Royal hunt. Tickets for the Royal Hunt


(st. Arbat, 26)

Drama in 2 acts (3h15m)
L. Zorin
1800-4500 rub.


Ticket price:
Amphitheater, dress circle 1800-2500 rubles.
Parterre 7-11 row 2800-4000 rubles.
Parterre 12-18 row 2500-3000 rubles.
Parterre 1-6 row 3500-4500 rubles.

The cost of one ticket includes reservation and delivery services.
Specify the exact cost and availability of tickets by phone from the site. Tickets are available.

Few people can explain the actions of a woman, especially if she is endowed with supreme power, for no one knows what serves the real reason her actions - state need or female jealousy.
The play "Royal Hunt" based on the play by Leonid Zorin ("Pokrovsky Gates", "Warsaw Melody") is based on real historical events.

Empress Catherine II sends Count Alexei Orlov to Venice to seduce and bring to Russia an impostor who claims to the Russian throne - Elizabeth. However, between young people there is real passion, and Alexey has to choose between true feeling and duty to the sovereign.
For Alexei Orlov (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), this is the arrangement of pieces on the chessboard of life: on one half, Catherine II (Maria Aronova) is a tough, resolute, true personification of a powerful woman, and on the other, tender, fragile and touching Elizabeth (Anna Dubrovskaya).

Count Orlov Vladimir Vdovichenkov - courageous, strong, brave, REAL - an image so rarely seen in life today is beautifully embodied by him on stage.

A big surprise awaits fans of Maria Aronova: those who are used to seeing their favorite actress in comedy roles will be able to appreciate her unique dramatic talent.

The duration of the performance is 3 hours and 15 minutes.

Actors and performers:
Catherine, Empress
Count Alexei Grigorievich Orlov Count Grigory Grigorievich Orlov Alexei Zavyalov,
Evgeny Knyazev
Mikhail Nikitich Kustov Yuri Kraskov
Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova Elena Sotnikova
Elizabeth's secretary Leonid Bichevin,
Dmitry Solomykin
Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin
playwright Evgeny Kosyrev
wealthy merchant Evgeny Fedorov,
Vladimir Koval
Captain Snark Alexander Ryshchenkov
Padre Paolo
Jesuit Alexander Galevsky
Stepan Ivanovich Sheshkovsky
Chief Secretary of the Secret Expedition Evgeny Karelskikh
Prince Golitsyn Viktor Zozulin
young nobleman Oleg Lopukhov,
Victor Dobronravov
Lieutenant Vladimir Logvinov
Ferapont Fomich
old servant Alexander Grave
Admiral Greig Ruben Simonov,
Kirill Rubtsov
De Ribas Anton Belsky
Fedor Kostylev
sailor Anatoly Menshchikov
Egorushka Dmitry Kuznetsov

"Enough!" - said Mikhail Ulyanov at the opening of this season at the Vakhtangov Theatre. The harsh words of the leader referred to what Vakhtangovskoe cherished most of all - to the so-called "Vakhtangov tradition", with its fantastic realism, game elements and all sorts of Turandots. Ulyanov, on the other hand, said that the theater, hiding behind these mythical terms, has been dying for a long time, and therefore, they say, it's time to leave high words and start working normally. The theater began.

By the will of the repertoire plan, the first work after the program statement was "Royal Hunt" - according to thundering in Soviet times play by Leonid Zorin about the impostor Elizaveta Tarakanova, who, at the behest of Catherine II, was seduced and then imprisoned in Petropavlovka by Count Orlov. The performance by Vladimir Ivanov, more of a teacher at the Shchukin school than a director, turned out to be traditional. Not in the sense that Ivanov, contrary to the order of the artistic director, follows the Vakhtangov tradition, not at all. Everything that happens in this performance: the empress in full dress, standing on the proscenium, speaks about the benefits of the fatherland; counts in beaver collars lament the transience of royal goodwill, marchionesses in wigs and frills lavish compliments, a harpsichord sounds, a muslin sways - all this could happen in exactly the same form (and most often happened) in any performance of the Russian theater in the last two hundred years its existence, if the performance had any bearing on the lives of royalty.

"Hunting" by Vladimir Ivanov is full of all conceivable platitudes - from hands raised to the sky (this is if you need to portray despair) to a whisper amplified by a microphone (this is when love). And you sit and see nothing but these platitudes, and wait for it all to end, until the main ones appear on the stage. characters: Maria Aronova - Catherine II and Anna Dubrovskaya - Elizabeth, - and at this moment you stop noticing all the clichés that were callous to the eye. Both actresses, following the director's simple instructions, play in such a way that you feel not only the slightest shades of the mood of their heroines, not only their unspoken impulses, but everything that happens around you begins to feel almost physically. The atmosphere on the sidelines Winter Palace, spring in Italy, pitching on a Russian ship moored off the Italian coast, the heavy spirit of casemates Peter and Paul Fortress. All the torment, tears, remorse and longing that embraces Alexei Orlov (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), while the simple song "I can neither cry nor laugh" sounds in the background. Such powerful acting, such credibility of feelings - such that the heart begins to tingle - have not been in the theater in general and in Vakhtangov in particular for a long time. With just a movement of their eyes, with a wave of their hands, Aronova and Dubrovskaya communicate many important things that a more skilled director could put into this performance, and the fact that the fate of anyone, whether you are a serf or a vice-chancellor, is not worth a penny in the fatherland, and the fact that the meaning of life sought by everyone is, apparently, in love, and much more, in no way manifested in the director's intention. And, besides, all these movements and swings indicate that with such actresses - the best in Moscow - the Vakhtangov Theater has a future. Whatever Mikhail Ulyanov imagined it to be.

