor

Novels with millionaires

If the peak of Taylor's career were today, there is no doubt that she would be one of the most popular people on the Internet and could compete with the representatives of the Kardashian clan - because in addition to beauty and success in her personal life, Elizabeth Taylor had a rare talent and charm.

Already in her youth, she was the heroine of the "yellow" press, becoming the lady of the heart of the eccentric rich man Howard Hughes (more than one film star fell into his arms). Yes, and Liz's first husband was a millionaire - heir to the fortune (and owner of a hotel chain) Hilton Nick.

Tragedy that got in the way of happiness

But this marriage did not last very long. British actress Michael Wilding consoled the actress, the age difference with which Elizabeth was 20 years old. Then she gave birth to her first child Michael, and two years later (in 1955) - Christopher. Alas, this union broke up quickly, and Taylor became the wife of producer Michael Todd. She could live with him long years- the husband was very attentive and caring, adored Liz and their daughter Elizabeth (Lisa), born in 1957. But the plane crash of 1958 crossed out this happy tandem.

Love knocking down

In 1959, the singer and actor Eddie Fisher became the star's husband - he was destined to taste the bitterness of betrayal, because on the set of Cleopatra, Elizabeth literally lost her head from her colleague, Welshman Richard Burton. They could ignore the footage and run away to a secluded place - it was like crazy! In 1964, "Antony" and "Cleopatra" got married and almost immediately adopted a German girl, Maria.

This marriage was accompanied by scenes, scandals, stormy reconciliations and very expensive gifts - Burton presented his beloved with either the largest pearl in the world, or the legendary diamond, or a set studded with almost priceless precious stones. So Taylor has a very solid collection of diamonds and jewelry. They managed to get divorced and remarry, only to finally part in 1976.

Senator and worker

With her sixth husband, Republican Senator John Warner, the actress lived for almost six years, but, probably, the temperamental film star's intelligent, not prone to scenes husband-politician seemed too "insipid". Divorce was inevitable. So the 59-year-old star surprised everyone by going down the aisle with a simple worker Larry Fortensky. He was younger wife for 20 years. Since Elizabeth found him in rehabilitation center(she herself was treated there for alcohol addiction), then this union was not strong.

The Queen of Hollywood passed away on March 23, 2011 - in last years she was a frequent guest in hospitals, but this time the star could not be saved, her heart stopped.

Unknown Journey

Taylor was known as a very generous philanthropist and patron of the arts. She was close friends with Michael Jackson and baptized his children.

After the death of the king of pop, the Hollywood star experienced breakdown and landed in the hospital. Now preparations are underway for filming a film about an unusual journey - having learned about the upcoming attack on the United States in 2001, Jackson took his friends - Marlon Brando and Elizabeth and went away from the metropolis. It is curious that the role of Michael is offered to Joseph Fiennes, and Liz is offered to Oscar-winner Stockard Channing. In this regard, it is worth recalling another project, the TV movie "Burton and Taylor", in which Helena Bonham Carter appeared in the image of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Taylor is an actress whose name has become synonymous with Hollywood. With the release of her films, the "golden age" of the American film industry began, which is why this bright woman often called the "queen" of overseas cinema.

For many years of shows and filming, Elizabeth Taylor has become one of the most bright stars Europe and USA. Newspapers wrote about her; TV news releases were dedicated to her. But how much do we really know about her? What secrets hides the past of this great film actress? To understand all this, our article today, dedicated to one of the first Hollywood stars, will help you.

The early years, childhood and family of Elizabeth Taylor

The future celebrity was born in English London. Her parents - US citizens - came here to shoot new films, but subsequently stayed here for many years. It was only with the outbreak of World War II that they decided to leave English cinema and move back across the ocean. Having moved to their historical homeland, the mother of our today's heroine continued to act in films, but she never managed to truly become famous in her whole life. But the father of Elizabeth Taylor decided to leave the cinema and some time later opened his own art gallery. In this field, he managed to achieve good success, but, of course, he could not compare with the success of his daughter.

