Why did the author give his hero the name Vrungel. Andrey Nekrasov The Adventures of Captain Vrungel


Andrei Nekrasov is a writer, essayist, prose writer, better known to the reader as the author of the adventures of the famous Captain Vrungel and his faithful assistants Fuchs and Lom.

Favorite cartoon

More than one generation of children grew up on this work, successfully filmed by director D. Cherkassky in 1978. Saveliy Kramarov, Vladimir Basov, Mikhail Pugovkin, Sergei Martinson speak in the voices of their favorite characters in the 13-episode cartoon. The unlucky and fearless Captain Vrungel was voiced by Zinovy ​​Gerdt.

Andrey Nekrasov would hardly have been able to write such an epoch-making fantasy book for children, sitting at his desk at home. Therefore, he personally decided to conquer the seas and oceans in order to get in touch with the life of his hero in reality. Rather, it was the other way around: at first there were oceans and seas, and then a pretty character Khristofor Bonifatievich Vrungel appeared, who described his incredible adventures around the world, naturally embellishing them a little.

Andrey Nekrasov: biography

Andrei Sergeevich Nekrasov was born in Moscow on June 22, 1907. The doctor's son was fond of adventure literature in childhood; The Travels of Marco Polo made a special impression on him.

After graduating from school in 1924, he began working as a fitter at the metropolitan tram station, but young Andrey was attracted by unknown horizons, and in 1926 he moved to distant Murmansk, where he got a job as a sailor on a fishing boat. Then there was another ship. And further.

And he beat whales, and mined gold

Sailing on a variety of ships as an ordinary sailor and fireman in the regions of the Far East and Far North, Andrey Nekrasov began to record interesting cases And funny situations witnessed and in which he took part. For 10 years in difficult natural conditions tried myself in different areas: stood at the burning furnaces of the ship's stoker heavy watches, hunted walruses in the Bering Strait, organized pacific ocean whaling, mined gold on the Amur and oil on Sakhalin. In 1933, after graduating from the marine technical school in Vladivostok, Nekrasov Andrey Sergeevich was appointed deputy in the maritime department of the Dalmorzverprom trust.

Nekrasov's writing activity

The first publications (1928) were separate notes and poems (mainly for a children's audience), under which Andrey Sergeevich Nekrasov signed as Tope.

In 1935, the book "Sea Boots" saw the light of day - a collection of stories in which the author shares with the reader stories about the hard working days of sailors in the North. In 1936, the publication of the book "The Tale of Comrade Kirov", written in collaboration with several writers, took place.

The book "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel", published in 1937 and brought popularity to its author, was translated into many languages ​​and reprinted several times. The prototype of the captain was an old acquaintance A.M. Vronsky, who headed the Far East the first whaling trust and often entertained his friends with invented stories at his leisure. At the same time, the writer Bogdanov N.V. not unreasonably believed that one of the prototypes of Christopher Bonifatich was Nekrasov himself, who amused the editorial staff with fascinating tales-stories.

The book was met with mixed reviews by critics of the time. So, Leo Kassil praised the story, written for people who love jokes, appreciate the intricate charm of fables and notice the true philistine meaning in ridiculous absurdities. The writer I. Rakhtanov predicted that the frivolous work would soon be forgotten, but after 30 years he changed his mind, including Vrungel in the category of books that are destined for a happy long life.

Almost immediately after the publication, the children's book was withdrawn from sale, and the author, who at that time held the post of assistant to the 1st secretary of the Dnepropetrovsk regional committee, was arrested and sent to build the Norilsk plant.

Postwar years

In 1941, Andrei Nekrasov volunteered for the front, served in aviation and infantry; since 1942 he was an employee of a front-line newspaper. In 1943 he joined the Writers' Union of the USSR.

In 1944, having fallen under the wheels of a merciless repressive machine, the writer was convicted by a military tribunal for 3 years.

After rehabilitation, the writer was in the leadership of a closed yacht club for Soviet captains and even acquired one of the decommissioned German yachts, which he called "Trouble" in honor of the book counterpart. When launched, the ship sank, fully justifying its name, and after repairs, hitting the power line with steel shrouds, it completely burned down.

Before last days Nekrasov Andrei Sergeevich was a member of the editorial board of the literary almanac "Ocean" and the magazine "Pioneer". He died at the age of 80 on February 15, 1987.

Original published: Publisher:

Children's literature


"The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" - humorous story Soviet writer Andrey Nekrasov. The book was first published in Pioneer magazine in 1937, in an abridged form (or rather, in the form of illustrations with captions, that is, in fact, in the form of a comic book), a full-fledged book edition was published in 1939. The novel parodies both stories about sailors, popular in the 1930s, and stereotypes about foreigners and individual states. The protagonist of the book is Captain Vrungel, whose surname is a parody of the surname Wrangel, the first part of this surname uses the word "liar". Vrungel, whose name has become a household name, is a marine analogue of Baron Munchausen, telling fables about his adventures in swimming.

History of creation

Andrey Nekrasov, before becoming a writer, changed many professions, he himself was a sailor and traveler, he visited many parts of the Earth. He wrote down stories and tales that his comrades told. Boris Zhitkov advised Andrei to write a book based on these tales.


Yacht "Trouble" during the royal races

The book begins with a prologue, in which the author introduces readers to the teacher of the navigation school, Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel, who for a long time remained for the students a good-looking land "botanist" and only by chance did he discover his true face as an experienced sailor. In the future, the narration is conducted on behalf of Vrungel himself as oral story about what they once did world tour.