Historical melodrama in 2 acts (3h15m)

L. Zorin
Staging: Vladimir Ivanov
Catherine, Empress: Maria Aronova
Elizabeth: Anna Dubrovskaya
Alexey Orlov: Vladimir Vdovichenkov
Grigory Orlov: Evgeny Knyazev
Bushes: Yuri Kraskov
and others C 03.06.2012 There are no dates for this show.
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Review of "Afisha":

The large royal throne, located in the center of the stage, seems to fall into two parts: an impostor has ventured to encroach on the place of the legitimate empress. And even though the strength of the rivals is clearly not equal in the Vakhtangov performance, any danger does not pass by the watchful eye of the smart and strong mistress of the Russian throne. That is why there is a hunt - a hunt for power and for those who claim this power. Deftly and cunningly setting the network, Empress Catherine the Great performed by Maria Aronova - central figure performance. How much is mixed in this firm ruler and passionate woman! Will and prudence, funny malice and regal coldness, but at the same time - hidden tenderness and desperate jealousy, female coquetry and charming cunning. The actress, who brilliantly owns comedic colors, in this role rises to tragic heights. The anxiety and pain of the empress for Russia is as sincere as the outbursts of her female anger and fear of defeat in love rivalry are genuine. True, Elizabeth (Anna Dubrovskaya), who claims to be Catherine on the royal throne and in the heart of her favorite, in this case can hardly be dangerous for her. A coquettishly languid and slightly capricious half-woman, half-child, Liza, although full of ambitious hopes, is still too naive and pure to enter into such an unequal struggle. Violent" royal games"She is clearly beyond her strength yet. The hunt is for a young creature, more like a cute fairy princess, heartlessly deceived by an experienced and grasping courtier - Count Orlov (Vladimir Vdovichenkov), sent by the Empress. But when Catherine herself sees this unfortunate adventurer defeated, she feels more pity for her than hatred, although she quickly suppresses the uninvited human weakness. The royal throne remains indivisible, but the heart of the great empress. And behind this eternal struggle, which is happening in the soul of the heroine Aronova, I want to follow inseparably

Marina Gaevskaya

The performance includes:

Historical melodrama
Duration: 3 hours 15 minutes with one intermission

As you know, historical melodramas in our country at all times enjoyed simply incredible popularity. After all, many Russian viewers are actively interested in national and world history. Therefore, it would be interesting for them to see famous figures of the past on theater stage or to the movies. And, since in Russia they have always loved beautiful romantic love stories, then the genre of melodrama quite naturally became popular and loved. Therefore, one should not be surprised that many famous theater and film directors often turn to historical melodrama in our country, creating their own unique masterpieces.

And among Russian viewers are in demand tickets to the performance "Royal Hunt" and other performances of similar subjects. By the way, this production is based on a play by the famous domestic playwright Leonid Zorin, the author of such well-known works as Pokrovsky Gates and Warsaw Melody. Plays this author repeatedly staged in the theater and cinema. And domestic viewers fell in love with them for their amazing sincerity and brightness of images. All this can be fully attributed to the play "The Royal Hunt", which is a historical melodrama in genre. It is noteworthy that this work based on real events. And it is told here how everyone who tries will be able to see buy tickets for the performance "Royal Hunt", about how Empress Catherine II sends Alexei Orlov to Venice in order to seduce Elizabeth, an impostor who claimed the Russian throne. But nothing human turned out to be alien to Orlov. And therefore, Alexei faces a rather difficult dilemma: to fulfill the public duty or to indulge in suddenly surging bright feelings.

So what ended so fascinating romantic story? But only those who make it on time will be able to find out about this. order tickets for the performance "Royal Hunt" to the Moscow State academic theater named after Vakhtangov. After all, it is here that this very bright and interesting historical production is currently taking place, the premiere of which took place on November 3, 2002. By the way, all the spectators who attend this performance will not only appreciate the power and scale of this historical performance, but will also enjoy the beautiful acting Maria Aronova and Vladimir Vdovichenkov.

Despite the development of television and Internet technologies, the theater continues to be one of the main and most popular species cultural entertainment for millions of people. Neither TV nor a virtual reality cannot replace the energy of actors who perform live in front of the audience, broadcasting their feelings and emotions to the audience. That's why tickets today are still sold out immediately after going on sale a month or two before the performance. It is especially difficult to buy theater tickets in holidays. Cultural rest must be taken care of in advance. However, modern technologies come to the aid of theater audiences. Today you can easily buy tickets to the theater without wasting your time on trips to the box office. Internet at the service of dramatic art, which has existed for many hundreds of years, allows everyone to get in touch with the world of Melpomene.

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