In one of her interviews, Elizabeth Taylor said that she does not remember the time when she was still not famous. And it's easy enough to believe. Appear for the first time on film set the young actress happened already in 1942, when she was still only ten years old. The debut work of the actress was a small role of a young horsewoman in the film "National Velvet", which later became her stepping stone to the world of big cinema. The first role was followed by others. "Lassie Comes Home", "Jane Eyre", "Life with Father", "Date with Judy" - each of these paintings became a significant milestone in early career our today's heroine. Each time her film roles became more and more significant, and she herself slowly turned into a full-fledged Hollywood star.

The film The Conspirator, in which she played one of the main roles, allowed Elizabeth Taylor to finally establish herself in this capacity. The picture was a success at the worldwide box office and very soon brought young Elizabeth fame and glory.

Fame and success Elizabeth Taylor, filmography

It is noteworthy that at the very beginning, critics and recognized figures of American cinematography saw in the actress only a pretty beauty. However, later Elizabeth Taylor managed to change the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bherself. Her bright performance in the films A Place in the Sun, Giant, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Suddenly, Last Summer made the whole Hollywood talk about this talented London native as a strong character actress.

Myths and legends. Elizabeth Taylor

During this period, not a single newspaper in New York and Los Angeles was published without news on the life and work of Elizabeth Taylor. Everyone was talking about her. The topic of discussion was her personal life, new roles, and later her fees. The thing is that our today's heroine is the first actress in world cinema, whose fee has reached a million dollars. In this context, it is also worth noting that in the 60s, due to a different exchange rate for the American currency, this amount was completely sky-high. With this money, several films could be made at once. However, the directors preferred to spend them on the fees of Elizabeth Taylor.

For the first time, such an amount appeared in the salary sheet of an Anglo-American actress in 1961, when the film Cleopatra was released. At this moment, the actress was at the pinnacle of fame and already had one golden Oscar statuette in her personal collection (for the film Butterfield 8). However, despite this, the film Egyptian queen never paid off at the worldwide box office. The film studio suffered considerable losses, although it managed to get hold of several significant cinematic awards.

In the mid-sixties, the actress played her main role in her career, starring in the psychological film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? For this role, the actress scored excess weight, and such efforts did not go unnoticed by American critics. In 1967, the "Queen of Hollywood" received her second Oscar. However, the consequences of filming in this picture haunted Elizabeth Taylor for a long time. The gained weight still did not go away, and therefore very soon the actress began a protracted depression. To top it off, there were problems with alcohol and drugs. The actress was treated a lot, but breakdowns and relapses were by no means uncommon for her.

During this period, problems began in the professional field. Public interest in the person of Elizabeth Taylor began to decline rapidly, and films with her participation increasingly remained unprofitable. Thus, by the age of forty-five, the career of the former "Queen of Hollywood" began to go downhill. In the eighties, she began to act less frequently in films and appear more often in the theater. This state of affairs continued in the future. In the nineties, only one film with her participation was released. In 2001, the once popular Anglo-American actress starred in her last movie- Comedy "American old nags".

The Last Years of Elizabeth Taylor

In the 2000s, a woman began to collect special awards American film academies, as well as appearing on various show projects as a special guest. During this period, Elizabeth Taylor began to make frequent political statements supporting Democratic Party USA and protecting the rights of national and sexual minorities.

point in dizzying career celebrity put a serious heart disease. In 2011, the woman began to frequently go to the hospital. However, all efforts of doctors were in vain. On March 23, 2011, the "Queen of Hollywood" died of heart failure.

Hollywood legend Elizabeth Tylor dies

Personal life of Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor has been married eight times in her life. To some extent, this fact was due to the constant interest in her person from journalists and ordinary people.

Most significant men actors Richard Burton and Michael Wilding became her fate. With the first, the actress lived together for twenty years and even managed to marry him twice. The marriage with the second of these men lasted somewhat less, but gave the world two children - the sons of Howard and Christopher.