The protagonist, already elderly, respectable and well-deserved, but still a cheerful captain, decides to shake the old days and go on a "sports trip around the world" on a forty-foot sailing yacht, taking only an assistant with him. In this capacity, his choice falls on a sailor named Lom, a well-trained two-meter tall man, not without problems, but who, for the sake of swimming, managed to learn spoken English in three weeks. A yacht repaired for a cruise receives big name"Victory", however, at the start there is a public embarrassment - the ship cannot sail, despite the fair wind. The perplexed crew has to ask for help a tugboat that tears off the yacht along with a piece of the shore: as it turns out, during the preparation for the campaign, the Pobeda managed to grow firmly to the shore with a side of freshly sawn boards. As a result of this accident, the board with the name of the ship loses the first two gold letters, which is why the yacht has to be referred to as "Trouble". Having lost a day to correct the situation, Vrungel sails from Leningrad, on the way he uses the rare scent of Loma for alcohol for good, and on the shores of Norway he visits a picturesque fjord, where, due to a forest fire, “a load of squirrels alive without an account” is on the ship. At Dogger Bank, the captain receives an SOS signal on a sore tooth and saves the Norwegians from a sinking fishing sailboat; back in Norway, feeds squirrels with halva and pineapples; in Germany, not without incident, he rents them out to the Hamburg Zoo; in Holland, the captain conceives a logistical experiment and undertakes to escort a shoal of live herring to Cairo, for which he hires another sailor through Loma to help - a Frenchman from Calais by the name of Fuchs, who at first succeeds in literally only through playing cards. In England, Vrungel, first on the shoulders of Fuchs, wins in gentleman's boxing, and then wins the big royal sailing races, taking into account the reactive properties of soda-whiskey in time. When rewarding, the team manages to avoid the reprisals of losing rivals, and the only fake, but strong gold chain with an anchor that they got from the mountain of prizes helps them not to let the "Trouble" go free. The captain leads the ship to the Mediterranean Sea, while for some time determines the coordinates of the ship with the help of a pair of Greenwich cockerels. Having managed to scare off a squadron of Francoist pirates with the help of the yacht's overkill, the captain successfully brings the school of herring to Egypt. The crew then sails south through Suez to the Red Sea, where along the way they first endure a fight with a Scrap-hungry giraffe, and then endure a nocturnal invasion of newborn crocodiles. Off the coast of Eritrea, "Trouble" is arrested by Italian fascists, but the sailors manage to escape from the "dzhulik bandits" when Fuchs deceives the local authorities with the help of a "pasta plantation".

In the Indian Ocean, the yacht falls into a days-long calm, and the crew begins to suffer from the heat. At first, sea bathing saves the case, but soon they have to save those who are fleeing: only a lemon, successfully thrown by Vrungel into the mouth of a shark, saves poor Fuchs from it. At the equator, Vrungel is trying to traditionally spend Neptune's Day, but his companions almost decide that he has gone crazy from sunstroke. The wind returns, and "Trouble" reaches the southern Antarctic waters. Due to a careless gun shot, the yacht is picked up by an overturned iceberg, but Vrungel gets out of the situation by returning the ship to more warm waters where the iceberg melts and flips over again. Travelers descend again southern latitudes, where they meet a sperm whale that has caught a cold. The compassionate Vrungel provides him with medical assistance with a shovel of aspirin, but good intentions due to a gust of wind turn into a powerful sneezing of a whale. The ship he picks up takes off under the clouds and falls right on the deck of some battleship, which is run by a powerful international committee that protects cetaceans from extinction through their extermination. After days of wrangling, whale-loving admirals, including a certain Kusaki (symbolizing the Japanese militarists), unload the "Trouble" on a glacial uninhabited island. Vrungel and associates reach hungry nightmares, but fate and ingenuity help them populate the island with a herd of well-fed penguins. Having killed a multi-day worm, the team arranges a bath, melting the glacier with the help of a huge fire from the wreckage of ships that crashed near the island. The clouds that have flown in fall with rain, and the hot rocks, unable to withstand the temperature difference, explode.

The scrap and the yacht go missing. Vrungel and Fuchs, with a supply of fish boiled during the explosion, float on boards across the Pacific Ocean and get right up to Hawaii. On the beach in Honolulu, the glamorous crowd mistaken them for native Hawaiians, which helps the sailors to earn a living. musical performance. Along the way, they learn about the crash of the "Trouble" off the coast of Brazil, where, due to well-established curiosities, they manage to fly on a single ticket under the guise of a very tall man in a long mackintosh. The smoke from the pipe, carelessly smoked by Vrungel under the mac, creates the illusion of a fire among those present, and the taken aback pilot undocks the entire passenger cabin from the plane, which lands on an emergency parachute directly into the Amazon. Taking advantage of the moment, Vrungel pretends to be a professor of geography traveling through the Amazon along with the Indian Fuchs. To complete the picture, he immediately, very conveniently, manages to gain authority among the passengers, having won a spectacular victory over a huge river boa with the help of fire extinguishers.

After days of cockpit sailing and dealing with the local half-gangster authorities, the heroes are reunited with Crowbar and Trouble. With the help of a cargo of sugar, they save the yacht from the machinations of Biters and set sail for Australia. Upon arrival in Sydney, Vrungel is playing golf with the harbormaster and suddenly discovers that his caddy is Kusaki in disguise, for some reason chasing their team. After another adventure on the continent, the yacht sets sail again, but soon loses the mast, hit by a monstrous typhoon. When trying to replace the sails with a large kite, the wind takes the chief mate to the shores of the Country rising sun. Anchored on one island with a huge slingshot, Vrungel and Fuchs replace the mast with a palm planted directly on the ship. The yacht goes to rescue Scrap, but already near Japan it is rammed by the destroyer Kusaki, and the "Trouble" goes to the bottom. Heroes are saved on a palm tree. Thanks to a board with the letters "TROUBLE", they are picked up by a nearby steamer bound for Canada. For the sake of earning money and a speedy arrival at their destination, Vrungel and Fuchs replenish the staff of stokers, after which they again meet Lom, who has escaped from the Japanese police, in a coal bunker. In Canada, the trio buy sleds and a pair of animals: a deer, which turns out to be a cow, and a riding husky, which turns out to be a young wolf. It is possible to achieve a positive result out of two minuses by first shoeing a cow dancing on ice with the newly useful letters “TROUBLE”, and then scaring it with a wolf harnessed to it. The phenomenal speed of the resulting team allows sailors to accidentally win another race on their way through Alaska. Having overcome the ice of the Bering Strait, not without the help of their optical properties, the heroes end their journey in Kamchatka. The warm welcome given by compatriots in Petropavlovsk turns into a new shock for friends when the twin yacht "Trouble" with a crew of twins Vrungel, Lom and Fuchs moored at the local port with a confluence of people. However, the real travelers are quick to unmask the impostors, who turn out to be Biters and his men. Then Vrungel and Fuchs leave, and Lom remains in Kamchatka to command the second "Trouble".

The book ends with "An Explanatory Marine Dictionary for Stupid Land Readers."

Main characters

Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel - main character and the narrator, on behalf of whom the story is being told. full, not tall Human. An old experienced sailor, with a solid and judicious character, is not without ingenuity. He teaches at the navigation school. At the time of the events of the story, he is no longer young and has many campaigns behind him.

Senior Assistant Scrap- a young sailor of great stature and strength. Ingenuous, naive, diligent, but understands all orders literally. Has a weakness for alcohol.

Fuchs- a Frenchman hired by Vrungel as a sailor. A former card sharper from Calais, for whom service on the "Trouble" is a way to escape from former friends ("change the climate"). He is short, wears a bristly beard and a wide-brimmed hat. Cunning, inventive, thieving. In German "Fuchs" means "fox".

Admiral Hamura Kusaki - main villain books. Admiral of militaristic Japan of the times of Hirohito, a member of the "whale protection" society, which in reality is engaged in their extermination. Constantly intrigues the crew of the "Trouble" for no particular reason. Possesses great influence, cruel and very insidious.

Vrungel's circumnavigation route

The port from which Vrungel departs is not specified, see notes. The Mariana Islands were on the way for Vrungel from New Guinea to Russia. He stopped on one of the islands somewhere to make a mast. All other geographical names are mentioned in the story.

Screen adaptations

  • Animated series "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" Studio "Kievnauchfilm", -. Using a large part comic scenes from the book, the animated series has a completely different central plot based on Fuchs' kidnapping of a statue of Venus from a museum and the pursuit of "Trouble" by Italian mobsters. In the plot, many realities and stereotypes of the times of the late "stagnation" are played up and parodied. The author of the lyrics for the cartoon was the famous children's writer E. Chepovetsky.
  • Feature Film" New Adventures of Captain Vrungel" () with the participation of Mikhail Pugovkin in the role of captain, written by Alexander Khmelik. The film is a continuation of the book, in which pioneer Vasya Lopotukhin joins the crew.
  • In 1997, Oleg Myatelkov's book "Captain Vrungel's Nephew, or the Extraordinary Adventures of Captain Burunny" was published (St. Petersburg: Korona-print, 1997. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-7931-0004-0).
  • Despite the fact that the story was written in 1937, some facts (Mussolini is mentioned in the book as already hanged; " the Germans were there during the war - new order suggested”) indicate that the action takes place in the first years after the Second World War. In all likelihood, the story was edited by the author after the war.



  • The history of the creation of the book, with illustrations


  • Books alphabetically
  • Andrey Nekrasov
  • Humorous stories
  • Novels of 1937
  • Story in Russian
  • Fictional captains
  • Fictional Russians

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Navigation at our nautical school was taught by Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel.

“Navigation,” he said in the first lesson, “is a science that teaches us to choose the safest and most profitable sea ​​routes, lay these paths on maps and drive ships along them ... Navigation, - he added in the end, - is not an exact science. In order to fully master it, you need personal experience long practical swimming ...

This unremarkable introduction was the cause of fierce disputes for us and all the students of the school were divided into two camps. Some believed, and not without reason, that Vrungel was nothing more than an old sea wolf at rest. He knew navigation brilliantly, taught interestingly, with a twinkle, and apparently he had enough experience. It seemed that Khristofor Bonifatievich had indeed surfed all the seas and oceans.

But people, as you know, are different. Some are gullible beyond measure, others, on the contrary, are prone to criticism and doubt. There were those among us who claimed that our professor, unlike other navigators, never went to sea himself.

To prove this absurd assertion, they cited the appearance of Christopher Bonifatievich. And his appearance really somehow did not fit with our idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba brave sailor.

Khristofor Bonifatievich Vrungel walked in a gray sweatshirt, belted with an embroidered belt, combed his hair smoothly from the back of his head to his forehead, wore pince-nez on a black lace without a rim, shaved cleanly, was obese and short, his voice was restrained and pleasant, often smiled, rubbed his hands, sniffed tobacco and in all his appearance he looked more like a retired pharmacist than a sea captain.