Subsequently, from her marriage to producer Michael Todd, she also had a daughter, Elizabeth. In addition to three own children, the "Queen of Hollywood" also had one adopted child- a girl named Maria, whom Taylor adopted when she was married to Richard Burton.

While attending conventions and festivals before the premiere of the fifth season of The 100, project stars Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor managed to tell a lot about their characters, but not all. In one of Bob and Eliza's new interviews, even more information about Clarke and Bellamy appeared, and we invite you to read about it right now.

The six year leap has great importance for the surviving Centuries, Morley emphasizes that significant changes are taking place. “This season it feels like we're filming several different shows at once, as there are many different groups and leaders who are in charge of different locations,” says Morley. – It is interesting to watch the struggle for power and who is really responsible for it. This season has been difficult for me, as well as for Bellamy. And when he returns to Earth, everything changes very quickly.”

Clarke has an additional responsibility. We see her with a young girl who became her family. Eliza Taylor thinks the big time jump has become great idea. "As we all know, Clarke has gone through a lot of loss in her life," Taylor says. - We thought that by the end of season 4 she would be alone, but she found herself a little friend whom she loves with all her heart. She is like a daughter to her. She found some semblance of peace and happiness, of course, until the prison ship comes down to Earth."

Taylor also spoke about her new role on Earth, she tries to hide from the prison ship. “It's great since we've switched places,” she says. “Now Clarke has become a hunted Earthling. It's a really cool reference to the pilot."

Morley also teased a return to the very beginning. “Of course, we will meet many creatures of Mother Nature - animals, creatures, all kinds of creatures and the like,” says Morley. - This is one of the battles. And this is also the consequences of planetary changes after primefaya. But the threat posed by other groups of people is certainly greater than any other beings."

Taylor also hinted at some potential conflict between the groups. “I think some people's attachments haven't changed, but there's a couple that's very different,” Taylor says. But there is still a connection between them. I can't wait for people to see the reunion of all the bands. This is great".

As for the long-awaited Bellamy and Clarke reunion, Morley had a lot on his mind. "It's a big shock for him," says Morley. Clarke is very focused on Madi, who has become her family. I've had my Spacecru, and they're really moving away from each other. There is no more "Hundred" ... Now everyone has their own people. The division “my people, your people” has always existed, but this season it is especially noticeable. This is what their future relationship will depend on.”

The actress who was called the most beautiful woman peace. In her filmography - 65 brilliant film roles, and her own life could well become the basis of the plot for a love melodrama. Only officially, Taylor was married nine times, two of which were for the same man. And, interestingly, puritanical America, in those years condemning the novels of even the most beloved stars with married men, forgave the "incomparable Liz" for what cost others a career. Furthermore, she became the first Hollywood movie star to receive millions in fees.

In memory of the brilliant Elizabeth Taylor, ELLE remembers the eight main men she loved.

Husband #1: Conrad Hilton

The first time Elizabeth Taylor went down the aisle when she was 23 years old. The chosen one of the young beauty was an even younger, but already very enviable groom, 18-year-old Conrad Hilton Jr., the heir to the millionth fortune of the Hilton hotel chain (by the way, the future grandfather of the scandalous it-girl Paris Hilton). For the beginning of the 50s, relations developed very rapidly: having met in a nightclub, the couple announced their engagement two months later. The wedding was magnificent: 700 guests gathered for the celebration, and the wedding dress for the bride was sewn by Helen Rose herself, a well-known fashion designer at that time, the author of Grace Kelly's wedding dress.

However, the idyll in the newly-made family lasted less than a year A: Nine months later, Taylor filed for divorce. It turned out that the young husband led wild image life (women, casinos, booze) and once, being in drunk, hit the then-pregnant Elizabeth. The child could not be saved - just like this marriage of the actress. In memory of the fleeting marriage, Elizabeth got expensive gifts and a solid stake in Hilton Corporation.