And so, in order to resolve the dispute, we somehow asked Vrungel to tell us about his past campaigns.

- Well, what are you! Now is not the time,” he objected with a smile, and instead of another lecture, he arranged an extraordinary navigation test.

When, after the call, he came out with a pack of notebooks under his arm, our disputes ceased. Since then, no one has doubted that, unlike other navigators, Khristofor Bonifatievich Vrungel gained his experience at home, without embarking on a long voyage.

So we would have remained with this erroneous opinion if I had not been lucky enough to hear from Vrungel himself a story about a round-the-world trip full of dangers and adventures very soon, but quite unexpectedly.

It came out by accident. That time, after the control, Khristofor Bonifatievich disappeared. Three days later we learned that on the way home he lost his galoshes in the tram, got his feet wet, caught a cold and went to bed. And the time was hot: spring, tests, exams ... We needed notebooks every day ... And so, as the head of the course, they sent me to Vrungel's apartment.

I went. Easily found an apartment, knocked. And then, while I was standing in front of the door, Vrungel appeared to me quite clearly, lined with pillows and wrapped in blankets, from under which a nose reddened from a cold sticks out.

I knocked again, louder. Nobody answered me. Then I pressed the doorknob, opened the door and ... was dumbfounded by surprise.

Instead of a modest retired pharmacist at the table, deep in reading some ancient book, sat a formidable captain in full dress uniform, with gold stripes on his sleeves. He gnawed ferociously at a huge smoky pipe, there was no mention of pince-nez, and his gray, disheveled hair stuck out in tufts in all directions. Even the nose, although it really turned red, became somehow more solid with Vrungel and expressed determination and courage with all its movements.

On the table in front of Vrungel, in a special rack, stood a model of a yacht with high masts, with snow-white sails, decorated with multi-colored flags. There was a sextant nearby. A carelessly thrown bundle of cards half covered a dried shark fin. On the floor, instead of a carpet, a walrus skin with a head and with fangs was spread, in the corner lay an Admiralty anchor with two bows of a rusty chain, a curved sword hung on the wall, and next to it was a harpoon-killer. There was something else, but I did not have time to consider.

The door creaked. Vrungel raised his head, closed the book with a small dagger, got up and, staggering like in a storm, stepped towards me.

- Very nice to meet you. Sea captain Vrungel Khristofor Bonifatievich,” he said in a thunderous bass, holding out his hand to me. To what do you owe your visit?

I confess, I got a little scared.

“Well, Khristofor Bonifatievich, about notebooks… the guys sent…” I began.

“I'm sorry,” he interrupted me, “I'm sorry, I didn't recognize it. The cursed disease has shattered all memory. Star has become, nothing can be done ... Yes ... so, you say, behind notebooks? - Vrungel asked and, bending down, began to rummage under the table.

Finally, he took out a pack of notebooks and slapped them with his broad, hairy hand, and slapped them so hard that the dust flew in all directions.

“Here, if you please,” he said, preliminary loudly, with taste, sneezing, “everyone is “excellent” ... Yes, sir, “excellent”! Congratulations! WITH full knowledge science of navigation sea ​​spaces under the shadow of a commercial flag... Commendable, besides, you know, and entertaining. Ah, young man, how many indescribable pictures, how many indelible impressions await you ahead! Tropics, poles, arc swimming great circle…” he added dreamily. - You know, I raved about all this until I swam myself.

- Did you swim? Without thinking, I exclaimed.

- But how! Vrungel was offended. - I something? I swam. I, my friend, swam. He even swam. In some ways, the world's only trip around the world on a two-seater sailing yacht. One hundred and forty thousand miles. Lots of visits, lots of adventures... Of course, times are not the same now. And morals have changed, and the position, - he added after a pause. - Much, so to speak, appears now in a different light, but still, you know, you look back like this, into the depths of the past, and you have to admit: there was a lot of both amusing and instructive in that campaign. There is something to remember, there is something to tell! .. Yes, you sit down ...

With these words, Khristofor Bonifatievich pushed a whale vertebra towards me. I sat down on it like on a chair, and Vrungel began to talk.

Chapter II, in which Captain Vrungel talks about how his senior assistant Lom studied English, and about some particular cases of the practice of navigation

I sat like this in my kennel, and, you know, I got tired. Decided to shake the old days - and shook. He shook it so much that dust went all over the world! .. Yes, sir. Excuse me, are you in a hurry now? That is great. Then we'll start in order.

At that time, of course, I was younger, but not so much that I was a boy at all. No. And the experience was behind him, and years. Shot, so to speak, a sparrow, in good standing, with a position, and, I will tell you without boasting, on merit. Under such circumstances, I could have commanded the largest steamship. This is also quite interesting. But at that time the largest ship was just at sea, and I was not used to waiting, I spat and decided: I would go on a yacht. It is also, you know, not a joke - to go on a round-the-world voyage on a double sailing vessel.

Well, I began to look for a vessel suitable for the implementation of the plan, and, imagine, I found it. Just what you need. Built just for me.

The yacht, however, required a little repair, but under my personal supervision they put it in order in no time: they painted it, put new sails, masts, changed the sheathing, shortened the keel by two feet, extended the sides ... In a word, I had to tinker. But it was not a yacht that came out - a toy! Forty feet on deck. As they say: "The shell is in the power of the sea."

I don't like premature conversations. I put the ship at the bank, covered it with a tarpaulin, and for the time being I started preparing for the trip.

Success, similar enterprise, as you know, largely depends on the personnel of the expedition. Therefore, I chose my companion with particular care - the only assistant and comrade in this duty and hard way. And, I must admit, I was lucky: my senior assistant Lom turned out to be a man of amazing spiritual qualities. Here, judge for yourself: seven-foot-six, voice like a steamer, extraordinary physical strength, endurance. For all that, excellent knowledge of the matter, amazing modesty - in a word, everything that a first-class sailor needs. But Loma also had a drawback. The only one, but serious: complete ignorance foreign languages. This, of course, is an important vice, but it did not stop me. I weighed the situation, thought, figured it out and ordered Lom to urgently master English colloquial speech. And, you know, Lom took possession. Not without difficulty, but mastered in three weeks.

adventures of captain vrungel, adventures of captain vrungel watch

A humorous story by the Soviet writer Andrei Nekrasov. The book was first published in Pioneer magazine in 1937, in an abridged form (or rather, in the form of illustrations with captions, that is, in fact, in the form of a comic book), a full-fledged book edition was published in 1939. The story parodies both stories about sailors, popular in the 1930s, and stereotypes about foreigners and individual states. The protagonist of the book is Captain Vrungel, whose surname parodies the surname Wrangel, the first part of this surname uses the word "liar". Vrungel, whose name has become a household name, is the marine analogue of Baron Munchausen, who tells stories about his adventures in swimming. Well, tell me!

  • 1 History of creation
  • 2 Plot
  • 3 Main characters
  • 4 Vrungel's circumnavigation route
  • 5 Screen adaptations
  • 6 Interesting Facts
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Links

History of creation

Andrey Nekrasov, before becoming a writer, changed many professions, he himself was a sailor and traveler, he visited many parts of the Earth. He wrote down stories and tales that his comrades told. Boris Zhitkov advised Andrei to write a book. The prototype of Vrungel was Nekrasov's acquaintance with characteristic surname Vronsky, a fan of telling maritime fiction stories with his participation. His surname was so suitable for the protagonist that the book was originally supposed to be called The Adventures of Captain Vronsky, but for fear of offending a friend, the author was forced to look for a different surname.

The prototype of one of the main characters, senior assistant Lom, in his story was a cadet of the naval school Ivan Mann. The surname of this character in German means "man" (Mann), and in French "man" - "l'homme" (sounds like Russian "Scrap").


Yacht "Trouble" during the royal races

The book begins with a prologue, in which the author introduces readers to the teacher of the navigation school, Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel, who for a long time remained a good-looking land "botanist" for students and only by chance discovered his true face as an experienced navigator. further narration is conducted on behalf of Vrungel himself as an oral story about his once round-the-world trip.

The protagonist, already a respectable and well-deserved, but still cheerful captain, decides to shake off the old days and go on a "sports trip around the world" on a forty-foot sailing yacht, taking only an assistant with him. In this capacity, his choice falls on a sailor named Lom, a well-trained two-meter tall man. The yacht, repaired for the trip, gets the big name "Victory", but at the start there is a public embarrassment - the ship cannot sail, despite the fair wind. The perplexed crew has to ask for help a tugboat that tears off the yacht along with a piece of the shore: as it turns out, during the preparation for the campaign, the Pobeda managed to grow firmly to the shore with a side of freshly sawn boards. As a result of this accident, the board with the name of the ship loses the first two gilded letters, which is why the yacht then has to be referred to as “Trouble”. Having lost a day to correct the situation, Vrungel sails from Leningrad, on the way he uses the rare scent of Loma for alcohol for good, and on the shores of Norway he visits a picturesque fjord, where, due to a forest fire, “a load of squirrels alive without an account” is on the ship. At Dogger Bank, the captain receives an SOS signal on a sore tooth and saves the Norwegians from a sinking fishing sailboat; returning to Norway, he feeds the squirrels with walnut halva and pineapples and, with the help of cunning, gets rid of the criminals who tried to steal his bad tooth from him; in Germany, not without incident, he rents them out to the owner of the Hamburg zoo, Gadenbeck; in Holland, the captain conceives a logistical experiment and undertakes to escort a shoal of live herring to Cairo, for which he hires another sailor through Loma to help - a type of obscure nationality from Calais by the name of Fuchs. In England, Vrungel first, on the shoulders of Fuchs, wins in gentleman's boxing, and then wins the big royal sailing race, taking into account the reactive properties of whiskey and soda in time. When rewarding, the team manages to avoid reprisals from the losing rivals, and the only fake, but strong gold chain with an anchor that they got from the mountain of prizes (Fuchs managed to grab it) helps them not to let the “Trouble” go free swimming, and not to fall overboard themselves. The captain leads the ship to the Mediterranean Sea. Having managed to scare off a squadron of Francoist pirates with the help of the yacht's overkill, the captain successfully brings the school of herring to Egypt. There, the heroes hand over the herring to a sales agent and go to see the local attractions. In Egypt, Fuchs got into trouble twice: once, when, while in the tomb, he tried to break off a piece of the sarcophagus "as a keepsake" and received a lantern under his eye from the "English pharaoh" - a policeman; the second - when, seeing an ostrich walking in the wild, he pulled out a feather from his tail and the ostrich gave him a good thrashing. Then the crew sails south through Suez to the Red Sea, where along the way they first endure a fight with a giraffe that is eager to cook Scrap (the offended giraffe eats a weather vane), and then it is subjected to a night invasion of newborn crocodiles, which ended up in a box where supposedly there were ostriches bought in Egypt eggs, and hatched when Fuchs, who was struck down by an attack of either seasickness or tropical fever, lay down on the eggs and hatched them. One way or another, the crew of the yacht pushes the crocodiles overboard. Off the coast of Eritrea, "Trouble" is arrested by Italian fascists, but the sailors manage to escape from crooks and bandits when Fuchs deceives the colonial authorities with the help of a "pasta plantation".