Husband #2: Michael Wilding

The second time Taylor went to the altar a year later - with actor Michael Wilding. He was 20 years older than Liz and at the time of their acquaintance, let's say, not too free. But the fatal beauty Taylor was convinced that the man she liked would belong to her at all costs, so Mike had no choice but to divorce his wife. This time the wedding was modest, so as not to attract the attention of the press. The actress even did without a wedding dress, wearing a very laconic dress with a fluffy skirt and decorating her hair with flowers. This marriage lasted five years and turned out to be almost successful: Taylor gave birth to two sons and, in principle, very skillfully combined family life with a career. However, after a while, Elizabeth got tired of the role of the head of the family, and she left Wilding.

Husband #3: Michael Todd

After the second divorce, the actress remained unmarried ... three days! The next lover of the Hollywood diva was producer Michael Todd. He was 24 years older than her, and, according to the actress, because of big difference at an age, this marriage was her happiest. In addition to the fact that the husband showered his wife with expensive gifts, his connections in Hollywood provided Elizabeth with roles in the most box office films which eventually brought her worldwide fame. Taylor gave birth to Todd's daughter, and everything seemed to be going great. But a year later, Michael tragically died in a plane crash on a private jet. "Oh God, I loved him so much!" - the actress will write in her memoirs. As Elizabeth said, she was also supposed to be on board next to her husband, but due to illness she stayed at home.

Husband #4: Eddie Fisher

Singer Eddie Fisher was a close friend of Taylor's late husband, and it was he who gave her a shoulder when, experiencing the death of her husband, the actress became addicted to alcohol. Fisher was an exemplary family man with two children, but he also could not resist the charms of the fatal beauty. For the sake of Liz, Eddy left the family, and she accepted his faith: Judaism. Cars, furs, jewelry - the star husband fulfilled any whims of his wife, for which in Hollywood he was called henpecked Taylor. This marriage lasted five years - until the moment when Richard Burton appeared in Elizabeth's life.

Husband #5 & 6: Richard Burton

Without even formally filing a divorce, Taylor plunged headlong into new novel with co-star Cleopatra. Chosen actress Richard Burton was also married, however, like almost all of his predecessors. The fact that Liz and Richard - both - were not free from marital obligations, only fueled their interest in each other. And the press watched with trepidation the rapid development of their relationship! This love story on a Hollywood scale became the event of a century, in comparison with which family upheavals modern stars, like Clooney and Jolepitts, just fade.

Liz was in love with Richard like a cat. Their romance was in full swing when, at a press conference, Burton announced that he would not divorce his wife. Because of these words, Taylor tried to commit suicide. In those days, skeptics said that Burton's interest was dictated by cold calculation: Taylor was already in the status of a world superstar, and Richard was an ordinary actor in the British theater. One way or another, but soon Burton fell in love with Elizabeth in earnest. “My eyes go blind without seeing you. You don't realize how fantastically beautiful you are," he wrote in letters to Taylor.

Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor in The Taming of the Shrew

There was everything in this relationship: unbridled passion, jealousy, beautiful gestures and crazy actions. A year after the start of the relationship, the couple had a daughter, and three years later, Liz and Dick got married. The bride wore a yellow chiffon dress by Irene Sharaf, lilies and hyacinths were woven into her hair, and a $150,000 emerald brooch sparkled on her chest, a gift from Burton. By the way, the actor loved to pamper his beloved with the rarest jewelry, buying them at auctions for fantastic money. He gave Liz the largest pearl in the world, named after her, a 33-carat diamond for $ 2 million, and once interrupted Aristotle Onassis himself with a huge Cartier diamond with the words: “This diamond should have been worn by the most a beautiful woman in the world. I couldn't let Jackie Kennedy or Sophia Loren be considered as such."

However, 10 years of violent quarrels and reconciliations exhausted the relationship of the couple. To top it off, their films ceased to bring their former profit, against the background of which Burton began to drink. The brightest romance in history culminated in a divorce that occurred in 1974. Life apart turned out to be painful for both, and a year later the couple reunited, remarrying. An attempt to enter the same river a second time was unsuccessful: after nine months, the couple realized that they could no longer be together.

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