In the Indian Ocean, the yacht falls into a many-day calm, and the crew begins to suffer from heat and idleness. At first, sea bathing saves the case, but during one of them, a shark attacks Fuchs. Only a lemon, successfully thrown by Vrungel into the mouth of a shark, saves poor Fuchs from it. At the equator, Vrungel is trying to ancient tradition to spend Neptune's Day, but his companions almost decide that he has gone mad from sunstroke. The wind returns, and "Trouble" reaches the southern Antarctic waters. Due to a careless gunshot (Vrungel fired at the top of the iceberg to drive away the seal, which unceremoniously climbed onto the iceberg and immediately began to scratch its sides with flippers), the yacht was picked up by an overturned iceberg, but Vrungel got out of the situation by returning the ship to warmer waters, where the ice thaws and turns over again. Travelers again descend to the southern latitudes, where they meet a sperm whale that has caught a cold. The compassionate Vrungel provides him with medical assistance with a shovel of aspirin, but good intentions due to a gust of wind turn into a powerful sneezing of a whale. The ship he picks up takes off under the clouds and falls right on the deck of some battleship, which is run by a powerful international committee that protects cetaceans from extinction through their extermination. The admirals, having learned that Vrungel did not harpoon the sick sperm whale he met, perceive this as a crime, which comes as a surprise to the crew of the "Trouble". After several days of disputes, whale-loving admirals, including a certain Admiral Kusaki (symbolizing the Japanese militarists) and his colleague Grabentrup, outraged by the insult of the sperm whale who had an Aryan skull, unload the "Trouble" on a glacial uninhabited island, and they themselves sail away to further resolve the issue. Vrungel and associates reach hungry nightmares, but fate and ingenuity help them populate the island with a herd of well-fed penguins who have sailed to the island on an ice floe. Having killed a multi-day worm, the team arranges a bath, melting a small glacier with the help of a huge fire from the wreckage of ships that crashed off the island. The clouds that have flown in fall with rain, and the hot rocks, unable to withstand the temperature difference, explode.

The scrap and the yacht go missing. Vrungel and Fuchs, with a supply of fish boiled during the explosion, float on boards in the Pacific Ocean, cross the international date line and get all the way to Hawaii. On the beach in Honolulu, the glamorous audience mistakes them for native Hawaiians, which helps the sailors earn a decent fee from a musical performance. Along the way, they learn about the crash of the “Trouble” off the coast of Brazil, where, due to well-established curiosities, they manage to fly on a plane on a single ticket under the guise of a very tall man in a long mackintosh, since the tailor did not have time to sew anything for them. The smoke from the pipe, carelessly smoked by Vrungel under the mac, creates the illusion of a fire among those present, and the taken aback pilot undocks the entire passenger cabin from the plane, which lands on an emergency parachute directly into the Amazon. Taking advantage of the moment, Vrungel pretends to be a professor of geography traveling through the Amazon along with an Indian guide Fuchs. To complete the picture, he immediately, very conveniently, manages to gain authority among passengers, having won a spectacular victory over a huge anaconda river boa with the help of fire extinguishers (the fire extinguishers, having met in the snake’s esophagus, collided with each other, discharged and pumped the boa constrictor from the inside with foam, as a result of which the belly reptile swelled like a balloon, and deprived her of the ability to dive into the water). Then he sews himself a new tunic from a parachute, using, however, bolts instead of buttons. Fuchs, on the other hand, puts on a ready-made overalls found in an emergency supply.

After days of cockpit sailing and dealing with the local half-gangster authorities, the heroes are reunited with Crowbar and Trouble. With the help of a cargo of sugar, they save the yacht from the machinations of Biters and set sail for Australia. Upon arriving in Sydney, Vrungel is playing golf with the harbormaster and suddenly discovers that his caddy is Biters in disguise, chasing their team for some reason. After another adventure on the continent, the yacht sets sail again, but soon loses the mast, hit by a monstrous typhoon. When trying to replace the sails with a large kite, the wind carries the chief officer to the shores of Japan. Anchored on one island with a huge slingshot, Vrungel and Fuchs replace the mast with a coconut palm planted directly on the ship. The palm takes root on the yacht and even begins to produce nuts. The yacht goes to rescue Scrap, but already near Japan it is on at full speed the destroyer Kusaki rams, and the Trouble, split in half, goes to the bottom. Heroes are saved on a palm tree. Thanks to a board with the letters "TROUBLE", they are picked up by a nearby steamer bound for Canada. For the sake of earning money and a speedy arrival at their destination, Vrungel and Fuchs replenish the staff of stokers, after which they again meet Lom in the coal bunker, who miraculously escaped from the Japanese police due to an earthquake. In Canada, the trio buys sleds and a couple of animals: a deer, later revealed to be a tailless cow with fake deer antlers attached, and a husky to ride, which turns out to be a young wolf cub. The heroes manage to achieve a positive result out of two minuses by first shoeing a cow dancing on ice with the newly useful letters “TROUBLE”, and then scaring it with a wolf harnessed to it. The phenomenal speed of the resulting team allows sailors to accidentally win another race on their way through Alaska. Having overcome the ice of the Bering Strait, the heroes end their journey in Kamchatka. The cordial welcome given by compatriots in Petropavlovsk turns into a new shock for friends when the double yacht "Trouble" with a crew of twins Vrungel, Lom and Fuchs moored at the local port with a confluence of people. However, the real travelers are quick to unmask the impostors, who turn out to be Biters and his men. Then Vrungel and Fuchs leave, and Lom remains in Kamchatka. Vrungel becomes a teacher at a nautical school. Fuchs corrects himself and gets a job as an actor at a film studio: due to his textured appearance, he is willingly taken on the role of villains. Lom becomes the captain of the new yacht "Trouble".

The book ends with "An Explanatory Marine Dictionary for Stupid Land Readers."

Main characters

Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel- the main character and narrator, on whose behalf the story is being told. A full, short man. An experienced sailor, solid, reasonable, not devoid of ingenuity. He teaches navigation at the nautical school. At the time of the events of the story, he is no longer young and has many campaigns behind him.

Senior Assistant Scrap- a young sailor of great stature and strength. Ingenuous, naive, diligent, but understands all orders literally. Has a subtle scent for alcohol. Excellent cook. According to absolutely accurate information from the book, which is voiced by Vrungel himself, Lom's height is 7 feet and 6 inches, which, translated into the metric system, is 2 meters and 26.6 cm. Such growth may well indicate gigantism, which, in addition to being tall, leaves a certain imprint on the mentality and social behavior. It is quite possible that the excessive "literality" and "performance" of Lom, without taking into account the surrounding circumstances, is due precisely to this.

Fuchs- a Frenchman hired by Vrungel as a sailor. A professional card sharper from Calais, for whom the service on the "Trouble" is a way to escape from former friends ("change the climate"). He is short, wears a bristly beard and a wide-brimmed hat, knows four languages. Clever and cunning, a loyal comrade, knows how to find a way out of difficult situations. Don't miss an opportunity to grab something. In German "Fuchs" means "fox".

Admiral Hamura Kusaki is the main villain of the book. An admiral of militaristic Japan from the time of Hirohito, a member of the Society for the Protection of Whales, in reality engaged in their extermination. Constantly intrigues the crew of the "Trouble" for no particular reason. He has great influence, is cruel and very insidious.

Vrungel's circumnavigation route

Leningrad (probably) - Øresund (Sound) - Kattegat - Skagerrak - Norway - Dogger Banka - Stavanger - Hamburg - Rotterdam - Calais - Southampton - Portsmouth - Bay of Biscay - Gibraltar - Alexandria - Cairo - Nile - Suez Canal - Suez - Eritrea - Aden - Cape Guardafui - Indian Ocean - Antarctica - Honolulu - Amazon River - Belen - Rio de Janeiro - Cape Horn - New Zealand- Sydney - New Guinea- Mariana Islands (probably) - Canada - Fort Yukon - St. Lawrence Island - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

The port from which Vrungel departs is not specified, see notes. The Mariana Islands were on the way for Vrungel from New Guinea to Russia. He stopped on one of the islands somewhere to make a mast. All other geographical names are mentioned in the story.

Screen adaptations

  • Animated series "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" studio "Kievnauchfilm", 1976-1979. Using a large part of the comic scenes from the book, the animated series has a completely different central plot, based on Fuchs's kidnapping of the statue of Venus from the museum and the persecution of "Trouble" by Italian mafiosi. The plot plays up and parodies many realities and stereotypes of the times of the late "stagnation". The author of the lyrics for the cartoon was the famous children's writer Efim Chepovetsky.
  • The feature film "The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel" (1978) with the participation of Mikhail Pugovkin as the captain, based on the script by Alexander Khmelik. The film is a continuation of the book, in which pioneer Vasya Lopotukhin joins the crew.
  • In the children's TV show "Alarm Clock" there were several episodes with the participation of this character:
    • "Captain Vrungel at Neptune" (1983, in the role of Captain Vrungel - Yuri Volintsev, in the role of his assistants - Elena Shanina and Alexander Lenkov);
    • "Full speed ahead!" (1984, in the role of Captain Vrungel - Yuri Volintsev, in the role of his assistants - Elena Shanina and Alexander Lenkov);
    • "New Year's Adventures of Captain Vrungel" (1985, in the role of Captain Vrungel - Yuri Volintsev, in the role of his assistant - Elena Shanina);
    • "Singing Latitudes" (1985, in the role of Captain Vrungel - Yuri Volintsev, in the role of his assistants - Elena Shanina and Alexander Lenkov);
    • "Two Vrungel" (1985, in the role of captains Vrungel - Yuri Volintsev and Mikhail Pugovkin).
  • Based on the description of the route and dialogues, we can conclude that Vrungel knows English, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Dutch and Portuguese.
  • The story was written in 1937 and after the war it was edited several times by the author: in final version it is indicated that the Italians managed to hang Mussolini, Norway survived the German occupation, and Italy and Norway were occupied by the Americans.
  • In 1985, based on the story of the same name and the cartoon, the musical audio fairy tale Adventures of Captain Vrungel was released on Melodiya records and Svema audio cassettes.
  • In 1997, Oleg Myatelkov's book "Captain Vrungel's Nephew, or the Extraordinary Adventures of Captain Burunny" was published (St. Petersburg: Korona-print, 1997. - 320 p. - ISBN 5-7931-0004-0).


  1. Barons Wrangel and Munchausen
  2. 1 2 the text of the story does not mention the name of the port of departure. The first mention of geographical objects is the Sound, Kattegat and Skagerrak straits, through which the "Trouble" passes at the very beginning of the journey. From this it becomes clear that Vrungel's journey began in the Baltic Sea. At the time of writing the story, practically the only Soviet port in the Baltic was Leningrad.
  3. Children's TV show "ALARM CLOCK". Captain Vrungel at Neptune (1983) - YouTube
  4. "Alarm clock" - "Full speed ahead!" (1984) - YouTube
  5. YouTube
  6. "Alarm clock" - 2 Vrungel (1985) - YouTube


  • The history of the creation of the book, with illustrations
  • Rotov, illustrations
  • Book event map on Google Maps

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The Adventures of Captain Vrungel Information About

The heroes of the yacht "Trouble", created by the writer Andrei Nekrasov, were far from fictional characters and possessed their real-life prototypes, whose life stories were taken as the basis for a humorous narrative about Vrungel's travels.

Romantic of the sea Andrey Nekrasov - "Vrungel's father"

Andrei Nekrasov partially wrote off the story of Captain Vrungel from his own life. During his life, the writer changed many professions and spent most of his life in the seas. Fascinated by maritime romance and experiencing a craving for the sea, at the age of 19 he changed Moscow to Murmansk, and the profession of a fitter in a tram depot - to work as a sailor on a fishing boat.

As Nekrasov himself later said, the sea became his unique school of life, which gave many real stories, which later became the basis of his stories on maritime theme. He fished in the Barents Sea, hunted whales in the Pacific Ocean and killed walruses in the Bering Bay. The marine life of the Moscow guy turned out to be incredibly rich in many interesting cases, which he wrote down in a voluminous notebook.

Andrey Vronsky and Ivan Mann - real Vrungel and Lom

Having started publishing at the age of 20 and having written many stories in his life, Andrey Nekrasov is primarily known to everyone as the author of the story of incredible adventures unforgettable captain Vrungel. According to the writer himself, the prototype of the captain of the yacht "Trouble" was his boss from the Far East, in charge of whaling, Andrey Vronsky.

Listening to the stories of his namesake about the incredible circumnavigation, Nekrasov subsequently used them in the story of Captain Vrungel, whose image was written off from Vronsky's energetic and not devoid of sense of humor. It was his surname in a distorted version with ironic overtones that became the basis for the surname of the literary captain, because in fact Vronsky did not carry out any circumnavigation of the world, and all his stories were fictitious.

In the same way, Nekrasov transformed the surname of the Loma prototype into his literary nickname. The image of the senior assistant to Captain Vrungel was written off by the writer from Vronsky's friend Ivan Mann. Playing with lexical idioms, the writer figured out how to disguise real name hero. The surname Mann in German means "man", and in French "man" sounds something like "Scrap".

Nekrasov easily managed to combine real stories with such "disguise" tricks in his work. But unusual name the gambler who became a sailor on board the "Trouble" Fuchs was left without such a disguise. The name, as well as the appearance of this character, were borrowed by the writer from a colleague in the Far Eastern whaling flotilla.

Captain Lukhmanov and analogue of "Trouble"

But among the characters in the story of Vrungel, the person of the captain himself is the most interesting, since this image turned out to be prefabricated, and it is based on far from one prototype. A lot of Vrungel's stories were made up of those tales that Nekrasov heard, the character of the captain was written off from Vronsky, and the plot about the circumnavigation on a yacht was also based on real story, in which there was even a place for the prototype of "Trouble".

Being seafarer cadets, Andrei Vronsky and Ivan Mann studied navigation with Dmitry Lukhmanov, a famous navigator and marine painter. One day, the cadets came to the teacher with a request to help them in the implementation of their idea - the creation of a yacht on which one could go around the world. Reading books by Jules Verne as a child and remembering well about his sea adventures, Lukhmanov agreed to help sea romantics.

During the year, a 10.8-meter sailing yacht was built, which was named "Red Star". It was she who became the prototype of Vrungel's yacht - "Victory", which, due to an absurd circumstance, turned into "Trouble".

Vronsky was to become the captain of this ship. But such a small yacht was not allowed to participate in international competitions, and it remained at the nautical school. So the dream of going around the world at Vronsky went to the bottom, but there was a reason to create funny stories and fables that Andrey Nekrasov happened to hear.

But Dmitry Lukhmanov got a chance to leave teaching activities and realize the exciting, like the literary captain Vrungel. At the age of 60, he agreed to take part in the voyage from Murmansk to Argentina, becoming the captain of the barque Tovarishch.

A story where fiction intertwined with reality

Just in the same period, attracted by the romance of the sea, young Andrey Nekrasov arrives in Murmansk, whom fate brings together with Ivan Mann, who was nicknamed “Long John” in the sailor, which also reflected on the character Scrap written off from him.

By the mid-1930s, Andrey Nekrasov was already a fairly experienced sailor, and hundreds of interesting stories were recorded in his travel notebook, which he heard from others or which he himself was a participant or witness. And already in 1937, his story about the adventures of Captain Vrungel was first published, which at that time was more like a comic book with a minimum of text and predominant illustrations.

Complete literary work was published two years later. But the images of Captain Vrungel, his assistants Lom and Fuchs, and the yacht "Trouble" that were remembered by everyone arose only in 1979, when the beloved cartoon about the adventures of Nekrasov's literary heroes came out.

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